The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 03, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Government in Charge of Town
and County Scat Sites
HlHa for Oni eminent UnlliUnu Cinirt
Holme and Iark arc lteerfd Land Ik
not Kcpml toTlil or Panning Purpurea
Hpeciilatnm Stmt hit
W M RobortFon nntl son Sydney
who recently returned from a weeks trip
through Oklahoma report thnt country
to bo fairly booming nnd pooplo flocking
in by the scoro to tnko ndvnutngo of
tho nowly opened territory In ono
town thoy report thnt 48 hrlok blocks aro
in courso of construction Railroads
are hustling to got into tho now
country and activity prevails every where
Tho speculators have been shut ont by
tho government which Iiuh taken town
hiUn into its own hands and 1b conduct
ing the Rale of lotR in it manner that is
proving very sntlsfi ctory to investors
Jn county scat towns n sito Ib reserved
for n court house and a govormuout
building and a tract for a public park 1h
also reserved Tho lots and blocks aro
laid out uniformly about these rest rvn
tinns and it 1b expected that tho cities
will bo very beautiful and modern whon
built up
Each Investor is allowed to purchaso
but ono business and ono residence lot
and tho money received from tho sale
ot lota will bo placed in tho county
treasury whon tho county iH orgunizod
nod will bo used for the building of
court housea and for other expenses of
tho county ThiB will allow of tho
county starting ont free of debt and
should prove most ucceptablo to tho
prospective residents Some of tho
towns are already laid out and being
opened up
Those who have been over the ground
cannot fail to realize that the country is
having a boom similar to that ex or
ienoed by other new countries and that
there is nothing particular in sight to
maintain it in its present huBtling con
dition They recognize that tho time
will como when the boom will collapse
and that business will Bettlodowu to tho
conditions of older plnces Soruo few
will prospor and grow rich but many
willbo disappointed and return pooror
than they entered Tho land for farm
ing purposes is generally conceded to be
below the averago and ib fit mainly for
ranges Many who go thoro to invest
would bo much moro certain to profit if
thoy would invest in tho avallublo land
in this and other localities and their
profits would be moro quickly realized
There is pleuty of uvailablo laud hero at
prices which aro not nureasonablo and
it is no venture to invest in them as
their quality Iiub been tested whilo iu
that country it will require somo time
to determine their worth Thoretore
thoBo who have money to invest are
advised to placo it in a suro thing and
if they already own laud would bo run
ning great chances to sell out nud take
a risk in Oklahoma The timo will
como when many now there or going
will bo only tfio glad of an opportunity
to return to their former homos aud
pick up where thoy loft off whilo their
neighbors who remained have been
forging ahead
I lrenlilent and Orurrnl Manager orSiiK
mr licet hui Irrigation Company
W S Pardonuer at one timo mau
nger of the Norfolk sugar factory is
president and general manager of tho
Arkansas Valley Sugar Beet and Land
Irrigation company which is being or
ganized at Chicago with a capital stock
of about 600000000 The company
owub about 80000 acres of land along
theArkausas river iu southern Colorado
aud the plant will bo located in Prowers
county in tho famous Rocky Ford fruit
district The company expects to
between fl 000000 and 2000000
in tho construction of water storage
reservoirs this year
This company is said to be tho largest
beet sugar concern in the world and the
colonization of its lands by farmers
will be undertaken A number of Now
York capitalists inoluding the Oxuards
