Ctb 1 I I Governor General Talks About Affairs In the Island SAYS ALL IS HARMONIOUS Make Hurried Trip to This Country for lurpimo of Introducing to IMldent Me Kluley the II e Mtiubar of the Cuban Coinmliolon New York April 24 General Leon ard A Wood governor general of Cuba with Mrs Wood and his pri vate secretary arrived liere last night General Wood oxpeetB to return to Havana tomorrow General Wood did not hesitate to talk about affairs In Cubn The object of my hurried visit here lie said Is to lntroduee the live mem bers of the spcelnl commission on for eign relations appointed by the Cuban constitutional convention to see Presi dent McKlnley The members of the commission represent all the different RToups of Cubnho composing the eon rdltutlonnl convention They have come to the United States for the pur pose of conferring with President Mc Klnley on mntters which the conven tion does not thoroughly understand and when they return and make their report I am convinced there will be a thorough understanding The constitutional convention hns never voted on or rejected the Flntt amendment This I enn state posi tively notwithstanding the reports to the contrnryj which have been sent to the United States from Havana Things hnve been cabled here which liad not the slightest foundation In fact which described strained rela tions between the representatives of the United States and the Cuban peo ple Evrythlng hns been hnrmonious since I went to Cubn and the conven tion now In session Is a thoroughly representative one Before the Piatt amendment was passed by congress the Cubans knew the desires of the government which the amendment contains Intervention and the estab lishment of nnvnl stations are the two things which they dont properly com prehend and I think that when they are fully explnlneu In Washington the only Indication of a difference of opinion will hnve been removed There are really but two great ques tions yet to be settled One is the re duction of the duty on sugar and the other Is the pnssage of the constitu tion One Is economic and the other political yet in a measure they are akin After the constitution has been properly framed and adopted the eco nomic question will disappear as there must be a groat reduction in the duty on sugar Then Cuba will be pros perous and its relations with the Unit oil States settled on a solid basis Thnt will end the whole difficulty and In 24 hours the country can bo turned over to the representatives chosen by the Cuban people Today nil the de partments of the island nre practically In the hands of the Cubans who have been Instructed as to how things can be managed and when the time ar rives all we will hnve to do Is to take a receipt of the money on hand Dr Ilerron to Ite Tried nt Grinnell Grlnnell la April 24 Professor George D Herron will be tried by the Iowa Congregational association but It will not be on the charge of heresy and socialism Trnt f -conduct unbe coming a Christian and n gentleman The report that the church would Beck to expel him from membership because of his heretical and socialis tic teachings nre pronounced here as being absolutely false as tills is ex actly what Professor Herron hns been wishing for according to a prominent Congregntionalist here when Inter viewed on the subject Looking for Romngnoll Bremerhnven April 24 The police here awaited tho arrival of the steamer Halle from Buenos Ayres March 27 In expectation of the steamer having on board the nnnrchlst Romagnoli who Is snld to have been deputed by the anarchists of Pnterson N J to assassinate Emperor William but though an unusunlly rigorous ex amination was made of the ship pas sengers and bnggage nothing posi tive resulted Iowa Crop Ilulletln Dw Moines April 24 The following Is tho Iowa crop bulletin Issued yes terday from the office of the Iowa weather and crop bureau Despite ad Terse conditions fair progress has been made in all districts Spring wheat needing Is completed and except in limited areas where the soil is very wet tho work of sowing oats and bar ley is nearly finished In some locali ties seeding has been done while the toil was too wet for best results Trial of Callahan I On Omaha April 24 The trial of Hames Callahan charged with having been a principal in tho kidnaping of Edward A Cudahy Jr began In the criminal branch of tho district court yesterday Callahan Is being tried en the Inst complaint filed by the county attorney which charges that he put Edward A Cudahy In fear and forcibly stole and carried away from him the sum of 2fi000 In gold con stituting the crime of robbery Womenf Hoard of MUilom Davenport Ia April 24 Delegates are assembling hero for tho 30th an nual meeting of the womens board of mlsslops for the northwest which In cludes active supporters of the Fres byterlan foreign missionary work from Illinois Iowa Indlann Nebraska South Dakota Wisconsin Michigan Minnesota and Montana Miss Caro lina B