The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Miss Stella Lullurt is on the sick list
11 Lucas of Foster was n city visitor
Dr II G Leisering of Wnyno wns in
Norfolk yesterdny
Ariel Crnlg wns iu Norfolk yesterday
from Battle Creek
1 F Hunsou of Tildeu bnd business
in Norfolk ye6terdny
M F Perdno wns n Norfolk guest
yesterdny from Wnyne
Miss Hartley is down from Tilden to
spond Sundny nt homo
MiB Hnttic MeKim is spending n few
dnys in Omnhn this week
Mrs Anna Hnll of Bloomfleld wns n
Norfolk visitor yesterdny
Dr OhiiB A McKim went to Fierce
yesterdny on special business
G W Meyer of Neligh wns a visitor
yesterdny iu this metropolis
II P Shumwny of Wakefield wns in
the city yesterdny on business
F L Culver is hero from Lircolu
looking after business interests
Miss Josephine Butterfield is expected
to return from Chicago tonight
13 B Kenyon hns returned from hi
trip to Minnesota and North Dakota
Judge Bnrues is to deliver the Memor
ial day nddress nt Wnyno on tho JJOth
Mrs J Bishop nud Mrs Hayes of
Omnhn nro visiting with Mrs O J
JameB Vnn Dyke arrived in tho city
today from Oinnhn and will tnke a posi
tion in The News oilice
H E Owen and family drovo to
Wayne todny to spend a couple of dnys
visiting relatives and friends
Fred Sidler hns sold his drny lino to
D M Upton who will conduct it iu
the future while Mr Sidler will retire
from the business
The Pierce bnll team of boys came
down todny to play a return game with
theNorfolk nine and the contest is be
ing waged this afternoon
Mrs Wm Persons who has been
visiting at the home of her pnreuts Mr
aud Mrs Jos Horrisky for the past
five weeks returned to her home in
Pocntella Idaho todny
Rev Julius Stevens of Fort Dodge
Iowa will be the guest of his daughter
Mrs E M Huntington over Sunday
and will occupy the pulpit in the Second
Congregational church
H L Spaulding John Quick and W
N Huse returned yesterday from Ne
braska City where they attended the
grand lodge A O U W They report
an interesting and profitable session
The Stortz block haB progressed fo
far as to disclose the prospects of a very
handsome building The white brick
and dark red stone being used in the
front ninke a very handsome effect
Mr nnd Mrs C G Somers left
for Omaha on the noon train and will
mnke that city their home in the future
Miss May Somers will remain here to
complete her years work iu the echools
The plate glass windows have been
placed in the Bishop block aud the
boards that have been obscuring the
front have been removed This change
discloses a very elegant front and the
average window decorator can readily
imagine what a display mny be mnde in
the building
Deputy Grand Master Workmnu F
F Miller has returned from Nebraska
City where ho has been attending the
the grand lodge of the A O U W act
ing as grand wntchman during the ses
sion He has been reappointed to the
position of deputy by Grand Master
Workman Jaskalek and will continue
to serve the order in that capacity
The American Express company Ins
arranged to receive packages of money
clothing supplies etc for the Jackson
ville Florida fire sufferers and trans
port such shipments free of charge pro
viding they are consigned to regularly
organized relief committees Such
authority hns been received by the local
agent nnd contributors are invited to
take advantage of the opportunity
Mrs Ora Lyon died Thursday morn
ing nt 2 oclock at her home in Madison
Deceased waB married to her husband
over two years ago at Wayne Neb
She leaves an infant son their first
born and her husband as her family
besides parents and other relatives at
Wayne Funeral services were held at
the Madison M E church Friday after
noon leaving the house at 2 oclock
Neligh Yeoman Elizabeth B
ONeill died suddenly Saturday morn
ing being found dead in her bed It
wns doubtless a case of heart failure
She was buried Sunday with services
at the Episcopal church She leaves a
husband and four sons The sons ore
by her former husband Mr Brown
George lives up near Savage The
others live out of the state She leaves
an estate estimated at 25000 consist
ing mostly of farms and town property
The editor of the York Republican
recently assumed a populistio pose and
wrote Its a sad world The water
pitcher is always empty and the slop
jar is always full The hens never lay
when the prices of eggs is way up and
butter iB never cheap except in Bummer
when everybody has it There is only
the margin of about a week a half
between cussing the drouth and cussing
the rain When the straw is too heavy
tho whent docs not till well nud when
it would hnvo tilled well there isnt nny
