The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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J R Lnno of Wlsnrr win in Norfolk
O F Far of Miullson wns in Nor
folk y est onlay
F D Prlnco vib down from Battle
Crook yesterday
Goo P Damon was a olty visitor yes
terday fron Wnyno
H Frnnthorn wns n Norfolk visitor
from Blootuflold yostorday
W 11 Buoholz lnft tills morning on a
business trip to Clearwater
Paul Leach representing tlio Collier
Hook conipimy 1h in tho city
1 0 Hcrrington mado n business
trip to Madison this morning
Hov F P Wigton and wlfu of Os
luontl iiro visit ing Norfolk friends
Mrs Frank Uollonbock of Columbus
is tho guest of Mrs Elsie Dosinond
Robert Utter was ii passenger for
Omaha on tho early morning train
Mlnb Host Oliiis Vail of tho Oxnnrd
nmilo n business visit to dunlin today
A E Campbell expects to loavo to
morrow for a trip to Nashville Tumi
Mr and Mrs K M Sinclair of Hattlo
Crook woro Sunday visitors in Norfolk
Mr and Mrs Goo D Buttortlold
camo down from Croightou thlH morn
Mr and Mrs J W Warrick of
Moadow Grovo woro Sugar City visitors
Mrs A G Bohnort and Hon Ralph
loft today for Warsaw 111 to visit Mrs
Bolinorts father and othor relatives for
about six weeks
Suporintondout S G Strickland and
Division Agent Lyman Sholos of tho
C St P M O railway took dlnuor
in Norfolk today
MadlRon Battle Crook Tildon and
ninny othor towns in the vicinity of
Norfolk aro preparing to celebrate the
Fourth of July In grand stylo
Mrs Luoy Hlohardson of Fullorton
who has been visiting relatives and
frionds horo will loavo this evening for
Buffalo Gap S I for a visit with her
It Is reported that Hov 1 O Mont
gomery pastor of tho Presbyterian
church at Wuyno has boon appointed as
Huporintondoudent of public instruction
of Manila
Mrs A F Johnston who has spent
tho past your with hor daughter Mrs
13 A Bullock loft this morning for
Walnut Iowa to visit another
A couple of Fromoiit boyH woro re
cently nrrcbted for jumping ou trains
Tuero are several boys in Norfolk who
should havo a caro that a like fate does
not overtake them
Dr II J Colo has gouo to Umiilia to
nttond a mooting of tho state dental
Kocioty of which he is an honored mem
ber Ho is on tho program for a paper
Tho doctor expects to return Thursday
J W Bush L Thomson A 1 Dim
levy C E Buinliiuu and 0 M Wurz
bncker composed a company of Tildon
citizens in town over night Thoy loft
for Omaha on tho early train this morn
S K Dexter and niece loft this
morning for their homo at Lowell Mass
Mr Doxtor has been looking after ids
interest in tho cold storage plant at this
placo and reports a very successful sea
Tho daughter of Mr and
Mrs A G Nothaway diod at i oclock
last night of diabotes nud the funeral
was hold from tho house this afternoon
nt o oclock Rev G H Main conduct
ing tho services
Tho ball game between tho Pierce and
Norfolk boyB teams held Saturday re
suited in a victory to tho Norfolk boys
by a score of 23 to 21 and thoy feel that
tho loss of tho ganio at Piorco rocoutly
quite amply repaid
The ropair shops aud othor fixtures in
tho way of tho now side tracks being
built in tho anion yards aro being
moved to now locations today Tho
old stock yards will bo torn down and
now and better ones will bo built
Tho Uniou Pacific company will put
1126000 improvements at Columbus
providing tho citizens will allow it to
put n freight depot on M street but thnt
is just whore a number of citizens dont
want a freight depot aud it is not im
probablo that tho ditlerenco of opinion
will nieau a loss of tho improvements
The Queen City Driving Park track
recoutly completed ou tho prairio fivo
blooka north of Main stroet and just
west of tho creamery is now in first
class condition It ia a full half milo
track and well constructed People
owning horses are invited by tho owners
to drive upon it and bicyclists are also
invited to use it freoly It is hopod to
hold a race meeting here this fall that
will attract horse owners aud lovors of
the sport from a considerable distauco
Grand Island Independent The
native grasshopper crop is begiuniug to
hatch out and they may be seen iu
large numbers in some places by close
observation This insect pest could bo
largely prevented if stringent measures
were adopted to punish tho boys who
kill the birds that devour grasshoppers
