y JU A MlMIIIMIMWIMIMMWMllM SMALL PROFITS is nil we nsk on our beautiful liuc of Watches Clocks Jewelry and Silverware SEE OUR GOODS GET OUR PRICES We have every facility for do ing line Watch Work and Jewel ry Repairing promptly C F W MARQUARDT JEWELER NORFOLK - NEBRASKA ttmftn J PARISH Has received through the kindness of Mr Burr Taft from his old home in Vermont a small lot of NEW MAPLE SUGAR I This is the real thing ptncl fti 4 - J w can depend upon it J I 20c per lb I YOUR HOME will look barren and cheerless 110 matter how much furniture yon may have if yon dont have the walls nicely papered We have a pleasing selection of Damasks Ingrains Glimmers and Blanks at prices to suit the slender purse Remember we handle the Monarch Mixed Paint the best paint made KIESAU DRUG CO Have you seen the elegant display at JOHNSONS FURNITURE STORE Elegant New Goods Far pnrpassinR anything ever before teen in Norfolk Beautiful Couches Made to order in any style of coverings Chamber Suites from 1500 up to 12000 Over 100 styles in Rockinghairs 1 SO to 1000 Special bargains in Dinner Sets of 100 pieces of fine French China actual value 3500 While they last you can get one for 2200 Dining Room Sets at special figures including the finest tables for the money ever offered JOHNSONS FURNITURE STORE The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 75 Minimum temperature 45 Average CO Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 210 Barometer 2050 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Saturday except un settled in southwest portion tonight FRIDAY FACTS A large number of the friends of Louis Wachter assisted bim in celebrat ing his birthday lost Sunday The North Platte conference of the Evangelical Lutheran synod of Nebraska will be held in Wayne June 25 to 27 The Laurel roller mills valued at f 10 W0 and owned by A F Fortney burned between 12 and 1 oclock jester day morning The plant was insured for ftfMK The cauee of the fire is not known The women of O iltunbns have taken to bowling and the proprietor of one of the alleys ha9 announced special ladies days Frank O Tnrner a veteran of tho Spanish American war died nt the home of his slBter in Columbus Wednes day morning He was a brother of M K Turner editor and proprietor of the ColumbuB Journal Citizens of tho towns west of Norfolk are eudoavoring to have the officials of tho F K nnd M V run the noon pas senger trom hero west and those on the Crelghtou branch are jnst as vigorously opposed to tho change Miss Emma Moldenhoucr was troated to a surprise party Sunday tvdiiing at her home on East Muin street given in honor if her 20lh birthday Thero was a large attendance of trieuds and the evening was most enjoyably pent Freda Shnltz a niece of Ferdinand Shult and Carl Voecks of this city died at her home at Pierce Monday night from appendicitis and was buried Wed nesday Quite a number of relatives and friends from Norfolk went up to at tend the funeral The old WheaiON planing mill on Philip avenue is being put in first cIbsb shape for use as district headquarters for the Piano Manufacturing company and some of the machinery manufact ured by the company is being remodled and the exterior is being repaired and will be painted D M Owen is here from Villisca Iowa visiting family and friends and will stay for the opening of the Elks rooms tonight He reports work on his railroad contract as progressing nicely He will purchase a carload of horses during his stay here and will ship them over to be worked on the grade This afternoon Norfolk lodge No OKI B P O Elks is putting a large class of candidates through the initiatory cere monies of the order and this evening the new lodge and club rooms will be dedicated to be followed by a reception and ball The attendance at these functions promises to be large and all anticipate a large amount of enjoy ment Judge J B Barnes who delivered the Memorial day address at Wayne yesterday reports that thero was a large attendance at the exercises and all took a keen interest in the features of the program The soldier dead were given respectful remembrance and the loyalty of the living to Old Glory and its brave defenders was evidenced on every hand Work on the store house in the rear of the Bishop block was suspended during uart of Wednesdny because objections to its construction were made but mat ters were adjusted and work resumed the same day An agreement regarding the cemeut walk was also reached and the wont of hying it resumed The Fair store expects to occupy the build ing within about a week Charles Walters who was injured by falling from the roof of an ice bons e at Winside last Sunday died the next Monday afternoon He was under the inflence of liquor at the time of the ac cident He has a brother in Minnesota who has been notified of the accident the balance of his relatives living in Sweden He had considerable money at the time of his death The reception given to the new mem bers at the Firt t Baptist church was participated in by a large number of the members last night who enjoyed an in formally social time Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served during the evening and speaking and singing were among the enjoyments of the oc casion Four new members were re ceived