The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 07, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Or ft ml Ulnnru rxporlmirA Willi Irof
Melbourne Hecalletl by llio In-
Tlio gonorally dry conditions rtt pros
cut nbont Grand Islnnd has awnkonod
somo reminiscences of tho dry yearn of
18MIU vr lion rainmakers woro In
demand Tho Indopondont of Hint otty
rIvch ftii Interesting ncoount of tho
towns exporlonro vs itH Prof Mel
bourne tlio high prlpst of tho business
of ninklng molMuro Tho profossor
who wniloporating In Ohoyonno prom
ised to give Hull county ft half Inch of
rftln for tho sum of 2500 Committees
solicited among tho oltlzons anil farmers
and woro successful In raising 2 MX
Melbourne reduced his price 300 nnd
wna Bont for Tho Indopondont tlniH
relates his miccosr
This was In August of I81U Mel
bourne cumo Tliore wasnt u cloud In
tho sky Somo of tho subscriptions
woro withdrawn but tho balance wan
gnurnutood to Molbourno by a local coin
mitteo Tho latter would not lot Mol
bourno boo tho color of tholr money un
til Molbourno showod thorn tho color
auililontli of tholr ratu Melbourne
wont to work
Ho Bald ho would havo to havo tho
highest onpola in tho city Ho Holootod
tho Palmor house Ho Htavod right with
tho onpola Thoro wasnt a oloud In
tho sky not n Bign of rain Tho air was
dry Tho ulgbtB woro cool enough
No ono of conrso oxpoctod anything
ior tho first day But tho Hoooud day
evoryouo kept scanning tho horizon
Not n oloud appeared Tho committoo
became more and moro intoroHtod iw to
what Molbourno waB doing Ills mothod
of controlling tho atmospheric proportion
dna mannor that moisture Hhould
doscond upon parchod and by thin time
almost bnrrou earth
E O Ilockinborgor aud Al Rooser
decided to ilnd out They prooured tho
strongest Hold glasses thoy could Ilnd
mid ncross tho edgo of tho front of tho
Soourity building they watchud tho pro
foesor in his room in tho domo of tho
Palmer All Molbourno had in tho room
they reported was a bod somo iihwb
pnpers a pitcher of wator and a largo
lino goblet On sovornl occasions thoy
-would boo Melbourne pour water from
tho pitcher in the goblot aud drink
therofrom from which thoy judgod
that ho couldut havo used tho glass for
chemicals and that ho wuh really having
a nico tinio up thoro though perhaps a
lonesouio one waiting for a natural
rain If It cimo ho would bo woy
ahead If not ho really wouldut loso
Throo days passed by Baid a
gentleman largely interested in tho mat
ter at that time and thero wan no rain
Mtlbouruo plead with tho committoo
to givo him two days moro Hut tho
contract was up And though Mol
bourno tried to otVer tho oomniittoo ono
half tho money ho would get if thoy
would givo him tho extousion and thoro
should come a rain tho deal was otV
much to tho satisfaction of tho com
mittee For tho last day thoy had boon
wishing for no raiu for tho reason that
farmer upon farmor had conio and can
celed his subscription and tho commit
tee had guaranteed tho sum Had it
accidentally rniued tho coniniHttoo
would havo boon compellod to pay Mel
bonruo and those who had canceled
their subscriptions certainly would not
havo paid
And Molbourno loft silently iu tho
night Nor has ho over boon heard of
Miss McNish was a passenger for
Omaha today
J H Peats of Wakefield spout tho
night in Norfolk
J McCalluin of Genoa was a Norfolk
guest ovor night
Mrs Welch was a city visitor from
Wayne yesterday
II J Hill was a Norfolk visitor over
night from Monroe
Mrs H Li Whitney returned to
Omaha this afternoon
Mrs P P Sprechor was a passenger
to Pierco tnis afternoon
J L Deviue of Wayne had business
in Norfolk yesterday
Mrs Peter OShea of Humphrey was
in Norfolk yesterday
Dr J J Williams of Wayne waa in
tho Sugar City yesterday
J R Campbell was a Norfolk visitor
yeeterday from Columbus
Dr and Mrs F F Teal returned last
night from a visit to friends in Omaha
M D Tyler transacted legal business
in Madison yesterday returning last
Mr and Mrs A J Dunlovy aud E
W Hall were iu the city yoBtorday
from Tildeu
Mrs L Sessions aud Mrs G W
Iteckard drove to Pierce today to visit
Mrs J O Morey
Andrew Yielo and family doparted
last night for Dead wood S D for a
