i tf The l4ot oik fieuas NVlll Gash lms boon nppolnlod post master nt Niobrara and will cash money onlors drawn on Ms office Now tlmt tho plow mnnufnolurors havo combined tho fnriiior will tnko rovongo by drngglng l11 produol In ho dirt Tlmt grandmothers mny soinot linos bo moro youthfnl tlmn iiiuIiIhiih Is proven In tho ease of i South Carolina woman who wns n grandmother when but 811 years of ago South Africa Is an unhealthy country cspoolally for tho English Tioro havo boon 1 1728 ilonths In that oountry up to April 1 this year Of this number 87011 died of dlsoaso Oharlos M Groon of Hastings Is rightly named Ho wont to Omaha tho other day to soo tho Rights with 150 in his Insldo pocket Ho saw tho sights but will not see his wad again It is exceedingly popular lately for n porson to disappear and leave no traco of their whereabouts Thoro aro still n few however who favor tho ooronor and undertaker by leaving remains nftor their dlsappoaranoo Tho pooplo of Wymoro havo raised 1000 and will colobrato tho glorious Fourth of July hi rip roaring stylo Perhaps they havo not hoard that tho Hplrit of ompiro Is upon us and oolobra tloiiB of tho Fourth of July aro passing nwny Some of tho papers aro of tho opinion that Mr Bryan still dosiros a third nom ination for tho prosldouoy It is evi dently a republican sohomo to koop him in tho raco Tho republicans know his strongth or woaltness and a now man might not bo so easily moasnred A Russian paper has boon suppressed beennso it said that tho oppointing of a man of medlocro ability to a cabinet position did not uinlco a statesman out of him About tho ouly safo thing for n Russsinu political editor to do is to roast tho Hottentots Omaha Hoe Tho Lynch Journal published by A O MoFarland is tho kind that is envied by mouy country publishers TIiIb week Editor MoFarland prints most of his uows on a supplement tho reading master being crowded out of tho regular issuo by legal notices at so much pur Tho Lincoln Oourior doprooatos tho mthloss slaughter of birds in shooting tournaments Tho Courier being a wo mans papor says nothing about kill ing thorn to stuff for hats at stoeii dol lars por hat But of course ono roform nt a thno is enough Fremont Tribune Tho csteomed Hamilton County Reg ister brings out William Vincent Allen for tho populist nomination for justico of tho supremo court Mr Allen has boon out of olllco about a month nlroady nud it really seems us though it was timo something was done for him York Times Governor Suvugo has boon in olllco a couple of dnys ami tho fusion orgaus havo not yet begun toboratohim which must bo conclusivo ovidouco that ho is protty near perfect A republican olll ciol with whom tho democrats can find no fault within an hour or two after ho assumes his duties is au oxooptiou That time honored amnsomout outor prise tho circus is alroady show ing to the peoplo of Nobroaka Datos in mauy towns havo boon mado by Campbell Bros tho Nebraska circus men and thoy have boon outortaiuiug good crowds This should bo a good circus year as tho peoplo havo money to spare for tuch amusements A mortgage of 100000000 was ro coutly filed in the olllco of tho Douglas county register of deeds at Omaha Tho instrument required 50000 in rovonuo stamps It was givon by tho Union Paoiflo railway company to tho Morcantilo Trust compauy of Now York to Eecuro the payment of an issuo of 100000000 of -1 por cent gold bonds Now opinions regarding fusion aro continually coming to light many of them being expressions from orstwhilo fnsiou papers Tho Rushvlllo Standard populist says Tho democrats think thoy would bo better off today had thoy never fused with tho populists aud tho populists know they would be bttor off had they never fused with the demo crats Vice President Rossovolt t and his works aro admired by tho thinking mon of all parties Speaking cf tho books of whioh Mr Roosevelt is tho author J Sterling Morton 8ays in his Conserva tive From a literary viow poiut these books nro typical of Roosevelt They are the very embodiment of a straightforward honest and courageous conviction Mr Bryan says that a man can be come his friend by accepting domooratio principles which means that thoso prin ciples must be the ones to bo approved by Mr Bryan Grovor Cleveland and J Sterling Morton will probably not be the first to acknowledge that Bryan is has been and always will bo right for aimt nmt HMdmM iiu tho piirposo of attaining tho hlgn privi lege of bolng enrolled as of that gentle mans friends Tho World liorald says Oiu Nich olas would glvo lmlf his woulth If ho could go scooting around his kingdom liku Wm Molvlnlny in doing just now Tho World Herald Is ono of tho papers tlmt foarod Mr MoKinloyfl ro oloctloa would moan iui ompiro in comparison with whioh tho czars kingdom would ho n