The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 31, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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iuss ijupv wiinnnis ion on tuo noon i
train for her home in Omaha
Sheriff J M Cherry of Wnyno was in
town today on olllcinl bnMnefs
Tho salary of the Norfolk postmaster
has been increased nnothor flOO by vir
tue of the iucreaso to business
Tho infant child of Mr and Mrs S L
Miler of South Norfolk died yesterday
nfternoonaud tho body wns tnkou to
Tihlen this morning for burial
Father Thomas Walsh drove to Battle
Creok last night where he was on tho
program to make an address nt the
graduating exercises of tho school nt
tuat place
V O Fry former day clerk nt the
Oxuard hotel has made arrangements
to take charge of a hotel at Jefferson
Iowa He and his wife left this morn
ing for that place
MJbb Nellie Morrow returned at noon
today from Emerick where she hns com
pleted her school work Miss Dollie
Stevens accompanied her home and
will visit n short time
Dr A E Scobee will leave Moudny
for San Francisco where he expects to
make his future home and will form a
partnership with his brother-in-law for
the practice of osteopnthy
F H L Willis has been nppointed
postmaster nt Battle Creek vice O F
Montross resigned Mr Moutross is
editor of the Republican and will prob
ably devote his time to that publication
Mr and Mrs F F Miller have gone
to Aurora to spend Sunday with Mr
and Mrs S R Barton and from there
Mr Miller goes to Grand Island to at
tend a meeting of deputy grand master
workmen te be held Monday
The Congregationali6ts of Pierce con
template the erection of n new church
edifice with modern convenienses The
building will cost about J000 and the
main part will be 28 by -15 feet with a
wing 18 by 28 feet and a commodious
basement for kitchen dining room and
other purposes
J N Bundick manager of the Nor
folk sugnr factory returned yesterday
from his sad mission to Washington D
C where he went to attend the funeral
of his father which took place on Fri
day of last week His mother and sister
will come nnd make their homo with
him and will be here aboutthe 20th of
The timo of the public school teachersj
will be taken up next week in grading
examination papers checking off for
books nnd supplies and doing other
work following the close of the school
year This is one of the hardest weekb
for the teachers in the school year but
it will be finished n week earlier than
nsnal because of the early closing of the
Stanton Picket This is not con
sidered a peach country but for all that
there will be a good many penches liar
vested in Stanton county this fall The
writer has a number of trees planted
only two years ngo thnt nre heavily
fruited On one of them are fully three
hundred little downy balls that promise
with time and favorable conditions to
develop into luscious fruit
The weather turned cold enough yes
terday to make wrnps and fires seem
comfortable A light frost fell last night
but the recent rain had so thoroughly
wet the ground and vegetation thnt it
produced no effect A probability of
froBt is promised for tonight by the
weather bureau and it would undoubt
edly be the part of wisdom for gardeners
to take precautionary measures against
The following from the Neligh Advo
cate is a sample of the way the Norfolk
Bituation has been exaggerated in the
surrounding country Norfolk is wrest
ling with the smallpox epidemic as well
ns the scarlet fever Several cases of
the former scourge have developed in
the city and one case was reported last
week in the asylum The schools and
o Lurches are closed until the disease is
etamped out Up to the time the Ad
vocate was issued no churches had been
Globed and the schools had been closed
but a couple of days and then reopened
The fact is merely emphasized that the
truth had best be told at home and thus
forestall the stories that people and
papers of surrounding towns may be in
clined to originate
The possibilities of a smallpox scare
are thus disclosed by tho Wayne Demo
crat and people with freckled faces
should have a care that they are not
quarantined The latest josh on the
itch Cuban measles or smallpox comes
from the quarantining of Judge
Hunters home The judge tells me it
is his opinion that his little boy had
simply gotten his face poisoned with ivy
None of the rest of the family and all
were exposed to the poison ivy symptoms
developed the slightest sigus of the pox
Jt is up to Charley Liedtke to be durn
careful he doesnt get hiB face scratched
these days nor will it be safe for freck
