The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 07, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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i5 5fHu8aecw
The Norfolk fieuus
W N HUBS Publlrtmr
KrtnMlriiNl 1SS7
Hrf ry Any oxcrit Sntnlhy Hy carrier vn
reV li cunti Hy mull irr jpnr 1000
wrrKiv NivsunmNAi
Ttae New eitnMUIiMl ISM
Tho Jomnul nUMUIimI 1M1
JtTery FHOny Hy mll yrr yrnr f IM
Bntrml it ttict IoMolllce nl Norfolk Neb n
com clnM mnttrr
TnlrriiotiM Killlorlnl Drimttirfnt
Nil Hi
lIuKtuen OUlre nml Joli Room No K
In n neighborhood row nn Omaha
mia hud his jaw broken in four plnccB
ills opponent wns evidently attaching n
vtroug point
Tho ground nt Moravia Iowa waB
covered to n depth of three Inches by
hail Tuesday nnd tbo worst Nebraska
received wns cool wave Stand np for
Nebraska I
A Columbus Ohio mini hrB been Rued
ly his wio for divorce because ho
whipped her llo nrges in extenuation
of bis alleged cruelty thnt his wlfo in
nintod upon eating Limburger cheese
Ho certainly hnd strong provocation
Governor McSweenoy of South Caro
llaa in n recent letter iudlontes IiIb will
ingness to accept tho resignation of Sen
ator Tillman if offered unconditionally
and that ofllclnl now has tho opportu
nity to show tho people that it wan not
agamo of opera bonffo when it waB
offered The governors eplstlo readB
womething Uko the song You uover
would bo miBPed
When tho Pacific coaBt manufactur
ing industries get fully organized it
anny bo expected that there will bo
ntrong competition betwe en tho east and
west for tho trade of the central portion
Tho Pacific Match company is a lately
organized industry At Madera Cali
fornia with a capital stock of f 100000
and other industries are organizing fre
quently Tho west undoubtedly has as
good manufacturing facilities as the
oast and they but await development
Tho Missouri democrats muBt bo in
terriblo condition Tho
soys they dare not hold n conven
tion this year and if they do thero will
10 tho biggeBt kind of a row and a split
When democrat k nrrivo nt a point whero
they cannot hold conventions they
might nB well disband nB to try to bo
democrats It is a time honored cus
tom with them to convene and though
thcro may bo bnt ono or two delegates
thoy never fail to hold n convention
If thoy nro beyond tho convent ion Btago
in MiEsouri tho cause is well nigh hope
Borne of Norfolks neighbors continuo
to exnggorato tho smallpox Bituation
hero A Neligh pnper has it that tho
city proper is quarantined but that
the quarantine does not yet includo tho
Junction Such statements are a libel
INorfollc hns not been quarantined and if
the editor would mako n trip through
the town he would bo convinced that
very fow of its families are under quar
antiuo regulations The smallpox situ
nation is improving every day and tho
health board 6eeuis to have it under per
fect control Tho qnurnutiuo is being
Taisod from some families and no new
ones have been placed recently
Tho action taken at the meeting of
tho city council lust eveniug wheroby
the ungainly culvert nt Thirteenth
street wns ordered replaced by a largo
tiling will place the residents of tho
-west end under lasting obligations to
Mayor Koeuigsteiu and tho present
members of tho city council This cul
vert which has at various times been
designated as Poverty run Corporation
gulch and other choice titles has lor
many years ueeded just such action ns
the council has now taken nnd the
people whose property is affected feel
jubilant that at last relief hns been
ordered The tilo conduit which it is
proposed to place in the draw will un
doubtedly carry off most of the water
that is furnished by the occasional
freshets nnd tho residents of that part
of town will not need lougertofear that
their choice shrubbery and lawns stand
in danger of being deluged with mud
and water on the nppearanco of every
Mr Bryans Commoner of May 17
in discussing tho prospective decision
of the supreme court on the insular
