I ft N r M w I v IC O a a 12 J v4PS FH evWS N S a- - v v trS rN flrS aB fc K y w tyrfe ftfl 8tttttt - ------ J W M a a M T JOHN TOPP PIRATE By Woalhorby Ohosnoy and Alick Munro oorrnioirr icon mr wnATiinmir citEsineT Attn aijcx Himno naAiin iUTioNH nr it a oouwas CHAPTHU XXIII An wi hml nbunilnnco of victuals nml iwntrr nml woro In iiowIhu prcHHwl for time ns noon ns the Ncourgo wuh ready for Ron wo took Iter for a wuoIch rrulmi through tho dosort son to tin ninth wiml of our Island This wuh tho moio ncoossnry nr except our captain uniiu of us lintl more linn tho vaguoNl no tions of fon nml aft npniuntiHlilp anil It would lmvo been foolH coiiiihuI o think of lighting till wo liutl go I nil ItandH nnoil to tho feul of tliolr now nlilp Wu were returning from tlilH crulne well mitlHtled with whnt wo hud himiii and learned and were within hIkIH of tho Toniplo of tho Serpent on Cuvo Im land when Alec called a general coun cil Tho question was put to uh wlinl to do next There was no lack of riirrchIIoiih One proposed that wo should crulso nlonp the main straight away another thought that wo had better run Into harbor again and lying wing there plant a lookout on tho mountain who should give uh word when a Htiltahlo quarry hove In Right Ono man added thin bit of ndvlco and another that Hut when ench man who had anything to Kay said It and thero were almost ns tunny plana alloat as there wero men Wllllo Trehallou who had boon standing straddle legged by tho bltlii clo and rubbing his flklu cap fore and nft ncroKH his bald pate an he always did when hls thinking mnchtuery wiih nt work took a step forward and put In his word Theres nn Island hereabouts he said lying some 15 leagues authard nn westard that should yield hoiiio good pickings to them as goes adven turln on It An Island with plcklngst snld Tob Trohnlion Then theres Spaniards on It too uncle Wllllo took no notlco of him Miir ghcrltns the namo o It ho went on Some o you mny have heard o It but nil o you mny not know that tho Span lards hns got three towns planted thero to look after tho pearl llshorles Now pcnrli haint gould Hut pearls Is what tho queens own majesty wears sowed about her gown an so It balnt for tho like o us to turn up our noses nt cm Besides theres Spaniards there to col lect cm from the pagans as brings up tho pearl oysters from tho soa floor nn whero theres Spaniards you can lay your tooth ont theres powder as well And you suggest Willie That wo harry a town on Margher Ita Job chuckled A whole town would make a big mouthful snld he rinp pen It might squirm about when we was trying to swallow It an choke us Always a fool Job replied his un cle Bourly nn but one peg removed from n natural Hut 1 never ttiougtit to cnll nephew of mine illy llvered Tho big dark sear which seatnod Jobs face flashed out and grow purple and he stepped forward with hands clinched nud lips trembling And no wonder for ns every one knew thero was not a braver man on board Willie did not move a muscle Stop cried Alec sharply I allow no qunrrcllng on board tho Scourge Jobs objection Is a reasonable one and deserves a reasonable answer Theres nothing of the coward about hbu and Willie Trehallou overy man on the Scourge will tell you so lie has faced death at your side and at mine many a time as I ought not to huvo to remind you Hut enough of this What la tho size of these Spanish towns you speak of and how do they lie Theres Pnmpntas at tho replied Willie Trehallou gruffly an theres El Pueblo do la Mar a leaguo to leeward o that an t heros El Pueblo del Xorte on tho north side And their strength I dont know nor their alro cither Hut theyre not as big as London nor Bristol nor Whitby itself mobbo Which of them would suit our pur pose best Tucblo del Norte Because Bccaubo Its highest Captain Ire land Could you pilot ub thero Yes captnln with a couple o careful bands at tho lend I seed tho place marked on one o them rubbtshly Span iards charts but tho lubbers hadut marked down tho fairways Into tho harbor Tho Island Is steep too an rocky ou the sea face though so thero should be water enough Well try snld Alec So well bout ship now boatswain and shnpo a course for the Island of Marghcrlta And then In a lower touo Mind Wil lie I dont want you to sail tho Scourgo Into any harbor which masked bat teries nud unknown currents may turn Into a deathtrap for her Bring her a short Bca mile off tho town aud then lay to We can do tho rest In tho boats If this wind holds we should with luck be within hall of El Pueblo del Norte when Us doughty townsfolk bare their shoes off and their night caps on And bidding nil except tho watch turn In so na to como up fresh wheu work was on hand Alee and I went below You ore doing this against your own judgment Alec said 1 v Yes not because I fear to fall but because street fighting may coat us a - ilni t llfo or two And heaven mmm dji - ar to JJ X a a a a M - V - v - V W X l - V known wc havent a mail to spare Hut the penrls old lnd Aye lack the penrls1 lie answered bitterly They tired you up as they did the men forward Not ono of you cares how many of his fellows fall so long ns his own chest hursts with treas ure And once the hatches cover what you think enough therell bo a common cry I warrant for the eastward cruise ICh Jnck Ornmmerey Alect Youd not stay holding on and oft tltln sweltering const longer than wo have to would you Yes ho cried llorcely Id Htny till wed driven every Spaniard hnck to the devil who spawned him Id stay till wed given tho country back to tho Indian It was stolen from or till wed peopled It with honest English hearts And mark me Jack thats what It will come to Our people at home are In creasing every dny nud tho Island that holds them Isnt Look nt Loudon look at Bristol theyre big overgrown cities even now aud theyre still growing Where think you must tho overflow drift to Ill tell you When bread begins to fall them us It soon will and the little ones begin to cry to their fa thers for food they will pour out to tho west here Raleigh and bis friends planted a faint hearted crew In a more northern laud so I have heard among savages and snowstorms and barren rocks and ns might have been expect ed those that did not dlo enmo back walling over their miseries and cursing tho men who had led them away from England Hut here I tell you It Is dif ferent Tho tlorra flrmo bristles with Spanish towns Thero are Cumana Barcelona La Quayra Caracas Va lencia Cartagena and all those In Mex ico besides And in overy ono of them the cursed Spaniard tortures and burns unhindered and makes tho very gar dens of Gods earth Into foul blasphem ing hells 1 ask you what nobler aim could a man have In life than to wrest this fair land from these demons aud to bring It Instead under tho sway of Elizabeth of England Jack Topp he went on flushing deeply and gripping my arm till l fairly winced I swear to you that If 1 get back homo from this voyage with sound skin and sufficient booty for tho purpose I will get a charter and fit out an armada at my own cost If no one else will Join me and Ill sail for the main hero and take every town as I pass along Tho west Is the treasury of Spain and If her power be once bro ken out here In tho new world theres little doubt as to who will be queen of tho seas over yonder In tho old Ho broke off suddenly and went to his bunk and 1 turned nwny to mine iror truth to tell I hud little heart to argue with one who was as eager for prolltless buttle as any paladin of the crusades with never an eye for the plunder which would follow a good light Many a hard blow have I taken and given but it Is n sport I care little for unless behind It there Is that which will pay for the broken heads and dum lgcd limbs And to give credit whero ft Is due no man can say that John Topp was ever backward In n flght igalnst thoso who were defending goods or treasure Hut be that as It amy The sun wns bnlauclng over tho west srn water lino when I came ou deck tgaln nud the cliffs of Mnrgherlta wore showing In a low dark line tine in the leo bow Wllllo Trehnllon was steering with his ono brawny hand on the tiller and tho tiller rope cast on to his hook with a couple of half hitches Ills one eye took nu occasional squint aloft and then rove onco moro nlong tho laud ahead The vessel was rising It rapid ly charging the short seas with ber sharp stem and riding over them dry decked llko tho beauty she was Our Scourgo was a craft of which every man of her crew might well bo proud Thero were none of thoso dull swishing thuds of green wave against round ap ple bow which cause a ship to stop and shudder as though cringing under a blow Tho motion was gliding oily and pleasant And tho pace was so great that wo deemed It advisable to stow the foresail and hoist the main- tack lest If wo allowed ourselves to come Into sight In tho daytime the dons of Marghcrlta should suspect our In tont and mako ready an uncomfortably warm reception for us We could not afford to risk by such a plcco of care lessness tho loss of our dainty racer Night fell dark moonless starless but without rain or haze Just such a nlgbt ns ouicyurposo asked for All hands wero on dock eager and expect ant for word hud been passed that El Pueblo del Norto was close under our leo Now thero Is and has been from tlmo immemorial a custom among fighting men to put on their best clothes to do battle in The sea dnudy of the queens Bhlps would turn out In all tho bravery of puffed and bolstered hoso and trunks and with a starched ruff circle as big as a puncheon head cumbering his chest But we woro our best and worst clothes every day In fact we had no more than ono suit apiece and that a skimpy one We could not therefore honor tho eountct by much change of apparel Truo there was Spanish body armor