The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 26, 1901, Page 9, Image 9
i t l t SATURDAY SIFTINGS MIsb Hartley is home to spend Buuday W Smith was up from Pilger yestor day II A Fries waa over from Madison yesterday Peter Backos waa In town from Laid aiy yesterday E M Malouo of Golnmboa is a Nor folk visitor today S S Joyoo was a Norfolk guest over night from Gordon E 13 Poterson was a Norfolk visitor ovor night from Elgin Fresh oherrios aro on the market at Omaha for 1 a pound Mrs It tt Dickinson waa in the city yestorday from ONeill J M Hughlin of Bloomfiold waa a Norfolk visitor yestorday J K Hutchesou of South Norfolk is very siok with rhoumatism A S Blauchard and F A Dearborn wore visitors from Wayne yesterday Russell Thompson 1b reported as re covering from his attaok of scarlet fever Mrs H E Jonnison of Omaha is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs H T Holden Mr and Mrs W L Mote of Plain view were Norfolk visitors over night returning home this morning 0 J Stockwoll has returned from Yankton S D whore he went to at tend the funeral of his brother Mrs O B Walker has returned to her home In South Norfolk after a months visit with her sister in Sioux City The Iuskeep millinery stock is being moved today Into tho building recently vacated by Michaels photograph gal lery Mrs G F Durland and two children arrived from Wayno last night and will spend Sunday with Norfolk rela tives O S Bargelt of Leod S D is visit ing Norfolk relatives ouroute to tho state of Washington to look over the country OolfcS S Cotton is building two cottages on Philip avenue between Third and Fourth streets Myron Col lamer expects to occupy one of them about the first of May Rev G A Munro of Columbus came in lost evening and is tho guest of Dr A J Johnson He will preach in the First Congregational church tomorrow morning inat 10 45 and in the evening at 8 Dallas Brunson is just completing a large new addition to his livery barn on South Third street The building is 40 by 46 feet and will be of advantage in handling Mr Bransons increasing busi ness - AWayne woman wanted a black skirt so badly that she concluded to ap propriate one from her neighbors line about as dusk fell She was not aware that the owner was watching and is probably now considering how she can return it gracefully W H Dexter has accepted a position as traveling salesman with Tollerton Stetson wholesale grocers of Sioux City His territory will be in the western part of Nebraska and eastern Wyoming He will depart tomorrow night for his first trip over the territory It is stated that the Christian Science meeting at 10 30 tomorrow in Orrs hall is the result of an effort to unit all Chris tian Scientists in this field into one body all former meetings being disbanded and the church heretofore existing hav ing filed its articles of dissolution with the county clerk G M Thompson has sold his stock of groceries to Braosoh Zuelow has stored his fixtures and the building he has occupied is being placed in readiness for occupauoy by Hoffman Smith with their stock of furniture and under taking goods Mr Thompson will office with Mapes Hazen while closing up his accounts and attending to other busi ness matters in connection with the store Mr and Mrs T J Morrow enter tained a large number of friends last evening in honor of their son Joseph Gerald Morrow and his bride lately married at Rooky Ford Col The re ception was informal but very pleasant the hours being from 8 to 10 and from 0 to 11 Mr and Mrs Morrow and tho young couple received their friends in the front parlor and they were after ward given the freedom of tho house an opportunity being thus afforded for Nor folk friends to meet the popular groom and become acquainted with his bride Punoh was served in the back parlor and a nice collection of gifts from the friends of the couple here were dis played In the dining room dainty re freshments were served and each guest was presented with a choice carnation The evening was very eujoyably spent in social conversation the making of acquaintances and in extending con gratulations to Mr Morrow and his bride A Uood Thing German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discover ies in Medicine