i v h I H v r i MM 1 Absolute Protection to Quail for Two Years IT TAKES EFFECT JULY 1 Killing or Sour lUriU I Positively For bidden mul Heavy renaltlen Attached A Limit Placed on Amount of Game nml Fifth Tukon Thoro nro fow persons who do uot on joy a fishing or hunting outing whether it be of a fow hours or a fow weeks duration and thoroforo tho now fish and gauio laws of Nebraska should bo studied by thoso who are law abiding and do not wish to violato thorn and also by those who aro interested in having such laws enforced For tho informa tion of those The News horowith pub lishes tho now law passed by the lato legislature and known as house roll No 188 by Evans It was tho intention to havo the law take offect immediately on its passage and being signed by tho gov ernor but as passed it will not bo in force untilJuly 1 The governor is inade tho game and fish commissioner and is authorized to appoint two deputy commissioners One is called tho chief deputy and shall reside in Lincoln the other shall be skilled in tho scionco of fish culture and havo control and management of all fish hatcheries in tho state Each to receive a salary of 1200 per annum Tho gov ernor is also authorized to appoint three more deputies at a salary of 75 a month during the time actually employed un der direction of tho commissioner They aro to be allowed 300 per annum for traveling expenses and to have of fices at the capital The commissioner and his deputies aro made ofticials of tho state with all tho powers of sheriffs and constables while acting within the line of their official duties to make arrests to serve all writs and processes civil and criminal in the enforcement of this act and to charge therefor and collect fees allowed by law It is made tho duty of tho commissioner and his deputies with or without warrant to arrest all parties he may deem guilty of violations of this act And with or without warrant to open and examine any box born car or other place where he believes game killed in violation of tho act to be concealed When enter ing a dwelling house a warrant is neces sary No person shall shoot or hunt from a publio highway at any game insectivorous or other bird or fish or hunt game on any land not publio land without consent of the owner nor fish or hunt in any private park or lake without consent of the proprietor Tho use of dynamite or other explosive in killing fish is forbidden Killing of the following named birds is forbidden at any and all times of the year Robin lark thrushJblue bird king bird jay swallowwren oriole woodpecker yel low hammer cuckoo yellow bird bobo link or other birds of like naturo that promote agriculture or horticulture by feeding on noxious worms or insects It is provided however that hawks and owls may be killed on ones own prem ises schoolsor colleges when author ized by the commissioner may take or kill for scientific purposes twenty five of each of the forbidden species Any person violating any of the provisions of the above seotion is liable to n fine of five dollars for each bird killed The open season for deer and antelope hav ing horns shall begin Aug 15 and end Nov 15 Wolves coyotes foxes skunks wildcats and rabbits may be killed during any time of the year The openseason for prairie chickens sage chickens and grouse begins Oct 1 and ends Nov 30 for quails from Nov 1 to Nov SO and it is mode unlawful to kill trap or harm quail at any season of the year prior to Nov 1 1903 for wild ducks swans cranes geese etc shall begin Sept 1 and end April 15 for jack snipes Wilson snipes and yellow legs from Sept 1 to April 15 for wild pigeons doves plover April 15 to Oct 80 The open season for trout not loss than eight inches in longth shall begin Juno 1 and end Oct 31 for all other fish April 1 to Oct 81 Taking of game in any one day is limited to the follow ing amounts for one person Ten wild geese or brants 25 game birds of any other variety 25 fish No person may kill moro than one deer andono antelope in one year Or he may substitute two of one kind for one of eaoh kind No one person may have in possession at any time moro than 10 wild geese or brants 50 ducks and 50 other birds nor moro than 50 fish No game or fish shall be held in possession by any per son for more than five days after expira tion of tho season for killing Game may not bo pursued in tho night timo nor with other thau an ordinary shoul der gun or pistol Fish may be caught by hooks baited with natural or artificial