The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 31, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    icj - ---- w
t ffi T
V TT TIT m ATiTi - TTl A ill II
s juflii iurrriiiiiiu tlx
L tl U i vj
- f
loti mid must do our bcM
era that tho tlrbt good riiuuUII send
us all to Davy Jones locker tloubls
quick No no woso winged Master
Topp an winged birds has to lie unlet
for nwhllo aforo they tries to tly
There should be abler heads than
ours Job to settle matters lu a plight
like this but the abler heads are all
sadly battered just now so you ami 1
must do our best to decide a course
without them
A look of solemn Importance strug
gled hard to drive the grin from Jobs
ace Hut hnblt was strong and tho
grin Conquered
Wo might go back to tho old harbor
on Cavo Island Master Topp It were
jjnug enough an them huts on tho hill
above be a rare place for sick meu to
He lu
Hut the Spaniards Jobl You forgot
itho Spaniards
Asking pardon replied Job screw
ing up his face with such a grin that
tho woOnd across it began to trickle
afresh bu one o thorn ppanlardH that
We left behind has got off And If one
maybe nil
What 1 crlod Ono got off
Wnero did you hear of him
Seed him an felt him Master Topp
Which is better than hearing o liliu
I was his Iron as wrote thts fresh
mark across my face Tlmt comes o
disregarding tbo old mans words an
paring Spaniards he added sagely
Captain Irelands whim Job said
f shrugging my shoulders Out aro
you sure of your man
Sure as I am o you MaBterTopp
or o uucie or o Captain Ireland or
any one else noticeable This un
was a short cheery kind o little chap
Wl bandy legs an a blight steel bas
sinet ons head Now sea armor Is al
ways blacked so a man as wears his
bright Is natrally a man you notice
Why I remember him I said I A
Berry cowardly little wretch uauicd
fiancbo 6oir thlng or other Your un
cle gave htm a pretty scare u the Ser
pents temple
Thats him Don SoacJiolj Ah If this
By Wcathorby Chosnoy and Alick Monro
odttiuhiit lam nr wrATiinnnY ciciamier and amck Nunntv
uxubTiunowi ii r u a vuumxit
s 2C
M V MX Wl - - - - -
CllAlTKU xxvm
vTbr pilloonH ftol1 I eoht H very
flVnr Out of obr Hlcnilor Hlilpn uoin
pnny K liuil liin killed omIiIkIiI four
liml Inn Ih 1 lut t tlicy would die limit
nhil of tlu HMt tlimu wiih mi innli who
mould not show the color of his own
AVIhmi tin ttltVmiiit of tin liilttli
Tiful inixmtl uwiiy mill tlu irlm fcvci
of HlnyliiK liml become h iniinory not
ofie stood on our iIcoIch In wIioho body
ilicru wiih not some ihiully tltroli or
flKkonltiK who not one who win not
nilff from nnpry rulnbow uylorit lirtilt
cq or fulnt from Iosh of blood Our
cnplnln luy mli nnd holpktm In IiIh
lihnlc brought to dontliH vory door by
n bullet wound under the Hlioiildcr
Wliluli In liml lioriu uuclriHieil through
lmlf tin lung HkIiU The lmcU of the
boatKwnlnH bulil pnto was burned
black with powder nncl ho had inoru
Lilm stove In than tin puln would lot
lilin count And of tho otjuu M oni ail
ed Uils and another that one by tho
blow 6f an ax had IohI tholliiKcrMot
Ills hand another by tho crude of a
Kiumtock had loHt tho hoiiho of hlu
Jllio active watch on dock coiihIhIoiI
of two ncrHoiiH There wan Job Jro
liallon with tho old Hcur on his face
croHHod by a frontier hoiiiii and oiui
Topp with a plko thnmt through tho
calf of uno log and n cinder wound In
tbo foot of tho othor
Wo bad remained In melancholy hI
Icnce for 1 know not how lone when
nuddcnly lob Trohallon go up without
n word and went down tins companion
IloturnluK presently ho riivo ino a
handful of blneult and a lordly dram of
cordial and tbesc boliiK font on tholr
-errand revived mo wonderfully Ho
After adjusting thp bloody lmiidliKOH
round my log nndlnHtop I told lob
that ho anil I must lay our headH to
gether and consider where to steer to
Job was all chuckles and grins In n