It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest nature removing as it does tho canRo of tho affootion and leaving tho parts in a troug and healthy condition It is not an oxporitnoutal mediolno but ha9 stood tho test of years giving satis faction In ovory coso which its rapidly Increasing snlo ovory season confirms Two million bottlos sold annually Bos choos German Syrup was Introduced In tho Unites States In 1859 and Is uow sold in ovory town and villago In tho civilized world Throo doses will rollovo any ordinary cough Prlco 75 cts Got Groons Prlzo Almanac Asa K Leon ard Tim Norfolk Nurnery Sells seod potatoos puro Early Ohio Six Woeks Early Triumph and Early Peach Blows Also ash box eldors elm and maplo 8 to 13 foot high Cherry apple plum trees and small fruit plaflW forost troos soedlluga roso bushes flowering shrubs audovergreous Call on or address E D Hammond Norfolk Nebraska MONDAY MENTION S J Arnott of MadiHon spent Sunday In Norfolk J W Rauson made a business visit to Sioux City today John R Spollmau of Stanton was in the city over night S Friedman of Madison was a Sun day visitor in Norfolk J A Hathaway of Neligh was a Nor folk visitor over night D F Sidler is very sick at his home on South Eighth street H D Buohuer is building a uow house on South Third street Mrs G F Durland and children re turned to her homo In Pminviow to day A son of J W Ounnigham is very sick with pneumonia at his homo on South Second street Gov Shaw of Iowa arrivod in tho city from the east at noon and is the guest of Col Cotton while in the city Mrs E Hammond of Plaluview Is here with her husband who came down to attend the bankers convention Hon M E Shultz of Eeatrice grand master workman of the A O U W waa in the city over night He was on his way home from Oakdale M Coad of South Omaha W A Witzigman of Meadow Grove and E H Luikart of Battle Creek were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs G A Luikart over Sunday and are attending the bankers convention Evangelist Daly and wife will speak tonight and each night this week in theSecond Congregational church at the Junction A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend This is Arbor day and a more perfect day for celebrating by the planting of trees and shrubbery could scarcely be found If the day Is not properly ob served It is certainly no fault of the weather Superintendent and Mrs F F Teal of I the Norfolk hospital for the insane were treated to a surprise last Friday evening by the officers and employes of the institution the occasion being in in honor of their first wedding anniver sary Dr and Mrs Teal were away wh n tho arrangements were being made and upon their return found thoir dining room filled with guests and sup per ready to serve After supper the evening was pleasantlv spent dancing being a leading amusement During the evening the doctor and his wife were presented with a handsome water color picture the gift of their self invited guests Mr and Mrs P F Bell and Mr and Mrs O J Chapman relatives of Mr Mrs Teal were guests from the city CarljF Brummond aged 44 years died Saturday morning at his home six and one half miles east of the city from rheumatism of the heart developing from inflammatory rheumatism with which he has been suffering The fu neral was held this afternoon at 1 oclock from the house the pastor of the German Evangelical churoh officiat ing The remains were Interred in the cemetery east of the city joining tho Christ Lutheran cemetery on the south The deceased leaves a wife to mourn his loss He was also a brother of H Brummond of this city Mr Brummond was one of the pioneer settlers of this seotion of the country coming hero with his father in the early sixties By frugal industry he has established him self financially and in his death is recog nized the removal of one of the promi nent agriculturalists of this part of the state A large audience was entertained Saturday night at the Auditorium by Ohas H Boyle in the Star Boarder The program was one calculated to ex cite the risibilities of the audience nnd that the company was remarkably suc cessful In doing so was ovidenced by the frequent and hearty waves of laughter that overspoad tho features of those at tending Mr Boyle was an especial favorite and was an