cases says A decieion supporting the
administrations policy of imperialism
would in truth and in fact upset the
government The gloomy prophet of
calamity has so often spoken and facta
have so frequently failed to support his
prognostications that it is not Eurprisiug
that the government continues to exist
after the decision has been rendered
Labor has not been crucified on a cross
of gold the dollar is not so high above
the man but that he can reach it cole
tuitions of the Fourth of July have not
passed away to any nlarmiug extent
William MoKiuley has not been crowned
emperor and the government did not
tremble when the supreme court at
tained a decision If Mr Bryan must
continue to forecast evil for his country
it is to be hoped that facts will keep
right on brauding him asa false prophet
The people would rather see the country
prosper than that he shonld attain any
distinction as an interpreter of coming
JU v
City Council Does Much
ncss of Importance
Hliiewnlk Ontlnnnrr In IMMcit Vlly Clitrk
Molrnrlniiiln AiiiuiaI ltrtnrt lt inrtrtl
IlHitk nml IMilillohMl rntlllolin Arltil
Upon nml llllln AIUiwmI
Tho city council met in regular kcb
plon last evening thcro being pregent
Mayor KocnigBtoiu Couucllmuu Brum
mnud Degner low Uhlo WoBtorvolt
aud Walker Absent Spollman
Clomouts took IiIh Biatufter tho meeting
hnd opened
Minutes of regular meeting of May 11
and special meetings of May i7 and iB
went read aud approved
Tho auditing committee reported back
as oorrect tho clerks report for tho past
year as follows
City Ulrrkn Ilrport
May 0 HKH TothoIIouorablo Mayor
and City Council I herewith submit
tho following statement Knowing the
receipts aud expenditures of tho city of
Norfolk NebraHka for tho flBCiil year
commencing May 1 1000 and ending
May 1001
Treasurers receipts Nos 7117 to 880 in
From saloon occupation taxt 22fi0 00
iTOin tire insurance com
panies occupation tax
From hack dray and mis
cellaneous HceuBcs
From dog tax
From sidewalk repairs etc
ins oo
IBS 05
2111 00
DO 10
From county treasurer gen
eral taxes 0241
Total 157G0
24 25
l rom county treasurer road
taxes 007 77
From water rentals 2720 GO
General fund
For salaries of city officers
uud employes t420 51
For electric and gasoline
lighting 210 05
For election expenses nnd
supplies 1I5 -10
For Btreet labor and mater
ial 1J174 41
For printing 248 71
For ofllco and other supplies 81 12
For llro alarms aud lire de
partment cxponses
Telephone rout and miscel
laneous expenses
Water fund
For salaries water commis
sioner and engineer
For coal and supplies
For repairs and extensions
Road fund
Streot labor aud material
070 50
007 50
2128 00
I07 45
0S2 515
Interest fund
For iutorost on bonds Ilfilll J5
Streot light fund
For electric and gnsonuo
050 82
llro department mud r
Cash paid to treasurer of firo
department ou order of
president and clerk of de
partment 21 80
Total expenditure foryenrl 1077 4SJ
Leaving a balanco of receipts
above tho expenditure of 770 00
On Novsmbor 1 1000 the wutor com
missioner reported that thoy had cashed
aud turned over to tho council certifi
cates of indebtedness against tho water
fund as follows
Bv II II Patterson cortificntos
Nos 050 057 708 721 720728
tmlnuco of b0t 805 0i SMI
JI512 401 00
BvIK Simpson Nos 005038
I30 014 048 SOS 08
Totol 702 77
Which total should bo added to tho
amount of receipts above mukiug a true
total of receipts 1054020
Owing to the nature of these transac
tions no entries of them nppear on the
accounting books of this otllco aud are
therefore reported in this manner
Warrant No G570 for 50 was turned
over to mo by my predecessor with tho
other books aud papers and still lies in
this ollicc having never boen called for
This warrant was issued September 8
ISO to tho Northwest Publishing Co
in payment for four city mnps and one
plat LOOK
In conclusion I wish to add the fol
lowing buppleuuutul report
On May 1 1000 tho certificates
of indebtedness outstanding