the Cuttings tho Hamiltons the Law
sons and Richards of the Mercantile
Trust company are interested
In assuming these new and import
ant duties Mr Pardonnors connection
with the Oxnard Construction company
is not ohanged and he will continue in
the official capacity he now holds with
that concern His Norfolk friends con
gratulate him upon attaining this new
poeitiou iu which his ability will have
larger scope
Prompt Pay went f Death Imm
Yesterday Mrs Sarah Brown received
at the hands of tho proper officers an
order for 2000 iu payment of the boue
ficiary certificate taken out by her hus
band in the Ancient Order of United
Workmen he having been a member of
Norfolk lodge No 97 Mr Brown died
on the 27th day of March and payment
on his certificate was made by the
grand lodge of Nebraska in a little
more than 30 days since his death
Tho order is characterized by the
prompt meeting of death losses aud al
though this was prompt it is not the
quickest payment in the history of the
order one certificate having been paid
in eleven minutes after tho death of tho
member llo resided in Grand Island
and tho grand lodge finance coniinitteo
waR in session there at tho timo mak
ing thlR record possible Mrs Brown
makes tho following acknowledgement
of tho payment
NoiiroiK April 20 1001 TIiIb is to
cortlfv that on this date 1 have received
n tn imrmciit of the 2000 beneficiary
certificate issued by tho Anoient Order
of United Workmen in about IK days
of tho death of my Moved husband
1 am gratified to attest to tho prompt
ness of tho order in meeting its obliga
tions Baiiah BllOWN
An Ordinance Itciciilatlng Street Auction
Imum IIr Plrai Heading
Prom Wednmlnya Dally
Tho city council met in adjourned
regular meeting last evening with Mayor
Robert sun and Councilmen Bmmmund
Deguor Oraut Heckman Spcllmau and
Uhlopresont Absent Bullock
MinutoRoftho meetings of April I
and 18 were read and approved
Tho commltteo on tiro and police re
ported that it had purchased and placod
the lamp at tho city hall also in con
nection with tho mayor had hired a
man and team to stay at tho Iiobo house
on two windy afternoons to bo ready in
case of fire
Tho street and alloy commltteo re
ported tho purchaso of a car of stone
for ciOHsings
Petition of E E Coleman and others
askipg f or a Bidowallf on HiggiuBavenuo
south from Norfolk avenue and ono
from Carl Wlldo and others asking a
sidewalk on tho west sido of Sixth stroot
between Park and PhlHri avonues wore
read and on motion roforred to tho
street and alloy committeo with instruc
tions to report an ordinance at tho next
regular mooting
Tho Stortz Brewing company made
application for a permit to erect a brick
building with metal roof on tho east
half of lot 10 block 4 of tho original
town On motion tho permit was
The report of tho boiler inspector wub
read and ordered filed
Ordinance No 257 regulating the
solo of goods at auction ou tho streets
was read tho first timo and on motion
passed its first reading by u vote of four
to two against A motion to suspend
tho ruloB aud place the ordinance on its
second reading was lost four council
men voting In favor of tho motion aud
two against
On motion tho mayor was lustructod
to appoint a committoo of three to In
vestigate tho matter of extending the
water mains on Philip avenue tho com
mittoo to report at the next meeting
Tho mayor appointed as such committee
Brummuud Spellman and Uhle
A motiou prevailed that tho mayor
appoint a committee of threo to employ
tho services of an expert machinist to ex
amiuo tho small pump at tho pnmpiug
station nud report its exact condition
The mayor appointed as such committeo
Deguer Uhlo and Bmmmund
On motion council adjourued
Norfolk la to Have u Commercial School
Opening ThU Pall
G W Brown jr proprietor of