bait and tho number of hooks ou any one line must not exceed five nor shall any fish be caught within 200 feet of auy fish way Violation of tho provi sion restricting the number of birds aud fish aud tho provision relatiug to time and method of hunting is mado punish able by a fine of uot less than 10 nor more than 100 or imprisonment in tho county jail not less thau 00 days A fine of uot less than 100 nor moro than 300 or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed 00 days or both is pro vided for killing deer antelope or elk out of season or in groater numbers than is pormlttod by law Tho killing of birds out of sooson or possession of birds out of sooson is mado puuishablo by a flno of 5 for oaoh bird or fish un lawfully killed taken or wounded or imprisonment In tho county jail uot more than 00 days SATURDAY SIFTINGS Andy Commes was up from Froniont yesterday W O lloach was in tho city yoster day from Plainviow 1 1 Bonuett of Hastlugs had businoss In Norfolk yesterday W O Games was a city visitor yos terday from Atkinson Mrs G W Ward wont to Lincoln this morning to visit over Sunday S A Oampboll and L G Bloy woro in Norfolk yostorday from Madison Miss Nettie Pheasant canio up from Lincoln last night fot a two weoks visit Winter will now ploaso vacato springs lap tho bock boor sign is up in Nor folk O A Smith aud little daughter of Tlldon wore In tho city botwonu trains yostorday Tho democrats elected a mayor at Fremont on a reform ticket and it is said that tho reform will bo gouuiuo If tho lions had not boon uuusually gouerous this spring tho douiuud for oggs for Easter would created a famine of tho product Mrs O E Farley who has lately moved to Pierco county where she aud her son have purchased a stocic ranch is in town today greeting old timo friends A B Riohardson is down from Battle Creek today He has lately sold his farm nt Emerick and purchased ouo ad joining that of his brother Fred near Battle Creek Mr and and Mrs R A Stewart en tertained a large company of f rieudB at dinner last evening in honor of Rev Mr Parker who is soon to leave for his new pastorate at Kearney The irrigation ditch at Burwell this state whichcost 27000 to construct in 1894 was sold at sheriffs sale Thursday and brought 1200 It was purchased by George Hoobler of Omaha P A Shurtz has received word that his niece who was shot seven weeks ago by a rejected lover at Logan Kan sas died last night from tho otlect of the wounds received on that occasion The Grand Island election was won on an anti gambling platform and thegams propose to look for greener fields aud pastures new Mayor Piatt also proposes to move after his torm of office expires Mrs H L Snyder and Mrs J O Stitt entertained The Heights ladies at tho homo of Mrs Snyder yesterday af ternoon A hunt for clover leaves was an enjoyable feature in which Mrs Frank Beols proved most successful Mrs Marsco Best received yesterday a box of goods valued at 75 from nor son Will Raiuey who is now in China with one of Uncle Sams naval vessels Tho quality of the goods is very line and Mrs Best is well pleased to be remem bered in this manner by her son Two fakirs traveling in the vicinity of Seward have lately put a gift of hypno tism to a uovel and profitable use They hypnotize a farmer and then demand his ready cash Being accommodated in their demand they load themselves into their vehicle and drive away Mrs F W Teal is entertaining a large companp of young folks this afternoon from 3 to 5 oefock at the hospital for the insane in honor of Nola Walker and her little son Floyd Teal Convey ances were sent to town for the small guests aud it is needless to say that they aro enjoying a dolightlul afternoon Not satisfied with tho result of the first matched game of the season the niuos composed of small boys aud cap tained by Joseph Parker and Peter Stafford clashed on tho diamond again last Thursday and the result of tho former gaino was reversed Peter Staffords nine winning by n score of 80 to 15 Auother game betweou tho teams was contemplated for today It is said that Rev J J Parker for 15 years pastor of the First tional church here will preach his faro well sermon tomorrow having accepted a call to tho Congregational church at Kearney He contemplates leaviug soon for that city Mr Parker is an able pulpit orator aud his 15 years con tinuous service here speaks well for his ability to minister to tho wants of nu exacting congregation He has many friends here who will bo