The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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Wft W KW IXOW an w
Where to go when your Wntch
needs repairing try
You mny have tried ninny wntch
milkers paid u great deal and the
Watch is worse than ever My
is intended for that kind J ywtV
mtft to cun at a tnwll cost
Fine Watch and 1iwiihy re
pairing left with us promptly and
cnrefully ntteuded to
Has received
the kindness of J
Mr Burr Taft
from j
his old home in 1
a small lot of
This is the real thing
and you
t can depend upon
20c per lb
The Best Paint Made
Will cover 800 square feet two coats
Contains pure lead and oil Shown by
chemical test there is no paint on the
market equal to its durability and cover
ing capacity We can vouch for this as
we have handled the Monarch Paint for
twelve years If you think of painting
your house let us figure with you We
can save you money
Remember our large stock of Wall
Paper cheaper than ever
tail Drilg Bo
The flaster Piece of
Piano Construction
The Ohickering Piano has lived and
grown in the most highly artistic at
mosphere for three quarters of a cent
ury Masters of composition and
musical expression the world over have
praised the perfection cf tone and action
in the Ohiokering
It represents the highest human
achievement for the making of melody
Soft mellow and sympathetic it blends
with the modulated voices for singing
nt home yet it is strong true and
powerful for concert or other uses
String by 6tring and key by key it has
been brought up to absolute purity of
tone and responsive touch
The home where the Ohickering is has
the best the world can give in music
making machinery
A piano is bought for a lifetime
nothing less than the best should be
considered the extra cost is too trivial
as compared to the artistic importance
of a lifelong entertainer and instructor
Can be bought now in North Nebraska
only at
Rev Wm Leavitt will preach in the
First Congregational church next Sun
day morning
S L Gardner has Eold the house of
Dr Frank Salter on North Tenth 6treet
to A H Kiesau
Prof OConnor was hilled to
leoturo nt Platte Center this evening at
the graduating exercises of tho high
school eliss but on account of tho tur
moil into which tho schools hero wcro
thrown this morning ho was unablo to
fill the engagement
Guy Fox who is chrking in Leonards
drug frtoro recently took tho examina
tion in pharmacy prescribed by tho
state board and yesterday received his
diploma Thero were but 1 out of
42 candidates who were successful in
passing and Mr Fox ranked well with
those who wero successful
Complaints having been mado about
the uso of sidewalks by bicyclists
Chief of Police Conloy has determined
to enforce tho ordiuauco in tho future
and those who havo been using tho
walks when unnecessary by tho condi
tion of tho streets and without regard
to tho rights of pedestrians will do well
to bo more observing of tho require
ments of the ordinance in tho future
Five applicants havo thus far ap
peared at tho recruiting olllco and ex
pressed a desiro to become United States
soldiers but none of them wero success
ful in passing tho required physical ex
amination and none wero therefore ac
cepted Lieutenant Johnson expects to
romuiu hero until Monday and will
then proceed west stopping at Noligh
and ONeill He hopes to havo a num
ber of recruits before leaving
A reader of Tin News who noticed
the item about dandelions last evening
states that ho had seen in a Lexington
paper a recipe for destroying tho plant
which might be worth a trial It is to
put two or three drops of commercial
sulphuric acid on tho center of each
plant Tho acid will eat into and kill
the weed but extreme caution must be
used in handling the acid ns it is n
very rank poison and will eat into al
most anything with which it comes in
contact It is as fatal to the priss
as the dandelion if it reaches it Child
ren Bhould not be permitted to handle
the acid or tho bottle containing it
Go to E N Vails for ice cream in all
styles Phone 1
Wanted Man who has had some ex
perience with typewriters to advertise
and sell one of the standard machines
on a new and liberal proposition Ad
dress News oilice Norfolk
Dr Richards the eye specialist of
Omaha will be at the Oxnard hotel
Thursday May i0
Try one of Karos beef roasts
Finance Committee Appointed to Cimivhhm
for FuiiiIh
At the public meeting in the city hall
last night called for the purpose of
considering a Fourth of July celebration
there was much interest shown and the
movement was successfully inaugurated
C E Hartford was elected chairman
of the meeting and W B Vail was
chosen secretary
It was unanimously decided to cele
brate and tho following committee was
chosen to select a finance committee
W H Bucholz H W Winter and W
II Widaman
The committee got together nud
named the following finance committee
O E Hartford Aug Brummund Wm
13 Vail and Harry Lodor
The committee is to at once make a
canvass of the town to ascertain what
financial aid to the celebration may be
secured and will report at another
public meeting to be held on Monday
evening the 27th
James Richards M D oculist and
expert refractionist has one of the best
equipped offices in Omalia and has had
twenty years experience in eye work
Will be at Oxnard hotel May U0 one
day only Examination of tho eyo free
nnd lenses changed free within one
year if necessary Come enrly
Good farms to trade for town property
G R Seilek
Foil Rest Five room house 10 per
month and 10 room house 12 CO per
mouth Tracy Durland
