The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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By Wcalhcrby Chcsnoy and Alick Munro
oorriuaiiT loan ny wuATiirjHir niraitKr Ann aijk jiumio
luusTiaTioNrt iit it a UUU1TAH
niArrat xxvn
Hello cried Alec HKiiuwIint In It en
buck ill litis uiHNpcctctl iiiciMliiK Hy
nil tlio uli 11cIiush In Spain Don Ml
Kticl del Ciisiiimnio In tlu Hi Mill
Ah uitill sunn llnil to your ewt hc
roliltor VouM inetslinl jour unit 1c
HiIh lime Scnoi Captain Iieliiiul
Tel Imps so saiil Alec iitiioiuniitil
ly Hut pardon tny HtirprlHo wiun I
Imped j oil woie a glio U Ioiik hko Too
wlukutl to I to ill owned oh V
Tlio Spaulaid whipped out a venom
ous oath and elled to IiIh men to Hie
again A broadside oiiimIumI over our
dock too lilli foituniitoly to do much
injury to tho low lying Mull liut our
Iuiik Kim was dlKinauilcd and our how
Hjirlt Niiappod ofi wlioit Just outslde tho
Then Indeed for awhile tlio liatlle
raged In grlni led earneat With the
forvHtay catrlcil away uo could do
nothing hut Ho head to wind parallel
to our antagonist until a fioHh hoadHiill
was ilgged Had It boon blowing fiosh
wu might hao had her round Imforu
tho wind and so run to a distance to 10
Jlt Hut tho tiring had llattened down
tho light Iuvku almost to a doad calm
ho wo had poiforco to Hlay whoio wo
In a strait lllo this wo had counted
upon being able to tow tho Seoul go out
of danger as wo had alioady towod
her up aloiigsldo a prlo In a calm but
now us fortune would luivo It an un
lucky round shot entering In at an upon
port had hit tho six swoops as thoy lay
lashed on tho dock and had broken ev
ery one of them Into two And so with
tho decks becoming more of a ahauibloH
every nilnuto wo stood our ground and
foughtathe guns like furies and though
our pieces wore outnuinbeiod by inoro
than two to ono we hoped by serving
them twice as quickly to return as good
or oven bettor than wo got Besides
every shot of ours found a billet some
where In the Spaniards hull while
many of his thtough the greater eleva
tion of his guns Hew harmlessly over
tho little Scourge Had It been other
wise we could never have hoped to
keep heratloat
While we were still a cables length
from tho enemys stern a stiango thing
happened A Millor ran on to the poop
leaped ovoi board and swani as though
for his life toward us Spanish shot
pitted the water round him like thun
der drops In a pond but as he hold up
his hand as If appealing to us for as
sistance wo engaged his assailants and
made them think rather of their own
The swimmer meanwhile came up
alongside ami getting his lingers Into
the main chains scrambled on board
Though nt tly changed by the hard
ships of wa fare and eapthlty wo ioc
ognliMd him as Saul Dlckory one of
the ltristol Merchants crow and hot
though the tight laged aiouml us wo
snatched a moment to pi ess the hand
of a comrade of the old days
Ho had so he said been serving in
Spanish ships over since his captuio at
tho mountain nnlno leading a dogs
life while doing two mens work and
until now had never seen a chance of
escape Kutther ho had an offer to
make us ihe him n light Hue and
hed Jump oerboaid again and make It
last to u ringbolt on the dons stern
and then wo might warp ourselves up
and board through tho cabin window
Hut for the love o heavou ho Im
plored us keep the Spanish sharp
Bhootors busy while I bwliu 1 can
hear the bplash o their bullets round
my ears now
Alec howoer refused to allow him
to make this attempt for fear of the
sharks observing that wo should bo
nblo to do as much for ourselves with
tho grappling Iron In half an hours
time at our present rate of drifting
Hut he added I am afraid that
Don Miguel has still too many men for
my small hnndful to tackle
Aye captain replied Dlckory that
ho has Theie ate nlgher H00 than Jul
aboard yon galleon who can still hit a
good heavy blow though theios near
as many besides wT their toes turned
up Hut once get Inside the big cabin
an you can clear it an hold It agln tho