Only yesterday two boys were seen with
gunB aud a long string of dead birds
some of which of course had been
nesting Our native birds aro not in
creasing in nuiiiboM to tho nxtmit that
thnt thoy can destroy tho insects that
food upon our gnrdons and our crops
Ploroo lender Tho Lender has mado
an addition to its roportorial stair In tho
person of Chris Powers and I ho follow
Ing orudo but faithful roport of a red
hot contest ou tho diamond between
rival Piorco kidlot ball clubs Is his first
oirort printed Just as it was written by
tho now reporter A ball ganio Tues
day after school botwoon Stevensons
nino and Hopports nine was hold Tho
snialloHt boys woro about nino yonrs old
tho largost about eleven years old It
was going to bo a six inning ganio as
they did not have time to play a nino
inning Hut during tho end of tho
third Inning the pitcher of Stevensons
nino wont homo Tho score was eleven
to throe in favor of Hopports nino
G W Brown Jr propriotor of
Browns Business collego Sioux City
is horo today closing a lease for tho
third story of tho Cotton block which
will bo used for tho Norfolk branch of
tho college to be opened in September
Sovoral important improvements to tho
building aro planned aud it will make
a neat nud commodious place tor tho
school Tho third story is now in one
largo hall but will be partitioned off
A largo room in front will bo for the
business aud bookkeeping dopartmont
and a commodious room iu tho south
ond will bo usod for instruction iu short
hand and typewriting A cloak room
and olllco will bo built In tho northeast
cornor nml tho outlro placo will bo
nicely flnishod Mr Brown brings this
business horo without asking any bonus
or othor favors and it will cortuinly np
p or reciprocal if Norfolk people will as
sist him to a liberal patronage and holp
him to build up a school worthy of the
locality It will moan much to Norfolk
in attracting pooplo horo wilt bo of ben
efit as au advortlsomout aud tho pupils
who attend will loavo money for board
clothing aud other necessities Tin
Nicws hopos Mr Browus vonturo will
bo a success nud thnt it will become ouo
of tho Hiibstnntlnl nud permanent Insti
tutions of Norfolk
Northern Whtcnimlii Hull way Km in I and
For Hula
Tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Omaha railway has for sale in North
ern Wisconsin at low prices and easy
terms of payment about iloOOOO ncres
of choice farm lauds
Early buyers will secure tho advan
tage of locations on tho many beautiful
streams and lakos which abound with
fish and furnish a never ending nud
most oxcollont wator supply both for
family uso aud for stock
Laud Is gouornlly well tlmborod tho
soil fertilo nud easy of cultivation nud
his is rapidly developing into ono of
tho greatest shoop aud cattlo raising
rogious In tho northwest
Ohicngo Milwaukoo St Paul Minn
eapolis Duluth Superior Ashlaud aud
othor towns on The Northwestern
Lino furnish good markets for stock
and farm produce
For f urthor particulars address
Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G 11 MacRak
Asst Gonl Pass AgtSt Paul Minn
An itrikct from IIr Letter
If you could only bo hero this winter
morning aud seo for yoursolf yon would
no longer doubt mo Roses aro bloom
ing ia our front yard and all naturo is
as far advnncod iu this lovely American
summorlaud as it will bo in your cold
eastern homo by Juno
Wo mado tho journey from Missouri
river to tho Golden Gate on tho Union
Pacific to avoid tho circuitous routes
an importaut item in tho winter A
trip to Calitornin is mado delightful bv
the porfoot service nud luxurious ac
commodation ofThoOvorlaud Limited
which is perhaps tho most fiuelv
equipped train in tho world
Detailed information furnished ou rd-
plication F W Juvriux Agent
Letter Ilit
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoQlco May 20 1001
W E Barber O Beioler F L
aiuin 2 Miss Tonn Brissow Ezra
Onplin Mrs Fred Davis Mrs II Dutton
Miss Rose Euright II L Hoyt Mrs
Mario James J S Kennedy Miss
Lulu Maxwell William Monsello 2
Mrs F W Pieper Miss Dora Pluukett
Secrotnry of race association F J
Shivoly Mrs Marinh Stevens Willie
If not called for in 15 dnvs will be
sent to tho doad letter otlice
Parties calling for nny of tho above
ploaso say advertised
P F Spuecheu P M
Cloning Out Sale at the Variety Store
