The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 31, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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President Breaks a Custom
and Travels on Sunday
Providential Rain Tempers the Hot
Sandy Wilderness for Mrs McKIn
leys Benefit President and His
Party Reach Ogden
Ogdou Utah May 27 The presi
dential train traversed the Btato of
Novada yesterday and reached Ogdon
at 630 oclock la3t night At this
season of the year tho ride across
Nevada is exceedingly disagreeable
The heat la opprosslvo and tuo dust
from tho desert Is frequently blinding
Fortunately for Mrs McKlnley one of
those heavy rain storms which so
rarely visit this region swapt com
plctcly ovor tho state Saturday night
laying tho dust and tempering tho
atmosphere It rained also several
times during the day Tho weather
seemed almost llko a special Inter
vontlon of Providence for tho benefit
of the gontlo sufferer Dr Itlxey re
ported that Mrs McKlnley was stand
ing the trip very well She suffered
no inconvenience from tho rarlfled at
mosphere Tho day aboard tho train
was passed without Incident Tho
president makes It a rulo ordinarily
not to travel on Sunday but the pres
ent circumstances were so exceptional
that ho hid his compunctions in order
that his wife might the sooner reach
No service was held aboard the train
but the president and tho members of
his cabinet kept quietly to their
rooms tho major portion of tho day
Once or twice when the train stopped
for water they alighted to stretch
their limbs At Carlln the president
Bhook hands with some of tho people
who had gathered there among them
a number of Digger Indians who lived
In the neighboring mountains On
the way back to Washington the pres
ident and members of the cabinet
are devoting a good deal of time to
the consideration of the Chinese situ
ation The declination of the other
powers to Join In the suggestion of the
United States with regard to scaling
down tho indemnity demanded of
China was a great disappointment
though it could hardly be said that it
was entirely unexpected The neces
sities of European powers of the main
tenance of their large armies and
navies are perhaps a factor In their
present action
Is Now Between the Moderate and the
Absolute Revisionists
Philadelphia May 27 The debate
In the Presbyterian general assembly
on the revision of the confession of
faith which took up the whole of
three days last week will be resumed
today and it is believed some definite
action will have been taken before
the assembly adjourns for the day Tho
question now before tho assembly is
Shall the majority report bo adopted
In its entirety
Tho motions to dismiss tho whole
matter and to strike out tho recommen
dation in tho majority report for a
brief summary having been defeated
tho contest has narrowed down to a
struggle between the advocates of a
new creed and those who desire only
a moderate revision of the confession
It is predicted with considerable
show of confidence that tho moderate
revisi lists will win against tho now
creed Ists and that It will then resolve
Itself into n contest over tho nature
of the changes
Theosophists In Session
Chicago May 27 Tho 15th annual
convention of the American section of
Theosophical society opened hero yes
terday with ovor 100 delegates present
from all parts of tho country Two ses
sions were hold during the day and
an open meeting last night In Steinway
hall At the opening session reports
of the secretary and treasurer and tele
grams and letters of greeting from
sections of tho society In many parts
of tho world were read Alexander
Fullerton of New York was elected
secretary treasurer for tho coming
Archbishop Keane Home
Dubuque la May 27 Archlblshop
Keano has returned from a confirma
tion tour of tho diocese He started
a fow days after tho pallium was con
ferred and during his four weeks ab
sence ho visited 30 parishes confirm
ing a largo class In each He also dedi
cated two new churches He is In ex
cellent health and early In Juno will
leave for Ireland to lay the cornerstone
of a new church In the city of his
Seventeen Sign the Scale
Cincinnati May 27 During tho past
week 17 small manufacturers out of
the 70 shops In this city have signed
the now scalo demanded by the ma
chinists and 300 men havo returned
to work There are still about 3000
machinists out and about tho same
number of laborers apprentices etc
Cnrloua Facta About Coal
Australian soft or bituminous coal
produces twice as much gas as Euro
