ra D Conciliation Committee Renders 1 Its Report I MASS MEETING IN NEW YORK ndiutrliil Lender Ailtnoatn Memiir fur Promotion of Closer Itelntlons lliitwnen Kmplnur mul Kniployes OliivoiiHiiit for Nntlnunl Arbitration New York Mny P At the meeting Inst night tho iiuIIoiimI coiuinlttco on nlMUllliitlDii anil arbitration gave out its report Ilio rnmrt says Imt the purpose of I ho organization Is to tMitor into uctlvo soivlcu In this cause of pence mul harmony In the luiliiHtrliil world for tho purpose of preventing strikes and lockouts Tho report advo cated full nutl frank conferences be tween employers and workmen with the avowed purpose of reaching an agreement as to the terms of employ ment It further says the aim Is to cstnbllsh and maintain a honed of com missioners composed of the most com petent persons available selected from employers and employes of Judgment experience and reliability which shall 10 charged with carrying out tho ob jects nliucd at and shall also bo ex pected to make known to workmen mid their employers that tliolr counsel and nltl will be available If desired In securing that co operation mutual understanding and ngreomont already Indicated as the general purpose of the national committee The committee will Rolcet from Its members an executive committee of 15 to direct the work of the organization A mass meeting under the auspices of the committee on conciliation was held last night at Cooper Union to fur ther the movement Inaugurated at the conference on Tuesday to form n na tional board of arbitration A little group of socialists In the audience who Interrupted tho speakers and declared they wanted only force were told to restrain themselves NOT GUILTY OF ROBBERY Defendant In Manilla KipreM Case liven Verdlrt fur Aciiulttnl by Jury Dcnlson la May 9 The argument 1n the case of the state of Iowa against Jackson and Stovnl charged with the Manilla express robbery occupied all of yesterday after which the Jury re tired to the Jury room After an nb bouco of two hours from the court room tho Jury returned the following verdict We the jury llml the de fendants not guilty i The defendants were relenseil from Jail last night 1 Suffering In Jacksonville t Jacksonville Flu May 1 The full meaning of the wldesivead suffering In Jacksonville was realized yesterday when It was announced that In one of the meetings that a great number of men who had never been used to man ual labor were clamoring for work Among them were clerks bookkeepers and even professional men three young physicians especially declaring their condition destitute as they had lost wardrobes olllces tlxtures and every thing In the fire The department of labor has undertaken to give clerical employment to all of these applicants lrntit Agnlunt Mull Kolittre Constantinople May The ambus Bailors of the foreign powers have dis patched identical notes to this porto characterizing the seizure by the Otto man postal authorities of foreign mail bags as a breach of International law and holding the porto responsible for the consequences One of the mall bags opened Sunday contained dis patches for the German ifmbassador Free right In Jury Itouin Muncle Ind May I While trying to come to a conclusion as to tho guilt or innocence of Henry Warenal on trial for causing a disturbance on an Interurban car the Jury came to blows and the locked Jury room had to be broken open before tho light which raged inside could be stopped The trial ended without a verdict Woman Is Fatally Humeri Omaha May I- With a roar that startled the neighborhood a can con taining gasoline exploded In a small frame dwelling house at 1315 Ohio street yesterday probably fatally burning Mrs Albert Stevens who was attempting to kindle a lire with the lluld In tho kitchen stove laieucera letting Well Crcston In May 0 All of tho in jured passengers of train No 3 on the Burlington road in the wreck at Thay er Monday noon are doing well and no deaths have occurred among the wounded nor are any expected Sev cral of the Injured have left the hos pital English Miner Not to Quit London May 0 The miners havo de cided against n stoppage of work in protest against the governments pro posal to impose a tax on coal If the owners should attempt to reduce wages In nny district conventions would be called to consider the question Indeiuulty Not no Large Washington May 9 Information has been received here confirming tho AsBOclnted Press dispatch from Peking regarding the amount of Indemnity to be demanded This total has now been reduced from something llk 500000000 to 337000000 Illotous Disorder lu Spain Hendnye Franco May 9 Advices re ceived here from Barcelona Spain say several persons were killed und num bers were injured during the disorders there yesterday A majority of the tradesmen have Btruck work WORK OF CANNIBAL FIENDS tUlMWitttriMl Itcnmlin or Tho Mlttlmi rliM IMfimrpil In New Milium Itilsbaue Queensland May 9 A