into the church Wednesday night A gentleman who has recently been to Wayne reportB that Rev Father Fitzgerald of that place has in his gar den corn which at that time measured two feet and four inches in height and has probably grown several inches since then Father Fitzgerald is undoubtedly entitled to the banner for prize corn this spring and it will not be surprising to learn that he has roasting ears before many days The weekly crop report issued by tho univessity for the week ending May 27 Bhows that crops in northeast Nebraska are doing well From almost every county comes the report that small grain is looking fine pastures are good and corn is coming up nicely with a good stand The poorest showing is from Donglas county which says Small grain looks well but needs rain gross grows slowly Western Nebraska is receiving an ex ceptional rainfall this summer For the week ending May 27 the rainfall in that section was from one to two inches while during the same period the eastern part of tho state which usually gets the most moisture received generally less than a half inch of precipitation If nature continues to favor that part of the state there will be no irrigation question for the residents to solve A P Childs for several years editor of the Norfolk TimeB Tribune has pur chased a paper at Carroll this state and leaves tomorrow to take charge of the i property Mr Childs 1b an all around THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MAY 31 1001 newspaper man atid will give tho people of Carroll and vicinity n Micy local newspaper Many of them are familiar with his ability as for a nmn ber of years ho was publisher of the Democrat in tho neighboring city of Wayne and it will Mom almost like homo to him Miss Alice Kennedy daughter of M J Kennedy of tho Junction who has been teaching for somo years in Knox county died nfter a brief illuoss at the homo of her sister Mrs Win Green at Crnlghton early this morning Tho re mains will bo brought to Norfolk on the evening freight and removed to the home of the parentH From thero they will bo taken to theSacred Heart church Saturday for the funeral Ferviees which will be held nt 10 oclock in tho morn ing Tho deceased was 22 years of age and widoly and favorably known The parents and other relatives hove tho sincere sympathy of many friends in their sad nud sudden bereavement Notice was issued yesterday to water consumers lnMmctiug them to stop using water for lawn pnrjMiHON at six oclock so that there would bo enough water in the stand pipe during the night for tiro protection This was necessitated because a new valve was to bo placed in the largo pump nt the pumping station and the pumps could therefore not bo used The repairs were successfully made five men being em ployed and the work was completed in about three hours The pumping station is showing many improvements under L Wetzels management and tho machinery is being placod in better con dition than for sometime past The en gineer is an experienced machinist and ho hopes in time to have everything in and about tho station in first class shape Mrs A J Durland Mrs C B Dnr land entertained a large number of lady friends at breakfast this morning nt 11 I0 which was served on the lawn at the homo of the first named lady The beautiful trees carefully trimmed lawn and nicely arranged tables made the scene one of boauty while the pleasant day added its share to the en joyment and comfort of the gneBts The Italian orchestra discoursed sweet music while the breakfabt which was of three courses was being served After breakfttBt the ladies danced on tho lawn ran potato races and were otherwise amused A feature of he entertainment was a search for birds at which Mrs Spear proved most successful and was presented with a beautiful hut by the hostess The occa sion was much enjoyed by all who par ticipated Choice veal at the Palace meat mar ket Lovr Pair of aluminum spectacles Finder leave at News oflice and receive reward Fon Sam A good Jersey cow G R SniLKK Strawberrieb 10 cents a box or 2 a case of 2 1 boxes nt Schorregges Wanted Mnu who has had some with typewriters to advertise and sell one of the standard machines on a new and liberal proposition Ad dress News oflice Norfolk Channel catfish at the Palace meat market Lake trout at the Palace meat mar ket Notice The annual stockholders meeting oi the Norfolk Building Loan association will be held ut the office of the secre tary Wednesday evening June 5 1101 at 8 I30 oclock A full attendance is desired Try one of Karos beef roasts BEGA Mr ftnd Mrs Andrew Lu id were at Norfolk on Tuesday Andrew Henricson is shelling corn for Mr Lundquist this week Misses Lundquist and brother attended church at Norfolk on Sunday Christina Lundquist is visiting her si6ter Mrs W H Wilken of Pierce this week Mrs Dr Mocomber and Mrs Speck and sou Gordon of Norfolk visited here on Tuesday O S Cady representing the Hastings Insurance company was seen on the streets of Bega this week Samuel Nelson of HoskinB who has been visiting in this vicinity for a week returned home Monday morning Edward Wilken of Pierce passed through this neighborhood on his way home from Stanton where ho has been visiting Rev Ryder preached at the school house Tuesday evening The attend