amounted to general luud 2200 0
Water fund 404 00
On May 0 1001 certificates
indebtedness outstanding
general fund
2704 05
2023 53
Present debt less thau ono year
ago 771 12
I also desire to call your attention to
the growing necessity for a bond
later book for this otllco Without such
a record the history of tho various bond
issues of the city will be very dilllcult
to ascertain
All of which is very respectfully sub
City Clerk
The streets and alleys committee re
ported that they had ordered another car
of crossing stone
The publio works committee reported
that they had repaired the large water
works pump for tho present and had
ordered repairs for the pump and as
Boon as they are received it will be per
manently repaired
The nuisance committee reported
iaai mey nan received several com
plaints which they had investigated
and ordered abated where considered
Tho petition and bond of O E
Doughty for u plumbers license was
presented aud verbally approved by the
water commissioner The matter was
brought before the council aud the
license was grunted by full vote of the
The petition of R M Upton and
otherb asking for a sidewalk was read
nnd referred to tho cominitteo on strcots
and alleys
Tho petition of Alhort Viergutz ond
others asking for nn extension of water
mains in Fourth ward wns presented
nnd referred to cominitteo ou public
Petition of S L Gardner for permit
to erect nn iron covered building within
the fire limits wns read and referred to
committee on flro and pollen
Report of boiler inspector wns rend
nnd ordered filed
Police judges report for May Allow
ing Dues collected 1410 nnd thu clerks
report for May were referred to audit
ing committee
Tho trenBurerB report for Mny show
ing balances as follows general fund
Til 72 j Interest 12000 08 water
l082bfl road 7001 sinking
fr08DJ0 street light 18i4 fire de
partment 1000 was read and re
ferred to auditing committee
The following claims having been ap
proved by the auditing committee the
same wero allowed by the council
W H Widaninu salary and postage
it no
W H Livingston salary and special
duty JU5JW
Martin hnno salary nnd disposing of
nine dogs M60
John Friday salary nnd postage
J 11 Cnoy salary and postage
II II Hoyt Balary faiJW
K A Bullock salary 2010
Frank Salter janitor at city hall 700
Alex Bear services aB city physician
V II Law quarantine officer 1050
A II KicBan supplies 208
J P Cook Co dog tax 3
Fred Klentz street sprinkling 20
W H Lowo surveying curb lino
NebrnBka Telephono Co rent for
Mav 42G
Nebraska Telephone Co rent for
Juno 4 25
Norfolk Printing Co printing 1548
CB Durland insurance premium
12 50
D J Kocnigstein insurance premium
0 25
12 GO
Bucholz insurance premium
Clements insurance premium
Ransom insurance premium
Lemont insurnnce premium
Fred Sidlor hauling hook and
truck to lire 3
M H Collainer supplies for fire
partment 50 centB
Roy Lee hauling hose cart to Junc
tion flro nnd 1 lead lumber 2 75 al
lowed 2 25
John Kraut livery rig aud team and
man to hose curt half day 3G0 allowed
M It Green hauling cart to firo nnd
man nnd tenm nt fire hall two and n
half days 8 GO allowed 750
J F Walter cleaning hall and car
pet l
Fred Lou salary and Btreet labor 40
allowed 38
O W Babcock Co car stone
Edwards Ss Bradford Lumber Co
lumber for pest house 2400
Edwards ifc Bradford Lumber Co
lumber for crossings and sidewalks
W II Law labor on streets nnd
walkp 7 GO
Albert Decner hardware 745
O A Richy uulonding car stone 0
Edwards Bradford Lumber Co
lumber to waterworks 10 0
J E Simpson salary and postage
L L Rembe repairing 5th street hy
drant 2
L L Rembe repairing water foun
tain 2 50
Crauo fcCo packing 1 80
Crnne Co packing 42 72
M R Green freight nnd draying
04 cents
11 O Truman papering firemans
dwelling 12 35
Oscar Uhle supplies water works
2 05
Albrr Dgner hnrdwaro to water
works 84
Chris Ghssmnn distributing bills 2
Ferd Thomas labor at water works
Auk B nnimnnd labor and material
at water works 5 to