search paily which has returned from New Guinea discovered the half eaten remains of Uev lames Chalmers and Rev Oliver Tompkins of the Loudon Missionary society and their followers who were massacred In April by na tives on Fly river New lulnea after a tribal light It appears that when the party of Mr Chalmers approached the shore they were surrounded by a licet of canoes tilled with armed natives They were never seen again The punitive expedition partly destroyed the villages and canoes of the district where the massacre occurred and killed 12 1 natives BANKER POLLOCKS FATE Missing Hank President r Cleveland KIIU Himself In a Seattle Hotel Sends Hul lot TliroiiKli III llriila Seattle May I A man believed to bo It N Pollock the missing bank president from Cleveland O ended Ills life here yesterday In tho Hotel York by sending a bullet through his brain A razor a two ounce box of rough on rats ami a phial containing 1H tablet of aconite were found at baud All papers belonging to the man had been burned before committing the deed He arrived here Monday and registered as James Fisher He failed to appear during the next day and his room was Dually broken Into Lying In a reclining position was found the body The deceased had not appar ently stirred after llrlng the fatal shot No clue could be obtained In the room and the name of It N PotlncJc was found sewed on the Inside of his coat placed there by a Cleveland tailor Pollock appeared well dressed and had 30 In money In his pocket Cleveland May 0 It N Pollock who Is reported to have killed himself In Seattle yesterday wns president of the Cuyahoga Savings and Hanking company of this city lie was W years old married nnd had three children lie was the promoter of the bank which closed Its doors last Monday Pollock disappeared ten days ago and had not been definitely placed until news of his reported self destruction readied this city last evening PHYSICIANS ELECTOFFICERS Dr Leake of Fremont Chosen President of lliu Homeopath Lincoln May U The three state medical societies In annual convention devoted the day to the reading of pa pers and discussion of technical sub jects The homeopaths elected the fol lowing olllcers President Dr 13 N Leake Fremont vice president Dr H H Finney Lincoln secretary Dr II 0 Miner Falls City treasurer Dr 0 S Wood Omaha Following are the now olllcers of the eclectic school President Dr M II Ketchuni Lincoln vice president Dr O Pickett Broken How secretary treasurer Dr W N Itiiuey Adams The feature of the session of the allo pathic society was the address of President II M McClanahan In which he advocated a more liberal spirit on the part of the practitioners of the regular school lie would he said adopt such as was good In the Chris tian Science doctrine as well as that of the osteopatblsts Kill Mlrl nutl llliuxt ir Keokuk May William Achtrah a fanner residing In Hancock county Illinois yesterday went to the home of Hubert White a neighbor and de manded to see Whites daughter Maud aged 17 whom he had tried to Induce to leave her home after having ruined her she having been formerly ployed at his home When Miss White appeared Achtrah tired twice nt her with a revolver one bullet penetrating her abdomen and causing her death In a few hours Achtrah then went home and shot himself in the right eye drop ping dead Achtrah leaves a widow nud an adopted son Veteran Kleet Steel Plnttsmouth Neb Mny 0 Tho 25th annual encampment of tho Nebraska Grand Army of the Republic begun yesterday afternoon and will probably continue until Friday Tho attend ance is larger than usual National Commander Leo Rassleur of St Louis Is a guest of tho encampment and will make an address C F Steel of Falrbury was elected senior vice commander and R S Wil cox of Omaha department commander of the Grand Army of the Republic Opens Atutrallan Inrllanient Melbourne May 9 The duke of Cornwall and York opened the Aus tralian federal parliament at noon to day Tho ceremony wns brilliant TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD The plow combine Is likely to be merged Into a great trust of all the implement makers of tho country The London papers warn the British public against buying American rail roud shares at present inflated prices Two hundred unlou bakers at San Frauclsco struck In sympathy with the cooks and waiters strike which has beeu on for several days It Is reported in St Johus that Mr Bond the premier Is now on his way from London to Ottawa to confer with the Dominion government regarding tho Boud Blaine reciprocity conven tion with the United States which will probably be revived Another hearing was given by Chancellor Pltuey in Jersey City on the order to show cause why the Amal gamated Copper company should not bo permanently enjoined from absorb ing the Boston and Montana und Butte md Boston Mining companies THE NORFOLK NKWS FRIDAY MAY 10 l01 IfflllMl Chief Executive is Welcomed