Tho 8temly growth of tho freight
tralllo nt this place hns mado it ueees
snry for tho Union Pacific nnd O St
PM O roads to provide belter
fncilities for handling tho business aud
tho work of grading for two new side
tracks in tho union yards is now under
wav The tracks will extend tho full
length of tho ynrds and enst nearly to
tho river to bo built on the north side
of the mnin trnck nnd when completed
will ndd grently to tho capacity of the
ronds for handling trnlllc Beginning
with tho opening of the sugar campaign
tho ynrds have been iu n congested con
dition during tho grenter portion of the
winter months mnking the handling
of the cars very tedious to officials nnd
employes With tho now trncks the
work will bo greatly lessened Tho im
provement is nn importnnt indication
of the prominenco Norfolk is nttnining
ns n shipping center Wood it Doughty
nre the railroad contractors doing the
work nnd it is under tho supervision of
A P Wood of Madison
General Secretary W W Hnghesof
the Norfolk Y M 0 A has resigned
his position with that organization to
take effect June 1 He expects to leave
nbont tho Jird of Juno for his homo in
Sioux City and contemplates taking up
n college courso in tho fall Mr Hughes
has been a faithful ofllcer to tho Y M
C A and during tho time it wns a
league nud it is lnrgely through his ef
forts that the organization has nttnined
its present strength Ho hns labored
earnestly with the young men of the
city nnd has accomplished n grent denl
for their betterment It iB therefore
with profound regret thnt the olllcers
nud members of the nssocintion ub well
ns outside friends receive liiB determina
tion to relinquish the position C 0
North of Lincoln has nccepted a call to
the place mnde vacant nnd will be here
soon to tnke charge Mr North hns
been a worker in the university nssocin
tion at Lincoln is a young man of much
ability in the work and comes highly
recommended by all who know of him
nnd his connection with the nssocintion
ISntwen Omiilm ami St 1iuil lntlieNirtli
IVehtcrn Line
Rates to the bienninl meeting Hend
Camp Modern Woodmen of America
hnve been announced nt ono fare plus
200 for the round trip
The railronds of Nebraska connecting
with tho North Western Lino nt Omaha
The Union PAcinc
Missoum Pacific
and the road connecting nt Missouri
Valley is the Fremont Elkhorn Mo
Delegates nud their friends from all
points in the state enn therefore secure
the best accommodations by buying
through tickets from their homo towns
via the most convenient road to the
Missouri river nnd the North Western
Line beyond
Leave Omaha Union Passenger
Station 55 pm
Leave Omaha Union Pnssenger
Station 0 5j a ni
The night train has modern broad
ve6tibnled coaches and Pullmnu sleepers
The day train hns modern brond vesti
buled coaches and observation buffet
pnrlor car
We note the fact thnt M W of A
always want the best when they cnu
get it for the snme money Tho motto
of the North Western Line is The
Best of Everything
J R Buchanan
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Neb
A Good Thing
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee n celebrated
German Physician and is acknowledged
to bo one of the most fortunate discover
ies in Medicine It quickly cures
Coughs ColdB and ull Lung troubles of
the severest nature removing ns it does
the cause of tho affection nnd leaving the
parts in a strong nud healthy condition
It is not an experimental medicine but
has stood the test of years giving satis
faction in every case which its rapidly
increasing salo every season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Boh
chees German Syrup wns introduced in
the Unites States in 1808 and is now
sold in every town nnd villnge in the
civilized world Three doses will relieve
nny ordinary cough Price 75cts Get
GreenB Prize Almanac Asa K Leon
Goshen 111 Genesse Pure Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Some days
since a package of your Grain 0 prepar
ation was left at my office I took it
home and gave it n trial and I have to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
used the best Java and Mocha in our
family but I am tree to say I like the
Grain 0 ns well as the best coffee I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
What hhall We Have for Dessert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it todny
Try Jell O a delicious dessert Pre
pared in two minuteB No baking add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Leinon orange raspberry nnd straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
F M Yeazol spent Sunday iu Madi