Sharp of Chicago led the openT lug devotional services last evening FAIR COMMISSION MEETS Kx Senator ThiirMon Klrctrd rrctldmt Im Trio nt SI Loud St Louis April 24 Artlcles of In corporation for the Worlds fair to be held In St Louis In HMW to celebrate the Louisiana purchase ventenulnl were filed yesterday Willi the exception of ox-Congressman M H Glynn all the nine mem bers of the national commission were present yesterday at the meeting called to order by ex Senator John M Thurs ton In view of the absence of Mr Glynn who came In later the perma nent organization of the commission wns deferred the time of the meeting being taken up with an Informnl dis cussion of Worlds fnlr matters be hind closed doors Hx Sonntor Thurs ton was elected as president pro tern At the Planters hotel Inst evening a banquet wns given by the Business Mens league In honor of the national commission and to celebrate the pas sage by congress of the Worlds fair hill TOP MARK OF FLOOD Water In Mir Ohio Will ltpcln to Iteeedn Toilny Diiiionntrntlonii of KcJnlclnR In Iomeroy llvnd Clnclnnntl April 21 While the Ohio river Is reported us falling from Pittsburg to the mouth of the Big Knuawhn almost IKK miles there Is et 111 much distress from that point to Cincinnati about 200 miles The weather bureau still predicts thnt the limit will be reached here today and that there will be still less trouble be low this city While alarming In quiries come from Ironton Ports mouth Huntington Catlettsburg and Intermediate points the weather bu reau says the outlook Is really encour aging and thnt the beginning of the end will reach Clnclnnntl this after noon when the stage will not ex ceed 58 feet The Big Sandy and other lower tributaries are falling as well as the headwaters The most encour aging news came from Point Pleas ant where the river became station ary and later reports show that It Is falling as far down as Marietta and Parkersburg In some of the smnller places bells were rung and cannon fired and Jolliflcntlon meetings were held when the stationary stage was reached Preparations are being mnde for demonstrations of rejoicing throughout the Pomeroy Bend Pom croy Middleport and other plnces in that district have been badly Inun dated and hundreds of families driven from their homes MAKES DYING ACCUSATION Death Words of Itirhnrd It Grognn Are ltelnted by 1niieeutliiK Attorney Cambridge Mass April 24 In the trial of Charles It Eastman the Har vard instructor charged with the mur der of his brother-in-law Itichnrd It Grognn lr tho prosecutions case was presented at the opening of the court yesterday The attorney asserted that on the day previous to tho one on which Grogan was shot he had ac cused Enstmnn of being out with a girl The next day while Grogan and Eastman were shooting at a target neighbors heard cries of Help Murder and the two men were seen engaged in a struggle When neigh bors reached Grogan he wns lying on the ground groaning and charging Eastman with having murdered him Eastman answers the ehnrges with the declaration thnt it was an accident Irrigation Export IH ud Denver April 21 E S Nettleton for the last two years connected with the department of agriculture In Washington as an expert on matters pertaining to irrigation is dead at the Homeopathic hospital In this city of heart failure He was 00 years of age liUfdneftR Iortlon Iturni Winfred S D April 24 The busi ness portion of this place was near ly wiped out by flro yesterday and the loss aggregates 50000 The fire was started In an oil house by small boys TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Dan Costello an old time circus clown died in New York Tuesday Chief of Police Kipley of Cnicngo handed in bis resignation Tuesdny A dispatch from Hosnrio Argentine says a cyclone has swept over Para guay destroying one town The Hamburg American line stenmer Drumelsler is ashore on Bibb rock be tween Wells and Ogunqult Me Henvy rains have fallen throughout south Russia materially Improving the prospects of the spring sowings Postmnster Harrison of Havana has resigned nnd Carlos Hernandez a Cu ban has been appointed his successor Dr Horatio Guzmnn secretary of the bureau of American republics nnd for many yenrs minister from Nica ragua to the United States died In Washington Tuesdny aged 50 It has been determined to increase the regular army to approximately 70 000 men and to leave It at that num ber unless conditions in the Philippines should make more troops necessary II C Draper has resigned as assist ant chief engineer of the Chicago and Alton nnd hns accepted n position with the Missouri Pacific railway to have charge of the construction of 40 miles of new railroad It was officially announced that Col onel Henry M Robert Colonel Thomns P Barr and Lieutenant Colonel John W Clous Judge advocate generals department would be mnde brigadier generals before retiring President Hill of the Great Northern railroad J