The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Jtrinliom nf tlir Wrilni KilH OliiliOlnlimln
tlio OIoi of llir iur Work ill thn
lliituniir Tholr IrrlilonU
rVumBntitnliv Dully
The annual banquet of tho Wednes
day club wos given at tho homo of tin
tmmitlont Mrs N A Haliibolt loM
evening and was hiMrtily enjoyed by
inomborsof tho club and tholr guests
ho beautiful evening congenial com
pany nml delightful program of arrange
ments uniting to contribute to tho
pleasure of thorn participating Tables
woro laid in tho parlor nnd dining nwm
uud wero olemintly decorated In tho
club colors of green lvltl white tho
condolnbru being shaded to conform to
tho gononvl ellot Sweet scented cut
flowers likowio lent their oharin to tho
ooonHiou The club having niiiiio a
ntndy of Shakespeare during tho punt
year reminders of tliit mitiior
woro numorous among thorn boing
quotations from his works placed at oiioh
plato that were peculiarly adapted
losomo characteristic or ovont in tho
lifo of tho person sorvod Tho fol
lowing was tho menu
Iriitt MoIiiiiru OraiiKoCHim
ltndlolish Bnltod Nuts Ollvnn
Venl tout MtiMiriinm Sntico
Srnlnn IoIiiIooh
TninntciM French Drosmltw
Vloann Holla
CVuillllmvor Salmi
Straw borrlc nml Crenn
Cliorry Ilinc
CIiooho Wiiforn
Annul Komi
During tho serving of tho banquot tho
following toasts were responded to Mrs
N A llainbolt presiding as toastmis
Onr Wnlcomo lutsts M s CH llrtito
Tho Woilmwdiiy Chili M r Morrlii Mil or
Slinkoimonro Ioo Mm KrniiU Suitor
Tlio Womon or SliakceiioatoMm Will Jolmmm
SlmkoKponroiililottori Mm J It Hnyon
Itomoomitl Jullot Mm Mayor Mrs Ilucliolr
Siuikonionioa Wits Dr 1 loir
iJoakoKiioaroe Woilillut FoikU
Mn MI ItaniulilH
Two Ktiontlnli ot 11 KoiibI Van nml Fond
W II liucliolr
ijliukoepoaros Sportu Spooke nml Spin-
etom Mn 0 1 HuUnrflolil
AIIb Woll Hint Kml Well Mrs K K Hardy
Tho various subjects were handled
-very oloverly and entertainingly by
thoso who responded and this provod
ono of tho most onlovablo features of
thoovoulng In closing hor toast Mrs
Uardy vice president of tho club look
occasion to thnnlc Mrs llainbolt on bo
half of tho members for hor efficient
sorvico during tho past nino years as
president of tho society laying partic
ular emphnsis upou tho interest in tho
club taken by her and closed by pre
senting her a beautifully bound and
handsomely illustrated copy of Hamil
ton W Mobios now book Shake
speare Poet Dramatist and Man
airs llainbolt returned hor thanks to
tho members for their beautiful giftaud
tho ovenings pleasures closod with
suoit talks by guests not on tho program
who wero called upon informally and
passed pleasing judgement upou tho
club and its work
linl INtutu Truiiirrn
Tho following are tho transfers of
renl ostnto in Madison county for the
week onding May IS 1001 as re
ported by D J Koenigsteiu official ab
Ferdinand Pasowalk to II D Buohnor
wd lot 12 block 4 Pasewalks 3ud add
to Norfolk fluO
John 0 Miers to 0 S Smith wd s CM
f eot of lots 7 and 3 block 5 Norfolk
Wilson Miuuick to L M Best wd
nvfii 1524 2 S000
Asa K Leonard to Leorab Wallor
stadt wd lot block 5 Koenigstoius
3rd add to Norfolk 1500
T K Ottia to Bouio A Johnson wd
HW atl21 t
Frank OShoa to P E MoKillip qcd
8 of nwa 25-21-4 1
Ingo Feifar to W A Sohwortfegor
wd b 80 feet of u 5S feet of lot 2 block 2
Pasewalks add to Norfolk 175
Pioneer Town Site Co to Johanna
Zohuor wd part of outlot I P T S
Coa add to Battlo Creek 200
Pioneer Town Site Co to Mary 0
Mass wd part of outlot 1 P T S Coa
and add to Battlo Creek
U S of America to Amanda Pope
pd lots 3 and 4 aud sK of nw 421 t
0 P VauVochteu to Mary A Lara
boo wd block 17 and lots 1 2 3 1 5 7
8 10 11 and 13 block 18 Hillside Tor
race add to Norfolk 350
Jerkin Hess to G W Randall wd lot
11 blook 14 H R add to Newmau
Albertiiio Driftkom to Patrick Keolty
wd xr of so1 and swi of no1 17 214
Everett R Drammund to Warner II
Daniel ueK 21-21-3