pean or American coal For this rea
son the Australian coal Is Imported
Into Europe although It Is very costly
This Is n case of the best coal going
to Newcastle to oust an Inferior kind
Pennsylvania nnthraclto weighs twice
us much as European anthracite and
takes but half the space This fact
enables It to compete on favorable
terms with the European product be
cause of the advantage In railroad
freights St Louis Post Dispatch
Largest In Point of Attendance Slnco
That of President Lincoln
SprltiRtlold tils May 27 in tho
beauty of a perfect May day and with
all tho pomp and circumstance of a
military funeral and tho rites of tho
church tho remains of formorOjvoruur
Tanner wore consigned to ths grave
Sunday In Oak Hldgo comotory Tho
casket was covered with a tlag and
with beautiful floral offerings When
tho caskot had been lowered into tho
gravo tho musketry of tho Fifth In
fantry Illinois National guard rolled
three times ovor tho opon gravo and
tho trumpeters sounded taps
The funeral was tho largest in point
of attendance over known In Spring
field with the exception of tho burial
of President Lincoln In April 1805
Hvory railroad brought excursions
and there were ovor 3000 strangers
in tho city Scores of prom
inent politicians were present from
all ovor tho stato On evory
public building of tho city flags wore
at half mast and at sunrlso rt major
generals salute of 13 guns was flred
from a cannon near tho stato house
This was followed at Intervals or half
an hour throughout tho day by ono
discharge and at sunset a saluto of 13
guns was again fired
Sunday School Class of Over Four
Thousand Scholars
Lincoln May 27 A Sunday school
class of over 4000 was the spectacle
presented at the Dunkard national con
ference yesterday Tho mooting which
was an Inspiring one was In charge
of a commltteo of three elders I B
Trutt A C Willand and S H Hortzo
lor Tho International Sunday school
lessons of tho Dunkard quarterlies
were used Following the Sunday
school came preaching services In tho
big tabernacle Three topics formed
the themes of tho main services
Tho Holy Spirit by A II Hutchin
son Romans 12 1 2 by D Miller
and Walks About the Sea of Gallloe
by J H Moore When the tabernacle
was too greatly taxed overflow meet
ings were held in the opon In ad
dition to the conference sermons
Dunkards occupied the pulpits In
nearly all the city churches morning
and evening
Business of 1900 as Reported by the
Auditor of State
Des Moines May 27 Auditor of
State Mcrriam issued the 32nd annual
fire Insurance report showing the bus
iness transacted in Iowa by authorized
companies for tho year 1900 Tho
report shows the 335 fire companies
to have written risks in 1900 to the
amount of 371509079 and to havo
paid 3020475 In losses
These companies paid tho stato of
Iowa 183092 In taxes and 45079 in
fees which was an Increase over 1899
of 28103 in taxes and of 1370 In
Reported to Have Secured Firm Grip
on Majority of Northern Pacific
New York May 27 The discovery
has just been made during the night
that Director Adams of tho Northern
Pacific has sold his Northern Pacific
stock tho holdings of the Deutsche
bank to the Union Pacific giving tho
Union Pacific control of tho Northern
J V Morgan i reported to be furious
at tho discovery and charges some of
his host friends with treachery
President OConnell in Toronto
Toronto Ont Mny 27 James
OConnell president of the Internation
al Association of Machinists arrived
hero with members of the general staff
Mr OConnell stated that although in
moving from Washington to Toronto
ho has been placod a little out of touch
with the gpneral situation during the
past two days tho Indications point to
a speedy termination of tho machinists
strike Bosses and men In largo cen
ters are conferring together and he
feels certain that tho strike will bo
practically over by tho middle of next
Hastings Man Still Held
Kansas City May 27 A writ of
habeas corpus was asked for tho re
lease of Charles W Carter of Hastings
Neb Saturday Tho hearing lasted
only five minutes and Judgo Henry
refused tho writ Carter was ar
rested at Hastings Ho Is charged
with shipping grain to tho Mooro
Grain and Elevator company and mis
representing the weights
Landslide Covers Panhandle Tracks
Pittsburg May 27 Tho heavy rains
of the past 24 hours caused a landslide
which will delay tho Panhandlo trains
for about 36 hours About 600 ton3
of earth and stono came down from
Mount Washington behind tho Mc
Cllntock mills completely covering the
