The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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i tv
Challenger Dismasted by Sqwill
While Edward is on Deck
Isaster Occurs Off Cowes While
Ynchts Arc Maneuvering for Start
Llpton Will Yet Race If Allowed
Time for Repairing
Southampton May 23 Tho cup
chnllcuuor with King Edward mill
jmrty on bonnl wiih dlBiiuiBtuil yoBtor
ilny by squall off Cowes ImIo ol
Wight Tho king wlio wnu on illicit
buil ii inlrnouloiiB oBcnpo Tho top
mast niiiliiimiHt nnil bowBprlt wore
broken short off Tho illBiiHtur De
clined whllu iriimiitlitiH woro bolii
nndo for thu Blurt ofT tho llrniulilur
Whllo tho two Blimnrockn were mn
i iouverlng fi Hi Htwrt Hininll rami
rwlthont tho slightest warning mill the
bowsprit of tho Shamrock II wnu cur
rloil nwtiy Blunt Tho extra Btrnln
thus thrown on tho topiniiBt proved too
much for tho itpnr It whipped hrolie
nnil doubled off to leowunl currying
tlio whole weight of tho hnchynril nnil
Kiiir over tho Blilo In n torrlblo tnnglo
AltuoBt iib the topmnst foil tho grail
utiul innlnnuiHt weighing nioro tlinii
two tons nnil currying spurn nnil gem
wolghliiK nu nililltlonnl throo or foui
ttuiB nwnyed for n lnonient mill then
nlinoBt by u miracle plunged over the
tilde nnil Into tho wntor with tho hoiuhI
of brenhlng wires mid touring gem
Jn tlio top Tho inoinhorB of tho roynl
party woro scntod on dock cIoho to
tlio compnnlonwny
Tho king wiih Bhowlng horn plonsuro
watching Uio fight which Cnptiiin Syca
woro was making for tho ndviiutngc
at tho start Tho yacht wan racing
tilling nt n formidable nnglo mid the
trioplng dock with n uioro frlngo oi
mil Boomed n rather porlloiiB place
for tho nccointnodntlon of tho vlsltora
Jln tho wrockngo swept tho dock II
wnu most nHtoiilshlug that no ono wnt
Injured For n mouiont or two the
tdtuatlon appeared to bo very grnvc
The king uiulntulncd IiIb couipoBiiro
Within five Bocnnila of tho dlBastci
Bhmurock I horo around to rondor ns
BlBtnnco when it In turn was caught
by tho squall and Its gaff mid topsail
collapsed leaving It helplessly crip
Asks Extension of Time
Sir Thomas Llptou nmdo tho follow
ing statement
My doopcBt rogrot Is thnt tho nccl
ilcnt proveutB mo from toeing the
mark nt tho appointed hour and com
pelB mo to nBk tho Now York Yacht
club to grant mo an extension of time
If they will bo good enough to do that
I shall race oven If I havo to build a
boat between now and tho date agreed
upon 1 still bellevo the Shamrock
II n boat worthy to be tho challenger
nnil that when thin unfortunate chap
tor of accidents comes to nn end she
will still stand n good chanco of lift
ing tho cup 1 lmvo not n single com
plaint to mako against my boat For
tho many telegrams of sympathy ro
colved from America today 1 am ox
iromoly grateful No one Is more
thankful than I am that tho catas
trophe ended without fatality and 1
mny perhaps say that throughout the
trying moments his majesty was as
bravo ns n Hon Ills first thought was
to Inquire If any ono wns Injured
Wo had Just begun to ninke for tho
fitnrttng lino when n llerco breeze
sprang up King Edwnrd Lady Lon
donderry Mrs Jameson Mr Watson
Mr Jameson nnil myself woro on deck
hanging on as best wo might for the
challenger ws almost nt nn nnglo of
45 degrees Tho king started to go
below Just as bo did so everything
collapsed A heavy block fell between
tho two ladies mid n wlro ropo struck
nio on tho head mid momentarily
Btunnod mo A sudden squall nn un
expected strain and everything had
Klven awny King Edward was hnlf
In nnd half out of the companion
hntchwny What happened how all
the falling spars and sweeping snlls
did not kill or swoop some one over
board Is nioro thnn 1 know When
1 enmo to 1 saw tho king clambering
over tho wreckage trying to discover
tho extent of tho damage and asking
Is any ono hurt
King Emmanuel Has Narrow Escape
Home Mny 23 King Emmanuel
bad n narrow escape yesterday Re
turning from a walk ho entered the
elevator for his apartments on the sec
ond floor and an inexperienced servant
fet the indicator for the third story
Arriving at tho second story the king
was on tho point of stepping out as