by Governor Gage GREETED AT REDLANDS HtrenU of the City Cnrpeted Willi Flowers mul Presidential Party Hovels In Vcr ilnnt Hecopllon nt Los AllJtllll 1 Los Angeles May I Yesterday the president and parly had their llrst taste of the hospitality of California The Introduction to the land of sun shine fruit and llowers was like a dream of paradise after the three days spent In the alkali deserts of Tex as New Mexico and Arizona Govern or Gage and the California congression al delegation met the president at Red lauds and welcomed him to the state It was here that the president got his llrst faint Idea of the wonderful reception that awaited him Through mi avenue lined with palms and Ve netian musts he drove over beds of roses beneath a triumphal arch of llowers and fruit to the Casa Lomn hotel on the balcony of which the All along the route of the drive ladles the orange groves and parks followed All along the route of the drives ladles showered the president with llowers nnd through the streets they bom barded him from the windows with confetti until the air was a perfect maze of color From Hedlands down to Los Angeles It was one continuous ovation Iflvorv ntutlon wan rrmviloil will f1illftt iitl ivIHt iiriiiifliu tf tlfiwitO I in their hands and with cheering men nud women The approach to the city of Los An geles was heralded by a terrlllc din which could be heard for miles Steam whistles screamed cannon boomed and as the train passed through the Chinese iiuurters of the city long strings of firecrackers hung from awnings exploded like the contin uous rattle of musketry The city has been beautifully decorated in honor of the presidents coming The llesta Is In progress here and the town was dresser like u queen to receive the coming of her lord At the station the party was met by the citizens committee and many distinguished people from all over California Gen eral Shafter commander of tho De partment or the Paclllc with his entire staff in full uniform had come down from tho Presidio to greet his chief Secretary of the Navy Long who was to have met the party nt San Fran cisco also came here to meet the presi dent and was at the station The party were driven In carriages to the Van Nuyes hotel An escort of artil lery and several companies of mltllln had been provided to escort them but both the military and police had to light their way through the enormous crowds which had swarmed Into the city drawn by the double attraction of the presidents visit nnd the car nival At the hotel the police were obliged to literally force a way to tho en trance There the president met Gov ernor Nash of Ohio and the Ohio con gressional delegation who had arrived by different routes an hour before the president In the rotunda of the ho tel the mayor of Los Angeles fonnnlly greeted the chief executive and ex tended to him the freedom of th city The president then held a short pub lic reception in the parlors of the ho tel Meantime Mrs McKinley nnd the ladles of the party had been driven to the Womnns club where they met the ladles of Los Angeles In the evening the president nnd Mrs McKinley dined nt the residence of General Harrison Gray Otis Today tho president and pnrty will witness the Moral parade and in the afternoon a visit will be paid to tho soldiers homo nt Santa Monica The train will leave Los Angeles early Friday morning A Viewed In Washington Washington Muy 9 There is no disposition to criticise the report made to the Cuban constitutional convention by the delegates who visited Washing ton to confer with tho president and Secretary Root The admission of the right of Cubans to send their own rep resentatives to foreign governments and make their own treaties freo from Interference on our part except In the few specially Inhibited instances It Is believed has done much to save tho self esteem of the Cubans and It is thought tend to a speedy and satis factory conclusion of the pending is sue relnttve to the relations between the Uulted States and Cuba McKlnlejr to Address Leaguer Colorado Springs Colo May 9 The city central committee of tho forth coming Epworth lenguo stute conven tion to be held in this city lime U 9 an nounced that President McKluley will open tho convention with an address President McKinley Is a member of the Epworth league Tried to Lynch Cotleld Guthrie O T May 9 A mob made an unsuccessful attempt on the jail at Chandler last night in an effort to secure und lynch John Cotleld a farm er who Is charged with having ruined his two stepdaughters aged 13 and 15 When arrested Cotleld attempted suicide Costly Flro at Seattle Seattle May 9 A tire originating In the basement of the Mitchell Lewis Staver company building where a large quantity of lubricating oil was stored spread to the Globe hotel ad joining and to tho Leland block occu pied by a saloon and lodging house doing 50000 damage O Sterns was severely burned REO HAT FOj MARTINELLI