The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 31, 1901, Image 2

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W N UUHK PuWlphvr
Rthcj dij
KrtnMlriiril ISM
pirjit HmulAy Hr currlor
liy mMi prr jrnr ow
wrKKiY n ivs i or una i
Th Nwt Mtnhllriimi ll
Tlio Jnvmml orlnblUlifd 1M7
KTrj Prlilny Hy mU prr jenr lM
Entfirwl nt tlin lnttnfllr nt Norfolk Nnli n
rotul clftff mnttrr
Titlrnlioniw POIIorlnl DrvnrlmMil No
IluMnnM Ulllrfl nml Job lio
toomr No 822
If Norfolk is to baton harvest homo
Itival this full now is tho time to settle
Iho question and tophi tho preliminary
Tho Globo Detnoorat is of tho opinion
that Bryan is giving moro attention to
Missouri politics thnn ho in to tho oli
lies of Nebraska bocanpo ho knows that
Nebraska has loft democracy for good
Irat is anxious to save Missouri to his
La Prosse n Purls uuwspapcr is of
tho opinion that tho yntikeo peril
HiroatoiiB moro disaster to Knropo than
tho yollow peril that called forth tho
recent expedition to China Tho ynii
hoe peril are boxers too that is boxers
of merchandise and nro not likely to
to ns rendllv suppressed as the China
About the only paramount issue
Jeft for domocracy is tho Sulu treaty
iiud this will undoubtedly disappear
toforo n campaign makes it available
It is most undemocratic for tho admin
istration to conduct its affairs in a
manner so subject to popular approval
but tho republicans are not objecting
and tho democrats cannot
Tho Iowa supreme court iH appar
Mitly of the belief that some dramatio
performances cannot be libolod and has
bunded down u docisiou that dramatio
critics ore to be allowed groat latitude
Soino alleged performances should un
doubtedly bo taken before tho court for
libeling tho profession and this sort
could scarcoly hope to recover from a
dramatio writer for nu adverse criti
Thoro appears to be few able to vig
orously condemn the horrible crime of
burning a negro at tho stake when tho
crimo committed by the victim was of
tho most atrocious nature conceivable
One should not excuse the other but
there are many who will consider the
Florida negroB punishment none too
pevere although they will argue in fa
vor of allowing tho law to take its
Now tho rumor is circulated that
Charles A Towue of Minnesota is to
enter that maelstrom of Vhitoeruts
Wall street and put forth ji strong ef
fort toward becoming a monopolist It
really looks as though tho octopus was
eating directly into the heart of tho fu
sion parties and making the best of
them traitors to tho cause Tho fight
against corporate influence must have
been begun too late
A southern eM hiuigo says a now south
is talking through Senator McLauriu
Mr Bryan wants that now south to
cIobo its mouth and remain in the back
woods of politics He favors Senator
Tillman who argues for tho old south
nnd old democracy of tho retarding
kind They may succeed in muzzling
the now south for a time but it will
finally break forth in dazzling splendor
never to roturu to democraoy of the
pessimistic sort
Tho Telegraph of Macon Ga is one
of tho many southern papers that is
awaking to a new sense of political in
fluences in that section of the country
It sayB At present the old lino south
ern democrat is face to faco with tho
disagreeable fact that his party has
ubaudoned some of its most cherished
principles and that the republican party
has speedily appropriated the sumo
He is also aware that the republican
parry of today is ns friendly toward his
section as is the dominant element of
the democracy which strange to say is
still found in the north where the dem
ocraoy is tho weakest
Land Commissioner Watson of Lin
coin is preparing some interesting sta
tistics regarding divorces granted in Ne
braska Prom the figures at present
compiled Madison conuty shows up ns
the banner divorce county of the state
population considered Lancaster has
failed to file n report and the only
county surpassing Madison in the num
ber granted is Douglas Madison county
is credited with 29 divorces during 1000
12 of which were granted at the request
of the wife and 17 at the husbands re
quest This may be considered n poor
showing for domestic felicity in the
county but there ore many happy homes
to refute the imputation of the divorce
The late John J Ingalls of Kansas is
accredited with the following views re
garding death In the democracy of the
dead all men at last ore equal There is
neither rank or station nor prerogative
in the republio of the grave At this
fatal threshold the philosopher ceases to
be wise and the song of the poet is si
lent Dives relinquishes his millions
and Lazarus his rage The poor man is
