The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 10, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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W N UUBK Publisher
Uteri day
Mk lcenti
ICMnlllthrd 1SS7
nirrnt Htniilftr
hj man pcrrn
wrKKtv niwsioihnai
The News cHaMMied ISM
Tim Journal f MMiIImiimI 17
Ktery Friday r mull per yenr IM
Knterril nt ttin PoMolllco at Norfolk Noli nt
ccimt clan matter
Ktlltnrlnl Department Nn
llunlnn Olllcn nml Joii Itooms No SK
It is now positively known tluit tho
leniocrnts who hnvo nsciMi l in tho
fusion movement nil theso yenrs have
toon nothing hut popnUHtB
Pojntor linn Mini fo unci ho IhnH not
Fcrvetl tho -Into for u term in tho chief
executive ollleo without acquiring n
thorough knowledge of mens political
beliefs At tho recent hnnquet of tho
1eter Cooper union Mr Poynter snid
Tho populist organization iuuh nml
shall bo maintained for if tho domo
cintH should go hack to tho original
principles of tho party before they
beennio poptiihtR in nil but immo wo
raust hnvo n pnrty left for those who
still 6tnml for tho rightH of tho people
Northern Pacific stock did n star per
formnuco in Wall street yesterday that
easily eclipsed nil previous performnnccR
of a similar ohnrnctor Tho stock nt
tho opening wns quoted nt 170 nml nt
1 1 0f hnil reaohod tho fifiO mark Hot ore
II 80 It wns selling nt 1000 ensh por
chare It iB n season of gront excite
ment nmong railway manipulators but
tho Hurry in Northern Pncillo wnB most
FonBationnl nud tho shorts woro
equeozod very offcotunlly It is to bo
hoped thnt tho speculntors will not
coutiuuo thoir mnd notions until they
effect general markets disastrously
Jho next sosbion of tho irrigntion
congress will bo held in Colorndo
Springs in July nud it promises to bo
ouo of tho most enthusiastic nud inter
ostingi sessions of tho body yet hold
Friends of irrigntion in tho west nro
impressed with tho necessity of ngitnt
iug tho question botweou now nud tho
time tho national congress aBBonibles in
December It iB only by keeping tho
matter boforo tho peoplo of tho inter
ested west nud convincing cnBtern
friends of tho vnlno of tho movement
thnt tho question may rcccivo final and
satisfactory settlement Should the
movomont fnll it will bo largoly duo to
tho innotivity of tho peoplo of tho west
An exchnugo gives tho following
More farming lnnd for tho west more
money for tho east and less wnter for
tho Bouth I Tills may bo said to bo a
summing up of tho result b of a compre
hensive irrigntion policy which would
place 75000000 ncrea of now arid west
ern laud under close cultivation and
thus create nu immonso homo market
for tho manufacturing interests of tho
oast and nt tho samo time largely pro
vent tho Hoods of tho Mississippi
Helping Your Town
It is not tho sito of a town but its
character that makes it a desirable place
to live A llvo and prosperous town is
a desirablo ouo and a town may live aud
prosper and yot bo Buiall Every citizen
of a town should bo interested in its
One of tho ways to help a town is to
always speak well of it It is true pa
triotism to stnnd by your town and
self interest as well As n mnn who
speaks ill of his own fnmily lowers both
himcelf aud his family too in tho esti
mation of others so does a man who
cares little for his towu nud community
seldom care much for his country The
man who is respected by others respects
himself and his neighbors and patriot
ism begins at homo
Another way to help your town is to
do all you can to beautify it Beautify
your own property all you cau nml theu
do all you cau to help beautify tho
etxoets Be friendly to everybody aud
courteous to strangers Your civility
will help to make good impressions and
will bo carried away and cherished
Never forget that yon are a part of the
town aud your deportment helps to
make up the strangers estimate of the
Sell all yon can and buy all yon can
at home Every dollar that is sent or
carried away from the town makes it
that much poorer If you have tho
means invest in something that will
give somebody employment Always
