The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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IE 10 118
Employers Show Signs of Com
ing to Terms
Way Block Work on Government Ves
eels Department Orders Transports
Transferred From San Francisco to
Bremmerton Navy Yard
Washington May 22 Both tho
navy and war departments aro appre
hensive aa to tho effects of the ma
chinists strike on government work
now In progress Tho navy depart
ment received word that tho strike
toad spread to largo private yards on
tho Pacific coast whero a number of
warships are under construction and
It is expected that eastern yards hav
ing naval ships to build also will bo
affected The war depatrmont was In
formed that tho strike was likely to
Btop work on tho two naval transports
Egbert and Rosecrans now repairing
on tho Pacific coast Secrotary Root
skcd tho navy department to assist
In forwarding tho work ponding tho
tleup and Acting Secretary Hackctt of
tho navy ordered that tho two army
transports be taken to tho navy yard
at Bremmerton on Puget sound for
tho completion of their repairs
President OConncll said that tho ad
vices received at headquarters Indi
cated that an early settlement of the
trouble between tho machinists and
employes will be effected Information
nt hand showed that during the day
over 120 firms had settled by granting
the nine hour day
Mr OConncll said that so far as ho
knew about 7000 men aro out In San
Francisco and about 3000 In Cincin
nati In Chicago nearly all tho Im
portant shops have settled with tho
men The reports from the south show
that all through that section settle
ments are being effected Half tho
firms In Philadelphia he said have
come to terms and the others are ex
pected to follow suit There has been
no news of a clash anywhere
No Men Admitted to Witness the
Games Except the Faculty
PoughUeepsle N Y May 22 A por
tion of tho program of tho twice post
poned field day at Vassar college was
given yesterday when the weather for
tho first time was propitious Tho
time was not announced therefore
thero were only a few spectators out
Bide of tho students The latterhow
ever numbering nearly 700 supplied
plenty of enthusiasm
No men were admitted to witness
the games except the faculty The
girls wore blue blouses and bloomers
and black stockings Two college rec
ords were broken Tho former rec
ords were the standing broad jump
1 feet 1 inch by Margaret Calhoun
and throwing the baseball 170 feet 3
Inches made by Emma Bradley In
the standing broad jump yesterday
Miss De Merrill broke the record by
scoring 7 foot 4 Inches and Julia B
Lock wood did tho same thing with the
baseball record throwing the ball 173
feet C Inches
Switchmen In Session
Milwaukee May 22 The appoint
ment of committees and the reading of
officers reports occupied tho attention
of tho delegates to the convention of
the Switchmens Union of North Amer
ica yesterday Grand Master Haw
leys report showed the growth of the
order In the past year to have been
phenomenal Among tho presidents
recommendations is one favoring com
pulsory Insurance Tho membership
of the union Is approximately 23000
and the amount In the treasury 21000
Hot Springs Ark and Denver aro can
didates for the next convention
Convention of Conductors
St Paul May 22 The railway con
ductors hope to complete tho work of
their biennial convention today with
the choice of a place for the meeting of
1903 and election of officers Cincin
nati seeoms to bo well In tho lead for
the place Thero seems little doubt
of the re election of Grand Chief Con
ductor E E Clarke of Cedar Rapids
but Grand Secretary and Treasurer
W J Maxwell will have a race for his
position W E Miller of Sedalia seeks
tho place
Cyclone In North Carolina
Charlotte N C May 22 A cyclone
Btruck Fort Mill S C yesterday and
followed the Catawaba river to Moun
tain Island Tho office building of the
Charlotte Brick company at Fort Mill
was blown away leaving nothing but
tho ground floor on which rested tho
cafe Many small houses were blown