sorry to have him leave but will wish him an abund ance of success in his now field of work J O Lewis and his comedy company entertained a largo audience at tho Auditorium last evening Although Norfolk has been visited several times by tho same attraction each succeeding season seems to add to its popularity The addition of n list of entertaining specialties this year was a foature that was appreciated especially tho musical numbers Tho comedy SiPluukard was very well rendered Mr Lewis taking the leading role for which ho is well qualified He was given very man4Am3iks8NI THR NORFOLK NMWS FKIDAY APRIL 12 1101 good support by tho nioiubors of his company Jamos Wamsloy son of a well-to-do fanner living noar Ponoa has had sotno oxpcrlonco witli a matrimonial agoncy that cost him 20 in cash aud a savoro shock Ho had corresponded with a Chicago woman who was dosorlbed as a haudsomo bruuotto Hor beautiful penmanship porfumod stationary and soutlinoutnl phrases won his heart Tho day for tho wedding was sot tho trousseau provldod at tho young mans oxponso and ho wont to tho city to claim her but didnt When Intro duced to him ho found hor as black as satans thoughts and hislovo ovaporatod llko liquid nlr ou a cako of loo Ho lodgod complaint against tho agoncy nnd will horoaftor require a photograph aud samplo of opldormis boforo sotting n dato for tho coromony MONDAY MENTION Airs Hoes of Pioroo was horo this morning L P Kerpel was down from Bnttlo Crook Sunday K E MoVay was in Norfolk Saturday from Oloarwator Frank Phillips was a visitor from Hosklus Saturday Max Lousor of Tildon spout Sunday with Norfolk friends P A Holdon of Holdrogo was a Sun day visitor in Norfolk J E MoBuruoy of Bassott was a Sun day visitor in tho city Miss Anna Nelson of Hoskins spout Sunday with Norfolk friends O II Buruham aud O A Root of Randolph spent Sunday in Norfolk Miss Auuio McBrido roturued from her visit to Fullorton Saturday night Mr aud Mrs L A Pohlman aud sou woro Norfolk visitors from Piorco today Mrs L R Craig was in tho city from Piorco this morning doing some shop ping A haudsomo now piano has boon placed in tho homo of Mr and Mrs M O Hazou Tho sale of Easter goods and novelties netted tho Ladies guild of Trinity church 10 Mrs Buttcrfield and Miss Buttorfield returned Saturday night from their visit to Chicago Mr aud Mrs M Becker of Albion spent Sunday at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Morris Mayor Tho swallows and martins havo made their appearance and Gentle Aunio certainly came with them Rev Father Walsh has gone to Alliance to assist Rev Father Galviu in a 40 hours adoration service Mr and Mrs Jacobs and Lulu and Burrell Darting were down from Oak dale yesterday to attend the Masouio services at tho M E church A J Duulevy aud two children and A W Witzigman of Meadow Grove visited at tho home of G A Luikart yostorday Goo H Bishop of Now Havon Conn owner of tho new block at tho comer of Fourth and Main streets is hero look ing after his interests The ico wagons this morning com menced making the rounds of tho resi dences and it is positively nsserted that if all other signs of spring fail this can not Tho building formerly used as a coal office by C W Braasch has found a resting place on the corner of Fourth street and Madison avenue next to tho Chesney building W W Allinson will leave with his family tomorrow for Lyons where thoy will make their future homo Mr Allin son having acquired a half interest in a hardware Btore at that place The spring term of tho publio schools oponed this morning after a vacation of a week and a half enjoyed by teachors and pupils A largo number of chil dren started in school for tho first timo this morning Tho Jfrionds of Miss Fay Widaman planned and executed a surprise ou her Friday night at tho home of her parents on North First street The party proved to be a very happy ono and an enjoyable evening wasjpassed Mr and Mrs E A Lindermau cele brated theirlGth wedding anniversary at their homo in Nouows addition yes terday Thirty fivo couples partici pated in tho celebration and a good time was had until this morning at 5 oolock The Belgian hare with four little ones which has been on display iu Leonards window for several days attraoted con siderable attention and caused some to believe that the haro of this speoies has superceded tho Easter rabbit in its duties There was but one voto against W II Lowofor city engineer aud that was cast for L Wetzel iu the First ward somo