11 IiOdor nud family spent Sunday
with Stanton friends
Judge and Mrs Powers wero passen
gers for Lincoln this morning
Superintendent D U OConnor spent
Friday and Saturday in Omnhn
G R Seller returned yesterday noon
from n business trip to Mendow Grove
W II Mobly of Hnrtsvllle ludinnn
visited with Norfolk friends over Sun
Miss Alice Mills of Omnhn visited
over Sunday with her sister Mrs John
R llnys
Misses Annto Verges nnd Agues
Zuelow visited with Stanton friends
Ed Wnlters wns up from Humphrey
yesterdny spending tho day with Nor
folk friends
Mrs D D Hull nnd children leave
for Earlham Iowa tomorrow to visit
about two months
Mr nnd Mrs W II Hlakeninn enter
tained u party of friends at a 0 oclock
dinner Saturday evening
Mrs Herman Znhu and Mr nud Mrs
Henry Peters wero in tho city today
from Pierce doing some shopping
Luther son of Mr nnd Mrs II E
Austin is recovering from n sovero at
tack of inllnmmutory rheumatism
E II Evans repieseutative of Beldon
Evans custom shirt mnkers of Minne
apolis Minn is nt the Pacific hotel
Mrs l E Gregory formerly Miss
Lyda Pheasant enme up from Lincoln
Saturday for a visit with Norfolk rela
tives aud friends
George Davenport went to Sioux City
yesterday to visit relatives a few days
Russell Thompson is nssisting in the
shoe store during his obsence
C S Bridge is making improvements
to his residence on West Norfolk nveuue
which when completed will provide
additional room nnd conveniences
Mr nnd Mrs C J Tubbs who hnve
been visiting for some time nt the home
of GB Christoph left this morning for
their homo in New Castle Wyoming
A specinl meeting of coinpnuy L N
N G will bo held this evening to pre
pare for the observance of Decoration
day nnd nil members nro requested to
be present
C J Stockwell went to Sioux City
yesterdny on busiueES nud from there
will go to Council Bluffs to meet Mrs
Stockwell and tho baby v ho will ac
company him homo
School opened ngnin this morning
tho rooms books etc during tho few
intervening days having been thor
oughly fumigated ns n preventive
ngaiust contagious diseases
Wm Sidler who was called hero by
tho serious illness of his brother D F
Sidler returned to his home iu Knlnmn
zoo Mich todny his brothers condi
tion being considerably improved
II B Storm representing the Armour
Packing coinpnuy has moved to Nor
folk with his wife aud will inuko this
city his headquarters They are for
the present making their homo at the
Pacific hotel
Mrs Charles Lnndersand her mother-in-law
Mrs Pnrker who have been
visiting relntives nud friends here left
todny for their home in Genoa Mrs
Lauders mother Mrs Bell nccompa
med them for a visit
A chicken with three perfect legs is
among n brood hatched by a hen belong
ing to Mrs Suiter yesterday The re
markable chicken is doing nicely nnd
the prospects are thnt it will live to oc
cupy an honored place in a museum
J W Wilson from Tripp S D has
leased the Clifton house nt the Junction
and opened it up this morning as a
rooming bouse and lunch counter He
iB nn old hotel man and will no doubt
do a good business with the traveling
Mr and Mrs J S Butterfield and
daughter Edith of Norfield Minn and
Miss Josephine Butterfield who has
been attending n young Indies seminnry
in Chicago arrived Saturday to attend
the Salter Butterfield wedding Wednes
day Y E Dayton of Tacoma Wash
ington a brother of Mrs Butterfield is
expected to arrive this evening
Miss Allie Conley of this city nnd J
Arthur Bender of Fremont were married
at tho Catholio parsonage by Rev
Father Walsh this morning nt r J0 and
left on the 0 oclock train for Fremont
where they will mako theirfuturehome
The wedding ceremony was attended by
but a few of tho relatives and friends of
tho contracting parties The brido is
the daughter of Mr and Mrs J Conley
of this city nnd the groom is a brother
of Miss E J Bender tho milliner
The Piano Manufacturing company is
negotiating for a lease on tho old
Wheaton plauing mill for a term of five
years with a privilege of ten If the
negotiations aro successful the building
will be thoroughly remodeled painted
and placed in condition to bo used ns a
warehouse aud general office for the
transaction of the business of the com
pany in this section of tno state A
side trnck will be built out to the build
ing by the Union Pacific company
which will facilitate the handling of the
machinery Norfolk people will hope
wifl --
f 7 wy yrJy
11 jf V k
TiBp f
Toasting - broiling
baking - ironing
anything thnt enn be done with n wood or coal fitc is done
better cheaper and quicker on n
thnt the lcnso may bo scoured The
building is ton good to stand Idle aud it
