The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs Bonlne Confesses Sensa
tional Washington Shooting
Wife of a Commercial Traveler Says
8he Fired the Fatal Shot Claims
She Was Lured Into Room at Ken
more Hotel by Ayres
Washington May 21 The mystery
attending tho killing of JamoJ Sey
mour Ayres a census clerk In tho Kon
moro hotel early last Wednesday
morning nnd which because of tho pe
culiar circumstances surrounding it
has aroused Washington moro than
any tragedy lu several years was
solved yesterday by a voluntary con
fession from Mrs Lulu I Donlnc a
married woman and a guest nt tho
houso that she fired the threo shots
which ended Ayres life Mrs Bonlne
whose husband Is a drummer for tho
wholesale drug houso of Dowltt
Co of Chicago explained her pros
nce in Ayres room at 2 oclock In
tho morning by saying that ho had
come to her room complaining of a
chill and asking for medicine and hail
Induced her to follow him to his room
to talk over matters of dlfferenco be
tween them She said that she dressed
herself in a wrappor and went to his
room He had preceded her ana wuon
nhe opened the door and walked in ho
quickly closed It and Informed her
that he had enticed her to the room
for his own purposes and said If she
did not submit to his wishes ho would
kill her Ayres Bho said was un
dressed and had a revolver in his
hand and in a struggle for Its posses
sion which enstied immediately after
sho entered it was discharged throe
times the shots striking Ayres at each
discharge the last one proving fatal
Mrs Bonlne then went through the
window and down tho fire escape to
the second floor where thero is a
landing She passed through tho par
lor and upstairs to her room on the
fourth floor She then washed her
hands and the wrapper which sho
wore Mrs Bonlne apparently Is about
32 years of age and says she was born
in Macon Mo She then removed to
Hamilton in the same state then to
Richmond Kan where her husband
was engaged In the drug business
Shoots Two Women and Himself
Bridgewater Mass May 21 Her
bert B Blood a farm hand of Hoi
brook went to the home of George F
Nlckerson yesterday and shot Miss
Fawn Davis daughter of Mrs Nlcker
son by a former marriage and Mrs
Nickerson and then tried to kill him
self Mrs Nickersons wound will
bring no serious results The bullet
fired at Miss Davis struck her In the
left breast and lodged below the heart
Blood shot himself through the mouth
but the wound will not prove fatal
Blood has been trying to force his at
tentions on Miss Lillio Davis another
Merchant Kills Jealous Husband
Evansvillo Ind May 21 John L
Jones shot and killed Thomas Keane
yesterday in tho presence of Keanes
wife Mrs Keano is bookkeeper In
Jones department store Keano went
In the store and began to abuse her
when Jones Interfered Keane pulled
a pistol and Jones also drew his and
shot Keane In the heart Jones Is n
prominent merchant and owns stores
In ten different cities Keano was sep
arated from his wife at Cairo two
years ago Tho father of Keano is a
wealthy man of Cairo where the re
mains will bo shipped Keane was
jealous of Jones and it Is asserted
that he often threatened Jones life
Funeral of Father Phillips
PIttston Pa May 21 Father Ed
ward S Phillips who met death in
Tew York so mysteriously was burled
In -the Catholic cemetery In this city
yesterday with Impressive ceremony
Thousands participated in the services
On the altar of the St John3 church
where Father Phillips had served as
altar boy and priest clergy from every
section of the state were gathered to
assist in the celebration of a solemn
mass for the dead It is estimated
that 15000 persons were In and about
the church
Must Answer for Barnes Death
Springfield Ills May 21 Tho coro
ners Jury empanelled to Inquire Into
tho death of Dr Joseph L Barnes of
Monticello Ills who died suddenly at
the central hospital for insane at Jack
sonville last night brought In a ver
dict that Barnes camo to his death by
strychnine poison administered by
William Webb Ferguson alias William
Winn and that Mrs Mamlo Barnes
widow of tho deceased is an accessory
before the fact Tho Jury recommends
that both bo held In custody
Belgian Hare Club Elects Officers
Kansas City May 21 The National
Belgian Hare Registry club met here
yesterday nnd elected tho following of
ficers President W P Howard
Omaha vice president W F Stafford
Sioux City secretary and treasurer
B H Eversall Rosedale Kan The
next meeting of tho organization will