In t plenty If we had cared to put It on but body armor has never found much favor with THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL 26 1901 llsh sailors anil moreover It was mon strous heavy and uncomfortable So with the exception of a motnl helmet apiece which Alec Insisted thnt enrh of us should wenr we wero prepnred to go Into bnttlo protected only by our own quick sword piny aud tho supple strength of our Iron muscles And when the Scourgo was hove to and the boats dipped Into tho water there scrambled Into them surely the most ragged tattered and unkempt crew that ever set out to capture a town Most of us lacked shoes and hose some of us even wnnted it shirt but though a senrecrow woidd not havo taken our clothes ns a gift overy man was armed to tho teeth with Jewel hill ed swords and daggers and our hopes told us that wo wero likely soon to have other gear to match tho quality of our side arms To 14 cotitlmioil noxt Friday T Drying propunitions simply dorol opdryentarihj thoy dry up tho Boorotloan which mlliero to tho innmbrnna nml docom poso causing n far moro serious troublo than thn ordinary form of cntnrrh Avoid all dry log inhalants fumon luuolcos and sutilTn and uio that whloh cleanses soothes and heals Elys Cream Balm Is such a romody and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and ldoftHAiitly A trial slzo will bo mailed for 10 csnti All druggists soil tho GOo fllzo Ely IJrothors fill Warroa St NY Tho Balm euros vithout pain doos not irritato or enuso snoozing It Bproads itself ovor an Irritnlod and angry surface roliov iug itnmnillatcly tho painful inflammation Willi Elys Oroam Halm you aro aruiod against Nasal Catarrh find Jlay Fovor Tlin Most Htublmrn Cough resulting from an attack of la grlppo or hoavy cold must yield to the wondor ful honllug properties of Foleys Honoy and Tar which strotigthous tho lungs and mnkos thorn sound A H Kiosnu Farm land and city property for sale by G It Soiler I fit Fran If It Ful U to Ouro Retol tho groat pilo ouro A pile pipo froo with oooh package Wo sell it nntlor a positive written guarantee No Oaro No Pay GO conta Samples free Kiesnu Drug Co Makes digestion nud assimilation per foot Makes now red blood firm flesh aud bono Thats what Rooky Mount ain Ten will do Mo Q B Chris- toph Application for Saloon Liquor Lloonsn Mattor of application of George Eblo for a liquor licouso Notico is hereby given that George Eblo did on tho tilth day of April 1001 fllo his application to the mayor aud city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for licouso to sell malt spirituous aud vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1001 to tho aoth day of April lUOS at lot 5 block 2 MathowBou addition in First ward of said oity If thero is no objection remonstrance or protest Qlod within two weeks from tho lllth day of April 1001 the said license will be granted S R McFauland City Olork Sherlira Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale iBsned by Ohr Sohavland cleric of the district court of Madison oounty Nebraska upon a judgmout rendered in the distriot court of Madison county Nobraska on tho ninth day of April 1101 in favor of T C Cannon as plaintiff aud against John E Oluoy Charlotte E Oluoy et al ns defendants for the sum of two thousand thirty ouo dollars and 40 conts 303140 the same being for taxes with intorost at the rate of 10 per oout per annum from April 0 10O0 aud costs taxed at three hundred and two dollars and bixty eight cents 302 08 and accruing costs I have loviod upon the following real estate taken ns tho property of said defendants to satisfy said decreeto wit Lots fifteen 15 and sixteen 10 in block six 0 of the town of Norfolk Nebraska And will offer the same for Bale to the highest bidder for cash inhandonthe22ud day of May A D 1001 at tho hour of 1 oclock p in of said day in front of the east door of the court house in Madison Nebraska that being the building wherein the last term of court was held when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned Dated this 18th day of April 1901 Geo W Losky Sheriff of said County A jipllcntlou for Saloon Liquor License Matter of application of J W OOon noil for liquor license Notice is hereby given that J W UOonnell did on the 24th day of April 1001 file his application to the chairman and board of trustees of the village of Battle Creek Madison county Nebr for license to sell molt spirituous and vinous liquors at Battle Creek Nebr from the 1st day of May 1001 to the 30th day of April 1003 at the Brech olsen saloon building situated on lot 3 block 17 original town site in Battle Crook Madison county Nebr If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 24th day of April 1001 the said license will bo granted P F Zimmerman Village Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor License Matter of application of Michael Am broz for a liquor