tracks and carrying away tho 20 foot
wall which had lately been built
Oleomargarine Law Attacked
Des Moines May 27 Tho Iowa law
which makes It an offense for anyone
to havo In his possession any Imitation
butter colored yellow llko butter has
been declared unconstitutional by
Judge Blair In court In Delaware
Postmaster and Son Shot
El Reno O T May 27 Word has
Just been received here that Post
master Lowry and son of Carter In
Washita county wero shot and killed
by a man named Fowler Tho shoot
ing was tho outcome of an old feud
Flood Damage In North Carolina
Raleigh N C May 27 Governor
Aycock says tho flood damage In the
state amounts to several million dollars
Last nights rainfall was very heavy
and mora rain is falling All streams
In Uiis section aro rising
11 09 Hi II
Five Die in Collision of Electric
i Cars at Albany
Cars Meet With Terrific Force on a
Curve While Racing for a Switch
Both Motormen Are Instantly Killed
Passengers Piled In a Bloody Heap
Albany N Y May 27 lOloctrlc
cars racing for a switch whllo ruu
nlng In opposite directions at tho rato
of 40 miles an hour cost II vo lives
by a torrlllc collision In which over
40 prominent peoplo wore injured
onto fatally and others seriously
Tho lobby of tho local postolTleo
filled with dead and woundod hysteri
cal women and children looking for
relatives and friends surgeons ad
ministering temporary relief and am
bulances racing through tho city tak
ing tho wouudod to hospitals wore tho
early Intimation of tho accident
Killed Frank Smith motorman
William Nichols motorman Maud
Kellogg Annie Koonuy David Ma
honey Fatally Injured doorgo C
nlinost everybody was taken out in
this way and nenrly all were badly
Injured The few women and children
who bad escaped injury and deatli
wore hysterical and added their cries
to the shrieks of tho dying and muti
lated Men with broken arms and
boues dislocated Joints and bloody
heads and faces tried to assist others
who were more helpless Help had
been summoned from East Greeubush
and vicinity and In a little tlmo tho
bruised mass of humanity with tho
mutilated dead for a gruesome and si
lent company were loaded on extra
cars and taken to Albany
With both motormen killed it wa3
hard to get at the cause of the acci
dent but it is pretty well determined
that It was caused by an attempt of tho
Bouthbound car to rcacli a second
switch instead of waiting for tho
northbound car at tho first siding Tho
cars weigli 15 tons each and aro tho
largest electric cars built but so fright
ful was tho crash that both cars wero
torn almost to splinters Both cars
were filled with Sunday pleasure seek
ers returning from the new recreation
grounds that tho railway had just
Wreck Sighted Near Sheboygan
Milwaukee May 27 The officers of
tho steamer Boston report having
sighted tho masts of a schooner which
was abandoned during tho gale of Fri
day It Is thought that this tolls of a
second disaster near Sheboygan as tho
wreck was sighted scores of miles from
the place where slabs and hatch cov
ers supposedly from tho schooner
Hackley wero discovered Saturday
The Boston did not go sufficiently closo
to ascertain tho name of tho abandoned
schooner whose decks were awash
Thirty two Bodies Recovered
London May 27 Thirty two bod
ies some of them badly mutilated
have been recovered nt tho Universai
colliery In Sengenhyd In the Rhondda
valley where an explosion occurred
Friday Tho gruesomo work proceeds
very slowly and painful scenes aro
witnessed at tho pits mouth King
Edward has sent a mossago of sympa
thy to the families of tho victims and
has expressed his admiration of the
gallantry of the rescuers
Flames on Passenger Steamer
Menominee Mich May 27 Flro
broke out In the boiler house of the
passenger steamer Fannie C Hart
whllo she was coming her from
canaba with 200 passengers yesterday
Tho flames caused great cxcltment
among tho passengers and tho crew
had difficulty In preventing a panic
Tho call to Are quarters wa3 promptly
answered and in a short tlmo tho flro
was put ont and tho damage will be
Boy Murdered by Burglars
San Francisco May 27 Robert
Hlslop a 13 yearold boy was brutally
murdered last night by burglars at
his fathers homo on Haight street
lie was alone in tho house and in bed
and tho burglars fearing presumably
that ho would raise an outcry repeat
edly struck him over tho head with
a blunt instrument crushing his skull
They then ramsacked tho houso and
made their escape securing little of
Colonel Thompson a Candidate
Sioux City May 27 Colonel J K
