The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 07, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    It Ml
11 IE Jill
Kritzingcrs Force Received Its
Surrender Sunday Morning
London Receives Reports of Vigorous
Renewal of Hostilities by the Burgh
era General French to Command
Operations In Cape District
I London Juno 5 Tho war office pub
lished tUo following from Lord Kitch
ener dated Pretoria June 4
Jamestown Capo Colony surren
dered to Kritzingcrs commando on tho
morning of Juno 2 aftorfourhours light
ing Tho town guard and local volun
teers were overpowered beforo our
pursuing columns could come up Our
casualties were three killed and two
wounded Tho Doer loss is said to havo
been greater Tho stores worn looted
but the garrison was released Havo
placed General French In charge of
tho operations In Capo Colony
Tho appointment of General French
who has been recruiting his health In
Capo Town to command tho opera
tions In Capo Colony Indicates that
Lord Kitchener attaches considerable
importance to tho invasion
Tho recrudescence of such fight
ing brings further demands for tho
Bending out of reinforcements Tho
surrender of Jamestown Is regarded as
a disagreeable Incident becauso It has
provided Commandant Krltzlnger with
a fresh supply of the sinews of war
Dank Burglars Make Desperate Break
for Liberty
Toronto Juno 5 Frank Rutlogo
Fred Rico and Frank Jones three al
leged bank burglars extradited from
Chicago and on trial here for the rob
bery of a private bank at Aurora
were being transferred from tho court
room to tho jail last night in a cab
in which wero Police Officers Boyd
and Stewart The three prisoners
were handcuffed together When tho
rig was approaching tho Jail an un
known person throw three loaded re
volvers into the cab Jones grabbed ono
of the revolvers and shot Officer Boyd
Who died In a few minutes
i Officer Stewart opened fire on Jones
ehooting him In the arm and groin
The prisoners then leaped from tho
cab and boarding a passing street car
ordered the motorman to proceed
faster Tho latter removed the arm
of the motor and struck Rutlege over
the head while the conductor threw off
the trolley polo from the wire bring
ing the car to a standstill The men
wero then overpowered Jones Is In
the hospital and will lose bis arm if
he recovers
Battle of Sites for St Loui6 Fair
I St Louis Juno 5 The battle of the
dtes began in earnest yesterday at tho
Worlds fair headquarters when com
mittees from site associations appeared
before the executive committee of the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition com
pany Two sites were tendered ono
comprising 1G31 acres located in tho
southwestern section of the city and
one of 833 acres In the northwest dis
trict The hearing will be continued
two days longer In order to give other
Bite associations an opportunity to ex
tol the advantages of their properties
Remove Prisoner for Safety
Pittsburg June 5 Benjamin Fetty
Vfho narrowly escaped lynching at the
hands of an infuriated mob at McKees
port Pa Monday for an alleged as
sault on tho 4-year-old daughter of
Thomas Sullivan was brought to this
city and placed in the county jail
Mayor Black learned that secret meet
ings to arrange for an onslaught on tho
jail were being held
Three Thousand Rifles Captured
1 Manila Juno 5 General Sumner
eays that 3000 rifles havo been cap
tured or surrendered during the last
two months in the provinces of La
guna Tayabas Batangas and Cavlte
It has been decided to begin tho occu
pation of tho Island of MIndora with
three companies of the Ninth regiment
jwhich has just arrived from China
Boer Prisoners for Bermuda
I Hamilton Bermuda June 5 The
igovernor has received notification that
tho transport Armenian will arrive
hero July 3 with 900 Boer prisoners
and that two companies of the Royal
Warwickshire regiment will act as
their guards
Russian Casualties In China
London Juno 5 Tho Exchange
Telegraph company has published a
dispatch from St Petersburg saying
the Russian casualty list In China In
cluding the storming of Peking shows
31 officers and 682 men killed or died