few weeks visit
E M Norton came home yesterday
from Lusk Wyo where he haa been
installing acetylene gaa plants
Mrs Geo H Spear and daughter
MieB Grace left this morning for
Columbus whoro thoy will visit about
a mouth
Ml n Knto V Mltoholl loft this morn
ing for Dubuque Iowa whoro alio will
outer tho convont and join tho Sisters
of Charity of tho 11 V M
Col S W Hayos J H aUylnrd and
Q T Spreohor are in Omaha attending
a sosslon of tho grand lodgo A V A
M representing tho Norfolk lodgo
W H Johnson and son Harlan aro in
Madiflon whoro thoy aro aBalatlng iu
transferring tho Sohnvlaud Johnson
atook of goods to a store room In tho
opera house block
Durlmr tho lost two wooki Goo H
Spoar has placed for salo ovor 8000
tickets on tho Auditorium Tho aalo la
progresilng nlcoly nnd tho pros poets aro
for an oarly drawing
W 0 Howoll travollng freight agout
of the 0 St P M O railway on
joyed a good nights rest in tho city
and Interviewed shippers In regard to
business for his road
Mr Storm roproBontlng tho Armour
Packing company of Omaha haa juat
returned from a trip wost and Is highly
elated with tho outlook for buslnosa iu
that portion of tho stato
Captain Sebastian of tho Salvation
Army announces that Lusigu T II
Harrison of Omaha will bo here Thurs
day aud Friday and will conduct meet
ings in the Aruiy barracks
Work on tho mlllruco for tho Stanton
Wator Powor company Is woll advanced
nnd tho dam across tho Elkhom will bo
constructed In July all work to bo com
pleted and tho now mill ready for opera
tion by August 1
W S Wyokoff who has been sick
for somo tinio with dropsy and heart
trouble loft yostorday for Tekamah to
take osteopathic troatmout Ho was ac
companied by his wife Thoy formerly
lived there and havo friends iu tho
Oommoucomout oxorcisos of tho Stan
ton High school woro hold Saturday
night when tho largost class In the his
tory of tho schools graduated Tho
class consisted of six girlfl aud flvo boys
Hev Trofz of Omaha delivered an ad
Madison countys mortgago record for
May is as follows Farm mortgages
tiled 10 13025 released 27 25301
t0 city mortgagos filed HO 110S530
released 25 1111505 chattel mort
gages tiled 73 1U01132 released 42
A small sou of Thomas Garmau who
lives uoar Ponca whllo playing about
tho placo rocoutly orawlod into a pig pen
Tho boy got between tho old sow and
hor pigs aud sho attacked him lu a vi
cious mauuor Before tho child could bo
roscuod ho was seriously though not fa
tally Injured
An opportuuo rain Monday night aud
souio Bhowors again last night has set
aside all apprehension of a drouth in
this viciulty for somo timo Aided by
the warm weather vegetation lias mado
n wondorful showing of growth during
tho past few days aud prospects for an
abundaut harvest are sploudid
I If Orouln of ONeill Frontier
writes to correct a statomout iu The
Nkws rogarding smallpox at that place
He says Thoro was ouo caso hero a
week ago Monday aud tho patient was
romovod to tho country about threo
miles from town Thoro aro no cases
iu ONeill now nor in tho country
Tho rainfall for tho 21 hours ending
at 8 oclock yostorduy morning was
given at 07 of an inch whereas it
should have been 70 of an inch making
a total precipitation since the beginning
of the mouth of three quarters of an
inoh If tho weather clerk coutinues to
thus favor June thero will be no lack of
moisture duriug the month
Prof U S Conn haa resigned his
position as superintendent of schools at
Wayuo aud will enter the omploy of a
mercantile agency for the summer His
torrltory will be Minnesota and ono or
both of the Dakotas Prof Conn is
president of tho Nebraska Teachers as
sociation aud will continue to act in
that capacity until his term of office
An oxchauge says An old baohelor
bought a pair of socks aud iu the too of
ouo of them ho found a note which
said I am a girl of tweuty aud would
liko to correspond with a baohelor with
a view of matrimouy Our friend
wrote to tho address given and received
thiB reply I waa married threo years
ago last Christmas Tho morchaut who
sold you tho socks did not advertise
The Evening Independent of Dead
wood S D says Ira Huugerford
will tomorrow morning June 1st take
