The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 17, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Mrs V Huobuer of Piorco was iu
town yesterday
B 13 Visoy was iu Norfolk yostorday
from Belgrade
Guy 11 Wilbor was lu tho city yester
day from Wayuo
O A Oablomau of Madlsou wns a
city visitor yostorday
Mrs H A Tawnoy and daughter of
Piorco were iu tho city today
Dr Rouiy of Oraig visitod friends
horo for a short timo this wook
Waltor Pilger is down from Meadow
Grovo to spend Suuday at homo
Thoso Ohllvers and B Woolvorton
wero Norfolk visitors yeatorday from
F 13 Coopor and E P Coopor of
Oakdalo had bUBiuoss iu Norfolk yes
Rov A S Merrifiold was iu tho city
today in tho interests of Graud Island
Mrs A Griflln ofj Bancroft was a
guost of her friend Miss Luella Homy
this week
J T Shrhnpton of North Beud Neb
is visiting at the homo of Mr and Mrs
O 0 Gow
Tho Newspaper uiuo wont to Pierce
today to ougago iu a contest with the
boys of that city
Win Sidlor arrived last night from
Kalamazoo Mioh to visit at the homo
of his brother D P Sidler
Fishers in the Northfork are said to
be having great success iu lauding
suckers red horse aud bull heads
Clyde Fox brother of Conductor Fox
has taken Alf Gereokes place in Leo
uords drug store during his absence
Dr Frank Salter W A Connolly
G B Salter and Alf Gerecke went to
Loug Pine last night to fish for trout
Miss Miua Karlem Kleiue of Phila
delphia is visiting her friend Mrs
Oha8 Rice of this city aud will spend
two mouths with her
Miss Annie McBrido and Helen Reyn
olds have gone to Madison to attend a
childrens party to bo given by Mrs
Willis McBride this afternoon
The second base ball nine went to
Stanton today to play a game with the
boys nine of that city a number of
players and enthusiasts making tho trip
on their bicycles
Pierce is anxious for a waterworks
system since the disastrous experience
of her sister city Plainview with tho
fire fiend and an earnest effort for a
good system is being made
Mrs Pilger returned last night from
Plattsmouth whore she attended the G
A R and W R O conventions She
was accompanied by Mrs Lovelett of
Creighton who visited over night and
went on to her home today
The closing week of school beginning
with the 27th will bo one of great activ
ity with the pupils Besides the grad
ing examinations preparations for the
commencement exercises will require
a great deal of study aud work
The First Congregational society has
purchased a uew Chickering piauo for
use in the services and euteitaiuments
of that church One of these instru
ments has also been placed in the home
of Mr aud Mrs F G Coryell
Presiding Elder F M Sisson and Rev
G H Main assisted in laying the corner
Btone of the new M E church at Wayne
Thursday It is expected that the new
building will be one of the handsomest
places of worship in this portion of the
Pierce county is to have a rural tele
phone exchange to be put in by W M
Diehl of Creighton An ordinance has
been passed by the city of Pierce grant
ing him the use of streets and alleys for
the system He expects to make con
nections with Norfolk and Creighton
B S Hayden of Nebrarka City and
Mrs A Shupp of Omaha were married
in Ohitlicothe Mo recently The
groom is 85 years of age and this is the
fifth time he has engaged in a matri
monial venture aud must be prepared to
answer decisively the question as to
whether or not marriage is a failure
Tho bride is GO years of ago aud has
twice been subjected to Cupids darts
Mr Hayden is reputed to be worth
nearly 1000000 in property and
About 30 couples participated in a
poverty party given by Mrs W J Gow
and Mrs O O Gow at tho home of the
latter last night The poverty repre
sented by the costumes worn wore of an
extreme variety and a stranger might
well have believed that it wa3 a forlorn
remnant of the commonweal army of
Beveral years ago A troop of colored
people with striking costumes and
plantation sougs formed a portion of
the company An auction sale of
mysterious packages was a feature of
the evening as was also a peanut con
test in which Max Asmus was tho prize
winuer A five course supper was
served the first course being especially
appropriate to the occasiou
Those who were congratulating them
selves that this soctiou of the state had
escaped without its usual May frosts
wore disappointed this morning when
they fouud quite a heavy coat of white
frost on the ground and walks Tender
vegetation was nipped but it is probable
that not a large amount of damage has
yot been done because much of the
plant growth that would bo damaged U
not yot up Those who know sonm
thing of fruit condition stato that frost
at this timo would not do tho damogo