down but no lives were lost At
Mountain Island three houses were
blown down There was great destruc
tion of timber and much damage to
Two More Bodies Recovered
Carbondalo Ills May 22 Two more
bodies have been recovered from tho
wreck of tho City of Paducah which
went down near Brunkhorsts Land
ing recently Mate Tobias Royal of
the packet says tho company considers
that 27 lives wero lost In the wreck
of which number 22 wero negroes
Thero aro still beneath tho water 23
Italy Demands Satisfaction
London May 22 Italy has de
manded satisfaction from Turkey
says the Rome correspondent of the
Dally Chronicle for tho death of De
crocls tho Italian who was summarily
shot by the sultans order on sus
picion of being an emissary of the
Jfounj Turkey party
One Man Killed and Seven Others In
jured at Chicago
Chicago May 22 Ono man was
killed ono fatally Injured and nix oth
ers hurt yoatorday by tho falling of a
part of a sidewalk In front of Contral
Music hall which is being demolished
to make way for an addition to a de
partment store at State and Randolph
streets Tho dead Joseph Flnloy
Tho Injured Fred Larklu Edward
Sulllvnn neck broken will die Will
iam Evans Charles Murphy Joseph
Tho sidewalk which was of stone
was over a basement which extended
Into tho street and was supported by
props A largo number of men wero
standing on tho walk wnltlng to draw
their pay when tho supports of a por
tion of tho walk gave way About 25
wore precipitated Into tho basemont
Former Congressman Passes Away at
McLean Asylum Waverly
Boston May 22 Former Congress
man James A Boutello of Bangor Mo
died yesterday nt tho McLean asylum
Waverly whero ho had been confined
for a year with brain trouble Death
was duo primarily to pneumonia which
developed last Sunday Mr Boutollos
daughter Grace who has been at tho
head of tho household since her
mothers death In 1892 was at tho bed
side Mr Boutello was G2 years of
ago and on his retirement from con
gress last winter was placed on tho re
tired list of tho navy ns a captain nn
office to which ho was eligible by rea
son of civil war and congressional com
mlttoo service
State Convention Opens at Des Moines
With 150 Delegates In Attendance
Des Moines May 22 About 130
delegates wero In attendance at the
Prohibition state convention which
began hero yesterday afternoon John
A Earlo of Waterloo was temporary
chairman and O T Nichols of Tama
secretary Tho working committees
wero appointed after an address by
Chairman Earlo and an adjournment
taken till morning The Collegiate
Prohibition club oratorical contest
was held yesterday First honors went
to G W Finch of Mnit ide Vlege
Sioux City C M Perrin of Des Moines
college was second and B F Hall of
Drake university third
Secretary Root Endorses Action of
Board of Officers at West Point
Washington May 22 Secretary
Root has approved tho action of the
board of officers at West Point which
recommended tho dismissal of five ca
dets and the suspension of six others
This sustains tho course of Colonel
Mills and the other officers in the re
cent disturbances at tho academy
Hughes Installed as Mayor
Topoka Kan May 22 Tho supreme
court yesterday reversed the decision
of the district court In the Topoka
mayoralty contest and Installed J W
E Hughes the Republican and law en
forcement candidate in the mayors
chair The city of Topeka is now en
tirely under the control of tho dry
element and operations against tho
Joints aro expected at once
Congress of Mothers Meets
Columbus O May 22 The National
Congress of Mothers convened at tho
Columbus auditorium last evening In
clement weather interfered with tho
attendance The exercises were con
fined to addresses of welcome and re
sponses The president Mrs Theo
Birney presided and responded to the
addresses of welcome
Explosion Wrecks a Bank
Cambridge Mass May 22 An ex
plosion occurred at tho Cambridgeport
National bank which badly wrecked
the building and seriously Injured the
cashier W H Roas The cause of
tho explosion has not been ascertained
