l I r s r t Y Ht A GOLD WATCH is whnt ninny people nro in wnnt of ono on which they cnn re ly iuhI be satisfied it keeps nccumto timo Wo sell them nt ren souublo prices ami GUARANTEE thoni Wc solicit yonr fine WATOH nml JEWELRY HE PAIRING C F W MARQUARDT JEWELER NORFOLK - NEBRASKA We have just bought 20 Doz Curtice Bros Jams in Tins at a very low price and while they last we are going to sell them at 15c per Tin The coods are the finest of their T kind and Cnrtice Bros name is X j a 6nflicient guarantee of quality X Also a TABLE PLUM nt 15c per T can The above goods are extra 4- valne and worth at least n trial X order T X X mm m mm IKAKIdtl I- M rIr MONARCH MIXED PAINT The Best Paint Made Will cover 800 square feet two coats Contains pure lead and oil Shown by chemical test there is no paint on the market equal to its durability and cover ing capacity We can vouch for this as we have handled the Monarch Paint for twelve years If you think of painting your house let us figure with you We can save you money Remember our large stock of Wall Paper cheaper than ever Kiesail Dnlg Bo Boston MnsB Apr 23 1901 Mr H A Pbbo walk Norfolk Neb Dear Sir We are just making a shipment of two very fine stylo F dark mahogany pianofortes to onr representa tive Mr C H JohnBon of Norfolk and ho has mentioned yonr name as a possible customer explaining that yon have unfortunately been interviewed by a good many piano ealesmau who have left a rather confused impression es pecially of our house in your mind so we take the liberty of writing Ton We realize that our enormous success bb piano makers since the establishment of our house by Jones dicker ing in 1823 has caused many competitors to use everyposslblo means to lessen in the esteem of their customers the value of our instruments Tales of various kinds come to our ears from time to tme of the most extraordinary condi tion concerning our house which are so far from the truth as to be more amusing than any thing elio Wo realize however that many customers hearing these statements are some what confused and find it diflicult to pick out the truth from the very large amount of poison ous piano information which is poured in upon them We shall be pleased should you care to write ub to anawor any questions which you may aBk concerning our product but take this opportunity of saying that never in the course of our seventy eight years of continuous manu facture have wo made an instrument tho equal of that we are producing today We should be glad to learn that you had examined carefully the two fine pianos we are just sending to Mr Johnson aB they represent fully the superior qualities possessed by our pianofortes Yours ery truly CUICKEBINQ ti BONB FRIDAY FACTS There will be preaching in the Pres byterian church next Sabbath morning at 11 oclook J Miers of Emerson has sold the Wagner livery barn on North Third etreot to Glint Smith of Madison The business meeting of the Epworth loaguo which was to have been hold this evening hns been postponed until Friday evening of next week Thn child of Mr and Mrs Otto Selling who live on South Third street was taken with convul sions yesterday afternoon about 1 oclock and died nbout 0 oclock Thero will bo on Informal reception tontlored Bishop Williams at tho homo of Mr and Mrs O II Reynolds nfter tho services this ovening to which all tho parish and frieuds of tho parish aro cordially invited Bishop Williams will bo at Trinity church this ovening and will preaoh and afterwards confirm n number of persons Ho will also set apart tosacrod uses the beautiful baptismal font which tho Trinity Social guild has given to tho church Services will begin at 8 oclock Tho pnst few days if evor has been a timo whon Norfolk needed a street sprinkler to lay tho dust Tho heavy south wind ha9 sent tho dust scurrying along in clouds and gavo merchandise in Bomo of tho stores tho appoaranco of second hand or shop worn goods If there is to bo street sprinkling this Hum mer it should begin at onco unless natures sprinkler can bo bettor de pended upon Yesterday yras tho first anniversary of Trinity Social guild and last night at 8 oclock tho members of tho socioty met nt tho homo of Miss Myrtio Waldron where they donned thoir gingham aprons and dnstiug caps and proceeded to tho homo of Mr and MrB P W Junemau where they assisted in hang ing curtains laying carpets and alto gether making themselves useful in settling the new home The whistle on the round houso at the Junction sounded a firo alarm yestor day afternoon and was Boon joined in by the sea lion on the pumping Btation Tho fire department responded with alacrity and made a flying trip to tho scone of the fire which proved to bo a pilo of ties between the division head quarters and the round house The blaze had been extinguished by the people down there before tho firemen arrived Word hns beon definitely received from Mr Willis and Mr Tibbs of Omaha and they will be in for the dinner to night which tho board of diroctors of the Y M O L aro giving to tho friends of that organization The supper that is being provided is just tho kind that will please a crowd of men such as are expected to be present tonight Bohn erts full orchestra will give some of their best selections and without ques tion help make one of the most delight ful evenings ever enjoyed by the men of Norfolk Nice strawberries nice boxes at Schoregges There will be a meeting of the alumni