Elizabeth E Pago to A II MoNight
wd lot 7 block 11 Kimball and Blairs
add to Buruott 550
Albert E Edwards to Oharloa G
Pryce wd slj of lot 2 block it McCombs
Suburban lots to Burnett
Alice A Mills to Rome Miller wd lot
5 block 0 Dorsey Place add to Norfolk
W W Marple Co to Rome Miller
wd lot 3 block 1 Dorsey Place add to
Norfolk Juuotion
Carl Wilde and wife to Josse L Hight
ved eJa of uwi of uwJi and part of ue
ot uwii 85 241
Auxtllury to V M U A
A number of the ladies of Norfolk
mot last Friday afternoon In tho V M
O A rooms and organized a permanent
Ladles Auxiliary to the association elect
ing tho following nftlcers
President Mrs F A Hryant
First vice president Mrs I Powors
Second vice president Mrs 0 9
Third vice president Mrs A L Ma
Fourth vlco prosiilent Mm J W
Secretary Mrs 1 O Aid
Troasurer Mrs S F Hharploss
A committee was appointed to solicit
mombors and wliloh will visit tho ladies
of tho city for that purpose Any lady
interested in the V M 0 A work may
join npon payment of tho membership
foe of fl per year
Tho ladles havo taken up plans which
will bo completed at tho next meeting
for furnishing the rooms of tho associa
A committed wan alio appointed to ar
rango for a reception to bo given in
honor of tho retiring general secretary
V W Hnghosaud tho now secretary
O 0 North This reception will bo
hold on Monday Juno it in tho associa
tion rooms
Tho next mooting of tho auxiliary
will bo hold Tuesday afternoon Juno I
Niiltr ltiitlrlllil
lriini WrolncndnyH Dally
A wedding in which all Norfolk
boon interested whioh was a qniot yet
beautiful homo affair was tho marriage
this morning of Miss Ada Buttorflold
oldest daughter of Mr aud Mrs W II
Buttorilold to Dr P II Salter both of
this city
During tho gathering of tho relatives
and tho few intimate friends who had
boon Invited to witness tho coromony
Sasaano tho Sioux City harpist from a
retreat in tho hall discoursed sweet
strains of music as ho continued to do
during tho morning hours
Promptly at It oclock Rev J O S
Woills rector of Trinity Episcopal
church entered the front parlor fol
lowed by tho bride and groom who
took their places under a tloral canopy
when tho iniprosBlvo sorvice of tho
church was pronounced tho ring being
used Tho responses of both contract
ing parties wero given in an audible
tone and at the proper time Mr Butter
Held stepped forward and gave his
laughter Into tho lcooplng ot the man
of her choice As tho benediction was
pronounced ovory head was bowed and
a silent prayer went up from each lov
ing heart for continued bonediotiou aud
blessing upon tho twain made one Ab
tho couple turned to receive congratula
tions tho bride was a picturo of sweet
girlish beauty aud womanly grace
The homo had boon beautifully decor
ated for tho occasion n profusion of
Mowers adorning ovory room Tho
couple wero tho recipients of many
magnificent wedding gifts which wore
displayed in the library and in which
cut glass and silver formed n prominent
part tho finest tasto haviug been exer
cised by friends iu selecting articles
which go to grace a homo
After congratulations which were
heartily given by all present tho bride
and groom led tho way to tho dining
room whore they were givou places of
honor while tho guests were seated
with them aud at tables iu the sitting
room and library An elaborate four
course wedding breakfast was served
this feature beiug under the direct su
pervision of a ohof aud director from
Baldiitt s iu Omaha
Tho bride is well known and one of
the most popular young ladies iu Nor
folk Sho came here with her parents
some eight years ago aud by her pleasing
mauuors and lovable disposition has
mado frionda whoro sho has made ac
quaintances Dr Salter is ono of the
loading practitioners of the city aud
by hiajibility in both medicine aud
surgery has made himself woll known
throughout this section of the state
Dr and Mrs Salter took a carriage