elector undoubtedly conceiving tho idea that Mr Lowe was after the job of engineer at tho water works pumplug station Miss Lizzie Clelaud of Pierce and Mrs J II Brown of Wakefield wore guests of Miss Lillie Parkor over Sunday Mr Brown is expected hero tomorrow and with Mrs Brown will go to Liucolu to attend tho banquet to be tendered Gov ernor Dietrich by mombers of his staff I Wednesday evening TUESDAY TOPICS W L Rlttor of Omaha is a city vis itor today S T Black was a city visitor today from Piorco F M Housh of Noligh was o city vis itor yostorday G M Gatlln of Sorlbnor was registered horo yostorday Mrs FiRhor of Madison visited with Mrs Hasloy Sunday Mrs L E Day was a Norfolk visitor last night from Osmond Tho Wednesday club will moot with Mrs Hoar tomorrow at 2 0 J F audit F IUroh woro iu tho city yostorday from Madison Levi Boomor is moving into tho Piatt houso west of Thirteenth stroot Mrs A O Stoar loft last night for St Paul this stato to visit a fow days Warren Ellor of Lincoln Is spondlng a week at tho homo of II O Matrau A company of young peoplo wore out last night serenading peoplo on tho west sido Mrs M G Bloy wont to Plainviow yesterday to visit hor parouts a fow days Mrs Burt Mapos and son Donald to turned last night from a weeks visit In Omaha L SossioiiH has boon confinod to his homofor several days with an attack of tho grip Ohas II Ohaco of Stanton and J R Chaco of Pilgor woro Sunday visitors iu Norfolk Mrs S W Hayes has boon suffering from a sovero attack of tho grip for tho past fow days Mrs L Stowart and Mrs II OCon nor woro Norfolk visitors yesterday from Bloomllold Carroll Powers and NorrisIIuso ro turued to thoir university dutlos at Liu colu this morning Rov Mr Sioglor Profossor Nimmor and Ed Zuclow wero visitors iu the city today from Stanton Russell Thompson is sick with tho scarlet fovor and tho homo of tho family has boon quarantined Dr C A McKim roturnod this noon from Tildon where ho had been cullod on veterinary business Tho musical program rendered at Trinity church on Easter Sunday will bo repeated uoxt Sunday Mr and Mrs W E Sponcor wero in tho city today from Pierco Mrs Spencer going on to Liucolu Tho scarcity of fnrmors teams on the streots theso days is convincing evi dence that thoy aro busy with thoir spring work H Lodor expects to open up a bowling alley in tho room adjoining his saloon now occupied by Hoffman and Smith as a furniture store Dr A II Socrakiam was iu tho city yesterday ourouto from Chicago to Niobrara where ho will establish him self as a physician ou tho agency Tho ball given in tho Marquurdt hall last night by tho Knights and Ladies of the Maccabees was very woll uttended aud an enjoyable timo was had Tho two orders cleared about 5 apiece E M Clomont aud family who havo been spending tho past three mouths iu Iowa most of tho timo at Colfax havo removed to Norfolk Mr Clomont is working in tho interest of Ben Hur or ganization The old Cronk foundry in tho east part of tho city has boon purchased through G A Luikart by Omaha parties aud J N Stowart of that city has taken charge aud will conduct tho business of the institution Herman Huobuer of Hadar aged 4 1 years died Sunday night in tho hospital for tho iusauo of which ho had been an iumato for several years The body was tuken to Iladar this afternoon aud funeral services wero hold iu tho Luth erau church nt that place Tho spring weather of the past two days has inspired unwonted activity among amateur gardeners nnd houso holders Garden sass aud ilowers aro being planted and tho numorous bon fires testify to the fact that considerable dead grass and rubbish is beiug gathered up and destroyed It is an appropriate movement aud every citizeu iucludiug business men should inaugurate a gen eral cleaning up so that the city may assume its usual tidy appearance Tho scaffold which is being used by the lathers in the new Bishop block gavo way this morning aud fell to the fioor Tho structure was nuoccupied but II L McCormick was iu the act of mounting whou it fell But for an open cellarway it is asserted by spectators that tho accident would have beon serious if not fatal to McCormick Ho fell through tho cellarway aud thus escaped being crushed under tho wreck As it was he rocelved somo sovere bruises aud ono of his teeth was knocked out The Norfolk Numiry Sells seed potatoes pure Early Ohio Six Weeks Early Triumph and Early Peach Blows Also ash box eldors olm aud inapio 8 to 12 feet high Cherry apple plum