entire entertain ment in himself As Ohauucey Depot he was easily the star boarder as well as star entertainer The program was cleverly arranged to avoid encores but on several occasions the audience in sisted upou its supposed rights and ef fected a recall The jokes and tricks were mostly now and pleasing with an absence of the low comedy verging on the vulgar It was a well satisfied audi ence and should from all outward evi dence have added several pounds of avoirdupois to its weight THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL 20 1001 COMMISSIONERS DOINGS 1IIIU Allowed AMPMinenlA Adjimed mill Itontlft Approved Madison Nob April 10 1001 Board of county commissioners mot pnrsnaut to adjonrnuiout Present John J Hughes Christ Schmltt and H WWlu tor Minutes of last mooting road aud ap proved On motion Glaus Vomitf was allowed a warrant on tho soldiers rollof fund for 05 Affidavit of W L Koarn showing that lot 3 block 3 Edgowator Park was assessed in 1000 as improved whoroas it was unimproved was rocolvod Upon investigation Bamo was found to bo cor root and on motion tho valuation iwas roduced from 40 to 5 Complaint having boon in ado by Alfred Osborn that ho was assessed twloo ou his land in 1000 aud tho sauio having boon found truo on motion tho olorkiwas instructed to roduco said as sessment woo Ou motion tho county troosuror was instructed to transfor from tho 1800 gen eral fund to tho 1000 gonoral fund 700 On motion following bills woro al lowed Dr H L Kiudrod medical attond auco oniMrs Hill 15 appliod on per sonal tax 301 A E Crooks digging gravos for Mrs Hill and iufaut 5 Aug Stelllu coffin for Hill infant 450 S A Hayes work on road 750 J I Beech nails 515 Thomas Mayhow road work 10 ap plied on personal tax 537 J F Noidig 7 wolf scalps 14 ap plied on personal tax 18 10 Herman Roiohe 1 wolf scalp 2 J S BarneB 0 wolf scalps 18 ap plied ou porsoual tax 25 Hiram Strong 1 wolf scalp 2 Scbavland Johnson Dry Goods Co matting etc 115 OShea MoBrido coal 13080 Oscar Uhlo indso for sick paupers 3178 W B Reynolds stationery 7 25 O W Crum salary 100 Phil Bauch clerk of board first quarter 1001 100 C W Braasoh coal for sick paupers 10715 Dr H T Holden medical attendance on O G Boals 03 applied on personal tax 952 Gust Kaul janitor 35 Edwards Bradford Lumber Co coal 0335 Chris Schavland foes and office ex penses 14397 Geo B Ohristoph disinfectant for pest house 000 F L Culver house rent for pauper Mrs Enright 8 applied on personal tax Burt Mapes salary 200 Dr P H Salter attendance nt pest house 5 applied on personal tax Dr Frank Salter medical attendance Richardson 13 applied on personal tax 355 Norfolk Printing Co stationery 025 applied on personal tax 389 M O Wager salary superintendent poor farm 100 W I Bogon bailiff district court 20 applied on personal tax 199 Mrs J Wahl boarding jurors 23 applied on personal tax 242 Dr E Tanner investigating death of J Bollveski 1150 Nebraska Telephone Co rent and toll 1025 H O Haskins bailiff district court 2830 applied on personal tax Ohr Schavland was allowed a war rant for witness fees in case State vs Gilt Wright 15000 in case Stato vs Charles Park 19430 total 353 30 ap plied on personal tax of various wit nesses 4308 balance 31022 Harry Snyder making complaint that tho ej of lot 0 and lot 7 blook 13 Dur lands first addition were assessed as improved for 1900 whereas they are un improved and the same being found truo the clerk was instructed to correct assessment accordingly L B Baker made complaint that lot 8 blook 15 Battle Crook was assessed in 1883 and 1884 but that said lot was church property at that time that the tax was paid In 1900 and asked that the tax be refunded Claim was on motion rejected on tho grounds that payment was voluntary and that the money was distributed to the various funds and beyond the reach of commissioners On motion board adjourned to 7 oclock Board met pursuant to adjournment On motion proceeded to check delin quent tax list On motion board adjourned to 8 a m April 17 Board mot pursuant to adjourment Ou motion proceeded to check delin quent tax list On motion board adjourned to 1 oclock Board met pursuant to adjournment On motion the following bills were al lowed O A Coons sealing wax etc 100 applied on