txs rich as the richebt and the rich man
as poor as the pauper The creditor
loses his nrury and the debtor is ao
quitted of his obligation There the
proud man surrenders his dignities the
politician his honors tho worldling his
pleasures the invalid needs no physi
cian and tho laborer rests from unre
quited toll Hero nt Inst is natures
final decree in equity Tho wrongs of
timo are redressed Injustice is expiated
tho irony of fato is refuted tho unequal
distribution of wealth honor capacity
pleasure and opportunity which makes
life so cruel and inexplicable n tragedy
ceases in tho realms of death Tho
strongest there has no supremacy and
tho weakest needs no defense The
mightiest captain succumbs to tho in-
viuclblo adversary who disarms aliko
tho victor and the vanquished
Mrji Dan Murphy of Omaha is here
visiting friends
Zollo M Delano of Plalnvlow was a
Norfolk visitor today
V L Mote was a Norfolk visitor
from Plainvlew today
Mrs A P OlilldB leaves tomorrow
moruinufor Parker S 1 to visit her
Miss Nettle Nelson loft yesterday for
her homo in Oakland to spend her sum
mer vacation
Mr and Mrs Arthur Pilgor of Madi
son spent Memoorial day with relatives
and friends In Norfolk
Mrs T P Motumiuger wim over from
Madison to join tho breakfast party at
tho homo of A 1 Durland this morning
Mr and Mrs O P Huiibo retnrnod
yesterday from Bazllo Mills where
they visited their sou Louis several
Judge and MrB J B Barrios were
passengers for Premout today to visit
tho university cadots in camp there
They expect to return tomorrow
Mrs WilliiTMoBrido and children of
Madison are guests of Mr and Mrs C
H Reynolds and attended tho break-
fastglvon by tho McBdamoB Darlnnd
this morning
Mrs W 0 Newman of Stanton vis
ited her parents Mr and Mrs W A
Moldeuhauer yesterday Sho was ac
companied by her sisters-in-law
MissoB Mina and Pauline Newman
Walter Schroeder teocher of St
Pauls parochial school loft yesterday
fora visit toMinuesotn and to meet his
wife also a sou who arrived during
Mrs Schoedors visit to her old homo
Herman Huobuer stopped oil hero
Wednesday on hiB way from Wisconsin
to hiB homo in tho Blnck Hills to greet
old f riouds and comrades Ho was a
buuknmto of W A Moldunhauor dur
ing tho civil coiillict
Mrs II C Truman went to Lincoln
yosterday There she will join Mr
Trumans mother and go on to St
Louis fur u few weekB visit While
there sho will attend tho wedding of
her brother-in-law which takes place
on tho oth of Juno
llov Mr Wismer and wifo wero the
guests of Col S S Cotton yesterday
Mr Wismur has been a Sunday school
missionary statioued at Neligh but
yesterday went to Creightou whore he
has accepted tho pastorate of the Con
gregational church Ho was joined
hero by his wife who has been visiting
in Canada
Prod Terry is erecting a wind mill on
his farm juBt west of town
Born Sunday May 19 to Mr nnd
Mrs Mark Purviauco a sou
G II Walker closed u term of Bchool
in district No -17 and returned to hiB
homo in Norfolk last week
Miss Ollio Muuson went
Center Priday of last week
the graduating exercises of
to Platte
to attend
tho High
New Slilrt WuInIn
In mercerized pongee linen batiste
lawn and percale
We can give you very handsome
colored or white wuists
Wo have just received another lot of
black Bilk dress skirts lined nnd uuliued
tucked to the waist flounced with nich
ing and ruflles or handsome applique
prices from fit SO up
Pretty black skirtB uuliued the new
thing for summer wear
Have you seen our lattice batiste cor
set Colors white pink and blue
Prices lfiO and 100
The most desirable girdle in the mar
ket is the straight from linen tape style
price 125
Initial writiug paper best quality
parchment tinted writiug paper dainty
initial price J5c a box
Mus J Benson
South 10th street
Omaha Nebr
Sealed bids will be received nn to
a trench for water works extension from
Ninth 6treet ulong Philip nveuuo to
Twelfth street aud thence north ou
Twelfth street t to Mudison nveuuo
Number of feet 1550 width of trench lv
feet on the bottom depth of trench hC
feet Work must be completed by July
1st 1901 and a bond will be required
for faithful performance of the contract
August Brummiwd Chairman
Committee on Pnblio Works
Order ycur engraved visiting cards at
The News oilice 100 cards and plate
fl50 50 curds and plate 1
T M Yen7ul was down from Norfolk
over Sunday
O A Coons is confined to his home
with a mild attack of smallpox
K 11 Grant of limerick drove to
Madison Priday of last week
Mm A H Alllnson of Norfolk visited
Mrs O W Crnm Saturday lost
J 11 Ott of Battle Crook was attend
ing to business in Madison Tuesday
Alviu Low and Robert McKibben of
Valley precinct were in the city Tues