Browns Business college of Sioux City
la expects to open a branch business
oollego hero tho first of September al
though tho workers will bo here about
JulyJlstMr Brown is negotiating
for tho third iloor of tho Cotton block
on a fivo years lease These rooms
will be specially fitted up for school
during tho summer
This school will have the same courses
of study and methods of instruction as
tho Sioux City college A compotont
mau will bo in charge of the school as
principal and will be assisted by exper
ieuced aud successful teachers
Mr Browns undo in Illinois is cou
ducting successfully ten business col
leges and he spent twelve years with
Mr Brown holds a Worlds Fair di
ploma for skill in teaohiug bookkeeping
nud penmanship He will visit this
school onco a month to oversee tho
teaching and look after the advertising
nud business mattors Mrs Brown
who is nu expert teacher of shorthand
and typewriting will be here onco n
mouth to superintend the teaching of
the shorthand department
After tho rooms are completed suit
able furniture nud fixtures also type
writing machines will be put in place
duriug the summer The local princi
pal will move his family to Norfolk
about July 1st
llamiiiouil Louisiana An Ideal Health
uuil Winter Itenort
The passenger department of the Illi
nois Central Railroad company has just
issued a new edition of Hammond
Louislona as a Winter Resort a beau-
tiful illustrated folder showing a few of
tho winter attractions iu aud about
Hammond copies of which will bo
mailed free on application to theuuder
For those iu good or moderate circum
stance uo point iu the Eouth oilers such
inducements The climate is unsur
passed The arteeau wnter excellent
Society almost entirely northern and
the hotel and boarding house accomoda
tions far superior to any town of its size
in the north and at moderate rates
J P Mehky
AsBt Gen Pass Agt 111 Cent RR
Dubuque Iowa
Thn Iadlen of the KalTrn Klaturh Olvn a
Notel ami Knjovalilo Kiitertalnment
laat turning
Lost evening tho ladies of tho Kaffco
Klatsch gavo a progressive dinner
whioh was participated in by tho hus
bandit of tho members of tho club with
Mrs Lucilo Mathews of Omaha Mrs
Joseph Shoemaker of Salida Col and
Mr E C Howo of Los Angeles Cal as
guests of honor Tho dinner was
served in six courses nt as many homes
of Klntsoh ladies
Tho first courso was given by Mrs
Wentherby who was assisted by her
mother Mrs Warriok Consomme iu
oups radishes nud olives constituted
this number on the menu which was
seived at tables in tho parlor and dining
room whoro tho decorations wero car
nations Part tiers and places wero
chosen by numbers Guests wero pre
sented with hand painted menu cards
in blank whioh thoy wero expected to
fill out aa the dinner progressed
Tho noxt courso was at tho homo of
Mrs Dr Bear that lady being nsBistcd
by Mrs Morris Mayer Six small
tablcB wero sot in tho parlor aud deco
rated with carnations and smilax At
the plates tho guests found names and
quotations Tho cotrso consisted of
deviled crabB m the Bhell nud wafers
Tho third courso was at tho home
of John R HayB Mrs Hays being as
sisted by Mrs David Banm Chicken
pates potato croquottes and sliced
tongue were served tables being placed
in tho parlor and dining room Partners
were choson with matched cards
Tho company then progressed to tho
home of N A Ralnbolt where Mrs
Rainbolnt was assisted by her daughter
Mrs Bucholz Tho color scheme was
red the camntionB being of that color
with shades of candelabra in same
color The courso consisted of tomato
and Bwcot bread salad with cucumbers
cheese Btraws wafers and coffee
At the home of E A Bullock Mrs
Bullock was assisted by her mother
Mrs A S Johnson The colors used in
decorating were pink sweet peas and
carnations predominating The com
pany was served in tho dining and sit