Plerpout Morgan and other New York financial men are un derstood to be back of a deal to se cure the entire properties of the Duns mulr collieries in British Columbia THE NORFOLK MEWS FRIDAY A1MUL 110 1011 I L Harry Rice of North Platte Found Dead In Cemetery DIES ON HIS WIFES GRAVE Tell IrlemU In Tired of Life Leaie Ilia Will With One of Them Seek Soil tuile nnd Take 1oUon lloone Capital Usui II lttit lf North Platte Neb April 24- Harry like city mnishal and president of t In board of education went to the ceme tery yesterday took poison and died on his wifes grave He was an old time railroad man 50 years old and has held positions of responsibility with the 1nloii Pacific company lie had been drinking hard recently People who had talked with Rice early In the morning reported that he had told them he did not want to live any longer and even showed them what Is now supposed to have been a package of poison which he said would do the business He also hand od to one of them a document which purported fo be his will and asked him to take charge of It till needed llelleve It Wan Murder York Neb April 21 The commu nity was surprised to learn the ver dict of the coroners Jury ns to the cause of the death of A G Llnstrom which was generally supposed to be suicide There was considerable doubt In the minds of the Jurors and they brought In the following verdict That A G Llnstrom came to his death from the shot from n i2 onllbor rifle fired by a party unknown to this Jury Capitalist Itnngii IIImelf Boone la April 24 John McCarthy capitalist of this city aged 00 years committed suicide yesterday by hang ing himself In a woodshed at his home In the Fifth ward Worry over Invest ments Is supposed to be the cause He has not been actively engaged In bus iiess for some years but has loaned many to farmers and others He leaves a family PRISON FOR TWENTY YEARS Sentence of Dr Goddard Who Shot Jack on Alllrmed by tho Supreme Court Jefferson City Mo April 24 The supreme court yesterday affirmed the 20 year sentence of the lower couit against Dr Jefferson D Qoddnrd of Kansas City for the murder in 3i7 of F J Jackson a well-to-do laundry man Jackson who was partially blind accused Goddard of being inti mate with Mrs Jackson The men quarreled at the Woodland hotel where the Jncksons lived and God dard shot and killed Jackson Jack sons daughter took the stand in the defense of Goddard who had been the family physician Goddard was tried three times the first trial resulting in a hung jury on the second he was given 15 years hut a new trial was granted on a technicality Jackson was formerly in business in Chicago failed to Wreck Train Butte Mon April 24 A Fpeoial from Livingston says an nttempt was mnde Inst night to wreck Northern Pacific train No 1 at a point just west of Mission siding A large plank was placed across the track and two large stones placed on either end of It Engineer Manser was unable to stop his train in time but the pilot knocked the obstructions from the track with but slight Injury to the engine The coinpnny has offered a reward of 1000 for the arrest of the would be wreck ers Women Mlniounrie In Hemdnn Muncle Ind April 24 Delegates from Indiana Illinois Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Ohio and Wis consin came to Muncle yesterday for the convention of the Baptist Womens Missionary society of the west which began its session Inst night Three hundred delegates are In attendance together with numerous visitors One of the important questions to he dis cussed will be the pushing of Baptist missions in new fields Catherine of the Ited Men Rushville Neb April 24 Rushvllle hns boon given over to the red men the last three days the population being Increased by 1000 with representa tives of the Sioux tribe who nre as sembling here prior to the departure of 103 In charge of Gains of the In dlnn Congress and Village company to the Buffalo exposition The prairies north of town are literally dotted with tepees and tents McrarlandA Home Ilurna Des Moines April 24 The home of ex Secretnry of State William M Me Farland was burned to tho ground with all Its contents The home cost 1Q000 exclusive of furnishings Mr McFnrland since his retirement from state office has been engaged in the Insurance business and traveling most of the time None of the family were at home at the time The insurance was 0500 Ilanged From Court Ilounr Veranda Nashville Tenn April 24 Last night a mob of 300 men forcibly en tered the court house at Springfield Tenn took Wyatt Mallory a negro from the officers guarding him nnd hanged liim from the court house ver andn As the rope grew taut with tho negros weight each member of the mob fired a shot into the swinging body DlieitM Nebraska Patronage Washington April 2 1 Senators Mil lard and Dietrich of Nebraska ac companied by ISditor Rosewater of the Omaha Bee called upon the president j yesterdny and discussed Nebraska pat ronage