led faced people to look nt the sun
When you dont know what youve got
its the small pox
The Winside Tribune relates a pecu
liar case of suffocation Sherman Baker
of that place has been smoking meat
this spring using a cyclone cave IS feet
deep for the purpose Tuesday three of
his children went into the cave for po
tatoes for dinner The oldest child got
out without trouble but on looking for
the others sho found that they had bten
overcome by fonl air She carried the
youngest out nnd went bark after her
brother who wns six years of age and
almost as large as the little heroine
Sho was unable to get him out and was
compiled to hurry out herself or bo
overcome The mother arrived just in
tho nick of timo and got tho boy out but
was compelled to work over him almost
an hour before he showed nny signs of
life Tho cave had n layer of dead air
in it caused by smoking the meat simi
lar to that sometimes encountered in
mines wells and cisterns A match
could not be made to burn in it
llvtwevti OuihIih nml HI Iniil iMlie North
WrMrrn Line
Rates to tho biennial meeting Head
Camp Modem Woodmen of America
havo been announced at one fare plus
200 for the round trip
The railroads of Nebraska connecting
with the North Western Line at Omaha
The Union Pacm ic
Missotmi Pacific
and the road connecting at Missouri
Valley is the Fremont Elkhorn Mo
Delegates nnd their friends from nil
points in the state can therefore secure
the best nccommodntious by buying
through tickets from their homo towns
via the most convenient road to the
Missouri river nnd the North We6teru
Line beyond
LenvoOinnha Union Passenger
rip m
Leave Omaha Union Passenger
Station iV a m
The night train hns modern broad
vestibnlod coaches and Pullman sleepers
The day train hns modern broad
buled coaches and observation buffet
parlor car
We note the fact that M W of A
always want the best when they can
get it for the same money The motto
of the North Western Line is The
Best of Everything
J R Buchanan
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Neb
A iuixl TIiIiik
German Syrup is rhe special prescrip
tion of Dr A BoEchee a celebrated
German Physician and is acknowledged
to be one of the most fortunate discover
ies in Medicine It quickly cures
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
the severest nature removing as it does
the cause of the affection and leaving the
parts in a strong nndhenlthy condition
It is not n experimental medicine but
has stood tho test of years giving satis
faction in every case which its rapidly
increasing sale every season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Bo
chees German Syrup wns introduced in
tho Unites States in 1808 and is now
sold in every town and villnge in the
civilized world Tiiree doses will relieve
any ordinary congh Price cts Get
Greens Prize Almanac Asa K Leon
tSooil Advice
The most miserable beings in the world
are those suffering from Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint More than seventy
five per cent of the people in the United
States are afilicted with these two dis
eases nnd their effects such ns Sour
Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Cost
iveness Palpitation of the HeartHeart
burn Vaterbrash Gnawing aud Burn
ing Pains at the Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Coated tongue and Disagreeable
Taste in the Mouth Coming up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to
your Druggist and get a bottle of August
Flower for 75 cents Two doses will re
lieve you Try it Get Greens Prize
Almanac Asn K Leonard
CIohIiib Out fettle at the Variety Store
We are closing out our entire line of
queenswore tinware hardware lamps
notions etc regardless of cost
If yon are needing anything in this
line dont let this opportunity pass We
have a nice white semi porcelain Eng
lish ware none better on the market
10 piece set for fJ25 worth i00 50
piece set same ware for 550 worth 8
112 piece set for 950 worth 1200
A fine line of ladies belts combs etc
Remember everything goes nt away
down prices so dont wait too long
Goshen 111 Genesse Pure Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Some days
since a package of your Grain O prepar
ation was left nt my office I took it
home and gave it n trial and I have to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
used the best Java and Mocha in our
family but I am tree to say I like the
Groin 0 as well as the best coffee I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
The complete service of The
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north and Paciflo
