The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 17, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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n no i
City of Paducah Strikes Snag
at Brunkhorst Landing
Bodies of Two Passengers Who Were
Drowned Recovered Craft Lies In
Twenty five Feet of Water and Will
ft Be a Total Loss
1 Grand Tower Ills May 14 Tlio
etenmcr City of Paducah sank In 25
feet of water last night In less than
flvo minutes after striking a Bnag
while backing out of Brunkhorst Land
ing The bodies of two passengers
who were drowned have been recov
ered and 22 of the members of the
crow most of them negroes are mlBB
lng All of the officers were saved
First Mate Tobias Royal of St
Louis said only nbout 12 passengers
were on board and all were saved ex
cept two The body of Dr J W Dell
of Bells Landing Tcnn was taken
out of his state room Tho remains of
a young woman on which wbb a visit
ing card reading Mrs Mary L Al
len 3430 Eada avenue St Louis Mo
was recovered from her state room
Several hundred dollars worth of jew
elry was found on her body
The passenger llBt has not been re
covered A diver is searching for It
Only the Texas and the hurricane deck
are above water which reaches to the
skylights of the cablnB All the state
rooms are completely filled with water
The steamboat drifted a third of a
mile below tho landing before she
Bank The first mate says the boat
went down within three minutes of the
striking of the snag He was on the
cabin deck and escaped by climbing
through the skylight
It 1b supposed that most of the miss
ing deck hands who were on the lower
deck were washed down the river
The boat HeB down about 100 feet from
tho Illinois shore the forepart of the
hurricane deck being under water
Bhe appears to be a total wreck
Rabbi Block had just retired for
the night in a berth next to that occu
pied by his wife and daughter when
the boat struck the snag No warning
whatever of the Impending danger
wrb given The boat he said took
on at Fountain Bluff 1500 sacks of
corn Some of us thought the boat
was overloaded When the vessel
struck the snag she broke In two
lengthwise one side careening and go
ing to the bottom at once while the
other floated I happened to be on the
floating part I do not know what else
happened except that I found myself
nt the Grand Tower depot
The coroner is now holding an in
quest while the diver Is searching for
bodies Thomas A Johnston watch
man of the boat who Is said to be
among the lost was 85 years old and
had been a steamboat man for CO
years He lived in St Louis
A dispatch from Carbondale says
between 25 and 50 people were
drowned only seven of those on board
Try to Derail Fast Express
Mishawaka Ind May 14 Train
wreckers whose motive evidently wes
robbery made an unsuccessful attempt
to derail the fast express on the Wa
bash road last night At a point a mile
caBtof Wyatt seven miles south of here
railroad ties were piled across the
track A heavy freighttrain running
extra and slowly preceded the ex
press It struck the obstruction but
with only slight damage The tleu
were removed before the train carry
ing a large sum of money arlrved
I Jacksonville Appeals for Aid
Jacksonville Fla May 14 At a
meeting of the executive committee of
the Jacksonville Relief association
the decision was arrived at that the
amount of money so far contributed
for the relief of the fire sufferers was
far from being adequate to meet the
demands President Garner of the re
lief association Bishop Weed of the
Episcopal diocese of Florida and May
or Bowden were appointed a commit
tee to lsuue an address to the people
of the United States
Killed by Live Wire
Buffalo May 14 One man was
knocked to death and two men who
ttried to rescue him from the wires
were badly burned yesterday The
dead man la Martin Kieflg The men
were engaged in wheeling dirt from be
neath the Manufacturers and Liberal
Art building From burns found on
Kiefigs face it is evident be was first
struck by a live wire
Fast Mail Train Wrecked
New Orleans May 14 The south
bound Illinois Central passenger train
from Chicago jumped the track on the
curve near Hazelburet 30 miles south
of Jackson C E Rose of Fulton Ky
mail clerk and Tom Lee fireman
were killed Gus Nelson engineer
bad a leg broken and M F Stappen
assistant mail clerk was badl7
Russia Sending Reinforcements
London May 14 It la asserted
here says tho St Petersburg corre
spondent of the Daily Telegraph that