of wounds
Fire Sweeps Over Mattoon
Mattoon Ills Juno 5 FIro started
yesterday in the large plant of the Ar
thur Jordan Poultry company and after
destroying It spread to the Klngsolver
end Duncan warehouses and sovespl
dwellings which wero also destroyed
Loss 150000
i Four Prisoners Escape
Oklahoma City O T Juno 5 Four
prisoners escaped from the county
Jail here last night by cutting a hole
in the cement floor and tunneling un
der the wall One of tho men James
Salyer was held for murder
Congressman Burke III
Dallas Tex June 5 Congressman
Robert E Burke Is critically 111 at his
residence In this city He has been
in 111 health for several months and
last Saturday Buffered a stroke of
Baj alysls
Cup Defender Comes to Grief on Its
Trial Spin
Newport 11 I Juno 5 While dash
ing along In a good breeze oft Brontou
Reef lightship yesterday with three
lower sails set tho big hollow steel
mast on the Bolmont syndicate cup
defender Constitution collapsed like
a plpo stom through tho sudden break
ing of tho starboard and windward
spreader Tho mast broko off only a
fow foot below tho spreader about
thrco flfths of the length of tho mast
abovo tho deck and as tho topmast
was carried away nt tho tlmo none
of tho spars except the boom struck
tho deck and the latter only hit It light
blows which did not Injure tho hull at
all None of the snlls was torn nnd all
can bo used again Fortunately threo
seamen had just come down from tho
masthead nftor taking In tho club top
sail but tho wteckago swept overboard
Second Mate Edward Nelson Ho
was promptly hauled on board how
ever without sustaining anything moro
bciIous than a few bruises
Tho yacht will be Immediately refit
ted but It will bo ten days or tw
weeks before she Is In shape to Ball
again so thnt tho races oft this port
scheduled for Juno 15 and 17 will havo
to bo postponed
Passenger Train Run Into Near At
lantaThree Killed
Atlanta Ga Juno 6 A switch en
gine lu tho yards of tho Southern
railways shops near tho city limits
dashed Into a passenger train as It was
pnssing yesterday killing threo pas
sengers and Injuring 10 three of whom
It is feared fatally The dead Mrs
A A Lemmon and daugh
ter Irma
Fatally Injured Mrs Julia Kersey
A F Buun and A Fouche
On one of the sidetracks and only
a few feet from tho main track an en
gine was standing that had only a
short time beforo been left by Its en
gineer and fireman
As the train was passing the Junc
tion of this sidetrack the switch en
gine suddenly dashed backward Into
the moving train The first class day
coach was thrown over on its side
and partly demolished a Pullman was
thrown from the track and ono end
was shattered while the trucks wero
knocked from under the combination
smoker and pasenger coach
Soon after tho wreck G B Dun
ton an employe of the Southern road
was arrested on suspicion of having
ran the switch engine Into the pas
senger train
Charged With Conspiracy to Defraud
Peoples Bank at Philadelphia
Philadelphia June 5 The trial of
Richard F Loper formerly manager
of the Guarantors Finance company
for conspiracy to defraud the Peoples
bank which failed In 189S began yes
terday before Judge Marlin The sui
cide of John F Hopkins cashier of
the bank disclosed that fact that both
institutions were Insolvent Hopkins
left a letter accusing Upper of being
the cause of his ruin and charging him
with wrecking tho Guarantors com
pany and the Peoples bank Loper
was arrested anil indicted His trial
was postponed six times
Shaft Filled With Gas From Explo
sion of Large Quantity of Powder
Iron Mountain Mich Juno 5 By
the explosion of a quantity of powder
and the suffocating flames that fol
lowed eight men were killed yester
day in the seventh level of tho Lud
ington shaft of the Chapin mine
Suddenly there was a rumble and
Bmoke began pouring out of tho mouth
of the shaft Rescuers hurried into tho
mine as soon as the smoke cleared
sufficiently and found tho eight miners
all of whom had been working In that
section of the shaft lifeless
Jumps From Brooklyn Bridge
New York June 5 Robert G Bid
well a young man who recently came