PERISH ONTHE TRAIL ftorlin of ti nth bj Knifing In Aliiiha Con 111 luril Seattle April 21- Confirmation of the minors of death by freezing were received here yesterday The Nome Gold Digger of Jan 30 ways Dr Pel ton one of the best known and most esteemed young pioneers of Alaska wns frozen on the trail near Solomon Dr Tain was frozen to death on Inn 111 Dr W F Hiuim peilshed while carrying medical assistance to n sick miner United States Marshal Mc Lean brought Into town the remnlus of Alexander Stowe from Solomon A horrible story was told nt the chnmber of commerce meeting Monday night of 11 men and a woman hud dled together In n maimed and muti lated condition from frost bite In n cabin on Pilgrim river unable to lie down because of tho crush and with the ndded hoiror of starvation facing them An appeal to the military wns resolved upon nnd within two hours an emergency supply of food wns fly ing over the trail by moonlight drawn by swift dogs The next day a num ber of victims arrived In town and told their story Some of them were badly frost bitten nnd had endured severe hardships Two unknown men were found dead near Marys Igloo CAPUCHINS MASSACRED Cnthollo MImIoii In llmrll Ilentrnjed hy Iloitllr ludlniin Oter One Hun dred IVrnoni Kliiln New York April 24- Newjt hns reached here of the complete destruc tion In Maragnlne Hrnll of the Ro man Catholic mission established there a few years ago by the Capuchin fathers by a hand of hostile Indlnns The mission which was organized In 1SIMI was situated In a desolate dis trict but the missionaries had been successful In their efforts to evan gelize the nntlves and had already founded two orphan asylums It Is known that four of the Capuchin fathers all Itallnas from the province of Milan seven Capuchin sisters nnd more than 100 of their little charges were massacred SMASHERS REFUSE BAIL Cmrln Nut Ion nnd Three Other Women 1refer to Go to Fall Wichita April 21 At a meeting nt Mrs Wllhltes last evening Mrs Carrie Nation Mrs Lucy Wllhlte Mrs Julia Evans and Mrs Lydln Muntz tho four women who smashed the two saloons here some months ago decided to reject all ball and go to jail Their cases come before the court today for the purpose of re newing their bonds They claim they could easily get bond but thev iloom It tlmlr ilnlv In present the inrputntlon that they have committed any crime hence their de cision to go to Jnil Troiihli nt Wont 1olnt West Point N Y April 21 A court of Inquiry consisting or Captains Thompson Anderson and Lnsslter be gan the invest Igatldn of a charge of breach of discipline on tho part or several cadets of the military acad emy The cadets became disgruntled over the notion of Colonel Mills the superintendent In punishing one of their number Cadet Ralston for his failure to report a breach of disci pline In the mess hall while the ca dets were at supper a few nights ago The cadets are said to be almost In a state of Insubordination 1iiHHen Taxation Itill Lansing Mich April 24 The sen ate last night passed the Chandler taxation bill by a vote of 20 to 8 This bill as passed by the house about n week ago provided for the taxation of railroad telegraph telephone and ex press companies nccordlmr to the nd valorem system Instead of upon their earnings as they are taxed at present As the senate passed the bill Ihst night it provides for the taxation of railroad property only nnd flint n separate commission Instead of the state tax commission shall assess the railroad property Would Itekcue Illnck Jack Santa Fe April 24 Black Jack Ketchum was removed from Santa Fe to Clayton N M where he will be executed Friday for the crime of train robbery and murder For the last two months the rumor hns been cir culated In New Mexico that the bandit lender would never be hung It Is snid that the most daring desperadoes in the southwest have been organ ized Into a rescuing band to save their famous lender from the Ignominy of dying on the gallows DUcard the Union Label Minneapolis April 24 The sash and door innnufacturers of this city have agreed to terminate May 1 the ar rangements with the Wood Workers union by which tho union label was stamped on all mill work This no tion It Is feared will cause the strike of the carpenters now In progress to spread to all the other building trades Alabama Vote for Convention Montgomery Ala April 24 The people of Alabama voted yesterday on the proposition to call n convention to assemble In this city May 21 to draft a new state constitution An exceed ingly light vote was polled through the state but returns Indicate that perhaps five sixths of the counties have voted in favor of a convention Pure Iood Show at Waterloo Waterloo la April 24 There are more than 100 manufacturing firms repiesented by exhibits nt tho TraiiB missls8ljpl pure food exposition here this week The 11th annual conven tion of the Iowa state retail grocers of wlilch the pure food show is u part tefan yesterday