cheer on tho man who goes iu for im
provement Do not kick against a pro
posed improvement simply because it is
not at your door A town that is im
proving is also spreading itself ont If
ariobginan starts a project encourage
him If a poor mau starts help him
Dont be afraid to thrust your hand
down in your pocket to help a public
enterprise More towns hnve been
killed by such refusals than in any other
way The citizens of any prosperous
-town are always publio spirited aud
Stand together Work together for
the interest of the whole town always
stand ready to do your part Dont
grumble and spend your time iu proph
esying failures but help to make every
enterprise a success Every man owes
something to the community for his
own success be it great or small Be
energetic be enterprising and your ex
ample will be imitated Shelton Clipper
Indemnity Claim of 450000000
TaoJs Presented
Vlilnn llen to lliiilrrtniiil Thnt the
Amount Iltrd In fjiuniltlrrril KnlrOIII
clnli 1nviir n loim limrnnlrrd liy the
Iiiuitk licit Mi nun of HiiUIiik Money
Peking May 10 An Indemnity
claim of IfiOwoUOOO tutlH will be pre
sented to tin1 lilnisc plenipotentiaries
this evening Olllelnl Chinese through
out the empire have been communicat
ing with tin omul and giving advice
Most of them seem to favor n loan
giinrimtcril by the foreign powers
Others pniinluent among whum jH
Chang Clil Tung liellevo In raising the
money In every possible way without
a loan anil In paying 11IT the entire Io
nium within live years
The court has considered iiiethndH of
raising l0HM0K taeln extra annual
ly anil provisionally approves the plan
but the Chinese plenipotentiaries hnve
Instructions to obtain a reduction of
the Indemnity demanded as far as pos
Whatever the lliinl demands of the
powers may be If Is not believed that
the opposition will he much more than
n matter of form The ministers of
the powers met this morning aud de
cided that the Chinese should be given
to understand thoroughly that the
amount did not constitute the claim
but was the total of the expenses In
cluding private claims considered fnlr
anil was meant more to obtain an opin
ion from olllelnl sources as to Chinas
nhlllty to pay ami also as to what
means she would employ
II ul 111 Ken former director of Chi
nese railways Is on his way to Peking
He In said to lie one of llvo olllclals
whom lCniperor Kwang S11 has sent to
prepare the eapltol for the return of
tho court
Mnrliliilnta to Millie Diiiinmlii
Chicago May 10 If the present
plans of the International Association
of Machinists are carried out an ad
vance of probably YlVi per cent In
wages will be demanded of manufact
urers wfio are members of the National
Metal Trades association If It is not
granted strikes probably will lie called
on or before May -0 A mass moating
of nil machinists employed In these
shops lias been called for Saturday
night when the grievances of the men
against the manufacturers will be dis
cussed anil demands formulated
Ciinnt let Mnny Colonlnta
Ran Francisco May 10 The South
ern Pacific passenger department has
completed Its statistics on the west
bound colonist movements which be
gan Feb 1 and concluded on May 5
During this time the number of people
who came from the oast both colonist
and second class was iiOKM ns against
8005 second class for the same period
of 1000 Of this number 10015 were
colonists or traveled on colonist rates
Convention of Trainmen
Milwaukee May 10 The feature of
the convention of the Brotherhood of
Hallway Trainmen yesterday was the
adoption of an amendment to the con
stitution creating the ollleo of fourth
vice grand master Crand Master
Monlssoy gave out n synopsis of bis
biennial report During the year 1S00
there were Ul new lodges organized
and in 1000 there were 32 organized
To Fight tho Klker 11111
Sioux City May 0 The Iowa State
Federation of Labor has decided to
use all its strength against the Elkor
bill when It comes before tho legis
lature The Iowa Itetall Grocers as
sociation Is lighting for this bill It
provides that not more than 8 of n
laboring mans wages shnll be exempt
