The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 31, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Couurll Take Mrwutrr Townnl a Morn
Hlghl IJiiforcrninit of Simtllpin
Tho oily council mot in special session
again Inst ovoning upon cull of the
mnyor for tho purpose of considering
tho smallpox sit unt Ion nuil to take stops
toward enforcing a mnio rigid qnarun
tlno There were present Mnyor
Koonlgsloiu nud Counollmon Brum
imincl Dcgnnr thlo Spollmuii Wester
volt niul Walkor Absent CnutiuUiiuii
Clements nuil liOW
Tho ntiiyor Mated Hint iniuiy com
juaints wore buiitK nimlo to him that
bniunmutino rules worn not being
properly obferved hut tn tho majority
ot riim fi investigated tho complaints
wero found to ho without foundation
Councilman low entered and took
JiiH pout with tho council
A motion prevailed tlnvt hereafter no
quarantine ho raised until tho building
filmll hnvo hcen thoroughly fumigated
according to methods niul iiiHtructiotiH
of tho city physician
Tho mayor was authoriod to put on
jiu extra patrolman in addition to those
alroady working to not until tho next
regular meeting of tho oounoll for tho
purpose of enforcing tho quarantine
Couuuilmnu Bmmmuud etatod that
to make a 10 foot sidewalk Iti front of
tho Hlsthop block would run tho side
walk into tho street beyond tho curb
lino nt tho corner ami that tho hydrant
nnd tolophono polos would have to bo
moved into tho street Ho thought
that hoiuo notion should bo taken by tho
council nt once as Mr Hansom wuh com
mencing to put down a cement walk
Tho street nnd ulloy committee was
delegated tho power to not in reference
to tho sidewalk mentioned nnd author
ized to see that the hiiuio bo built in no
cordnuco with their instructioiiH
Tho following resolution was road and
Adopted by un unnnimouH vote
ltosolved That it is tho sense of tho
council that all persons he requested to
bo vaccinated in ordor to iihsist in
Ktamplug out tho smallpox and to pre
vent tho disease from taking a more
virulent form in the fall
On motion tho council adjourned
Tin Truth Alxiut Vaccination
The following tnkon from the public
health reports issued by the government
is published by request of tho board of
hoalth of Norfolk
Dr Blzzozozlro in n rocont locture
dolivored at Homo rocnllod strikingly
to his nudionco tho succoss of vaccination
in Gormany Ho said Germany
Btatids nlone in fullllling in a great
inensure the demauds of hygieuo hav
ing iu coiioquenco of tho calamitous
smallpox epidomio of 1870 71 ouaotod
tho law of 1S74 which makes vaccina
tion obligatory in the llrut year of lifo
nnd rovnecination obligatory at tho
tenth your What wns the result
With n population of fiO000000 having
in 1871 lost Mi000 livos by smallpox
Alio found by her law of 1871 tho mor
tnlity diminished so rapidly that today
tho disenso numbers only lli victims a
year These cases moreover occur
almost exclusively iu towns on her
frontier If it wero true that n good
vaccination does not protect from small
pox wo ought to llnd in smallpox epi
demics thut the disenso diffuses itself
iu tho well vaccinated no lesa than in
uouvaceinuted countries But it is not
so In 1870 71 during tho
war tho two peoples iutorpeno
trnted eaoli other the Gorman haying
its civil population vuccinnted option
ally but its nrmy completely vaccinated
whilo tho French population ami army
alike wero vuccinnted porfunotorily
Both wore attacked by smnllpox Tho
French nrmy nuiubored 21000 donths
by it while tho German nrmy hnd only
278 nnd iu tho sumo tent breathing the
namo nir tho French wounded wore
hoavily visited by tho disease whilo the
German wounded having been vucci
nuted had not n single ense
It is ndvised that whntovor moasures
are adopted thoy should be made thor
Mensures good or bad half dono nro
worso thuu usoless as thoy givo n
fancied security
Smnllpox can not be suppressed with
out the expenditure of money
Jho more promptly you act tho loss it
will cost
When iu doubt act on the safe sido
Finally the following motto is offered
ior your banner in smallpox work
Isolate vaccinato disinfect 1
Nebraska air received doservod honor
-when President McKinley acknowledged
that since crossing the stato liue Mrs
McKinley s health was much improved
Nebroskans know that the air is healthy
and even pleasantly intoxicating when
not on n rampage and are pleased to
know that it should havo proven bene
ficial to the first lady of the land