this evening nt the High school room at 8 oclock to decide about the banquet for the graduating class All members are urgently requested to be present Lillian Luikakt President IliHto Thin in Your Hat Hereafter prices for bicycle repairs will be as follows at Conleys shop Puncture heretofore 3o cents now 25 cents New spoke heretofore 15 cents now 10 cents New rim put in heretofore 2 now 120 1 fork tip heretofore 1 now 75 cents 2 fork tips heretofore175 now 125 New fork stem heretofore 150 now fl All other repair work cut in the same proportion Factory prices on tires tubes bars pedals saddles and all other equipments We are agents for tho complete Columbia line of chain and cbainless wheels and sell at factory prices The Hartford the best wheel that ever Bold for less than 50 for 35 The Vedette a better wheel than over sold at 40 outside the Columbia line for 25 We can give yon prices on any high grade line but absolutely refuse to figure with you on any wheel that we cannot coucientiously recommend and guar- ants Call and Bee us or write to J H Con ley Pasture for horses nt the old fair grounds One mile east of town Smooth wire plenty of blue grass shade and water Gate locked at all times Apply to A J Durland Teachers Heading Circle The Norfolk section of the County Teachers Reading Circle will hold its regular meeting in the High sohool room Saturday May 4 at 2 p m and observe the following program Music Ethel Doughty Roll call Musio Frances Davenport Review of Chapter XV Pages Theory and Practice Question box General discussion Try one of Karos beef roasts Ahlmann Bros will do your bicycle re pair work just as cheap aa anybody in Norfolk and guarantee better work Punctures 25 cents spokes put in 10 centB Drmed chickens at Karos THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MAY 3 1901 PERSONAL Sol O Maycris visiting in Lincoln Rev Mr Taylor of Neligh is a Nor folk visitor Mr Miuitnilck of Kowaneo HI is horo looking after business interests Dr Robert Johnson is hero from Chicago visiting relatives tintl friends G P Bllger went to Hooper this inoriiiiiL Prom thero ho goes to Ho wells Mrs D Kuhn and Mrs G W Sears wont to Lincoln today for a short visit with frieuds II K Owen left this morning for Piedmont Wyo where ho was culled on important business Mr and Mrs O II Reynolds will entertain Bishop Willlnms of Omaha during his stay in the city Dan Murphy oiunu up from Omaha last uight Ho has purchased the Ed Grant homo on South Fourth Btreet Mrs S Bley and Mrs P O Weber expect to leave Sunday for a visit to thoir old homo in Fort Wayne Indiana Win Ahhnnu and daughter Elsie roturned yesterday from Pierce where they wont to attend tho birthday cele bration of Mr Ahlmans brother David Whitla was in town from Bat tle Creok today and mado his usual call nt this ofllco He and his family have just returned from Perrydnle Oregon whero they spout tho winter They liked tho tompernturo very much but woro not pleased with tho rain aud mud and on tho whole aro pretty well satis fied with Nebraska Mr Whitla was ac companied by his daughter who is on her way to Madison to visit her brother Will Ahlmann Bros will compete with any prices on bicycles sundries and repairs and guarantee bettor goods and work Punctures 25 coutB Bpokes put in 10 cents etc Nice strawberries Schoregges nice boxes at For Sitle For short time only ono of tho most desirable cottage homes in tho city pleasantly located in a splendid neigh borhood on west side east front largo Bhnde trees nnd fine lawn Houh consists of six good rooms and nice large bath room heated by furnace good cistern city water in house nnd lawn brick walk Will be sold cheap if taken at onco Inquire of S L Gardner Funn land and city property for sale by G R Seller Watch for the buttermilk wagon Good farms to trade for town property G R Seilek liny fur Sale Choice lot loose hay Will deliver in small or large quantity Leave order at Hardys coal office S T Nappek The Weiitlmr Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to lay Maximum temperature 8t vllnimum temperature Hi Average 74 Preoipitation 00 Total precipitation for month CO Barometer 20 2 Forecast for Nebraska Probably showers tonight nnd Saturday Cooler east portion tonight Karo keeps all kinds of seasonable meats Sturgeon is the piano man Farm and city loans The Ddblakd Trust Co Mrs Sadio Hart Miller osteopath Rooms over the Hayes jewelry house We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiorve See BATTLE CREEK Howell Avery went up to Tilden on business Wednesday Little Goldeu Wilberger is quite sick with fever at this writing Born on April 25 to Mr and Mr ChaB Hagemeier a daughter Rev Daman of Meadow Grove at tended the Masons here Friday D A Ommerman of Valley precinct was transacting business hero Tuesday Steve Overton and Rudy Blatt of Nor folk were up here Tuesday on basinet Ernest P Hans and Sam Schneider had some busineBB at Norfolk Thurs day John S Craig of near Norfolk was here Tuesday on some real estate busi ness W B Vail ono of Norfolks jewelry men was transacting busineBB here Tuesday Attorney W E Reed and T P Mem minger of Madison had some busintEO hero Monday Rev J L Dunn of Meadow Grove occupied tho pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday Hon P P Zimmerman went down to Omaha Sunday on business He re turned the next day A Collins of near Elgin was visit ing here Monday with P J Hale and other friends and