from garnishment whereas now no
wages can be garnlsheed
No Traco of Mining Cannier
St Iouls May 10 Nothing hns
ever been heard of Ernest V Harding
the missing cashier of the German
Amerlcnn bank of this city who mys
teriously disappeared six weeks ago
Mrs Harding yesterday announced her
determination to remove to Pawnee
City Neb the home of her parents
She said she would dispose of all her
husbands property
To Inclfy Chippewa
Washington May 10 Captaln W A
Meyer Indian agent nt the Leech Lake
reservation Minnesota and Special
Agent Fair have been ordered to the
White Earth reservation to pacify the
Chippewa Indians there who are dis
contented over the prices of logs they
got on their reservation nml over a
new dam
Will of A Lamb
Clinton la May 10 The will of
Artemus Lamb the millionaire lum
berman who died last month has been
filed for probate He leaves his prop
erty entirely to his wife and children
The estate Is supposed to be worth
quite 1000000 nml the business will
be carried on by his sons
Ituml Telephone Lines
Iowa Falls Way 10 The Hardin
Franklin County Telephone company
has been incorporated by Henry Buz
zell president M W Hills seeretury
and others Rural telephone lines
will be built In the two counties and
a general system be lunugurntcd for
that pnrt of the state
Instructed for Cuimnlui
Sioux City May 10 The Cummins
men scored n victory In the Woodbury
county Republican convention yester
day The convention Instructed Its
30 delegates to vote for Cummins for
Mrs Geo Pratt wns on tho sick list
this week
County Superintendent Crnm wns
hero on olllelnl duty
ludgo W T Parker of Tlldon wns
doing business hero Wednesday
Ohns Fensko bought n fnncy horso of
Theo Sohreiber for frlOO Montlny
Tames Hosobourough of Tlldcn wns
transacting business hero Tuesday
Kioldcn Brower of nenr Norfolk wns
visiting hero with friends Tut day
John Aldeg sold M bushels of fnncy
millet seed to Minis Hntnnu Monday
Clms Wolfiknnml Win llohnoko wcro
transacting business in Norfolk Mon
Mrs Maxwell will build nn extensive
addition to tho opera houso 1 01110 of
theso days
Oabo Leo of Norfolk wns up hero Fri
day with a carload of potatoes Ho
struck a poor market hero
lames Taylor arrived hero Mondny
from Old Virginia for nn extended visit
with relatives and triends
Wo would liko to sec a yearly state
ment of our village treasurer published
soon especially on occupation nud dog
Little Henry StoHenberg boarded the
trnin for Petersburg Wednesday going
homo after a two weeks visit with ro
Smn Hoitzmnn took n position with
tho Champion Harvester Co this week
Sam iB an expert in anything ho lays
his oyo on
Ono judgo in our town was obliged to
pay over quite a little stake to tho vil
lago treasury this week Thats right
make em cough up I
Kov and Mrs J Hofman wero visit
ing nt Green Garden Thursday with
Rev and Mrs Denninger Tho gentle
men are
Carl Korth of Norfolk and Ctto Rip
pko of Moville la wero up here visit
ing Saturday Mr Rippko would like
to invest iu Nebraska dirt
Now there is only ono snloon in town
aud it iB really the best thing because
when you are after a mau who owes
you you havo to go to ouly ono place
There aro some peoplo hero believing
that they do aud cau run every thiug
but your scribe discovered thnt there
was more than ono oyster in tho soup
Herman Hogrefo has rented Owen
ONeills pasture one half mile north of
town Mr ONeill shipped all his cat
tle up to his rauch nenr Long Pino last
M L Thomson wns down here from
Tildeu Sunday Mr Thomson cant
stny away from hero too long because
tho biggest iuterest ho has is in Battle
John James aud J L Popo started
Monday with a lot of cattle for Inman
to pasture them ou the Mans Brechler
ranch Mr Maas went with them and
took up another lot of his cattle
There is a now man here from Stunrt
running this crenmery plant now
Mont Yau Schoiek is managing the
Mendow Grove business for the Hard
ing Creamerj Co during the summer
Chas Fuerst quit his position in W
J Stavelys grocery store Monday
We learned that Charles is going to