the elevator continued to ascend but
bis majesty jumped back in the nick of
time and escaped being crushed
Constitution Given Finishing Touches
Bristol R L May 23 The Constitu
tion was hauled Into the slip at the
HerreschotT works where the last
touches will bo given to make her
Toady to be transferred later in the
week to the syndicate of New York
yachtsmen who had her built Mr
Duncan stated that he was very much
pleased with the way the Constitution
acted while under sail yesterday
Flies 56000000 Mortgage
St Louis May 23 The Missouri
Kansas and Texas Railroad company
filed a 6000000 mortgage on Its prop
erty In Missouri in the office of ihe re
corder of deeds at Clayton It is
stated in the instrument that the
money Is borrowed for the purpose of
refunding the Indebtedness of the Mis
souri Kantas and Eastern railroad
which amounts to 4500000 and pT
ins for necessary improvements
of Machinists In Strikers
Ranks Is Roduced
Washington May 23 Pieslriont
OCoiinill of tho International Asso
ciation of MnclilnlBtii ostlinntoB Hint
tho number of machinists engaged In
thu Btilko today Is 10000 llu claims
to bo biKIbIIihI with the situation and
has conlldeiico In tho luault Ily noM
Monday morning ho bald piolmbly
U0 per rent of the men who went out
Will bo hack at woik with their do
liuindB granted Tlio other 10 per cent
nro mostly on tho Pntlllc coast and In
several Ohio towns Han lliinclsco
In the only place where wo look for n
prolrnelod Btillie whero the Bltuntlon
In complicated mid the strike may last
Boveial wceKii The situation at Day
ton Alliance and Hamilton U and Ta
comn and Sent lie Wash Is unchanged
Tho repoits fiom all other direction
Indicate that uegollatlomi are progress
ing and that ugiooinonlB nro In sight
President Mulliollmiil or thu Allied
Molnl Trades association comprising
tho semi skilled iiuiii In machine shops
has not Hied tho inanhlnliits hcndqunr
torB hero that ho In ready to order out
IiIh men whenever tho latter body
deoniB It necesnnry Tho Htrlko load
ers however do not euro to Involve
nuy more men In tho movement than Is
necessary and tho Indication nro thnt
thoro will bo no general uugmeututlon
of the forco of tho strikers by tho ill
Hod men
Kansas City ad v Icon Indlcato that
nine Arms thoro signed yesterday
leaving approximately 300 men still
out All of tho 14 flrniB In Hoboken
N 1 havo signed In Buffalo 22 II r inn
nro reported iib luivlng mndo agree
mentn with tho strikers
8cnor Gomez Makes a Lengthy Speech
In Opposition
Hnvnnn Mny 23 No vote wnB taken
at ycBtordnyu bobbIou of tho Cuban
constitutional convention on tho Plntt
muendmunt Senor Gomez h polio for
nearly three hours against tho uniond
luont llu argued that It would bo use-
Iosb to accept It au the Unban peoplo
would always be divided on this Ibbuo
nnd ho thought tho majority of them
would nlwnya bo opposed to It
What nsBUrunco havo wo asked
Gomez thnt thin will bo tho final
nmondment tho Unltod Stntes will I in
posoT First cmno tho joint rcHolutlon
then tho treaty of 1arlB and now this
llatt nmendmunt What will tho next
congress havo7 Lot tho United Stntes
government tnko what It wants agaluBt
our will hut let ub never consent to
thin Imposition
Ashore In a Dangerous Position In
Saanlch Inlet
Victoria 11 a May 21 Tho United
States revenue cutter Grant Cnptaln
Lozlor ran iiBhoro on n rock In Snnnlch
Inlet yostordny Sho struck wull for
ward nud toru u bad bolo In her hull
Tho Inrush of water filled her for
ward part to tho main dock and throw
ing her aft part up left It dry
Tho crow gnthorod together what ef
fects they could and went nshoro In tho
cutters boat arriving In Colo bny
whero thoy camped Lleutennnt Sad
ler enmo to this port to got assistance
nnd returned with u wrecking outfit
Tho Grant was on n special mission
especially to Investigate smuggling
when she stranded Sho In In n bad
position but Lleutennnt Sadler thinks
she can be saved
Latter Was on a Drunken Spree and
Threatened Employer
Grand lslnnd Neb Mny 2 F J
Contes proprietor of tho Koohlor shot
James Linden In Belt defense It Ib
claimed while attempting to quiet nn
uproar In tho kitchen yesterday Lin