lot o em
Hut I want tho whole ship sirrah
Saul Dlckory shook his head You
caut do It captain he declared de
cidedly An If you try the big waves
will bo rolling over every man o us
tomorrow Hut you do whats as good
you can lay your hands on tho store
o dollars
Without taking the ship How
Tho hatch o tho treasury Is In tho
cabin floor an you can stilko out tho
cargo Into this queer craft of yourn
without a blessed don o em being
able to stop you
And this iu tho end was what we
did The mermen or Neptuue or the
current or whatever agency hud
charge of our heels bwept the two ves
sels nearer and nearer together till at
last n couple of cleverly thrown grap
ples caught hold and our bulwark
ground against the galleous square
Her crow had no Intention of letting
us btt foot In their stronghold without
a tussle and did what they could with
fireballs and grenadoes cold fehot and
naked steel to stop us Hut with a
ladder of boardlug axes drlveu Into
their timbers we sciuuibled up and
eoou had a footing iu the cabin
Hemmed In by tho paejd masses
t -V
K v
behind the front tank had the nller
niillvo of light or fall They fought
long and desperately and then they
fell for they exported no quarter ami
asked none We i u our side fought as
futlottsly as they stabbing with tihoit
ened weapons where there was no
loom to swing them and thrusting
many a foe thiough the open portholes
Into the sea It was a bloody conflict
for not until twolhlids of tho cabins
defenders lay dead and dying did the
Spanlaids suffer themselves to be driv
en out Into the waist
Wo ourselves had lost Ian Iengony
his friend leoige and three others kill
id outright and two moro were ho
jorely wounded that they died there
on the cabin floor Scarce a one of in
but hud his rod gash to show
Hut It was no time to groan or lick
our wounds The two doors under tho
poop weio closed and barred with fur
niture piled up against them loaded
patareroes were thrust through tho
loopholes to command tho waist and
the hatch of tho treasure room was
cleared of bodies and thrown open
The pieces of eight we found snugly
stowed In oak chests and while half a
dozen of us Htood ready by tho swivel
gun the rest made all haste thoy could
to hand up the treasure and lower It
through the windows on to the
Scourges deck below
Hut rapid as were our movements
Don Miguel had no notion of allowing
us to spoil his ship unmolested
Scarcely had we got Into tho swing of
work than he and u strong party with
him mounted the poop again and com
menced annoying the little craft whoso
bulwarks wore grinding against his
ship far below They hurled down ev
erything weighty and unpleasant that
came to hand and llnally they dropped
a barrel of powder which on bursting
scoiched several of our lads so severely
that they cied to us In the galleons
cabin that the deck was too hot to hold
any longer
At this Alec leaving me In charge of
the cabin returned to his own vessel
and hailed the poop above
Don Miguel ahoy
Tho tall Spaniard appeared above
gritting his yellow teeth with rage
Don Miguel If you do notecase from
annoying my people you shall have
something else to think about I swear
to you that If you do not permit mo to
Mulsh my task unmolested Ill sweep
your crowded waist with a hurricane
of patareroo balls and that tho surviv
ors may not want employment to keep
them out of mischief Ill tiro your gal
leons hold before I leave her Theres
a keg of spirits under the table that
will help her to burn
And If 1 penult you to carry off
your robbers booty In peace
Measuie your words Don Miguel
If you permit me to carry off my law
ful piie
ihe Spaniard Interrupted him with
a harsli iauli ot impotent lage
my lawful prize I say taken from
my countrys enemy wont on Alec
calmly and If you offer no fuither an
noyance to my men 1 on my part
faithfully p omlse to do you and yours
no further Injury for the ptesent For
tune will I hope grant us another
meeting on some future day when ac
counts may be settled Meanwhile
honor your answer Is awaited
