The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 31, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Norfolk Itiilgotif iih Will Upon IlnNinT
LoiIr mul Mult Idiom Willi
irnprlnli Cxriiiioiili n Prliliiy
From Monilnyn Unity
Elks lodge hold Its first mrnt i ik In its
now lodge rooniH Saturday evening
At tlint meeting flvo candidates wont
initiated into tho order mid arrange
niontH made to dtdlcnto tho hull nnd
club rooms on Friday evening of tliiM
wook Tho dedication ooromony will
10 hold ut 9 oclock in tho evening mid
thin will bo followed by a reception and
ball Visitors will bo Rlvon nu oppor
tunity to inspect the now olub rooms
whilo tho ball will be held in tho hull
on tho lloor nbovo Tho following
nnniod committees woro solootod to ar
rniiRO tho details of tho nlTiir
On Invitation Messrs Buohnl
Powers Tracy Koenlgsteln iiml Wil
On refreshments Messrs Parish
Speur Mid Mopes
On dunce Messrs Mayor Hriinsoh
Hnso Cnshin mid Davenport
On reception Messrs Mnylnrd
Towers Durlnnd Thompson und
On music Mossrs Greono Bundick
nnd Asmus
0 II Reynolds exultod rulor was
nindo ox olllclo luombor of nil commit
At 2 oclock on Friday a class of 50
candidates will bo initiated consisting
of nil tlioso who havu boon oloctod for
Tho lodge ami olub rooms will bo
liuishod and furnished by that time
nnd those who rocoivo invitations will
without doubt ombraco tho opportunity
of inspecting tho Elks qnartors which
nro thought to bo tho llnest in tho stuto
A Ntitttililulit
To tho public In order to sot at rost
some of tho rumors that have gained a
foothold I deem it necosMiry to make n
statement regarding tho smallpox situa
tion and uLso at this time to ask every
one not to magnify tho whole matter
but stay strictly by tho truth Thoro
nro at present about 10 families quaran
tined and of thoso one fourth aro on tho
way to recovery one is a serious enso
nnd nil others nro so light that I venture
td fifty W It wero not for tho smallpox
scare they WQP ld bo jmssed by as erup
tions atibing from n disordered stomaoh
or bad blood Tho city physician him
Kolf will inform you that thoro is noth
ing to bo npprohonded but that wo
should uso every eilort to stamp out tho
disoaso at this time of tho yoar I fully
ngreo with tho physicians iiv thiH and
tho board of health is doing Everything
in thoir power to accomplish this object
but wo nro poworloss to do nuythiug
unless tho citzions interest themselves
to tho following extent namely
First All quarantined families
should rigidly observe the health laws
nnd stny at homo
Second All other fnmilios should
keep tho children at home and also seo
that tho nlleys aro cleaned up and
rofuso of evoiy description removed
from tho city
Third All families should uso liberal
quantities of disinfectants
Establishing n pest house as has been
suggested is out of tho question boenmo
it happens that tho disoaso is with tho
oxcoption of two or three cases oonlinud
to children and I am satisfied that no
parents would permit tho removal of
tlioir children to such n place Help
less cbildicn exposed to tho surround
ings incident to a pest house and re
moved from tho euro of thoir mother
would dio from homesickuoss and
fright to say nothing of tho disoaso
I can nssuro tho citizens that tho
board of health is doiug everything to
prevent tho spread of tho difeaso and
wo will deem it u favor to havo all nor
boub not observing tho quarantine re
ported to us Board of Health
Sure to Gt Well but
Tho Buffalo Commercial tolls tho fol
lowing nuecdoto concerning a certain
octogenarian physician up in Now
Hampshire who in addition to his
wido modicnl skill is known far and
wido ns n disposer of blunt philosophy
Tho other day n young man of his no
qunintatico called nt his olllco
I havo not coiuo for pills this titno
doctor Bttid tho visitor but for ad
vico Yoa liavo lived many yoars in
this world of toil and troublo and havo
had much experience I am young nnd
want you to tell mo how to got rioh
The aged practitioner gazed through
ub glasses ut tho young man and in n
deliberate tone said
Yes I can tell yon You nro young
nnd can accomplish your object if you
will Your plan is this j First bo in
dustrious and economical Savo an
much ns possiblo and spend na little
Pilo up tho dcllnrs und put thorn at in
terest If you follow out theso instruc
tions by tho time you reach my ago
youll be ns rich ns Oroosus aud as
mean as h 1
Northern Wisconsin Kulhvuy ltirm I inula
For Snip
The Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Omaha railway lias lor salo in North