I 1 Says He is Prepared to Justify All Acts of Missionaries WILL ASSURE PROTECTION Cliluoe rieuliotenllitilia Willing to live Gnaiituty for Iloleellon of foreigner If Toner Wltliilmw TrnopAnnther ltoxer Cprlolng Predicted Victoria It 0 April 21 In an Inter view with the Kobe Mould Minister Conger who Is on his way Francisco said I Theie were i tally no acts on the part of the missionaries there that woe not entltely Justified when the elicunistnnees aie known Mission- nilcs did not loot Missionaries found 2000 destitute men mid women on their hands There was no govern ment no organized authority There weie houses of men who had teen fir ing on the foielgu qunitcr directing the attacking leados of the Roxers their propel ty had been abnndoiietl ns a result of the state of war and It wns taken In older to succor hundrctlH of suffolng and destitute Chinese whoso lives the original owners had been la boring to destroy Winter was com ing on nnd measures of some kind were Imperative and the appropriation of property for the ends In view was unquestionably Justified That brief ly was the situation I am prepared to Justify the conduct of the Amer ican missionaries before the siege dur ing the siege nnd after the siege Il Called to Tak London April 24--A dispatch from Peking says that LI Hung Chang has been censured severely In a special edict because after the French and Chinese had agreed upon boundaries the Germans who have no concern with this matter marched west and threatened the Chinese The edict It Is said orders LI Hung Chang to prevent the expedition ami says that If he falls tho responsibility for the consequences will rest on him The emperor In the edict says that Viceroys Liu Kun Yl and Chang Chili Tung were appointed Joint negotiators with LI Hung Chang nnd Prince Ching but that LI Hung Chang spurns their opinion Hereafter It Is added LI Hung Chang must consult with them on all Important matters fredlct Aiintlirr IlprUlng Berlin April 21 The Cologne Volks Zcltung prints correspondence from a German missionary in China which says that In southern Pc Chi LI the Boxers are preparing for another great rising especially In the district of Kuang Ping Iu and Nal Ming Fu where the population sympathizes with the Boxers because of the fam ine there The population persistent ly disregards the deciees Issued by the authorities Will ANklire Iloteetlon Washington April 21 It is under stood here that the Chinese plenipo tentiaries at Peking Men Ching and LI Hung Chang are prepared to give a guaranty to the powers for the pro tection of all foreigners In China if the foreign troops now stationed then are withdrawn JAPANS BOLD STAND DeterinlnliiK Factor In llrliiKlni About ItiiKxIux lliiekdouu Yokohama Apr 12 Via Victoria April 21 There Is no doubt that Ja pans deadly earnestness In her In tention to ilia w the sword against Rus sia should the latter persist in her designs on Manchuria lias saved the situation in Manchuria Hvcrytlilug was ready for the blow with every vessel In the navy ready and with an army of 200000 ready at a moments notice This was thoroughly known nt St Petersburg and It became the determining factor In bringing about Russias backdown The latter has made a fatal blunder In her generally astute diplomacy A few weeks ago there was a general disposition to let her have Manchuria ns a recognition of her manifest des tiny but her nttempt to make a se cret and Independent treaty with China has made all that a thing of the pnst Japan Is In no mood now to let the matter rest with the simple rejection of the Manchuria convention Having pricked the bubble of Russias preten sion nnd revealed the weakness of the northern jowcr It Is most significant thnt 24 hours have not elapsed without an almost unanimous demand on the part of the press of this empire that a yet bolder stand be taken nnd thnt Manchuria be In some definite way safeguarded for all time against Rus sian encroach ment Miner Strike Ilrokcn Columbus O April 24 The strike of 2500 miners In subdlstrict No fi which began Monday was broken yes terday by tho signing of the miners scnlo by M J Schenek h Co of Bellnir Belmont county The ac tion of Schenek Co it is believed will he followed Immediately by the other operators along the Ohio river Death of Arteiiiu Lamb Sap Diego Cal April 24 Artemus Lamb a millionaire of Clinton la died yesterday nt the Hotel Corpnndo of dropsy While on his way here three months ago Mr Lamb was In jured In a railroad accident in Wyom ing nnd his death Is attributed to thelnjurles then received His re mains will be sent to Clinton Eipel ToUtol from ltutila London April 24 A special dis patch from Vienna says the czar lias signed a decree expelling Count Leo Tolstoi from Ruesln and that the de cree has been served 3 NEW JUSTICE BUILDING Attorney General Hunt Will Itccoiiiinriid IIh Cmil nit tlon I i inn ricciit Plum WmuIiIiiiI Ai11 I Xtllnh lit Mm t - Iliac of