start a bakery nud confectionery busi
ness here in the near future Just what
we waut
M P Hamley of -Minneapolis Minn
was here the middle of tho week look
ing nfter his farm interests in this lo
cality He is owner of three quarters
of tho finest lnnd in this county lying
in Grove precinct
Our carpenters and nnil drivers were
not feeling good these rainy days But
they are all at work again now except
ing Coutracter Chas Werner who is
still sick in bed and not one at work on
Mr Thomsons residence
John Sanders the proprietor of the
Buttle Creek Roller millB broke his right
leg above the ankle Tuesday afternoon
while jumping off his delivery wagon
He wns carried into Dr Tanners ollice
for treatmeut aud taken home after
ward We understand he iB doing
WAjBarnes who has been up to Long
Piue on ONiells ranch for some dayB
returned Monday Mr Barnes informs
us that Mr ONeill has 10000 acres of
pasture land uudor fence and a complex
of hay land whore ho can put up about
1000 tons of hay Mr ONeill returned
also Wednesday
W J Stavely our leading grocery
man added his name as n subscriber to
The News Journal thiB week Mr
Stavely is a native of Pottawataniie
couuty la and about 20 years ago was
a reader of the Journal He has been
here about two mouths and proves to be
a first cIueb business man
Wednesday our village board met to
bear one of those remonstrance cases
It was continued agaiu till Saturday
Burt Mapes was up here from Norfolk
for the complainants We will have
a barrel of f nu yet about this business
It looks as though they would close up
all the saloouB yet this yenr We heard
one of the law breeders say either
four saloons or uone We dont caro
but our beer drinkers will havo a loug
Etifnmpinriit H111M nt rintlmnonth
pertinent onicrm Iimtnllcit Onmlli
thr Nuxt Meeting 1lnrp
rinttsmouth Neb May 10 The Ne
braska Grand Army encnmpnient con
cluded Its session last night nfter se
lecting Omaha as next years meeting
place Department olllcers were elect
ed nud installed by National Com
innnder Ilassleur as follows Com
innnder H S Wilcox Ouinhn senior
vice V F Steele Falrbury Junior
vice 1 It Mnxoii Mlndon delegates to
national encampment D M Ilaveily
Omaha L I Garner Lincoln 7 L
Packard Knox county O S Peters
Beatrice William Foster Superior Jo
soph Hiooks University Place B S
Cooley Wnverly P I Pine Ashlnnd
W S Schwab Sutton
The Womans Belief Corps also elect
ed ofhecrs headed by Mrs Anna 13
Askwlth of Oiunhii as president
nnfitrnco of United llrrtlirn
Frederick Mil May 1 The general
conference of the United Brethren
church convened In this city
duy aud will remain In session for
about 12 days Five hundred ministers
and laymen from almost every state
In the union and parts of Europe aud
Caniula are here The conference Is
composed of 1 10 ministerial and 02
lay delegates Of this number two arc
women Miss Ella Nlswonger of the
Central Illinois conference and Mrs
Gelster of the Iowa conference
roitofllcn ItoUbcri Sentenced
Fort Scott Kan May 10 Lawrence
nnd Miller chnrged with postofllco rob
beries In Kansas pleaded guilty yes
terday In tho federnl court to robbing
the postofllco nt Altamont VLnwrcncc
snld he blew the safe open nlone He
was given four yenrs nnd Miller wns
given three years
Chlcngo J ruin nnd lrovlnlnn
ChliiiK May Hoard of trade opcr
ntnrx exhibited coiisldurnlilc nervounnefs to
dny In sympathy with tlio Wall street ex
citement There was however some recov
ery from the bottom prices July whent
cIohIiik ifie lower July corn iBHc down
anil July outs c lilulier lork clobed 2c
lower Inrd unchanged mid ribs Cc depressed
Closing prlees
Wlifiit Muy lc July 71371C
Corn Miiy fine July
OntH Mny Lhc July H7c
Tori May JHXm July 1470
Itllis Mny S805 July J78UM Sept
Iiird Mny 700 July 7S7 Sept
dish quotations No 2 ed whent 7351
74e No It red whent 7157tMie No 3
sprliiu wheat Wi7l2Vje No 2 hiird whent
72f7l4c No I hard wheat 70 4Ti72c No
2 com fiimc No H new corn No
2 onts 2S4c No 2 white onts 2Se No 3
onts 30n0ie
Chicngo Live Stock
Chicago Mny 1 Cuttle Receipts 0500
Including 200 Texnns sternly good to prime