Wm Oody Buffalo Bill wants to
establish a military college at Cody
Wyoming iu the heart of the Big Horn
Tmein whore students will be instructed
in rough rider military tactics for the
United States nrmy It is tho atten
tion to have the barracks constructed of
unhewn logs and tho course bosidos
military tactics will include tho hunt
ing of game It is probablo that if such
a college were established it wouldhuvo
a largo attendance and its merits would
not bo few
Miss Annie Parker enmo up from
Kearney lust night
Miss Winnie Owen of Omaha Is visit
ing friends iu the city
Mr nnd Mrs John Koonigstcln visited
friends nt Wisner yesterday
W K Heed of Madison transacted
business In Norfolk yesterday
Miss Graoo Matron will go to WInsldo
tomorrow to visit Mrs Josoph Culloni n
few days
Helen and Kiln Hitman havo gono
to Lyons for a visit with their aunt
Mrs Paul Kuro
Mrs A H Kiosau and sony eft yes
terday for a visit with friends at Scot
land South Dakota
Mr nnd Mrs Geo IV Moore of Omaha
are visiting Dr and Mrs K F Teal nt
tho hospital for tho insane
Sheriff George W Losey of Madison
had olllclul business In Norfolk today
and put In his spare tltno greeting
Tho Neligh house at West Point hns
been quarantined on iccnuut of small
pox as has also tho home of F W
Mr and Mrs L 0 Hopperly living n
mile oast of tho city recently welcomed
a sou to their homo that tipped tho
beam at 1 1 pounds
Tho Italian orchestra of Omaha is in
tho oity aud will romaln over Friday
night and furnish tho music for tho
Klks dedication nud ball
A N Gerocko has routed the cottage
on North Kloveuth stroot recently Spur
chimed by A H Klesau and will oc
cupy it tho Urst of next week
Mrs II 13 Gregory left for her homo
iu Lincoln today after a pleasant visit
with her mother Mrs Bollo Pheasant
nud other lolatlves and friends
Dr C S Parker returned this morn
ing from Winnebago Agency Mrs
Parker and sister went to Sioux City
this morning nud will bo homo tonight
L 15 Wallorstedt has purchased of
Asa K Leonard the cottage at present
occupied by A N Gorecko and will
take possession as soon as it is vacated
Begiunlug thismorniug a train is be
ing run cut from Fremont to Leavitt to
carry children and othors who wish to
work iu tho beet fields of tho Standard
Cattle company transportation free
On Memorial day Thursday tho
postoillce will bo closed except from
11 510 a m to 1 pm nud in tho ovou
iug from 7 tfO to 8 i0 After July 1 tho
postoillce will close at 1 p in on Sun
days instead of 1 as heretofore
WhUo Will Forney of Mudisou was
out hunting lust Thursday with a cap
ntlo a piece of ouo of tho caps Hew in
his eye Ho did not consult a physi
cian until Saturday and on Sunday was
compelled to go to Omaha and consult a
Mr and Mrs G B S liter will leave
tomorrow noon for an extended visit in
tho oust They will visit Chicago ou
routo and after viewing tho exposition
nt Buffalo will go to their old homo in
Port Hope Canada They expect to bo
absent six weeks or two mouths
A Washington dispatch to the Boo
tatos that tho application of G D But
torflold Josephine D Buttorfiold W H
Butterllold Alice D Buttorfiold P H
Salter aud W Anders to orgauie tho
Creighton National bank of Croightou
this state with -5000 capital was ap
proved yesterday by Comptroller Dawes
A special to tho Sioux Oity Journal
from Wiuslde under date of the 27th
says that Charles Walters employed by
J McOlnro of Maukato on the stono
bridge near Wiusido while intoxicatod
attompted to give an exhibition of high
olimbiug He foil from uoar the top of
Sohnolders ice house striking ou his
head and shoulders and was carried
unconscious to his boarding house He
is paralyzed aud the physician says his
chances for recovery nro slight
Rev Horhort E Uydor pastor of the
First Baptist church is a fortunato
mau Not only has ho a good church to
give him a two mouths vacation but
ho is anticipating a first class method of
spondiug that vacation for on Juno 20
ho will sail from New York on tho
steamship St Louis of the American
lino for a trip to Europe whero ho
hopes to participate iu a wedding cere
mony aud this time not for tho other
fellow but for himself and tho Baptist
people are leokoulug ou giving his bride
a rousing and hearty reception on her
arrival hero iu the fall This will make
tho sixth time Mr Ryder has crossed
the old fish pond
W A Homleben and Miss Alwine I
Stolle wero uuitod iu marriage at the
home of tho brides mother in Madison