moment It wasnot often that ho was
called Into council by any one wive tho
old man and him ho affectod to div
nplse and o he considered his confi
dence no compliment
One tblng Is mm1 said I looking
at tbe battle lmvoc round me wo cant
keep tho seas In this plight
No Maator Topp chuckled Job
that wo cant lot alone having no
crew to reef or haul tlio sails tho hull
jtn spars has sieh a ninny wounds lu
blow he gnvo me had been driven horn
stead o falling half hearted through
the frightened trembling o the dons
arm I should linvo gone down sure
enough As fl was I stood an top
pled It It 11 Into tu sea for cumbering
my way Haul Olekory innybe could
tell us how bandy legs came to bo on
the galleon
HNltili him said I And Job went
If Job was rlKht and the Spaniards
liml really succeeded In leaving Cnv
Islaud nothing could be more fortu
nate for us In our present crippled
slate There we could recruit our
war weary bodies and relit our wound
ed ship at our leisure and when our
pulses beat full ami strong again wo
would bo ready for another throw with
Don Miguel for I for one felt suro
that we liml by no moans seen the last
of that yellow fniiged grin of rnge
Hut If our late slaves wcro still on
the Island would bo madness to at
tempt tho landing Heaven grant they
had escaped I
Aye said Saul Hickory when I ea
gerly questioned lilin theyve got off
sure enough Ive seed n o them
an whats more through them Ivo
hecrd all about your doings on the Is
How did they get away
Sighted a trading snow the day aft
or you left signaled her wi n stnoko
from that ere Sarplut hill Ive heard
tell of nn got took off Tho snow set
them nshoro at Harcelona Fromtlicro
some o em took ship to Cartagena
where as wo was short handed they
Joined our galleon
Then said I cheerily our courso
Is clear Well run to the old harbor to
recruit and retlt And with the deci
sion I folt more hopeful nnd light heart
ed than I bad since llrst my wounded
leg began to tlnglo
When we rounded tho bluffs nt the
harbors mouth and tho foreshoro In
front of tho cave opened out to view It
wns with anxious gaze that those of us
who were halo enough to stand on deck
or to lean against mast or bulwark
Hcnnuod the beach and the heights
above the cavo for sign of human hab
itation The Island was a pleasant
enough spot to dwell In and some of
the Spaniards might have elected to
stay and plant a colony there
Hut not a trace of man did we see
Our old fortltlcntlons lay ruined and
decayed and In places the quick grow
ing tropical vegetation had almost hid
den them from sight Tho heavy door
with which wo had closed the caves
mouth lay half covered with sand and
the doorposts from which It had once
hung had fallen shantwlse across the
np iilug
No there was nothing to fear The
Island had returned to the possession
of the pigs and the gulls and the
psrrakoots Its original owners
To reach the huts on the high ground
above was for the most seriously
wounded an impossibility and so we
had to turn the cave Itself Into our hos
pital Wo regretted this because we
had hoped much from the healing vir
tues of tin tlower scented breeze of the
uplands but there as no help for It
Ah it was a time to make the greedi
est plunder hunter sicken of his trade
The angel of death was hovering round
us and claiming now one good sailor
and true comrade and now another as
part payment of the price of plunder
Not that we were cheerless company
for the old mans caustic wit and Wil
lie Trehnllous cumbersome attempts to
reply to him raised many a smile from
the weaker ones and many a loud guf
faw from the stronger And Job Tre
hallons grin we had always with us
Hut the summons of death came all
too often and the tale of sandy rounds
on the yellow harbor grow sadly long
lu spite of all that the old maus skill
ful surgeonlug and Johu Topps tireless