Don Miguel who seemed almost be
side himself with suppressed fury was
evidently about to hurl a dellaucc at
us and raised his hand to clinch his
refusal w ith a pistol bullet Hut his
otlicors and underlings had had all the
lighting they wanted Though each
might have a stake In the golden cargo
below each remembered that with an
other throw of the dice he would lose
not only that but life as well Aud
choosing like wise
the two evils thoy
on their reckless
dragged him down
men the lessor of
laid violent hands
commandant aud
Then one of them
jumped up Into his place and slgulucd
that they aj recd to the armistice Thoy
promised lie said not to molest us fur
ther and they looked to us to keep a
like faith with them With a ringing
cheer our lads set to work again on tho
gold chests but nouo the less we kept
tho swivel gun tralued on the crowd In
tho galleons waist for he Is a besot
ted fool who truSts a pennys worth to
a Spaniard word
Thoy dared not break faith with us
however because of tho gun and so
wo were able to transship tho golden
harvest without further loss of life
While tho party In the galleous cab-
In bustled merrily among tho booty an
other party relltted our damaged head
sails and wheu tho last chest of gold-
pieces had been dumped upon our deck
wo raiseu an ironical cheer for tho
wealth of Golden Spain aud as tho ris
ing breeze slowly bellied her sails tho
little Scourge sheered slowly off from
her whipped and sulleu adversary
Aye we wore victorious and while
the red blood still flowed from our
wounds wo recked little of tho heavy
price we had paid Hut when tho mad
frenzy of lighting is over gaping cuts
tingle and grow stiff and then It Is that
men beglu to count tho cost and spare
a thought for those who have fallen
comrades who were alive and full of
hope a few short hours before We
had a dreary account taking It was
clear that the Scourge could no longer
hold her owu In these seas of the new
To ba couVtuuod next Friday
Chlcngo Grain and Prlvlslons
ClilrnK Mm - Wuiili r ntnl liiiltiTcront
cnlilia ill pi i nitil hi ln lit iiiilkil tinliiv
liut imil xiiln fttpfiiMfil iilnfi mill Jnly
iluiil niih 1 iMir Iiilv loin Ilnnitl ir
nml Mnv IV Ihuii nt hIiiuoiI h Iom
hiK itii lliMi of tVi wliMi mi UIoiim i lnsiil
ii hlhiili liklict to lnMi t Cloving iilivi
VV Ill Ill Mil Tils 11111 TIiJiliV
Cut II MllV Clili llllt IIA
jitv Mil jsyvijjsvr
H7 lulj JMlTiiVj Sopt
Itltii Mnv S27j July f7lirifi7U7Vi
Kepi f7liJij
lnnl Mnv fS 15 J ill v fM10JS IJVj
Hilil fHIJU
Ciikli iiinintlnnn No i rii Iipi TVfJ
7V No Imiil win lit No a red
Iii iiI No I iii Inn vln iit 70i
IV No 1 Iinnl wlieiit 71V No U i nxli
cm ii iniyi en- No a new i oni
No oiitu No t mt ate
Chlcngo Live Stock
ClilniKit Mny JI Cult Itrrplpti p
Kh Ntii iM in the to HttniiK to higher
Imti ln riHloi k Hti inh gooil tirptlnie
fftaiifiiMM poor to niiilliiin f IaiVJ
Htiirki rK nml slow fiiney up tn
n ir fiiMiini rows fJ xvi I 70 lu lfcrs
2 ttOlfl HO i iiiiiiitm J jVtij no Iuiik
kIi iiiIv fiwniioo enlvis nrtlve oro
lllttllfl l Willi IH Icmik fed MeeM I
run ii Texiis iiiiiw no
celptx IihIiiv aoOIN toliionow LIKt left
over 1hx 111 live Miiiiik to pc IiIkIiit kooiI
rli iirniiii top t i niUeil nml linti heri
i milo SJIf kooiI t rliolee lien r f i 7VST
ntljtj 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 lienvy - C0fi70 Unlit f H
fili SJKj hulk of miles f7Vn 80 Slliep
11000 hIiimP nml yenrlliiRs dull
ICimil lo rliolri welliitM fltOI 105 fulr
to rliolee iiilxcil fl IVTI 10 vrfitern Hheep
1 K7lir vemlliiK f I WW 170 ttntlve
IninliH f irirl westoru Ininlis f5003
Kansas City Live Stock
KntiHtH City Mny
2SH intthcH SIX TetntiH iK cnlvos ev
poll mill ilMiscd beef ulcers Htcmly tl inc
IiIkIkt others Htendy to hIiihIo IiIkIht llest
ilresMil beef Rteels 1 IOSifi7i fnlr to
Komi 1 SWi irir Ktmiers nnil feeders
f lXVi ir western fed Hteeis fll 7ir 10
TexnttH mid Indliins 1 irifirtn cvvos f a 2
ill 7 heifers fl irifuVJO ennners fjno
315 hulls n0OitlK eulves f IOOffll -