license Notice is jiereby given tnatJUtcnaei Ambroz did ou the 10th day of April 1001 file his application to the chairman and board of village trustees of the vil lage of Tildon Nebraska for license to sell molt spirituous aud vinous liquors at Tilden Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1001 to tho 30th day of April 1003 at lot ninolilook one of said village If thero is no objection romonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 10th day of April 1001 the said licenBe will bo grantod Felix Hales Villago Olork The llest Keinedy for Kheumutlsui QUICK UELIEF FHOM PAIN All who use Chamberlains Pain Balm for rhoumatism are delighted with the quiok relief from pain whioh it affords When speaking of this Mr D N Sinks of Troy Ohio says Some time ago 1 bad a severe attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder I tried numer ous remedies but got no relief until I wa i recommended by Mossrs Goo V Parsons Co druggists of this placo to try Ohamborlnins Pain Balm Thoy rccommondod it so highly that I bought a bottlo I was soon rollovodof all pain t havo fllnoo rocommoudod this liniment to many of my frionds who ngroo with mo that it is tho host remedy for musou lar rhoumatism in the markot For tialo by Kiosau Drug Co Its its Certain ns Innth nml JToxes that Ilootol tho groat pllo romody will ouro tho pilo A pllo pipo ftoo with caoh package Wo sell it ou positlvo written guaranteo No Curo No Pay GOo Samples froo Kiosau Drug Co Olyou Up to ln With Oroup Mrs P L Cordiorof Mannigtou Ky writes My thrco year old girl had a sovoro enso of oroup tho doctor said sho could not live and I gavo her up to dlo I wont to tho storonud got a bottlo of Foleys Honoy aud Tar tho first doso gavo quick roliof and saved hor llfo A H Kiosau A HprliiR Ton In Everybody needs a touio in the spring at this tlmo tho system craves a touio It is houscclouuing timo for your body Llohtys Oelory Norvo Compound will tone up your norvos blood kidneys aud livor and fill you with health and energy Sold by Geo B Christoph Caught A I read Till Cold Marion Kooko manager for T M Thompson a large importer of a fine millinery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue Chicago says During tho lato sovere weathor I caught a dreadful cold which kopt mo awake at night aud made mo unfit toattond my work during the day Ono of my milliners was taking Ohaui berlalus Cough Remedy for a severe cold nt that tlmo which soomed to re lievo hor so quiokly that I bought some for myself It acted liko magio and I began to improve at onco I am now entlroly well and feol very pleased to acknowledge its merits For sale by Kiesau Drug Co Tho groatest childrens medicine on earth ip Rocky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medicine Oo Makes and keeps them woll all summer 35o G B Christoph Tin fcusy to Feel Good Countloss thousands have found a blessing to tho body in Dr Kings New Life pills whioh positively cure consti pution sick headache dizziness jauu dico malaria fever and ague and all liver and stomach troubles Purely vogetable never gripe or weaken Only 25o at Kiesau Drug Oos store Hellers Testimony Albert Heller living at 1114 Farnham street Omaha Bays I have tried most rfjajQ gid - -4 j9 evory thing that is used as a preventive or cure tor headache but nothing did me bo much good as Krauses Headache Capsules Others who have used them say the same thing Price 25o Sold by Geo B Christoph Scoum In Colts anil Calved For n young calf or colt from a day to a mouth old give ono teaspoonfal of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in half a gill of water as a drench after each operation of the bowels more than natural usually one dose is sufficient For older animals it may be given in the feed Thousands of valuable animals are saved by it each year This remedy is just what yon should take yourself when troubled with diarrhoea For sale by Kiesau Drug Co Jangling Nerve Are yon irritable Do you sleep badly Is it hard to concentrate your thoughts Is your appetite poor Do you feel tired restless and despondent Try Liohtys Celery Nerve Compound It will do youmore good than any thing you have over tried Sold by Geo B Christoph A Raging Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph line whioh Olios C Ellis of Lisbon la had to re pair Standing waist deep in icy water he writes gave me a terrible oold aud cough It grew worse daily Finally tho best doctors in Onkdalo Neb Bioux Oity and Omaha said I had con sumption and could not live Then I began using Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles Positively guaranteed for coughs oolds and all throat and lung troubles by Kie sau Drug Co Price 50o and 100 Trial bottles freo The editor of the Fordville Ky Mis cellaneous writes as a postscript to a business letter I was cured of kidney trouble by taking Foleys Kidney Cure Take nothing else A H