The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Rverr day
INt 10
i -
- ii-
Hosiery Sale
One case Womens Genuine Alaco
Foot Fast Black Hose we place on
sale Monday morning at per
KrtablUhod JN1
except Sunday Hy currier
ccutn Hy mail per yenr td00
The New ettnblirheil lsl
The Journnl cMabllidipd 1817
Eery Friday Ily mull per yenr JlM
Eiilereil nt the loeUilllco tit Norfolk Nob n
coml clnn mntter
Teleiibonrf Kdltoria Department
llueluen Olllce aud Job Hoomt
No 12
No S22
Tho Shnmrook is certainly having a
had run of preliminary luck but a bad
beginning doesnt always prosago a bnd
ESecrotary of State Porter now
haB nn opportunity to appear boforo tho
court nnd explaiu why ho should not bo
classed with thoso republican ofllcinls
who failed to bo as honest as populists
Mr Brynn cannot imngino
Bitting still whilo Mr McKinloy
been going about getting plaudits of tho
pooplo Ho thereforo mado a short tour
into Missouri and was quito successful
in attracting attention
Tho tolephouo is a wonderful instru
ment Tho latest uso to which it has
been put is the trial of a divorce case
and granting n divorce to an Indiana
couple Tho telephones possibilities
are evidently just beginning to bo
President McKinloy umdo a homo
thrust at the Texans in a recent spoech
when ho said Dont get alarmed
about militarism or imperialism Wo
know no imperialism in tho Uulted
States except tho imperialism of a sov
ereign peoplo
A California preacher states that there
nro 500000 vicious peoplo in Chicago
It ho cuu count that many from a view
point across the continent Chicago
people should havo a caro that he isnt
allowed to come closer or lie may havo
all of them in the vicious class
The Beatrice faster Henry Cordos
lias been judged insane and sent to tho
asylum at Lincoln His notorious fast
has entitled him to be classed as a orauk
bordering on insanity aud that tho ex
treme haB been reached is surprising to
jio one who has followed the cuso
A Louisville Kentucky woman
idiot at her husband to get him out of
bed He failed to comply however un
til the fifth bullet took effect in his
shoulder exemplifying tho indifference
of Kentuokians for such a harmless
thing as a gun especially when em
ployed by a woman
A Patterson N J niun who is n
leading oillcial in tho Society for tho
Prevention of Cruelly to Animals has
been arrested for beating his wifo be
cause she served him a cold dinner
instead of a hot one Her action might
ordinarily be considered brutnl but that
is no reason why the husband need con
sider it his duty to emulate the owners
of bruteB his society has meted out
punishment to
An initial number of tho Skagit
County Courier published nt Sedro
Woolley Washington has been re
ceived U E Foster formerly of tho
Plainview News is tho moving spirit of
the paper he being editor and publisher
Those who know Mr Foster can readily
realize that the Courier is a neat pro
duction and full of good reading matter
The editor is full of force aud the
paople of Skagit county may rest as
sured that they will have a paper worthy
of patronage as long as Mr Foster is at
the helm It 1b noted with especial
pleasure that Mr Foster has come oat
of the slough of populism and is now on
the broad smooth highway of republi
canism aud will be found fighting for
the party that is worthy the men of his
mental calibre
-4 -
This is decidedly a Bargain Value at the
price we never haviny offered a pure Maco
Yarn Foot Hose before at less than 25c
20 doz Mens Socks exactly same
grade as above per pair
If I
An inspection of both will convince you of
their rare value
Former Governor of Illinois
Passes Away at Springfield
Physician Not Certain of the Cause
but ThlnkB It May Have Been Rheu
matism of tho Heart Contracted
While Hunting
Springfield Ills May 24 Former
Governor John It Tanner died sudden
ly yesterday afternoon
Governor Tanner had not been feel
ing well for nearly two weekB Ho had
contracted a cold when hunting In
Clay county hla old home nad from
that resultud an attack of rheumatism
and it Is behoved that rheumatism of
tho heart caused his death although
Or J N Dixon tho attending physi
cian says ho Ib unable to glv tho ex
act cause of death
In tho forenoon Dr Dixon called and
stated that Mr Tanner was better
About 2 oclock he was seized by an
attack of gasping nnd strangling and
Dr Dixon waB Immediately called but