Uoc IteeelptH 1 lrilK Tie lilKlier hulk of
Pilles S- henvy 5riSOfirilK mlMd
pin kern fritLVm S llclit rilr70 jil
f I r riflr m Sheep 1100 Htendy
to fie higher westein Ininlis friJrifJ
westoru wethers f t JVffl - western yenr
I Inns t Kir0 ewes f17riirri2r culls
f2r0iiT1W Tevns slioep plVrf l2r Texiis
lmnlis uprhiB liunhs f5r05
South Omaha Live Stock
Smith Omiilin Mny 2 Cntlli Itecclptt
20i HtroiiR to WfilOc IiIkIut iiiillve heet
NleeiH f ltvu CO westem Htoois fllHUI
4 SI Tens Htei is fir0fi 110 cows mid
helfeis fl Wliio 10 cnniu rs f 17Vot 21
Ntockeis mid feeileis fl2ryr10 enhes
fltOOiilino hulls mIiiks etc fJ rffclM
llotfs t2soo simile lower henvy
7ij niUeil llKht
vj4 plus oodCi hulk of siiies
fr lWifillJi Sheep Heeelpts 1700 slow
yemlliiKs f Kin Ml VM tlicrs f17WI 21
ewes H 2Vn I 10 i olllliuili nml HtooU BllL ep
ft00ii73 lmnlis fioon350
Religous Riots In Peru
Lima Im ii May 21 During tho pro
sontatiou of Galdos play Electia
In tho theater last night there was
great excitement and continued shouts
of Down with tho Jesuits At the
conclusion of tho play a crowd of moro
than 1000 persons started from tho
theater In tho direction of St Peters
church When tho crowd was passing
tho Merced church many stones were
thrown but tho pollco charged tho mob
and drove It on At St Peters church
tho crowd broko several windows
with stones but tho pollco again
charged and dispersed tho stono
Dr Thomas F Hutnbold known in
America and Europe for his contribu
tions to medical literature and re
searches in nasal surgery died at his
homo in St Louis Thursday He was
71 years old
SnoilAil Ice
Tho most miserable boiufcs in tho
world are thoso suffering from Dys
pepsia nnd Liver Complaint Moro than
sovonty fivo per cout of tho people iu
the United States nro alllictodwith thoso
two diseases and their effects such as
Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual
Costivenoss Palpitation of the Heart
Heart burn Wntorbrnsh Gnawing nnd
Burning Pains at the Pit of tho Stomach
Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disa
greeablo Tasto in tho Mouth Coming
up of Food after Eatiug Low Spirits etc
Go to your Druggist and got a bottle of
August Flower for 7o cents Two
doses will relieve you Try it Get
Groons Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
My heart aud hand another claimed
His ploa had como too Into
Its over thus with people without
pluck and vim
Tako Rocky Mountain Tea dout get
left ngaiu Geo B Christoph
Tho greatest skiu specialist iu Amer
ica originated tho formula for Banner
Salve For all skiu diseases all cuts or
sores aud for piles its tho most healing
mediciuo Boware of substitutes A
II Kiesau
You Take o Cluiiico When You lluy llectol
for the piles Wo will rofuud the full
purchase price if it fails to cure A
pile pipe froo with each package
Samples f roe Kiesau Drug Co Solo
Piles of People Have Piles
Rectol has cured piles of people of the
piles to stay cured A pile pipe freo
with each package We sell it ou a
positive guarantee No cure no pay
50 cents Samples freo Kiesau Drug
Co Solo Agents
Miss Mamie Smith Middlosboro Ky
writes My little sister had the croup
very bad I gave her several doses of
Foleys Honey and Tar and she was iu
stantly relieved It saved her life
A H Kiesau
When You Get h lleiidache
dont waste a miuute but go to your
druggist aud get a box of Krauses
Headache Capsules They will provent
pain even though your skull were
crocked They nro harmloss too
Read the guarantee Piico 25o Sold
by Geo B Christoph
It Is with a good deal of pleasuro
nnd catUfactlon that I recommend
Chamberlains Oolio Cholera and Diar
rhoea Knnedy says Druggist A W
Stwtollo of Hartford Conn A lady
customer neoing tlio remedy exposed
for silo on my show caso said to mo
I really bellovo that medicine saved my
llfo tho put summer while at tho slioro
and sho bocatno so onthuMastic over Its
merits that I nt once mndo up my mind
to recommnnd It in tho future Ko
contly a gontlonuui caino into my storo
so overcomo with colio pains that ho