paradise hut is now apparently satisfied that its diro predictions wero rathor fur fotched A Brooklyn banker offered to pay Interest at tho rato of 520 per cent por year and now tho creditors aro getting sovou aud one half couts on tho dollar for their claims Thoy lost over 02 por cont and are now probably satisfied that tho poison who offers a big thing for nothing cannot deliver tho goods There aro still au abuudauco of peoplo who have this valuable lesson to learn how ever aud will not lw satisfied with a legitimate incomo from their money or labor It dont require much to bocomo fa mous thoso days Prof Algio 11 Cooko tho Chicago instructor who recently assortod that ho uovor swore never tastod intoxicants novor smokod or ohowod tobacco and novor huggod or klssod a woman is now known throughout tho world is dlscussod In loading circlos and has boon honored by having his picture publishod and boiug cartooned by tho loading papers Ho will probably write a book in tho near future Tho roport that tho fluauoiors of Groat Britain fear those of tho United States will not bo uows to thoso who havo boon watching tho trond of ovouts in financial matters aud their foar will not prevent the United States from taking first placo in tho financial world Tho timo is probably now past when English fluauoiors can forco Americans to crawl aud tho timo is as surely approaching when tho former will bo tho ones to humbly bog financial favors from tho latter Ed A Fry of tho Niobrara Pioneer has takou in au assistant in tho person of W N Paxton of Omaha who will attend to tho gouoral details of publish ing tho papor horeaftor Mr Fry es tablished tho Piouoer in 1ST and has been in tho harness almost continuously sluco giving tho peoplo of that town a good loyal readable nowspapor He considers that continuous in door ser vice in that capacity is no longer noo essary and is going to lay soma of the burdens on youugor shoulders Last mouth another olmuk was cut off tho national debt in tho sum of f li7053 nud it has again boon roduced below tho billion mark being in oxact figures 5J50iS0 Paying debts and accumulating a surplus aro habits of long standing with tho republican party and under tho imperial policy of William MoKiuloy this disposition shows no signs of abating It is too bad for tho democrats that it is so but tho pooplo at prosont show no in clination to chaigo it a la Cleveland Famo of tho famous sort is sometimes so tlootiug and uucortaiu Just as Prof Algio R Crook of Chicago had estab lished himself as immaoulato in regard to wiuo women and tobacco comos a Paris paper with tho statouient that he was a confirmed flirt in his college days and presents tho pictures of three lovely damsels who had boen kissed by the prof Why should a man soar to tho highest pinnacle of famo ouly to bo ruthlessly pulled back by a villanous onomy or an outoiprising newspaper Souio of tho Omaha newspapers have boon urging a Sunday closing move mout nnd now that Mayor Mooros is dosing business houses of all kinds on tho Sabbath they ore finding an abun dance of fault It would seem that the papers either chose to discredit tho mayors administration or dosired cer tain buBluess enterprises closed while others should bo permitted to remain opou and had not anticipated a wholesale closing as a result of their reform It is probable that heroafterwhon thoy urgoa closing movemont they will consider all phases of it Another stop in the progress of the United States toward its destined posi tion at tho head of creditor nations is indicated by tho taking for this monoy markot of the wholo issuo of a loan ne gotiated by the city of Frankfort The amount is not bo very groat 3750000 but it is tho first time that the whole issue of a long term bond of a German municipality has been placed in New York Monoy is cheaper here than there and a portion of the large current indebtedness of Europe to the United States for manufactured goods as well as food and raw materials will be settled for by this bond issue in place of money Chicago Publio Polloy The efforts of the populist state com mitteo to pay up its campaign debts must bo discouraging if members of that party generally responded as liber ally as they did in Thurston county There tho faithful were asked to con tribute 32 and 75 cents was the amount sent Members of that party are evi dently averse to contributing even a q TIIK NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MAY 10 1901 small sharo of tholr republican prosper ity to a lost causo and tholr actions might nasily bo taken to moan that they aro satisfied with prosont conditions aud soo no necessity in supporting an organ izitlon tho sole aim of which is to dofeat the dominant party nud in so doing por haps bring about a roVorsal of provaling