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of time but also
ia tho most comfortable aud eujoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
are stocked with the best the market
affords All meals Eerved a la carte
Iell U Tli New IMM rt
pleases all the family Four liavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Try it today
Bom to Mr and Mrs 1 T Birchnid
this morning a sou
Mr nnd Mrs A V Childs wero pas
sengers for Omaha today
A special meeting of tho city council
has been called for this evening
George I Butterfield came down
from Creighton on the early train
Mr and Mrs Will Kenable of Win
side were visitors In Norfolk today
Mr and Mrs C H Reynolds spent
Sunday in Madison with Mr and Mrs
Willis MoBride
Tho weather has warmed up to such
an extent that it in thought all danger
of I route is past
Conductor T J llanraban of the F
E ite M V hns moved his family from
Fremont to Norfolk
Mim Helen Millnitz who has been
visiting Norfolk friends returned to her
home in Plainview oday
1 1 E Gregory who has been visiting
at the home of Mrs Hello Pheasant re
turned to Lincoln yettcidiiy
Ralph Ruth Dorothy and Margaret
Birchard left on tho noon train for
Marshalltown Iowa to visit their grand
Mr aud Mrs Brainard who hnve
been visiting at the home of his brother
V E Brainard returned to Neligh
Mrs Wm Queen has returned frcm
Omahn where she Iiiib been receiving
treatment and is very much improved
in health
Dr Frank Salter was called to Pierce
today by Dr Pringlo to perform an
operation for appendicitis Dr Robert
Johnson went along to assist
ColumbuB ofllcors had a clash with
tramps Saturday night Revolvers
were used on both sides Two tramps
wero wounded and fourcaptured
Col Simpson has been invited to
make tho Decoration day address at
Battle Creek at the exercises to be given
by the G A R aud has accepted
Mr and Mrs G T Davis who have
been makiLg this their home for several
months departed Saturday morning he
going to Yakima Washington and she
to Portland Oregon
Ira L Hungerford was down from
DeudwoodJ Saturday on business Ho
states thnt his town had CO cases of
smallpox during tho winter but no
deaths trom the disease occurred
Tho Northeast Nebraska conference
of German Lutheran ministers will be
held in Norfolk beginning next Wednes
day and continuing over Sunday It is
expected that there will bo about lift
ministers present The sessions will by
held in Christ Lutheran church
G T Sprecher local manager for tho
Nebraska Telephouo company was at
ONeill last week negotiating for a toll
lino into that city Tho negotiations
nre still pending but it is probable that
the telephone line will bo extended to
that town before the summer ib over
A blind man who is adept at making
wire baskets is securing considerable
custom on Main street Tho article he
manufactures can be converted to many
uses and can be changed from a cake
basket to a lamp shade holder or cage
for boiling eggs by a few simple turns
of the wrist
Stnte Superintendent Fowler has ap
portioned the temporary school fund on
a basis of 17782i persons of school age
that being the census of one year ago
The total found for the seini aiinnal
period is J5085180 nnd the rate ier
scholar is a little less than cents
MadiEon countys share of the opportion
ment is 5871551
Mrs Augustus Selline aged 21 years
died at her home four miles northwest
of the city at i oclock Saturday and
the funeral will be held from St Paul
Lutheran church tomorrow afternoon at
1 oclock Deceased whb a daughter of
Wm Doering who Uvea three miles
west of town and a niece of Ed Braabch
of the firm of Braascb Zuelow
Dnnkards are arriving in Lincoln by
the trninload from all parts of tho
country to attend the genernl confer
ence of that denomination It is esti
mated tlrot there are now 8000 delegates
attending the convention The sect is
quite generally known as tho German
BaptiBt Brethern The Lincoln Journal
says of them The Brethern are
mostly agricultural people They are
thrifty and economical plain in matters
of dress and methodical in habits
Years of living under the rules of the
church and observing the simple modes
of life of a thrifty home loviug people
has brought about generations of strong
healthy people firm in the faith of the
fathers and desirous of perpetuating it
To them the discussions of creed and
doctrinal questions has little charm and
it is on the Bible alone that they depend
for guidance
The Nebraska State Sunday School
association throngh its field secretary
R II Pollock atks the superintendents
of Sundny schools to observe if possible