position as business manager of tho
Evening Independent Mr Huuger
ford is an experienced newspaper man
who haa the reputation of being persist
out from daylight until dark in looking
after the advertiser and mutually pro
moting tho upbuilding of business both
for his paper and its patrons Any
courtesy shown him by the frienda of
the Independent will be appreciated
During tho storm last night lightning
struck the residence of M D Tyler on
West Norfolk avenue The fluid took
effect on one of the peaks of the roof and
but slight damage was done The
weather editor has figured it out that
tho brilliant color of Mr Tylers home
aud ho at once resolved to send a few
forked jabi of hid scarlet lined and
sudden mossongor of tho greased quality
to exterminate tho dwolling Tho
houso color Mas tho strongest howovor
nnd successfully turned tho Bhook or
tho building would havo boon a mass of
ruins this morning Mr Tylor now
announces that tho color will bo Imme
diately changod to black as ho doos not
want to tako any moro chnncosi
Tho now machlnory at tho olootrio
light Btation won given quite a propl
tloufl start last ovoning although thero
yet remains cousidornblo to bo dono
boforo tho system in lu first class work
lug ordor A number of connections
among thoui tho atroot arc lights wore
not mado last ovoning and accordingly
thoro was darkness in placos last night
Whontho stonm waa turuod on tho on
glno It movod oil with a amoothuess
and regularity that could acarooly havo
boon iuiprovod upon by a months trial
Tho turning of tho big bolt whool aud
movomontj of tho largo onglno was a
sight that attracted many spectators
during the ovoning Manager Patter-
sou personally supervised tho start of
tlio machlnory and was highly gratified
with tho Bhowing mado
Goo H Spear of Norfolk waa lu town
John Dlnoon of Columbus spout Sun
day iu Madiaou
Mrs Stookolborg of Lincoln Is visit
ing friends here
J F aud Ira Jouklus woro over from
Battlo Crook Monday
Jas Nichols is expected homo from
Manhattan Kansas this week
Mrs O II Swnlow of Humphrey is
aponding tho week with relatives
II M Wlnalow aud old resideut and
stock man of Columbus was m town
Homer Sumption of Sheridan Wyom
ing vUltod relatives and friends a few
days this woek
Eugouo Best chief cook at the Turf
Exohaugo lu Norfolk spent part of the
woek lu Madison
0 W Wallace has llnishedjhis school
work at Leigh and will be iu Madison
for a few weeks
W L Dowliug is assisting tho county
clork in preparing the assessors books
for equalization
Tho work on John SchelorVrjneat
market is progressing finely since they
were ablo to obtain brick
Ohr Schavlaud was a passenger for
Omaha Monday 0 W Wallace Is tak
ing care of his office during hisjabsonco
O A Coons Is recovering froni the
smallpox and no further cases yet re
ported It is thought there will be no
further spread of tho disease
The board of county commissioners
will meet as a board of equalization
uoxt Tuesdny Juuo 11 instead of June
4 as stated in Tun News of Monday
Decoratiou day was fittingly observed
iu Madison Rov Moruiug mado the ad
dress at G A R hall All business
houses woro closed during tho afternoon
The caso of state vs Sam Dunn on
complaint of S B Lyon on trial before
Squire Itichardsou Monday was dis
missed at the cost of compluiuiug wit
ness the e idence not being suilicieut to
wnrraut binding the defendant over to
distriot court
The Schavland Johuson Co aud
Johnson Olson Co began Monday
ovoning to exchange locations Tho
work was completed Tuesday night at
about 12 oclock but the matter of ar
ranging goods in eaoh store will yet re
quire considerable time
Mr Casper visited in Norfolk Satur
Rev Butler of Hoskius preached in
Bega Snndny afternoon
Mr A R Luudquist was in Wiusido
on business Tuesday
Emma Minnie Willie Soennekon and
Anna Nelson visited in this vicinity
A gentleman representing the Inter
state School of Correspondence visited
the teachers iu this and adjoining dis
tricts Tuosday
Ohas Ohlund aud Emmet Wilson
have been iu this neighborhood paint
ing for a few days
Rev Ryder preached on the subject of
Baptism at tho school houae Tuesday
Elmor and Augusta Luuqnist at
tended church in Hoskius Sunday evon