at the request of Admiral Alexieff tho
Russian government is sending two
more battleships and four cruisers to
reinforce the Russian fleet In Chinese
waters In anticipation of serlouB trou
Smashers Are Fined
Topeka Kan May 14 Miss Rose
Crist Mrs Chadwick Miss Madeline
Southard and C R McDowell pleaded
guilty in district court yesterday of
leading a raid on Murphys billiard
hall with Mrs Nation in March They
will be fined f 10 each
Charred Bodies Found In the Embers
of Their Home
Shirley Mo May 14 Tho murders
which have startled tho rural dis
tricts of Maine tho past few months
arc almost overshadowed by a tragedy
here yesterday in which a family of
three wan put out of existence and
fire used to hldo the crime Tho vic
tims are J Wesley Allen a selectman
his wife and their daugh
ter Their charred bodies were found
In the embers of their house which
stood on tho stago road leading from
Moonson to Mooschcad lake On
every hand were evidences thnt mur
der and even worse hnd been done
iThe only clue to tho identity of tho
murderers is furnished by a man
named Johnson who reported that ho
wns held up on tho road by four men
all being lntoxlcntcd one of whom an
swers tho description of tho highway
mnu who held up tho WUUmnntic Btngo
last week
Chicago Hamburg Steamer Collides
With a Dredge
Ogdensburg N Y May 14 The
Bhlp Northwestern from Chicago to
Liverpool collided with Colberts
dredge between Galoup nnd Rapid du
Plot rapids nnd went ashore Tho
dredge had been working in tho chan
nel off Sparrow Hawks point Tho
Northwestern attempted to pass to tho
north side of tho channel but tho cur
rent carried It ngalnst the dredge tear
ing through its false work The North
western went ashore on the Canndlan
Bide and tho dredge drifted upon a
The steam barge L S Porter 1b
aground nt the head of tho lock of Car- J
dlnal canal Its three barges broke
a towllne and drifted two miles down
tho river stranding on Glenford shoal
All are In bad positions Tho North
western was reported to be slightly
Trouble Likely to Follow Attempt to
Run Cars at Albany
Albany N Y May 14 Under the
escort of a platoon of mounted police
and surrounded by a mob of 2000 200
nonunion men were taken at midnight
to the Quail street car barns of the
United Traction company Stones
were hurled at the nonunion men as
they were taken to the barns This is
the first step taken by the company to
operate Its lines with nonunion men
5000 shares When tho Northern Pa
that traffic will be resumed today The
nounion men it Is said came from
Philadelphia and were met at the sta
tion by a platoon of mounted ofDcors
and two patrol wagons full of police-
Man With Musical Heart Dead
Elgin Ills May 14 Herbert E
Brown the man with the musical
heart whoso melodious pulsations
had for years furnished him a liveli
hood and physicians a subject of much
fruitless speculation died at tho
man hospital here yesterday of pneu
monia A post mortem examination
revealed the fact that Browns heart
was four times normal size
Liquor sellers in the Chickasaw na
tion are meeting the severest penalty
ever imposed Judge Thomas imposed
two sentences Monday of four years
Imprisonment and 2000 fine each In
the case of John Stevenson and O
Colonel A A Harris a well known
lawyer of Duluth died Monday
The postoffice of Williams la will
be raised to the presidential grade on
July 1
The French parliament resumed its
sessions Monday in an atmosphere of
absolute calm
Commissioner Powderly wants pow
ers of the bureau of immigration en
larged to prevent abuses of naturaliza
tion laws
Prominent horse owners held a
meeting in Lexington Monday for the
purpose of taking steps to actively Join
the fight on the Western Jockey club
Vice President Roosevelt has ac
cepted an invitation to make an ad
dress during the state fair at Minneap
olis The address will be made Sept
Coal operators of Terre Haute an
nounce that plans are under consider
ation for the formation of a combine
of all tho large operators in the state
of Indiana
Over 1000 Dayton carpenters found
themselves locked out Monday as tho
result of a long continued agitation
over the question of wages and the
recognition of unions
A gift of 10000 for the endowment
fund of Westminster college of Ful
ton Mo given by Louis Hugglns and
William Hugglns of St Joseph Mo
was announced Monday
Twenty one attorneys were admitted
to practice in the United States su
preme court Monday The number in
cluded Hon James R Garfield son of
the late President Garfield