Imposing Kxerrlsrs nt the Olil Cntliullo Cathedral In llnltliiioro Haltlmore May I Sebastian Mnrtl nelll titular bishop of Kphesus and cardinal elect of the Church of Home yesterday received at the hands of marched to the Santa Fe station Vice President Charles Richardson of Philadelphia yesterday in the chamber of commerce rooms The formal busi ness of the convention was opened by Secretary Clinton Rogers Woodruff of Philadelphia who presented the work of the municipal reformers during the Inst yenr in a paper entitled A Years Municipal Activity naaehall Score Yesterday Nntionnl League Cincinnati 3 St Louis 14 Now York 9 Philadelphia 8 Boston 7 Brooklyn 0 Chicago 7 Pittsburg 8 American League Boston lJ Philadelphia 4 Chicago 3 Cleveland 1 Bultluiore 5 Wnsh ington 1 Western League Colorado Springs 5 Omaha 4 Kansas City 2 St Paul 4 Denver 8 Des Moines 3 St Joseph 10 Minneapolis 5 Fire Destroy Cotton Warehouse Augusta Ga May 9 A fire which at one time threatened to bo a great disaster broke out In a storage com partment of the Union Compress com pany building yesterday The losses I I I III 17 l I III I II II II II Hill oIlMu M H D U UltUr UHNliniii uiiiiious tue ren nerreiui mm donned the robes which will here- after mark his rank The ceremony BREAK OF TWENTY POINTS which Is the second step In his tlon in his new position was marked 0orMnr Uun Nortieril slook by all the pomp ami brilliancy usually attendant unon such an occasion It was held In the venerable cathedral I the llrst edlllce of Its kind erected upon American soil and In which tho tlrst American priest and the first American bishop were ordained I Among those who witnessed It were men and women prominent In every j walk of life diplomats legislators educators Journalists and eccleslasts the bitter Including half a score of archbishops half a hundred bishops priests monks and seminarians The Initial stop of the ceremony took place In the palace of the cardinal ami con- slsted of the transmission of vhe her 1 retta to Cardinal Gibbons by Mgr Mnrchettl the papal ablegate Hrlef addresses were made by both tho participants In tills affair I ITALIANS DRIVEN OUT Stridors mul Imported Workmen Ex change Shots nt loin Muu Iteportori Wounded loin Kan May I Italian lnborers who came here to take ifcie places of striking cement workers were as saulted last night by strikers sympa thizers and driven to tho railroad sta tion for deportation Workmen from the smelters Joined with the workmen from the loin cement plant to run the Italians out of town For some time there has been trouble between the men employed at the cement plant and some of the workmen To fill vacancies caused by strikes and disagreements n carload of Italians was shipped here from Kansas City Tuesday night The Italians were 22 in number and were divided in two shifts lialf working Wednesdny and tho other half working that night About 1 oclock the old workmen augmented by men from the smelters sunrounded the little camp of tents on the creek bank near the factory and demanded that the men come out The Italians answered by tiring several shots and the crowd outside Immediately replied It Is said that three Iola men were slightly wounded and one Italian shot in the back The Italians broke from the tents without lints or conts and took to the woods but were quickly cap tured They were lined up and Bulls and Bears Each Have a Panic of Their Own Union Parllln Interest Credited With Having Secured Kuotigh Share to Com mand Uurllugtuu Dual New York May I The stock market yesterday offered the novel spectacle of a bear panic and u bull panic In the pit side by side The bear panic In Northern Paclllc was the Impelling cause of the demoralized rush to sell other stocks which was held In check for a time after the astounding open ing In Northern Paclllc but which gained almost panic force in the late trading Northern Pacifics skyrocket course yesterday morning to ISO compared with lMi at Tuesday nights close la almost unprecedented for short time movements in the local stock market Thlsstoek wns up to that llgure and back to the opening llgure of 153 with in three minutes It went ns low as 115 afterwards and as high again ns 170 closing at 100 The close corner Into which the shorts were crowded of course explained this movement Among the severest suf ferers In the afternoon slump may be mentioned St Paul which fell 10V I Union Paclllc 17Vi Hock Island 14 Missouri Pacific 15 Amalgamated Copper 12K Illinois Central 11 Bur llngton IOTA nnd other stocks all the way up to 10 points The tlnnl rally reduced most of these losses consider ably but the closing showed speculative sentiment In much disorder nnd prices were breaking nnew nt some points while rallying nt others i The fundamental fact In the North ern Pacific situation was that tho Bur lington deal Is plnced In Jeopardy as matters stand nt present Union Pa clllc Interests who were