ern Wisconsin nt low prices aud easy
terms of payment about 350000 aoroa
of choice farm lauda
Early buyers will secure the advan
tage of locations on tho many lwautlful
streams nnd lakos whioh abound with
fish and furnish a never ending and
most oxcollent wntor supply both for
family uso aud for stock
Lund Is gonorally woll timbered tho
oll fortilo and easy of cultivation and
this is rapidly developing into one of
tint greatest sheep and cattle raising
regions In tho northwest
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minn
eapolis Dultith Superior Ashland and
othor towni on Tho Northwestern
Lino furnish good markets for stock
ami farm produce
For further particulars nddross
G no W Bicii
Land Oominlsslonor Hudson Wis or
O II MacIIak
At OoiilPjMn AgtSt Paul Minn
CliiKKlo Klvnr nml Vnllny
lriiihlitlly UnHnrlltml
The following poetical pen ploturo of
tho Elkliorn rivor from tho pen of Hani
Kant in an Is not so bad and can bo rend
with pleasure some of thoso nice spring
days when tho wind does not blow says
tho Atkinson Plain Dealer
Ovor tho fortilo pralrios among tho
hills and glens along grassy and wild
llowored banks tho Elkhorn winds its
wny like n silver ribbon Tho wind
stoops iu its light across tho undulating
valley leaving n mantle of dimpled ruf
fles on tho rivors surface and scatter
inga leafy bonedlotiou down from tho
occasional group of trees that stand up
on tho bauk of this tinsel strand Tho
prairios stretch for miles and miles on
either side and across thoir wide ex
panse through tho your come floating
down a thousand echoes and tho fra
grance of countless number of prairie
llowors At timos from a distant
hoight a lloot footed doer or antelopo
may bo soon or tho yelp of a coyoto
hoard to mingle with tho snap of tho
cowboys whip as his hord swoops dowu
to tho river to drink of its clear aud
nourishing waters Iu tho summer
when twilight gathers ovor tho hills a
milled roll is heard from every side
1rairio chickens with heads erect and
plumes outstretched strut ia lordly
manner upon thoir uative heath aud
with rustling wings aud proudly swell
ing throats till tho air with re echoed
boomings Iu tho s ring sand hill
cranos whoso forms lloat far up toward
tho heavens circlo slowly ovor tho rivor
their occasional crios sounding faint and
afar olV as if from a spirit world In
tho autumn jack rabbits scamper
through tho dead grasses and by their
speed put to shame the fleetest of dogs
On the dead limb of a treo the yellow
hammer sits iu grave contemplation
aud nbovo him the woodpecker beats n
steady tattoo that enlivens tho heart of
the horny handed agriculturist The
rivor glides smoothly along and hardly
a ripple is heard from its placid curreut
So still aud regular it flows that it seems
as if a spell had boon laid on its waters
Although the echoes aud voices whisper
morning and evening to its listening
spirit tho rivor moves uoisolessly along
with hardly a muriner in rosponso It
is tho typo of all that is grace and
beauty tho queen of rivers Koposo is
written in tho nir nbovo and around it
and poneo and rest forever linger at its
side Tho roll of vaulted thunder falls
as lightly ou its breast as the whistle of
tho golden plover Turtle doves coo to
thoir mates in the branches of troes
aud iu shady bends tho wood duck
bathes his brilliant plumage while tho
graceful pickerel in countless numbers
can bo seen dortiug through its crystal
water Under tho summer sky tho
tho dainty wild roses blush and emit
thoir swootuess in tho glauco of tho
molten sun or under tho winter dark
ness whon its icy barriers aro dotted
with rabbit tracks tho river softly flows
clear calm aud patient so steadfast
aud true and loaning upon tha protect
ing arm of tho great prairie and wood
land Elkhorn gathers tho sweep of
shimmering waters iu a liquid train and
gontly glidos away to tho Platto and
tho poet might well sing of
Tho wild gavwllo with silvery feet
Glvo to thee for n playmato sweet
CVIiibriitlon 1ontpontMl
Tho celebration of Abraham Liucolus
emancipation proclamation by the
colored people of Norfolk auuounced to
bt hold noxt Tuesday evening in Mar
qunrdts hall haa been indefinitely post
poned owing to the fact that tho hall is
not available boiug iu tho bauds of
nocoratora wno are remodeling it
Those interested in tho celebration will
bo notified of tho date on which it will
take place By order of
President Norfolk Colored club
E G Mason
W It O Resolution
Whereas it has pleased our heavouly
Ettthor to take from us our dear sister
Sultana Ladhoff therefore bo it