Secretary Hay is to take up the Nic
araguu canal problem when the presi
dents trip ends Ho has a summary
of the viewB of a majority of senators
who agree that the Clayton Bulwer
treaty must be abrogated
The revolutionary movement among
the laboring classes of Russia Is
spreading There have been 400 ar
ress of operatives during the last few
days and a number of editors as well
as women have been arrested
The re election of Lant K Salisbury
as city attorney by the Grand Rapids
council is to be followed by a grand
jury investigation of alleged council
boodling Inquiry 1b to be made into
his arrest in Chicago charged with
embezzling fGOOOO of Guy C Barton
of Omaha
rm hMmymmkLJr
Cuban Convention Considers
Report of Commission
Majority Now Favor Piatt Amendment
but Action May Be Further Delayed
Until After the Municipal Elections
Sangully Still Objecting
Havann May 14 Tho Cuban con
stitutional convention met yesterday
in secret session and considered tho
report of tho commltteo that went to
Washington to obtain more deflnlto In
formation regarding tho Intentions of
tho United States government Gen
eral Sangully objected to tho report
on tho ground of Incompleteness point
ing out that tho commltteo uiado no
Juan Gomez moved thnt tho report
be referred to tho committee on rela
tions whoso last report haH still to bo
acted upon Ho admitted that tho com
mittees visit to Washington hnd
thrown new light upon tho amend
ment but ho thought it only Just thnt
tho commltteo should bo allowed an
opportunity to change tho report In
order to conform to tho now condl
An attempt wnB made to tako an Im
mediate vote with reference to the
amendment hut tho motion of Scnor
Gomez wnB finally carried tho com
mittee being Instructed to act prompt
ly It la expected thnt Bevernl dnyB
will clnpsc before tho amended report
1b submitted to tho convention A
movement 1b on foot to delny action
until after the municipal elections
A majority of the commltteo on ro
tations are in favor of accepting tho
Piatt amendment
Express Astonishment at Amount of
Indemnity Demanded
London May 11 Dr Morrison wir
ing to the Times from Peking May 10
says The Chinese plenipotentiaries
are drafting a reply to the ministers of
the powers expressing astonishment
at the amount of Indemnity demanded
and urging a reduction on the ground
of the empires financial difficulties
but undertaking if the full nmount Ib
exacted to pay In 30 annual Install
ments of 15000000 taelB from the
Hkln salt tax and natlvo customs
Pending a revision of tho tariff they
slso ask the powers to consent to an
increase of the maritime customs and
the Import and export duties by one
Shot by Vigilance Committee
Topeka May 11 Dr Herman col
ored was fatally shot at midnight
Sunday by the members of a vigilance
committee at 117 North Jefferson
street The trouble was the outgrowth
of a candnl Herman lived at the
home of Mrs George Hamler whose
husband died under Hermans care
several weeks ago Tho mob found
Hermnn armed with a shotgun and re
volver There wns a scufTle and tho
weapons were secured and some one
fired the shotgun at Dr Herman
shooting him twice in the abdomen
Alleged Murderer Arrested
Fort Scott Kan May 14 A L
Evans a young farmer of Harrishurg
Tenn who is alleged to have stabbed
ono of his neighbors in the back and
hilled him in December 1898 and who
has since been a fugitive was arrested
here last night Evans arrived here a
week ago His capture was effected
by Sheriff Harris of Harrishurg by
following up a letter written to Evans
by his wife He admits halng done the
deed but Insists that it was in self
Case Against Roberts Dismissed
Salt Lake May 14 The case
against Brighton H RobertB who was
elected to congress three years ago
and who was expelled by tho national
body after investigation of charges of
polygamy brought agalnBt him was
yesterday stricken from the docket of
the state supreme court the point be
ing raised that the indictment was de
fective It is probable that this Ib
the end of this celebrated case
Field Meet at Iowa City
Iowa City la May 14 Four home
records were broken one state record
equalled and tho best general marks
ff the year were made at the state
university of Iowa field meet yester
day Call cut tho 120 yard hurdle
record to 17 seconds Dye clipped the
220 yard hurdle figure to 271 5
Brackett brought the mile run down to
452 1 5 and Warner tho football
star put the shot 38 feet 10 inches
reaching the state record