Geo Richardson and wife visited at
the family homestead mar Battle Creek
0 11 Reynolds and wife of Norfolk
wore guest of Willis McBrldo and wife
over Sunday
Memorial services were held nt the
M 1 church Sunday morning Rev
Tiieo Morning delivering tho addroB
Hon 0 T Mullly of Meadow Grovo
was in town Monday tho first time since
he was seriously injured by a runaway
tcum last fall
Mrs Henry Pricko died last Priday
at noon and was buried Sunday after
noon services being conducted at tho
house by Rev 12 Denulngor of Green
Marion Crnm was it years old on Pri
day lust and on Saturday a number of
her little friends helped her celebrate
the occasion All enjoyed themselves
Mrs P P Wigton terminated her
visit with Superintendent Crnm and
family Saturday and went as far as Nor
folk on her way to her homo in Osmond
that evening
Bishop Scanuel of Omaha confirmed a
number of children at tho Catholic
church here lust Saturday morning
Tho Humphrey baud came up and sup
plied tho mnsio
Tho assessors to mako returnB to tho
county clerk up to Wednesday evening
are Maurice Curberry Waruervillo pro
duct Prank White Green Garden
Fred Lane Valley precinct
The eight members of tho graduating
class have issued neat commencemet in
vitations to their frioudB The graduat
ing exercises will be at Hems opera
houso Priday evening Juno 7
Married Snnday afternoon by Rev
E Douuiuger at the homo of the brides
mother in Madison Mr VV A Homle
ben of Norfolk nnd Miss Alwino Stollu
A few intimate friends of tho family
witnessed tho ceremony
Wednesday morning nt tho homo of
Mr and Mrs Carl T Seely their
daughter Verua N Seely and William
E Wells foreman of tho Argus at Col
umbuB wero married Rev Morning
performing tho ceremony
Tuesdny oveuing S B Lyon swore
out a warrant before Justice Richard
sou charging Sam Dunn with assault
accompanied by an intent to do great
bodily harm Constable J B Donovan
made the arrest nnd when arraigned
Wednesday afternoon tho defendant
pleaded not guilty and the trial was sot
for next Monday at 2 p m County
Attorney Mapes will prosecute nnd John
S Robinson will appear for tho defend
Uncle Miko Connelly is very Eick nt
this writing
Chns Prtiss nnd family of Emerick
were visiting here Wednesday with
relatives v
Mr Fisher of Oakdale was here
Wednesday in the interest of the Deer
iug company
Jos Roseborongh of Tilden was here
Monday and Tuesday in tho interest of
the Champion company
Hon P P Zimmerman is badly
troubled with rheumatism He intends
to go to the Hot Springs next week
Rudy Blatt who sells the best pop
and ginger ale in Nebraska was deliv
ering his extracts in Battle Creek Tues
Grandma Eyl who is now staying
with her daughter Mrs Carl Preaner
eight miles south of here is very Bick at
The Fourth of July committees will
meet next Monday evening for the pur
pose of preparing a program for the cele
Prank Human one of the prosperous
young men of Clearwater was visiting
sisters and brother in this place Tuesday
and Wednesday
Grandpa P Schrelber who stays with
his daughter Mrs C Pruss at Emerick
was very sick last week but is better
again at this writiug
Fred Eyl had the exterior and in
terior of his residence and outbuildings
painted this week W B Fuerst and
June Oth 1101 for the labor of digging A P BoeDee H the work
The betrothal of Mr Albert Schleferit
and Miss Anna Schlien was announced
at tho German Lutheran church by
Rev Hoffman last Sunday
Miss Emma Palmer who has been
employed in Omaha for several months
is visiting relatives iu Battle Creek
She came Wednesday evening
John Rogers of Hooper has bought
the Blue Front restaurant of Mrs Avery
aud will take possession June 1 He
will run a bakery in connection
Some of our business men are said to
be bhort on occupation tax from last
year Our city officials should make
them cough up or refund the money
to thoso who paid
Our schools closed Priday The clos
iug exercises were held in the Maxwell
opera house and a very interesting pro
gram wafl carried out Tho main
sponkers were Puthor Walsh of Norfolk
and Rev Warno of this place There
were two graduates the MisstB Mae
Dufphey and Mogaret Connelly
At a regular meeting of Sincerity
lodge No 21 1 A P nnd A M tho
following officers were elected for tho
ensuing Masonic yenr Prnnk 12 Martin
master John S Braisher senior
warden L B Baker junior warden
T L White treasurer Howard Miller
secretary P L Martin will represent
Sincerity Jodgo nt tho meeting of tho
grand lodge to bo held in Omaha next
Priucipnl Walter Pilger Sundnyed in
Meadow Grovo
Jake Sheets made n business trip to
Norfolk Saturday
Miss Wade Hpont last Sabbath at her
home in Buttle Creek