ting rooms with strawberries Ice cream
aud angel food cake
Tho last courEo was at tho homo of O
S Bridge Mrs Jacob Buum assisting
Mrs Bridgo in serving The tables
wero laid in the dining room and the
decorations wero of enrnations The
guests wero served with vanilla wafers
and ramonas After dinner coffee
candy and cigars followed Tho guests
lingered over the coffee and cigars and
remained until a lato hour
This is tho first attempt at a progres
sive dinner iu Norfolk and it proved n
thorough success in every particular
Itcnl Ktttato TraiiHferii
The following are tho transfers of
real estate iu Madison county for throe
weeks ending April 27 1001 as re
ported by D J Koeuigsteiu official ab
Durland Trust Co to Cora B Cook
wd u4 5 of block 0 Glen Park add to
Prank Caraher to Thomas OShea
wd b 22 feet of lot 2 block 17 Barnes
1st add to Madison
Oherrioll N Johnson to trustees of
First Presbyterian church Madison wd
8tj block 11 MandamuB add to Madi
O P W Marquardt to W A Ballan
tyne wd lot 5 block 7 HaaseB sub lots
to Norfolk 1500
Harria Iliskins to Euclid Martin wd
part of lots G nud 7 block 18 Barnes 1st
addition to Madison
P V Lewis to Geo B Rouse wd nji
of lot 8 block 2 Meadow Grove
P V Lewis to Charles Evans wd
lot 2 block 4 Lewis add to Meadow
Carl Wilde to Anna T Rowe wd s
of sj of lots 9 and 10 block 8 Koeuig
steiu 1st add to Norfolk except alley
Abel E Campbell to William H
Bridge of lot 1 block 8 Haases
sub lots to Norfolk
John A Husouetter to Andrew E
Lindwd e40feet of lotl3block R R
add to Newman Grove
A G Moyer to Daniel Kuapp wd
block 28 P W Prltz add to Madh on
Thomas OShea to Mlunie Soheler
wd s 311 feet of lot 2 block 17 Barnes
add to Madison
F J Hale to Edwin H Luikart wd
part of block 14 Battle Creek 1500
Philip Beck sen to Edward Fuerst
wd lot 7 block 0 Battle Creek 450
William H Butterfield to Otto Sel
ling wd wK o lot 5 block 4 Pase
walks add to Norfolk
Gustav Mauske to Hester Brubaker
wd above givtu iu place of lost deed
Laura Olds to Chas Evans wd lot 3
block 4 Lewis add to Meadow Grove
August O Hugeman to Heiurick
Stetllu wd lot 10 block 8 Puewnlks
3rd add te Norfolk
Christian Kretzr to Heiurick Steflin
wd lot 9 block 8 Pase walks 3rd add to
Nels S Nelson to Martin Mathiassen
wd lot 5 block 1 R R add to Newman
F J Hale trustee to Worth Halsey
wd lot 21 block 4 Uuiou cemetery
Albert D Hiuman to Charles R
Hlnman wd yz int in e of swi 9-21-4
Norfolk Stato Bank to Storz Browing
Co wd ofc lot 10 block 4 Norfolk
Wisconsin Furniture Coffin Co to
Alfred ADouol mvf 1000
Pioneer Townslto Co to Crowell
Lumber t Grain Co iil Interest In lots
1 2 nnd 3 blook 21 R It add to New
man Grove 200
Cora E Harvoy nnd husband to A T
Rodman wd lot 1 block 10 nnd lot 13
block 17 R R ndd to Newman Grovo
Cora E Harvoy and husband to R B
Otis wd lot 20 block 3 R II add to
Newman Grovo 75
Corn E Harvey to Crowell Lumber
Grain Co wd lots 1 2 and 3 block 23
R R add to Newman Grovo 200
Cora E Harvoy to Christian Simon
son wd lot 1 block 21 R R ndd to
Newman Grove
P V Lewis to Laura Olds wd lot 3
block 4 Lewis add to Meadow Grovo
Emilia Epplor to Jacob Schler wd
lots I and 7 block 1 and lots 2 3 4 5 fl
and 7 of Roes sub division of block 15
Dorsey placo add to Norfolk 400
Plonoer Townslte Co heirs nt law of
A E Lewis dood wd lotB 12 13 and
14 block 0 Kimball and Blairs add to
Burnett 240
W E Rose to I W King wd lot 9
block 7 R R add to Newman Grove
T F Mommlnger to Gnlick Osb wd
swH of 5-21-4
Sndio Hetrick Long to Alice Mae
Reed wd int in nwK 17-22-2 500
Thomas Carrahor and wife to Anna
Christiansen wd noi 4-21-3 4800
Frank M Smith and wife to Fritz
Kamrath wd swK 17-21-8 3900
Max Schmellberg to I M Macy wd
n 50 feet aud i foot of s 100 feet of
cjj of lot 4 block 3 Pasowalks add to
Omaha Loan and TruBt Co to Troy