Sunday afternoon at 4 oclock Rev Mr
Denninger of tho Lutheran church
officiating About 100 guests were pres
ent at tho oereinony aud a number of
Quo gifts wero preseuted tho couple
Tho sorviHg of a choice wedding supper
followed tho ooromony aud the evening
was passed very eujoyably Both
parties to the contract are very well
known in Norfolk Mr Homleben was
at one time clerk at the Pacillo and moro
lately has represented the Armour inter
ests iu the poultry business The bride
is also well known haviug formerly
made this her home but for the past
two years until recently has made her
homo in Portland Oregon Their many
frionds will unito in wishing them an
abundance of llfos pleasures
A short change artist was operating
In Norfolk this morning with more or
less succoss Ho was the kind who hns
nothing less that a 20 hill until tho
merchant or clerk has almost succeedod
iu counting out the ohaugo thou ho re
members that ho has a small sum him
self nud not only takes tho first hill
baclv hut as much moro of tho merchants
monoy as ho is nhlo to secure Tho
work Is so shrewdly and quickly dono
that tho victim doesnt realize what has
transpired until aftorward thou tho
nrtlst Is nowhoru to bo found usually
Myron Oollanior was tho first person ap
pronchod Tho mau was out of tobacco
aud after tho change hnd been effected
MrCollamor foulid ho was 10 shy Ho
started out and found tho fellow and
mado him dig up Then tho con
ninn wont to Gooige Hollers placo of
business and got ahead of tho gutno to
tiio amount of 5 Ho suddenly disap
peared after this transaction and hns
not yet boon located If enough inter
est is taken iu apprehending tho muu he
may be located iu another towu
Itonl ICxtate Triuinrorn
Tho following aro tho transfers of
realoBtutoiu Madison county for the
wook ending May 25 1101 as re
ported by D J Koouigsteln official ah
Glins E Oluoy to John W Ray wd
sotfof soij 27 2 l l GO0
Cora E Harvey to N G Cougrega
tloual church lot 21 block 1 R R ad
dition to Newman Grove 75
Lovo to Mary A Guthrie wd
lot 2 block II R It uddition to Now
man Grove
Hight to Carl Wildo wd part of
o of uwjj of uw4 aud uej of uwjjf
25-24-1 800
H Amelia Hale ot alto Gustav Miller
wd ue4 and o of nwt 14-22-3 1000
II Amelia Halo ot al to A J Thatch
wd nu ot uwf 132H 3 1000
H Amelia Halo ot al to A J Thatch
wd 12 22 3 ti0
Charles Evans to Alta M Evnus wd
lot 8 block 2 Meadow Grove 1
Charles Evans to Jaunie V Muftly
wd lots 2 aud 3 block 1 Lowis addi
tion to Meadow Grove
diaries Evans to Charles E Evans
wd oj of ui of lot 1 block 3 Paso
walks additiou to Norfolk
Thomas Ducher sr to Mathilda N
Liutecum wd yK of nwV4
Hormnu Hartwig to Irma Buthke wd
lots nnd 10 block 9 Edgownter Park
additiou to Norfolk 500
A B Richardson to E A merine
wd lots 13 and 14 blook 1 Bear
Mnthewsou addition to Norfolk
Elizabeth Condon to A T Rodman
wd lot 5 block 14 It It addition to
Newman Grove 100
Stella O Hildreth to J H Secor wd
uw4 of block 13 Mandamus additiou
to Madison Nob
Cutting is going ou in east bound rail
freight rates
Two sheep herders nnd 35 sheep
wore killed by lightning near Havre
A stnvo mill owned by J S Patter
son at Carlyle Ills was destroyed by
fire at a loss of 10000
Leo Lynch and Henry Kreah boys
9 years of age wero drowned in the
Kaw river nt Kaneas City
Thomas Avery founder of tho Elgin
National Watch company died iu Chi
cago Sunday from a stroke of paraly
Monsignor Leonard Batz pastor of
St Peter nnd St Pauls Catholic
church in Milwaukee died Sunday of
pneumonia aged SO year3
Georgo Adams one of the oldest
and best known Uvo stock commission
merchants iu the west died at his
homo in Chicago Saturday
Mrs R A Morrow her 7-year-old
daughter and Miss Jonnio Craig were
drowned in an attempt to drive across
a swollen stream near Elkton Ky
Harry B Wilklns secretary of the
Milwaukee Merchants and Manufac
turers association died Sunday from
apoplexy Ho was 62 years of age
Whltten Orwln a white man aud
Losh Clsko a negro wero killed by
lightning whilo seeking shelter from
the rain in a barn at Hockstown O
The factory of the Rushvlllo Furni
ture company at Itushvillo Ills was
damaged 30000 by fire and D J
Kosse an employe was fatally burned
Made It n Uurlcaqne
Franklin Fyles recalls some amusing
first night experiences In Ills article on
The Theater nud Its People in The
Ladies Homo Journal One he relates
Is of Laura Don now dead She hnd