Governor Tanner was dead when ho
arrived The ronmlna woro tnkon an
hour later to tho resldenco of Mrs
Tanners father Turncy English
where they will romnln until tho fu
Governor Yntcs hns Issued an order
directing Adjutant General Picrco to
mobilize tho Fifth regiment I N G
and havo tho regiment report In
Springfield Sunday morning to partic
ipate In tho funeral Borvlces
of King Humbert
Kills Him-
self In Prison
Rome May 24 Drescl tho assas
sin of tho lato King Humbert has com
mitted Bulcldo at tho penitentiary of
Santo Stclnno
The minister of tho interior has In
stituted a searching inquiry Into tho
circumstances of tho suicide A post
mortem examination will bo held nnd
tho body will then be burled on a des
ert Island
Tho wardens account Is that ho saw
nresci tlo a towel to tho bars of tho
grating of tho cell nnd hnng himself
Hroscl being dead when tho warden
reached him
Mrs Bresci Calls It Murder
New York May 24 Seen at her
homo In Brooklyn Mrs Drescl main
tained that Hresd did not commit sui
cide Ho wna murdered said she
repeating the words ngaln and ngaln
jI had a letter from him ono week
ago sho said Ho told mo of his
treatment Ho was kept in a cell out
in tho rocks down under the water
level and they did everything to make
him insane so ho would kill himself
but they would never succeed in mak
ing him do thnt Ho may havo been
Insane probably ho was lie was
starved Ho saw no ono nnd spoke to
no ono It must havo been dreadful
and I do not seo how ho lived
Boys Discover Former Saloon Keeper
of Seward In Unused Beer Vault
Seward Neb May 24 A body iden
tified as that of Philip Dick a former
saloon man of Seward was found In
an upper unused vault In the Vnl Iilatz
storage warehouse It wus discovered
by some boys who were playing around
tho building Tho body Is supposed to
havo been thoro slnco March 10 when
Dick was last seen It was In tho last
stages of decomposition and identified
by tho clothes nnd letters Tho do
ceased was 35 years old and unmarried
Suicide or heart failure from drink
1b thought to bo the causa of death
Chinese Indemnity Question
Washington May 24 Mr RocUhlll
has confirmed tho news from Pekli to
the effect that tho foreign ministers
have declined to accede to tho sugges
tion of tho United States that tho total
of the indemnity to bo collected from
China shall bo limited to 200000000
It is expected that ho will contlnuo his
efforts in the direction of keeping down
the maximum of claims even while
Ladies Dressing Sacques
Good Assortment in
Lawns and Batistes
NEW Just arrived
50c 75c 85c 100 SI25 175
We invite you to see them
nhnndnnlng for tho nnko of linrmony
tho figure nnmed nnd it Is believed
that tlio outcome will bo n compromise
on n figure between 200000000 nnd
tho maximum of 337000000 claimed
by the powers
Tho Harding creamery Co received a
carload of coal Tuesday
Howard Miller Lumber Co shipped n
carload of hogB Tuesday
Born Lost Friday to Mr and Mrs
Hiram Grouinger a daughter
B D Simmons is building a new
dwelling in North Battle Creek
Mrs Carl Sohmode nud daughter of
Norfolk woro viBiting here Friday
Frank S Wright is going to ship a
carload of fat cattlo today Thursday
John and Lou Ray of Valley precinct
were business visitors here Wednesday
Chas Donnerof Centrnl City intends
to start a billiard hall and pool room
Mr and Mrs Sam Kent of Kent Sid
nig woro visiting hero with friends
Yamo Phips and Ed Weber nlias
Fuller started for tho state of Wash
ington Wednesday
Honry Bahro of Elgin living on the
Henry Mnssnmu farm visited herefrom
Saturday till Monday
Dr 13 Tanner put n brick foundation
under his ofllco this week W M
Craig was doing tho work
Tho Maxwell opera house is iixed up
in a good shnpo now being enlarged
aud painted inside nnd out
Butcher Johnson of Meadow Grove
and H E Glissmou of Norfolk were
Battlo Creek visitors Sunday
Ernest Ziescho ono of tho nicotine
merchnuts of Norfolk wns trying to do
business hero Tuesday Aber nit he
Herman Eucker who lives four miles
west of town is coinc to Rive all his
buildings on his farm a new cont of
Curl T Seeleyex deputy revenue
collector was here Tuesday and is sell
ing cigars now for H Platz of Mil
waukee Wis
Chas Fuerst has taken a position with
the Champiou company now It wont
tako long until this town haB nothing
else but Champion people
Henry Hnubins tho Tot Biiefiel of