personal tax U D Mathews oil 1155 applied on personal tax Jones Bros ink oto 076 John J Hughes salary and mileage 9445 Christ Schmitt salary and mileage 9015 H W Winter salary and mileage 14000 Geo V Lowy jailors fees calling jurors boarding prisoners oto 33730 Ou motion the following mlsdomoauor bills woro allowed W H Wldaman foos In coso Stato vs James Daly 515 In coso Stato vs Harry Flynn 515 total 1030 appliod ou porsoual tax 109 J II Gouloy fcos In oasn State vs Harry Flynn 750 applied on porsoual tax S W Hayos foos In caso of Harry Flynn 1 1 In caso of James Daly 3 15 and in caso of Win Marquardt 555 On motion bond of Joseph Ohoutka road ovorsoor district No 27 was op provod On motion tho following appointments woro mado O J Anderson road oversoor district No 3 O A Youngquistroad ovorsoor district No 21 On motion board adjourned to 7 oclock Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment On motion prooootlod to chock delin quent tax Use On motion boord adjourned to May 1 1 1901 at I oclock p m Phil Bauch County Olork TUESDAY TOPICS J W Poipz of Wakefield was aNor folk guest yesterday Goo II Spoar wont to Omaha thls noon on o business trip Tho Musio Studouts club wlllJwmoot tonight with Mrs J W Uibsou Mrs F J Halo and daughtor of Bat tle Creek woro in tho city today G W Webb and E Kohlor woro city visiters yosterdoy from Columbus A D Wilkinson of Battle Orooktrans actod busiuoss in Norfolk yosterday E II Tracy was a pasBongor for Ewiug this morning called there by business Mrs II A Chouoy was horo with hor husband from OreiKhtou to attend tho bunkers mooting Fremont outortoiiiod group throo of tho Nobraska Bankers association yos tordoy and an interesting mooting was hold II S Livingstouo of Oakland Col city editor ou Oakland Tribune i in the city visiting his brother F H Liv ingstone Mrs Lucilo Mathews and baby of Omaha aro oxpocted tonight to visit with Mrs W II Bucholz and other old time frionds Mrs B S Tobias and daughter of Lobauon Mo aro expected here tonight to visit at tho homo of Mrs Tobias sis ter Mrs A Morrison Mrs J D Haskell accompanied her husband from Wakefield to attend tho bankers meeting Thoy were guests at the homo of Col Cotton R II Edmiustou of Omaha stato agent of the Union Central Life Insur ance company is In tho city on business connoctod with his company Tho regular weekly prayer mooting of tho Congregational church will bo hold as usual Wednesday ovoniug at 8 oclock E O Mount will load Tho 14 mouthsold child of Georgo Rice southwest of Fremont fell upon an open pair of scissors The blades penetrated the childs brain between the eyes and It was Instantly killed Mr Updyko of the Updyko Grain company of Omaha and Mr Fowler re presenting the Nye Schneider company of Fremont wore in the cltyjover night onrouto home from a business trip to Vordigre Ewiug Advocate Georgo McCor mick from near Clearwater has bought Mrs Andrew Thiebaults place and takes possession immediately Mr and Mrs Thiebault expect to locate either in Fremont or Norfolk An effort is being mado to secure the pardon of tho Reimers father and sou convicted of wrecking tho Neligh bank and sentenced to servo a term of fivo years in tho federal prison at Sioux Fulls N D Jackson of Neligh was in OniahaSaturday securing the names und addresses of the jurors who con victed them Wayne Herald Tho Nebraska legis lature has just enacted a law that de clares cockle burrs and wild sun flowers to be a public nuisance and it also makes it tho duty of every land owner to de stroy them betweon the middle of Aug ust and the first of September eaoh year This Is a good law but will avail but lit tle unless enforced Similar laws iu othor states are inoperative just because road officers whoso duty it is to destroy weeds fail to enforce tho laws So muny peoplo feel that a state law is en acted to bo violated Wo say this is tho law Wo are asked if it is state or federal and if the latter it is feared but the former is often ignored Edward E Drow an Omaha travel ing mau well known iu Norfolk hav ing mode frequent visits here died at Oalebrook New Hamshlro last Friday He wont to Sun Antonio about five weeks ago hoping that the change would benefit his health but being dis appointed went to his old New England home