for tho station which had been decor
atod elaborately with white ribbons so
that people whom they passed might
know that the ocenpauts were bride
and groom A number of tho guests
wont with them to the train aud they
departed amid a shower of rico and with
tho blessings of their friends following
them Their wedding trip will include
a visit to tho Buffalo exposition and to
tho doctors old home in Canada Thoy
will bo absent about a mouth aud after
July 1 will be at homo to their friends
at their residence on Koeuigstem avenue
iu this oity
Cureer and Cliuriictr orYlirtiliitiii Lincoln
An address by Joseph Ohoato Am
bassador to Great Britain on the career
and oharaotor of Abraham Lincoln his
early lifo bis early struggles with the
world his character as developed iu
tho later yeara of his lifo and his ad
ministratiou whioh placed his name so
high on tho worlds roll of honor fnd
fame has boon published by tho Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
bo had by sending sis 0 conta in post
age to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
The fast trains of the Union Pacifio
reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead
of all competitors If you are iu no
hurry take a slow train by ono of the do
tour routes but if you want to get there
without suffering any of the iuconveu
iences of winter travel tako the only
direct route tho Uniou Pacifio De
tailed information furnished on applica
tion b W Juxeman Agent
Ilniint of IMnrntliiii Attxnilril to llilllicind
of Dm IlUtrlct lnt rvrnltiK Addl
tliimil Tnm linrn nrn K Ice tod
Irom TiHMilityii Dnlly
A special mooting of thn board of
education was held lat evening Tho
full board wan present and was called to
order by President Salter Tho presi
dent announced the following commit
tees for tho ensuing year
11 clpliuo course of study text books
and touchers Matrau Hear nml Salter
Grounds buildings and supplies
Hrueggemnu Roland aud Dean
Finance claims and salaries Bear
Matrau nnd Brueggomau
The following teachers woro elected
by ballot viz Mr Arthur Sims of
Lincoln Nob and Miss Laura Bridge of
Fremont Nob as teachers iu tho High
school Miss Hattie Allbory of Norfolk
and Miss Margaret Carr of Bancroft
wero elected grade teachers
Tho salaries of teachers for tho ensu
ing school year wore fixed as follows
Tho two teachers iu tho High school to
receive T por mouth oach Miss
Mathowson and Miss Carr 1750 por
mouth each uud all grade teaohers re
ceiving 35 por mouth duriug tho past
yoar woro advanced to 3750 per mouth
tho other teachers to receive tho same
salaries as at pioseut
The salaries of tho janitors of tho vari
ous schools for tho ensuing school year
will bo tho same as are at present paid
thorn until ohauged by further action of
tho board Tho following janitors wore
elected viz High school August
Hollormon Grant school 0 S McCas
lln Lincoln school S F Adams
Washington school W II Livingston
ii ml
The chief distinction between the
Mauser ami the Loc Euilcld Is thla
that while ibi Ioo Eniiuld has n maga
zine which Is Inserted underneath the
body through I he trigger guard and se
cured bj a and Is provided with
what Is called a cut oil to prevent
the cartridges from rising so that It
can bo used as a simple breechloader
for single llrlng until the magazine
which contains ten cartridges Is order
ed to be used the Mauser has n maga
zine which though not absolutely llx
ed Is only intended to bo taken oft for
cleaning It does not need n cut off
to use as a single loader
The magazine contains Ave car
tridges but whereas tho cartridges
for the Lee Enlleld have when the
magazine Is charged to be each put Iu
separately the magazine of the Mau
ser Is tilled at once by placing against
the face of the magazine a set of flvo
cartridges held in a clip which falls oft
when the cartridges have been Inserted
In the magazine
Thus If each weapon wero nt the be