although tho police claim to havo evi
dence that It resulted from a time
Ricks Elected Judge
Pana Ills May 22 Hon John B
Ricks Dom Is elected to tho judge
ship in the Sixth judicial district over
Georgo R Cooper tho Republican can
didate by probably 3000 majority to
fill the vacancy caused by tho death
of Judge J M Phillips A small vote
was cast
United Brethren Adjourn
Frederick Md May 22 Tho gen
eral quadrennial conference of tho
United Brethren Church of Christ
which has been In session hero since
May 9 adjourned last evening to meet
In Topeka Kan in 1905
The city of Cumana Venezuela was
visited by a violent earthquake shook
Wednesday Thero was no Io33 of
lifo the only damage being to prop
Dr J C Whlnnery Jr of Omaha
has been appointed a dental surgeon
In tho army with tho rank of first lieu
tenant He has been assigned to the
Throughout tho interior of British
Columbia thero Is general apprehen
sion of floods The Slocan district 13
likely to experience a flood higher than
any since 1894
Tho village of Aurenza Italy has
been partially destroyed by an ava
lanche Tho number of fatalities Is
not yet known but already 15 corpses
havo been recovered
General William Kapus killed him
self at Portland Tuesday during a
fit of temporary Insanity He was
66 years of age He was prominent in
J the affaire of Oregon and Washington
ior many years
Dr Thompson Stirs Presbyter
ian Convention
At Its Conclusion Assembly Gives
Vent to Burst of Patriotic Enthusi
asm Congress Urged to Act Against
Philadelphia May 22 Tho commis
sioners to tho Presbyterian general
nssumbly yesterday gave vent to a
spontaneous burst of patriotic enthu
siasm which found voice in tho hearty
rendition of a national anthem It
was a fitting conclusion to a masterly
address delivered by Rev Dr Charles
O Thompson secretary of tho homo
mission board
Tho report of tho comtaUtco on
homo missions had been read and Dr
Thompson arose to make tho usual ap
peal for aid which developed Into an
oration and aroused tho assembly to
tho highest pitch of enthusiasm A
statement In tho committees report
that over 3000 churches failed to glvo
directly to the homo mission board
aroused tho Iro of tho commissioners
representing self supporting synods
nnd presbyteries and after a brief
but lively debate tho objectionable
paragraph was eliminated Rov Dr
Hugh K Walker chairman of tho com
mittee In discussing tho report do
clarod that unless tho church support
ed Its homo missions tho homo mis
sions would fall Tho report urged
congress to act on tho anti polygamy
amendment to tho constitution before
the Mormons secure tho balanco o po
litical power In any additional states
Passengers on Submerged Train Live
Through Flood
Pueblo Colo May 22 It Is learned
today that tho flood which washed out
-a Denver and Rio Grande railway
bridge over St Charles creek ten
miles south of Pueblo submerging a
passenger train caused tho death of
two persons at Bculah Mr and Mrs
J Brown of Avondale who were occu
pying a cabin In the canyon for tho
summer were drowned Tho escape of
tho passengers from tho wrecked train
was almost miraculous Tho train
was struck by a wall of water 14 feet
high and carried down with tho bridge
Tho passengers 1 8 in number succeeded
In reaching places of safety on the tops
of the cars Tho flood was caused by a
cloudburst In tho Sierra Mojada moun
Dunkards Hold Bible Institute
Lincoln May 22 A biblo institute
preliminary to tho annual national
conference of the German Baptist de
nomination began last evening Tho
institute Is In charge of Rev E S
Young The meetings aro held In tho
tabernacle capable of seating 5000
people located on tho state fair
grounds which will be the homo of
the brethren during the ten days as
sembly Friday tho Dunkard confer
ence proper will begin and prepara
tions have boon made to accommodato
10000 or more visitors
Money Disappears In Mail
Kansas City May 22 A packago
containing 8000 in currency con
signed by registered mail by the Na
tional Bank of Commerce to a bank in