industrial conditions Thoy aro undoubt edly about ready to join with tho major ity hi lotting well onough alono Tho Illinois Central railroad company will booh Inaugurato n perfoot systom of pensions for Its omployos Tho groat Industrial organizations roallzo as uovor before tho value of competent trust worthy omployos and many of thorn nro taking moasuros that will placo a pro unum upon steady aud industrious ser vants With tho bottorlng of condi tions for the capitalist aud the corpor ations tho conditions of labor have boon constantly improving Tho timo poems to bo nt hand whou both capital and labor havo loarnod tho futility of war ring aud realize that thoy havo inter ests in common and industrial condi tions nro thoroforo more noarly ap proaching ideal methods It is to bo hopod that tho days of strikes and other industrial difficulties is numberod Tho corporation that takes an iutorest in providing for its omployos youug and old will almost cortainly bo taken caro of by them in return Thoro nro persons who mako a spe cialty in almost ovory lino of work of catering to tho pleasures of the public and it would sooni that some shrewd sohomor before this would have found a field in promoting celebration of vari ous kinds Evory community does not possess a porsou who can properly take hold of aud carry to a successful term luation n fair Fourth of July colebra tlou or othor eutortalumont in that lino nnd ospoolally cannot make now nnd original suggestions for tho nmusomout of tho pooplo nnd may not havo tho timo to dovoto to it if he can There are many very successful promoters of outortainmouts in halls and churches aud why au effort for tho betterment of outortainmonts moro neuorallv nublic should not havo boon mado is not known Tho old style fairs and celebra tions aro bocomlug moro or loss tiresome aud somoouo to suggest aud promote new methods should bo in constant do maud Editor Euo3 of tho Stanton Picket gives some sound advice to young poo ploin the followiug After all n year or two at the close of a mans life after ho has grown old perhaps beoomo de crepit is not or such great importance from a business seuso Its tho early years that count Years when a man is young vigorous and at his best Then ouo year is of moro actual value than at any other period Aud yet compara tively few porsons appreciate this fact This is the period in so many lives whou timo is frittered away because its value is not recognized Occasionally wo meet with a man who does and in almost every such instance wo find him in aftor years well-to-do a success in what over vocation ho may have en gaged Tho youug man who does not think it necessary to sow a cropof wild oats before he begins to prepare the grounds for a crop of wheat is tho man who reaps a good harvest iu season Tho working years of the average mans life aro too few to be wasted It doesnt pay Tho same rule will apply to wo men Among tho up to date business men it is considered decidedly bad form to talk in a derogatory manner of a competitor This rule is so universal aud so well established that business men in this day and age seldom break over it There is however an all too prevalent habit among some young business men of dropping now and then little remarks of a derogatory character which for the want of a better term has been styled iu tho popular vernacular knocking A kicker is a man who finds fault Ho is a man who objects to everything that is done Perhaps ho is hypercriti cal or extremely particular but the knocker is aman of jealous disposition who cannot bear to Bee anyone else get ting along fairly well without trying to undermine him or block his progress iu some way or other There aro times wheu kicking is oxousablo but kuooking never These reumrks wero suggested by a business card of an Omaha firm whicb bears on its back in largo typo Dont be a Knocker Thou follows somo very good advice re garding business conduct some of it in fact so good that it may not bo out of place to give the following extract Dont knock Help yourself Jaloug by becoming popular and push your friends with you Its dead easy Be a good fellow and you will soon have a procession of followers No man ever helped himself by knocking other people down iu character and business No man ever got rich by trying to make others believe that he was the ouly man hi town that knew anything You caut climb the ladder of success by treading on others corns Keep off the corns and dont knock You are uot the only There aro others and they have brahis and know something as well as you There is no end of f uu minding your own business It makes other pooplo like you Noboby gets stuck on the knocker Omaha Trade Exhibit Commerce is a gront diplomatist fair trading makes fast friends Wm McKtnloy Since tho Filipinos havo