the role of an Egyptlnn prlueess in
Fresh the American It wns Intend
ed that sho should be seriously nnd
seutimentally Impressive while the
late John T Raymond tho star of the
company should be contrastingly com
ical as the lover But tho audience
would not have It so Nor was it any
thing in Miss Dons appearance for
sho was beautiful nor in her acting
for it was clever that mado tho people
laugh It came of a miscalculation by
tho author The quick wltted woman
seeing that she could not control the
audience resolved to humor it By an
exaggeration of speech and manner
she turned the part Into burlesque
and it was always after acted in that
Mr Fyles also tells that in donna
tra as produced by the lato Fanny
Davenport a general should have giv
en to his queen an impetuous account
of a battlo which ho had won But he
stood wordless silent stuck fast You
havo come to tell me Miss Davenport
said and then went on with tho narra
tive which he should have spoken
Mrs II O Matrau won a passenger
for Omaha today
Landlord F P Prince of Madisou was
a city visitor yosterday
Rev J B Loodoui was in Norfolk
yesterday from Randolph
J B Barnes jr is taking tho school
census of this district bogiuulug today
Mayor D J Koonigstoin and children
John and Mortlo wont to Madisou to
E A Bullock Is treating his homo in
tho west part of tho city to a now coat
of tmiut
Tho Ladles guild of Trinity church
will hold Its regular meoting with Mrs
Loonard Friday aftornoon
Mrs Bryan and daughter Miss Mario
loft this morning for Montana whero
thoy go to spond tho summer
Mrs II II Hull and daughter re
turned last night from Beomor whero
they had been visiting a few days
Judgo nnd Mrs J B Barnes will go
to Wayno tomorrow whero Mr Barnes
is to make tho Memorial day address
Work on tho second story of tho Stortz
block is progressing rapidly aud the
building will soon bo ready for the roof
Miss Pearl Reeso ontortalued a small
company of friends at tea last evening
at the homo of her sister Mrs L M
Rev F M Sissou aud J W Ransom
aro having concrete walks laid iu front
of their residence property on South
Fourth street
Miss Florence Parker who has been
visiting her brother Dr O S Parker
for somo time left for her home in
Kearuoy this morning
Fred Sioglor of Bay Oity Michigan
joined his wifolioro yesterday aud will
visit his father-in-law F Pasowalk
aud otlior relatives aud friends
The concrete walk is being laid iu
frout of the Bishop block and tho work
of constructing a large storehoaseiu the
rear of tho huildiug has beeucom
Mr and Mrs A P Ohllds returned
last night from Omaha They expected
to visit Dr Hutchiusou and family for
a week but found thorn quarantined
with smallpox
Ruby tho little daughter of JMr aud
Mrs Frank Hirsh who makes her home
with Mr and Mrs Loder hnd tho mis
fortuuo to break one of her limbs during
her visit at Stanton last Sunday
Ou account of so much sickness iu
towu the Ladies auxiliary to the Y M
O A will postpone the reception to be
given the rotirlug aud incoming secre
taries in tho Y M C A hall Monday
Tomorrow is Memorial day aud a legal
holiday There will be no publio exer
cises but the deceased soldiers will be
remembered by their former comrades
who will deposit flowers ou their grave
The banks and other similar institutions
will observe tho day by closing their
doors aud in nccordauce with its usual
custom on such occasions The News
will not issue a pnper
Charles Alien who preceded theNor
folk members of tho mining camp to
Wyoming writes from Sheridan inform
ing the party to follow nnd they expect
to lonvo tomorrow for the scene of their
summers work The snow on the
mountains is disappearing aud it is
thought that by the time the party ar
rives no difliculty will bo encountered
in crossing the trail to the mine
I W Alter of Wayne tho nowly
elected member of tho A O U W
grand lodgo finance committeo was in
tho city over night ou his return home
from ntteuding a meeting of the old and
now committees nud tho officers of the
grand lodgo at Grand Island Deputy
Grand Master Workman F F Miller of
this oity also attended the meeting and
wns assigned tho northeast section of
the state as his territory
At the Baptist church this evening a
good time is expocted Beside the regu
lar praise nud prayer service with an
address by the pastor it will also be
the covenant meeting for all the mom
be rs Tho ordinance of baptism will bo
administered during the service On