VfaruliiKto lllcyclo Itlilrrs
The bicycle ordinance regulating the
use of walks by bicyclists must be ob
served in tho future The sidewalks
are not to be used except when the
streets are in impassable condition and
when used the rider must dismount on
passing pedestrians Arrests will follow
if the ordinance is not complied with
and no favor will bo shown
J H Cosley Chief of Police
Sturgeon is the piano man
Strawberries 10 cents a box Now is
the time to get them at Schorregges
The Weutlier t
Conditions of the weather as recorded
or the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to
Maximum temperature 08
Minimum temperature -10
Average 57
Preoipitation B0
Total precipitation for mouth 210
Barometer 2904
Forecast for Nebraska Partly
cloudy tonight with probably ehowerB
west and cooler south portion Satur
day generally fair and continued
Order your engraved visiting cards at
The News oilice 100 cards and plate
1 CO CO cards and plate fl
give a Hovtei for sate
T E Odiobsk
Intemliite AnHiirliitlou InH orltv tmler
Mr Itcelt Dltcctliin 1 1 ml till
hit Kxi MImp liit KkIiIiir
The fifth annual coniuiencenicnt of
tho Norfolk branch of tho Interstato
Associate University of music was held
at tho Auditorium last evening under
tho auspices of Mrs Cora A Heels local
director of tho university work and
proved a thoroughly enjoyable enter
tainment to those who attended
All grades of musical accomplishment
wero shown by the pupils of Mrs Heels
from the little tot who with trepida
tion and not n few excusable errors
managed to render a simple composition
in a manner that calhd forth the
plaudit of tho audience to tho finished
student of music eapablo of executing
the dllllcult classic productions of tho
old masters The features of tho pro
gram outside of tho work of tho music
students wern pleasing and served to
relievo any appearance of monotony
that might threaten through a continu
ous pianoforte performance
The program was so long as to forbid
individual mention of its many excellen
cies but all who toolc part did their
woilc very cleverly Among tho regu
lar class perhaps no pcrf oritur received
a greater mnrlc of appreciation than
Oscar Schavland who is a most apt
pupil and plays in advance of hiR years
Ho was compelled to respond to an
euchore Mr llullfs violin music tho
vocnl solos by Miss Gerecko and Mrs
Green tho recitation by Miss Hundley
and tho Music Students Band were
features thnt were highly appreciated
Tho performances by the post gradu
ates Misses Ella Mason and Eva Mohr
man of Pierce wero exceedingly diffi
cult but splendidly rendered Miss
Agnes Thompson and Mrs Orn S
Beels also gave evidences of great skill
Tho graduates were Miss Ollio Elliot
of Wiuside who played tho Spring
Dawn mazurka by Mason and Miss
Mary Tawney of Pierce who inter
preted La Regatta Vienziana by Liszt
Both are very clever performers and
give evidence of a careful and thorough
training in tho musicnl art The di
plomas were presented by Dr Fletcher
M Sisson of tho M E church who gave
a pleasing though brief address
The entire program was very compli
mentary to the instructor Mrs Beels
and she unquestionably won new
honors through the performance of her
For Rent Livery Barn on Third
street between Norfolk and Braasch
avenues G 11 Skilek
Dr Richards comes well recommended
and gives as reference here Mr nud
Mrs C D Jenkins of tho Fair storo
Dressed chickens at Karos
Knro keeps all kinds of seasonable
In tho treatment of diseased- eyes
eye surgery and the correction of re
fractive errors with glasses Dr Rich
ards has few equals and no superiors
His home and oilice is in Omaha where
he can be found every day tho first half
of each month Oilice 14th and Faruam
For Sale Three lots on South Tenth
street one a corner G It Seiiuk
Ir Towne Srcretury or the Stnto liuitril of
Health Locates Severn CimeH Here
There seems to be no further doubt
about the fact that Norfolk hns several
cases of smallpox For the past two
weeks local physicians have been dis
puting over n disease that made its ap
pearance hero the opinion being divided
between whether it is smallpox Cubau
itch or chicken pox Dr S R Towue
of Lincoln state inspector nnd secretary
of the state board of health was in the
city this morning and visited some of
the questionable cases pronouncing
every one smallpox but in a very mild
form It is true that none of the cases
have as yet developed n malignant form
in fact those who have been sick with
tho disease have had very few of the
symptoms which ordinarily attend
it but the state physician
soya it is smallpox nevertheless
The cases which have heretofore been
reported havo been quarantined ns
Bmallpox or chickenpox according to
the opinion of the attending physician
but hereafter when n case develops the
bouse where it jb located will be pla
carded with a smallpox sign and the
most rigid quarantine maintained
With the hearty co operation of the
families which are affected with the
city authorities in maintaining quaran
tine there need be no reason why the
disease will spread beyond its present
bounds The strictest rules of health
and cleanliness should bo observed in
every part of town Alleys and back
yards should be at once cleaned of all
rubbish and household refuse nnd
houses could bo disinfected to good ad
vantage Parents should keep their
children withiu their own yards and
every precaution taken to prevent the
spreud of the disease
Dr Towno was not called to Norfolk
but came under peculiar circumstances