Great Bond Kan has disappeared
and detectives arc working on tho
theory that it was stolen by a postal
clerk A postofllco employe In Kansas
City Is under surveillance Tho money
was In greenbacks Tho package was
registered here hut sent by mistake
to Lamed Kan instead of Great Bend
The mail pouch Indicated that It had
been tampered with
Woodmen Reduce Expenses
Columbus O May 22 Tho su
preme camp Woodmen of tho World
In committee of tho whole yesterday
considered the report of tho commit
tee on legislation Tho policy of re
ducing expenses Is being adhered to
and tho emergency fund Is receiving
attention It being decided that all
fees for transfers should go Into this
fund In tho line of tho retrenchment
policy was tho reduction of tho board
of trustees from seven to Ave which
was agreed to
Pettigrew Denies Report
Sioux Falls S D May 22 In an In
terview In the Press ex Senator
Pettigrew denies that ho has been of
fered the presidency of tho Northern
Pacific or any other railroad that
no such position will bo offered to him
and that ho would not accept such an
offer If made Ho will devote the rest
of his days to tho building up of his
own state and will continue to advocate
tho political Ideas held by him during
tho last session of the senate
Indians Will Not Fight
Cheyenne Wy May 22 Develop
ments yesterday show that the situa
tion at Fort Washakie did not war
rant tho sensational dispatches sent
out from thero relative to a threat
ened outbreak among tho Arapahoe
Indians Tho Indians have been dis
satisfied for some time at the treat
ment accorded them but have no Inten
tion of going on the warpath
Begin Suit Against Bishop Bonacum
Lincoln May 22 Action was be
gun yesterday in the district court by
relatives of Edward P Cagnoy do
ceased to determine their right to
remove his remains from tho John
Fitzgerald burial plot In the Catholic
cemetery The suit Is against Bishop
Thomas Bonacum of tho Lincoln dio
cese Mary Fitzgerald and the ceme
tery trustees
Mrs McKlnlely Is Steadily Growing
Snu Francisco May 22 Tho con
valescence of Mrs McKlnloy Id very
rapid and she Is fast regaining her
normal strength Shu was able to sit
up yesterday and lead tho papers Ho
marked Is her Improvement that It Is
very probable tho presidential party
will start for Washington next Satur
day If no untoward developments
should occur It Is thought that Mrs
McKlnloy will bo able to endure tho
Journey by that tlmo
President McKlnloy yesterday re
viewed nearly 50000 school children
of this city Both sides of Van Nubs
avenue from Jackson to Market streets
were lined with cheering and enthusi
astic children ns the president and
monikers of his party and local of
ficials In carriages wero driven from
Jackson to Market streets and back
the avenue to Jackson Tho presi
dent was tho recipient of a continuous
ovation Almost every child had been
provided with a good sized Atnnrlrnn
flag and their voices and flags wero
worked In unison Each llttlo girl
wore white and most of them had red
sashes Thousands of tho youngsters
had gathered largo bouquets which
they throw at tho president as ho
passed along
President McKlnloy rodo with his
hnt In his hand bowing and waving
from right to left smiling continually
and receiving tho ovation with evident
prldo nnd happiness
Coroners Inquest Over Man That She
Confesses to Have Killed
Washington May 22 Tho coroners
jury that has been Investigating tho
killing of James S Ayres tho centum
olllco clerk returned a verdict to tho
effect that Ayres was killed during n
conflict between himself and Mrs Lolo
Ida Henri llonlno Tito woman was
held for tho grand Jury
Tho typewritten copy of her confes
sion was taken to Mrs Bonltio for tho
purposo of having her swear to It Mrs
Hotline nfter making tho confession
had consulted a lawyer and he advised
her to avoid anything In the nattiro of
assisting tho prosecution When tho
confession was presented to her she
positively refused to make tho desired
United Presbyterians Will Discuss
Marriage and Secret Societies