Thursday tho church will give a recep
tion to all the new members who have
come in during this year of which there
will be over fifty
Niobrara Pioneer Roy Reid was
seen coming np the road by the post
oillce as happy as a lark Monday morn
ing pushing his whoel barrow of fish
having caught one 18 pounder and one
25 pounder The uext morning bo was
noticed with a team and wagon When
he reached Main street a orowd gathered
around him and with some assistance
he unloaded a 1 10 pounder upon the city
scalos where Mark Lindsay took a pic
ture of tho young whale He was caught
with an ordinary hook and line the
hook being in his mouth and the fish
breathing when Lindsay took his pio
ture Roy took the fish over to Creigh
ton and disposed of him that morning
The governor of North Carolina Is
one of many who once thought other
wise but now believo that a state has no
right to secede from the union At
bauquet recently given in New York the
southern governor gave utterance to the
followiug patriotic sentimout Now
there are two things that I thought
were settled 1 thought it was settled
that in 1801 any state had a right to se-
That we are constantly growing in the art of male
ing Pine Photos and our products will always be
fouud to embrace the most
and Newest style in Cards aud Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
vlvan Ozone
noi MA
chronic DnUNunl
Sioux Faixs 8 D roa tdxl information
Dr Keller Specialist la Note Throat Lunjj
and Kidney Diseases will correspond With you
Iu regard to your condition
cede and that in 1001 no state hnd a
right to secede At any rate this is the
opinion that prevails in North Carolina
today and I am here now to tell you
that if any state if your Emplro state
of New York for Instance secedes I
will pledge to Uucle Sam 200000 men
each one warranted to bring down a
squirrel at ever so many hundred yards
and all of them good for nine bird out
of ten ou the whig who will march to
the frout prepared to help lick New
York back iuto a proper frame of mind
No thank God there is no more seces
sion no more divided country Wo are
one couutry under oue flag a glorious
country under a glorious ting We are
not separating any more we aro annex
ing bringing the rest of the world iu
to our fold I am a citizen of North
Carolina you are citizens of New York
but we are all thank God citizens of
this great United States
The mayor aud city council are to be
commended for the action taken at the
special meeting last evening when
more stringent measures were adopted
to stamp out the smallpcx The em
ployment cf extra patrolmen to see that
quarantine regulations are strictly en
forced will go a long ways to speedily
rid this city of the trouble especially
when followed by thorough disinfection
of every house where there has been dis
ease Tho recommendation that every
person be vaccinated is also timely and
should be generally followed It is true
that the city authorities havo been a
little slow iu takiug hold of this matter
but with the proper spirit of assistance
on the part of citizens there should be
no trouble in quickly stamping out the
disease from this community
The decision of the supremo court ou
the insular cases is worthy of study Its
import cannot be determined by a mere
perusal and every citizen having the
welfare of his couutry at heart should
fully understand the full meaning of
the decision in order that thoy may act
knowingly if the time ever comes when
their vote may be required to determine
the status of ncquiredaterritory
The plans for celebrating the Fourth
ot July in Norfolk have apparently been
dropped by common consent and it now
appears as though no celebration will be
held Under existing circumstances it
is perhaps justjas well as there wonld
undoubtedly be many diillcultles en
countered The sentiment for a celebra
tion having been so unanimous and
there being apparently so much disap
pointment The News would suggest
that a harvest home festival be held
some time during September Such a
festival would admit of a more varied
and pleasurable program than a celebra
tion Speaking music racing fire
works floral and other parades may be
made features that would attract a
large attendance and the festival might
be continued through two or three days
Decorations and campingjfeatures would
not be inappropriated in fact a variety
of entertainment conld be afforded that
wonld bo limited only by the capaoity