We aro closing out our eutiro Hue of
quoouswaro tinware hardware lamps
notions etc rogardless of cost
If you tiro needing auythiucr iu this
lino dont let this opportunity pass We
havo a uico whito semi porcelain Eug
lish ware uoue better ou tho market
80 pleco set for 125 worth ft500CO
piece set same ware for 550 worth S
112 piece set for C0 worth 1200
A fino lino of ladies belts combs otc
Remember everything goes at away
down prioes so dont wait too long
Tull it v i t
v w tjc iirviun
pleases all tho family Four flavors
uuuiuu uniuju mspuerry auti straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Try it today
O F Mitchell of Crolghton was a city
visitor yostorday
Tudgo J F Boyd of Onkdnlo was in
Norfolk yesterday
II D Kolly roturnod from a business
trip to Lincoln Inst night
Tudgo and Mrs Powors roturnod last
evening from tholr trip to Lincoln
W II Wlgton is horo from Omnlin
looking uftor Auditorium iutorosts
John H Hays returned Inst night
from Omaha where ho lud boon on busi
Mrs 13 Tnnuer of Hattlo Crook was
In tho city yostorday doing Homo shop
Clomont Johnson C C Bowman nud
Thos J Wood woro a trio of Blair citi
zens in Norfolk yostorday
Miss Otolln Pilger is homo from
Groou Garden where sho lms boon teach
ing school Tho school has closod nud
she is homo for tho Hummer vacation
M D Tyler is having his houso ro
painted Ho has not yot successfully
undertaken to paint tho town rod but
hns succoetlod iu getting n protty good
color ou his houso
Tho Rev J 0 S Weilis has beon ap
pointed district presbytor of northeast
orn Nebraska having charge of tho
work of tho Episcopal church iu Madi
son Wayno Piorco Knox Antolopo
and Cedar counties
Tho sou of Doro Ayors who was taken
up hero lias beou sentouced to a term
in tho roform school by County Judge
Butes at Madison nud hns boon takon to
Koarnoy to aorvo tho soutouco Tho
parouts could not coutrol tho boy and ho
had run nwny from homo governl timos
Farmers aud gardonora aro beginning
to complain that tho ground is becom
ing to dry Tho weather bureau how
over promlsos local showers and the
barometer having dropped from 2D17
yosterdny to 2i 15 this morning thero
will undoubtedly bo some moisture
today or tomorrow to rolievo tho condi
Tho colored peoplo of Norfolk have
planned to celebrate tho issuing of
Abraham Lincolns emancipation proc
lamation on the ovoulug of tho 28th iu
Marquurdts hall W M Robertson
nud othor good speakers will nddress
tho pooplo whilo music nncl refresh
ments will also contribute to tho pleas
ures of tho ovouiug Tho peoplo of Nor
folk and vicinity nro generally invited
to participate aud aro promised a good
time by tho committee having arrange
mouta iu chnrgo
N M Morgan and G W Morgou ar
rivod this moruiug from Denver with
tho body of thoir father R Morgan
who wns killed during n runnway nc
cidout in that city last Sunday The
body was takon to Prospect Hill cenio
tery aud buried besido tho grave of Mrs
Morgan who died iu this city somo
years ago Tho doceasod lived here
about seven years ago at that timo be
iug In tho omploy of tho C St P M
O road ns car repairer No funeral
services were held horo but appropriate
ceromouies wero conducted at Donvor
before the party startod for Norfolk
Tho Elks will moot iu tholr now lodge
room on tho second floor of tho Mar
quardt block next Saturday evening
for tho first time The chaugos and im
provements iu tho now club and lodge
rooms nro about completed aud tho
furniture is being installed this week
At tho mooting Saturday evening ar
raugeuiouta will bo made for an open
ing of the qunrtors when it is expected
mauy outside the membership of tho
order will bo given an opportunity to
inspect tho rooms When completed
Norfolk lodge No 053 B P O E
will havo club and lodge rooms which
will rank among tho finest in the state
Edmund George who was given a
preliminary hearing before Judge Hayes
yesterday has beou bound over to tho
district court under 500 bouds to appear
for trial nud the bonds not being
furnished the prisoner was taken to
Madison nud placed in tho custody of
Sheriff Losey Goorgo was arrestod
uuder complaiut of Fred Brummuud
tho technical charge being larceny of
tho bailee Carl Schleuniug left n
team of horses with George last Decem
ber nud early this mouth George sold
the tenm to Mr Brummuud Schleu