den is a cook in tho employ of Mr
Coates and yesterday being payday
ho nnd other employes had become
drunk and engaged In n dish smnshlng
row When tho landlord remonstrated
Linden nourished nn nx nnd Contes
shot him In thu breast inflicting n
serious wound
United Presbyterian Assembly
Dos Moines Mny 23 Tho first ses
sion of tho general assembly of
the United Presbyterian church of
Amerlen was held last ovenlug In the
First church this city Over 200 dele
gates wore present The opening ser
mon was preached by Retiring Mod
orator J P Sankey Tho secretary
and treasurer reports show tho organ
ization to bo In good condition A
total of J15272S was expended the
past year In foreign missions
St Louis Woodworkers Strike
St Louis May 23 Five hundred
machine hands nud woodworkers In lo
cal pinning mills went on a strike yes
terday because their employers re
fused to grant them a nine hour day
Tho proprietors of tho mills Involved
in tho strike are unanimous In their
Intention not to give their men the
nine hour day asked for Tho strikers
are confident of success however No
increase In wages Is asked by the
Nebraska Boy In the List
West Point N Y May 23 The five
cadets who were dismissed from the
military academy aud those who were
suspended have all departed for their
respective homes There was no dem
onstration on the part of the other ca
dets and all is Quiet here Among the
dismissed cadets is Henry L Bowlby
of Crete Neb
State Porter that he must either cover
Into the state treasury the 925 re
tained by him as a member of the
m mm iii hr
Punishment Meted Out to De
linquent Army Men
Lighter Punishment
will soon he piomulgated
Onptnln Frederick J Harrows Thir
tieth volunteer Infantry Into depot
quartermaster of tho department of
southern Luzon who was charged with
embezzlement nnd selling government
property to ho dishonorably dis
charged and to undergo llvo yunra
Lieutenant Frederick Iloycr Thirty
ninth Infantry former depot comtnls
nary nt Cnlnmbn on similar charges
to ho dishonorably dlschnrged nnd to
undergo a years Imprisonment
Roth Hnrrows and Hoyor will event
ually ho removed to Leavenworth pris
on Knusns
Army Officer Shot In Drunken Quarrel
Munlln May 21 It Is alleged thnt
ns tho outcome of n drunken qunrrol
In tho olllcers quarters at Camp Slot
Benburg Tuesday afternoon Lieuten
ant James F Howell of the Sixth nr
tlllery Bhot Second Lleutcnnnt Charles
11 Lloyd of the samo regiment tho bul
let grazing tho left sldo of Lloyds
head nnd Inflicting a slight wound
President Presented With a Beautiful
Silk American Flag
San Frnnulsco May 2U President
McKtulcy was a guest of the Knights
Templar at the Mechanics pavilion
yesterday afternoon Tho president
nrrived at the pavilion about U oclock
having come direct from the Scott resi
dence The president was met nt tho
pavilion by n procession of 5000 Sir
Knights from this city nnd other cities
of tho stnto In full regnlia and escorted
Insldo tho building whero 12000 per
sons hnd already assembled Tho
pearance of tho president on tho plat
form ciubimI a demonstration thnt
shook tin largo building The fenture
of tho program was tho presentntlon
of a beautiful silk American ling to
President McKlnley Tho flag is
mounted on n Mnnznnilln staff nt the
head of which Is a spear head of gold
Following this tho Star SpanglcdBan
ner was sung by tho audience and
thoro was a patriotic demonstration
which will bo long remembered by nil
who witnessed It This closed the ex
orcises for tho nfternoon nnd tho pres
ident returned to tho Scott residence
Mrs McKlnley has passed another
coinfortnblo day Secretary Cortel
you said to tho Associated Press that
she continues to Improve and Is now
doing nicely When asked If ho could
stato definitely when tho president
would leave for Washington Secretary
Cortelyou replied I can only say
that tho presidential pnity proposes to
dopm t on Saturday If Mrs McKlnleys
condition will permit There Is n pos
sibility however that n stnrt mny not
bo nmdo until Mondny All depends
on the stnto of Mrs McKlnleys
Peden Prefers to Brave Wrath of Peo
ple Rather Than That of Court
Kansas City May 23 S C Peden