Chlckeug Come tloiuc to ltooit
Cadet Honry L Bowlsby of the West
Point military academy haa been dis
missed for hazing The State Journal
publishes no doubt with a broad smile
extracts from Mr Bowlsby seniors
paper the Crete democrat upholding
the practice of hazing as necessary to
take the staroh out of some young men
Thla editorial waa written during the
progress of the congressional investiga
tion some time ago and the sou of the
editor proceeded to carry ont his fathers
ideas Neligh Yeoman
The fast trains of the Union Pacifio
reach San Franoisco fifteen hours ahead
of all competitors li you aro in no
hurry take a slow train by one of thede
tour routes but if you want to get there
without suffering any of the inconven
iences of winter travel tako the only
riirAnr mnffl
tne union iaciuo ve
aroused the enmity of the storm king I tailed information furnished on applica
ti V KT Jukkuas An
W Agent
Kuill Luck of Stanton was in Norfolk
0 A Beoch of Mllford wm a Norfolk
visitor ovor night
R M Smith waa In tho city yester
day from Osmond
E It Gnruey waa Iu Norfolk from
WinBldo yostorday
L E Oarscallon was In tho metropo
lis yesterday from Tlldou
0 P Parish waa a poasongor for
Omaha this morning on business
Miss Grotohon Klontz roturned to
Plnlnviow this noon after a short visit
at home
Managor J N Buudick of tho sugar
factory wont to Omaha on business this
Mrs M E Holdeu and Misa Floronco
Holdou came lu from OmahaEyosterday
for an cxtonded visit ntjjtho home of
tholr sou and brothor Dr II T Holdeu
Tho Ladles guild of Trinity church
will hold n special meetiug with Mrs
Leonard tomorrow Members aro asked
to como proparcd to do sewing
Oakdato beat Stanton by a scoro of 20
to 5 in a hotly contested ball fgaine nt
tho latter place Tuesday Rev Mr
Loidy of Oakdalo was the umpire
Tlio namo of thojyoung lady who
went to Dubnquo to outer a convent
waa Miss Kate V McNeill instead of
Miss Kate Mitchell as published last
Superintendent OConnor will bo ono
of tho instructors at the Platte Jcouuty
teachers institute which begins in
Columbus uoxt Monday aud will con
tinue five dnys
Wednesdays Omaha IBee 1S W
Hayes of Norfolk dean of the Nebraska
Masons Is an Her guest Mr Hayes is
82 years of ago but lively aud expects
to attend Masonic gatherings for years
to come
James Vandyke of ThuJJNkws force
returned yostorday from his homo in
Omaha where he attended tho marriage
of his sister Miss Ola to Mr John F
Giles which took placoJionTuosday
Tho dry goods department of the Fair
store is about adjusted to business con
ditions iu tho Bishop block aud the
work of moving the goods of the grocery
department will probably bo completed
some time today
Governor E P Savage is to be orator
of th day at tho Fourth of July cele
bration to bo held in Columbus With
good train accomodations Columbns
might be able to secure quite a delega
tion from Norfolk to assist them iu cele
Victor Patterson has accepted the po
sition of news agent on the 0 St P
M O train between here Jand Sioux
City making his first trip this moruiug
Charles Maiquardt who thasheld the
position has gone to Omaha to accept
a position in a hotel
A celobratiou was held nt Creightou
last night to enthuse over the recent
decision of the supreme court which
has deoided that tho election Jwas valid
rosultiug in tho removal of thoKnox
county seat from Niobrara to the geo
graphical center of the county
The commissioners of Cass county
haverecontly passed a resolution making
it a felouy punishable by a heavy fine
for anyone to harbor a smallpox patient
without notifying somo member of the
board This action was deemed neces
sary in order to atop the spread of the
A portion of the material for the
Daniel Sessler bowling alloy to bo
placed iu the east room vacated by the
Fair store has arrived and the work of
getting it in shape will begin at once
The material is of first class quality aud
the proprietors intend to have an ideal
placo of amusement when completed
Frank Helam a cook at a Junction
hotel borrowed the bicycle of Allen
Gaines who works at the Pacific with
out the formality of asking the owners
consent Gaines had him arrested and