Mrs Win Dogan visited relntives in
Battle Crcok Saturday
T L MorriB of ONeill wub greeting
friends in this place Sunday
G A Luikart of Norfolk transacted
business in tniB city Monday
Mr and Mrs Stewart of Norfolk spent
a few hours in this city last Monday
W W Roberts of Norfolk stopped off
in this burg between trains Saturday
Mr and Mrs Walt Palmer of Cole
ridge are visiting relatives in this city
A social dunce was given at Bill
Greens residence last Saturday even
Lionel McDonald returned Monday
evening from a two weeks visit in
Omaha and Council Bluffs
Messrs GurdelB Phipps Cox and
ReaviB of Buttle Creek attended the
baud dunco given Thursday evening
Mrs Morris who has been visiting in
Meadow Grove for the past week or
more returned to her home in ONeil
Sunday evening
Mr Wolf of Norfolk who organized
n M B A loduo here last winter
made a short stay in Meadow Grove
Mondu afternoon
Miss Winnie Hartley principal of the
Tilden schools made a short visit in our
city lust Sunday afternoon the gueBt of
Mr and Mr Kindred
John Witzigmuu came up from Nor
folk Saturday evening and visited his
brother W A Witzigmuu und family
until Sunday evening
The Misses Mabel Sturgen Mary
Crooke and Gertrude Rouse attended
the commencement exercises in Battle
Creek Pridny evening
Prank McCulluni sold his barber trade
Friday to Mr Louey of Plainview Neb
Prank has as yet not decided whether
to stnyiu Mendow Grove or locate else
Tho Johnson meat market moved to
its new location in tho Sheets building
last Friday Mr Johnson now lias one
of the finest shops between Omaha and
The schools of Meadow Grove closed
Wednesday fora three mouths vacation
The closing exercises were rendered
Wednesday afternoon and were well
attended by parents and friends of the
The dance given Thursday evening
by the Meadow Grove band was very
well attended a few in attendance
from Battle Creek and Tilden The
dance was a blooming success socially
and financially Strawberries and ice
cream were served at the restaurant at
llinure of Ointment
or Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces Such articles
should never be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians a6
the damage they will do is ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
them Halls Cutarrh Cure manufac
tured by P J Cheney Co Toledo
O contains no mercury and is taken
internally acting directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system In
buying Halls Caturrh Cure be 6ure you
get the genuine It is taken internally
and made iu Toledo O by P J Cheney
Co Testimonials free
Sold by Druggists price 75c per bottle
Halls Family Pills are the best
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an execution issued by Chris Sohav
land clerk of the district court of Madi
son county Nebraska upon a judgment
rendered before Geo E Richardson a
justice of the pence in Madison county
Nebraska and on the 20th day of March
1901 duly filed and docketed in the
office of the clerk of the district court of
Madison county Nebraska iu favor of
Joliet National bank of Joliet Illinois
nnd against Moses Mihills and Elizabeth
Mihills for one hundred and eighty dol
lars and tixty seven cents with interest
at the rate of six per cent per annum
and costs taxed at 8 55 aud accruiug
costs 1 have levied upon the following
real estate taken as the property of said
defeudnnts to satisfy said judgment
tO wit
Lot sixteen 10 in block one 1 Nor
folk Junction Madison county Ne
braska And will offer the sarue for
sale to the highest bidder for cash in
hund on tho 20th day of Jnno A D
11KJ1 nt tho hour of one oclock p in of
snin day in front of the east door of the
court house in Madison Nebraska that
being the building wherein the lust
term of court was held when and where
duo attendance will be given by the
Dutod this 28th day of May 101
Gko W Losky
Sheriff of said County
Not left to Contractu
boalod proposals well be received at
tho office of the commissioner of public
lnuds and buildings Lincoln Nebraska
until ia oclock noon June 1101 1 for
tho erection of a stand pipe at the asy
lum for insane at Norfolk Nebraska
Plans and specifications may be seen
at the office of tho commissioner of
pabllc lands and buildings or at the of
fice of the suiKjiiuteudent of tho UBylum
at Norfolk Nebraska
Each proposal must be accompanied
by a certified check to the amount of
ten per cent of tho bid made payable
to the Btato of Nebraska to be forfeited
to tho state iu ctse tho bidder being
awarded the contract shall full to exe
cute a contract and furnish bond as re
quired within ten dnys aftor tho receipt
