The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 12, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Day Appropriately Observed by
nil Denominations
ICloiinrnlSrt iDOii llml Hoiir nml Irulfy
Flowero Wrixlliiritiiiiiliiiiolv riiiiljril
In Oliwrrvnurc lit tlio Uny I urge Audi
Mirti Attrnitril ttin Sorlrri
From MomlMft Dully
Tho weather ywtitdny was not nnito
ldcnlatul yot wnR perhaps as pleasant as
Jr nimnl to KnMor in this part of tlio
country A chilly south wind wiw dis
couraging to tlicso who had spring
gowns nnd spring hats to wear nml yet
many woro worn The weather seemed
to invito people to attend church nntl
all pcrvlrrs wro well attended All
tho churches obperved tho dny with
special nnd interesting mtvIcch nnd
handsome decorations woro ubiiiulnnt
At tho FlrRt Congregational church
tho pastor Ruv J J Parker delivered
a vory lino Easter centum In tho morn
ing to a congregation tliut taxed tho
Keating cnpnclty of tho edifice HIb
discourso was given respectful hearing
nud was very favorably commented
upon In tho ovening tho Sunday
Hchool children gavo special exercises
nndor tho direction of Superintendent
JV Oaboru Tho program consisted
Jorgely of singing nml recitations Tho
nltar wnB decorated with potted plants
At tho First Baptist church Hov
Herbert E Ryder delivered n special
Knstor Burmon In tho morning followed
by tho ordtnnuco of baptism and tho
Xiords Buppor Tho choir snug a special
nnd npproprlnto anthem Tho evening
sermon by tho uwmgelist Rev t 13
Dnly waB preceded by a special servico
of song in which a childrens choir of
about ItO voices participated Hov Mr
Ryder also snug two brnntiful solos
Tho ordinance of baptism was oIbo
administered nt this Bervioo All ser
Vicoa were largely nttonded
Tho spooial Easter musionl program at
Trinity Episcopal church was delight
fully ontortniniug nnd tho church beau
tifully decorated with llowers and
pottod plants The rector Hov J 0 S
Wollls conducted thosorvicesbntowhig
to his recent illness Mr J B Mnylnrd
road tho sermon Evening services
woro nlso held In the church
ltov S F Sharpless gnvo nn Easter
discourse to tho Presbyterian congrega
tion iu tho morning tho services being
hold in G A It hall
Hov J P Mueller of Christ Lutheran
church gnvo a sormou npproprlnto to tho
day nud tho choir reudored special
muslo Horo also tho beautiful llosvers
were in ovidenco
Dr Fletcher M Sisson presiding
elder of tho Norfolk district gavo an
Easter disconrso at tho First M E
church in tho morning which was fol
lowed by tho sacrament of tho Lords
supper Iu tho nf tornoon nt t oclock
JDr Sisson nddrossed n special sermon to
the Knights Templars and Masons who
atteudod in n body Tho disnourso wns
-very highly commended Iu tho even
ing tho Sunday school children assisted
in rendering n program of Easter
Bervlcos The special Easter musio by
by choir was nppropriato and nicoly
rendered Tho altar was beautifully
decorated with potted plants
At tho church of tho Sacred Henrt
Catholic high mnss wns snug by Rev
Father Walsh nt 10 X Tho now choir
of 20 voices snug Lnhnscho mnss nud
were nssiBtod by Mrs Dr Teal who
sang O Snlutaris ns n solo and by
Miss Nello Gerecko who presided over
tho choir nnd nlso rendered Region
Coelift nB a boIo Mr ODounell
cornet and Mr Addison violin nccom
panied Mrs Teal Miss Lucy Shaffer
presided at the organ Tho nltnr wns
beautifully decornted with Eaiter lilllos
and othor hot house plants There was a
largo attendance not only by members
of tho parish but members of othor
churches ns well
Rev Wm Hoelzel of St Paul
Xuthernn church gavo a special Easter
discourse to members of hiB congrega
tion in tho morning
City Council Unit-lull- Determine AVhut
City Olllcers Were Chosen Lint
The city council met in adjourned
regular session Saturday evening with
Mayor Robertson and Councilmen
Brummund Bullock Degner Grnnt