one Sunday before the state convention
as a day to inform their bchooh of the
nature of the association nnd take nu
offering for its support Tho purjiose
and object of the association is to ele
vate the Btandard of Sunday school
work by holding conventions and nor
mal institutes within reach of every
body and to stimulate improvement
such ns teachers training classes
workers meetings Iioumi to house vNIt
nt ion home clnsMH grading tpilp
uit uts dr To this end it maintains a
geneial secretary who devotes bis time
to Hoisting in conventions institutes
and classes aud furnishes information
to any and all persons desiring help in
making their Sunday schools better
The annual competitive drill of the
state university cadet battalion took
place at Lincoln Saturday A K
Harnes of this city first sergeant of
Company II won the gold medal in the
individual drill Company A under
Captain Harry Tultey was given first
place and Company I under Captain
Guy Hrne second as thebest drilled
companies The Journal says Captain
Tnliev when the ceremony was ovt r
was holding a massive silver cup in one
hand and a presentation sword in the
other His company broke ranks and
tossed him high in the air in celebration
Last night the wiui eis tore a few yards
of air to pieces and hammered the wel
kin with their voices till It lagged for
mercy in celebration of tho grand vic
tory 1 he cadets will hold their an
nual encampment at Fremont this year
leaving Lincoln for that city Wednes
day noon
Her lnNt Drink
In Hyde J ark lives a young nintron
who Is of such u high nervous tempera
ment that If she drinks the very small
tHt amount of alcoholic stimulant be
fore going to bed the result Is eleeplesw
uess for the remainder of the night
Some nights ago a number of frleuda
dropped in for the evening nnd tho
husband who by the way Is a south
erner suggHted that lie make a mint
Julep for each of the company Tho
HtiggcHtlou was received with delight
and the Juleps were promptly mixed
In his wifes glass however he put
only enough whisky to flavor the
water probably not more than a tea
spoonful Of this she sipped about
half The result however was the
same She was troubled with Insomnia
nil night lo g aud It was not until ft
oclock In the morning that she drop
ped off to sleep and as a conse
quence was not called for breakfast
At 10 oclock she came down stiilm
nnd hearing the voices of children on
the front porch stopped to listen Her
heart tilled villi motherly pride as she
heard her 1er son a boy of I telling
seven or eight children from the neigh
borhood thai they must not make loo
much noise as his mamma was asleep
Imagine her horror too as the young
hopeful added
She dnr k so much whisky last
night that Llie couldnt come down lo
breakfast this morning Kansas City
SoiiH llilntf lie- Couldnt lVmr
A wealthy American who became a
convert to Home was very generous to
Pope Leo XIII In money mnttcra He
had done many generous things and
the pope lied rewarded him with or
ders and medals galore For once a
year this convert niiide a pilgrimage to
Home whole he was kindly received
by the holy father as a son and gener
ally until the orders were exhausted
each time was bestowed with some
fresh honor On such occasions all
these brave metal pieces were attached
to the rich Ainerliuns breast
Ill soon end that the pope rctniiJ li
ed to a confidante who was at his side
during the levee Next time I shall
give him a snuffbox which he did
nnd a beautiful jeweled box It was
The following year the American
turned up again and was granted an
audience when to the holy fathers
consternation the faithful son of the
church appeared not only with all his
medals but with the snuffbox attached
to his waistcoat
The next time the pope said with
n comical sigh I shall present him
with a marble topped table It Is the
only thing 1 can think of that he cant
tie to his waistcoat Chicago Time
tiolnur the Ej e
Unless one has some other sort of
knowledge to contradict it It Is natural
lo accept the evidence of the eye
Therefore the answer which a teacher
recently received from her class of
small children was not altogether sur
Which Is farther away she asked
England or the moon
England the children answered
England she questioned What
makes you think that
Cause we can see the moon and
we cant see England answered one
of the brightest of the class Youths
More Tim i n Hint
As n gentleman was having hli
luncheon In the coffee room of a small
hotel he was much annoyed by another
visitor who dining the whole meal
stood with his back to the lire warm