P Thompson of Rock Rapids has an
nounced that ho Is a candidate foi
the Republican nomination lot lieuten
2 tnt governor
iwyers Use Strong Language and Aro
Cited to Appear for Contempt
Dos Molucs May 27 TImmu sub an
Interesting sconu In tho uupioino comt
of Iowa Saturday when that body took
up what purported to bo a motion for
a rehearing In a cann from Hardin
county Tho printed pamphlet con
sisted of four pages Tho title of tho
case was given Mary J Jamison
against John Jamison appellant hut
tlioie wai nothing to Indicate whoro
the case was from who tho Judgo wan
that tried it nor anything to show tho
nature of tho case or to Indicate what
tho complaint of tho appellant was
Tho entire pamphlet wan a vicious de
nunciation of tho court In polite lan
guage hut so manifestly tho work of
attorneys Inspired by rago rattier than
reason that It was conaldotoil ridicu
Tho attorneys Intimated Hint country
lawyers could not got Justlco before
tho supremo court that unless a law
yer belonged to a oertnin class It was
useless to coino before tho court de
clared that tho court had rendered Its
decision In tho case without reading
tlie argument or referring to tho cita
tions etc On tho whole It was such
nn attack on tho court as could not
be Ignored Tho attorneys whoso
names were signed to tho pamphlet aro
J II Scales of Ackley and John
Barry Fred J Smith Oelwcln The court Issued an
Tho scene of tho accident was at a order citing them to oppear before tho
point about two miles out of Green- court May 28 and show cause why they
bush on tho line of tho Albany and should not bo committed Tor contompt
Hudson railway Tho point whoro
tho cars met on the slnglo track was COMPANY A TAKES OMAHA CUP
at a sharp curve and so fast wero both
running and so sudden was tho colli
sion that tho motorman never had
time to put on tho brakes before
southbound car No 22 had gono nl
most clean through northbound car No
17 and hung on tho edge of a high
bluff with its load of shrieking
maimed humanity Ono inotorinan was
pinioned up against tho Hiuashed
front of the southbound car with both
legs severed and killed Instantly
while the other one lived but a few
Fully 120 men women and children
formed a struggling shrieking pyra
mid mixed with blood detached por
tions of human bodies and tho wreck
age of the cars Some of the more
slightly Injured of the men extricated
themselves nnd began to pull peoplo
Annual Drill Contest of Nebraska Uni
Lincoln May 26 Tho annual drill
contest of cadets of tho University of
Nebraska for possession of the Omaha
cup lesulted In a victory for Company
A under command of Captain Harry
A Tultey of Omaha and Lieutenants
Abbott of Lincoln nnd Sttilir of Grand
Island Company D wlnnor of last
years contest was credited with sec
ond honor In tho contest Saturday
The gold modal for excellence In In
dividual Infantry drill wns won by
First Sergeant A K Raines of Nor
folk nnd tho silver medal In tho sanio
contest was awarded to Corporal D
II Hohman of Omaha
out of the two rear ends of the cars and Supposed Kidnaping at Cedar Falls is
Explained by the Discovery
Cedar Falls la May 27 Tho body
of tho son of James Murphy of Hud
son was found Saturday In a well on
the farm Tho disappearance of tho
young man several weeks ago caused
a sensation In tho neighborhood It
been kidnaped Tho father thought
lie could recall a cry for help from
tho young man about the time he loft
tho houso for tho barn and lie also
remembered tho passing of a buggy
containing two strange men
Mary Ellen Lease Bankrupt
New York May 27 Mary Ellon
Lease tho lecturer filed a petition Iii
bankruptcy in the district court Tho
liabilities aro 3217 tho assets 2293
Much of tho indebtedness was Inclined
ns endorser on mortgages given by her
husband C L Lease Tho assets
named by tho petitioner consist of
debts duo and ate either for money
loaned or for lectures delivered by Mrs
Meet Next In Council Bluffs
Sioux City May 27 Tho Iowa grand
council of the United Commercial
Travelers decided to meet next Juno at
Council Bluffs The following officers
wero elected Grand councillor J F
Holwig Council Bluffs secretary D 13
Morrison Sioux City treasurer C N
nragg Des Moines conductor A E
Bray Council Bluffs
Body Found In Lake
St Paul May 27 Tho body of
Henry Mlngers who last Sunday shot
and killed his Frank
Grepel In this city was found In a
small lake a short dlstanco southwest
or hero Mlngers had attached a
stono to a rope and tied tho ropo
about his neck