ltesolved that the W It C of which
sho was a faithful member most doeply
mourns her loss We shall miss her in
ovory tlepartniout of our work Her
words of cheer hor over ready holp her
kind and gentle ways make hor loss
most keenly felt
To tho ofUiotod family we teuder our
siucorost sympathies
Mks J O Matuau
Mrs It W Mills
Mks Wu If LtviNOSTON
Council Mukr A mi mil ICrttlitiitt nml
1imn Aiiroirlntliin OnllniuirM
ItnclilD of IAxt Vriir
Iruni TuimiIajtii Dull
Tho Norfolk city counoll mot in spec
ial session lost evening upon call of tho
mayor and thoro woro present Mayor
lCoeulgsteiu Couucilmou Brumtnund
Olemonts Degnor Gow Spollman
Utile Wostorvelt aud Walker
Tho call for tho mootlugwas road on
May J 7 1001 A special mooting of
tho city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska is hereby called to meet iu
tho olty counoll chambers nu tho 27th
oay of May 1101 at 8 oclock p in of
said day for tho purpose of making tho
annual appropriation for tho expenses
of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for tho
year I IK I
By ordor of Mayor Koeulgstoln
S It MoFaiiland City Olork
A communication from tho county
olork iu regard to tho tax levy for 1101
was road ns was also tho explanation
aud ndvlce of City Attorney H D
Tho ostlmato of oxpousos for tho year
1101 was read as follows
Estimato of oxpouses of tho city of
Norfolk Nobrasku for tho lUcnl year
Salario 3500 00
Electiou oxpousos 200 00
Streets and sidewalks 1300 00
Printing 300 00
Supplies 200 00
Miscellaneous 1 300 00
Total 7000 00
Street lighting fuud 1100 00
Flro department fund 700 00
Interest ou bonds issued iu
1887 f 900 00
Interest ou bonds issued iu
1891 900 00
Interost ou refunding water
bonds issued iu 189 1700 00
Total 3r00 00
Sinking fuud 700 00
Grand total
Itecoipts of tho city
12000 00
fiscal year
ondtng March ti 1901
Saloon occupatlou tax 2250 00
Miscellaneous licenses 438 95
Dog tax 213 00
Sidowalk ropairs 39 05
County treasurer general taxes 9241 01
Couuty treasurer road taxes 097 77
Total 112830199
Ou motion the ostimate of expenses
was adopted aud orderod publiskedas
Ordinance No 259 tho annual ap
propriation ordinance for tho ysar 1901
was road
The ordiuauco passed its several read
ings without opposition was adopted as
road aud the council adjourned
Ordinance No
The annual nppropriatiou ordinance
for the year 1901
Bo it ordained by tho mayor and city
council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska
Section 1 That thoro be appropriated
from tho rovouuos ofaid city for tho fis
cal yonr of 1001 for the purposes herein
set forth tho following amounts
For general fund to pay salaries of
city officers election oxpouses streets
sidewalks and crossings lire depart
ment ofllco supplies printing aud con
tingent expenses 350000
For street lighting fuud to piy for
electric and gasoliuo lighting 140000
For llro department fund to pur
chase hoso and supplies 70000
For interest fuud to pay interest on
bonds issued iu 1887 and interest on
bonds issued in 1S91 and interest on re
funding water bonds issued iu 199
For sinking fuud 70000
This ordiuauco shall tuke o fleet and
bo in force from nnd after tho passage
and publication as provided by law
Passed and approved this 37th day of
May 1901
Attest D J KoEsiasTKiN
S It McFakiasd Mayor
Letter I Int
Lisc of letters remaining uncalled
at the postotfico May 27 1901
Grace Bardwoll Duuia Stephen
Frank Eberly Egyptian Remedy Co
F B Glenn Mrs Goo W lugraham
Gordon Jackson Rev D Leo Mrs
Mnuiio Lewis Harrison Morrison F L
Murray Martin Oberg J A Powell
Frank Roseusweig James Taylor
If not called for iu 15 days will be
sent to tho dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Spueciier P M
IIuuuuouil Louisiana An Ideal Health
and Winter ltesort
The passenger department of the Illi
nois Central Railroad company has just
issued a new edition of Hammond
Louisiana as a Winter Resort a beau
tiful illustrated folder showing a few of
the winter attractions iu and about
Hammond copies of which will be
mailed free on application to tho under
For thoso in good or moderate circum
stance no point iu tho south oilers such
inducements The climate is unsur
passed The artesan water excellent
Society aliuos entirely northern aud
tho hotel aud boarding house accomoda
tions far superior to auy town of its size
iu tho north and at moderato rates
Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Cent RR
Dubuque Iowa
The lllntorr of Irlp
The history of grip or Influenza
can only be traced buck with nny cer
tnnty for 300 years Perhaps Its homo