where he died Mr Drew was 44 years of age For tho past ten years he has been iu the employ of Paxton Gallagher and McOord Co Ho was prominent in Masonio circles and was an officer iu several traveling mens or ganizations having boon ro ulootod vice prosidont of Omaha post A of tho T P A but a fow wooks ago Ho loaves a wlfo and baby both of whom woro with him whoti tho end canto County Superintendent O W Crum nutiounoofl that tho annual oighth grade examinations will bo hold at tho fol lowing placos on tho dates named Nowman Grove May I Madlsoi Moy 3 j Norfolk Moy 0 Bottto Creek Moy 7 j Moodow Grove May 8 TUdmi May 0 Wost Emorlok Moy 10 Examina tions will begin a 830 iu tho morning of tho days named Tho superintend out hopoH that tho new froo ottondonoo high sohool law will bo hold constitu tional and that all country pupils who toko this examination may bo able to attend high schools without paying tuition next year Muoh precaution will bo taken to havo tho examination fair and equitable Eighth grado certi ficates will bo Issuod to all country pupils who pass tho examination and all will bo required to show thoniHolvus as strong as tho avorago of tho class thoy oxpoot to oiitor All pupils will be ox amluod in reading arithmetic grammar and composition geography physiology spoiling ond Unitod Stotos history and oil will bo given thosamo questions and tho same tlmo to onswor thorn Tho following old song author un known out pronaniy uixby Mason or someone olso Is appropriate to tho soo sou and is having quito a run among tho oxchongos Fothor dear father oomo homo with mo now for mo has some carpot to boat shes got all tho furni ture out In tho yard from tho front door cleau down in tho street Tho stove miiBt como dowu and bo put In tho shod and tho yard must bo cloanod of dead gross for its tiino to clean house and the is to pay and tho front windows Badly noed glass Fothor dear fathor oomo homo with mo now and bring Bomo bologna ond ohooso its 12 oclock and thoros nothing to cat Im ho hun gry Im weak in tho knoos All tho nor wo havo will ho cold scraps aud such ond well havo to oat standing up too for tho toblo and all aro out in tho yard oh I wish tho spring cleaning wos through Fathor door fothor como homo with mo now for mo is as mod as a Turk sho Bays yonroalazy old thing and sho proposes to put you to work Thoros painting to do and paper to hang and window casings to scrub for its houso oloauiiig timo aud youve got to come homo aud rovol in suds aud cold grub Boforo you buy your wall paper soo what H O Truman can show you for 5 cents per double roll Tho Roman 228- by MoKonnoy goes moro liko the Abbot than any horse living MoKinnoy is out of a Gov Sproguo mare Montanas dam is by Gov Sproguo moro THE OLD ESTABLISHED LINE Ilotu een Omitliu mid St Imil lit tlioNortli Wentem 11 no Rates to tho biennial meeting Head Camp Modern Woodmen of Amorica buvo boon announced at one fare plus 200 for tho round trip Tho railroads of NobraBka connecting with tho North Western Lino at Omaha aro Tiik Union Pacific B M Mihsouui Pacific C R I P and the road connecting at Missouri Valley is tho Fremont Elkhorn Mo Vnlloy Dolegutes and thoir friends from all points in tho state can thoreforo secure the best accommodations by buying through tickets from their homo towns via tho most convenient road to the Missouri river aud tho North Western Line beyond TWO TIIROUOII TKAINS DAILY Leave Omaha Union Passenger Station 755 pm Leavo Omaha Union Passenger Station 055 am Tho night train has modern broad vestibuled coaches and Pullman sleepers Tho day train has modern broad vesti buled coaches and observation buffet parlor car Wo note tho fact that M W of A always want tho best when they can get it for tho same money Tho motto of tho North Westoru Line is The Best of Everything J R Buchanan General Passenger Agent Omaha Neb Hiiminar Cattle Itttoch Anyono having cattle to summer will do well to address W O Feezor Inez Holt Co Neb BEGA Mr Casper went to Norfolk ou busi ness Monday Mr and Mrs Norling visited in Nor folk Saturday Mr Collurt went to Norfolk ou busi ness Saturday Mr Swonson shipped a carload of hogs to Omaha Chas Wilson and Bister visited in Norfolk Saturday Mr and Mies Lunqulstjvisitod with friends