trees and small fruit plants forest trees seodliugs roso bushes fioweriug shrubs aud overgreous Call ou or address E D Hammond Norfolk Nebraska WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Jus Newell was unity visitor yostorday from Albion O H Bart was In tho city yostorday froiiijWnyna L 13 Carsoullou of Tildon was In tho city yoHtorday Frank Dubock was iu town yostorday from Columbus I j L Way of Stanton was ioro yostor day on business S T Blaok was a city visitor yostor day from Piorco Mrs Oliappol of Osmond wan a oity visitor yostorday 13 II Lowory was a West Point vis itor to Norfolk yesterday ludgo Barnes roturnod last night from a businosH trip to Lincoln 13 R Gurnoy of Wlnsido transacted business in Norfolk yostorday II F Uaruhnrdt of Pioroo uttondodjto busiuoss yostorday In this city A L Potorsou was a West Polnl rep- rosuntatlvo In Norfolk yostorday 1 13 Dupphor of Plainviow was a visitor to this metropolis yesterday Mr and Mrs A I Pratt welcomed n girl buby to thoir ing W 13 Sponcor tho Piorco banker was in tho city yostorday lookingut somo Norfolk property Miss Lilliu Luikart vory pleasantly entertained tho mombors of tho Musio Students club last ovoning The ladies of tho First Congregational ohuroh will tender Rov J J Parkor a farowoll rocoptiou on Friday ovoning of this wook A publio meutiug of all Christian Scientists residing in Norfolk jind vicinity will occur next JJSunday nt II oclock April 1 1 1001 at Orrs hull Frank tho little son of Mr undjMrs N A Lookwood is again very sick with pneumonia lio had but recently rocovorod from a previous attack of tho disease Dr nnd Mrs A L Muirhoad of Win- sido wnro horo yostorday Mrs Muir hoad was ou her way to Iowa called there by tho announcement of tho death of a relative Rov and Mrs F P Wigton aro horo from Osmond to attend tho wedding this ovoning at the homo of Mr and Mrs R W Williams Mr Wigton is to officiate at tho ceremony Tho firo dopartwont will hold its regu lar monthly mooting tonight Special interest coutors in this mooting as cliiof and other ollicors of tho department for tho ensuing your aro to bo chosen Thoro should bo a lurga uttondauco of members O J Stockwoll returned last night from Yankton S D whoro ho had boon called owing to the serious illness of a brother Ho states that his brother hud been having a hard fight with pneu monia for existence but was improving whon ho left Tho West Sido hose company hold a meeting last night and elected tho fol lowing ofllcors for tho ensuing year Ray Hayes president Hugh Mullen vice president and secretary Arthur Steiubrochor treasurer Millurd Grcon foreman 0 W Gerocko ussistaut fore man Yesterday was tho anniversary of tho birth of Mr Wioburg lironiun on tho early M O train and last ovoning a uumbor of his friends including follow employes culled ou aud surprised him at his iiomo Refreshments woro served aud an informal good timo was enjoyed by thoso attending Gov Shaw of Iowa will address tho Northeast Nebraska Bankors associa tion at its convomion to bo held hero on April 22 Gov Shaw is a mau of na tional roputation and tho public gener ally will bo woll rewarded by attending his speech which will bo given at an hour in tho aftornoqn to bo auuouuced later The following out-of-town guests havo arrived to attend the wedding which takes place tiiis evening at tho homo of Mrs Davpnport on North Ninth street Mr uud Mrs 13 Winter of Madison Miss Otelia Pil ger from Madison Frank Pilger of Plainviow Mr and Mrs W C Daven port nud children of Sioux City R II Johnson formorly a photogra pher of Red Oak Iowa hus brought tho Michaol gallery and will reopen it iu about two woeks Tho building now occupied by tho Inskeop Mill- iuory Co will bo removed to tho corner ofMudison avenue and Fourth stroot aud equipped with a skylight for Mr John sous use as a photograph gallery An exohango oilers tho following ad vice to the person afiUcted with a young calf which must bo made to drink Dont beat kick swear at and abuse that poor little calf you aro trying to learn to drink Just stop and think how much you would havo knowu about drinking if somo big follow had straddled your neck grasped an ear iu each baud aud jammed your noso into milk up to your eyes whon you woro two days old Dont oxpect your calf to bo n brighter animal thau yourself Tho peoplo of tho Secoud Congrega tional church enjoyed very pleasaut Easter exercisos last Suuday eveniug tho Sunday school soholars outortaiulug with an iuterestiug