to Now York from Jacksonville Fla
leaped to death from the Brooklyn
bridge yesterday afternoon Many peo
ple saw him jump Ho had an Amer
ican flag In each hand His body was
To Annex Congo State
Brussels June 5 At a cabinet coun
cil yesterday it was virtually decided
to anex the Congo State within a dec
Swift Co are contemplating ths
erection of a big packing house near
Fort Worth Tex that will cost In
the neighborhood of 3300000
About 5000 persons were present at
the burial Tuesday of Hazellus the
founder of tho Scandinavian and
Northern museum at Stockholm
Arbuckle Bros have made a 10 per
cent cut in all their soft sugars The
other refiners have not formally made
this reduction but are said to bo meet
ing It by tacit understanding
George Bryan accidentally shot and
killed Irwin Evarts near Springfield
Mo Tuesday where tho Drury college
cadets ars camping Both are cadets
They are members of prominent fam
A Malay doctor named Ibrahim ran
amuck at Singapore and killed six
people with a spear seriously Injuring
nino others He was then knocked
down and died from tho effects of a
fractured skull
The coroners jury In tho case of J
C Ayres the farm laborer killed at
Denver by Sergeant Eaton B Wright
of tho Thirtieth Infantry by mistake
for an escaped prisoner held that tho
killing was felonious and Wright U
now In Jail
pi iii Dm
No Longer a Member of the
Congregational Church
Accused Writes Letter In His Defense
In Which He Denounces Civil Mar
riage and Asserts That It Is Nelthor
Sacred Nor Good
Grinnell la Juno G Thirteen Con
gregational churches of tho district
are represented In tho trial of Pro
fessor George I Horron charged with
conduct unbecoming a minister It
was called to order by Dr Uonrdman
of Mnrshalltown tho oldest minister
present Dr Horron has sent a letter
in his own defense dealing with his
In his own dofonso dealing with
marrlngo and dlvorco In generat
Ho assorts that tho present marriage
system Is a survival of slavery and Is
noither sacred nor good
Tho full text of Professor Horrons
loiter shows that his only referenco
to his former wlfo Is aa tho mother
of his children nnd that ho docs not
lay any blamo upon her
Evidence was Introduced to show
cruel treatment of his unusually loyal
and devoted wife which finally re
sulted In dlvorco proceedings and a
legal separation Tho council de
cided that tho charges wero sustained
and voted unanimously to cxpcll him
from the church
City of Erie and Tashmoo Measure
Their Speed
Cleveland Juno 5 Tho 100 mlle
race from Cleveland to Erie yester
day between tho Clovelnnd passenger
steamer City of Erie and tho Tashmoo
Detroits crack passenger boat was In
many respects tho most noteworthy
race over sailed on fresh water The
Erie covered tho dlstanco In four
hours nine minutes and nineteen sec
onds passing tho stake boat at Erlo
one minute ahead of tho Tashmoo beat
ing the latter 45 seconds elapsed tlmo
It was pronounced by old vessel men
to be the prettiest race ever witnessed
Aside from winning tho speed cham
pionship of the Great Lakes tho Erlo
won about 100000 for those who bet
on her
From the start the result was In
doubt until within a few miles of tho
finish The race demonstrated that the
boats wero evenly matched Each was
Burprised at tho speed of tho other
The boats made approximately 23
miles an hour It was neck nnd neck
from the starting point until Just about1
Falrport where the Erie encountered
Bhore water and fell threo lengths be
hind her rival From Falrport to Ash
tabula she made no perceptible gain
but finally picked up and passed her
When the victorious craft entered
the Cleveland harbor on her return
from the race she was greeted with a
tremendous ovation Hundreds of
steam whiffles along tho lake front
and river blew continually for nearly
half an hour while thousands of peo
ple crowded along the docks wildly
Unique Demand of Machinists
Chlcngo Juno 5 For the first time In
tho history of Chicago unionists a la
bor body Is about to present the unique
demand that its employers organiza
tion shall disband The International
Association of Machinists through Its