of notice of the acceptance of his bid
Tho successful bidder to give bond in
a surety company in tho sum of 2000 00
conditioned on the faithful performance
of his contract
Tho bourd of public lands and build
ings reserve the right to reject any nnd
all bidB aud to waive defects
Gko D Follmer
Com Pub Lands nnd Buildings
Lincoln Nebr May 21 1001
IMImate of Kxpetifte
Estimate of expenses of tho city of
Norfolk Nebraska for the fiscal yenr
Salorios 3500 00
Election expenses 200 00
Streets and sidewnlks 1 500 00
PriutiHg 800 00
Supplies 200 00
Miscellaneous 1800 00
Total 7000 00
Street lighting fund 1 400 00
Fire department fund 700 00
Interest on bonds issued in
1887 900 00
Interest on bonds issued in
1891 900 00
Interest on refunding water
bonds iFsned in 1891 1700 00
Total 1500 00
Sinking fund 700 00
Grand total 12000 00
Receipts of the city for fiscal year
ending March 0 1K1
Saloon occupation tnx 2250 00
Miscellaneous licenses 488 95
Dog tax 218 00
Sidewalk repairs 89 GO
County treasurer general taxes 92 11 01
County treasurer road tuxes 097 77
Total 12880 99
Application for Saloon Liquor License
Matter of application of Chas Apfel
for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Chas
Apfel did on the 22nd day of May 1901
file his application to the mayor nnd
city council of the city of Norfolk Ne
braska for license to sell mult spiritu
ous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne
braska from the 1st day of May 1901
to the 80th day of April 1902 in First
wnrd of said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 28rd dav of May 1901 the said li
cense will be granted
S R McParland
City Cleik
Application for Saloon Liquor Limine
Matter of application of Euiil Moeller
for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Emil
Moeller did on the 81st day of May
1901 file his application to the mayor
nnd city council of tho city of Norfolk
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liqnors at Norfolk
Nebraska from the first Tuesday of
May 1901 to the first Tnesday of May
1902 ut east K of lot 10 block 4 origi
nal town in First ward of said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 81st day of May 1901 the said li
cense will be granted
S R McFarland
City Clerk
Richard Romig will take notice
that on the 4th dny of May 1901 J L
Daniel a justice of the peace in and
for Norfolk precinct in Madison county
Nebraska issued an order of attach
ment for the Btom of 800 in nn action
pending before him wherein Sadie
Beymer 1b plaintiff and Richard Romig
is defendnnt and property consisting of
a chainless bicycle hns been attached
under said order Said cause was con
tinued to the 18th day of June 1901 nt
9 oclock a m
Norfolk Nebraska May 8th 1901
Sadie Beymfr Plaintiff
JOflflsoii JOHNSON
We are now ready for business in
anything in the photograph line at the
corner of Fourth street and Madison
Avenue If in need of anything in our
line we would be pleased to nave you
call and see us Cabinets a specialty
Satisfaction guaranteed
Teacher of the
Piano Violn Organ Guitar and
Baptist Parsonage 207 Fifth St
For Sale
One double Spring dray
wajjon one set dray harness
and one buggy harness In
Attorneys nt Law
pilC S Pa UK BR
Mast Block
II linrnpi
v Tjler
Nebrasl n
Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic PhvMcInn and Snrgcoa
Otlice Citizen Niitioiinl Hank Hnlldlug
Telephone 101
Sanitarium ami HoMilfuco Main and IStli St
Telephone 9
Norfolk Nebraska
OHlce oter Cititeut Nntlonal Hunk Itnttdene
uno block north of CouereRiitiounl church
Attorneys atLaw
Oilice In the Unit Mock
Norfolk Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Dp ftnirf In Cotton block oter linnms star
Flret clues work Kunrunteed
Osteopathic Physician
Rooms over Ilnyee Jewelry Honce Norfolk
Attorneys at Law
Room 10 11 and 12 Maetblock
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
Undertakers and Einlmlnicrs
Sessions 151k Norfolk Ave2
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
5 oo to 9000
Noetllce all kimlt per doz 2c
SiiiKur Oil per bottle 10c
Machines rented by week or moat Repairs
of all Salut mun wanted
The Singer Manufacturing Co
2og hast Norfolk Ave
Suits made to orJer and in the InteFt etyle Re
pairing neatlydouo Shop on South Fourth St
south of llaum lirot
Telephone No 447
Rooms on North Ninth Street
James Richards M D
Kxnminntion of the eye
free to pntiente nnd pntrone Oflice 1404
Fani am St Omaha opposite Puiton Hotel
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Mrers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Office
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
Bravcti Avenue
and Third St