be held at Omaha Sept 3 1901
Neck le Broken by Fall
Slonx Falls S D May 21 Chris
Fischer for some years in the employ
of a local brewing company was In
Btantly killed by being thrown from a
wagon He struck tho ground In such
a way as to tireak his neck He was
30 years of ago and unmarried
Declare War on Tammany
New York May 21 Tho organiza
tion committee of tho Greater New
York Democracy last night met at
Cooper Union The speeches were di
rected against Tammany Hall
Pittsburg Divine Is Named as Dr Mln
tons Alternate
Philadelphia May 21 lloutlno mat
ters occupied tho attention of tho com
nilsalonera to the Presbyterian getv
oral assembly during tho greater por
tion of tho days session Tho annual
reports of tho eight church boards
wete submitted to tho board and threo
of them ministerial relief education
and freedmen with tho reports of their
standing committees wcro disposed
of The others will bo tnken up to
day and tomorrow when It Is expoctod
tho desk will bo clear for tho discus
sion of tho rovlslon committees re
port which is tho special ordor for
Thursday During tho afternoon ses
sion Moderator Minton nnnounced tho
appointment of Robert Pltcalrn of
Pittsburg as vlro moderator Dr Min
ton also appointed n committee of
flvo to comploto tho details of tho
Peoria overture the new plan of elect
ing standing committees A resolu
tion was adopted deprecating tho ac
tion of tho directors of tho Pan-American
exposition In opening tho gntes on
Sunday and earnestly urging tho clos
ing of tho oxposltlon on that day
Tho special committee on Sabbath
observance protested ngalnst tho pub
lication of Sunday newspapers and all
uso of tho Lords day for business
purposes or commercial Interests Tho
report of tho special committee on Ju
dicial committees came up for con
sideration but debate- was Interrupted
by adjournment
Releases Filipino Prisoners Upon Sur
render of Generals
Manila May 20 General Moxlcoa
tho insurgent chief on the Island of
Leyto has surrendered with 20 men
tho remnant of his command
General MacArthur celebrated tho
surrender of the Insurgent generals
Mascardo and Lacuna by roloaslug
1000 Filipino prlsouers
The president of tho Island of Lu
bang which lies northwest of the Isl
and of Mlndoro has been arrested and
brought to Cavlto charged with being
an accomplice of tho Insurgents
General Trias has started on his
visit to the insurgent leader Dollar
mtno who is operating in tho province
of Albay in southern Luzon Trias
will try to Induce Bollarmlno to sur
Congressman Hull leaves Manila to
day for Seambonga He expresses
himself as pleased with conditions
Wall of Water Rushes Down the Moun
tain Causing Wreckage
Colorado Springs Colo May 21
Four towns In tho Cripple Creek dis
trict are threatened with a water fam
ine by the bursting of the dam at tho
Victor reservoir at Pikes Peak They
are Victor Goldfield Altman and Ana
conda Mining operations are affected
The Portland mine depended on this
reservoir for 100000 gallons of water
a day Had the mlr not closed down
last week this disaster would have
closed it Other mines may be forced
to shut down
The dam contained G5000000 gallons
of water and when It collapsed a rag
ing current 20 feet deep and at places
500 feet wide burst down the mountain
carrying wreck and devastation down
West Beaver valley to tho Arkansas
Mail Bag Difficulty Is Now Regarded
as Settled
Constantinople May 21 Towflk
Pasha Ottoman minister of foreign af
fairs having renewed his assurances
of Turkeys Intention to apologize to
the embassies for tho recent violation
of the foreign malls the British
French and Austro Hungarian am
bassadors havo acknowledged them In
an identical note and the postal dif
ficulty is now regarded as adjusted
Leadville Gets Valuable Mines
Denver May 21 The state supremo
court decided yesterday that the city
of Leadville owns tho mineral rights
under land transferred to the city for
streets and alleys The decision It Is
expected will give the city possession
of some valuable mines
No Strike at Topeka
Topeka Kan May 21 There Is no
strike ot the machinists here The
Santa Fe Railway company yielded
last week to tho request ot tho men
for an Increase In wages and thero
will be no attention paid hero to tho
order to strike
Tho American Linseed OH company
Is to bo merged Into tho Union Lead
and Oil company
Patrick J Gleason former mayor of
Long Island City and popularly known
as Battle Ax Gleason died Tuesday
aged about 70 years