niug camo and secured possession of
the team aud Georgo was then arrested
at Lusk Wyomiug and brought here
for trial The valuatlou placed on the
team was S0
Lieutenant Graham L Johnson of
the Eloveuth United States iufantry ar
rived in Norfolk yesterday and will
retuaiu about a week Ho is in the
general recrultiug Bervice for tho
United States army and will enlist men
for auy department but especially for
cavalry aud infuutry service Recruits
for cavalry service will be sent to Ft
Mead Oregou where they will joiu tho
Thirteouth regiment those for the in
fautry service will bo oulisted for the
Tweuty eighth regiment Vaucouver
barracks Washington He has estab
lished headquartors iu the oflico of Drs
Salter aud Salter who have been en
gaged ns examining sergeons to examine
applicants He may bo found in the
otlice designated between the hours of
8 to 12 iu the morning and from 1 to
1 M in the nftemoou The qualifica
tions of applicants are about the same as
thoso required for volunteer service and
young men who havo au ambition to
servo In tho army nro Invited to cnll
Mr Johnson has seen service in Porto
Rico and sorvod thoro in a civil capacity
while the government of tho island wns
being organized
Some ono who hns studied tho peculiar
faculties required of the country school
mnatn pays hor tho following eulogy
Sho must bo a primary intormodiato
grnmmar grade high school teacher
combined sho must bo ablo to build
fires adjust fallen Btovo pipo put iu
window panes swoop dust split kindl
ing drivo a horse keep out of neighbor
hood quarrols know how when nud
whoro to whip n bad boy undorstnud
tho school laws raise money for libraries
keep all kinds of records plant trees on
Arbor day bo of good moral charactor
nud pnss au examination in nil tho
branches of modoru education For
thoso accomplishments sho receives 5
a mouth Out of this she pays her
board buys her clothes attends tho
summer school buys oducatlonal papers
aud books nttends county conventions
and furnishes slato pencils for the pupils
What Ih loft sho adds to hor bauk ac
count or starts n bank if sho profcrs
Another junk caso was tried before
Polico Judgo Hayes this morning in
which two boys 11 yoars of ngo wero
ohnrged with stenllug LrnsB nnd othor
material from the old Journal oflico
somo of it being worth considerably
more money In tho condition it was
found but to make tt ready i nlo nud
havo no questions asked tlio boys bat
terod it up until it was good for nothing
but junk at bo much per pound Tho
boys realized a fow cents whereas the
property taken was worth dollars to tho
owuor Thoy woro fiuod tho flues nud
costs amounting to about 10 for both
the heart of tho court being softened by
tho extromo youth of tho prisoners nnd
uuder proniiso that nothing of n like
sort would ngaiu tako placo The
parents paid the fiuo aud costs and the
boys wero discharged from custody
Sevoral complaints of similar transac
tions on tho part of tho boys of Norfolk
havo beou mado heretofore aud if any
more aro arrested on tho same charge it
is likely to go much hardor with them
Some aro inclined to believe that the
junk dealers perhaps innocently nro
offering inducements that load the boys
into this sort of crime and aro not par
ticular enough ns to how thoir youthful
patrons obtain tho material sold They
should cortuinly bo very careful that
tho boys obtain tho stuff iu a right
maunor before it ia purchased
G A Luikart was in Madison over
night ou business
Sol G Mayer was a passenger for
Lincoln yesterday
Mrs Kunpper of Stanton is in the
city today doing some tradiug
Mr and Mrs L Sessions drovo to
Pierce yesterday and returued todays
Tho North Nebraska conference of
the M E chuch will be held at Neligh
September IS to 22
Mr nud Mrs II J Shear leave to
night for Long Pino whore they will
spend a mouth camping out
Mrs Rudolph Thiem is expected up
from Omaha today to visit with her
parents Mr aud Mrs A Lr Carter
Mr aud Mrs AK Leonard are camp
ing on tho Elkhoru aud will entertain
Hov J 0 S Weilis aud J B Maylard
Mr nud Mrs J N Stewart who
havo been tho guests of Mr and Mrs O
D Jenkins returned to their home in
Omaha today
Tho gophers are playing and havoc
with the prospective melon beet and
corn crops of somo of the formers re
siding in this vicinity
The Methodists of Tildon are about to