Heokman Spellman nnd Uhle present
Minutes of regular meeting of March
21 and special meeting of April 1 were
read and approved
The auditing committee reported tho
police judges report for March as cor
Committee on fire nnd police reported
the lamp and post in front of tho city
hall broken and recommended that a
new Bide lamp be put on the building
instead of on tho post as before The
committee was authorized to carry out
the recommendation
The committee on streets nnd alloys
reported Beveral crostiugs iu very bad
shape requiring rebuilding and recom
mended the purchase of a car of croseiug
stone The committee was authorized
to do as recommended
Tho street and alley cnmmlttnii nlso
reported thnt ns Mr Harrows wns plno
lug a building on Fourth street and rain
ing the sldownlk tho city wonld havo to
raiso tho crossing also
Mr Urummund mado application for
Dr Hear to romovo the building on
Main street now occupied by Mr
Inskeep to n position on Fourth struot
near alley iTho application wasroforrcd
to tho rommlttee on fire nnd jiollco with
power to not
Thocommlltco on publlo worltB re
ported thnt they would not try to olenn
up around tho pumping station until
Mr Manwlller had moved nil his
stuff away when It would bo done at
once nlso that the small pump had
boon repaired but thnt nothing hnd boon
dono with tho largo one Tho report
Was on motion nccepled
Tho following claims reported hb
correct by tho auditing committee woro
rond nnd allowed
J E Simpson snlary and expenses
tail -15
Fred Schelly overpaid wnter rent
Albert Wilde exponso cleaning of
pipes l
W II Bucholz overpaid wator rent
J G Troutmnn overpaid wnter rent
A Hucholz lamp for waterworks 1
M U Cireen drayiug and freight
Crane Co packing 527
O Vf Hransch coal for wnterworks
12 ill
C W Hrnnsch conl for city hnll nnd
polling plnces 1075
W II Wldnmnn snlary postogo nnd
expenses 08117
W II Livingstone snlnry nnd cot
and meals for pest house 1150
Martin Kane salary and lamp 50 -15
Norfolk Printing company printing
A Hucholz room rent nud conl for
M H Green drnying 150
Nebraska Telopuouo company tele
phone rout -125
AuguBt Kooch labor ou Btroot 285
W II Law labor on street 2250
Norfolk Electrio Light nnd Power
company electric lightB 7080
Lorin Doughty lighting lnmps 5
Tho tronsurers report was rend and
referred to tho auditing committee
showing tho following bulauces General
fund 21 lll interest fund 272200
wnter fund r0J70 rond fund 25318
sinking fund y0825 street lighting
fund ltS 22
Tho polico judges report for Mnrch
showing linos assessed 30 collected 17
uncollected 1J wns read and filed
On motion tho clerk wns instructed to
issuo certificates of indebtedness to tho
election boards nt tho rate of 1 to judges
and clerics aud 2 to polico
On motion tho council resolved itself
into a canvassing board and examined
tho returns of tho annual city nud school
elections held April 2 1001 Tho results
found are shown by tho following
latod statnmout
Ciinillrintes 1st 2uil 3rd Jth Total Mnj
Invewnlk rop 29 0 117
KomitMeiti dom 119 113 US
City Clurk
MoKnrlnml rop fro 111 ITS
nolow dom 65 70 S3
Iloxtur roj SS S7 141
Wiltlo ilmn M IS M
City KiiRlnoor
V 11 lowo rop 103 137 207
it Wutzul 1
School Itoitnl
Mount rop 2S fii 124
HolliiiKeworth rop 34 57 10S
Dr Hour ilom M IK1 111
ltoliiuil dom M SO 73
Council let wil
llmnlolwu rop 30
Utile ilmn 10S
Second Wnril
A KIcBiiu rep M
Woatervolt ilom 102
Srl wl full torm
low rap 162
llriiRpcli dom 71
Short term
Clomnnt rop 101
Jmillu dem 04
Fourth wnnl
Hocknuui rop
Waller iom
19 24 1
SO 427 ISO
59 431 2C0
SS 231
39 S23
53 329 4
CO 573 572
2S 243
27 220
30 321
45 2S1
10S 72
102 18
152 77
1C1 97
37 37
65 63 2S
On motion the following otlicers were
dcclnred elected and tho clerk was in
structed to issuo certificates of election
to each
Mayor D J Koenigstein
City olerk S R MoFarlaud