ing himself nnd watching him partake
of his repast
At length unable to endure It any
longer he mug the hell nnd said
Walter kindly turn thnt gentleman
round I think he Is dond on thnt
The hint was taken LoiidoL Stand
Shrewd fellow that Bllgglns said
one young man Hes a natural dip
How did you find It out
I asked him to lend me a dollar
And he got away from It
No He said he hadnt a dollar but
hed lend me five I might forget about
1 But he could remind me of 5
Washington Stur
Spanish beggars do not think It nec
essary to conceal their clgnr when usk
Ing alms Smoking Is considered as
necessary ae breathing to every human
being ont of the cradle
coNccrtTB evenv afternoon and cvcnino
The He IJnd in America Several clelrll singer will lift prntcnl Thrio will bo
the finnul band concerts ever heard In any weilarn city Low rales on all railroads
and iprcial eicarsiont to Omaha during entire mnnth of June This eitival ii for
the bo n r fit of the Auditorium fund Come early and often
Mrrj of II- lli M IImiiiIn tit lllr Villi
ril to lie ltiiril nt llufTnlo
The 11111-11-111 features at the Inn
Atiieiieuu iponltioii will embrace the
several classer of music The must
prominent will he the liiiud music fur
nished by some ef the best Known
bands ol the Western World No lean
than f oignnlstN liae been engaged
for dally recitals In the Temple of
Music where a magnificent organ has
been Installed
The hands engaged Tor the Imposi
tion are as lollows
Mrilmti Mmititril Aitltlrry llmiil of ffl mm un
der tin illriitiiitliip il CiiiIii Itli urilo Im lirii
for Dm i m umjIi
Hciiiit mirth llcijlnirht Ituml llulTiilo 8r inni
Way 1 In lull Vli
hltv Mlli lliKlimnt lUml lliirtnlu Hi men Miij
1 lo July JO
BcTriity flrnt llaml Nrw York rllj
fi inrii Uj 0 tn Juno I
Thlrtrnitti IUokI Hamilton Ontario 40 mm
June 8 lo June 8
Koiimh lluml Hrw York city Ofi mm Jour 10
to July l
rjln llaml EIkIh HI- 00 mm Jul 8 to
Bclntai llaml Iludulo AS men Jul 2V to Auk
Carlisle Indian Hand Carlisle Pa 10 men Jul
20 In Awe 2t
Ithai a Hand Itliara N V 1A men Auk 6 o
AuK 10
Korty elphlli II ltila ml rs Hand Toronto On
tario M nun Aiir 20 to Auk HI
lloliertMina llaml Allany N Y 40 men Auk
21 lo Sit 1
ttalctn Cadet lluml Salem Main 4o nun Sit
9 to HpU IS
Ilrookca Marine Ikitid Cliliuiii M turn Kt pu
D lo Oct 6
lloMon I adieu llaml llontou Mnvn 30 ladlin
PqiL 10 lo Kept 2K
Klmtt fiitli HiKlment Hand HI Catliarltun On
tario 4ri nun Npt IG to S ft- 1
Ililnni yt U a MjimI CIiiiuio id mm Ai ft
to Auk o
Vriur HcrUrts Orcdutra Ilttbliurir 73 men
Oil 7
linns Hand New York city Oct 7 to Oct VI
Other bands with whom engagements
are pending nre Cincinnati Cleveland
and bell oil organizations
ICHK SlipiThlll lllllH
There are many Mipeisiithms nbont
the egg In Scotland and Ireland chil
dren are taught by their nurses to
crush he hhell after eating nu egg or
to push irte spoon through the button
In the form of i cross showing a llu
gerlllg lellc of the nllee geneial super
stitious belief that wllehes lived In
eggshells nnd made hunts of ilieni
casting spells upon the IioiimIioIiI
Ill Italy It was believed that an egg
laid by a while hen In a new nest on
Iasler day would cure pains In ihe
head or stomach t lut t broken In a
vineyard It would pi event lis sulferlng
from hail or similarly would save u
Held from fiost and Its possession
gave one the power to see witches It
was also believed thai an egg laid on
flood Friday thrown on the llie would
extinguish II while Ihe do II would be
killed If shot with an egg laid on
Christmas -Self Culture Magazine
Mull Slilrl of n lerilli Warrior
The shirt Is made ol rings every ilng
from n piece of steel wire IV Inches
long nnd about oue slxteeuth of an
Inch thick Thf ends of the piece of
wire are llatteiied out holes are punch
ed through them one end Is turned on
to the other and they are fastened to
gether by u siiiull rivet Kvcry ring
connects four others The wire differs
somewhnt In thickness not by design
seemingly so as to make one part of
the shirt stronger than another but
from material of uniform thickness
running short In parts where the
rings are free lo Jingle together they
arc worn very thin Hound the neck
Is a bund of three thicknesses of red
leather stiff like the stock worn for
merly In our army It Is ii4 Inches
high and on the outside is decorated
with ornamental lines like toolings
made by a bookbinder Notes and
Ilmirrj Ihrnaea
Professor Walter lialelgh who has
published a rather clever book on
Style likes making phrases The
poetry of Catullus he said In a col
lege address the other day has sur