Tho Joint high commission repre
senting Canada and tho United States
Is expected to resume Its sitting dur
ing the present summer
Alexander Edwin Sweet founder of
Texas Sittings and a humorist of na
tional reputation died at his homo In
New York city Tuesday of heart dis
Consul General Mason at Berlin has
Informed the state department that tho
official German crop report gives a
discouraging outlook for German agri
Tho United States supremo court
Tuesday decided that bottles and corks
used In the manufacture of beer for
export aro subject to the imposition
of a tariff tax
Francis T Hord a prominent at
torney of Indianapolis was found dead
In bed Thursday Ho had been suf
fering from Insomnia Mr Hord
studied law In the office ot the late
Benjamin Harrison
Both Parties in Cuban Conven
tion Skirmish for Men
Conservatives Discover Their Major
ity Has Dwindled to Four but Rad
icals Are Unable to Secure a Final
Vote Clsneros Raps Committee
Havana May 21 Tho Conserva
tives now claim only a majority of
four lu tho Cuban constitutional con
vention When tho convention mot
yesterday It was found that Tour ot
the Conservatives wero absent nnd
tho disposition to push things which
had been agreed upon ns tho program
changed to a movement to block tho
Radicals from coming to a flnnl vote
Tho Radicals wero also weakened
by one absentoo and a split within
their ranks which threatens tho lead
ership of Junn Gunlborto Gomez This
politician has poaod as an uncom
promising Radical opposing any inter
vention by tho United States and pub
licly declaring that ho would dlo of
grief If the Piatt amendment wcro
nccepted Now however men who
once looked up to him ns a leader ro
pudlato him assorting that ho has nc
cepted a part of tho Piatt amendment
In his minority report and declaring
that they will draw up a report of tholr
own which will have tho proper Rad
ical ring
Yesterdays Bossion was secret and
probably sessions will contlnuo during
the discussion of the two reports
Senor Clsneros took occnslon to
Bay that tho commissioners who went
to Washington did not lnvostlgato pub
lic feeling in tho United States regard
ing tho Piatt amendment as they
should have done but they allowed
themselves to bo steered by admin
istration sympathizers and took no
opportunity to hear anything contrary
to the amendment Ho asserted that
he was in receipt of Jotters from New
York advising tho convention not to
accept the amendment and assuring
him that public opinion In tho United
States would support tho convention In
rejecting It
After the minority and majority re
ports had been read tho Conserva
tives made a canvas of the houso nnd
finding their majority doubtful asked
tho privilege of tabling tooth reports
for 24 hours
An effort will bo mado to bring out
today the fulll strength of tho Con
servatives who havo practically
agreed to vote for the majority report
as presented
Alexander McDonald Made Knight of
St Gregory by the Pope
Tacoma Wash May 21 Two
weeks ago nt Dawson Alexander Mc
Donald king of tho Klondike was
made a Knight of St Gregory by au
thority of a special letter from the
pope Mrs McDonald kneeling bcsldo
him before the chancel railing of St
Marys church pinned the Insignia of
the order upon his breast The pre
sentation was made by Rev Father
Gendreau who secured this sign for
tho Klondike gold miner after long
correspondence with Rome In the
course of which ho pointed out Mr
McDonalds generous benefactions to
the church at Dawson
McDonald Is the richest miner in
tho Klondike His wealth is estimated
at 15000000 Six years ago ho was
working as a laborer at the Treadwell
mines for 2 per day
Passengers on Burlington Tourist Car
Praise the Lord in Transit
Omaha May 21 An unique incident
happened on a Burlington train while
It was passing throught tho state ot
Nebraska Sunday Shortly after leav
ing Oxford at 11 oclock It occurred
to James Rogers a prominent business
man residing at Los Angeles who
was a passenger that religious serv
ices would bo appropriate
Mr Rogers spoko to some of his
follow passengers in tho tourist car
and the plan met with their hearty en
dorsement As a consequence Just aa
tho church bells In a small town
through which tho train passed was
announcing tho beginning of Sunday
morning services Mr Rogers read a
scripture lesson and afterward deliv
ered a short address
Tho singing of familiar hymns waa
Joined In by all of tho passengers In
tho tourist sleeper and before tho serv