nursing could do to shorten It All that
man could do we did but our enemy
wius too strong for us
The end of our nursing came at last
Some conquered their wounds and
some tuelr wounds conquered and
when the last grave had beeu dug and
tilled there were but 12 men loft out
of tho two and thirty who had been
bale aud strong when tho tight for the
galleons gold began -
To Ixj continued naxt Friday
Austrian Relchsrath 8cene of Bitter
Debate Cry of Traitor Is Raised
Vienna May 31 Tho governments
canal bill has arouBed bitter opposi
tion and the debate In the relchsrath
continuing until early this morning
was marked by stormy scones The
Pan Germans so fiercely abused Dr
Luegor who supported the bill that
tho sitting had to bo suspended tot
proBldont being quite unable to quiet
the tumult Prince von Schwarxen
burg in opposing the bill declared that
tho construction of canals provided an
open door for royjlgu invasion and that
it would seriously prejudice agricul
ture Finally tho Pan Qermans walked
out of the houBo Dr Luegor denounc
ing them as contemptible traitors to
tho country
President 8am Well Received
Port au Prince Haytl May 31
President Sam who started north with
a strong body of troops March 3 has
returned here with tho troops He
was accorded an- enthusiastic recep
Cattle Ruled Strong to Five Cents
Higher at Chicago
ClilcflRit Mny m Cnttle ItooolpK BW
MrniiK to no IiIkht liillilicrn Mork rliolcu
Ktcnily iiIIiom hliiw kdoI In ii line hIppm
f trrid puiir In iiiimIIiiiii f IKKrAn
Moikitn mid ffMilern cliolrc Memly other
THKri Ulj riiniiiTi f2JVi 281 IhiIN flOti
iii ii rnmN iiihiit i run i Teini feil
Moith flJVdltll Texas linlli fTfWMK
lion Ilrcotiitfl toiliiv Uiniiiriiiw
L ltmo left out lroo opened 5c IiIkIiit
oloHiit Ortfler top ll 0i lulxel unit liiltrli
rr 7IWiI7Vj KiioiI tn clmlfp lionxy
ri KlKil IVi roliKli liciiiy 1Win73i IIkIiI
rllVnf IK hulk of milieu i HVtjjitirt Sheep
Ueffltitrf trtdOlt 1ieti mill Intnl lt
Mcnily in Htrontf others uluw dipped liinilm
up Ki i Hi kiioiI in elinloe welliem
ii lrr fair to rlinlce mixed I10M10
wiHlertl Hlieop llKMrhi VfiirllliKH irl
fllli iiiiIIm InniliH f lVtl0jj wcuturn
IiiimIm j vooiin
Kansas City Live Stock
TCiiiiPim City Mny t0 Cnltte llrcrlpts
SWM iihHvim COO Ten n l t mites wi
the nilil Tcmik lieef Mcer nettle nml
Memly other entile Viilllc lower vliolci
lieef HleeiH KKfi Hft fnlr tn Komi 00
6dtKi KloekeiH mill f leri jXliriWVlO
weHteiii feil uleoin lllIX Texns nilil
IiiiIIiiiir 1 lOiiiriO Texns rmhs entile
til IIKiMM eowH MIirWt 7S lielfers
GKiU eiilineiH LMViii IiiiIIh JTIllKj
411 1 rub es I Willi ID lliiKK UeeelplH
tlWKl rff7ije IiIkIici tup J itCjI hulk of
finleM ri7VcrfiKi tieiivv JiHViiCinUjj mixed
pucker i7MtrN Kit irVtS80 plus
t LniVfifi rO Sheep- ItoeclptH aJOO sternly
weHlein IiiiiiIih 1 IWHjtrilU western wether
tWrtl0 wentptii yenltliiBi I 1051110
cwiH WMl t25 enlls ja7ri5J7lriO Texns
cniKi Kheeep nrOirl 10 Texni Ininlii
llXllti HpiliiK luiubH fTili iTiDOO
South Omaha Live Stock
Rmitli Oiniilin May
1MX nethe nluiili tilgher nut he beef
Hleern fttOfivOO western Rteeri JIOOI
tsri Texas Hleers iril40 cows nml
helfeii irftr nitiners 17140
Htoekers unit feeder Jl ViJSoOj enhes
ttiOQ4l75 litilK Ktnn ete J300Jl tO
IliiKM lteeelit 11800 374c lilttlier henvy
j iti7VuriH iiilxeii 1 nyanmy iiKhr
pIkm roofmo bulk of
snlei ri7Uin70 SliiHip fteeulpts 4000
Kteaily yenrllncs StWittiO wutburn 380
11 ewes 2ifl400 eomuiou nnit stoelc
sheep 1Wa71 luinlls t00a000 sprlug
lumlH 50XiiOOO
Will Go Back to Old Scale
Chicago May 31 Frazcr dial
mora of tills city who recently signed
tho 9 hour agreement with tho ma
chinists announced that tho firm
would go back to the old scalo of wages
In effect before May 20 Altogether
over GO firms In Chicago signed tho
now agreement nnd It Is said that tho
majority of them will follow the lead of