erect n parsonage for their pastor a
subscription paper for that purpose
being now iu circulation
Okas Pilger has resigned his position
with tho American Express oompauy
aud expects to go on the road aud sell
medicine for Jas Gildea
Mrs H J MoManus who has been
visiting her daughter Mrs W N
Iluse returued to her homo iu Ha
warden Iowa this morning
Laman Fisher living near Ainswortb
has a bullet in the fleshy part of his
leg a present from his uncle iu remem
brance of a Kentucky family feud
Stanton citizeus have agreed to con
tribute 100 a mouth toward maintain
ing a ball team That is the kind of
spirit that guarantees a good team aud
earnest endeavors ou the part of the
men composing it
Fromout Tribune The small sous
of H H Killinger of Battle Creek had
a dog that recked little for a tin can tied
to hia tail whereupou they got a wisp
of hay wrapped hia tail around it and
set it ou fire The father is out one
barn and a com crib as a sequel to their
brilliant thought
JackLowry a bar tender at Fort
Dodge Iowa aud formerly n brakeman
ou the O St P M O road between
here aud Emorsou weut violeutly in
sane over religious matters at Baucroft
Tuesday He is 31 years of age aud his
iusauity is said to be partially due to ex
cessive indulgence in liquor
Theprospects for a good soaking of
the soil ore good Three oue huudredths
That wc arc constantly growing in the art of mak
ing Iine Photos and onr products will always be
found to embrace the most
aud Newest style in Cards and Finish Wc also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
an Ozone
chronic DKUNUnl
8 tons Palls 8 D roa ruu intoiimatiom
Dr Keller Specialist la Note Throat Luna
and Kidney Diseases will correspond with you
Iu regard to your condition
inches of precipitation for last night is
recorded and during today there have
been several showers and the ontlook at
this writing promises more Vegeta
tion presents n refreshed appearance
and is making a rapid growth
The News Mudisou correspondent
stutes that Parks aud Wright have been
sentenced to terms of three years each
iu the peuitoutiary for thoir part iu the
stock yards case Thus three of the
boys have received severe puuishmeut
and it should be n waruiug to boys
for nil time to come to conduct them
selves properly Thoso who escaped
punishment wero very fortunate indeed
Mrs M Iutuau mother of 0 E
Inmnu and Mrs H H Hull was 08
years of ago yesterday aud a surprise
party was givou in htr honor at tho
home of her daughter There wero a
goodly number of ladies present and all
enjoyed a very nice time A choice
supper was served ten grandmothers
beiug served at the first table The
guests left with Mrs Inmau a pleasing
reminder of the occasion
The way dandelions have encroached
upon the lawns of Norfolk this
spring promises that the pestiferous
weed will be a serious menace to perfect
lawns in the very uenr future in fact
has become so in parts of the city al
ready Property owners should there
fore make n combined effort to eradi
cate the weed and in order to do so
thoroughly it should bo destroyed root
aud branch for where one is left to go
to seed hundreds may spriug up next
year and the work will hnve to be douo
over ngaiu
Mr aud Mrs O J Stockwell aud
baby arrived last night from Couucil
Bluffs and Mr Stockwell will leave to
morrow for Creightou where ho will
establish a new paper to be called The
Creightou Mail Mrs Stockwell will
remain in Norfolk for several days un
til he fiuds a house Mr Stockwell has
been a member of The News force for
years and is known to be an all around
newspaper man of much ability The
people of Creightou aro therefore to be
congratulated thnt he has decided to lo
cate there aud engage iu newspaper
work They will find him worthy of a
liberal patronage
The eighth volume of the Milestone
has just been issued from The News
oflico under the auspices of tho Senior
class of the Norfolk High school and is
a worthy production Its staff is com
posed of Winifred Litchfield editor-in-chief
Miuo McNeely aud Eva Mills
assistant editors j Stella Luikart busi
ness mauager Elizabeth Sharpless aud
Leuora Dixon assistant managers aud
tho following committees Athletic
John Bridge and Ernest Jefforiea wit
aud humor Mary Covert The volume
is replete with entertaining reading