ono of the two St Clnlr county judges
recently sent to jnil for refusing to
order a tax lovy to pay certain bonds
on a railroad in that county that was
never built Is said to be willing to
obey tho federal courts mnndate Mob
law has previously been threatened
In St Clair county at tho slightest sug
gestion of paying for the bonds and if
Judge Peden should ngreo to the levy
it is belioved by federal officials here
that tho citizens of thnt county would
denl soverely with him Judge Peden
sent his rehlgnntlon to Governor Dock
cry yesterday and snys If It Is not ac
cepted ho will obey tho order of the
federal court and sign an order for the
tax levy
Row Over Passenger Rates
Chlcngo May 23 A serious clash
Is pending between east and westbound
lines centering In Chlcngo Tho battlo
which will he over passenger matters
will bo fought out here today and to
morrow when a general conference
will bo held It Is asserted that west
ern passenger associations have re
cently been disturbing nnd upsetting
rates mndo by the enstern associations
and that In tho future territorial di
visions must bo strictly observed
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League New York 2
Pittsburg 1 Philadelphia 3 Chi
cago 1 Boston 3 Cincinnati 4 St
Louis 4 Brooklyn 5 Second game
St Louis 4 Brooklyn 5 American
League Cleveland 6 Washington 5
Detroit 5 Boston 9 Chicago 5
Philadelphia 9 Western League
Omaha S Kansas City 9 Minneap
olis 13 Denver 3 Des Molues 1
St Joseph 10 St Paul 3 Colorado
Springs 1
T S Parvln Seriously III
Cedar Rapids la May 23 The fam
ily and friends of Theodore Sutton
Pnrvin craiul sporptarv of tho lnwa
Will Sue Porter for Retained Fees iode founder of the Masonic Hbrarv
Lincoln May 23 Attorney General and one of the pioneer lawmakers and
has notified ex Secretary of educators of Iowa are alarmed at his
condition which has taken a turn for
the worse within the last few days
It is now thought that he can live hut
marks and brands commission or a short time He is 94 years old
suit will be instituted for Its recovery
Protect Against Opening of Kiowa
Lands to Settlement
Wniihlngton Mny 23 Several
Kiown Indlnns Lono Wolf Delos K
Whlto lluffnlo nnd
called on Acting Socrctnry of tho In-
terlor Hyan yoBtenlny and protested
gainst the opening or tno Kiowa
Manila May 21 Tho correspondent lnnds In qunntltleB too smnll for tho
from their trlbo
Iowa Prohibitionists Nominate a Full
State Ticket
Dcs Moines May 23 Tho Prohi
the well known principles are reaf
firmed TCqual suffrage Is favored nnd
the repeal of the stnte mulct liquor
of drunkenness nnd prostitution In
the Philippines nnd thnt the custom
of using wlno nnd chnmpagne In
launching vessels be stopped The
Indiana plan of campaign was adopt
ed and the headquarters are to be kept
open the year round and 2000 raised
for a campaign fund
Report That Drlggs Seabury and the
American Companies Plan It
Now York Mny 23 The Informa
tion has leaked out that an American
passenger agent of the Missouri Pa- j
cine to take effect June 1 is an
Two children of Julius Poss aged 2
and 5 were burned to death at their
homo in Lida Minn They entered
the barn with some matches and the
building was ablaze a few minutes
The actual consolidation of the Mem
phis and Frisco railroads is to be ef
fected as soon as the connecting link
U MB II I m1
Millions of Dollars Worth of
Property Swept Away
lands to settlement They represented HUNDREDS RENDERED HOMELESS
that tho Bocalled Jeromo treaty of
f 1 COO tilt M tflrn I
Infantry Captain to Lose His Epaulets ConnilP0 nm ArnJmnoo tribcB waB Doe French Broad and Other Swollen
for Diverting Public Funds vthout effect j thnt It provided for tho
ant Doycr Escapes With Somewhat sale of 2000000 acres of their lands
nt n price greatly below their renl
value and for tho nllotmcnt of other
Streams In Tennessee and Virginia
Claim Victims nnd Destroy Prop
ertyNew River Out of Its Banks
rr m rnnn Mr 91 AIIHInna
of the Associated Piobb Ib Informed Hupport of tho nllotceH In view of tho of i0Hnrs damage has been done nnd
thnt tho following approved sentences
quality or tlio lnnilB Tliey Hletl n at eilHt ight lives lost In upper Ten