Prazor Chat mors and go back to
the old scale
Filipinos for Buffalo Exposition
San Frnnclsco Mny 31 Ninety
eight Filipinos arrived yesterday on
tho atoamer City of Peking en routo
to tho Buffalo exposition whero they
aro to display tho manners and cus
toms of tholr natlvo land There aro
15 women and a dozen children In tho
party including several young girls
Confirms Yielding of China
Berlin May 31 Tho German minis
tor at Peking Dr Mumm von Schwar
zcnBtoln confirms tho roport that an
edict was Issued by the Chinese i n
poror Monday May 27 agreeing to i ay
tho indemnity of 450000000 taels
with Interest on the principal at 4
per cent
lood Ailxlcn
The most miserable boins in tho
world aro those suffering from Dys
popsii and Liver Complaint More thau
seveuty fivo per cout of tho people in
the United States aro iilllictudjwith theso
two disensos nnd their effects such as
Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual
Costiveuos Palpitation of tho Heart
Heart burn Wntorbrnsh Gnawing aud
Burning Pains nt tho Pit of tho Stomach
Yellow Skin Coated Tongue aud Disa
greeable Taste in tho Mouth Coming
up of Food after Eating Low Spirits oto
Go to your DruggiBt and get n bottle of
August Flowor for 75 cents Two
dosos will roliovo yon Try it Got
Greens Prizo Almauao Kiesau Drug
Illna of Peoplu Have Ill
Roctol has cured piles of people of the
piles to stay curod A pile pipe free
with oach packago We sell it on a
positive guarantee No enro no pay
50 cents Samples free Kiesau Drug
Co Solo Agents
If yon aro siok all over and dont
know jnst what ails you its ten to one
your kidneys aro out of order Poleys
Kidney euro will bring you health and
energy A H Kiesau
Mr F D Arnold Arnold la writos
Ho was troubled with kidney disease
about throo years Had to got up sev
eral times daring the night bat three
bottles of Foleys Kiduey Cure effected
a completo cure he feels better than ho
ever did and recommends it to his
friends A H Kieeau
Tho greatest skin specialist in Amer
ica originated tho formula for Bauner
Solve For all skin diseases all cnts or
sores and for piles its the most healing
medicine Beware of substitutes A
H Kiesau
YouTak No Chance When Yon Huy lUctol
for the piles We will refund the full
purchase price if it fails to cure A
pile pipe free with each package
Samples free Kiesau Drng Co Sole
When You Get Headache
dont waste a minute but go to your
druggist and got a box of Krauses
Headache Capsules They will prevent
pain even though your skull were
cracked They are harmless too
Read the guarantee Price 25o Sold
by Geo B Ohristoph
Miss Mamie Smith Middlesboro Ky
writes My little sister had the croup
very bad I gave her several doses of
Foleys Honey and Tar aud she was in
stantly relieved It saved her life
A H Kiesau
It li with a good deal of ploasuro
and satisfaction that I recommend
OhumborliuVs Colic Cholera nnd Dlar
rliooa Komody Bays Druggist A W
Sawtollo of Hartford Conn A lady
oustomcr sooing tho remedy exposed
for salo on my show case Bald to me
1 roally beliovo Hint medicine saved my
lifo tho past Biiminor whllo at tho shore
and alio boenmo so outhusiastio over its
morits that I ut onco made up my mind
to reoommond it iu tho futuro Ho
coutly n goutloman oamo into my storo
bo ovorcomo with colio palm that ho
Bank at onco to tho floor I gavo him a
close of this romody whioh helped him
1 ropontod tho doso and iu flfteon min
utes ho loft my storo smilingly inform
ing mo that ho folt as wollns ovor
Bold by Kiesau Drug Co
Thomas Maplo Blrkheck 111 writos
I had a vory bad caso of kidney trouble
and my back pained mo so 1 could not
straighten up Tho doctors trontmont
did mo no good Saw Foleys Kidney
Cnro ndvortiHcd and took ono bottlo
which ourod mo and I havo not boon
ntVeotecl since I gladly roccommend this
rouicdy A II Kiesau
Geo O Hiokook Curtlss Wis says
Foleys Kidney Cure has boon tested