the fine imposed was paid by the land
lord who employe Helam Thereby
Allen Gaines a bicycle and gives Frauk
B Lynch engine wiper at the M
O round house was working In the fire
box of ono of the eugines of that road
when the kerosene torch he waa using
exploded throwing the burning oil iu
all directions His face waa badly
burned and he bnd a narrow escape for
his life as the blazing oil was making
it decidedly dangerous in the fire box
and the opening for escape waa none
too accessible The oan containing the
oil was blown to pieces and it is surpris
ing that Mr Lynch got off with as few
Superintendent D 0 OConnor of
the city schools is iu receipt of a tele
gram from Misa Eugenie Mackln of
Omaha informiug him of her accept
ance of the position in the Norfolk High
school to which she has been elected
She teaches history Latin and English
literature She had been elected to a
similar position in the North Platte
schools but decided in favor of Norfolk
The board of education is fortunate in
securing tho services of Miss Mackln as
she has a most enviable record in edu
cational work She graduated with
honors from the university of Ne
braska and has this year attained the
masters degree in that institution of
That we are constantly growing in the art of male
ing Pine Photos and our products will always be
fouud to embrace the most
aud Newest style in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
vlvan Ozone
wnrrm to DB
Sioux Faixs 8 D roB nnx nrronif atiox
Dr Kaller 5peclallit la Nom Throat Luitir
ad Kldnar Dlieaaaa will correspond with you
la regard to your condition
learning Studies in which she was
especially interested are European his
tory aud the dead languages She was
honored this year by haviug her thesis
published in the University Bulletin
The weekly crop bulletin issued by
the uuiversity of Nebraska for the week
ending Juno 3 does not Indicate as fa
vorable conditions as that of the pre
ceding week there being less than an
inch of raiu in any part of the state
This weeks weather will however
prove more favorable as there was quite
a general raiu The report for this and
adjoining counties is ns follows Madi
son Small grain needs rain corn up
and a good stand cultivation begun
large acreage being sown to sugar cane
Antelope Small grain growing nicely
alfalfa nearly ready to cut fruit drop
ping badly corn cultivation begun
Boone Corn coming up well wheat
contains many yellow spots oats thin
alfalfa good potatoes growing well
Pierce Small grain doing finely pas
tures good corn up and cultivation in
pt ogress Platte Small grain generally
looks well but needs rain late corn
coming up unevenly early planted
growing slowly Stanton Small grain
doing fairly well but rain would be
Bert Lyons went to South Omaha
Monday with a carload of fat cattle
Walker Bros shipped five carloads of
fat cattle to South Omaha Wednesday
Sunday June 0 will be Childrens
day in the Warnerville Sunday school
Mrs Joey Lovejoy of Chadrou was
the gnest of her brother Neil McBeath
last week
Mrs Ez Rowlett nnd her daughter
Mrs Melvin Horner went to Surprise
Sunday to visit relatives
Lyman Mihilis and family living
near Meadow Grove were the guests of
Mr and Mrs Fred Pottitt Saturday and
Maurice Carberry writes that he is
camping out near Golden Colo and
that he expects to visit the Pacifio coast
before he returns to Warnerville
Mrs M A Ouplin has sold her farm
two miles northwest of town to Melvin
Horner consideration 3200 Mr
Horner will take possession March 1
Mrs Wm Lovell living on the
Shepard ranch six miles southwest of
town is sick with the smallpox Sheriff
Losey came out last week and quaran
tined the house and also honses of sev
eral neighbors who have been exposed to
the disease
To Teachers
The regular teachers examination
will be held at Madison June 14 and 15
All those expecting to begin teaching
should be present if possible also those
wishing to raise their grades No ex
amination will be given in July except
to such as may wish to complete the
whole examination in one day Insti
tute will be held tho latter part of Aug
ust and all teachers should arrange
their vacation so as to be present
One object of the institute will be to