ance was large and the meeting was very interesting Farm and city loans The Dubland Tbdbt Oo Foil Sale House of 10 rooms in Heights 3000 G It Seilek Good farms to trade for town property G Ii Seilek Dressed chickens at Karos Koro keeps all kinds of seasonable meats Walleyed pike at the Palace meat market Foil Sale 5 room house and 2 lots on Fourth street 1160 G It Seilkk SOLDIER DEADH0N0RED No PulilU tr Uc AV llrlit Hut tlm Irnwn V rr llirr Mrn mid low n ttrrotntnl In Tlmlr Itimor Although there was no general public observance of Memorial day in Norfolk yesterday the soldier dead were by no means forgotten nud murks if respect and icvoreneo were apparent through out the city and In the cenieterieB of the vicinity Early in the morning the stars and stripes and national colors tundn their appearance from tho business blocks and residences of the city tho business dis trict showing almost as excellent a dis play as though the day wuh being pub licly observed A committee from tho G A II post and W I O proceeded to Prospect Hill cemetery during the forenoon nnd distributed lowers over tho graves of dead coiuiadcH and members of the corps each grave being marked with a small American lag Several new names have been added to the list since last Memorial day After tho graves had been decorated taps were sounded hy 5 A Marqnurdt A committee also went to the Kidder cemetery where live graves were decor ated and also decorated one grave in the St Paul Lutheran cemetery Taps were also sounded here Those who heard this were more than over impressed with the beauty and i flective uess ol the sound Tho air was still and tho musical notes were clear and penetrating and the instrument was in tho hands of an expert musician Tho holiday wub observed by banks and other similar institutions which closed their doors but the majority of the business houses remained open Spri ug lamb at the Palace meat mar ket DrFrank Salter Diseases of children Go to E N Vails for ice cream in all styles Phono lll We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odioune Sen Strawberries 10 cents a box or 2 a cnEo of 2 t boxes at Schorregges Sturgeon is the piano man Spring chicken at the Palaco meat market Fou Saii 5 room house and 2 lots on Eleventh street SHOO R Seilek Houses for sale T E Odioknr Foil Sale 7 room house and fi lots 1500 G It Seileii SUMMER MILLINERY All Goods MADE UP IN THE LATEST STYLE at 1 As E DURLANDS A SNAP Three quarter sections in lloyd Co near Lynch Nebr First class clay land with small build ing and about Wl acres in crop on each place growing nicely Possession giv en June 10 1101 Only 1250 per acre for one or all worth 2000 We also offer a fine dtarter section 10 mileB from Ver digre Nebr unimproved except 10 acres under cultivation at 100000 Three houses to rent 800 to 1200 to 12 0 per month Call and see us TRBCY DUMND Special Sale Commencing Thursday May i0 and continuing two weeks we will sell onr entire line of 50c Sailors at 25c i TnZ Shirt Waist Hats at 75c Genuine Bargains If you will take time to look at OUR LINE you will be con T vinced that there is no assortment in Norfolk equal to it in t Styles Quality and t Prices Miss E J Bender WWW WWW WW WW X4 - f14 You want io Buy Wc want Io Sell i II ARDWAR Lets get together G E MOORE 1 We have a few 6URNEY and LA BELLE REFRIGERATORS which we will Close Out at Cost to save moving These arc not imitations of Gtirncy Idea but the Genuine Gur ncy insulated with mineral wool and with all the latest improvements It will pay you to look at them if inter ested in ice boxes HOFFMAN SMITH 4 We earnestly invite a criti f cal inspection and comparison f V with Millinery Stocks shown I anywhere We give you bet ter value at same or less prices than any catalogue house be sides every sale is backed by our guaranty for honest work f and complete satisfaction INSKEEPS MILLINERY I - 4 A A A AAA ArfA AAAMAAA A A f Ax H 4K A I 9 A puzln question for many of you is Of whom shall I buy my diamonds watches cut glass tt All we ask is that you criti cally examine our goods consider the way they are made and finished who stands hack of every piece anxious to correct- all faults should there lie any and let your own good sense dictate If you wish cheaper goods we will order them for you We have everything in the music line C S HAYES graduate optician Eyes tested free Watch inspector for the F K k M V Ii K Fine watch work a specialty HAYES JEWELRY MUSIC HOUSE Norfolk Neb O A LDIKABT Phihidemt CHAH B HttlDOK Vice rniMDKNT W H JOHNBON Cabiiikb LEO IASKWALK Abst Cab The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus tg000 Bny anil tell hxcIiburo on thin country ami all imrtu nt fcurojin Form Loaflt rjlrectora Oaku Abmcb W II Joiinbox Chan Hkdob O W Uuaabch tiWANK O A LCIHADT T P MKMMINOEB L HKHHIONH o M I H H Get What You Ask for at UHLES GROCERY ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular We know precisely what is wanted by our custom ers We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South Bide Main St between 2d and 3d Telephone 41 i C W BRAASCH DEALER IN ICOALi 2 GKeAasr col Exclusive atfeDt lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the beet in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all elzefl TELEPHONE 61