sank at once to tho floor I gave him a
dine of this remedy which helped him
I repeated tho dose and iu flftoon min
utes ho loft my stcro smilingly inform
ing mo that ho folt as well as oer
Sold by Mesnu Drug Co
Thomas Maple Hkkheck 111 writes
1 had n very bad cuso of kidney trouble
and my back pained mo so L could not
straighten up Tho doctors troatmont
did mo no good Saw Foleys Kidney
Cure advert lspd and took one bottle
which cured me and I havo not boon
atlectcd Mnce I gladly reccoinuiend thla
remedy A II Kiesau
ioo 0 Hickook Curtiss Wis says
Foleys ICiduoy Ouro has been tested
aud found to bo all you ohiim for it I
havo given it to my father nnd it is tho
only thing that over helped him A
H Kiesau
Tim Croat Scourgo
of modoru times is consumption Jinny
euros and discovories from tltno to timo
nro published but Foleys Ilonoy and Tar
Iocb truthfully claim to cure all cases in
tho early stages and always affords com
fort and relief in the very worst cases
Take no substitutes A FI Kiesau
I had a running soro on my brea9t
for over a year says Henry It Richards
of Willsoyvillo N Y and tried n
groat many remedies but got no relief
until I used Banner Salve After using
ouo half box I was perfectly cured I
cannot recoupment it to highly A II
Old Soltliutfl Kxpnrletice
M M Austin a civil war veteran of
Winchester Ind writes My wifo
was sick a long timo iu spite of good
doctors treatmout but wns wholly
cured by Dr Kings New Life Pills
which worked wonders for her health
Thoy always do Try thorn Only 2
at A H Kiesaus drug storo
away Pnco
The Spring Fever
is a malady which no ono can escape at
this season of tho year The vitality is
usually overtaxed during the winter
mouths and spring finds the- system nil
run down Tho blood is thinned and
impuro Tho kidneys and liver are in
active rosultiug iu n loss of energy aud
appetite aud a derangement of the
nerves Lichtys Celery Nerve Com
pound will purify your blood touo up
your norves and leave you feeling fresh
aud energetic Sold by Geo B Chris
Biliousness is a condition character
ized by a disturbance ot tho digostive
organs Tho stomach is debilitated the
liver torpid tho bowels constipated
There is a loathing of food pains in the
bowels dizziness coated touguo nnd
vomiting ilrst of the undigested or
partly digested food and then of bile
Ohamberlaius Stomach and Liver
Tablots allay the disturbances of the
stomach and create a healthy appetite
They also tone up tho liver to a healthy
action and regulate the bowols Try
them and you are certain to bo much
pleased with tho result For sale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
SlMiililerx lit Ills Past
I recall now with horror says Mail
Carrier Burnett Maun ofJLovnuun O
my throe years of suffering from kid
ney troublo I was hardly over free
from dull aches or acuto pains in my
back To stoop or lift mail sacks made
mo groan i telt tiroti worn out about
ready to givo up when I begnn to use
Electrio Bitters but six bottles com
pletely cured mo and made me feel like
a now man Theyre unrivaled to
regulate stomach liver kidneys and
bowols Perfect satisfaction guaran
teed by A II Kiesau Only 50 cents
Miss Florence Nowmau who has been
a great suffer from muscular rheuma
tism says Ohamberlaius Paiu Balm is
tho only remedy that affords her relipf
Miss Newman is a much respected resi
dent of tho village of Gray N Y and
makes this statement for the benefit of
othors similarly afflicted This liniment
is for sale by Kiosau Drug Co
Kusy to Cure u Cold
if you go about it right Take two or
threo Krauses Cold Cure Capsules dur
ing the day and two before retiring at
night This will insure a good nights
rest aud a free movement of tho bowols
next morning Contiuue the treat-
ment next day aud your cold will melt
25o Sold by Geo B
Its Free If It Falls to Cure
Rectol the great pile cure A pile
pipe free with each package We sell it
under a positivo wrtttou guarantee
No cure no pay 50 cents Samples
froo Kiesau Drug Co Solo Agents
All Kycs on Texas
Great is Texas Her vast cotton crops