Paul Wetzel cleuniug pump and
boiler lion bo S
Lndwig Wetzel salary and extra
work 40 00
W H Lowe surveying extension 7
D Rees coal to water works 4G 05
O W Braasch coal to water woiks
Lorin Doughty lighting lamps 5
Norfolk Electrio Lighting and Power
Co electrio lightlug 150
Bill of G Nitz for 0 OG was referred
back to be itemized
Bills of E R Hayes 075 and Oscar
Uhlo 104 for Bupplies for fire depart
ment were not approved by committee
On motion the bills of E RHayes and
Oscar Uhle were allowed by the council
Bill of Norfolk foundry for 20715 for
repairs to small pump was not approved
and on motion tho bill was referred to a
committee composed of Brummund
Uhle and Degner in connection with
the city attorney for investigation with
iustruotion to try to come to an amic
able settlement and to report at next
It was reported that the city jail is in
need of a new bedstead and bedding
nnd the matter was referred to commit
tee on fire and police with power to act
The chairman of publio works com
mittee reported that they had had the
proposed water extension surveyed and
had advertised for bids on doing the
work receiving bids as follows J M
Covert 11000 for work as advertised
W H Rish 8 cents per lineal foot
Ferd Thomas 5 cents per lineal foot E
E Hartmau 5 cents per foot E L
Moes 7 cents per foot
Motion prevailed that contract be
awarded to Ferd Thomas at 5 cents per
lineal foot upon his furnishing good
Upon recommendation of Water Com
missioner Stitt thnt the hours nllnwed
for lawn sprinkling be reduced until tho
pumps aro thoroughly repaired tho
water commissioner wan itiRtruotnd to
notify coiiBiimorB thnt tho hours for
lawn Bpriukling nro reduced from three
to two hours morning and evening until
further uotico
Tho mayor stated that tho Thirteenth
street cnlvort is in very bad condition
nnd will hnvo to bo repaired at onco It
wns moved nnd seconded thnt thoBtrectB
and ulleyfl committee be instructed to
investigate tho matter and purchase
whatever tiling or pipeB It may bo found
necessary to tilo the Thirteenth street
culvert This motion was carried by
tho full vote of tbo council
Tho Htreet commiBHioner reported the
First htrcot bridao at tho Junction as
uecding repairs and recommended that
it bo roplacod with 10 inch tiling which
the city has on hand The matter was
referred to tho street aud alley commit
tee for action
Dr Bear recommended that tho city
pnrchaso a formaldehyde lamp so as to
bo prepared to enforce a thorough fumi
gation of houses infected with contng
eons diseases nnd it was so ordered
An ordiuanco granting permission to
W II RiBh to couBtruct a sewerage
system in the city of Norfolk and the
ubo of tho streets and alleys for such
pnrpose wbb laid over until the next
meeting with instruction thnt certain
parts be changed
Ordinance No 250 relnting to certain
sidewalks was rend the third time and
The mayor requested the council to
take some action in regard to establish
lng curb lines and grade for permanent
sidewalks and motion prevailed that
permanent corners be established for
each block on each side of Main street
from First to Sixth
It was ordered that the lighting of
gasoline Btreet lamps be discontinued
until October 1 except on dork nights
The city treasurer wns authorized to
invest the Binking fund in registered
city warrants without interest
Ordinance No S18
An ordinance providing for the con
struction of a sidewalk on the weBt side
of Higgius avenue or Fourteenth street
from the south line of Norfolk avenue
to the north line of Madison avenue
also providing for the construction of a
sidewalk on the west side of Sixth street
running from Bonth side of Phillip
avenue to north side of Park avenue all
in the city of Norfolk Madison county
Nebraska Also providing for the
width material and manner in which
said sidewalks shall be constructed
Be it ordained by the mayor and city
council of the city of Norfolk Madison
county Nebraska
Section ono Immediately after the