steers lfi00J7rU poor to medium i8o
3 UK stackers nnd feeders i15fg50r
cows 27ri4Si heifers fnney up to 310
2713483 ennners 210ii27ri hulls
fnncy up to 180 2S3iJ440 enlves 3rO
TM75 Texns fed steers 423fT340 Texas
hulls 27rft373 Hogs Receipts today
24000 tomorrow 18000 estimated left
over 4000 nvernge simile higher mixed
nml butchers 3ri3ri82Vd good to choice
heavy i7nff87A rough heavy fi0f
570 light irOf7r7r hulk of sales 372id
Sheep Itecelpts 12000 steady
clipped Intnbs up to 475 good to choice
wethers 41057415 fair to choice mixed
350R415 western sheep 42037435 year
lings 4251145 native lambs 4002515
wefatern lambs 450f515
Knniins City Live Stock
Kansas City May iWCnttlo Uecelpts
4fi00 natives i00 Texnns 60 calves best
hi cf cattle steady to 10c lower stockers
and feeders steady cows nnd heifers lOffl
15c lower choice beef cuttle 520TjBC0
fair to Rood 450515 blockers and feed
ers t8500 western fed steers 4503
525 Texas and Indian 40500 cows
00i4r0 heifers II25t500 canncrs
2255100 bulls l257475 calves 4003
000 Hogs Receipts 10000 opened steady
closed 5c hlEber top 581 bulk of snles
50047575 heavy 7557585 mled pack
ers 3500575 llRilt 525ififl7V4i plRS
45047520 Blieep Ileceipts B700 5c high
er western lambs 4757510 western
wethers 41074lJi western yenrlliiRs
425fM70 ewes i507400 culls 250S
350 Brass Texnns t5OQ400 spring Iambs
Sonth Omnlin Live Stock
South Omnhii May 0 Cattle Receipts
3500 shade lower native beef steers 425
QOtX western steers 40051485 Texas
steers i503425 cows nnd heifers 330
7440 ca liners 17ftj12 stockers nnd
feeders lower 32i515 300
050 bulls stuns etc 27SR425 Hors
Rccelpts 7000 sonde hlsher heavy 5074
g575 mixed 5117517 llpht 5r
505 pigs 500l5J0 bulk of snles 5553
Sheep Rceelpts 3000 ow week
yearlings 42fi450 wethers 3007433
ewes 3257400 common and stock sheep
350aiSO lambs 425T510
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole 6ystem when entering it through
the mucous surfaces Such articles
should uever be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians as
the damage they will do is ten fold to
the good you cau possibly derive from
them Halls Catarrh Cure manufac
tured by P J Cheney Co Toledo
O contains no mercury and is taken
internally acting directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system In
buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure yon
get the genuine It is taken internally
and made in Toledo O by F J Cheney
Co Testimonials free
Sold by Druggists price 75c per bottle
Halls Family Pills ore the best
It is with a good deal of pleasure
and satisfaction that I recommend
Chamberlains Colio Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy says Druggist A W
Sawtelle of Hartford Conu A lady
customer 6eeing the remedy exposed
for sale ou my show case said to me
I really believe that medicine saved my
life the past summer while at the shore1
and she became so enthusiastic over its
merits that I at once made up my mind
rxrrKwrv SKZZ22rZZZEZ
to recommend it iu tho futnre He
contly n gontlemnn enmo into my storo
soovorcomo with colic pnina thnt ho
snnk nt onco to tho iloor I gnvo him n
doso of this remedy which helped him
1 repented tho doso nnd in fifteen min
utes he left my storo smilingly Inform
ing mo thnt ho felt ns well ns ever
Sold by Mesnu Drug Co
Tho Spring Fer
is n mnlady which no ono can escape nt
this sonson of tho year Tho vitality is
nsunlly overtaxed during tho winter
mouths nnd spring finds the system nil
run down Tho blood is thinned nnd
impure Tho kidneys and liver nro In
nctlve resulting in n loss of energy nnd
nppetito nnd n dernngemout of tho
nerves Lichtys Celery Nervo Com
pound will puriiy your oiood tono up
your nerves nnd lenvo you feeling fresh
nnd energetic Sold by Geo B Chris-
tOpll v
Constipation neglected or badly
t rented leads to total disability or death
lloclty Mountain Tea absolutely cures
coin tip ition in nil its forms 5o Goo
B Clnistoph
Nnsill CJiiurrh piickly yields to trcnt
ment by Elys Cicnin Unhu which is ngrco
nbly nroinutic It is received throUgh tho
nOstrilB cleanses nml henls tho wholo sur