about quit tholr shooting tho Nebraska crops aro acquiring something of n record in that direction President MoKlnloy is winning tho plaudits of tho peoplo wherovor ho goes aud their opinion is uot biased by tho thought that ho will again bo n candi date Tho Pennsylvania steel works has posted a notice of 10 por cont advance in wages beginning Juno 1 which will ef fect nbofit 7000 omployos Fusion ex changes will please copy Henry Wnttorsou on tho domocratlo situation Wo aro mighty tired of shoot ing blank cartridges out of flintlock muskets against au onomy armed with Miuser rifles aud occupying all tho strong positions upon tho field of battle Groosus propularly supposed to have boon fabulously wealthy wasnt much according to recent investigation his woalth being computed at 7000000 He would scarcely make a mouthful for either of our two Johns Rockefeller or Morgan You may be very sure that the cata logue house dopartment store and ped dler aro after your trade for thojfprofit thoro is In it and not to benefit you your town or your home merchant To accomplish tho best results yourjmouoy should bo spout at homo whouover pos sible Money spout towardsbuilding up Omaha for iustauco helps Norfolk not at all Tho froo silvorites at one timo used the argument that tho adoption of the gold standard would make tbiscountry tho slavo of England Aloug iwith othor arguments of tho this has boon completely refuted byj ex isting facts Never was tho United States iu bettor shape financially aud novor has Euglaud beou so nearjto be coming tho slave of America California has been sending to braska quito regularly for her chickens recently and now comes tho news that au egg train of 12 refrigerator cars was recently shipped to that state from Kansas California and other coast states will in a short time afford a valu able market for the productsof the prairio states aud tho east will not always be able to dictate the prices to be paid for the produce of this region There is big excitment among railway speculators because of the profits being made iu that business These profits wero only possible however because tho farmers and other peoplo were pros perous and it should aud undoubtedly will be the aim of people investing in railway stocks to keep conditions as they are at prosont Capitalists need prosperity in order to profit aud their efforts to maintain it will accrue to tho benefit of people of all classes When a newspaper publisher does happen to become rich of which he stands about ouo chance iu a million ho is at once marked as a victim whom it is everyones privilege if not duty to pluck Tho estate of tho late Seuator Magee who was principal owner of the Pittsburg Times has been assessed with a bill from his family doctor of 190000 for professional services during the last illness of the senator It is believed the fee is the largest ever charged The Fromont Herald is likely to be read out of the democratic party the party of and for patriots if it dosnt take a short curb on its ideas Speak ing of the Cuban aud Venzuelan troubles it says In a good propor tion of cases these patriots struggling for freedom are simplysoreheads struggling for office Such an opinion expressed a year ago regarding Aguin aldo for instance would have been con sidered rank treason to the party by any good democrat Those democratic aud independent papers which have been so foolish as to oppose fusion without consulting the powers that be in coutrol of the machine will now gracefully crawfish Dicta tor Bryan has spoken on fusion aud says that he shall continue to advo cate it so long as tho allies ngreo upon tho paramount issues whioh means that any democrat or populist who dares oppose fusion hereafter will promptly bo read out of tho party The paramount issues havo not yet been specified but will be iu duo time Editors who receive complimentary tiokets to county faiis and other places are often looked upou as deadheads but tho managers of the Woodford Ills county fair who have some experience in such matters bad the following printed on complimentary tickets used This ticket has probably been paid for ten times by the paper to which it is issued It will bo honored in the hands of man woman or child white black red or yellow who favors the associa tion by presenting it It is good for en trance and grand stand and bearer if driviug will be entitled to pass team free The association recoguizes the fact that its splendid success is due to the notices so freely given by the press and white we cannot render an equiva lent in cash wo roturn our gratoful thanks Amorican Press Sioux City employers aro experienc ing somo difficulty in these prosperity times to got tho laborers thoy noed Tho following iutorvlow in tho Tribuno being a sample of others on tho samo