anil found to bo all you claim for it I
have given it to my father and it is tho
only thing that ovor helped him A
II Kiosau
The Orciit ScourgA
of uiixlorn times is consumption Many
euros and discovorios from time to timo
aro published but Foleys Honey aud Tar
does truthfully claim to ouro all cases In
tho oarly stages and always affords com
fort and roliof in tho very worst cases
Take no substitutes A H Kiesau
I had a running sore on my breast
for ovor a yenr says Henry R Richards
of Willsoyvillo N Y and tried a
groat many remedies but got no relief
until I nsod Bauner Salve xVfter using
ouo half box I was perfectly cured I
caunot recommeut it to highly A H
Old Soldier Kxperlenrn
M M Austin a civil war veteran of
Winchester Iud writes My wife
was sick a long time iu spite of good
doctors treatment tint was wholly
cured by Dr Kings New Life Pills
which worked wonders for her health
They always do Try them Only 25c
at A H Kiesau s drug store
The Sprint Fever
is a malady which no one can escapo at
this season of the year The vitality is
usunlly overtaxed during tho winter
months and spring finds the system all
run down The blood is thinned and
impure The kidneys and liver are in
active resulting iu a loss of energy and
appetite and a derangement of the
nerves Liohtys Celery Nerve Com
pound will purify your blood touo up
your nerves and leave you feeling fresh
and energetic Sold by Geo B Chris
Biliousness is a condition character
ized by a disturbance of the digostive
organs The stomach is debilitated tho
livor torpid tho bowels constipated
There is a loathing of food pnius iu tho
bowels dizziness coated tongue and
vomiting first of the undigested or
partly digested food aud then of bile
Ohamborlaius Stomach aud Livor
Tablets allay the disturbances of the
stomach and create a healthy appetite
They also tone up tho livor to a healthy
action and regulate the bowels Try
thorn aud you are certain to be much
pleased with tho result For sale by the
Kiosau Drug Co
Shuridei Hikt His Pant
I recall now with horror says Mail
Carrier Burnett Maun ofLevanua O
my throe years of suffering from kid
ney troublo I was hardly ever froe
from dull aches or acute pains iu my
back To stoop or lift mail saoks mado
me groan I folt tired worn out about
ready to give up when I began to use
Eleotrio Bitters but six bottles com
pletely cured mo and made me feel like
a new man Theyre unrivaled to
regulato stomach liver kidneys and
bowols Perfect satisfaction guaran
teed by A H Kiesau Only 50 cents
Miss Florence Newman who has been
a great suffer from muscular rheuma
tism says Chamberlains Pain Balm is
the only remedy that affords her relief
Miss Newman is a much respected resi
dent of the village of Gray N Y and
makes this statement for the benefit of
others similarly afflicted This liniment
is for sale by Kiesau Drug Co
Easy to Cure a Cold
if yon go about it right Take two or
three Krauses Cold Cure Capsules dur
ing the day and two before retiring at
night This will insure a good nights
rest and a free movement of the bowels
next morning Continue the treat
nient next day and your cold will melt
away Price 25o Sold by Geo B
It Free If It Falls to Cure
Reotol the great pile oure A pile
pipe free with each package We Bell It
under a positive wrttten guarantee
No cure no pay 50 cents Samples
free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Agents
All Eye on Texas
Great is Texas Her vast cotton crops
and marvelous oil discoveries amaze the
world Now follows the startling state
ment of the wonderful work at Cisco
Tei of Dr Kings Now Discovery for
An aid Friend
S S S ha9 been
before the public
for many years
from a small begin
ning it has steadily
worked ib wav ta
the front anil is now known in every city town and linmlet in the country Iti