ginning of a light empty the Mauser
would permit of more rapid lire be
cause It could be loaded live cartridges
at a time while the Lee Enfield would
take cartridge by cartridge na long to
load as a single breechloader On the
other hand the times when a very
rapid discharge of tire Is desirable are
not numerous anil for these the Lee
Enlleld has ten cartridges ready
against the Mausers five Nineteenth
Key Ivoe Kny
Professor Skoal wishes to know when
tho pronunciation of key as Uee cau
llrst be clearly detected It occurs lu
Milton Conius line 13
To by their just hands on thit golden key
That opes the palace of eternity
And a little later In Marvells Flee
Now ts two Instruments to the same key
Itelni tuiu il liy art If the one touched be
The other opposite a soon replies
These Instances are curious for both
before uud after this tliuetho prevail
ing pronunciation was oritlcnlly kay
Herbert rhymes the word with way
In The Secrets of Angling 0013
culverkeys Is rhymed with rays Iu
Wlthers Mistress of PhUarete
1022 key with day Dryden too and
Swift have the same pronunciation
and not till I come to Greens Spleen
1737 do I after an hours search find
the other There pleas rhymes with
keys This pronunciation must how
ever have become common soon after
In Duncoinbes Imitation of Grays
Elegy it is rhymed with me and Gar
rick rhymes It with flea which would
I suppose be prououueed then as It Is
now Naros In his Elements of Or
thoepy 1704 says of the diphthong
ey Its proper sound should be that
of the long e This however Is given
to It only In the word key for ley a
field Is constantly written lea--Notes
and Queries
The TurkUh Autocrnt
The sultan of Turkey rises nt G and
after devoting the whole morning to
work with his secretaries breakfasts
at noon After this he takes a drive or
a row on the lake In his vast park At
8 he dines and amuses himself during
the evening with his family listening
while his daughter plays on the piano
lie la extremely fond of music The
sultan dresses like an English gentle
man but Invariably iu a frock coat the
breast of which on great occasions Is
richly embroidered aud blazing with
decorations There are over 400 cooks
and scullions employed lu the Imperial
Snnplulaiia Arotmril
Smith Whats wrong old man You
look worried
Jones I am You know I had my
life Insured last week
Smith Yes but what has that got to
do with It
loues Well the very next day ray
wife bought a new cookbook Pos
sibly its all right but It certainly looks
suspicious Chicago News
of Siinin of tlir Store tm-
porlnnt Hveiiln nt II u flat o This
Hummer Tlirre Will Ho n Continu
ous Cnrnlvnl
Buffalo will bo tho great center for
sports tho coming summer There will
bo a continuous carnival throughout
the slimmer In the magnificent Stadium
of the Pan American Exposition which
has a quarter mile track and a large
field and will seat 12000 spectators
Following Is the schedule of events as
far as arranged by the Committee on
rrlilay May 17 Cornell University of Michigan
Litnrlialt same
Saturday May 19 Erie county track and field
I rlihy May 24 New York State Interscholaatlo
trmrk riiiim
Hatiirilny May 25 New York State tntrrschola
tic luck unmefl
Prliliy May 31 Pan American lntcrcolleglat
track Klines
Suturilay Juno 1 Pan American Intercollegiate
truck Karnes
Monday June 3 7 Schoolboy military tourna
Saturday Juno 8 Cornell Carllslo baseball
Thursday Juno 13 15 A A U champlonnlilpa
Monday June 17 13 A A U basket ball chain
Saturday June 22 Western New York track
Monday June 21 25 Canoe meet
TJmrwlay Juno 27 Volksfest derman alnglng
Friday June 23 29 Scottish games
Monday July 1 3 Canadian American lacrosse
Thursday July 4 AH round A A U champion
ship and handicap eients Marathon race
Saturday July 0 Exhibition by Oernian Y M
a a
Monday July 8 12 A A U water sports swim
ming and water polo championships
Wednesday July 10 Interscholaatlo basket ball