local officers will insist on the dissolu
tion of the Chicago Association of Ma
chinery Manufacturers after Thursday
unless the members of that organiza
tion show some disposition to settle
with their striking machinists
Suffragists Discuss Servant Question
Minneapolis June 5 A program of
great Interest was presented last night
at tho woman suffrage convention
The principal address of the evening
was that of Miss Gail Laughlln of New
York on tho servant question She
stated that household labor Is tho lag
gard In economics and Industry The
root of tho evil Is that household labor
Is not on a business basis
Peaveys Manager Suspended
Chicago June 6 James Pcttlt gen
eral manager of tho Peavy Elevator
company was suspended yesterday by
tho directors of the board of trade
Tho Peavoy company was charged
with unmerchantable conduct during
tho corner In May corn engineered
by George H Phillips T H Peavey
head of tho company and D F John
Bon secretary wero acquitted
Kills Cousin and Self
New York Juno 5 Francisco Alaa
ko 22 years old shot and killed his
first cousin Mrs Angelina Fala 27
years of age In tho womens homo
yesterday and then committed suicide
by shooting himself In the breast The
tragedy occurred In a tenement at 163
Elizabeth street a poor part of the
city Alasko was In love with the
Killed by Indian Police
Lander Wy June 5 Word was
brought In of the killing of the sheep
herder who killed Frank Armajo tho
Indian on the reservation Sunday
by the Indian police yesterday 30
miles from the Muddy Colonel Lee
has gone to Investigate tho affair All
Is quiet
Strikers Ordered Back to Work
Denver Colo Juno 5 Tho Building
Trades council last night declared the
hodcarrlers Btrlko irregular and or
dered tho strikers back to work The
hodcarrlers union will act upon tho
matter The strike has stopped nil
building In the city
Millers on Republican River Band To
gether to Resist Use of the Water
Superior Nrb Juno G Representa
tives of 1G milling firms on tho Repub
lican rlvur from Clay Contor Kan
northwest to tho Colorado lino mot
hero yesterday and doteniilnod to give
tho Irrigators thu tight of their Uvni
for tho waters of that stream Tho or
ganization bears tho name of tho Ro
publican Valley Millers association
und has no other object than protection
of tho wnlor
There wan but llttlo discussion
Every miller says thoro Is but on
thing to do and thnt to bring suit nt
onre against some Irrigator making
tho case a test Tho burden of litiga
tion Is to bo homo by tho association
Decisions by tho Nebraska supromo
court which In effect glvo tho right to
tho waters to tho owners of riparian
rights as against Irrigators havo great
ly encouraged tho millers Tho asso
ciation adjourned sine die but It Is
understood that It will bo called to
gether at Orleans Neb In about threo
weeks when It will bo dutsrmlned
whoro they will strike
President of Association of Manufact
urers 8ays It Produce Energy
Detroit Juno G Tho Hlxth annual
convention of tho National Associa
tion of Manufacturers of tho United
States was called to order here yester
day with an attendance of 2G0 busi
ness men representing manufacturing
Institutions of tho United Stntcs
Mayor William C Maybury welcomed
tho visitors to Detroit nnd President
Theodore C Senrch responded to tho
mayors welcome During tho course
of his remarks ho said that tho great
onorgy manifested In tho United States
was duo to tho public school system
by moans of which tho children In
America wero taught to think for
themselves Independently
Following the presidents address
came the appointment of committees
and thou President Search read Ills an
nual report
Mrs Winchester Appears as Witness
for Mrs Woodbury
Boston Juno 5 Mrs Helen Win
chester of Maiden who had been a stu
dent under Mrs Woodbury was tho
last witness of tho day In tho 150000
libel suit brought by Mrs Josephine
C Woodbury ngaiust Mrs Mary Baker
Eddy She testified that sho bought
a Boston Herald of Juno 5 189 con
taining the nlleged libelous message
When she read the message she had
Instantly an Idea to whom It referred
When asked to whom in hor opinion