Des Moines May 22 Tho 43d gen
eral assembly of tho Unltod Presby
terian church of North America opens
this evening with an address by Rev
J P Sankey of Rochester N Y tho
retiring moderator Three hundred
delegates havo signified their Inten
tion of attending tho assembly Tho
commlttoo for revision of creed recom
mends thnt tho restriction against se
cret societies bo modified and that tho
rule against a man marrying near rela
tives of liU wife bo abolished Tito
consideration of these changes will bo
tho chief work of the assembly
House of Commons Votes Against Dis
approval of Budget Proposals
London May 22 Tho house of com
mons by 300 to 123 votes rejected tho
motion of Sir Henry Fowler Littoral
which was supported by tho Liberal
leaders disapproving the budget pro
posals Mr Balfour the government
leader announced that tho government
would regard the adoption of the mo
tion as a vote of nonconfldenco Tho
Irish abstained from voting
Acquit Pastor Wickham
Sioux City May 22 After a sensa
tional church trial which lasted mora
than two weeks Rev C M Wickham
pastor of the First Christian church
has been found not guilty of tho
charges preferred against him Ho
was acccused of hugging and kissing
young women members of his church
and of a more serious offense with
Miss Cora Batman Miss Batman
was his principal accuser From tho
beginning Wickham Insisted ho was
tho victim of a conspiracy Tho trial
developed bitter feeling among tho
members and the church is now badly
Wichita Freight House Burns
Wichita Kan May 22 Tho Santa
Fo freight house through an electric
wire caught flro last night and burned
to tho ground Tho loss will reach
60000 Division headquarters which
adjoined tho freight house was saved
by tho heroic work of tho firemen
A soap mine has been discovered In
All tho switchmen employed In tho
Lehigh Valley yards In Buffalo struck
Andrew Carnegie Is reported to havo
given 10000000 to four Scotch univer
A Cincinnati man is planning to
found a religious sect on the teach
ings of R G Ingersoll
Tho relations between Franco and
Portugal aro strained Franco practlc
allyl having coased diplomatic rela
tions with the kingdom
Colonel L Bullock a California pio
neer of tho early 50s died of heart
dlseaso at his residence In Now York
city Tuesday after a long Illness
Preparations aro being mado for tho
production by British Columbia Indians
of tho Passion Play There will bo
2000 Indian participants In this big
religious festival
Tho Northern Pacific Railroad com
panys warehouse at Glendlve Mon
In which was stored 50000 pounds of
wool tools and supplies burned Tues
day The total loss will reach f 100
1 11
Gomez and Silva Substitute the
Old Majority Report
Sangully Reminds Delegates Thnt
United States Government Has Been
Fair and Honorablo and Promises
What Island Needs
Havana May 22 At yoslerdayn ses
sion of tho Cuban constitutional con
vention Gomez and Silva withdrew
tho minority report of tho commlttoo
on rotations mid substituted for It tho
old majority report of the comuilttce
which was drawn up before tho com
mission wont to Washington and was
signed by Gomuz Silva and Vlllueudas
but which wuh never acted upon by tho
convent hut because It was a rejection
of lie Piatt amendment Tills action
of Gomez Is attributed to the bitter
attack made upon him by tho radicals
for having accepted portions of tho
Piatt nmcudmotit Villuemlas indeed
that his name bo stricken off tho old ro
port thus making It tho report of tho
minority and declared that bo now
favoreil the majority report now beforo
the con vent Ion
Sungully made a bitter attack on
Gomez and tho radicals asserting thnt
tho United States hail always been fair
and honorable In their dealings with
Cuba that the policy of tho Washing
ton government watt to establish tho
republic and that tho concussions
naked by the United States wero nee
essnry to maintain tho republic Wo
spoke for nearly two hours Tito con
vention adjourned without coming to
a voto
Governor Advocates a Colonial System
for Porto Rico