Thursday July 11 Interscholastic basket ball
Friday July 12 13 National Interscholastic
track and Held
Monday July 15 20 Shooting meet
Tuesday July 23 25 National Y M C A track
and field games
Friday July 20 27 Metropolitan meet A A U
Monday Aug 5 0 Uicyclo meet and national
amateur championship
Wednesday Aug 7 17 Dlcycle meet
Thursday Aug 22 23 Firemens tournament
Saturday Aug 21 31 A A U gymnastics
Wednesday Aug 23 31 Irish sports
Monday Sept 2 8 Association football
Friday Sept 0 Pan American worlds cham
pionships cross country run
Satunlay Sept 7 Pan American worlds cham
Monday Sept 0 14 Cattle show
Monday Sept 10 21 Automobile week
Saturday Oct 5 University of Duffalo Lehlgh
football game
Wednesday Oct 10 University of HufTalo versus
University of Syracuse football game
Saturday Oct 19 Corucll Cailislo football
llnmlrril of Hotel Unnrrilnx nml
IloomlnK HoimcM HchIiIpm Jinny lrl
Tno Iloitien un flic 1 1st
So much has boon said nnd written
about tho nblllty of tho city of Buffalo
to euro for tho crowds which will at
tend the Pan American Exposition this
summer that a few facts and figures
will be appreciated by tho general pub
In the first place there are listed
more than 200 hotels which will give
accommodation to 30000 people thero
are 050 boarding nnd rooming houses
affording accommodation for 18f00
while 7000 owners of houses most of
whom never before hung out their
latchstrlng for a consideration havo
signified their Intention of opening
their houses for the accommodation of
visitors to Buffalo this summer These
7000 homes will accommodate at least
100000 visitors
The Exposition Company has arrang
ed to furnish tent accommodation on
the Exposition grounds for 250 uni
formed men There are also two com
panies arranging tent systems which
will afford additional accommodation
outside of the grounds for 1500 or so
Iu addition to all this there are a
large number of buildings throughout
the city now being remodeled nnd con
verted into hotels the plans of which
arc not far enough nlong td afford an
accurate description or to estimate ac
commodation at the present time It Is
safe to estimate tho present capacity
of the city of Buffalo to accommodato
150000 strangers To this may be add
ed accommodations for at least 50000
In the surrounding towns such as Tou
awauda La Salle Niagara Falls Lock
port Wllllamsvtlle Gardenvllle De
pew and Lancaster all within a short
trolley ride of the city
Rates In hotels range from 1 per
day upward As ridiculous stories havo
been circulated In regard to exorbitant
hotel rates It Is well to note the rates
that have been established at the Iro
quois the most expensive hotel In tho
city These nre for one In a room
without bath 3 and upward for two
In a room without bath 5 and upward
thus making tho minimum rate 250
per Individual The rate for a room
with bath for ono person Is 3 or for
two In a room 750 This Is on the Eu
ropean plan Of course there are rooms
and suites of rooms In this hotel for
much higher rates for thoso who wish
to pay them but tho prices hero given
are the highest in tho city for hotel
iw -
ianoc Duildino
The Natlonnl Grange nnd New York State Committee of tho Grangers hnvt
arranged to entertain 300000 Grangers during the Exposition Tickets out
tllug Grangers to the m of the Grange building and securing accommodations
In tho city are being supplied to all Granges In the United States and Canada
Accommodations For the Soldier
Uoym at the Ian Amerlcnn Exposi
Many military organizations Intend
to visit the Pan American Exposition
during the summer Arrangements
have been made to provide first class
accommodations for them
The Exposition will maintain a per
manent camp within the grounds for
the accommodation of about 200 men
at one time
This camp will be supplied with
tents floored cots buckets basins pint
cups light water and sinks for the
use of which no charge will be made