Storz Co of Omaha waB hero Friday
and was disappointed at finding thnt ho
had only one customer in Battle Creek
Drayman P Neuwerk went to Nor
folk Saturday to haul up some house
hold goods for F Lndhoff He intends
to make his home hero with his
daughter Mrs W A Veuable
John Wuitzel special ngent for the
Standard stock food manufactured by
the F E Sanborn Co of Omnhn has
moved to our city and rented the
Cossnirt building on Depot street
Earnest F Hnns one of our demo
cratic dictators and ward bosses be
lieves iu prosperity and expansion now
becauso he expanded hiB saloon build
ing six feet wider aud fourteen feet
Roy Gleoson the manager of the
creamery moved his family from near
Norfolk to Battle Creek Wednesday
Ho occupies T H Thatchs buildiug
corners of Webster and Madison streets
vacated by Postmaster Montross
Sam Heitzman n Champion inau
came home Sunday from Wayne to
visit his family aud we are sorry to
state that he became very sick and for a
while was in a critical condition but at
this writing is considerably better
Mr and Mrs A M Lovelace and Mr
aud Mrs Jos Severa were visiting Suu
day iu Pierce county with the Simoreez
fnmily They had a Bohemian blow
out and a wedding nnd a dance nnd a
keg of beer and a piece of balogua
aud a barrel of fun
Boys Dismissed From West Point Em
ployed by Asphalt Company
Washington Mny 24 The five West
Point cadets dismissed Wednesday
Bowlby Cleveland Keller Linton and
Muhaffey will not appeal for clem
ency to tho war department They
havo entered the service of tho New
York Asphalt company This camo
about through General Francis V
Greene one of the chief officials of tho
trust He communicated with the war
department and Informed Secretary
Root that tho five young men had
called on him In a contrite nnd repent
ant state of mind asking for his advlco
nnd assistance In shaping their future
They stated that no turpitude was In
volved In anything that was charged
against them nnd General Greene ap
parently was of tho same opinion for
after hearing their story he proposed
to Secretary Root to employ the young
men In the scrvico of the asphalt com
Secretary Root promptly responded
that tho war department had no objec
tion and that It was true there was no
chargo affecting tho Integrity of the
boys but only n technical violation of
discipline So one of the young men
will go Immediately to Venezuela Gen
eral Greene having taken them Into his
service and the others will be dis
posed of according to the engineering
needs of tho company
Winter Wheat Promises an Unusually
Satisfactory Yield
New York May 24 Dispatches from
correspondents of R G Dun Co
throughout tho winter wheat belt
promise an unusually satisfactory
yield Conditions have distinctly
changed since the earlier statement
was prepared especiallly as respects
tho Hessian fly which threatened se
rious disaster In some sections a few
weeks ago The grain has now made
sufficient progress to preclude any ex
tensive losses through ravages of this
pest and there is little sign of other
untoward conditions In some states
the apparent acreage was smaller than
last year but the better condition sug
gests an equally good yield
Mob Threatens to Lynch Mahey
Wichita Kan May 24 J W Mahey
poured the contents of a double bar
reled shotgun Into the body of Homer
Keln at Augusta O T yesterday with
out any apparent cause Keln wns fa
tallv wounded A mob organized to
lynch Mahey but have not yet found
the officer who took him in charge
Stanley Held on Murder Charge
New York May 24 Dr Kirk Stan
ley the masseur arrested In connec
tion with the death of Father Phillips
has been nrralgned before Coroner
Dasch and his examination set for May
31 The bail was reduced to 5000
Stanley was taken back to the Tombs
in default of bail
Mother and Baby Burned
Chicago May 24 A terrific explo
sion yesterday wrecked the house at
655 North Wood street and in the fire
which followed Mrs George Mushen
berg and her baby believed to have
been the only occupants were fatally
Indicted for Poisoning
Jacksonville Ills May 24 The
grand jury that has been Investigating
tho Barnes poisoning case jointly In
dicted Ferguson tho negro and Mrs
Barnes widow of the dead man The
charge Is murder
Order your engrnved visiting cards at
The News office 100 cards and plate
160 j CO cards and plate 1
liewnre of Ointment for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