vived the passing of a religion nnd an
empire the diary of Mr Samuel Pepys
will be as fresh as at the day of Its
birth when the Forth bridge is oxide
of Iron aud London Is a geological pan
cake of brick dust
llrnrf Ima
Did that man ever write anything
that attracted attention V
Oh yes answered Miss Cayenne
I know some cople who have otllces
near him He composes on a type
writer aud It Is one of the noisiest ma
chines over constructed Anything he
writes attracts the attention of the en
tire building Washington Btnr
Too Mnrh Time AVnnted
If you will get my new suit done by
Saturday said a customer to n tailor
Ill be forever Indebted to you
If thats your game replied the
tailor tho clothes will not be done at
all Ohio State Journal
The icollnn harp was tho Invention
It Is believed of Athiinaslus Klrcher
who lived In the seventeenth century
If the earth is really round why do
we talk of Its four comero Philadel
phia TllUM
Ill 111 Ilir II In lo Up
The editor is loud of a Julio and hns
the good sense to appreciate one lit hlH
own expense A few weeks ago hu
was walking with n friend and at the
em hit of a busy thoroughfare ho saw a
dilapidated looking lllhcmlim stnndlug
at the opposite corner gazing listlessly
Into Mieancy
Watch me surprise this old fellow
said he lo his friend Look right Into
Ills lace mid see If II wont be a study
A second later hey were abreast of
the sou or 111 In and the editor pulled
out a silver coin and said as he thrust
II Into he mans hand Heres that
half a eiown I owe you Now dont
go round any moie telling people thnt
I dont pay my debts
For a second the minis face was n
study lie was ainiizid at the tiulouk
ed for kindness and then as its pur
port dawned on lilm he mined his hat
and snhl Heaven bless yer oniierl
Ill never say another word ngln ye
Mill and his eyes twInHed merrily
are ye sure It wasnt a crown yu
owed meV
The friend roared Oh pay tho man
In full liont try lo beat him out of a
paltry half crown The Irishman got
his crown but the editor no longer
pays his debts at sight now London
I llhe Oil
A mistress before going out told her
negro cook to fry some Saratoga chips
In olive oil The llrst thing that greet
ed tin mistress upon her return was
nu iiiirccognlablc and awful odor that
peiielrateil every cranny of tho flat
lEushlng to the kitchen the mistress
found the chips sllIng away In a
pan full of what proved to be vinegar
Mut I told you olive oil oiled the
Yes miinin 1 know mniim re
turned the cook who by the way can
lend and write and Is up upon mat
ters of geoginphy and history Hut
you see inaain I didnt know what It
was and I saw that bottle there
pointing lo a Jar of olives and I Just
poured the stuff out of that over the
potatoes I sposed thai where thero
wns olives here must be olive oil
New Yoik Sun
Win do in of fhc Went
We find said the foreman of tha
western Jury Unit If as the prisoner
says the shootln was accidental then
he ought lo hang for In these gun af
fairs a man oughter know his own
mind It oughter hi shoot to kill or
no shoot A man who has accidents
happen to him with a gun Is dangerous
to our society an oughter be put out of
the way for the safety of respectable
folks Philadelphia North Aincrlcnn
Sailors call n low lying Iceberg u
growler and the woihl would In gen
eral suggest something cool were It not
for bulldogs and London four wheel
cabs to which It Is nlso applied
Nearly XIIOOOOO worth of articles ar
pawned In London weekly
How To
Gain Fish
Persons have been known
gain a pound a day by taWidg
an ounce of SCOTTS EAUL
SION It is strange but it oflc
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
erly so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food which he could not do be
fore and that is the way the gain
is made
A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for health j if you have
not got it you can get it by
yoirs pulsion
You will find it just as useful in summejr
as in winter and if you are thriving upon
it dont stop because the weather is warm
50 and tino all druggists
SCOTT A UOWNE Chtmltty New Yfrk
tl H
For 14 Cents
W mill tbi folio vlaj iw dotU1
1 HirtkiriLiHibNl
1 Flll Uliu RiJ 10
1 KatrUGrfrmcliftbMd 10
1 UlrJ Bt rxJ io
1 1 ll Du IU4ltk ktti 10
1 UJ Itrkrl UIUcSl 11
a it uiuuiMntvustt jj
WortU 100 fuP 14 ctutu
Atott 10 ptkt rr conltlvi will
luUl 70a fret toftbr with our crcol
llltutrunl SmJ Cul icUIsi oil boat
SaUtraUllllon Dollar iiruu
Ali Chwlce Uulo Heed title a lb
Tonlbr with tbomdicf ttillcilttcc
out ana rtrm otoat opou itctlsl wild
o4 tkUaatlec Wltn oocjim plul
oUor BnJi joo will stur dowitWi