It did refer Mr Alder objected and
proceeded to argue that It wan not
plain that witness did not secure tho
paper and read It at tho request of
Mrs Woodbury
Frank Valenta and Annie Burham
Take Poison at Crete
Crete Neb June 5 Frank Valenta
and Miss Annlo Burham a servant
girl attempted suicide hero yesterday
by taking a strong dose of arsenic
During tho nfternoon tho girl nnd
Frank Valenta were seen in a buggy
driving toward Wilber While thoro
they tried to get married by license
but the girl was under age This dis
appointment and tho fact that the
girls parents were opposed fo young
Valenta was tho cause of tho double
attempted suicide The doctors think
that they will both recover
To Prevent Corners In Grain
New York June 5 Tho World says
A mooting of tho members of the Pro
duce exchange will bo hold today for
tho purpose of considering a proposi
tion to change tho rules of future de
livery so as to make corners In grain
practically Impossible New York
grain brokers wore badly squeezed In
tho recent Phillips corner In corn In
Chicago It Is now proposed to change
the rules so that brokers may deliver
contract goods of a different grade
from that contracted for provided an
allowance Is made for the relatlvo dif
ference In prlco for tho two grades
High Prices for 8horthorns
Chicago Juno 5 Exceptionally
high prices wero realized at tho com
bination sale of shorthorn cattle which
began at the Union stock yards yester
day when tho consignment from the
herd of George E Ward of Hawardon
la was disposed of Forty cows sold
for tho sum of 30200 or an averago
of 75050 each and four bulls for
G140 or 410 each
Settle Down for a Siege
Toronto Juno 5 President OCon
nell of tho International Machinists
association stated last evening that It
looked very much as If the opposing
forces In tho machinists strlko had
settled down for a long siege Mr
OConnell sent out 25000 yesterday
afternoon to localities where the men
havo been on protracted strike
Many Johannesburg miners refusing
to accept 5 shillings per day tho rato
fixed by military order have gone on
J II Galtup and his son Ralph re
cently from Grand Ridge Ills wero
killed at Welch La Tuesday by a bolt
of lightning
Tho Marquis do Lur Saluces the
well known royalist and former mom
ber of the chamber of deputies who
unexpectedly returned to Paris about
tho middle of last month has been ar
Joseph Myers chief clerk in tho of
fice of General Freight Agent Embry
of the Rock Island at Topeka has been
made general freight and passenger
agent of the Chicago Rock Island and
Mexico railroad
Cabinet Decides That Congress
Will Not Have to Convene
Provides the President With Authority
Sufficient to Govorn Philippines
Without Special Legislation Ding
ley Rates to Stand
Washington Juno G Tho cabinet
yesterday unanimously decided that
existing conditions did not warrant
tho culling of an oxtra hcshIoii of con
gress Secretary Hoot nnd Attorney
tloneral Knox both rondo red legal
opinions to the effect that tho author
ity to govern tho Philippines vented In
thu president by the Spoouer amend
iiiout was ample Tho reports wero
concurred In by all thu members of tho
cabinet Tho decision of tho cabinet
was announced after tho meeting In
the following Htutemcut Issued Dy
Secretary Corlelyoti
Tho president ban determined that
existing conditions do not require or
warrant calling congress together
during tho present summer or making
any change In tho policy hitherto pur
nued and nnnouueed lu regard to the
Philippine Islands
It can ho positively lUalcd lhat the
Dlngley rates upon goods from tho
Philippines entering tho United States
will remain In force as heretofore Tho
president will put Into effect nur h
clmngon lu the tariff duties on goods
going Into the Philippines an tho Taft
commission may recommend Tho es
tablishment of civil government In tho
archipelago can proceed without Inter
ruption as soon nn tho military author
ities consider tho tlmo rlpo for Its es
Nebraska Awarded the Trophy
Old Point Comfort Juno G Tho
Travelers Protective association held
two business sessions yesterday and