Porto Rico Exhibit Seized
Buffalo May 14 The exhibit of
Porto Rico which arrived at tho ex
position yesterday haB been seized by
thn Intprnnl rovrtnna rinltantnro Tia
exhibit was brought from Porto Rico
on army transports and waB unloaded
at tho navy yard at Brooklyn thus es
caping examination at any point Tho
goods will not be confiscated as
smuggled goods but will be held pend
ing an investigation
Osceola for Thompson
Sibley la May 14 A preliminary
canvass made here indicates that if
Lyon county presents Colonel Thomp
sons name to the Cedar Rapids con
vention for the office of lieutenant
governor Osceola county will glvo
him a solid delegation
Tragedy at Wlnfield
Wichita Kan May 14 W L Mar
tin ono of the oldest Implement men
In tho southwest was shot and instant
ly killed at Wlnfield last sight
Is Beaten by the Older Boat Five
Minutes In Twenty Miles
Loudon May 14 Tho Shamrock I
beat tho Shamrock II by flvo mlnutcB
over a 20 mllo course
Mr Wntson considers tho result so
unsatisfactory thnt ho decided off hand
to tako tho now boat hark lo South
ampton and to have hor docked In or
der lo ascertain whether any of tho
plates wcro displaced by tho ground
ing on Dean bunk Inst week Oppor
tunity will he taken to have hor gaff
and mainsail fitted Tho work will
proceed night nnd day until It Is fin
ished nnd tho trials will then bo re
sinned nt Weymouth
Tho defent of tho Shamrock 11
causcR much disappointment Tho
Chronicle says linlcsB Sir Thomas
Is hiding her ronl form thoro appears
to bo no rhnnco of winning the cup
If yostordnys form wns genuine wo
presume tho Shamrock 1 will bo chosen
to cross tho Atlantic nnd an tho races
hnvo boon fixed for n date cnrller in
the year than last time nho may stand
n bettor chance In tho stronger winds
Rockefeller Files Suit Against
Sanders Live Stock Commission Co
Kansas City Muy 14 Utley Wodgo
of Joplln wns yesterdny appointed re
ceiver lor tho Slegel Snnders Llvo
Slock Commission company of thin
city This notion followed tho filing
of n suit agalust thu commission com
pany by Frank Rockofoller of Cleve
land who Ib a heavy stockholder In
the company
In his petition Mr Rockefeller
chnrgcB Frnnk Slegel president and
general malinger of tho company
with peculations and mismanagement
of lt nffalrH Mr Rockefeller Inti
mates that Slegel made away with
over 100000
Tho Slegel SandoiB Llvo Stock Com
mission compnny was incorporated un
der tho lnwB of Missouri in November
IfcOn with 250000 cnpltal It suc
ceeded to the business of a Kansas
corporation of tho same nnme
i Rests Well and Is Easy President
Hastens Back to Bedside
San Francisco May 11 President
McKinley returned last evening from
San Joso to tho bedsldo of his wife at
the Scott residence If Mrs
leys condition Ih still favorable the
president will carry out tho ar
ranged program with some curtail
ment Ho will visit Leland Stanford
Jr university at Palo Alto and inako
brief stops at San Mateo and Hurlln
game At Palo Alta ho will he joined
by his party nnd the presidents official
entry Into this city will tako place In
accordance with tho previously
I ranged schedule Secretary Cortelyou
i said to tho Associated Press Mrs
McKinley rested well and comfort
ably today
Survivors Reach St Louis
St Louis May 14 The steamer
City of Clifton having on board the
surviving passengers and crew of the
j wrecked steamer City of Paducah and
l whoso nrrival here has been very
lously looked for since 7 oclock last
I evening st earned Into tho harbor at
2 oclock this morning
Detention Camp for Boer Prisoners
Hamilton Bermuda May 14 Tho
British government has rented Tucker
and Morgan Islands to he used aB de
tention camps for Boer prisoners Ac
tive preparations continue at Dar
rells Island Intended for the same
A Head
that throbs pains and
aches or feels heavy stuf
fy dull or dizzy is a poor
head to do business with
It irritates the temper up
sets the stomach interferes
with digestion and wears
out the brain and nerves
Make the nerves strong
the brain clear and your
head will be right
My head would bejjin to swim and
I would crow dizzy and so weak and
numb that I would fall to the floor
Since using Dr Miles Nervine I can
work 16 hours a day and feel rood 1
believe it laved my life ana cannot
recommend it too highly
W G White JrtcGregor Teiaa
D Miles
quiets the irritation stimu
lates digestion and builds
up nervous health and
strength Try a bottle
Sold by druggists on guarantee
Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind
At aU 4ruf torn
2 Dew 2Sc
WZtn WTVtTU M7i kXAriWliiAtiVi MrtirHtuiiMninvnir iiififfl Igl ntf ysM JJ
m9mi arnic cFFneH
I iwKXIl
Tbl I a tUrln g lUlemeni dui oai
WltHdiUw It out 7 tin
Combination Corn
rcToluuomte cora UTv nwg
Billion DollprCrn
OrtvlMt inuTclot IUI
rur acre
II loos or bay nrti
eroptlx mV tiwr sowing
What Is It
101 lOo STAMPS
4 ILta NOTICE w luJl
- tic m4 cUW 10 Grain
KtlU to k Mr A OtuX
0 LmL bar A1 ki1
BvtcTdT Lf IWL u WvrlLtlO hi ntsaawb
To make a Fortune Tlic Opportunity may not
Come Your Way Again
Twentieth Century Parmer
Offers n Number of Mnsntflacnt Prizes to those vrho
will net na Audits
And 30 Other Cash Prhtcn ratling from 500 to 25
Deo Publishing Company of Omnhn nnd In an agricultural nnd fam
ily mnguzlno of unusunl merit There nro departments for ever
member of the fnmlly special articles by men of known rcputntloa
and Illustrations will bo a prominent feature
Write for anmplo copy and ask for particulars concerning th
prlycn O
be sent to you ono year for
H HLsnKUsrn I
A Dual Role
Business Men and others recognize the im
portance of this combination by selecting
Salt Lake City
To San Francisco
Salt Lake City
To San Francisco
Two Dogs over One
Bone Seldom Agree
When two merchants are after
trade in the same community
and one advertises and the
other doesnt the advertiser
gets the bulk of It
TMiItt In nRcnmlni flint lita fifla nm
well written iindphiced in theme- r
din in thai licht covers the grounil ff
This paper Is the medium for
this community If you have
difficulty with your ads consult
us Perhaps we can aid you
We are willing to
Koenigsteins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
1k i Hours Quicker than any
310 V
For time tables and full information call on
other line
Miles Shorter than any
other line
For 14 Cents
Wn mall tli following rare ft ml nnralttoi
IpliKlilnfl lllool Ttitaitn rWd 16
I Hortltrrn ttrHin hrrd
I II a rat a Fttorll Onion Hf1 K
I PmrriliHirrrut arurabrheJ 10
I Mldtrdrti Ilrrtfirtd If
I I8lUf llidlili Hd o
1 IX HirLrl liUtirnRcrJ lb
Urlllluiriotier faced jjj
Worth 100 rM t cJl
tmrt 10 park ft ti rrt rmrvltlM will
mall j mi free tofthr with our crcat
lllmtraiui Hol CaUl i MIIn all about
H til Illllhin Ilnllnt lrma
AUo liu let Onion Hrnl 10c alb
jiwmrr wiiii iiiQiian1i if tartltit
Ublritnd firmiocli upon rtetljt oM4
- iHianutirp v nrii mips yoa plan I
Miliar Hen i ru will riavtrdowltlintiL
y i
fcOflfl YEARLY to Chrihtiim V
PdUU nun or wouinu to look
4 uftor our grow iiK btibiiii hs in this A
nnd udjoiniiiL counties to not iih 7
iiiuiiKr and correHpoiiilout work
t ciin bo loim ut your houitj Knnlosu
HolfudilroHMtd stumped euvelopo
iU for purl ionium to H A Shurmini
y Gonorul Murmur Corcoran
iiif opposito United States
S tiry WiiHliiiiKton D O
Illinois Gentral H R
Tlio IIIIiidIh Ciiiitnil IcHirrH to cull uttrntlon
to till inioxriilled Mtrvlro Unit lt ITonl y its
Illicit to tliii font h for tliu teuton of IbM lJOU
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Personally conduct
fit Huns tlirouRli to
Ioe AukoIo id Hud
KrHncibco via Now
OrleiiiiB in connection
EVERY with tliu Son
uucnMFRnAY cc lenviiiK Clilcnuo
WEDNESDAY OI1 Ulu ntraig fHIt
urtDM Mri iiv c i0 u
cinl ritiiinctioii nUo mmlo by this train with
dully trnliiH out of New Orleiuib for tlie Iacino
Cmifct Tli Minlteil from Clilciiito oory even
IriK roninU on Monday nnd Tliunsdnyg at
New OrleniiH nftcr December 18 1M with tli
of tlie Boulherii iicific bIvIub special throuuU
f - 15 lsxa tan I IASI
ecryico W Oil num
THROUGH Doublo dnily eery
ccoiiirc ice It muiutiilued oat
btHVIC f sti rm0 yin the
FROM IllinoU Central nnd
rniinectlnu lines to
I nillC NHthvilloChattanoo
ST I Ill II I 5 K und Atlanta thro
eonvlllo Florida being carried on tlio
lenviiiK Kt ImiB eyory evening This train as
well as the Day Kxiirets lenviiiK St Louiu iu
tlio morniiiK are botb tolid trains to Nashville
baviiiK through coaclicx ami sleeping cars run
ning through Murtin Tcnn and thu N C St
It Hy Connection via tbiB line for all princi
pal Miluts In tlio Southeast such as Charleston
Wilmington Aiklu and Suuuuuh nud for all
points In Florida
Dally from Chicago to Memphis and New Or
iioiuts in tbn South on the lines of thu Illinois
Central and Y A M Y railroads will bo run ou
tho til st and third Tuesday of each mouth dur
ing tho whiter season
Full particulars concerning all of the above
can tie bail of agents of the Illinois Central or
by addressing A U Hanson U P A Chicagw