W Bishop wd BW4 10-28-2 1200
John A Husonetter to John A Carl
son wd lot 7 block 10 R R add to
Newman Grove
P Y Hill and wife to Bertha Ranten
berg wd 8 of se of nei 4 j ne of
B014 and seJ4 of scj of 17-24-1 0300
Chris Peterson to Louis Krnmm wd
part of block McCombs sub lots to
Burnett 75
Shoiriell N Johnson to James B
Hume wd u of block 11 Mandamus
add to Madison
Thomas J Carney to Rose Riley wd
u4 of lot 5 block 11 Haases sub lots to
Alexander Albee to Joseph Kilpatrick
wd of and of of
ii uw4 nwJ 4 ne 4
Alvino Lowo to Fred Heckman wd nj
of noi and sw of uej 3-24-2
Sarah L Seelly et al to Margaret
Biokly qcd sw 29-22-1 1000
Samuel Rasmussen and wife to John
Simousou wd lot 13 block 1 A O
Johnson add to Newmnu Grovo
Edward Fuerst to Carl Prauner qcd
lot 0 block 7 Battle Creek 1
Louis A Heiurich et al to Charles M
Yount wd lots 1 2 3 4 block 0
Verges sub lots to Norfolk
M Youut to B Seymour wd lots 1
2 3 4 block G Verges sub lots to Nor
Durland Trust Co to Cora B Cook
qcd sl 5 of block 9 Gleu Park add to
Norfolk 1
Frank M Smith to Otto Kamrath wd
se4 17-21-3 4000
Nellie Rogers to Mary Kingsbury wd
part w of sw 34-24-1
Levi Gutru to Edward Gunnerson
wd lot 4 block 12 R R add to Newman
Grove 100
Polly L Kelsey to Trinity M E
church wd lots 4 aud 5 block i9 Clark
Madison Mill Co add to MadiBon 150
Bert Crowoll aud wife Dora to Grace
Montross wd 000 lots 6 and 7 block 2
Days add to Battle Creek 000
Charles B Holahan to William S Fox
wd n 15 feet of lot 7 block 5 Koenig
steins 3rd add to Norfolk 150
Susan F Kierstead to Peter Michael
son wd e 20 feet of w 53 feet of lot 2
block 4 Burnett 50
Susan F Kierstead to William S
Harlow wd w 20 feet of e 87 feet of lot
2 block 1 Burnett
United States to John W Dover pd
John Deru et al to Isaac I Pierce
wd vili of sw 5 and eof se 0-24-4
August Kolhof and husband wd part
Thomas E Smith to C S Smith wd
n h of vrH of block 34 P W Fritz add
to Madison 300
Sudie Bryant to H T Holden wd
sw of lot 7 block 0 Haases suburban
lots of Norfolk 2300
Charles B Holahan to George B
Christoph wd lot 8 aud so 80 fe9t of
lot 7 block 5 Koeuigstens 3rd add to
Norfolk 1500
Singleton B Cain to G W Anderson
wd lot 3 block 1 A O Johnsons add to
Newman Grovo
Thomas O Vanhorn to August Raasch
wdn1 of soH 29-24-1
Clinton H Beatty to Elizabeth E
Page wd lot 8 and s 25 feet of lot 9
block 11 Kimball nud Blairs add to
Burnett 850
The complete Bervice of Chicago-Portland
Speoial via Union Pacific
euables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north and Paciflo
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of time but also
in tho most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
are stocked with the best the market
affords All meals served a la cart
League Has Passed Two
cessful Years
New Organization Will he Under the
Supervision of State and International
Committee Full Object of the Dinner
Tomorrow Nleht In Dlftdoftrd
Prorn Tlinrnlnys Dally
The Young Mens Christian leagno
has passed nearly two successful years
aud has proveu that it is deserving of a
place and recognition in tho community
Tho timo has como for an enlargement
of the work nnd to this end a movement
is now being put on foot A re-organization
will now take placo and it will
bo a regular Youug Mens Christian as
sociation with supervision from the
stnte and international committee
The directors will be enlarged and in
stead of fivo men or members of the
board there will be either seven or nine
A system of Bhower and tub baths will
bo put iu and other improvements so
that the association will have something
of renl value to offer besides the oppor
tunity of doing christian work The
dinner tomorrow night will give the
board an opportunity of presenting defi
nite plans to tho men of the city It