as mercury will 6urely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces Such articles
should never be used except on pre
scriptions from reputnble physicians as
the damage they will do is ten fold to
the cood you can possibly derive from
them Ilalls Catarrh Cure manufac
tured by F J Cheney Co Toledo
O contains no mercury and is taken
internally acting directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system In
buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine It i s token internally
Graduating Fans
50 dozen New Fans now on sale
Great variety in Cheap Fans I Oc to
50c But our assortment of Nice Fans
is much more extensive than we have ever
shown Beautiful work in Ivory Gauze
and Lace Effects 50c to 250
Class of 1901 we invite you to in
spect our Fans
The Norfolk JSieuus
W N HUSK PubllBber
nud made in Toledo O by F J Cheney
Co Testimonials free
Sold by Druggists price 7fic per bottle
Halls Family Pills are tho best
If yon are sick all over and dont
know just whnt ails you its ten to one
your kidneys are out of order FoleyB
Kidney cure will bring you health and
energy A H Kiesau
Mr J llenaen Infunt8 Wear
Our department is full of dainty nnd
beautiful goods in infants and child
rens wear
Long slips and dresses 25o up to 10
Long skirts from 45c up to 375
Long flannel skirts 29c up to 4
Infants vests lCc up to best thread
Jackets in flannel cashmere and cro
Long coats 51 CO up
Infants caps lo to best made
Booties veilB bibs everything that a
baby wears OutfltB 10 up
Childrens short dresses in white six
months to three years
Colored dresses one year to five years
Short flannel and muslin skirts
Guimps 2 to 10 years
Mus J Benson
South 10th street
Omaha Nebr
Try the new remedy for costiveness
Chamberlains Stomach nnd Liver
Tablets Every box guaranteed Price
25 cents For sale by the Kiesau Drug
Application for Sftlomi Liquor LloeiiHe
Matter of application of Chas Apfel
for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Chas
Apfel did on the 22nd day of May 1001
file his application to the mayor nnd
city council of the city of Norfolk Ne
braska for license to sell malt spiritu
ous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne
braska from the 1st day of May 1101
to the HOth day of April 1902 in First
ward of said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 2lrd day of May 1501 the said li
cense will bo granted
S R McFakland
City Clerk
Richard Romig will take notice
that on the 4th day of May 1901 J L
Daniel a justice of the peace in and
for Norfolk precinct in Madison county
Nebraska istued an order of attach
ment for tho sum of 800 in an action
pending before him wherein Sadie
Bevmer is plaintiff and Richard Romig
is defendant nnd property consisting of
a chainless bicycle has been attached
under said order Said cause was con
tinued to tho 18th day of June 1901 at
9 oclock a m
Norfolk Nebraska May 8th 1901
Sadie Beymkk Plaintiff
Attorneys at Law
J D Rarnee
i M D Tyler
Norfolk Nebraska
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
OBlce Citliens National Rank Building
Telephone 101
Sanitarium and Residence Main and 13th St
Telephone 0
Norfolk Nebraska
Ottlce over CltlieuV National Rank Ret ldenci
one block north of Congregational church
Olllce in tbe Matt Illock
Norfolk - Nebraskn
Fashionable Dressmaker
Dp etnlre In Cotton block over Hnums stor
First clutB work guaranteed
Osteopathic Physician
KoomB oTor Hayes Jewelry ITouEe Norfolk
Attorneys at Law
Roome 10 11 nnd 12 Mnetlblock
Rooms 1 nnd 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
Undertakers nnd Einlmlmers
Beeeione Iilk Norfolk Ave3
Norfolk - - Nebraska
500 to 9000
Needles nil kinds per doz 2c
SitiKCrOil per bottle 10c
Machines rented by week or month Repairs
of all kinds Snletnion wanted
The Singer Manufacturing Co
209 Hast Norfolk Ave
SuitB mado to order nnd in tbe latest style Re
pairing nentlyjdone Shop on South Fourth St
aouth of Biinm Brof
Telephone No 447
Rooms on North Ninth Street
James Richards M D
And Expert
I Examination of tho eye
free to patients nnd patrons Ofllco 1101
Fur 11 am St Omaha oppoeito Inxton Hotel
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Mvers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Office
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
B raise n Avenue
and Third St
MrS3 iD wiaa y