that would havo boon accomplished by
An earlier frost Much of tho fruit is
now dovolopod and it would take a
hardor froozo to ruin It than when
blossoms wore forming as tho dollcato
fortillzer is much more seusitlvoto cold
Tho woathor bureau howovor promlsos
uioro frost tonight aud vegotatlou not
already affected should bo protected
a far as possible
A company of mou from Norfolk and
other points expoct to leave lu about a
week for a place 00 miles out of Sheri
dan Wyo whoro they will miuo the
property of the Interstate Minlug and
Milling company of Wausa this stato
of which Ohas Allen is suporiutoudout
aud general manager A car of ma
chinery equippago and suppllos Is being
loaded hero today and will probably bo
shipped tomorrow Mr Allou haH
already gouo out and will telegraph
wheu tho others shall start Ho has
boon horo during a part of tho winter
and this spring getting tho machinery
equipped for active operations this
BUinmor Tho property is said to bo
rich In gold oro aud those iutorested
have groat expectations Those who
will leave from horo are Geo W
Reokard J W McOlary F H Beols
Tas Worrol John Read Carl Daven
port Marshall Leavitt aud Halsoy
Gibson Sovoral persons from Wausa
and other places will also join tho party
before it starts Several men are now
at work on tho property aud with tho
maohluory aud force now going they
will bo able to make more rapid prog
ress aud show better results
llolweon Oniiiliii uuil St 1aul In tlioNortli
Wentern Line
Rates to the biennial mootiug Head
Camp Modern Woodmen of America
have boon announced at one fare plus
200 for tho round trip
Tho railroads of Nebraska couuoctiug
with the North Western Line at Omaha
The Union PAcinc
Missouri Pacific
aud the road connecting at Missouri
Valley is tho Fremont Elkhorn Mo
Delegates and their friends from all
points in the state can therefore secure
tho best accommodations by buying
through tickets from their home towns
via the most convenient road to the
Missouri river and the North Western
Line beyond
Leave Omaha Union Passenger
Station 753 p m
Leave Omaha Union Passenger
Station 0 iDIJ a m
Tho night train has modern broad
vestibuled coaches and Pullman sleepers
The day train has modern broad vesti
buled coaches and observation buffet
parlor car
We note the fact that M W of A
always want the best wheu they can
get it for the same money Tho motto
of the North Western Lino is Tho
Best of Everything
J R Buchanan
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Neb
Prize Wou by Norfolk Oirl
Iu the fourteenth annual contest of
the Nebraska high echool declamatory
union hold in Kearney Friday evening
Miss Nellie Handley of this city was suc
cessful iu winning the second prize in
the humorous class Three of the six
prize winners were from the north Ne
braska district The successful con
testants were
Oratorical First Edward Williams
Grand Island second Yale Holland
Dramatic First Charles M Lefler
South Omaha second Chauncy Hrube
sky Geneva
Humorous First Lydia Shultz
Schuyler second Nellie Handley Nor
The judges wero Rev O W Fifor
York Prof H M Eaton Liucoln and
F E Beomau Kearney The decisions
were unanimous without the aid of the
referee H F Carson of Kearney
A Uooil Thing
German Syrup is the special preflcrip
tiou of Dr A Boschee a celebrated
German Physician and is acknowledged
to bo one of the most fortunate discover
ies in Medicine It quickly euros
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
the severest nature removing as it does
the cause of the affection and leaving the
parts In a strong and healthy condition
It is not an experimental medicine but
has stood the test of years giving satis
faction in every case which its rapidly
increasing sale every season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Bos
chees German Syrup was introduced in
the Unites States in 18G8 and is now
sold in every town aud village in the
civilized world Three doses will relieve
any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get
Greens Prize Almanac Asa K Leon
What hhull We Have for Dessert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it today
Try Jell O a delicious dessert Pre
pared in two minutes No baking I add
hot water aud set tocool Flavors
Lemon oraugo raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Carl T Sooly of Madlsou was a city
visitor today
Pat Stanton was a city visitor from
Tllden yostorday
Mrs B T Truoblood of ONeill la a
city visitor today
Mrs A II Oorbott was lu tho city to
day from Madison
Attornoy Houdoraon was In town to
day from Orolghton
Mrs D Davy was a Norfolk visitor
today from Orolghton
Mr aud Mrs F H Scott wore Sun