was originally intended to serve to the
men a six oclock dinner but owing to
the fact that the Omaha men do not get
here until seven oclock it had to be de
layed one hour The committee having
it in charge desire to announce to the
men that it will still be a dinner and
not a reception lunch
The evening promises to be all that
the guests should desire The music 1b
to be furnished by Bohnerts orchestra
which fact insures some delightful en
Two Well Known Young Feople United
Iu Marriage
Two well known young people joined
hearts and hands for better or for
worse yesterday morning at 9 S0 when
Miss Sue G Carter nnd Mr Rudolph
Thiem were united in marriage at the
home of the brides parents Mr and
Mrs A L Carter a mile aud a half
east of the city The ceremony was
performed on tho 45th wedding anni
versary of the brides grandmother
Mrs Sarah Geiger and was a pretty
and happy occasion throughout
Mendelsohns wedding march wub
played by Corl Jenkins and Miss Minnie
Norton the former leading on the violin
and the latter accompanying on the
harp Rev G H Main of the M E
church was the officiating clergyman
aud the ceremony took place in the
large front window of the parlor which
had beeu tastefully draped and deco
The brido wns becomingly attired in
a neat fitting gown of gray broadcloth
while the rooms had beeu beautifully
decorated with American Beauty roses
aud smilax After the ceremony the
eighteen guests present were served to
a dainty wedding breakfast and Mr
aud Mrs Thiem departed on the- noon
train for Omaha where they will make
their future home
Some very beautiful gifts were dis
played and nmong them were two that
should be very acceptable to the young
people one a check for 300 from the
brides grandmother and the other a
check for 100 from her father
The groom is well known here as n
genial young man nnd was formerly in
the employ of H E Glissmau but now
has a lucrative position in Omaha
The bride has a wide circle of friends
by whom she is highly esteemed To
both hearty and sincere congratulations
are extended
Tom Long of Norfolk attended
Wilberger funeral Sunday
Dr Burt Reed of Valley arrived Sun
day evening on a visit to relative and
Emanuel Miller of West Point is
iting his sisters Mrs P A Long
Mrs McGarret
Mrs Sylvia McKay left Tuesday
Enid Ok Ter to join her parents who
went some ten days ago
J Lang an nttendant at the hospital
at Norfolk was greetJug Madison
friends Saturday and bunday
Carpenter J J Adams is remodeling
and erecting an addition at tho resi
dence of Superintendent and Mrs Moss
Frank Yeazel was a passenger for
Norfolk Sunday evening where he has
accepted a position with Shurtz Jen
kius in the Fair store
Maurice Carberry jr assessor for
Warnerville is the first to make his re
turns for 1901 assessment his having
beeu made Saturday last According
to his books there are over 22000 acres
of improved land and only 800 acres of
unimproved land in the precinct
Funeral services of the late Homer Wil
berger were held Sunday afternoon at 2
oclock at the house conducted by Rev
Fowler of the M E church It waB one
of the largest ever held in Madison
The pall bearers were O D Jenkins of
Norfolk Ed Jenkins of Columbus A J
Thatch J E DouglassHenry Clausen
and Richard Ballard of Madison
Cut OfrniR Left Hand
This morning Sheriff Cherry war
summoned by telephone to bring the
commission of insanity to Winside to
pass ou tho case ot ono Theodore Erich
who was found nt an early hour ou tho
Main street of tho town with his loft
hand severed at tho wrist and tho victim
extremely weak from tho Iobs of blood
It seems that for several days Erich has
been drinkiug somo nnd acting rather
strangely but no attention has been
given to his antics Some time during
the early hours of tho morning he con
ceived tho idea that his left hand was