has not been regularly occupied since
Mr Wheaton vacated it with his plan
ing mill
Mrs Henrietta Fett nged hU years
died yesterday morning at tho home of
her niccojMrH Win Zut in Hoskins
and the funeral services will he held to
morrow afternoon at 1 I0 from tho
house Mrs Pett enmo to tills country
from Germany to mnko her homo with
Mrs Zutz in 18K7 She wns known for
many miles nbout her homo in the
fatherlnud and was nt ono time quite
wealthy and influential She hnd been
sick for the pnst 17 months aud it is
considered that death came as a gentle
relief from her bufferings
A traveling man who has recently
been through tho western part of the
state tells of the wonderful prospects in
that section Not for ninny years hns
that portion of the country been so well
supplied with the necessnry moisture to
prortuco abundant grass and crops
Lakes nud streams that have been dry
for several yenrs aro now full to over
flowing and tho ground appears to be
thoroughly soaked Tho prospects for
crops nnd pasturage aro excellent nnd
farmers aud ranchmen nre jubilant It
is u condition that menus much for Ne
braska uLd if it but continues tho west
end of the state will bo the homo of
thousands who would be unable to live
there if conditions of the past several
years prevailed
Chief of Police J II Conley returned
yesterdny from Lubk Wyoming having
in charge Edmund George who is
wanted hero on an alleged illegal trans
action with a team of horses George
sold tho team to Fred Brunmiund and
shortly nfterward a man by tho name
of Schilling appeared on tho scene
claimed the team as his property nnd
secured possession by serving n writ of
replevin on tho purchaser Tho team
wns then taken to Wyoming
where Schilling hns worlc on a railroad
grade After Schilling had obtained
possession of the tenm Mr Brummnnd
swore out a complaint ngniuBt George
nnd he wns brought back and placed in
jail to nwait u preliminary hearing
which willbe held before Judge Hayes
tomorrow nt 2 oclock It is said that
George claims to hnvo had a perfect
right to dispose of tho team nnd will
present his side of tho case at tho pre
liminary henring
Some of tho boys hnvo ngnin com
menced swimming in the Northfork
river n practise that wiib very sensibly
discontinued by many of them last year
owing to the reputation of tho river for
being a dangerous stream Nearly
every year a drowning in tho Northfork
has been recorded and sometimes two or
three of them Last year was an excep
tion and the boys seem inclined to forget
thennture of tho stream because of no
recent accident but there will be other
drownings just as 6urely as tho boys go
bathing therein Yesterday a number
of boys went iu and ono of them came
very near to being a victim of the
treacherous waters his companions snv
ing his life with great difficulty This
should be sufficient warning and as iu
tho past The News desires to impress
on tho boyB and their parents tho dan
gerouB character of tho river believing
in that way accidents mny bo averted
The main river is comparatively a safe
stream and if the boys must go swim
ming it is certainly worth while to go
tho longer distnuco and bo reasonably
certain that n lifo iB not eudangered by
the amusement
The complete service of Tho Chicago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach tho princi
pal cities between the uorth and Pacific
coast aud Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of time but also
in tho most comfortable und enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
ore stocked with the beet the market
affords All meals served a la carte
Ilcnt is not diffused through
out the house thete is no
smell soot or danger nnd the
expense of opetating is nomi
nal Made in many sizes
sold wherever stoves are sold
If your dealer docs not have
it write to neatest agency of
Clin Sfgi Ike of Columbus wuh in
town Tuesday
Harry Ficldstoin came in from the
north Tuesday
Chief of Police Conley of Norfolk was
in town Monday
J S Evnns of Norfolk wns in town
Tuesduy nnd Wednesday
Chns Young is reported dangerously
ill with neuralgia of the stomach
Morritz Gross is seriously 111 with
blood poisoning resulting from a slight
sore on his too
Frank McColroy and Mrs Win Kio
blcn each obtained n divorce iu district
court Wednesday
Ernest Ayers of Norfolk was sen
tenced to tho reform school Monday lor
general incoi risibility
Rev and Mrs I1 P Wigtnu of
Osmond were guests of Mr and Mrs
C W Crum Wednesday
Mrs Stuart and daughter Lenuio re
turned fo their home in Lincoln Tues
day after u few days visit
Mrs Orn D Lyon was buried Friday