and marvelous oil discoveries amaze tho
world Now follows the startling stato
meut of the wonderful work at Cisco
Ter of Dr Kiugs New Discovery for
Poisoned by Absorp
Through tlio pores of the skin many poisons nro
absorbed into the blood deranging the circulation
nnd affecting the constitution jus quickly ami
fioriously as those generated w ithin tho system just
Dout got side tracked in business
Dulluess somotimes passes for death
Mon with braius reach tho goal Rocky
Mountaiu Tea puts gray matter into
ones head Vic Goo B Christoph
llouarool ii Couch
A cough is not a disease but a symp
tom Consumption and bronchitis
which aro the most dangerous nnd
fatal diseases have for their first indi
cation apersisteut cough aud if properly
treated as soon as thus cough appears
aro easily cured Ohamberlaius Cough
Remedy has proveu wonderfully suc
cessful aud gaiued its wide reputation
and extonsive sale byjits success iu
curing tho diseases which cause cough
ing If it is uot beneficial it will not
oost you a ceut For sale by Kiesau
Drug Co
are the most fatal of all dis
rULCI o Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles
PRICE 50c aod 100
under thcskin arc mnunicrallclinir like blood
vessels and connecting these with the skin
arc millions of small tubes orglantls througli
which the jtoison is conveyed to the blood sys
tem During the spring nnd summer while
the skin is most nclivc and the pores well
wc arc much more liable to be nitccieu oy Poison Oak nniL Ivy ami other
damrerou nlnnts Workers in brass Conner lead nnd inc have their Health im
paired nnd the blood supply poisoned through the absorption of fine particles of
these metah nnd the acids used iu polishing and cleaning them Inhaling the
fumes of lead give painters that pallid waxy appearance of the skiu Harbors Itch
is nnothcr disease that reaches llie blood through the skin nnd is n most obstinate
one when it becomes firmly fixed in the system After the poison has reached the
blood and been disseminated throughout the system it is loo late to resort to local
applications In many cases the blood Is affected simultaneously with the appear
mice of the rash or eruption on the skiu nnd nil efforts should be directed to the
purification ami building up of the blood Ugly eruptions nnd sores will continue
to break out in spite of salves washes soaps or other external treatment s
S S S is especially recommended for poisons of this character So com
pletely does it destroy the effects of the Oak nndlvy that there is no possibility of
t3 rcappcarnncc and it Ij equally as efficacious iu brass or lead poisoning or Bar
bers Itch building up nnd purifyinjj the blood nnd driving out of the circulation
impurities of every kind nnd removing every blemish sore or eruption from the
skin There is no substitute for S S S it is the only purely vegetable blood
purifier known and the safest nnd best in all constitutional or blood diseases
Our Medical Consultation Department If you desire any special information
or advice about your case write our physicians explaining your condition and
tncy will carLiuuycoiiBHierwnat you nave to say
nnd you will receive n prompt reply Our physi
cians have made n study of blood nnd skiu diseases
nnd you can have the benefit of their experience
anil skill without nny cost to you whatever Dont
hesitate to write fully about yourself as nothing
you say iroes beyond our office We have n vcrv
interesting book on Mood nnd Skin Diseases which we will be glad to mail free
incawifi sicuiMb bumfANY atlania ua
consumption My wifo contracted a
80voro lung troublo writos editor J J
Eagor which caused a most obstinate
cough and finally rosultod iu profuse
hemorrhages but sho has been com
pletely cured by Dr Kiugs Now Dis
covery Its positively guaranteed for
coughs colds and all throat nnd lung
troubles 50o nnd 100 Trial bottles
freo at A H Kiosaus
For Femnle Complaint
nnd diseases arising from an impure
state of tho blood Lichtys Celery Nerve