A volcanic eruption In Java killed
181 persons
Burglars robbed the bank at Mineral
Point Wis of 30000
Twenty one miners wero killed in a
flro at Waldenburg Prussia
James II Koonos 3-year-old Conroy
won tho 10000 Brooklyn handicap
Coal operators of Indiana Illinois
and Ohio aro planning to form comblno
with capital of 50000000
Tho United Presbyterian general as
sembly decided to remove tho inhibi
tion of marriage to a deceased wlfoa
It Is reported that tho head of Rear
Admiral Sampson will appear on tho
medals commemorating the battle of
Santiago bay
Tho court of claims has awarded
1181830 to bo distributed among tho
officers and men who fought in tho
battlo of Manila bay
Moses Holo city treasurer of Color
ado Springs Colo nnd Charles E
Smith former city cierk wero arrested
on a charge of embezzling 20000
Senators Tillman and McLaurln of
South Carolina havo both sent their
resignations to Governor McSweonoy
as tho result of a warm political feud
Tho steamship Ohio arrived at Bos
ton with tho solo survivor of tho Nor
wegian bark Elslo wrecked in colli
sion on last Thursday near Sablo
A party of tho Qucons Mounted in
fantry laid an ambush for the Bocra
at Amer8fort Transvaal and was Itself
defeated Tho Boers havo again In
vaded Cano Colony and there Is
Jnowed lighting at many points
United States Legation Guard
Mas Its First Trouble
Come In Contact With American Ben
tries and Ono is Shot German Of
ficer Driven Off at Point of Bayonet
Sentry Under Arrest
Peking May 27 Tho Unltud States
legation guatd had Hi first trouble Le
gation street Is being repaired near
tho legntlon and nn American sentry
was placed at tho point with orders
to direct people around by a iildo
street Everybody obeyed tho request
with the exception of thu Germans
both officers and soldiers who havo
caused the American Hontrlon much
trouble One of the Oerniaa officers
drew his sword and charged an
American soldier who brought his
bayonet to cliargo whereupon the
officer desisted Subsequently a Ger
man soldier charged past tho nontry
who fired hitting another German sol
dier near tho Gorman legation a quar
ter of a mile off This fortunately
was only a slight flesh wound Tho
sentry has been placed under arrest
and Major Robertson has lustltutud an
No Truth In Story of Alleged Loss of
Private Fortune
norlln May 27 Statements pub
lished In the United States by a news
ngency to tho effect that tho private
fortunes of tho emperor nnd oinproHS
of Germany and other members of the
royal family bad been almost entirely
swept away by tho operations of a
swindler havo been closely Investl
gated hero with the result that tho1
statements referred to are found to
bo absolutely without foundation
There are oven not any rumors afloat
concerning these alleged losses by
their majesllea Tho correspondent i
of tho Associated Piess obtains Ills In I
formation to deny tho truth of those
statements from absolutely authentic J
sources This denial Is not only j
based upon Information fioin tho Ini I
mediate oulouingo of the emperor but
fioin leading financiers ns well men
who would surely Know If tho matter
wore true
Dr Zahn Drops Dead
Qulncy Ills May 27 Rev Louis
Zahn pastor of St Johns Lutheran
was supposed at the time that ho had I clmrcli diopped dead yesterday while
delivering an nddiess at tho laying of
tho cornerstone of the new St Jacoblc
church building Hev J H Ilirsch
herger of St Louis made tho first ad
dress and then Dr Zahn aroso to de
liver tho sermon Ho had spoken
only a little whllo before ho foil and
In two minutes ho was dead Tho
cornerstone was then hurriedly laid by
Rev William Hallenborg pastor of tho
church without further ceremonies
Breaks Pistol Record
San Fiancisco May 27 J K Gor
man of the Golden Gate Pistol club
broko tho 50 and 100 shot worlds rec
ords at 50 yaidB at tho Shell Mound
ranges yesterday The score for tho
100 shots was mailo upon two strings
of 50 The result of tho first string
was 468 On the second string Gor
man made tho wonderful score of 471
breaking the previous worlds record
of 471 which was held by himself nnd
n Boston erackshot Tho total for
the two strings was 912 which sur
passed all previous records by eight
New Oil Strike In Texas
Dallas Tox May 27 A great
strlko of oil has been made at Sour
J Lake 20 miles northwest of Beau
mont a won was sirucK ai i o ciock
last evening In tho rear of the Sour
Lake hotel and at once became a
gusher flowing 15000 barrels a day
Tills new strlko so far from tho Beau
mont field has caused renewed excite