formal protest nlleglng that the ie88eo by the floods which began their
Kiown Comnncho nnd Arapahoe wor f itBtructlon when a dam ncross
trlhiB nro unanimously opposed to tho no Uoo riVr at Ellmbethton gave
treaty that tho signatures to It were wiy yesterday llttlo mountain
procured by fraud misrepresentation BtrenmB emptying Into the Doe nnd
nnd fnlsehood nnd thnt three fourths Wntnugn rivers swelled those streams
of tho ndult mnlo memberB of tho trlbo beyond nil proportions hitherto
hnvo never signed it I Unown submerging Ellznbothton n
Tliolnillnnsnskedforthewlthholdlng lown of yoo people locnted nt the
of tho presidential proclamation open- junction and drowning Mrs Gregg
lug the lands until congress ngnin litis jurs ycy nd n negro nnmed Sou
time to consider It contending thnt cionK All property in the path of the
the proclamation enn ho deferred until rngiK flood Wn destroyed nnd people
Feb 0 next Mr lynn told rormcr rendered homeless In a twinkling
Ttepresentntlvo Springer of Illinois Tnc Wntnuga poured its volumes into
representing tho Indians to ndvlso tno n0iston spanned by mnny bridges
them to go homo nnd announce thnt Whlch woro swept nwny with little or
the department could take no nctlon In no wnrning The Chuckcy river In
the matter Tho department claims oreen county and the French Broad
that the delegation bears no authority jn Jefferson nro also out of bounds
nnd growing crops hnvo been swept
nwny all nlong their course
On tho Chuckey river three children
of Joseph Hill were drowned At
Leopers mills two Bollvnr brothers
fell from n boat Into tho river one be-
bition state convention yesterday Ing drowned
nnmed tho following ticket For gov 1 The Holston river is rapidly rising
crnor A U Coates Dallas county At Morristown 12 houses floated past
lleutennnt governor A B Wray Union nnd one corpse went past on drift
county supreme judge J A Harvey wood One hundred feet of railroad
Dallas county railway commissioner ties bound together by rails passed
Wesley Suddotli Polk county Morristown nlso
Intendent public Instruction MIsb Ella The French Broad has reached with-
Mofllt Marshall county In four feet of Us famous flood of 1867
There wns no contest except on the nnd is rising 12 Inchon nn hour At
head of tho ticket Contes receiving Knoxvllle the Tennessee river Is near-
201 votes A B Wray 121 and S O Ing the 30 foot mark The warning
Pillsbury 82 John A Earle of Water- has been heeded nnd houses are being
loo nnd W L Ferris of Cherokee were vncnted along the river bank
placed In nomination but declined In Virginia Henry fliusic a rarmer
A warm contest occurred over the In- of Washington county wns drowned
trodnction of a resolution endorsing while crossing a branch of Beaver
Mrs Carrio Nntlon of Knnsns but It creek and Milton Boyd n 10-year-old
wns finally adopted In the platform boy wns drowned nenr Wallace
New River Out of Its Banks
Hinton W Vn Mny 23 The New
river is higher than in 20 years nnd
law demanded Other resolutions nsk is An
much lamage aiready reported
for tho prohibition of alleged license
unknown man wns seen at dusk to pass
down the river on a saw log and went
over the rapids below The man was
certainly drowned As he passed the
city a signal wns given by him and
he also fired three shots from a re
volver but ho was so far out in the
water that it was Impossible to reach
him Seven houses have already been
swept away and If the river continues
to rise nearly all the houses in Avis
a suburb of this city will be swept
ordnance nnd navy nrmnment Express Train Crashes Into a Local
cato is forming which will consist of at West Wyanet Ills
tho Drlggs Seabury Gun nndAramuni j Princeton Ills May 23 Four por
tion company of Derby Conn and the sons were severely injured and mnny
American Ordnance company con- others bruised nnd shaken up in a
trolled by Charles R Flint This pro 1 wreck of the Minneapolis express on
posed new company It is stated will the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific
not be identified with the at West Wvanet vesterdav The
company nnd It is the press crashed Into the rear end of a