Washington May 122 Governor
Charles II Allen of Porto Rico has
presented to the president his II in I an
nual report Tho governor expresses
tho opinion that n schunto of colonial
administration such us Is found In
tho Danish French anil ICngllHli West
Indies might ho safely Instituted with
variations dependent upon tho future
policy of tho homo government Tho
governor refers to tho many sugges
tions offered that tho form of terri
torial government adopted In the Unit
ed Stiitos bo applied to Porto Rico
but points out Unit a standard form
of such government while useful In
the United States would not apply
successfully to this Island possession
Tho governor speaks plainly In pre
senting the reason why tills Island has
been at a jractlcal standstill for near
ly four centuries and says that lit a
cilmato whero a man can Ho In n
hammock pick a banana with ono
hand and dig a sweet potato with ono
foot tho Incentive to Idleness Is easy
to yield to nnd brings Its Inevitable
In conclusion Governor Allen urged
tho Introduction of fresh blood nnd
Anglo Saxon push and energy as the
means of lifting the little Island out of
Its lethargy and by thrift nnd Indus
try develop Its riches to their full
Manila Clerk Uses MacArthurs Name
to Put Checks Through
Manila May 22 E C Lawrence
formerly a private in tho Thirty third
volunteer infantry and afterward em
ployed as a civilian clerk In tho ad
jutant generals olllco at Manila has
been accusod of forging the signature
of Captain Slaveus the insular ills
busitig olllccr to certain checks pur
porting to bo payable to General Mac
Arthur On tho backs of tho checks
wero forged endorsements of General
MacArthur to General Shatter and to
E C Lawrence Two of these checks
of 200 each have been cashed at San
Francisco but anothor negotiated at
St Louis has been returned to Manila
and pronounced spurious by Captain
Slaveus Lawrence Is suspected of
other forgeries
Tho Insurgents yesterday mado an
unsuccessful attack upon tho village of
Nacarlan In Lacuna province A pri
vate In tne Elglith Infantry was killed
In the engagement Tho official re
port of tho recent engagement near
Pasacoa says that three American sol
diers wero killed and a natlvo scout
was captured
Order Gypsies Deported
Now York May 22 Tho 50 Servian
gypsies who wero detalued on Ellis Isl
and as likely to become public charges
havo boon taken to tho steamship Iahn
for deportation In spite of tho fact
that the gypsies had about 5000 and
wero bound for Canada tho Immigra
tion officials decided that they could
not land One of tho objections to
admitting tho gypsies to the country
Is their fllthlness
Nebraskan to Teach Filipinos
Chicago May 22 Ola S Medlar
has been appointed by tho faculty of
Northwestern university aa a teacher
In tho Philippines in rcsponso to a
request from tho government to select
a student for this purposo Mr Med
lar lives in York Neb and Is a grad
uate student and a fellow at North
western In biology Ho expects to
leave for his now Hold In July or Au
Escapes From Cuban Prison
Havana May 22 Justus Lyman of
Chicago a private In tho Second Unit
ed States artillery who was sentenced
to 14 years Imprisonment by tho Cu
ban courts for killing a pollcemau es
caped from the guard house shortly
after tho order was Issued to transfer
him to jail
Gilbert Crosby and Sconce Kill 107
Birds Straight
HprlngfliHd Ills May 22 A worldif
record In live hint coulosts was broken
yesterday at the Illinois Gun clul
grounds this city In tho Dupont shoot
for a cup and 1000 The ovont wait
at 25 live pigeons In tbo shoot off
nrter killing 25 birds stralKht FrecF
Gilbert or Spirit Lake la and W It
Crosby of OFallon Ills tiiomliors of
tho All American leant and 11 J
Sconce of Danville Ills member oB
tho Illinois Gun club killed thulr lOOthf
bird and tho unit eh was postponed
until this afternoon
A drizzling rain fell nil day and ex
perts front all over tho country do
cliired Hitch marksmanship to ho pint
iiomeiuil us the grand American hand
icap was won this year by the killing