It will be necessary for visiting organ
izations to furnish their own blankets
and subsistence
There will be no accommodation for
cooking in this camp but the visitors
will no doubt be able to make satisfac
tory arrangements with restaurants on
the grounds at reasonable rates
It Is expected that organizations tak
ing advantage of these camp privileges
will at such time as may be agreed
upon beforehand give military exhibi
tions without charge in the Stadium
Bands In uniform will be admitted to
the grounds free Organizations using
this camp will pay oue general admis
sion per man when they enter the
grounds and must be governed by the
rules and regulations laid down by the
Exposition Company
On account of the large number of
organizations now applying for camp
facilities at the Exposition the use of
this camp will be limited to a period
not exceeding six days for any one or
Large bodies of troops visiting the
Exposition must be quartered outside
the grounds where a large camp for
this purpose has been established
Major Charles J Wolf is in charge of
the Military Bureau aud be Is kept
very busy these days furnishing Infor
mation to organizations Intending to
visit the Exposition
The little bee Is very busy at the
Pau Amerlcan Exposition gathering
aud storing honey In glass hives In full
view of visitors
A searchlight on the Electric Tower
of the Pan American Exposition costs
rays for a distance of 50 miles
accommodations as the term Is ordina
rily understood
A number of local reliable agencies
are engaged In locating visitors In
homes In the city These can be relied
upon as being honest straightforward
and efficient They are composed of
business men of Integrity who will
carefully protect strangers In the city
and visitors may feel assured of cour
teous treatment and safe conduct to ac
commodations which have received
careful Inspection
i t siarff
Principal Amnsement Featured
the Pan American Exposition
The Midway of the Pan American
Exposition far surpasses all amuse
ment features at former expositions
both In quality and novelty of attrac
tions The following are the principal
Esquimaux Village Glass Factory
Trip to tho Moon Aerlo Cycle Old
Plantation Beautiful Orient Miniature
Worlds Fair Around tho World Cleo
patra Colorado Gold Mine Living Pic
tures Dreamland Moving Pictures
War Cyclorama Philippine Village Alt
Nuremberg Panopticon Streets of
Mexico Darkness and Dawn Burning
Mountain Darkest Africa House Up
side Down Water Sports Carnival
Gypsy Camp Golden Chariots Johns
town Flood Infant Incubators Fair
Japan Bostocks Wild Animal Arena
Ideal Palace Jerusalem on the Morn
lug of the Crucifixion Indian Congress
Bazaar Building Scenic Railway Ven
ice In America Dawson City and
Miniature Railway
The Mechanics Institute at Roches
ter has obtained space In the Educa
tional division of the Pan American
Exposition for an exhibit Tho pic
tures to bo placed on view are three
slzes 28 by 22 Inches 22 by 14 Inches
and 7 by 5 inches Room for 32 of the
largest Elze has been given to the In
One of the novelties promised by
John Philip Sousa The March King
for the Pan American Exposition Band
Concerts Is tho new Sousa March
Hail to the Spirit of Liberty which
he composed for the dedication ot the
Lafayette Monument in Paris last
Fourth of July
Rplemlld Exhibits nnd rtalldlnirs at
tho Pan American
The States of tho Union generally
show a deep Interest In tho Pan-American
Exposition Liberal appropria
tions have been mado for exhibits
Several of tho States havo erected
handsome buildings In tho Court o
State and Foreign Buildings
New Yorks appropriation Is 300
000 A magnificent permanent build
ing has been erected and an exhibit
highly crcdltablo to tho Empire Stato
Is Installed
Illinois appropriated 75000 for a
building and exhibit
Michigans appropriation for a build
ing nnd exhibit Is -10000
Ohios appropriation is 30000 Tho