brought Its convention to n close with
a reception last night Tho principal
Incident of tho day was tho awarding
of tho Toxns horns to Nebraska for
having gained tho largest percentage
of now monibeiH during the year This
Is tho highest honor the convention
can confer and It Is much prized
Tennessee claimed tho trophy and en
tered a protest which will be taken bo
foro tho national board of directors
President Lyons Resigns
Monmouth llln Juno G At tho nn
nual meeting of Monmouth college yen
tordny Dr S It Lyons tendered his
resignation as president of tho col
lege Tho resignations of all tho mem
bers of tho hoard of truslcos wero pre
sented at the BiiniB tlmo This wnn
the outcome of tho fight thnt lias boon
going on In tho management of tho
collego during tho last two years and
nearly ever since tho Inauguration of
President Lyons Dissatisfaction with
his methods nnd policies was at the
root of tho difficulty
Cattlemen Kill 2500 Sheep
Gunnison Colo Juno G Hugh
Cnlburn n sheep herder arrived In
town yesterday and reported that 20
masked men attacked tho camp whoro
ho was employed six miles from
Spencer made prisoners of the herders
and slaughtered 2500 of tho G000
sheep In the herd The nheep wore re
cently driven over from Utah Tho
mob Is supposed to have been com
prised of cattlemen of tho vicinity
Mrs Schuler Cannot Recover
Kansas City Juno 5 Mrs Mary
Schuler the aged woman who was as
saulted by a negro at her home In this
city Monday Is In a critical condi
tion Tho negro struck hor with a
hatchet Inflicting threo fractures of
the frontnl bono Tho physicians nt
St Josephs hospital where Mrs
Schuler Is being treated Bay that sho
cannot recover Her assailant has not
been captured
Jeffries Will Fight Ruhlin
Los Angeles Cal Juno 5 James J
Jeffries In the course of nn Interview
said I will fight Gus Ruhlin in San
FranciBco ns soon as suitable arrange
ments can be made I havo had some
trouble with my loft arm but It Is as
good as over now and you may bo suro
I would not tako any chances with
Ruhlin or any one elso unless I felt
suro I was perfectly strong again
Fire Destroys Grain
Los Banos Cal Juno 5 A disas
trous grain tiro is raging In tho val
leys of the foothills about 18 miles
southwest of Los Banos A high west
wind Is carrying the flro rapidly south
easterly toward tho plains Tho flames
probably havo destroyed 20000 acres
of grain and feed nt this time
Forshay Held Without Ball
Chicago Juno 5 Edward Forahay
tho Kansas City actor who killed his
wife in tho Vernon hotel last night
was hold to tho grand Jury without
bail by a coroners jury yesterday
Forshay said It had been his intentlos
to kill Vernon Jones proprietor oi
tho hotel
Master Plumbers Convention
Kansas City Juno G Tho National
Association of Master Plumbers met
in Us 19th annual convention hero yes
terday for a four days session Over
500 delegates from different parts of
tho country are In attendance
Condition of Mrs McKlnley
Washington Juno 5 While Dr
Rixey Is slightly moro hopeful Mrs
McKinleys condition cannot be said
to show any material change It has
been decided not to hold afternoon
consultations unleas a material change
foe the worse should occur
General Meeting of Arm lean Medical
Association Opins at St Paul I
St Paul Juno G Fifteen hundred
doctors occupied floats In tho Metro
polltau opera liotinu when tho convonJ
Hon of tho American Medical associa
tion wan called to ordor yostorday and
paid clono attention to tho proceed
lngn Tho liveliest Interest centered
In tho discussion of tho report on re
organization Thoro wan a suspicion
among tho Pennsylvania delegates that
tho Now York delegation was trying to
Bldetrack and thereby defeat tho pro
posed now constitution Howovcr nit
roomed peaceable when a nuddott re
cess wan taken nfter tho mattor had
boon referred to a commllteo which
will hear arguments
After tho recess Dr Simmons hoc
rotary of tho unsocial Ion pronontod n
report showing that tho association
now had a membership of 100000 nn
Increase of over 1500 In tho past year
Thirteen sectional meetings worn
hold for tho hotter heating and discus