passage approvnl and publication of
this ordinance as provided by law side
walks shall be constructed in the city of
Norfolk as follows
First Beginning at the northeast
corner of lot one 1 of block onel of
Hillside Terrace addition to the city of
Norfolk Nebraska running thence
south nloug the east line of said block
one 1 beiug a strip of walk extending
from Norfolk avenue where it intersects
with Higgins avenue or Fourteenth
street to the point where Madison
avenue intersects with Higgins avenue
or Fourteenth street along the west line
of said Higgins avenue or Fourteenth
Second Beginning nt the northeast
corner of lot one 1 of block nine 0 of
Koenigsteins ndditiou to Norfolk Ne
braska extending south along the west
line of said block to the southeast cor
ner of lot 10 of said block being a strip
of sidewnlk extending from the intersec
tion of Sixth street with Phillip avenue
and running thence south to where said
said Sixth strpe intersects with Park
avenue along the weBt side of said Sixth
Section two All of said sidewalks
herein provided for shall be 5 feet and
4 inches wide nnd constructed either of
boards not less than one inch thick laid
close together resting on nnd securely
nailed to 4 stringers not less than 2
inches thick and 4 inches wide or of
hard brick cement or stone Said side
walks to be laid level and under the
supervision of the street commissioner
Section three It is hereby made the
duty of the street commissioner upon
the passage of this ordinance to im
mediately notify the several owners of
the lots effected by this ordinance nnd
abutting upon the proposed sidewalks
said requirements of this ordiuanco nnd
if Baid owners or any of them Bhall fail
aud neglect for thirty days after said
notification to construct said waiKs as
herein ordered thon tho said street com
missioner shall if ordered by tho city
couuril in said city cause tho same to bo
constructed according to the require
ments of this ordinance nnd the costs of
the said construction shnll be collected
by levy of a special assessment against
the property abutting against said side
Section four This ordinnnce Bhall
take effect and be in force from and
after its passage and publication as pro
vided by law
Passed aud approved this third day of
Mnv 1001
Daniel J Koenigbtein
Attest Mayor
S R McFakland
City Clerk
Application for Saloon Liquor License
Matter of application oi fcmii juoener
for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Emil
Moeller did on tlie 3l6t day of May
1001 file his application to the mayor
and city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors at Norfolk
Nebraska from the first Tuesday of
May 1001 to the first Tuesdav of May
1902 at east of lot 10 block 4 origi
ual town iu First ward of said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the Slst day of May 1101 the said li
cense will be granted
S R McFarland
Oity Clerk
Houtea for late
T E Odiokkk
Huttk Thin
We offer ono hundred dollars rewnrd
for any case of catarrh that cnunot be
cured by Halls Catyirrh enro
F J Chksev it Co Props
Toledo O
We tho undersigned have known F
J Cheney for the lost 10 years aud be
lieve him perfectly honorable in nil
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm
Wkst As Thuax
Wholesalo Druggists Toledo O
Waldino Kikkax Marvin
Wholesalo Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catnrrh onre is tukni internally
noting directly njon the blood and mu
cous surfnccB of the ByBtem Price
per bottle Sold by ull druggistB
timonials free
Hulls family pills are tho beBt
On account of the S
Union Pacific will sell tickets on
llKtltnate nf Kxprnurn
Estimate of expenses of tho city of
Norfolk Nebraska for the fiscal year
Salaries 3500 00
Election expenses 200 00
Streets and sidewalks 1 500 00
Printing 300 00
SnpplieB 200 00
Miscellaneous 1300 00
Total 7000 00
Street lighting fund 1400 00
Fire department fund 700 00
Interest on bonds issued in
1887 900 00