Ih n Itimla It retains certain broad
cliiinctcrlstlcs which tunke It recog
nizable even under such odd names as
the gentle correction nnd the new
delight A curious description of It
under the name of coqueliraho Is
found In the illnry of Pierre do LIs
telle In the time of Henry III of
France as follows
The coquolueho nt Paris year 1580
From the 2d day to tho 8th day of
June there fell sck nt Paris 10000
persons of an Illness having tho form
of a rliPiim or caturrh which they call
the coquoluchc This Illness seizes
you with a pain In the head stomnch
and loins and a lassitude throughout
the body and It persecuted the whole
kingdom of France while tho year last
ed so that onco having come hardly
anybody Iu a town or village or house
The best remedy tho doctors found
was to make the sick abstain from
wine To some they ordered bleeding
and rhubarb for others cassia nnd
finally they found t best to keep tho
sick In bed and ullov them little to eat
and drink They say ut Paris that of
this coqueluehe there were dead at
Uonie In less than three mouths nioro
than 10000 persons
iurulliiK Uir Thront
If one Is to really do good by gnr
gllng -that Is If one la to Insure that
the fluid shall reach tho posterior wall
of the pharynx the nose must be held
nnd the head must be well thrown
back while performing the gargling
process By gargling In the usual way
only the anterior surface of the uvula
nnd soft palate nnd the base of tho
tongue are reached But by holding
the nose and throwing the bend well
back when gargling the medicament
reaches every surface of the pharynx
very effectively
The comparative value of the two
methods can be tested by painting tho
posterior surface of the pharynx care
fully with a strong solution of methy
lene blue and then letting the patient
gargle with water In the usual way
when It will be found that the water
ejected will be clear nnd unstained
then let him gargle again holding the
nose and throwing his head well back
when tho ejected fluid will be found
stained and an Inspection of the
pharynx will show that the blue has
been washed away
This Is a thing worth remembering
for many observers have maintained
that gargling Is not only useless ns a
method of medication but Is quite In
effectual even as a means of cleansing
the pharynx Charlotte Medical Jour
A Fnmons Kentucky Hotel
The PluiMilx hotel Is Iu one sense the
oldest hotel in the whole western coun
try for It has with varying changes
continued to exist ever since tho year
1S0O It was here that Aaron Burr
lodged In 1S00 while engaged In his
daring conspiracy to make himself the
heud of a new empire and was here
met nnd welcomed by Herman Ulcn
uerhassett the cultured but unfortu
nate Irishman he had so completely
fascinated Uere as far back as Jef
fersons administration Democrats and
Federalists In knee buckled breeches
milled shirts and dangling cues talked
redhot politics It was the scene of a
sumptuous dinner to Lafayette and
later was the stopping place of the
wily Mexican chieftain General Santa
Anna During the civil war while
Lexington was held by the Confeder
ates it was the headquarters of Gener
als Bragg and Klrby Smith nnd before
the struggle ended sheltered General
Grant President Arthur has also been
Its guest Lexington Ky Observer
Jack Wan Glnd Too
A Salt Lake City paper reports that
n tall gaunt woman with ginger hair
and a somewhat tierce expression of
countenance lately came to the county
clerk of Boxelder county Utah
Youre the man that keeps the mar
rlago books aint you 7 she asked
Yes maam he nnswered Whnt
book do you wish to see
Kin you Und out If Jack Peters was
Search developed the name of John
Peters for whose marriage a license
had been Issued two years before
I -thought so said the womau
Married Llze Waters didnt he
The license Is Issued for a marriage
with Eliza Waters
Yep Well Im Llze I thought
Id ought to come lu uud tell you that
Jack Peters has escaped
Oct and Wager
Whats the difference between a bet
nnd a wager asked the man who
thluks there are too muuy words In the
English langunge
A bet said the friend who always
wears a dress coat after G oclock Is
something you tuoXo with a man
which has to be paid no matter who
loses A wager Is something more re
flued Its made with a woman and is
not considered collectable unless she
wins Washington Star
Professor Simon J Drown tho astro
nomical director of the naval observa
tory at Washington occasionally In
dulges In a bit of humor On one oc
casion a colleague came into his ofllco
nnd finding the professor standing