program of speaking aud singing Tho interior of the church was handsomely dor oral oil with plant and lowers and I ho peoplo of South Norfolk filled tho building to overflow ing Tho ollicors and soholars of tho Sunday school showed oommondublo on terprlso In preparing tho ontortnlnniout and tho results woro hlghlyjjgratifyitiff to thoso who attended Last evening M O Walkor ontor tainod about 20 of his friends at a stag dinner In his npurttuoutHixt the hospital for I ho insane tho company invited iti eluding the conimlttoo which roooin mended him for appointment as steward and two others Conveynncos woro pro vided and tho gentlemen woro taken out to tho Institution ot 7 oclock An elab orate llvo courHti dinner was woll served and this was followed by cigars anil gaiiies of cardH iu the parlors It won after 1 1 oolook when tho guostH started for their homes in tho olty all vowing that stag parties on the wholo aro pleas ant nud that this ono lu particular waa a signal success Superintendent D O OConnor this morning received from State Superin tendent Fowler notice of his appoint ment us a member of the state examin ing committee The othortwo members of tho committee are Superintendent A O Thomas of Mlndon and Professor George 13 Cnndru or Lincoln Tho ap pointment is for a term of two yours The duty of tho committee is to ex amine candidates for state teaohors cer tificates such certificates being issued for life to thoso who successfully pass the examination Tho Huhjoots ou which candidates aro examined nro English literature general history rhetoric physical geography chemistry Intellectual philosophy geology zoology trigonometry A successful examina tion in these is required iu addition to tlio applicant having a first gradocounty certificate During the present year n meeting of tho committee will bo held heio during June also in North Plutto aud Lincoln A second meeting of tho committee will bo held in Liucolu dur ing December A position ou tho com mittee is largely honorary although tho expenses of tho members aro paid Congressman John S Robinson has announced a vacancy in tho naval acad emy at Annapolis to bo filled by an ap poi ltment from tho Third Nebraska congressional district This vacancy is usually filled by a competitive culmina tion in which young men between tho uges of 17 and 21 years aud not loss thau llvo feet and four or fivo inches iu height are promittod to outer Tho suc cessful candidate must not only pass a good physical examination but must show an ability educationally as well Tho examination will probably lie hold somotimo during Juno Superintendent D O OConnor who is a member of tho examining board requested that any pupil of tho schools who desired to en ter tho examination should lot him know today If thero is a contestant for tho honors from this placo it would dobar Mr OConnor from serving oit tho examining board but ho expresses himself as preferring that Norfolk should bo roprosoutod in tho examina tion to his serving in that capacity Boforo you buy your wall paper seo what II C Truman can show you for G cents pordoublo roll W I nit M hull Wo Have for IHnert This question urisos iu the family every day Lot us answer it today Try Jell O a delicious dessort Pre pared in two minutes No bakiug 1 add hot water and sot to cool Flavors Lemon orange raspborry and stra7 berry At your grocers 10 ceuts The complete service of Tho Chicago-Portland Special via Union Pacific enables passengers to reach tho princi pal cities between tho north and Pacific coast aud Missouri river not only in tho shortest possiblo spaco of time but also in tho most comfortublo and oujoyablo mauuor Tho dining cars on this train are stocked with tho host the market affords All meals served a la carte Hbbwb If you have neuralgia Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will feed the nerve that is cry ing for food it is hungry and set your whole body going again in a way to satisfy nerve and brain from your usual food That is cure If you are nervous and irri table you may only need more fat to cushion your nerves you are probably thin and Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will give you the fat to be gin with Cure so far as it goes Full cure is getting the fat you need from usual food and Scotts Emulsion will help you to that If you have not tried it send for free sample its agreeable taste will surprise vou SCOTT UOWNK Chemists 49 45 1earl Street New York 50c aud Jioo all druggists