of but 57 birds
Unknown Man Taken From Missouri
River at Plattamouth by Fishermen
llattsninuth Neb May 22 White
Fred lllnck anil Kilns Kllilow wero
Hulling near the Hiirllugtou bridge over
tho Missouri river they secured tho
body of a floater coming down the
stream Tho coroner held an Inquest
but thero was nothing found to Iden
tify tho man who was about 10 f iini
of age and had black hair lie weighed
165 pounds was six feet tall and worn
n good black suit In the pockets worn
found a ktilfo and silk handkerchief
and a purse containing 5 cents Tlut
body was burled by tho county
Board of Trade Declares Pcavcy Grain
Warehouse Irregular
Chicago May 22 At a special meet
lug of the directum or the board o
trade the leavey tevator II wan de
clared Irregular pending an Investiga
tion of charges made by Slaughter to
Co to tho effect hat grain stored In
the elevator was not regular The tin
iiouuccmcut caused a stir on the board
as the action Is said to ho without prec
Frank Slegel Arrested
Kansas City May 21 Frank SiogoL
late president of tho Slogol Sandera
Live Stock Commission company wan
arrest od yest onlay charged with em
bezzling 5000 lie was released on a
2000 bond The warrant for Slegel
was Hworn out by UUoy Wedge re
ceiver of tho company Frnnk Rocke
feller who was a controlling Inter
est In tho stock of the company last
week filed u suit in the circuit court
hero which resulted In the appoint
ment of a receiver In his petition
Mr Rockefeller alleged that the com
pany had suffered a loss of 100000 as
the result of Slogels peculations and
mismanagement of tho companys af
Governor Nash at Salt Lake
Salt Lake May 21 Tho Ohio spe
cial bearing homeward Governor Nash
and others who attended the launching
of tho battleship Ohio at San Fran
cisco arrived hero last night An in
formal reception was given Governor
Nash Tho party from Ohio aro guests
today of Governor Wells and other
state officials After drives In tho
morning there was an organ recital at
tho tabernaclo and afterward a trip to
Saltalr Governor Nash and pary will
leave this evening for Denver
Proceedings Taken to Test Constltu
tionality of Kansas Election Law
Topoka Kan May 21 Proceedings
were begun In the supremo court yes
terday to test tho constitutionality of
tho biennial election law Tho test
caso Is brought by A H Wilson party
nominee for Judge In tho Thlrty thinl
Judicial district Secretary of Stato
Clark refused to file the paper and a
mandamus to compel Clark to act warn
fllod and a hearing set for Juno 8
Osceola la Man Attempts to Put an
End to Domestic Infecillty
Osceola la May 21 Yostorday
Elmer Lano broke In tho door of tho
residence of his wlfo hero cut her
throat and then attempted to commit
niilcldo Mrs Lano Is In a critical con
dition Lano may rocovor Tho couplo
had had domestic troubles and sho had
applied for n divorce
Cramp-Vickers-Bethlehem Combine
Philadelphia May 22 The Press
say There is llttlo doubt that tho
last obstacles In tho way of tho Cramp
Vlckers Bethlehem combination havo
been removed and that tho official an
nouncement of tho completion of tho
arrangement Is now a question of a
few hours only
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League New York 2 Pltst
burg 1 St Louis 11 Brooklyn 5
Boston 1 Cincinnati 4 Philadel
phia 5 Chicago 3 Western League
Minneapolis 9 Denver 3 St Paul
3 Colorado Springs 7 Des Moines
6 St Joseph 5 Omaha 3 Kausaa
City C
Death of Dr Hoyt
Dos Moines May 22 Tho board of
control received a telegram announc
ing tho death at Kansas City yesterday
of Dr Frauk C Hoyt superintendent
of tho Mount Pleasant hospital for the
Insane Death resulted from tubercu
Uhls Remains Lie In State
Grand Rapids Mich May 21 Tha
remains of ex Ambassador Edwin F
Uhl lay In stato In St Pauls church
from noon to 2 oclock yesterday and
during that time wero viewed by
thousands The funeral services wero
In accordance with the Episcopal
ritual with no eulogy Prominent
members of tho bar from this and
other states were In attendance j