Hie cabinet yesterday was de villed to discussing the coining visit tif the commission appointed by tho Havana constitutional convention which Is now on Its way to Washing ton The commission Is to be received eotdliilly and Ih to be shown every conitesy It was decided not to delay longer the commencement of the construction of the new department of Justice build ing for which congress appropriated 11110000 Former Attorney General Griggs was opposed to proceeding with to San Hie construction on account of the limited appropriation and repented at tempts wire Hindi to secure an addi tional nppropilntton These failed and as the present quarters am very ciowded Attorney General Knox rec ommended thnt the work begin under the present plnus which will he mod tiled to conform to the size of tho np proprlnllon available PLOW COMBINE FORMED Score of Maniiiailurci ICcprenented nt Chicago Conference For ICIIiiiliintliin of Long Credit to Country Denier Chicago April 21 After a confer ence lasting several days the plow maiiurnctiticiM of the United HlntcM practically have completed the forma tion of a nOiOO000 combination Tho combination has for one of Its pur poses the elimination of long crcdltii which have been given country mer chants II Is said to have been tho custom to give these creditors ns much ns n years time and Inasmuch as the iiiiiuiifactiirers have not enjoyed such credits In buying their inaterlalH they say they hnve been placed at a disadvantage Some 21 innnufacturers are repre sented at the conference Charles IT Deere of Mollne one of the moving spirits lu the project presided The capital stock said one of tho manufacturers Is one of the things yet to be determined but It Is likely to be about 50000000 That about represents the capitalization of tho 20 and more manufacturers who have par tlclpatcd lu the conference The head quarters of the organization probably will be In Chicago Major Allen for Governor Trclobnn Island of Ley to April 22 Hnthuslnstlc throngs greetei tjie ap pearance of the Philippines commis sion In the province of Leyte Spcefhci etc In the tribunal hall were greeted with cheers The people are alert and patriotic The president of Tneloban with a detachment of unlives Is ab sent chasing the remnant of a hundred Insurgents Most of the municipalities have been organized and all were rap i often ted nt the conference The prov ince will be created today with Major Henry V Allen of the Forty third reg iment as governor Mimonlr luhllee Cloe With llniiiiltet Wlchltn Kah April lO Noarly 700 Scottish It It o Masons banqueted hero last night the feast being the culmina tion of a consistory jubilee during which 170 candidates were given from the fouith to the thlrty socond degree The function was very elaborate In every respect the adornments In Ma sonic symbols being especially artis tic Judge Henry C Sluss of this city members of tho court of private land claims was toast master Wealthy rainier Murdered Wlntleld Kan April 10 C L Wilt berger a wealthy farmer of this coun ty while driving on the public road less than a mile from here yesterday was shot and killed by unknown per sons who afterwards robbed the body which was found n mile from tho scene of the crime It Is believed Wllt berger had a large sum of money on his person A posse Is scouring tho country for the robbers Doctor Illll of 100000 AKuiimt Mage Pittsburg April 22 A local paper says the estate of the late Senator Chris L Magce has received a bill from Dr Walter C Browning of Phil adelphia for 100000 for professional services during the Illness of Senator Magce The bill Is understood to be Itemized covers 21 months treatment nnd Is chnrged at the rate of 80 per treatment hour Mother and Two Son Cremated Galesburg N D April 22 Tilt home of Mrs Hannah KJoren a wid ow was burned last night Tho only Inhabitants of the house herself and two boys aged I and 10 yenrs were burned to death The womans body wns found with the flesh nearly all burned off clasping the young boy In her arms The body of the oldest boy was almost Incinerated lQh Atchlsou ami Northern Atkinson Neb April 22 A new company has taken hold of the Atkin son and Northern railroad project and promises to push to completion the line between this point and Perry on the Niobrara river The old Atkinson and Northern grade will be used but the new road will be a narrow gunge A party of surveyors is going over tho survey IUcker Company to Withdraw New York April 24 The Hecker Jo terests of the Milling company which on April 27 1809 entered the so called flour conii blnntlon will withdraw It Is said from the Jones Jowell association and will finance a new corporation the necker Milling company i Governor Ilerreld Appoint C P Lien Pierre S D April 22 Governor nerreld appointed O P Lieu of Rob erts county a member of tho board of charities and corrections to fill the vachhey caused by the resignation of Dr Fliuicrud of Wutcrtowu