said Is It possiblo you work that
way I cannot stand standing
Thats peculiar replied Professor
Brown quickly Now do you kuow
I canuot stand slttlug
Beware of using
noun I too freely
tho persoual pro
lu your talk when
you nro talking lu a room full of peo
ple Egotists aro often nmuslug nnd
entertalulng but as often they are very
much out of order Ladles Iloms
1lnyern Who Arc Pnrcril to Unit tie
cimac of Deitfncitii
Few realize how ninny musicians
nre obliged to go out of the business
ou account of deafness said an old
musician to a reporter Only n few of
the thousands of players In the coun
try become famous Tho great mass
of them plod along day after du7 Iu the
saino old path When one of us drops
outr no one cares Inquire why but
many times the reascii Is deafness nnd
nothing else
Loss of hearing Is pnrtlculnrly tho
Affliction of those who piny bmss In
struments A cometlst who has piny
ed in Knnsns City orchestras for many
years tins stopped plnytng now be
cause bo Is losing his faculty of hear
ing He went out of the business be
fore It was too Into Many of the old
players hang to their Instruments until
the loudest strains of an orchestra or
clamor of a band sounds to them like a
more hum Then they nro forced to
atop Their usefulness Is gone
The musicians deafness Is undoubt
edly caused by the Injurious effects of
the constant vibration of musical notes
upon the delicate machinery of the ear
A man who blows a comet or a trom
bone or a horii of nny kind for several
hours will notice n queer buzzing In his
ears When the playing Is kept up ev
ery day In the week and every week In
the yonr for a long number of years
Its no wonder that deafness comes
Some musicians piny without effort
Their skill Is natural They pour out
music as free as breath But the skill
of others Is acquired only by hard nnd
constant labor In addition to their
regular playing In bnnd or orchestra
they must practice Industriously sever
al hours every day And these are the
ones who lose their hearing aud drop
out of sight unnoticed Kansas City
An Incident In the Doyhood Life of
Iotila AlIL uf France
One day when the dauphin after
ward Louis XIII was 5 years old the
Duke of Sully came out to St Germain
well supplied from the treasury with
pocket money for the dauphin says
Mrs Lucy Crump lu Tho Atlantic Tho
news of the superintendents arrival
set the whole household astir eager
for a share In the expected spoil Mine
de Monglat hurried the dauphin Into
tho great courtyard of the castle to re
ceive Sully with as much houor ns if
he had been the king himself To
please the great man the little prince
put his enfants dhonneur and other
attendants through a drill with their
toy arquebuses aud swords
At the end of the show M de Sully
gave the dauphin 50 crowns which his
mock soldiers seized out of his hands
so quickly that he had scarce time even
to feel them At last but one piece re
mained which he held fast hold of in
spite of the efforts of Mine do Mon
glats tailor to get It from him He
he hes trying to take it from me
shouted the child
Mine de Monglat took It gathered
together all tho rest of the coins from
the reluctant hands of their possessors
and kept them all The dauphin did
not complain but soon after he said
But I too was a soldier and 1 didnt
get nny money
llerouard always maintained that n
certain reluctance to both spend and
give which characterized Louis in lat
er years was the direct result of Mine
de Monglats teaching and example
A Wnrniiiic to norrower
A man who was too economical to
take this paper sent his little boy to
borrow the copy taken by his neighbor
In bis haste the boy ran over a SI
stand of bees and In ten minutes look
ed like a warty summer squash Hs
cries reached his futher who ran to
his assistance nnd failing to notice a
barbed wire fence ran Into that
breaking it down cutting a handful of
flesh from his anatomy nnd ruining a
4 pair of pants The old cow took ad
vantage of the gap lu the fence and
got Into the cornfield and killed herself
eating green corn Hearing the racket
the wife ran upset a four gallon churn
full of rich cream into a tmsKet or
kittens drowning the whole flock In
the hurry she dropped a 7 set of false
teeth The baby left alone crawled
through the spilled milk aud Into tho
parlor ruining a brand new 20 car
pet During tho excitement tho oldest
daughter ran away with the hired man
tho dog broke up 11 setting hens and
tho calves got out nnd chewed the tails
off four fine shirts Kansas City Jour
SavInK Trouble
A provident plumber on leaving his
home for a holiday with his family