Intention of Its management to operate i local passenger train as the latter was
the company In direct competition with
tho long projected Anglo American
gun nnd ship building combination
Hilton Discharged as Bankrupt
New York May 23 Judge Brown
in the Unltod States district court
yesterday granted a discharge to Al
Iowa Claimant for Rice Millions
JDes Moines May 23 Mrs Maria
Sliuler of Des Moines will go to New
York next month to prove herself the
sister of Millionaire William Rice who
was recently murdered by his valet
Jones Mrs Shuler is a washerwoman
She has been in the business here 25
years and is 75 years of age
Ohio Party In Denver
Denver May 23 The Ohio special
bearing Governor Nnsh pnrty arrived
hero early this morning The Ohio
party will remain in Denver until to
night visiting various places In this
city and calling on Governor Orman
In a body
pulling out of the station The sleep
ing car on the rear end of the local
was smashed and the day coach of the
same train telescoped by the engine
of the express
Children Killed by Bear
Job Wy May 23 The three
bert B Hilton senior partner of the dren of E P Porterfleld a mountain
firm of Hilton Hughes Co who filed eer residing about 12 miles southeast
a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in of this- place while gathering flowers
the United States district court In Jnn j in the woods near their home were
nary 1890 with liabilities of more thun kuicu anu partially uevoureu ny a
bear The remains were found by a
searching party which had been out
since Sunday evening The children
were Mary aged 3 Willie aged 5
and Henry aged 7 The parents are
almost crazed with grief the bereave
ment leaving them childless
Injured by Boiler Explosion
Lisbon O May 23 While a number
of miners were standing near the en
gine nt the Slope mine here prepara
tory to entering the mine for the days
work the boiler exploded with fright
ful results A number of tho men wero
burned and scalded Those most seri
ously injured are Jeff Davis aged
18 ennnot recover William Rlgam
Hlly Lamborn and Henry Lamborn
Others received slight Injuries
Missouri Bankers Meet
Milt Caver a nocro was hanced bv Josepn mo aiay -d ine
citizens at Griffith Miss Wednesday EOUrl Bankers association opened its
for attempting a criminal assault upon I Jltn annual convention here yesterday
a 10-year-old girl
The appointment of Charles E
Styles of Atchison as assistant general
with an attendance tho largest in the
history of the association More thnn
400 bankers are present President
Harrison devoted his address mainly to
showing the prosperous condition of
bankers of the state Bank Commis
sioner Sam B Cook spoke in favor of
repealing hurtful laws
Suspect Commits Suicide
Cambridge Mass May 23 Fred C
Foster of Cambridgeport who was un
der suspicion of the police In connec
tin VIU Ka nvT1neln m1Ia1 AAlAt
Presbyterians Mention the Subject In
Their Remarks
Philadelphia May 23 That creed
revision is tho lending issue of tho
rrcsbytcrlnn general nsscmbly wns
strongly evidenced during yesterdnys
sessions when nlmost every openker
took occasion to mention tho subject
during the course of his nddress
Shortly before adjournment Rev Rich
nrd Holmes of Pittsburg startled tho
commissioners by launching Into a dis
cussion of the question but when he
stopped long enough to announco that
he wns simply lending up to a point In
connection with IiIb nppenl for nsslst
mice for tho removing of tho mortgage
on the New York Presbyterlnn building
no objection wns made
The committee on church policy
presented n report containing numer
ous decisions on overtures submitted
by vnrlous presbyteries
In n stirring nddress Robert E Speer
of New York secretnry of the board
of foreign missions defended the mis
sionaries against tho malignant and
venomous criticism which he said
they had suffered since the Boxer up
rising in China
Several foreign missionaries made
brief nddresses while tho report of
the committee on foreign missions was
under discussion
Episcopalian Missionary Tells
Losses From Boxer Uprising
Dos Moines May 23 The principal
feature of yesterdays session of tho
Episcopal diocesan convention for the