day visitors In Norfolk from Stanton
Dr aud Mrs Persons of Stanton woro
visiting with Norfolk friends yesterday
Division Suporiutondont O II Reyn
olds was a passougor for Omaha today
G M Thompson will loavo tomorrow
for Mankato Minn whoro ho goes on
A J Darland camo down from Verdi
gre whoro ho has been on business this
W W Rohorts is making extouslvo
Improvements on his rosidouoo property
ou South Fifth street
Mrs II L Snydor oxpocts to loavo
tomorrow uoou for an extended visit to
her old homo at Piqua Ohio
County Surveyor W II Lowo wont
to Nowmau Grovo this morning to do
some civil engineering work
Mrs Ladhoff is vory low at hor homo
ou South Second street and it is boliovod
that she cauuot live through today
Mrs H J MoMauus arrivod Satur
day night from Hawardou Iowa to
visit hor daughter Mrs W N Huso
II 0 Gabloman arrived iu the city
Saturday to take a position in tho Fair
store Ho will make his homo in tho
Austin boarding house on South Fifth
Ohas Allou of tho Wausa Mining and
Milling company left yostorday for Lin
coln aud from thore will go to Sheridan
Wyoming near which place is located
the mimug proporty of the company
There was another light frost last
night but it was so light that little or
uo damage was doue Tho weather
bureau now promises warmer woathor
aud all indications are that its promise
will be fulfilled
A fellow by tho name of Peter Foy
was up before police court this morning
charged with disorderly oouduct Ho
was found guilty as charged and after
leaving security for fines and costs waB
allowed to depart
J N Buudick received a telegram
from his sister this morning which con
veyed the sad intelligence that his
father had dropped dead last night He
left at noon for tho family homo iu
Washington D C to attend tho fu
Dr H T Holden of this city has been
appointed by Governor Savage to repre
sent Nebraska at tho American congress
of tuberculosis which meets iu Now
York the lith The doctor finds thnt
he will be unable to attend owing to his
II L Spauldiug and John Quick loft
this morning for Nebraska City whoio
they go to attend the grand lodge of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen as
delegates from Norfolk lodge No 7
W N Huse also n delegate left for Ne
braska City yesterday morning
Tho ladies of the Womans club who
presented Oranford at I O O F
hall some tune ago for the entertain
ment of Stanton and Norfolk guests
repeated the play Saturday evening at
the home of Mr and Mrs A J Durlaud
in honor of Mr and Mrs E Seymour
who expoct to leave the city soon The
husbands of tho ladies and people of
The Heights were guests
A number of Italian peddlers who
have been making this city their head
quarters departed Saturday for tho
mother country and the manifestations
of sorrow on the part of members of the
company both those who departed and
those who remained were very expres
sive aud sincere It is said that they
who wero left behind followed tho train
for some distance with their good byes
The hall team that went to Stanton
Saturday to play a game with tho boys
of that city wore rewarded with victory
which perched upon their banners to
the tuue of 28 to 10 Those who went
to Pierce however were not so fortu
nate the Pierce lads winning by a score
of 10 to 11 The latter team expects a
return game next Saturday and hope at
that timo to wear the scalps of the
Pierce chaps at their belts
Mr and Mrs E Seymour expoct to
leave Wednesday for York where they
will make their home for the present
They have many friends in Norfolk
who will very much regret their depart
ure from this city Mr Seymour who
has been employed as a commercial
traveler wants to quit the road and en
gage in sotno business that will permit
of him spending moro time at homo
Mrs Seymour has been active iu tho
work of the Womans club of Norfolk
and will be greatly missed by members
of that organization
Burt Couuty Herald A record ruu
through Nebraska was made last Friday
by tho Union Pacific fast mail which
covered the 153 miles betweon Graud
Island aud Omaha iu 150 minutes Tho
time was ten minutes under the previous
record The speed was made possible
r JbA tj I t
Starts the Meet
if Vojc itSe ot
Oil St
No Fuss
No Muss
by porfoct woathor and faultless opera
tion of tho huge locomotlvo No 1800
Miko Decker at tho throttlo Tho train
loft Grand Island behind timo and took
a sixty niilo paco at tho outsot West
of North Bond tho train was covering
75 miles of prairie an hour aud this
side of that town reaohod tho eighty
mile mark for some distance Tho
mail drew Into Omaha ou timu at 510
oclock having mado as rapid n long
distance ruu as any train over accom
plished in the west