nlnrmed nt the danger to their property lying In Burlingtons control by the north ern transcontinental line have bought enough Northern Paeillc stock to pre i vent the ratification of the Burling i ton purchase by the Northern Pueltic shareholders unless some agreement 1 is made with them which will pro- tect their interests sufficiently The corner In Northern Pacific re- suited It is said from Mr Keeues l clever appreciation of the situation in the stock the legitimate demand for which had heavily reduced the floating supply Tho corner is a secondary aspect though the more spectnculat one to the public in a movement of far- rUHS B h r reaching consequences possibly put north bound train arrives uiri iii iitiuiiu minnL niii ll nil unit li pnssenger when it is Intended to put them aboard by force and ship them out Woodmen Mnko Radical Changea Columbus O May 9 The commit tee appointed by the Sovereign camp Woodmen of the World to revise the laws of the order yesterday decided to eliminate from the constitution nil the sections relating to the care of the sick and insane Under the sections there was a great deal of Imposition on the Sovereign camp nnd some rad ical changes were deemed necessary Entirely new sections will be drafted to cover these subjects and be ndoptcd by the local camps National Municipal League Rochester N Y May The annual convention of the National Municipal ting n stop to tne pians ror tiie great est of railroad mergers upsetting Pres ident Hills audacious plan to have Northern Pacific control Burlingtons operations There probably will now be made a triangular nrrangement with the Union Pacific sharing the control as well ns Northern Paclllc and Great Northern under n modification of the burden of the guarantee Idtiderninu and Moore Tie Lincoln May 9 Perfect weather marked the second day of the state shooting tournament There were 11 events nil white targets and mainly for nninteurs and one live bird event Interest centered in the Ne braska State Sportsmens event 25 targets which resulted In a tie le- tween Llnderman and Moore both of League was called to order by First I Lincoln with clean scores Fred bert of Spirit Lake broke 25 targets but as a professional wns barred from prize money in an amateur event Armour Iluys Slouz City Plant Sioux City May 9 The plant of the Sioux City Packing and Provision company lately the International Packing company has virtually been transferred to Armour Co und the Chicugo firm will begin its operation almost immediately A message from A Stamford White president of the Sioux City Packing and Provision com pany to B S Church resident man ager told him the plant had been sold to Armour Co but directed him to buy hogs toduy Duel In Crowded Restaurant Wichita Kan May 9 Fred Smith son of ox Judge Smith of Osborne couuty Kansas was shot and instant ly killed at Cleo O T lust night He begun shooting up the town in a res taurant tilled with women and chil dren nnd Cook Snoddy who was eat- nnrtnn nn ns fnllniva Whltnov A- K b II T puueu II piSUH XUe Co 105000 Phynizy Co 50400 j01 s l Ut Smltu tM from Suoddys third shot Compress company 4000 TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Tho Thirty second Infantry United States volunteers was formally mus tered out of the service at the Presidio Wednesday Miss Lorlna Court who spent 17 years in Slam as a teacher and mis sionary died at the home of her father In Denver Wednesday aged 54 W F Furbeck Co Chicago brok ers suspended business Wednesday belug unable to meet margin calls upon them by their New York correspond ents Civil Service Commissioner Roden burg and Chief Exuminer Sorveu will sail from San Francisco in Juue for Hawaii They will organize locul civil service boards and conduct tho Initial exnminatlons for federal positions in Hawaii The Milwaukee road has served no tice upon all the other lines thnt it will tnke independent action and make a rato of one fare from ull points on its lines to St Puul aud return for the 1 Modern Woodmen meeting at St Paul June 10 to 15 - Lackawanna Shopmen Out Utica N Y May 9 About 200 men employed lu the Lackawanna shops in this city did not go to work today The men are holding a meeting and have re fused to make any statement except to the effect that they will not return to work unless the grievances of men In other Lackawanna shops are settled satisfactorily Death of Frederick A Stocks Blue Rapids Kan May 9 Fred erick A Stocks who was chief clerk of the United States treasury during Harrisous admlutstratlou died here yesterday of pneumonia He was in charge of the treasury exhibit at tho Worlds fair at Chicago and served in the state senate Professor Gilbert is Itemored Chicugo Mny 9 Dr George H Oil bert professor of New Testament liter ature aud interpretation In Chicago Theological seminary has been re moved from Ills position by the direc tors who yesterday found that Dr Gilberts published