ice had beon long in progress travelers
occupying tho other cars went hack
Into tho sleeper Before the sorvico
was over tho car was crowded
Tho plan has met with tho approvnl
of railroad officials and conductors will
bo encouraged in tho future to start
Sunday service
Alloting Indian Lands
Washington May 21 A schedule of
500 allotments of land on tho Kiowa
and Comanche reservation which is
a prerequisite to tho opening brings
tho total of tho allotments received
hero up to 2200 There aro 800 moro
allotments to bo mado Work Is also
progressing on tho Wichita reserva
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League Philadelphia 6
Chicago 4 American League Phlla
dolphla 4 Washington 5 Cleveland
1 Detroit 13
Tho Portland mine In the Cripple
Creek district employing 700 men
was closod down indefinitely Thurs
day owing to tho troublo between tho
company and the six miners unions
of the camp over employment of non
union minora
Does Not Intend to Leave Railroad at
the Mercy of Vlld Hordes
New York May 21 In the coiirno
of a long Interview relative to the sit
uation in China cabled to tho Herald
from St Petersburg n Russian of high
rank presumably Count Lansdorff tho
minister of foreign affairs Is minted
as saying lu nnswor to tho inflation
What about Manchuria
Tho time to muku objection wan
when tho concession wan mado yearn
ngo Does any one suppose that any
country Is going to build a railway
through such a country and loavo It
unprotected or to be wrecked whoro
over wild hordes of brigands choono
to operate Resides I consider that
the Siberian railroad Is of the highest
Importance to thu commerce of the
And especially to America
Yes especially to America Tho
Americans are n shrewd and clover
race They show It In their policy
which 1 call sensible policy The Si
berian railway being no to speak a
belt of the world Is sure to bo of groat
assistance to American commerce
which nlrendy nourishes hero In a
very successful manner
Several British Patrols Ambushed De
wet Near Phlllppollo
Capo Town May 21 Night hundred
Boers havo crossed tho Orange river
from the northwest and havo rein
forced thu commandoes In tho eastern
Tho latest reliable report locatos Do
wel near Phlllppolls In Orange River
Colony nnd not fur from tho Capo
line with 10 horsemen All tho com
mandoes lu the Orango River Colony
have Instructions to cross tho Orango
Several British patrols havo boon
London May 21 Lord Kitchener
reports that last week 1 Boers wero
killed 1 1 wounded 2H8 wero made
prisoners and 70 surrendered and that
212 rllles and 105000 rounds ot am
munition wero captured
A parliamentary paper Just issued
shows the total ot British troops In
South Africa May 1 to bo 210410 The
total deaths were 14078 anil wounded
117200 In hospital April 15 thero
were 11707
Expected to Soon Be Able to
turn to Washington
San Francisco May 21 Mrs Mc
Klnley passed a very good night and
the president is very cheerful over
her improved condition Tho above
announcement was made at tho Scott
residence Whilo Mrs McKlnley did
not leave her bed yesterday sho passed
considerable tlmo propped up and rest-
i ed well While no definite date baa
been set for tho presidents doparturo
the present nrrangements are to go di
rect to Washington and not to Canton
nq hnl liomi imnfllffn II v atntfwl Tliir
ing mo remainder or nis stay in tins
city the president will participate In as
many public gatherings as tho condi
tion of Mrs McKlnley will warrant
but only in an impromptu and Informal
Charge Against Wolter Dismissed
Omnha May 21 E J Wolter
charged with having attempted to
blackmail Senator Koarns of Utah of
3000 was discharged In federal court
Secretary Hanna Missing
St Joseph Mo May 21 Edward
Hanna secretary of the National Man
ufacturing cenpany Is missing
are Natures warning notes of
approaching danger from a dis
eased heart If you would
avoid debilitating diseases or
even sudden death from this
hidden trouble pay heed to the
early warnings Strengthen the
hearts muscles quiet its nerv
ous irritation and regulate its
action with that greatest of all
heart remedies Dr Miles
Heart Cure
Parting pains through my
heart left side and arm would
bo followed by smothering heart
spasms and fainting Dr Miles
Iieart Cure has entirely relieved
mo of those troubles
John VANDnNimnon
256 Kewaunee St Milwaukee Wis
Dr Miles
Heart Cte
controls the heart adlion accel
erates the circulation and builds
up the entire system Sold by
druggists on a guarantee
Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind
At 11 drug ttofti
L wrimiij
lnlli M
Ih Mi
Kfl fliMRrUlrS n
70 TIl II a curing wiemoni irai nn
bear It out ery llm
Comblnatlon Corn
urittBicoruonariu uivuitoij
fjO Billion Dollar Craii
1 3Mte5SS
L alLtA
Irutet mtrrel of lliu tf
VS 1 J ton of lir ixrarre tlr1
V creptU weeVa titer owlotf
What Is It
CaUloR uotelu
Air aul rililvf 11 fir kin
bi lU fbOlo i A OUl
9 J KaK I r A t ltj
1 1 11 Liktin j i
kSalzeiBaiiCaLlCrou HI
Mix IfrB
A MrlfV Hfl 1
m BBBi iir - tibm j
nmnmiri ni in inniiiniinii
To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not
Come Your Way Again
Twentieth Century Farmer
Offers a Number of Mnanlflacnt Prizes to thofto who
will act am Agents
And 20 Other Caah Prizes mnnliiK from 500 to 25
llco Publlshtnff Company of Omaha and In an agricultural and fam
ily mngnxtno of nntiBunl merit Thero are department for oYnry
member of tho family Hpcdnl articles by men of known reputation
anil Illustrations will bo a prominent feature
Write for namplo copy nnd ask for partlcularn concerning th
prl7cn 0
be sent to you one yenr for
A Dual Role
Business Men and others recognize the im
portance of this combination by selecting
Salt Lake City
To San Francisco
Salt Lake City
To San Francisco
f Portland
Two Dogs over One
Bone Seldom Agree
When two merchants are after
trade In the same community
and one advertises and the
other doesnt the advertiser
gets the bulk of It
This li rmumins tlint liln nd nro
well written anil pl u eil m tho me
dium that licit cover thu groutil
This paper Is the medium for
this community If you have
difficulty with your ads consult
us Perhaps we can aid you
We are willing to
Kieifysteins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
1c i Hours Quicker Mian any
J oilier line
238 M
miius rinui iui uiun iiuy
For time tables and full information cull ou
tl H
rnnn YHAUrA to Christian i
vpyUU man or woman to look Z
other line
For 14 Cents
We null tht f iHiwInjj rtrt ii 1 oovMMu
I pfcff Illqn lllnoil T n mi n rWl V IS
I Northern Umnn Nrd fi
1 Hunts Ftmrll Onion rW4 10
1 hmtrtld Urm I ururabrHd
1 llj Janlii ItfftHcrJ u
I I3jr IU4JUI1 ftJt 0
I lX JTUrlrt llturi RJ U
Worth 100 jioJi
Afir 10 pflnigM rr nifflilt will
mill jon free to4tfir with our ftrotl
lljuitrtidl Hn 1 CtutujtcllIriiC lltul
Hmltrr III I lion Dollnr Ji h
AUo Chulpn Onion Hcnl 10c alb
Totfvtlw wliri trmuxmlinr rurllMt
UMtnl firm Ji upon rftljit of lit
ii 1 thU notlcr Utirn oner jo i pttnl
Hlir H U 711U will ntTr U wltboqU
alter our growing business in this f
and adjoining counties to act ns f
inaiiugur mid correspondent worlc
can bo done at your homo Enclose
self addressed stamped envelope
for particulars to II ASherman X
General Munuucr Corcoran y
ing opposite United States J
ury Washington D C
Illinois Gentral R R
Tim IlUimU Contnil liirfirotj to cull nttontloa
to tin UDDXciillitil Kiirvicu tluit id DtTiiroil by ita
linos to tlm uoutli for tho mjison of HW 1JOO
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
FROM PorionallrcoiidueU
uii iviiutt iiirouKii uj
IM AnKokd mid Sun
Francisco viii Now
OrlintiB in comioctiou
EVERY w1 tliuSoutiHiru Pa-
ucnMFRniV cittc luavlliitllhicniio
WEDNtfaOAY m tl0 cIltraia fBt
MORNING Now Orloana So-
cinl connection nlso maiiu by thU train with
ilnily train t of Now Orloiiim for thu Iucifla
Coast Thi Iiinitnil from Clilcauo nory ovon
ink connocta on Monday anil Tlinrsilay ut
Nuw Orlom nftor Dneombnr It 1VO with tlm
of tlio Southorn Pacific ivin bpocial tlirouU
eorvico to sun r runcuco
Doublo daily ory
ici is miintainuil out
of St Ionis via tho
Illinois Central unit
connecting Hue to
Kii auil Atlanta thro
ulitity nnr tn Tnrlf
souvillo Florlilu being carriod ou tlia
loa Iiik St koui every ovenlnif ThU train as
well u tho Day Kxirt laaviiiff St Loui in
tho inorninK are lxtli solid truiu to Nashville
hnviiiK throurth couches anil sloemnt cur rim
niiii through Mtirtln Tonn iiud tho N U i St
L Hy Coiiuncttoii via this lino for all iiriucl
al iuuis in mo oouiuuasisuiu us wuhwuowj
IviiniiiiLtim All in uud Savannah and for ull
IMiiuts lu Florida
Dully from Chicago to Moniphia and Now Or
nniiDiCVLPRe IVennsinVS r rnrhitn
iMiints iu the South on tho Hue of tho Illinois
l 1 1 V 1 If V rIlruila will tin run nn
tho fliet and third Tuesday of each mouth dur
iui the wiuterseasou
Full particulars coucerulnu all of the abovo
can be had of ugeuts of tho Illinois Central or
by addresslug A H Uuusou Q P A Chlcaga