Compound is an invaluable specific
Sold by Geo Ii Christoph
Imitators have been many Thorght
f ul people havo lenruod that true merit
cornea only with tho genuine RocKy
Mountain Tea made by Madison Medi
cine Co 35c Geo B Ohiistoph
St Sitteri lllKlec
P A Dauford of LaGrange Ga
suffered for six mouths with a fright
ful running soro ou his leg but writes
that Bucklens Arnica Salvo wholly
cured it in five days For ulcers
wounds piles its the best salvo iu the
world Cure guaranteed Ouly 23c
Sold by A H Kiesau
A Good Thing
German Syrup is tho special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated Ger
man Physician aud is acknowledged to
bo ono of the most fortunate discov
ories iu Medicines It quickly cures
Coughs Colds nnd all Luug troubles of
the severest uature removing ns it does
tho cause of the nffection and leaving
the parts iu a stroug aud healthy con
dition It is uot an experimental medi
cine but has stood tho test of years
giving satisfaction iu every case which
its rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms Two million bottles sold an
nually Boschees German Syrup was
introduced in tho United States iu 1S0S
and is now sold iu every town and vil
lage iu the civilized world Threo doses
will relieve any ordinary cough Price
75 cts Get Greous Prizo Almanac
Kiesau Drug Co
Kevtol Ih ii ItiMiiPily With a Record
Its record is 98 per cent of permanent
cures If you have the piles try it Its
free if it fails to cure you Samples
free Kiesau Drug Co Solo Ageuts
Mr F D Arnold Arnold la writos
He was troubled with kiduoy disease
about three years Had to get up sev
eral times during tho uight but three
bottles of Foleys Kiduoy Ouro effeoted
a complete ouro be feels better than he
ever did and recommends it to his
frionds A H Kiosnu
weakens the body and de
grades the mind It saps
the nervous strength that
is the source of all health
and perverts the functions
of every organ Because
of its stubborn nature it is
often called incurable This
is not true There is one
medicine that never fails to
checlc the nervous spasms
and give new strength to
the entire system
My little girl hnd epilepsy so bad
that in one day she suffered seventy
one fits The doctors cave her up to
die but I began giving lier Dr Miles
Nervine aud now she is perfectly well
It took five bottles to effect a cure
Mrs Adie Lewallen
Siloam Springs Ark
D Miles
allays nervous irritation
stops spasms restores di
gestion and mental vigor
Sold by druggists on guarantee
Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind
cJvifwF fiV
w vi l fl f9 Sm
in m Jirirv3spar sm
Made a
Well Man
the i V of Me
- -
i i
produces tho above results tn 30 days It act
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others tolL
Stoungznenwlllregaln tholr lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and murely rostor m Nervous
ness Lott Vitality bnpoteacy Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Failing Memory WattlnK Diseases and
all effects ot self abuso orycxceFsand indiscretion
which unQts one or studybiiBincss or marriage It
not only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but
is a great nerve tonlo aud blood builder bring
ing back tho pink plow to palo cheeks and re
storing the tiro of yoath It wards on Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having KEVIVOno
other It can bo carrlKl in vest pocket Oy mall
6100 per package or uli or S500 with av posi
tive -written euarootee to care or refundi
tho money Hook nnd advise freo Address
For sale in Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohristoph druggist
At all tfn ttorts 25 Dotes 25c
Dont Be Fooledi
ctJT fdSr
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medl
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trado
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sol4
In bulk Accept no substl
iGOKPowkTCDiiii tute Ask your druggist
FTt - i hmut Lw 9
rw -
ordi V
AncR crrccti j
I yvuNquAuncO
nr rurau nuveimy
mi r noww
TTin r r
cA WmCrfJir
For Sale by George B Christoph