relatives Mr and Mrs A M Lovelace were theguesteof the Pearman family in in Schoolcraft precinct Sunday Attorney Dan Koenlgetein of Norfolk wns up hero Thimdny in tho Interest of tho Krog Brewing Co of Ouinhit Mans As Brechler branded nbout IM head of cattle Monday which they will drive up to their ranch near linunu this week Fred Purwt sr Mrs Edward Fnerst nnd Miss Bertha Rodemnyerdrovedown to Norfolk Tuesday for a viHlt with friends Monday L Lyons of Madison started to grndo the First East street from tho hotel corner north to tho Valley town ship line Claus Neuweik depnrted Wednesday for Long Pino to do huiio business on the Owen ONeill cattle ranch mar that place Walsko Bros were shelling llWK bushels of com for L B Baker Piidny and about 1000 bushels for 1 L Knesel the next day W A Barnes is still in business In t lie hns sold very near everything Something very new will bo in his building soon Ed Warlike who is foreman on Owen ONeills ranch near Lung Pine enmo down hero Sunday to stay nbout live days on business Contractor Chan Werner is very sick in bed nt tlW wnt ng Tho men had to quit winking on Thomsons dwelling Wednesday on that account W 1 Stavelys grocery store looks like a ilower garden at piesunt Ho had received a lot of potted tlowors of many kindB from a Council BluffH hot house Mr and Mrs Dave Whitla two daughters and young David returned Sunday from u lour months visit to the Puciflo coiiht All feel much Improved in health II J Murphy aged nbout 70 years died hero Friday morning at oclock Tho remains were taken Saturday after noon to the Jackson cemetery in Deer Creek precinct for interment Mrs Herman Eucker nnd two little children went to Clearwatir Monday to visit her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Unman Joseph Muas went along too those people being his grandparents M L Thomsen spent most of his time at Tilden this week Wo learned ho sold his hardware store at that place to the Bradford Lumber Co and ho will make different arrangements with his general storo there His employes setm to be on tho strike The officials of tho villago nppointed a committee to investigate tho dockets of justices of the pence in Battle Creek Judge Neuwerk told thtm that his docket wns open to the public any time Some justices often make entries after wards in order to hide tho fees Herman HogrefoB new residence Is getting awny up in tho air nt thiH writ ing and wo bolievo ho is going to beat everything built in that lino in Battle Creek yet Why not Live nnd let live We had a banker hero once and he always said Wo nro tho peoplo nnd we must bo rejected They were re jected afterwards Today Wednesday only cno saloon is open the place of Ernest P Hans Last night the villago board met on a remonstrance case against Sam Schneider and P H Ingoldsby The remonstrance was signed by n man named Phipps a bar tender in Hohueks saloon Judge J B Barnes of Norfolk and Attorney H II Kilburn of Battle Creek were here lor defense and M C Hnzen of Norfolk for tho plaintiff They agreed to continue tho case till next Wednesday May 8 Hans saloon has an immense business and ho is going to get even with them now for when they kept him out of business about four months last year Now you see the devil lights his own brothers What do we care It iB a brewery fight anyhow DrFrank Salter Diseases of ohildren douses for sale T E Odiorhb Wanttd A bell boy for the Oxnard MILLINERY Absolutely THE LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES Largest Line in NortheaBt Nebraska J E DURLAND James Richards M D OCULIST And Expert Refrao tlonlst Kxamloatlon of tho eye fbee to patients and patrons Office U0J Faruam St Oumliii opiosite Iaxtou Hotel r THE LATEST IN MILLINERY MISS E J BENDEfi S mm mmttt mtmmMttmt0mmjm MfaMwqwroCTaMli QUALITY PRICE Both arc Right at 11 Seasonable Hoods I co renin Freezers Hofrifjcrulors Lawn Mowers linden llose Scroen Doors nnd Wire THE MOORE HARDWARE STORE j HERRIGK and GURNEY CLEANABLE refrigerators Best in the World Fine Line of Japanese Mattings 25c Up Hoffman Smith f 4 - - W 1 in style in quality and in price 7 I INSKEEPS MILLINERY ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and witn care Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular We know precisely what is wanted by our custom ers We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South Bide JVInin St between 2d and id Tolophono 41 fl l Before you do anything decisive in regard to your Spring Millinery dont 1 fail to see our Immense Display in our t new room next to Fair Store V 1BVTT I VUIIA HVAI lJ ft vi vi t 7 - I We have all that is worth having f V li P V i t Aivi lA I 4 5444444 5sS5 SS O A LUIKAKT InrHUJBNT OJIAB B IIKUKiK Vici Pbmiijent W II JOHNHON Cahhieb LKO I ASEWALK Ahht Cahuim The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 85000 liny and Mli oicIihiiko on tlilh ronutry and nil pnrtu of ICuropn Farm Loans Directors Cam Ahmuh W II Joiinhom Ciiah S lliurxiE 0 W Huaabcii J U BWANK I A LUJKAUT T F MUMMINOEB L BKHHIONH 0 Get What You Ask for at UHLES GROCERY C W BRAA8CH DEALER IN IICO AHi 1 ImI I col 1 Exolnslve aient lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market 8cranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 61 THE North Western LINE F B V R H is tbe best to and from tbe SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska CRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission - SSMHT PHONE 44 L