Kiesau The Rest Cold Cure is one you can take without interruption to business One that does not effect the head or hearing like the continued i ufe of quinine One that cures speedily and leaves you feeling fresh and clear headed Sucli a one is Krauses Cold Ouro Price 25o Sold by Geo B Ohristoph A flood Thlug Germau Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr A Bosohee a celebrated Ger man Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortuuate discov eries in Medicines It quiokly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of the sovereBt nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy con dition It is not an experimental niedi oine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season Mood Poison THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE OF ALL HUMAN DISEASES The nobon ejected from the fnng of the rattle snake is not more surely fatal than the virus of Jd Contagious Mood Poison which pollutes and vitiates the blood destroys the ttasues and bonca and cats like confirms Two million bottles sold an nually Bosohees German Syrup was introduced in tho Uui tod States in 18G8 and is now sold in every town and vil lage in the civilized world Threo doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiosau Drug Co Job Couldnt Ilava Stood It If hod had itching piles Theyre ter ribly annoying but Bucklens Arnica salve will ouro the worst case of piles on earth It has cured thouands For in juries pains or bodily eruptions its the best salve in the world Price 2To a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Kiesau Drug Co A Testimonial from Old Kngianri I consider Chamberlains Cough Remedy tho best in the world for bron chitis says Mr William Savory of Warrington England It saved my wifes life she having been a martyr to bronohitis for over six years being most of the time confined to her bed She is now quite well Sold by Kiesau Drug Oo Stick to It Geo L Heard of Higli Tower Georgia writes Eczema broko out on my baby oovering his entire body Un der treatment of our family physician he got worse as he could not sleep for the burning and itching We used a box of Banner Salve on him and by the time it was gone he was well The doctor seeing it was curing him said Stick to it for it is doing him more good than anything I havo done for him A H Kiesau An Extensive Stock Raiser Tells How to Cure Scours In Calves Wm Abbott of Tyndall Si Dak quite an extensive stook raiser has for a number of years used Chamberlains Colic Oholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for scours in calves and says he has never known it to fail He gives a tea spoonful in water as directed on the bottle for an adult man after each oper ation of the bowels more than natural Usually one dose is sufficient For Bale by Kiesau Drug Co nest Way to Cure Backache Backaches are caused by disorder in the kidneys Foleys Kidney Cure will make the kidneys right Take no sub stitute A H Kiesau The Best Wood Purlller The blood is constantly being purified by the lungs liver and kidneys Keep these organs in a healthy condition and the bowels regular and you will have no need of a blood purifier For this pur pose there is nothing equal to Chamber lains Stomach and Liver tablets one dose of them will doyou more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier Price 25 cents Samples free at Kiesau Drug Oos drug store If troubled by a weak digestion loss of appetite or constipation try a few doses of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver tablets Every box warranted For sale by Kiesau Drug Oo dood Advice The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint More than seventy fire per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects such as Sour Stomach Siok Headache Habitual Oostiveness Palpitation of the Heart Heart burn Waterbrash Gnawing and Burning Pains at the Pit of tho Stomach Yellow Skin Ooated Tongue and Disa greeable Tasto in tho Mouth Coming up of Food after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to your Druggist aud get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Try it Get Greens Prize Almauao J Kiesau Drug Co B Presson Pressonville Kaus writes Nothing like Foleys Houey and Tar is the universal verdiot of all who have used it Especially has this been true of coughs accompanying la grippe Not a single bottle failed to give relief A H Kiesau - -T-V- rm TiiiKifm a can iter sore into tnc llesu Thin horrible disease appears first in the form of a little sore or blister soon the glands begin to swell pimples break out on the body the mouth and throat become sore making it painful to cat or swallow dreadful ulcer9 appear on the tongue copper colored splotches and other characteristic signs of Hiood Poison come ns the disease progresses and the destructive virus takes deeper hold upon the system The medical men arc as 9orely perplexed