an offending member and he secured a
hatchet nnd procoedod to follow tho
scriptural injunction regarding offending
members tfhe amputation was done in
front of Prank Weibles Btoro whore he
placed bis arm ou the sidewalk and
after making two strokes that failed to
amputate the third and effootivo one
was given nnd at a later hour early
risers found him on the streets minus
the hand nnd very weak from the Iobb
of blood Erich is a German sailor who
has bee j working for several different
farmers south of Winside and during
most of the past year bos been in the
employ of Frank Kaufl He is un
married and is a man of about 50 years
of age aud subject to epileptio fits In
all probability he will be sent to tho
Norfolk BBylum Wayne Republican
Mr nnd Miss Luudquist visited in
Wayne Friday
Andrew Olson has returned to Wayne
to attend college
Chas E Wilson closed a successful
term of school last Friday
Mr and Mrs Wilkeu and son 6pent
Sunday with relatives in thiB vicinity
Miss Clara Hendrickson has returned
from a visit with relatives in Oklahoma
MiBses Emma and Lizzie Sonneken
and Anna Nelson visited with fnendB
here Sunday
John Rissel who is working on the
section at Hoskins spent Sunday with
friends and relatives in Bega
Mr Vernon of Wayne passed through
Bega on his way home from Norfolk
where he has been visiting with his son
Rev Main preached in the hall last
O W Pettitt is painting his farm
Frank Pettitt went to Cripple Creek
Col Sunday
Ralph Miller returned from Randolph
Iowa Tuesday
Maurice Carbery started for Oklahoma
Tuesday evening
Chase Darlington came down from
Rock county recently nnd is working
for B Reed
The Omaha Elevator Co are shelling
all the corn iu their cribs here Frank
and Will Reed are doing the work
Uood Advice
The most miserable beings in the world
are those suffering from Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaiut More than seventy
five per cent of the people in the United
States are afflicted with these two dis
eases and their effects such as Sour
Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Cost
iveness Palpitation of the Heart Heart
burn Waferbrash Gnawing aud Burn
ing Pains nt the Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Coated tongue and Disagreeable
Taste in the Mouth Comiug up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to
your Druggist and get a bottle of August
Flower for 75 cents Two doses will re
lieve you Try it Get Greens Prize
Almanac Asa K Leonard
Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln
An address by Joseph Choate Am
bassador to Great Britain on the career
aEd character of Abraham Lincoln Mb
early life his early struggles with the
world his character as developed in
the later years of his life and his ad
ministration which placed bis name so
high on the worlds roll of honorand
fame has been published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
be had by sendiug six 6 cents in post
age to P A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
Tho fast trams of the Union Pacific
reaoh Sau Francisco fifteen hours ahead
of all competitors If you are in no
hurry take a slow train by one of the de
tour routes but if you wunt to get there
without suffering any of the inconven
iences of winter travel take the only
direot route the Union Pnmfin n
tailed information furnished on
tion I TT T i If
lell O The New Deuert
pleases all the family Four fiavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Try it today
White Wvandottes
Bred for txiimtv nnri nttm
Heavy laying strain Ne better
birds of thiB variety in Northeast
iuwjh uuve iree
range nnd aro strong and healthy
Eggs for hatchlug 125 a setting
Visitors welcome Breeding yards
one minutes walk from railroad
Nutwood Poultry Farm
O A SLEIJIUU Proprietor