ment all over Texas and n rush to tho
now district Is already on
Trial Spin of the Constitution
Newport It I May 27 Shortly
after 9 oclock tho Constitution started
up tho bay for a llttlo spin Every
thing connected with the boat worked
In tho most satisfactory manner and
Captain Rhodes was highly pleased
with tho work of his crew Tho
boats performance was entirely satis
factory to Vice Commodore August
Broom Corn Warehouse Burns
Chicago May 27 Broom corn
valued at 200000 was burned last
night In a flro that destroyed a ware
houso at Eighty first and Wallace
streots Tho broom corn was owned
by V L Rosenberg a Chicago manu
facturer Tho building which wa3
valued at 25000 was owned by tho
Cortland Wagon company
Boers Driven Off
London May 27 Tho war office
has received the following dispatch
from Lord Kitchener A superior
force of Boers made a determined at
tack on a convoy between Venters
dorp and Potschefstroom May 23 but
wero driven off Our loss was four
killed and 30 wounded Tho convoy
arrived In safety
Cutter Grant Off the Rocks
Victoria B C May 27 Tho United
States rovenuo cutter Grant camo off
tho rocks in Saantch inlet last evonlng
and Is being brought here for tempo
rary repairs
Clean Up Estimated at 30000000
Vancouver B C May 27 Passen
gers who arrlvod on tho steamer Teea
yesterday estimate tho seasons clean
up at Dawson at 30000000
poisons the blood irritates
the ncrvc cclh and causes
nclics and pains in the tem
ples eyes brain and spinal
cord Headache neural
gia impaired appetite indi
gestion sleeplessness nerv
ous exhaustion and des
pondency all point to the
weakened nerves that arc
crying aloud for renewed
strength and health
For dliltirlxM lip lieiit pitm
pililllOM lieiu u nr nrrviiMiicvt nun lo
prtMlou o spitlM liiMiLlil on lly Ion
contlliili i iiirmil n iiiiie wr
Ncrvlm U wIMiout mi e j i ii
Kkv L K Jill i Wctlciville O
Dr Miles
soothes the nervous irrita
tion stimulates digestion
and builds up health and
strength Begin to day
Sold by ilrnnijnN m uuir mtco
Dr Miles Me h il o Klklurt Ind
Al kit drug tlnrr 25 Do 25c
rwiUL mnt tuu hiuii n
fZjy ThlaUariAririif fltAtnriinntimtHiL
fcKEOigBAfvUlMM It out avrj Mm
tdir Pnmhlnttlnn nnrn
nrimtfltiihnrnfmnArth witlposltlrAly
rovoiiiiinmzn curu growing
ESWhat Is lti
nUlmi Ill Urln
r Mic 1
ST ftmplaalncliiliin
- hIU VI Uu i
A iltuv
fxrti naai r r ai nt
Crldr171ljIAr4talaWotti10luauiU I
John ASalzoreedCoLiCroM
ha ki IMir
fir nL
mi t
Koenigsteins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
i4vhfr ii 55t5 IfiiSi
I fcqnn Y5AirY 0 I
iP3UU iiiuti or woman to look
alter our growing business in this
and adjoining counties to net as S
limiiaKcr uwl correspondent work 2
can bo done at your homo Em Ion y
Hidf udilrcHsed stumped envelope v
for particulars to II A Sherman a
General Manager Corcoran Build-
ing opposite United Platen x
ury Washington D O
Illinois Central R R
Tim Illinoin Cmitrul ileMrei to cull iittontinn
to tlio diioxiiillcil Mirvici tint lit olTiinul liy ita
HllUi to till fOlltll for thu hMbllll of IVJ 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
FROM Porsonaily
eii nulla iiiroiiitii to
loi AiiKulub anil Kan
Fruticltcn via Now
OrlomiH in comiuctiou
EVERY wltlithoSoutliomPrt
WFDNESDAY cc viriK OliirnKi
dVjiwo on tho Vmtriilb fust
MORNING Sow Orlonna Si
cinl ronnnctloii a I no in ulii by this train with
daily tram out of Now Orliiins for tho laciflo
oimt Tho Ilinitiil from Clilcatro mory ovuii
Ihk roniiicta on Moiidiiit and Thursdays at
NuwOrloatM laftor Docninlmr l 1WJ with tin
of tliu Southuni Iaciilc Kiviiu special through
durviro to Sau Francisco
Doubli daily sarv
ten is maintaiuuil out
of St Louis via tha
Illinois Central ami
connuctniR lines to
gn and Atlanta thro
sleeninir car to Jack
sonville Florida being carried on the
loivlDK St Louis every evening This train as
null as the Day Kxpruss loavini St Louis in
the morning aru Ixitli solid trains to Nashville
having through coaches and sleeping cars run
ning through Martin Toun nnd tho N O A St
L H Connection via this lino for all princi
ml points In the Southeast such as Charleston
Wilmington Aillu aud Satauuah uucl for all
poiuto iu Florida
Pail from Chicago to Memphis aud Now Or
points iu tlio South on tho lines of the Illinois
Ceutral and Y A M V railroads will ba run on
tho flist and third Tuesday of each mouth dur
lug tho winter season
Full particulars concerning all of tlio above
cau be hud of agents of the Illinois Central or
by addrossiug A II Uaawn Q IN A Chlcaua