Dr A Boar paid a professional visit
to Creighton today
Mrs O A Blakely aud daughter
Lota woro Omaha visitors yostorday
Hon G F Koipor was horo today
from Piorco Ho expects to lonvo soon
for tho east
O S Bargelt loft this morniug for
Omaha From there ho contemplates
going to Oklahoma
Miss Dessio Lobuow has gouo to join
hor mother in Omaha aftor a visit with
her sister Mrs W 0 Ahluiau
E P Woatherby who has boon con
fined to his homo by llluess for tho past
ten days is again able to be about
Tas Gildoa has moved into his uowly
acquired residence proporty ou South
Tenth street nud is now getting nicely
O W Lemout aud E B Kouyou
ire absent ou a trip to Breckinridge
Minn aud Bismark N D on laud
F W Beck has gone to Waterloo
Iowa to attend tho wedding of his sis
ter Liter he will go on a business trip
to Chicago
Mrs Eva Booth of Beatrice was in
tho city today She is spending some
time visiting her mother Mrs O D
Muusou of Waruorvillo
Charles Pilger has resigned his posi
tion with tho Fair store aud accepted
ouo with the American Express com
H E Owen has returuod from a busi
ness trip to Wyoming His railroad
contract in the weBt will soon be closed
up after which the outfit used there will
bo shipped to Iowa
E N Vail has returned from Minne
sota whoro ho sold his farm and pur
chased another He visited his brother
sister and other relatives at Rock
RapidB Iowa eurouto
fiTho family of Thomas Killeeu of
Fremont has lost throe children inside
of a week from tho effects of scarlet
fever and the baby boy is seriously ill
with tho disease and it is feared that his
eyesight will be affected even though he
Tho Elkhorn Valley Editorial associa
tion will meet this year in Valoutiue ou
June 1 The boys are getting ready to
have a way up time and already havo
informally Issued an iuvitution to all
quill shovers of that part of the stato to
bo present
Mrs Burt Mapes entertained tho
Browning club last eveniug compliment
ary to Mr and Mrs Ed Seymour
The club bad closed its years work but
the extra meeting was considered in
order to bid Mr and Mrs Seymour
members of the club farewell
The Womans club met with Mrs
MoKim yesterday afternoon and elected
the following oflicers for the ensuing
year Mrs E A Bullock president
Mrs O H Reynolds secretary Mrs
0 C Gow treasurer This was the
last meeting of the club for the year
The Fremont Tribune after stating
that the fruit buds aro still hanging on
tho trees requests tho weather maker to
please pull out tho warm stop and quit
scaring folks who are flxmg their
mouths for cherry pie The deuiaud
was undoubtedly heard and has boeu
complied with mildly Tho warm
stop iB uot yot out to its full capacity
Tho Y M 0 A held gospel services
iu their hall from 12 30 to 12 50 today
and will hold like services again next
Thursday Those meetings aro planned
for nion who take lunch down town at
uoou nud will bo continued if enough
interest is shown Tho meetings will
ho led by Socrutary Hughes and the
musio will bo under tho direction of O
II Blood
Guy Burnos of this oily is to reooivo
a commission as captain form Governor
Savago at tho time of tho cominoiico
inont oxoroisos at tho state university
Ho will not bo diiootly connected with
tho national guard by that notion but
according to tho tonus of his commis
sion will bo subject to call ut any time
for service iu that cnpiclty Ho has
held tho position of captain in the Imt
tuliou organization of university cadets
It is reported that lust night Mrs
Frank Bowers nearly craed by jealousy
aud neglect shot two or throe times at
hor husband who it is alleged was
paying attentions to a woman uot his
wifo Many complaints havo hereto
fore boon mado concerning tho action
of Bowers nud it is tho conviction of
many fair minded citizens that it would
have boon little moro than justico to
his roputation had Mrs Bowers aim
last night proved truer As it was tho
man escaped without injury and mado
his way to tho Junction Tho husband
cortniuly owes something to his family
and noglect aud dissipation sooner or
later stump a man with a family as a
brute in tho estimation of people
Tho Masonic lodgo of West Point ro
coivod inquiry whothor Joboph Vostrov
sky a traveling wina agent who was
found dead iu San Francisco mado his
homo there tho inquiry being the
result of receipts found on tho person of
tho deceased Notification was sent
that his homo was in San Joso Gal
and tho news was sent to his family
On hearing the sad nows Mrs Vostrov
hky was overcome with gnof and ex
pired immediately nfter Mr Vostrov
sky was an old settlor in West Point and
of late had moved to California with his
family aud his death camo as a great