matter and nice illustrations It will
make a worthy souvenir of the class of
1901 for all interested iu school work
and the supply should be soon ex
Soldier to Visit Schools
The following details have beou made
of old soldiers to visit the various city
Bchools on Friday May 24
Comrades are requested to meet at G
A R hall at 1 p m sharp on that
day to proceed from there to the schools
assigned them
High school J E Simpson George
Dudley 0 F Eiseley Rev J O S
Weilis J B Barnes S R Long aud
W H Lowe
Lincoln Bohool W H Widaman
W M Robertson R W Mills Fred
Ladhoff J S McClary H M Roberts
J A Light II H Miller aud Robert
Grant school A P Ohilds E P
Woathorby N A Raiubolt Frank
Medical Opinion In regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
An editor of n medlcnl journal
writes as follows
Dr A II Hollers Sylvan Ozouo
ofYoiod by tho Dr A H Keller
Chemical Company as a cure for
Consumption Asthma Bronchitis
Hay Fovor Catarrh Coughs
Colds and nil diseases of the air
passages This wo know to bo a
geuuiuo specific for theso com
plaints nud ns such entitled to
our confidence and that of our
Closo examination into tho
practical results which have been
had from tho uso of this remedy
has caused us to oudorse it ns bo
iug an uudoubted euro for tho
above ailments effectual in re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attacks which had been
of the severest aud most tedious
character Dr A II Kellers Syl
van Ozono permaueutly restored
health and in cases which woro
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
Krueger H C Matrau L T Harter
James Rouse J S Morrow Wm Bes
wiok and Wm Braascb
Washington school W H Living
ston J W Bovee M J Kennedy J P
Byerly Dr W II II Hagey B E
Read J S McGiuuis P Carberry and
James Conley
N A Rais bolt
W H Wicamav Commander
Iliiiiimniiil Louisiana An Ideal Health
and inter IJeMort
The passenger department of the Illi
nois Central Railroad company has just
issued a uew edition of Hammond
Louisiaua as a Winter Resort a beau
tiful illustrated folder showing a few of
the winter attractions in and about
Hammond copies of which will be
mailed free on application to the under
For thoso in good or moderate circum
stance no point in the south offers such
inducements The climate is unsur
passed The artesan water excellent
Society almost entirely northern aud
the hotel and boarding house accomoda
tions far superior to any town of its sizo
in the north and at moderate rate3
J F Mekhy
Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Cent RR
Dubuque Iowa
IlellHtedtH Baud at Omalin
The great Bellstedt Concert Baud
which was so popular at the Exposition
nud even more so at Omaha last Sep
temberwill give a mouths Musical
festival at Omaha all of tho mouth of
Juuo Tho opening concert will bo
given Saturday eveuing June 1 at
corner of 10th st and Capitol avenue
Omaha There will be all of tho old
favorites and several new among tho
members of the baud Several noted
singers will be heard iu solos duiriug tho
mouth The west will get a musical
treat such as few sections of our country
have the privilege of hearing
If a Woman
wants to put out a fire she doesnt
heap on oil and wood She throws
on waterkno wing that waterquenches
fire When a woman wants to get
well from diseases peculiar to her sex
she should not add fuel to the fire
already burning her life away She
should not take worthless drugs and
potions composed of harmful narcot
ics and opiates They do not check
the disease they do not cure it they
simply add fuel to the fire
H t
Bradflelds Female
Regulator should be
taken by every woman
or girl who has the
slightest suspicion of
uny oi me all
ments which af
flict women
They will simply
be wasting time
until they take it
The Regulator is
a purif y ing
tonic which etM
at the roots of the
disease and cures
the cause It does not drug
the pain it eradicates it
It stops tailing of the womb
leucorrhea inriammation
and periodical buffering Ir
regular scanty or painful
menstruation and hv ilnlnr
all this drives away the
hundred and one aches and
pains which drain health
and beauty happiness and
good temper from many a
womans fife It is the one
remedy above all others
which every woman should
know about and use
S100 per holdo
ut any drui store
Spnd for our free
Illustrated book
The Bradfield
Regulator Co
Athnh Ga