teachings are heretical FOREST RESERVE RULING Graror Thcro nil Mitrxrniioo mul Not on Authority of Congress Fresno Cnl May 9 Judge Welboni Bitting In the Northern division of tho United States district court for south ern California In overruling a de murrer inndo by sheep owners to com plaints against them for trespassing on forest reserves gave an Important opinion regarding the Jurisdiction of the United States executive authority over the forest reserves He held that It could not be questioned that tho United States had entire authority over Its public lauds nnd that the right enjoyed by grazers of running their stock on the public domnln is derived from the sufferance of the executive power of the national government nnd not from nny authorization of congress FATAL TRAIN WRECK IlllnnU Central Fait Passenger OltchoJ Near Kilted and Several Persons Injured Pntlucnh Ky May 0 The Illinois Central fust passenger train No 102 was wrecked at Kuttawa yesterday The engine Jumped the truck and all but one cur was turned over Engi neer Barney Keegan and Fireman Bob ert Stlft of this city were fatully hurt the engineer living but a short time Buggngemaster D M Taylor of Louis ville and Mall Agent Charles Young of Kuttawa were bndly hurt and sev eral passengers received painful In juries The wreckugo cnught tire and two conches were destroyed Fast running to make up time is supposed to have caused tho wreck Due to Corner In Corn New York May 9 William F Plel Jr president of the National Starch Manufacturing compnny when seen at his residence In Brooklyn said that It was true that the company had or dered all its factories closed He said that It was done on account of tho present comer In corn In Chicago Mr Plel snld the company did not care to purchnse corn while the corner is on but would wait until tho market be came stable lie said it was simply a case of business protection nnd thnt ho thought tho shutdowns would not lust for nny grent period of time Closing Is Temporary Nebraska City May 9 The local manuger of the starch plant states that it is about to be closed down tem porarily to give un opportunity to make some repairs and improvements and to clean up some stock that they have on hand The fact that buildings and im provements to tho value of 50000 are already under course of construction indicates that the shutdown Is tem porary American Tract Society New York May 9 General O O noward presided at tho annual meet ing yesterday of the American Tract society Dr Shearer financial secre tary In his annual report stated that 27 new publications had been added to the organizations list during tho year the total number Issued since the be ginning was S331 not including period lcalls The total number of volumes Issued from the home office during tho past 20 years is 770193114 SCIENCE OF DREAMS Resnltn of a Series of Experiment by a Gcrmiiii Professor Sleep Is not the brother of death as the poets have said from Homer to Shelley but on the contrary sleep Is the brother of life So Professor Baschlde asserts who in an article In the Uaturwissenschaftllche Runds chau gives an account of his experi ments upon 30 dreamers His sub jects were of various ages from 1 year to 80 years In some cases his observations wero continued during the whole night and In others for a great part of the night He watched and recorded every change of physiognomy every move ment of the limbs and every speech or sound uttered by the unconscious dreamers The depth of the sleep was also carefully measured while from time to time the dreamers were awak ened but without their own percep tion that tho awakening was inten tional The professor obtained as he writes at length the following results 1 We dream throughout the whole of our sleep even In that deepest sleep which we Imagine to bo dreamless 2 There is an Intimate connection be tween tho depth of our sleep and the character of our dreams Tho deeper the sleep tho further back travels the retrospect Into the past experiences of life and also the more remote are tho contents of tho dream from reality In a light sleep on tho contrary the sub ject of the dream relates to the expe riences and excitements of the day and has a character of probability 3 In a comatose sleep the professor thinks there may perhaps be no dream ing 4 Persons who assert that they do not dream are tho victims of phys ical delusion 5 Dreams of a moder ate character remain longest In tho memory Tho wilder tho dream tho sooner It Is forgotten rLondon News Matter of Doubt Dlx 1 waut to congratulate you Mix On what Dlx I understand you are tho father of a fine boy Mix Oh that was about three months ago Dlx But It Is a matter of congratu i latlon Just tho same isnt it Mix I dont know about that I only got about 15 minutes sleep last night Detroit Freo Press Improving Each Shilling Hour That little boy seems as busy as re bee YeB he has hlves Philadelphla Bulletin