state of Iowa was the missionary meet
ing at which Bishop Morrison Rev
Joseph Rushton of Chicago and Miss
Lillie Crlmmer of Shanghai were the
leading speakers Miss Crlmmer told
of tho work in China and the loss of
church property in the Boxer out
Simon Casady of Des Moines treas
urer for the diocese reported that ho
had on hand 102069 in the various
funds of the church of which 58659
was in the fund for indigent and in
firm clergymen W C Harbach treas
urer of the board of missions reported
that collections during the year wero
7160 and expenditures 6007
Assemble In Ceremonial Session at
Dubuque May 23 Lashir temple
Mystic Shrlners assembled here In a
ceremonial session Illustrious Po
tentate Cleveland and his official divan
arrived on a special train nt noon
Forty candidates were Initiated last
night among them Speaker Hender
son and Attorney General Mullen
Comptroller Dawes at Lincoln
Lincoln May 23 Comptroller of the
Currency Charles G Dawes who with
Mrs Dawes arrived in Lincoln from
the east yesterday was given an in
formal reception at the Union Commer
cial club rooms where he met the lead
ing business men with whom he was
associated during his residence in Lin
coln Mr nnd Mrs Dawes will mako
nn extended stny here Mr Dawes
would not discuss his senatorial candi
dacy in Illinois further than to say that
he was in the fight for Senator Masons
seat and he hoped to win
Doesnt Trnvel Fop Pun
Far from being the great autocrat
the arbiter of things of magnitude the
president of a railway system be it
great or small Is a dealer In trifles
with a consideration for everything
Every accident large or small every
occurrence by which the road Is to loso
a dollar or to make a dollar comes to
the notice of the president The suc
cessful head of a railroad Is the ouo
who considers the details He Is the
mnn who makes the profits and he Is
the man who bns to face the music at
the directors meeting
When you see the bright smooth
running traveling palaces of the rail
way president trailing nlong behind
the long string of passenger coaches
you can be safe in the opinion that tho
occupant has not the softest snap on
earth You can also rest assured that
If he Is a success In his sphere he Is
not traveling for fun Omaha World
A Question In History
Some strangers apparently balling
from the far west were looking at tlio
statue of Robert Fulton the Inventor
of the steamboat Said one of them
So this Is the mnn who got up the
steamboat eh Well It only goes to
show how n feller can be mistaken
Now out In Punkln Ridge we nlwayg
thought SI Jones fixed up the first
steamboat ever run in the year 187a
The whole county was out to Bee tho
Nancy Aun pass the Ridge and every
body about there 6ald as how Si had
surely made himself famous by bulldln
the first boat ever known to run
Washington Times
IhTclTge flrs
luiuumieu buiuue ujr duuuuuk m lo
between the two lines from Afton to i presence of a police officer who had
Miami 1 T is finished This will be called on Foster to make Inquiries In
by July i connection with the case
The Lithuanian National alliance of
America in session in Wilkesbarre
Pa Wednesday ousted the 12 social
istic members from the convention
The president of the convention Rev
A Mllmos of Chicago was severely
criticised by the sociallEts
Scalped by Revolving Shaft
Dubuque May 23 Francis Ring
aged J2 years and employed in a but
ton factory here fell against a revolv
ing Ebaft and her hair catching she
was scalped
Too Businesslike
Stella Why on enrth did Miss Pe
chls reject Mr Boomer Hes making
lots of money In the advertising busi
Bella Yes nnd ho proposed to her
by mnll in this fashion I can placo lui
a few good papers of guaranteed clrcu l
latlon at a minimum cost tho follow
ing notice pure reading top column
Engaged Miss Birdie Peclils to Mri
Howlett Boomer If this proposition
meets vour nnnmvnl l lnm uin t
w ---- j utft II11UI
Heaven Twice Kuani
Now she suffers him to print a kiss
upon her brow
This is heaven he snvH
Two years pass now ills baby has
just ceased crying
This Is heaven says he
Ilere we 6ee bow a mans Ideals
change with the lapse of time Detroit