Saturday and Suuday The sickness that has been prevailing in this vicinity Is over But some are not over the care yet Lost A small brown dog Finder please leave word at NBWSoflioe and re ceive reward rfi wa 9 CHILDREN POISONED Aln Wild tiirtilp Thinking Thejr Werr Artichoke Tint Nmvrt is under obligations to tho Stanton Plokot for nu acoount of n poisoning caso oast of this city Tho 1iokot will say A sod aud nearly fatal happening o otirod last Friday evening whioh lackod Just a little of causing doopost mourning at tho homo of Mr and Mrs W II Douglas who resldo ou tho Boswlck farm On thoir return Jntirnoy front school tho two girls ogod 12 and 0 found what thoy supposed at first to bo artlohokos but after tasting it dooldod that It must bo horse radish and whioh iu roality was wild parsnips a rank polHon Shortly oftor rooohlng homo thoy were tokon violently 111 and voni Itod soveroly Tho older was worse oft ond soon wont Into sevoro spasms Dr V II Person was immediately sum moned and roaohod tho homo about nine oclock Tho older girl had thou boon unconscious for throo honrs and continued iu this condition until 13 oclock lu tho tuoatitiino sulVorltig four violent spasms So violent woro tho attacks aud so serious hor condition that Dr Person was obliged to adminis ter antidotes by lnjoction into tho araiH The other child was very siok hut did not sudor spasms At the prosont writ lug both havo recovered but tho older has a badly lacerated tongtio and lips whioh woro bitten in her agony The caso should servo warning to children not to oat articles the naturo of which thoy aro iu doubt Parents should en force this idea upon tho minds of thoir children Mr Douglas Hiiys his chil dren writhing iu agony was tho most heart rendering Bight he over witnessed and while tho friends of the family sympathize with them thoy will also feel that tho fortunate termination is a matter for congratulation II O Truman soils his wall popcr at cost from 5 cents por double roll aud gilt paper 10 cents per double roll Soo our lino Northern WIimoiihIii Kitllwity Kami Iiiiid ForHitln Tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis ift Omaha railway bos for sale lu North ern Wisconsin ot low prices and easy tonus of poyinont about 350000 aoron of choice form lauds Eorly buyers will socuro tho advan tage of locations on the many beautiful streams aud lakes which abound with fish und furnish a novor ending aud most oxcellont water supply both for family uso and for stook Lund is generally well timborod tho aoll fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions In tho northwest Chicago Milwaukeo St Paul Minn eapolis Duluth Superior Ashland nnd othor towns on Lino furnish good Tho Northwestern markets for stock and farm produce For further particulars address Geo W Bkll Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis oc G H MacRak Asst GoulPass AtftSt Puul Minn An 10 tract from Her Letter If you could only bo hero this wintor morning nnd soo for yourself you would no longer doubt me Roses ore bloom ing lu our front yard and all naturo Is as far advanced in this lovely American summerlaud as it will bo in your cold eastern homo by Juno Wo made tho journey from Missouri river to tho Golden Gato on tho Union Paciflo to avoid tho circuitous routes an important item lu the winter A trip to California is mado delightful by tho perfect servico and luxurious ac commodation of The Overland Limited which is perhaps tho most finely equipped train in the world Detailed information furnished on ap plication F W Junkman Agent Wanted A good girl for general housework W A Connolly North Elevnth street I Does the I iBabyTMve If not something must be wrong with its food If the 11 mothers milk doesnt ish It she needs SCOTTS EMULSION It supplies the elements of fat required for I the baby If baby is not I nourished by its artificial I food then it requires f ou rmuAn dUUll 5 CI1IU15IUII t Half a teaspoonful three t i or lour times a nay in lis x bottle will have the desired effect It seems to have a magical effect upon babies I and children A lifty cent bottle will prove the truth of our statements Should be taken in summer as well as winter joe and ttoo all druggUts K SCOTT UOWNE ChemlmNtw York jjgjjjjjjjgkj4 jA -