stnunchest friends are thosewho have known it longest and have witnessed iti
wonderful curative powers in their own families or among their friends anil
acquaintances Grateful patients in nil parts of the country tell of their restoration
to ficalth nnd happiness and the testimony of these is the highest evidence of tho
medicines worth S S S is more popular today than ever in its history no
other remedy stands so high has ever given such perfect satisfaction or is so
reliable in the cure of Cancer Rheumatism Catarrh Contagious Illood Poison
Scrofula Kcjcma Psoriasis Salt Rheum Acne or any disease Uiat originates inr
the blood Heing strictly a vegetable preparation you will find it agrees with you
much better than n drug store concoction or any of the widely advertised potash
aud mercury remedies which affect the bones muscles and stomach causing
Rheumatism or Dyspepsia If you
Dont Experiment have never tried s s a you win bo
surprised nt the immediate good effects
BMK9 w a Sm Sm c m for no sooner docs it get into the circulation than thq
appetite increases you grow stronger nnd gradually
but surety it drives out the poisons and restores the blood to n licalthy condition
If there is n sore or ulcer on the body it bcghi3 to heal around the edges the dis
charge finally ceases and the place gets well muscular and bone pains vanish and
the skin is relieved of all itching irritating eruptions Nervous run down and
anaemic people will find S S S just the medicine they need for blood poverty
and illy nourished nerves are responsible for their condition For old people anil
children S S S has no equal being free from nil minerals it does not nauseate
or have any injurious effect whatever and keeps ttie blood in good condition thus
fortifying ngainst disease Experience teaches what is good and what is not good
this applies particularly to medicine and S S S n remedy that lias retained tho
confidence of Hie people for nearly 50 years must have merit IT CURBS is tho
secret ot lis success w lien you can for S S S
dont be persuaded to accept something else
there is no substitute for S S S It is the only
guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier nnd
the safest and best for all blood and skin
iroublcs Do not let them force an inferior
mineral remedy on you because there is a larger
profit in it If you have any blood or skin dis
am eit k ml
ease dont hesitate to write us about it our physicians will carefully consider
your cose aud advise you without charge Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free
consumption My wife coutraotcd n
Bevere lunar troublo writos editor J J
Eagor which caused a moat obstinate
cough aud finally rosulted lu profuse
hemorrhages but sho has boon com
pletely cured by Dr Kings New Dis
covery Its positively guaranteed for
coughs colds aud all throat and lnug
troubles SOo and 100 Trial bottles
free at A H Kiosaus
For Female Vonipluluts
and diseases arising from an impure
state of the blood Lichtys Celery Nerve
Compound is nn invaluable specific
Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
If you want some just as good I
make it myself remedy try au imita
tion Rocky Mountain Tea Twill
make you siok aud keep you sick Geo
B Ohristoph
It Saved Hltt Leg
P A Dauford of LaGrauge Ga
suffered for six mouths with a fright
ful ruuuing sore on his leg but writes
that Bucklens Arnica Salve wholly
cured it in five days For ulcers
wounds piles its tho best salve in the
world Cure guaranteed Only 2oc
Sold by A H Kiesau
Try the new remedy for costiveness
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets Every box guaranteed Price
25 cents For sale by the Kiesau Drng
Jennie To havo a round beautiful
neck wiggle your head from side to side
every night take Rocky Mountain Tea
Its a short cat to a graceful form 53c
Geo B Ohristoph
Huh are of a Couch