fnco over which it diffuses itself Druggists
sell tho COc Pizo Trinl sizo by innil 10
cents Tc6t it nnd you nro euro to coutinuo
tho treatment
To ftccoiunioclnto those who nro pnrtinl
to tho ubo of atomizers iu applying liquids
into tho nasnl passages for catarrhal trou
blet tho proprietors prep ro Cream Dnlm in
liquid form which -will bo known nB Elys
Liqufcl Crenrn Unlm Prico including tho
praying tube is 75 cents Druggists or by
mail Tho liquid form embodies thoincd
icinal properties of tho solid preparation
IMlea of People Have Illes
Rectol has cured piles of people of the
piles to stny cured A pile pipo free
with each pnekngo We sell it on n
positive gnnrnntee No care no pay
r0 cents Samples free Kiesnu Drag
Co Sole Agents
Tho grentest skin specialist iu Amer
ica originated tho formula for Banner
Snlve For nil skin diseases nil cuts or
sores and for piles its the most healing
medicine Beware of substitutes A
H Kiesan
op Tim
Gitizens National Bank
At Norfolk in tho state of Nebrnska
at the close of business
April 24 1001
Loans nnd tlitcouuts 104943 03
Overdrafts tccurotl nml unsecured
U b Hoim to tcctiro circulation
llnnkiuK hoiiM furniture nnd ilxturos
Other real cbtato owned
Duo from National lank not
KeproAKcntt 19139 24
uiio 1 rum siaiu iiaiiKS nml
HiiukerK 741 44
Duo from npprocil rceorvo
intents 31348 32
Internal Revenue Stamps 371 Ci5
Clieck H ami otliur cath items 776 78
Notes ol other National
Hanks 1310 CO
Fractional paper currency
nickclh and cents 130 81
Lawful Monuy Reserve in
Hank viz
Specie 9376 71
lCinMcnilcr notes bixu uo
Redemption fund with U S
Treaturer 1 per cont of
Ill 29
21000 00
113W 00
6000 00
7j193 04
1250 00
481307 38
Capital stock paid iu 0000 CO
Surplus fund 5500 00
Undivided profits Iceb expenses nnd
tnxes paid 5792 06
Nntioual Hank notes outstandinR 25000 00
Due toother National Haukt MO 34
Duo to State Hanks nud
Hunkers 1124 b
Individual deposits subject
to check 92637 52
Demand certificates of de-
IHisit lP9fO 19
Time certificates of deposit 75612 39
Certified Checks 550 00
197913 32
Total 384207 38
Stnte of Nebraska county of Madison pb
I G A Luikart president of the above
mimed bank do solemnly swenr that tho above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
nud belief Q A Luikabt
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this lOtb
day of May 1901 C C Gow
Iseai Notary Public
Cobuect Attest
W H Johnson
L Sessions
Cabl Asmus
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
Brauch Avenue
and Third St
James Richards M D
And Expert Refrac
Examination of the eye
FitEB to patients and patrons OOice 1104
Faruam St Omaha opposite Paxton Hotel
I do dretsmnkiug and plain sewing
Will do work at private houses or at my
roomB in Mrs Yonugers boarding
AtlornejB nt Law
Mast Block
J II IlnrnoR
M D Tiler
Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic llivslclnn ninirSnrgcon
Ollleo Clti oiiR NntlonnI Ilnnk llnlldltig
Telephone 101 46
Bnultnrium nml Itcrldcnce Main 11 ml 13th St
Teletihouo 9
Norfolk - Nebraekn
ltobertson Mock
Norfolk Nebrntkn
OBlco over CltUcnV Nnttonnl Flank Reelilencs
ono block north of Cougrcgntlounl church
Norfolk Nebrnska
Ollleo in tho Matt Dlock
Norfolk Nebraska
- - -
Fashionable Dressmaker
Dp etaire in Cotton block over Damns etors1
Firet clnes work guaranteed
Osteopathic Physician
Rooms oer Hnyee Jewelry House Norfolk
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 10 11 and 12 MnetbJock
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
Undertakers and Einbalmere
Sessions Blk Norfolk Ave3
Norfolk - - Nebraska
For Ilnmliing Steam Filling Pomps TanVa
Wind Mills
And all work in this line call on
Bbtisfaction Guaranteed
First door South of The Daily News Office
Suite made to order and in the InteBt style Re
pairing neatlyldone Shop ou South Fourth St
south of BanmBrot
NO 33
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Mrers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Office
Merchant Tailor
Has a Fine Line of
Spring and
All Up-to-date Goods
Made up in latest
i 14
UI f