of the committees in charge to suggest
and the amount of funds at their dis
posal It is Norfolks turn to pro
vide some sort of entertainment
during the summer and this suggestion
with good management could be made
very profitable aud entertaining Sug
gestions from business men or others in
terested are invited regarding the sub
ject and short communication and to
the point will gladly be given space by
The News
An Kxtract from Uer Letter
If you could only be here this winter
morning and see for yourself you would
no longer doubt me Hoses are bloom
ing in our front yard and all nature is
Medical Opinion in regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
An editor of a medical jourual
writes as follows
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozouo
offered by the Dr A II Keller
Chemical Company as a cure for
Consumption Asthma Bronchitis
Hay Fevor Catarrh Coughs
Colds aud all diseases of the air
passages This we know to bo a
geuuiuo Bpeciflc for these com
plaints and as such entitled to
our coutldence aud thut of our
Close examination into tho
practical results which havo been
had from tho uso of this remedy
has caused us to endorse It as be
ing an undoubted cure for tho
above ailments effectual in re
moving tho exciting causo in a
number of attacks which had been
of the severest and most tedious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozono permanently restored
health and iu cases which wero
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
as far advauced in this lovely American
summerland as it will be in your cold
eastern home by Juno
Wo made the journey from Missouri
river to the Golden Gate on the Union
Pacific to avoid the circuitous routes
an important item iu tho winter A
trip to California is mado delightful by
tho perfect service and luxurious ac
commoditiou of The Overland Limited
which is perhaps the most finely
equipped train in the world
Detailed information furnished ou ap
plication F W JusrJiAN Ageut
Card of Tluuikx
We hpreby extend our heartfelt
thanks to the neighbors and friends who
ahaisted us duriug the sickness aud iu
the services following the death of our
beloved daughter
Mr asd Mrs V D Nethaawvy
Career nud Character of Abralutm Lincoln
An address by Joseph Choate Am
bassador to Great Britain on the career
aad character of Abraham Lincoln his
early life his early struggles with tho
world his character as developed in
the later years of his life and his ad
ministration wbicn placed his name so
high on the worlds roll of honor land
fame has been published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway aud may
be had by sending six 0 ceuts in post
age to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
What shall We Have for Dpxaert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it today
Try Jell O a delicious dessert Pre
pared iu two minutes No baking add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Linon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Tho fast trains of the Union Pacific
reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead
of nil competitors If vou aro in no
hurry take a slow train by ouo of the do
tour routes but if you want to got thoro
without suffering any of the inconven
iences of winter travel take the only
direct route the Union Pacific De
tailed information furnished on applica
tion F W Juneman Agent
Every woman in the country
ought to know about
Mothers Friend
Those who do know about it
wonder how they ever got along
without it It has robbed child
birth of its terrors for many a
young wife It has preserved her
girlish figure and saved her much
suffering It is an external lini
ment and canies with it therefore
absolutely no danger of upsetting
the system as drugs taken intern
ally are apt to do It is to be
rubbed into the abdomen to soften
and strengthen the muscles which
are to bear the strain This means
much lefts pain It also prevents
morning sickness and all of the
other discomforts of pregnancy
A druggist of Macon Ga says
ol d a lar quantity of
m i
Fnend and have never
known an instance where it has
failed to produce the good results
claimed for it
i ProHent lady of Lam
bertou Ark writes With
first six children 1 was in labor
from 24 to 3o hours After using
Mothers Friend my seventh was
born in 4 hours
Get MuUirr1 Friend at the druc
utore W100 ier botllu
WrIU tor oor rr llluirU4 look BErORK B1BT
IS tiOfUf