A couch is not a disease but a symp
tom Consumption aud bronchitis
which aro tho most daugerous and
fatal diseases have for their first indi
cation apersisteut cough and if properly
treated as soon as this cough appears
are easily cured Ohamborlaius Cougli
Remedy has provou wonderfully suc
cessful and gained its wide reputation
and extensive sale by its success in
curing the diseases which cause cough
ing If it is not beneficial it will not
cost you a cent For sale by Kiesau
Drug Co
Kindles anew the fires of youth bal
ances up the joys and sorrows of life
Its vain and foolish not to use Rocky
Mountain Tea made by Madison Medi
cine Co 85c Geo B Ohristoph
A Oooil Thing
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr A Bosohee a celebrated Ger
man Physician and is acknowledged to
be one of the most fortnnate discov
eries in Medicines It quickly cures
Coughs Colds aud all Lung troubles of
tho severest nature removing as It does
tho cause of the affection and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy con
dition It is not an experimental modi
oine but has Btood the test of years
giving satisfaction In every case which
Its rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms Two million bottles sold an
nually Bosohoes Gorman Syrup was
introduced in the United States In 1808
and Is now Bold lu every town and vil
lage In the civilized world Threo doses
will relieve any ordinary cough Price
75 ct8 Get Greens Prize Almanac
Kiesau Drug Co
Reclol II a Remedy With a Record
Its record is 98 per cent of permanent
cures If you have the piles try It Its
free if it falls to cure you Samples
free Kiesau Drng Co Sole Agents
are the most fatal of all dis
or money refunded Contains
remedies recognized bv emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles
PRK2 5lG4oiSfQt
fainting smothering palpita
tion pain in left side shortness
of breath irregular or intermit
tent pulse and retarded circula
tion all come from a weak or
defeclive heart Overcome
these faults by building up the
heart muscles and making the
heart nerves strong and vigor
ous Dr Miles Heart Cure
is the remedy to use It is
the best
I would have spells whoa I
would get weak and faint and my
heart would Beem to stop beat
ing then it would beat very
hard I began taking Dr Miles
Heart Cure and when I had used
twelvo bottles my heart was aU
right Mus J L Tayxor
Owensboro Ky
Dr Miles
Heart Cure
is a heart and blood tonic of
unequaled power and never
fails to benefit if taken in time
Sold by druggists on guarantee
Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart
At all drug torn
25 Dok 25c
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison W5 It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sol4
in bulk Accept no
COOOTP tf K vr nruggisi
iron ura
8 a
the mihMt
3Exunxroix ztxn
InUC CTAumuel I
Made a
Well Man
A of Me
produce the aboro results In 30 days It acta
powerfully and quickly Cures whon all others all
Young men will regain tbelr lost minboJdandold
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
BEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous
ness Lost Vitality bnpotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wanting Diseases and
all effects ot seU abuso or excess and indiscretion
which unfits one or study business or marriage It
notonly cures by starting at the seat o disease but
Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
log back tbe plak glow to pale cheeks and re
storing the fire of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO na
other It can be carried In vest pocket By nail
10Operpackageor six tor SO DO with poal
Mva wrlttao rnarantae to car or ranu
the money Book and advise free Address
oForsale In Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohristoph druKgiat
f A
ttan aiwI
fX Arirj crrccrtx
For Sale by George 8 Ohristoph
1 1