blow to his many friends As has
always been his wish the bodies will bo
cremated and the ashes will bo cast into
the Pacific ocean
About the first of July oxtonsivo im
provements will bo inaugurated at tho
Sugar City Cereal mills Among tho
contemplated changes is the roplacing
of tho old llumo which Is now con
structed partly of wood aud partly of
iron with one built ontlroly of brick
aud iron About 00000 brick will be
used and they aro now being placed ou
tho ground A now Loffoll turbine is
to take tho place of tho two old wheels
now in use Now headgatos will also
replace the old oues All tho new
structural work is to be iron aud brick
laid in cement Tho making of these
improvements will necessitate shutting
down tho mill for about threo weeks
but preparations are being mado in ad
vanco so that it will remain open for
business during that time After these
improvements aro completed tho power
capacity of tho mill will bo nearly
Mrs Fred Ladhoff died at hor homo
ou South Third street this morning
about half pust 2 ocock after an ex
tended aud severe illness Tho funeral
will bo held from the First Baptist
ohurch tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock
Mrs Ladhoff was born in Scott county
Iowa near Davenport and was 57
years of ago at the time of her death
She had an attack of the grip last Jan
uary aud has beeu sick with it since
finally resulting In tuberculosis and her
death Besides her husband she loaves
two daughters Mrs Lowis Dudley of
this oity aud Mrs W A Venablo of
Battle Creek Tho latter is expected
hero tonight aud will remain to attend
the funeral Tho deceased was an
active mombor of tho Womans Rollof
Corps of this city aud that society will
assist at the obsequies Mrs Ladhoff
J will bo sincerely sorry to learn of her
cleat u
If your olir
don not ktp
thm wrlto to
thn noaroit
nanoy of
AllMlug Wujiin niitti Homi hi Ioh AiikIom
hy mi Old Kiliiml
A special to tho Hio x Oily Trlbuno
from Wuyno says John 3 Christ who
two years ago mysteriously disappeared
and whose death in Sin Franelsco was
some mouths later toportcd to his wifo
in a letter signed lioob Meyers was
recently soon alive and well by George
Hliaw a former resident of this placolu
Los Angeles Oal Christ for many
years was the propiiotor of a dray lino
in this city but a little over two yearH
ago lomoved with his family to Albion
la Shortly after locating in their now
homo Christ disappeared leaving his
family in straightened ircuinstances
an he had previously converted all his
property into cash His wifo and
friends made every effort to locate him
hut without success until a letter was
received from San Francisco giving a
dotailod account of his sicknoss death
aud burial in that city Tho lottor wns
signed Jacob Meyers and wont on to
state that what money ChriHt had with
him was usud for sick aud funeral ex
Christ had boon a mombor of tho
Modern Woodmou lodgo horo and that
ordor at once took stops to verify the re
port of his death with tho object of pay
ing tho insurance to his widow No rec
ord of tho death could bo found iu San
Francisco and no Jacob Moyers could bo
located so tho wifes claim for tho insur
ance was not allowod Mr Shaw who
has been a resident of Los Angeles for
sovoral years mot Christ on tho streets
of that city recently and having been
well acquainted with him at this place
accosted him Christ acknowledged his
identity and i oadily ontered into con
versition Ho would give no explana
tion of his strange actions aud reported
lnllur Mat
List of letters romuining uncalled for
at tho postoflico May IU 1901
J II Adams Bruno Micholo Thos
Bauuon Mrs Ida F Barnes M 11
Clark Ed Conloy Mrs Gus Frank
Harry Gwynne A A Holstrom H
Harmau F E Konward Mr Kiff M
Lee Miss Mamie Lumior Pearl Now
mau J B Preoce Leslie Parsons A
Richardson J H M Park Mary Far
low B If Stewart Miss Anna Scholtz
Goorgo Thomas Miss Mario Van Horn
J P Wike
If not called for in 15 days will be
sent to tho daad letter office
Parties calling for any of tho above
please say advertised
P P Sprkcher P M
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life and enjoyment of life to
thousands men women and
When appetite fails it re
stores it When food is a
burden it lifts the burden
When youlose fleshit brings
the plumpness of health
When work is hard and
duty is heavy it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge the thick end is food
But what is the use of food
when you hate it and cant di
gest it
Scotts Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach
If you Viave not tried It send for
roo sample its agreeable taste will
surprise vou
O0 Pearl Street New York
50c and 100 all druggists