subjoot Paying 175 a day and cannot got enough unskilled laborers nt that was tho prosperity commentary of B S Church local mauogor for tho Sioux City Provision compauy Satur day tho compauy paid out 2500 in salaries and day wages to tho employes at tho packing houso tho wages running from 175 to 4 a day for various kinds of laborers Wo hnvo nil kinds of troublo gottlug laborers Mr Church wont on It is easy enough to got tho hogs but tho troublo comos iu gotthig tho hogs killed aud cut up Cannot get men enough oven at 175 to do the rough work A leading merchant of Tildeu dont propose to allow his customers to bo fllmflammed by tho traveling grocery man who has been telling how the homo merchant has been swindling his customers Tho merchant advertises Fotoh us the duplicate order or the in voice of any bill of goods that you have purchased of the traveling grocery man and wo will fill the order with better goods at the samo price and give you a fivo por cent discount on the purchase besides and guarantee to make every thing satisfactory to you as we are hero 305 days in tho year to sell you what you need It is not unlikely that this merchant has attained honor aud prestige in his own country by his bravo words It is also probable that he is do ing no moro than could be done by any other homo merchant in competition with the traveling grocery man or the city department store aud it is his method of advertising that will win him the custom that by fair means or foul has beeu won by tho fellow having no interest in the town or country A reporter interviewed Mrs McKiuley at New Orleans aud it is probably tho first interview of the leading lady cf the laud given the public It is an interview worth reading and remem bering It is not given as from Mrs President McKiuley but from Mrs McKiuley the wife If all other hus bands of tho country could deserve such words from their wives the country would undoubtedly approachjperf ectiou Do you know Maj McKiuley Mrs McKiuley asked Ah no one can know him because to appreciate him one must know him as I do and I am not speakiug now of Maj McKinley as the president I am speaking of him as my husband If any one could know what it is to have a wife sick complain ing always an invalid for twenty five years seldom a day well andyet never a word of uukindness has ever passed his lips he is just the same tender thoughtful kiud gentleman I knew when first he came and sought my hand I know him because I am his wife and it is my proudest pleasure to say this not because ho is the president but because ho is my husband I wish that I could have seou him yesterday I love to see him among the people whom he seeks to serve so faithfully Bat I read his speeches this morning I read all his speeches I ouly wish that I could help him as I should But ho is so kiud so good so patient Ho gives me all the time he can He never for gets mo no matter how busv he is But I will be glad when he is out of publio life I did not want him to run a second time I thought he had done enough for the country and now I know that he has done enough and when this term expires he will come home and wo will settle down quietly and ho will belong to me CromrreU Was a Ilnthleaa Victor We must remember always that un der Cromwell there was no burning at the stake no dreadful torture In cold blood and therefore at his worst ho rises In degree above Philip and Alva But In kind his deeds In Ireland were the same as theirs In the Netherlands and though the Puritan soldiers were guiltless of the hideous licentiousness shown by tho Spaniards or by the armies of Tilly and Wallensteln yet tho merciless butchery of the entlro garrisons and of nil the priests ac companied by tho slaughter of other noncombatunts lu at least somo cases leave Drogheda and Wexford as black and terrible stains on Cromwells char acter Cromwell and his lieutenants put down tho Insurrection and established order because they gained such sweep ing victories not because Cromwell made merciless use of his first victo ries It was the fighting of the Purl tans In the battle itself which won and not their ferocity after the battle and It was Cromwell who not merely gavo free rein to this ferocity but In spired It Seemingly quarter would have been freely given had it not been for his commands Neither in morals nor In policy wero these slaughters Justi fiable Moreover it must bo remem bered that the men slaughtered were jntirely guiltless of tho original mas sacres in Ulster Theodore Roosevelt In Scribners A Political Sou They say you are merely a political boss said tho candid informant dreat Scott ejaculated Senator Sorghum The Irreverence of these moderns Is something disheartening Why thats all Julius Cojsar was Washington Star I nil nil Over a Score of Passengers In