State has erected a handsome building
Missouri appropriated 50000 for a
building and exhibit
Washington has appropriated 25000
and has a building constructed of na
tive timbers used as State Headquar
Wisconsin appropriated 25000 for a
building and exhibit
The New England States Joined to
gether for the erection of a building
and display of their resources and In
dustries Massachusetts appropriated
15000 Rhode Islund 30000 and Con
necticut Maine Vermont aud New
Hampshire have expended Bums suffi
cient for suitable exhibits
Georgia appropriated a sum sufficient
to pay the expenses of a fine exhibit
Idaho appropriated 15000 for an
Pennsylvanias appropriation for rep
resentation is 35000
Minnesota appropriated 20000 for
an exhibit
Now Jerseys appropriation for rep
resentation Is 25000
North Dakota expends Its appropria
tion of 10000 for nn exhibit
Oregon expends 25000 for an ex
Maryland appropriated 25000 and
appointed a commission to prepare an
Delaware made an appropriation for
an exhibit
Washington Montana Mississippi
Loiilslnnn Texas and other States aro
suitably represented
In addition to the exhibits made un
der the auspices of the different State
governments there are numerous dis
plays of the Industrial and natural re
sources of the States by Individual ex
Governors Test For Their
Alertness Was a Failure
A good story Is being told in St Pe
tersburg of the Russian police which
the papers pronounce to be exceeding
ly characteristic A new governor was
sent to a certain town in the interior
and the Inhabitants at once began to
complain that the police were badly
organized since however much they
were wanted they would never come
when they wero sent for The govern
or determined to test this for himself
bo one night he set out for the bur
racks where the police and the fire
brigade were quartered He accosted
the sentry
Do you know me
Yes your excellency
If a man was being murdered close
by would you quit your post
Never your excellency
Good said the governor
know your duty Well what
you do
I would blow my whistle to rouse
the guard
Good Let us suppose some one Is
being murdered here Whistle
The soldier blew but not a soul an
swered Ho blew again and again
but the same silence prevailed
That will do said tho governor at
last You have whistled your utmost
and nobody has come but at any rate
your conscience Is tranquil Now you
can go to sleep The man could havo
been murdered two or three times over
It Is unnecessary to overdo It by trying
to wake your comrades who appear to
Eleep like the dead The czar should
be proud of such steady soldiers
JVIth tbat hecovernor went off
congratiiTatliifT himself that no ono
would be likely to accuse his police of
having a share In the midnight mur
ders of the town r
Ont of Sight
An English cotton buyer in Memphis
was talking with the clerk of oue of
the hotels the other day when a com
morclal traveler came up How you
feeling Bill said the clerk as he ex
tended his hand Oh Im Just out of
sight replied the drummer
After the commercial man had been
assigned his room the Englishman
turned to the clerk and Inquired what
he meant by out of sight The clerk
explained that he meant he was feel
ing line and the Englishman recorded
it in his little book
The next morning when he same
dowu to breakfast tho clerk following
his usual custom asked how he felt
The Englishman thought It a good time
to try some of his newly learned slaug
and with the air of ono who has solv
ed a difficult problem replied Oh
you kaunt see mo at all Memphis
I White Wyandottes
Bred for beauty and utility
Heavy laying straiu No better
birds of this variety in Northeast
Nebraska My fowls have free
range and are strong and healthy
Eggs for hatching 125 a setting
Visitors welcome Breeding yards
one minutes walk from railroad
Nutwood Poultry Farm
0 A SLEEPER Proprietor
Warncrvllle Nebr
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