placed a placard Just Inside the hall
door couched In the following lan
To burglars or those Intending to
burgle All my plated Jewelry and oth
er valuables are In the Safe Deposit
companys vaults Tho trunks cup
boards etc contain nothing but sec
ondhand clothing and similar matter
too bulky to remove on which you
would realize comparatively little The
keys aro In the left hand top drawer
of the sideboard If you doubt my
word You will nlso And there a check
to bearer for 5 which will remuner
ate you for the loss of time aud disap
pointment Please wipe your feet on
the mat and dont spill nuy candle
grease on tho carpets Colliers Week
Gentlemen nt Odds
nub snorted Mr Sourdropp to
Mr Arguso nuhl If you knew half
as much as you think you know youd
know a half more than you do now
Is that so growled Mr Arguso
Well If you only knew twice as
much as you dont know youd know
three times as much as there Is to
know Baltimore American
American Team of Trap Shooters Sails
on the Canadian
New York May 27 The loam of
American trap shooters solectod to
represent tho United States la tho
match with the British exports for
2500 a sldo at tho Mlddlosox Oun
clubs groundn near London on Juno
11 and following days snllod for Liv
erpool on board tho steamship Canadi
an Tho match will bo at 5000 Inanl
mate targots a side tho Englishmen
to havo tho uso of both barrels and
tho Americans to uso but one barrel
Tho members of tho party including
tho team who took passage on tho Can
adlan wero Thomas A Marshall
captain Kolthsburg Frank S Parmc
loo Omaha J A R Elliott ICansan
City Captain A W Money Oakland
N J It O Holkes Dayton Frod Gil
bert Spirit Lake la C W Budrt
Dos Molne3 Lewis Erhardt Atchison
Kan and Fred Elliott Kansas City
Jacob Utters Fatally Wounds Mrs
Kegelmeyer and Then Suicides
Leavenworth May 27 Mrs Honry
Kcgolmeyor a wealthy widow of this
city was shot and fatally wounded
last night by Jacob Utters a livery
Btablo proprietor who afterward com
mitted suicldo by shooting himself In
the hoad Utters has been trying to
court Mrs Kogelmeyor for several
months and she did not welcome his
attentions When ho noticed hor come
In from a buggy ride last evening with
a friend he took a revolver and called
at hor house He demanded that sho
receive attentions from him only and
on her refusing to agree to this took
out a revolver and shot Mrs Klogel
moyer in the back as sho was trying
to leave the room Police hearing
the shot ran to the house and as
they were about to break Into a room
to arrest Utters he shot himself
Sloux City Stock Buyer Arrested at
Ord for Pugilism at Lindsay
Columbus Neb May 27 A few
weeks ago a man named Baker rep
resenting a Sioux City live stock com
pany stopped at Lindsay In this
county to buy cattle Baker looks
like an athlete and can fight A hobo
whom the local sports of the village
had picked up was matched to fight
with Baker The contest was pulled
off and Baker put his man out of f
ness In a few rounds A complaint
was filed by the county attorney and
Sheriff Byrnes found his man at Ord
Friday Nearly the entire village has
been subpoenaed to appear in the caso
BasebaT Scores Yesterday
American League Milwaukee 8
Philadelphia 5 Chicago 5 Baltimore
0 Western League Omaha 1 Den
ver C St Paul 4 St Joseph 3 Min
neapolis 3 Kansas City 4 Des
Moines 13 Colorado Springs 1
Didnt Know It Was Loaded
Toronto May 27 Thomas Ryan
aged 1G yesterday shot and killed his
10-year-old sister Olie while playing
with a pistol ho did not know was
loaded He Is charged with murder
White Wyandottes
Bred for beauty and utility
Heavy laying strain Ne better
birds of this variety in Northeast
Nebraska My fowls havo free
range nnd nre strong and healthy
Eggs for hatching 125 a setting
Visitors welcome Breeding yards
ono minutes walk from railroad
Nutwood Poultry Farm
O A SLEEPER Proprietor
Warocrvllle Nebr
We Must
Have Men
For a successful business
there must be buyers A well
equipped store a well assorted
stock of goods efficient clerks
all attract buyers but no mat
ter what the store no matter
what the stock no matter how
agreeable or efficient the help
buyers will not be attracted un
less they know the facts
Telling the facts in regard to your busi
ness is advertising That method which
will tell thera to the largest number of
prospective buyers is the best methed
It is obvious that the best
method of telling the facts to
the buyers of this community
is through the advertising col
umns of this paper Are you
employing this method to the
best advantage
iiBk SWT
For a Republic