jured In Collision at Thayer ENGINEER BROWN KILLED raMonger Train No 3 Crnitiri Into Freight Knglno With Fatal Hurled Down Twenty Foot Utnuauk mcutLlat of tho Injured OttumwnIaMny 7 Burlington pas senger train No U was wrecked yester day while passing Thayer a small town eight miles oast of Croston caus ing the death of Engineer S D Brown nnd Injuring over a score of passen gers Tho locomotive huullng tho pas senger struck nn engine attached to a freight train that was backing on to a Bldctruck The passenger cngluo nnd all but two cars of the passenger train left the rails nnd rolled down a 20 foot embankment Thuycr Is situated In the bed of a deep ravine nnd on either side of the station the track curved sharply Neither engineer could see the others train until they were within 200 teot of each othor The passenger wns run ning nt n high speed Tho engineer of the freight train heard the passenger train coming nnd mado tho utmost en deavor to back his heavy train on to tho sidetrack He succeeded in get ting nil but the engine on the siding when the crash came As the pnsscnger train rounded tho curve Engineer Brown saw his peril but ho stuck to his post reversed his engine threw on tho nlrbrnke to the emergency notch npplled the sand and awnlted the crash At the lnst mo ment tho men on the freight engine Jumped and escaped serious injury The Impact was terrific The freight engine wns thrown across the tracks nnd the passenger engine hurled down the 20 foot embankment followed by tho baggage enr the express car the day coach and three chair cars The agent nt Thayer nnd several hangers on around the depot witnessed tho wreck nnd rendered such nid to tho wounded ns was possible befjre the nr rivnl of n relief train disnatched from this city with surgeons The dead S D Brown engineer Burlington buried beneath his engine Tho injured M Cannoy Burling ton fireman left nrm broken twice head badly cut may result fatally P E Bates Chicago porter chest badly mashed nnd back injured serious M OConnor conductor Burlington back badly injured J F Burke Jackson ville Fin slightly Injured Mrs E T Burke slightly Injured N Anderson Albin Mrs Hnrper Ottnmwu J T Hume Des Moines bndly bruised W M Beehre Chnrlton back Injured C M Buchnnnn Fairfield F F Fogg Chicago Effie Bills Murray J T McCune Ottumwa W A Hart Emer eon Hugh Dornn Ottumwa William Romers Chicago W N Pifley New Salem Ills W R Rund Chicago E G Carter Cedar Rapids L M Gallup Chlengo Will nnrper Ottumwa O E Garrett Murray Colonel Olmstend Des Moines severely injured M Shir ley nnd wife Omaha Clarence Wolne Grinnell J L Farthing Creston right hand badly bruised A C Sweeney Keokuk Dr Averlll Afton Clarence Whltlock Osceola S E Reem Os ceola Tornado In Texas nouston Tex May 7 A high wind accompanied by heavy rain and hall did considerable damage to houses nnd crops In Milan Falls and Lime stone counties last night Balleyvllle n town of 175 people lu Milan county is reported as having been wrecked nnd a number of people Injured At McClanahau Falls county the Bap tist church was wrecked and J C Owens colored was killed and a dozen white persons Injured none fatally The cotton and grain crops over a wide section were laid waste Salisbury Ke Elected City Attorney Grand Rapids May 7 The new city council lnst night re elected L K Salis bury city attorney It was a great surprise In view of Snlisburys nrrest on nn Indictment secured in Chicago last February by Guy Barton the Omnha millionaire charging Salisbury with the lnrceny of 50000 from n vault of the Illinois Trust nnd Savings bnnk of Chicago It is authoritatively stated that n call for a grand jury will Issue within the next few days to probe Into the alleged waterworks scandal Hoy Kills Itarteuder Knnsns City May 7 Bosie Lambert a boy Is being held at the police station for killing Philip Ilauen steln 35 years old a bartender nau ensteln wns fishing nt Washington park nnd tho boy happening nloug stopped to examine the mans string of fish Hauensteln remonstrated and kicked the boy when the latter struck him over the head with a club nauen steins skull was fractured and he died without having regained consciousness Lowell lias 900000 Fire Lowell Mass May 7 The plant of tho Flfield Tool compauy oil Marginal street was destroyed by fire yester day entailing a loss of 250000 ex clusive of that on orders which It will be necessary to cancel Tho shop which was devoted to the manufacture cf iron working machinery nnd lathes was running to its full capacity 100 men being employed Turqsoliei for the lreslcleut Santa Fe N M May 7 Four beau tlful turquoises from the Porterfield mines In the Burro mountains were presented to President McKiuley yes terday by Governor Otero at Demlng The largest stone weighed 20 carats aud waa a superb specimen