afternoon Rev Fowler conducting the
services at tho M E chinch
Mrs Win Thompson living eight
miles southeast of town died very sud
denly Friday night and was buried Sun
dny afternoon from the M E church
John A Johnson ngn 2l of Madison
county and Julia A Mnlleu ago 111 of
Watlnns county Washington were
granted n marriage license on Fiiduy
In tho district court Wednesday after
noon tho motions for new trials iu cases
of state vs Parks and Wright weio
overruled and the defendants wens each
sentenced to years imprisonment in
the penitentiary
Rev II E Ryder preached in the
school house Thursday evening
John Wetherholt was in Norfolk on
business Saturdny
Maggie nnd Helen Jeif of Hoskins
visited with friends in this vicinity
Tho Epworth league was well at
tended Sundny evening Tho subject
wns Tho Nameless Heroine
John Wilson wns in Norfolk on busi
ness Saturday
Anna Nelson of Hoskins visited with
friends in this neighborhood Thursday
aud Friday
Augusta LuudquiBt is visiting with
her sister in Pierce this week
Rev Mr Butler of Hoskins preached
in Begn Suudny afternoon
Miss Smith of Iowa is visiting at tho
homo of John Wetherholt
W A Witzigmnu Suudnyed at Nor
Mrs Frank McCullum is on tho sick
list thiB week
Guy Deuel mado a business trip to
Battle Creok Thursday
Mr and Mrs J W Warrick drovo to
Norfolk and back Monday
Mr Frank McCallum made a busi
ness trip to Tilden Tuesday
Messrs Chas Malory and Jako Bru
sike left for Oklahoma Meuday
E D Hammond of Norfolk was in
this city last Thursday and Friday
There was a dance last Saturday even
ing at Mr Ansons place four miles
Principal Walter Pilger spout last
Saturday aud Sunday at his homo iu
F J Hale of Battle Creek transacted
business in Meadow Grove Monday aud
Wm McDonald nnd family drove to
Tildeu Sunday and spent the dny with
Miss Agnes McCallum attended tho
teachers examination at Norfolk Fri
day and Saturday
Miss Gertrude Wade visited 4ft her
i WC1
UK 3 s dhJw
Stove Nr
gTii iT IZ
home iu llatllo Crook fioni Friday even
ing till Sundny evening
Will Mi own who left some moutliH
ago for western Ncbiaskii n tuinedto
Meadow liuvo Monday
Ed Luikiirt came up from Battle
Creek Saturday evening aud visited
friendH till Sunday noon
Tho house nf Jim Ames recently va
cated by Mr Leonard Is now being oc
cupied by A it Audeison
J II Colegrove returned to this bmg
Saturday evening after Hpcndlug tho
week in Nebraska City at the meeting of
he AO U W
Mrs W A Witzigmnn returned to
Meadow Grovo Tuesd ty evening from
Clinton la where she bus beun visit
ing for tho past three months
There will be a dance in tho hall Fri
day evening May J I
Miss Ellen Stango is recovering from
an attack of lung fever
Mr Ktok Hhippcd a carload of fat
cattle to South Omaha Monday
Myrtle Figloy who has been visiting
with A N McGinnis ami family re
turned to her homo al Marysville Ohio
Fred 15 Pett it t has purchased tho
farm of V II Loomis just north of
town Coiisideiitiou twenty two hun
dred dollars
Ed and Nate Howlett went to Sur
prise Sunday to attend tho funeral of
the young sou of Mr and Mrs Alviti
Philips The boy died Just Satuiday of
congestion of tho lungs
louil Alviiit
The most miserable beings iu the world
are those suffering from Dy f psia and
Liver Complaint More than
flvo per cent of tho i eoplo in tho United
States are afflicted with these two dis
eased mid their effects such as Sour
Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Cost
ivenoos Palpitation of tho Heart Heart
burn Vnterbrash Gnawing aud Burn
ing Pains at tho Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Coated tongue aud Disagreeable
Taste iu the Mouth Coming up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to
your Druggist aud get a bottle of August
Flower for Tfi cent s Two doses will re
lieve you Tiy it Get Greens Prizo
Almauau Asn K Leonard
There will bo nuothor dance next Sat
urday night at Carl Roichos place two
miles south of Norfolk nt which those
who enjoy tho nmusemout will undoubt
edly huvo a guod timo
Does the
Baby Thrive
If not something must be
ujrnnri uiitSi ic frrnA If iUo
I mother s milk doesn t nour
ish it she needs SCOTTS
EMULSION It supplies the
elements of fat required for
the babv If hahv is not
nourished by its artificial
food then it requires t
Seotts Emulsion I
Half a tcaspoonful three t
i or four times a day in its
p bottle will have the desired
effect It seems to have a v
magical effect upon babies
and rhilrlrpn A fiffvrpnt
bottle will prove the truth
oi our siaiemcms
t Should be taken In summer as
well as winter Y
joe nd Jt on all drvgrlm
SCOTT ft UOWNb CheirUts New York
itl V-