organize for the association work of the
next year This Is one of the moat im
portant objects of tho institute So
large a portion of the teaching force is
composed of young unexperienced
teachers each year that it is very neo
essary that the monthly associations or
reading circles be continued and that
theso young teachers be given all the
aid and assistance possible by the
counsel and association of those more
Sixty five per cent of all the teachers
that have taught in Madison county the
paBt fifteen years have taught two years
or less Respectfully
0 W Obuu
County Superintendent
Medical Opinion in regard to
Dr A HKellers Sylvan Ozone
An editor of a medical journal
writes as follows
Dr xV H Kellers Sylvan Ozono
offered by tho Dr A H Roller
Chemical Company as a cure for
Consumption Asthma Bronohitifl
Hay Fever Catarrh Coughs
Colds and all diseases of tho air
passages This we know to bo a
genuine specifio for these com
plaints and as such entitled to
our confidence aud that of our
Close examination into tho
practical results which havo been
had from tho use of this remedy
has caused us to endorse it as be
ing an undoubted cure for tho
above ailments effectual in re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attacks which had been
of the severest aud most tedious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozone permanently restored
health and in cases wnich wero
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
An Kxtract from Her Letter
If yon could only be hore this winter
morning and see for yourself you would
no longer doubtme Roses are bloom
ing in our front yard and all naturo is
as far advanced in this lovely American
summerland as it will bo in your cold
eastern home by June
Wo made the journey from Missouri
river to the Golden Gate on the Union
Pacific to avoid the circuitous routes
an important item iu the winter A
trip to California is mado delightful by
the perfect service and luxurious ac
commodation of The Overland Limited
which is perhaps the most finely
equipped train in the world
Detailed information furnished on ap
plication F W JUSESLAN Agent
Pan Aiuerlcan Kxposltlou Excuraloa
Excursion tickets will be sold by the
F E M V Northwestern line on
May 0 1320 21 and 28 with a return
limit of 7 days at 3055 via standard
and 2901 via differential lines
Every day until September 30 with
return limit of 15 days at 3330 via
standard and 3030 via differential
Every dny from May 15 to September
30 good for return until October 31 at
47 75 via standard and 4535 via differ
ential lines
Full particulars will be cheerfully fur
nished all inquirers
H C Matrau
Career nnd Character of Abraham Llucoln
An address by Joseph Choate Am
bassador to Great Britain on the career
nsd character of Abraham Lincoln his
early Ufe his early struggles with the
world his character as developed in
the later years of his life and his ad
ministration which placed bis name so
high on the worlds roll of honorand
fame has been published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
be had by sending six 6 cents in post
age to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
We have three children Before the
birth of the last one my wife used four boti
ties of MOTHERS FRIEND If you had the
pictures of our children you could see a
a giance mat tne last one
Is healthiest prettiest and
finest looking of them all
My wife thinks Mothers
Friend Is the greatest
and grandest
remedy In the
world for expect
ant mothers
Written by a Ken
tucky Attorney at
prevents nine tenths of the
surrering incident to child
birth Thecnmlncmnthpra
disposition and temper remain unruffled
throughout the ordeal because this relax
ing penetrating liniment relieves thq
usual distress A good natured mother
Is pretty sure to have a good natured child
The patient Is kept in a strong healthy
condition which the child also Inherits
Mothers Friend takes a wife through tho
crisis quickly and almost painlessly If
assists in her rapid recovery and wards
off the dangers that so often follow de
Sold by druggltU or 1 a bottle
Send for our free Illustrated book written
expressly tor expectant mothers