Ho was called to Crowell to see two
cases that had broken out among a gang
of bridge men which ho found to be
smallpox He learned that the men bad
been boarding at the Queen City hotel
in thiB place some weeks ago nnd he
then came to see if the disease origi
nated heio He found the tueeii City
hotel qiiMinntiiied and tho first of the
trouble mi far as Norfolk knows is trace
able to that hotel
After lenrning tho result of Ir
Townes iuvestigat ous the board of ed
ucation held a meeting this morning
and ordeied the schools closed which
was done at noon today and the gradu
ating and other exercises planned for
tit M week were indefinitely postponed
Promotion cards and diplomas to those
for whom thev are intended will be
given to puptlN next week beginning
Monday llighth grade Junior day
and commencement exeielses an
nounced to take place next wet It are to
be postponed until such time as the
superintendent and those iuteiested de
cide to have them
There is tin occasion for tho people of
NoifolW or unrounding country to be
come panic stricken over the matter at
this time Now that it is known just
what the disease is the city authorities
will insist that the strictest quarantine
bo maintained and if tho picsctit police
force is not large enough to be elVcclivo
the number of men will be ineieased
Strangers need have no fear to conio to
the city as they meet no one in the
business houses who can communicate
the disease Every pel son who is
thought to be exposed to tho disease will
be caiefully waHheduntl tho timeof in
cubation has elapsed so tint t here is very
little danger of it bilng fmther spread
In fact persons may come to Norfolk
with greater capacity now than has been
possible during tho past two weeks
Nearly every town in the state Iiiib had
this same mild form of smallpox and
Norfolk seems to be tho hist on tho list
to get it As this disease does not thrive
in warm weather it cannot continue
long here
DrFrauk Salter DlsonsoH of ohildron
If you havo poor vision and your
eyes ache and head aches nhd you want
to see well and bo well it is not a ques
tion of choice with you but ono of ne
cessity that you call and havo your eyes
examiued and fitted with glasses by Dr
Richards at Oxnard hotel May
Foil Sam Three lots on Second
street and Madison nvenun at Norfolk
Junction S lfiO
G R Siimu
Dr C A McKini was in Hoskins on
veterinary business todny
Dr S It Towno of Omaha was the
guest of W U Bridge over night
Mrs II Vnn Deusen of Scribner is
visiting her sister Miss E J Bender
for a few days
Mrs Chris Schavland wns over from
Madison last night to attend tho mu
sical commencement
Mr and Mrs E 13 Adams returned
yesterday noon from their viFit to Chi
cago nnd other eastern cities
Farm and city loans
Tim Durland Trust Co
Sealed bids will be received up to
June ith 1901 for tho labor of digging
a trencli for water works extension from
Ninth street nlong Philip nvenuo to
Twelfth street and thenco north on
Twelfth street to Madison avenue
Number of feet lfiO width of trench 1
feet on the bottom depth of trencli 5
feet Work must be completed by July
1st 1001 and a bond will be required
for taithful performance of the contract
August Brummund Chairman
Committee on Public Works
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building and
Savings association T E Odiokne Sen
Strawberries 10 cents a box Now is
the time to get them nt Schorregges
the Sweet Girl Graduates at
miuoeaauu r
Our superb lino of
Millinery for the mid season can
not be equalled in
and exceedingly
Our hats comprise nil the latest
styles of the milliners art iiiclud
the popular
and famous
Call and See Them
Miss E J Bender
New York Wire Cloth Cos
BEST IN THL WORLD Made fioni Hiif hl Hard Steel Wire Double
Silnge Warranted Firm Quality in Every
limpet t Ktir wile by
Wc have a few GURINEY and J
we will Close Out at Cost to save
moving These arc no I imitations of
Gurncy Idea but the Genuine j
ney insulated with mineral wool and J
with all the latest improvements It
will pay you to look at them if inter
ested in ice boxes
A pirlntf question for ninny of yon is
Of whom shall I liny my diamonds watches
cni glass etc All wc aslc is that yon criti
cally examine onr goods consider tho way
they are made and finished who stands back
of every piece anxious to correct all faults
should there be any and lei your own good
sense dictate If you wish cheaper goods wo
will order them for you Wc have everything
in the music line
J S HAYES graduate optician Eyes
tested free Watch inspector for the F 10
I V J K Fine watch work a specialty
Norfolk Neb
We earnestly invite a criti
cal inspection and comparison
i4fi Jl S 112 not r Q rfcrlvc oliir i
r wiiii iriiiuiivi y uiutlvo oIUJVYII i
I anywhere We give you bet I
ter value at same or less prices
than any catalogue house be f
sides every sale is backed by I
our guaranty for honest work I
and complete satisfaction I
i tt Ti
rfM ar4
H A LiOJKAKT Pbkhident
CUAH B MtlDOK Vice Iuihident
lEO 1AhKWALK Ahst Cabhibb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Rny noil mill exchange on UjIh country nml all part of Enropo IKann Iorub
Director Caui Ahmuh W H Joiinhom Ciiah S HuibOK C W HuAAxen O M
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom-
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South Bide Main St between 2d nnd ild Telephouo 41
Exclusive Urfent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Roci Spring Coal the
best Id the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all elzea TELEPHONE 61