sion of technical paporn on special
linen of practice or research
Northman Is First Stcnmer to
From Chicago to Hamburg
Now York Juno G Tho cablo yes
terday announced tho nrrlvnl of tho
American Hteamor Northman at Ham
burg from Chicago after a passage of
35 days of which I days had been oc
cupied traversing tho great lakes and
canals before leaving Quebec for tho
ocean voyage The Northman In tho
flint steamer in the new Chicago-Hamburg
service to cross the ocean nnd
Its voyage linn been watched with In
terest as a test of the probablo uuc
cosn of the undertaking It wnn pro
ceded by tho Northwestern a slater
ship but that vennol wan detained by
a mishnp and lost tho honor of bolug
tho first Hhlp to make tho voyngo la
tho new boivIco
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League St LouIb 2 Now
York I Pittsburg I Philadelphia
1 Chicago 5 Boston G Cincinnati
3 Brooklyn 7 American League
Chicago 3 Washington 2 Detroit
9 Philadelphia 1 Milwaukee 5 non
ton 2 Cleveland 5 Baltimore 1
Waldersee to Investigate
Berlin Juno 5 Count von
seo bus postponed bin depnrturo from
Tien Tsln pending an Investigation of
tho military affray on tho Taku road
Kim riorum
The connection between the nurora
sun spots and magnetic disturbances
has never been explained but many
observations have shown that It def
initely exists The oiitlirenlc of a cy
clonic storm on the sun with the for
mation of spots Is Immediately regin
lyred In every magnetic observatory
on the earth SometlineH the disturb
ance of terrestrial conditions ts very
For example on Fob 13 1892 a
great spot acconipnnlcd by enormous
cyclonic dlHtiirbiim oH burst forth on
thu hiiuh surface Thnt night a mag
nificent aurora was visible all over the
northern hull of the Iulted States and
In many pnrtn of Europe Tolegrnph
Ing was carried on between New York
nnd Albnny without butteries ho strong
were I he en ilh currents The tele
graph system of Sweden wns com
pletely paralyzed nod lu Russia much
dllllcully was experienced with the tel
egraph lines At the Kow observatory
In England the magnetic needlu swung
two degrees out of Its normal position
All this has furnished physicists nnd
astronomers a fruitful field for study
and a vnst mass of observations has
been nceiimulntod but so far no satis
factory explanation of tho mysterious
bond of sympathy between solar and
terrestrlnl influences bus been forth
coming nor does any one yet know tho
true nature of the aurora
OConnrll und the I07H
At Tlppernry bruve Tlpperary they
wanted to take the horses from OCon
nells carriage and draw him them
selves upon his way This will never
do he Raid to ills daughter-in-law
Their Intentions arc excellent but
theyll get po excited that well find
ourselves In the ditch presently
Bursting open the carriage door In
moment lie was out among these gi
gantic Tlpperary men Just as big a
any one of them Now boys bo rea
sonable bo Bald Leave tho horses
under the carriage
But shore wed rather pull you
along ourselves sir was tho reply aa
tho preparations for so doing went gal
lantly forward
All right on your own heads bo ItP
cried OConnell good humoredly and
throwing off his coat ho set to with
pugilistic Intent boxing them right
and left until ho got them to desist
Their amusement and delight knew no
bounds and when on regaining tha
carrlnge he doubled up bis hand anV
shook it at them with a beaming smile
and a twinkling eye tho air was rent
with enthusiastic shouting and h
drove off even a greater hero thaa
when ho bad come Donahoes
Tyi Hetort
A Welshman walking through a
fashionable street in London noticed
on a door a belL At the side of thu
bell wero these words Please ring
tho bell
Taffy went and rang the bell In a
second a powdered little footman ap
peared and asked him what ho wanted
Nothing said the Welshman but I
rang the bell because It says bo
Oh said tho footman with a smile
I see you como from tho country
where naunygoats grow on gooseberry
Yes answered the Welshman But
In London there are more wonderful
Blghta You have only to ring a bell
and a monkey pops out London Tel
etjraph -- e-