Interest on bonds issued in
1801 000 00
Interest on refunding water
bonds ifBued in 1890 1700 00
Total J 3500 00
Sinking fund 700 00
Grand total 12000 00
Receipts of the city for fiscal year
ending March 0 1001
Saloon occupation tax 2250 00
Miscellaneous licenses 438 05
Dogtnx 218 00
Sidewalk repairs 30 00
County treasurer general taxes 9241 01
County treasurer road taxes 007 77
Total 12880 99
1780 To Chicago Keturn i30
S E I the
12 13 14 and 15 at one fare pluB 2
the round trip to Chicago and return
Final return limit September 15 1901
For further information call at Union
depot F W Juneman
Application Tor Saloon Liquor Llctnso
Matter of application of Chns Apfel
for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Chas
Apfel did on the 22nd day of May 1901
file his application to the mayor and
city council of the city of Norfolk Ne
braska for license to sell malt spiritu
ous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne
braska from the 1st day of May 1901
to the 30th day of April 1902 in First
ward of said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weelw from
the 23rd dny of May 1901 the said li
cense will be granted
S R McFarland
City Cleik
Richnrd Romig will take notice
that on the 4th dny of May 1001 J L
Daniel a justice of the pence in and
for Norfolk precinct in Madison county
Nebraska issued nn order of attach
ment for the sum of 800 in nn notion
pending before him wherein Sadie
Beymer is plaintiff and Richnrd Romig
is defeudaur nnd property consisting of
n chainless bicycle has been attached
under said order Said cause was con
tinued to the I8h day of June 1901 nt
0 oclock a m
Norfolk Nebraska Mny Sfh 1001
Sadie Eeymek Plaintiff
A Quick and Permanent
Cure for Small Pox
Disense will disappear in 12 honrs
This formula can be procured by enclos
ing 100 to P O box No 027 Norfolk
- k wn mitiiti jr gm
clUlY Z V 13 INCLUSIVE I90hj
First and Best Fair of the TSeason
All Attractions of Hih Order
Concert Mnsio a Sppciol Feature
A Grand Fourth of July Celebration
Genuine Mexican Bull Fights
Evervono Invited
Reduced RatPH from All Points
Dont Fail to Come
JULY 2 to 13
Teacher of the
Piano Violin Organ Guitar and
Baptist Parsonage - 207 Fifth St
For Plumbing Steam Fitting rumps Tanks
Wind Mills
And nil work in this line call on
First door South of Tub DilLT Nkwb Oaie
Attorneys nt Law
jjro s Parker
Mnst Block
H Uarnep
V Tjler
Nebrasl n
- Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician and Surge
Oflice Clllton Nnttunnl Rank Huildlng
Telephone 101 1
Batiltnrlom and itocldence Main and 13th 8k
Tnleiiliiitie 8
Norfolk Nebraska
Office over Cltizenv National Bank Iletldenot
cue block north at Luueregatloual church
Fashionable Dressmaker
Dp etalre In Cotton bloeV over Hnnme itorV
First claei work guaranteed
Osteopathic Physician
Itoomf over HayeB Jewelry Houto Norfolk
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 10 11 and 12 Matt block
Undertakers and Enibalmers
EeeelonE Blk Norfolk Ave
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
500 to 9000
Needles nil kindB per doz 2c
Singer Oil per bottle 10c
Miichinee rented by week or month Repairs
of nil kind Salesmen wanted
The Singer Manufacturing Co
200 Hast Norfolk Ave
Suits made to order and in the Jntest style Re
pairing neatly don Shop ou South Fourth St
eonth of Citizerib National Rank
Telephone No 447
Rooms ou North Ninth Street
James Richards M D
And Expert
T Examination of tho eyee
FitEE to patients and patrons Oflice 1404
Farunm St Omaha opposite Pazton Hotel
We are now prepared to fill
nil duplicate orders from any
negative that was taken by Mr
Hoyer or Michael and will be
glad to have you call on us
when wishing any duplicates
Remember the place South
Fourth street and Madison
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force ant
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Office
Sale ancL
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
Braucli Avenue
Bd Third St