over the character of this blood Eoison as ever they tell you to take mercury and potash alternately for three years ut the stomach of no human being can stand this treatment long besides they do not cure the disease permanently as thousands who have tried it know WELLINGTON KAS Sopt 1000 ml 1J JUV JZ I contracted Blood PoLoa two year ao this fall FHJ PIfJLVCJ and was Dorauadod to try a modtoine widely Mlulc pnn un tlaed by a romody oompany In Ohloago X was re quired to pay a largo amount in advance and can truthfully say that I was worse whon tho troatmont was loft off than whan X bofran Roddlsh plmploa would break out and fill with yellowish matter cop por colorod splotches of all sizes would appoar on my body my throat was so sore X oould scarcely swallow and my mouth and tongue woro seldom freo from uloara tonsils wero swollen and my hair was com lnir out rapidly This was my oondttlon whan X began your S S S I havo uaod twenty two bottles and am fooling splendid Kvery sore on my body has healed and my appetite uood JAKE MABTTN the only antidote for this particular virus it purifies the blood ana builds up the constitu tion The appetite im proves almost from the hrst dose the sorc9 soon show 6ign9 of healing and the unsightly dirty splotches and eruptions grow paler and paler and finally disannear S S S is not a new medicine for nearly 50 years it has been known and used for tills dreadful disease It has brought new life and hope to thousands all over this land it will cure you as it has others Send for our free book on home treatment and write our physicians about your case We wiil help you if you will let us we make no charge for advice and all correspondence is conducted in itrictcst confidence THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA He Kept His Leg Twelve years ago J W Sullivan of Hartford Conn scratched his log with a rusty wire Inflammation and blood poisoning set in For two years he suf fered intensely Then the best doctors urged amputation but ho writes I used one bottle of Electric Bittors and l boxes of Buoklens Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever For emotions eczema tetter salt rheum sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth Try them A H Kiesau will guarantee satisfaction or refund money Only CO cents V B CoukliUj Bowersville O Bays I received more benefit from Foleys Kidney Cure thun mouths of treatment by physicians A H Kiesau Nasal CATARRH In ajl Ub etkges thero should be cleanliness Elys Cream Balm cleanses soothes and hcali the diseased membrane 1 1 enres catarrh and drives away a cold In tho head quickly riBiK mm vV v AMC iMnccutir nTHI IMOVAL Obstpoc Ciicr I lun I C iTri vi cD Hii yuV MnM Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils spreads jyer the membrane and is absorbed Relief Is im mediate and a cure follows It Is not drying does not produce sneezing Large Size SO cents at Drug gists or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall ELY BROTHERS 58 Warren Street New Terk rliotOfTipktl RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY iff amMTkr m THE SJ dHfsJra GrmEU3mtr v r PXt EuCTO Made a Well Man BiVt A Ul I VIC ftp xtxraxznors produces the above results In 30 days It acts powerfully and quickly Cares when all others alt Sonngmen will regain their lost manhood and old men will rocover their youthful vigor by asms HEVTVO It quickly and Burely restores Nervous ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emlsslcej Lost Power FsiUng Memory Wasting Diseases and til effects of self -abuse or excess and indiscretion whlcb unfits one for stndy business or taarrliffe II sot only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but la great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring lug back the pink slow to pale cheeks and re storing the fire of yonth ft wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having BEfTVOt mo other It can be carried in vest pocket By mall 10O per package or lit for 9BJ00 with pool tire written roarantee to eon or refntsl the money Book and advise free Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO 6aoAyQmo01lP Forsale in Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Ohristoph druggist KIDNEY DISEASES are the eases most fatal of all Cfll C YC KIDNEY CURE It rilLCI O Buirutud Rmdy or money refunded Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles PRICE 50c and 100 Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Mcdl cine Co Madlsoa Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 33 cents Never so4 In bulk Accent no subitu iconponATfDiit tute Ask your druggist RED CROSS c A n U1NB STANDING Vt SltOOl oran rCMAiXUWCCULMfTirc 01 rTSfiToVvatf jxisGsrm 2r r2V PILLS ARC PUMAS VCCCTASLC I XAm crrccrtji T IIHTMAVCvTMl V w PtBosftnusl orcveny PHY6ICUM rrllUAWITH THI rOHHUUk IN OC CINCHONACft 0C8 MOINCSkW For Sale by George B Ohristoph 1