City treasurer Carl Wilde
City engineer W H Lowo
Councilman First ward Oscar Uhlo
Couucilmau Second ward I G
Councilman Third ward to fill va
vancy J J Clements
Councilman Third ward full term
O O Gow
Couucilmau Fourth ward O B
Members of board of educntion Alex
ander Bear W O Roland
Au ordinance to regulate tho sale of
goods on the street was read the first
time On motion the ordinance was
by unanimous vote laid on the table
On motiou council adjourned
Good Advice
The most miserable beings in the world
aro those suffering from Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaiut More than seventy
five per cent of the people in the United
States aro afilicted with these two dis
eases and their effects such ns Sour
Stomach Sick Headache HaMtnni nnc
iveness Palpitation of tho Heart Heart-
dutu waterurasu Gnawing nud Burn
ing Paius at the Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Coated tongue and Disagreeable
Tasto in the Mouth Couihnr nn nf WnnA
after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to
your Druggist aud get a bottle of August
Flower for 75 cents
Two doses will re
lieve you Try it Get Greens Prize
Almanac Asa K Leonard
Nebraska Supreme Court Calls
Nine Men to Its Aid
Appointee for die Mint Inrt Have Served
nn tlm DUIrlet lleurli lhe of Tlietn Are
IlialonlklK dold Democrat Are Al
lowed One Mini
Lincoln April 10 Tho nuproine
bench formally announced yesterday
the names of tho uluo commlHHloners
who will assist It Iu tho discharge
of nccunuilated business Tho np
polnteoH are ns follows John II
Ames Lincoln gold Democrat W G
Hastings Wilbur Democrat I L Al
bert Columbus Populist S 11 Sedg
wick York Itepubllcnii E It Dullle
Omaha Democrat 1 S Klrkpatrlck
Lincoln 1opullst George A Day Om
aha Republican W D Oldham
Kearney Democrat Roscoc Pound
Lincoln Republican
George A Day wiih deputy attorney
general during tho Incumbency of
Churchill lie was of the firm of
Day Gregory Day Judge Duffle
was nt one time an occupant of tho
district bench W 1 Oldham served
ns deputy attorney general under
Smyth 1 S Klrkpatrlck hns been
nssoclatod with Judge Holcomb ns n
law part nor
The commission linn n llfo of two
yenra nnd will pnss upon cases tho
pnme ns the Justices The court at
present Is seven years behind In Its
The Deadlock
Tho Lincoln Journal sponklug of tho
appointments this morning snys
Tho division of threo republicans
threo domocrats two populists and ono
gold democrat wns arrived at after ccn
sidornblo difficulty According to re
ports thoro woro originally four republi
cans on tho list Jndgo J 13 Barnoa of
Norfolk nnd tho threo who were np
Judge Norval issnid to hnvo suggested
tho nppoiutmeut of J H Ames but
Judgo Sullivan did not dosiro Mr Ames
to bo credited ns a democrat and over
thiB point tho appontmonts nil hung
fire until Mr Barnes namo was drop
pod from tho list to make wny for the
solootlon of Mr Ames
Jndgo Norval is said to havo deolnrotl
thnt nfter tho seloction of eight mon
hnd been ngreod upon four republicans
nud four fusiouists tho ninth man
ought to bo selected from among thoso
who aro not identified with any of tho
political pnrtieB Ho suggested Mr
Ames ns such a mnu Tho fusiouists
resisted this on tho ground thnt Mr
Ames while formerly n domoornt had
voted recontly for MoKinloy nnd his
selection would in effect givo the re
publicans flvo commissioners and the
fusiouists four Tho fusiouists wou out
with fivo commissioners but Judge Nor
val gainod his point by securing tho ap
pointment of Mr Ames
I hnvo nothing to sny 6nid Judgo
Barnes nfter tho nppoiutments wore
auuounced except that my unme ap
pears to have been dropped owidg to
an unfortunate combination I am a
republican nnd always hnvo been nnd
am willing to nocept tho situation with
out complaint
Maarico Cnrbery boarded the train
Monday morning bouud for Omnhn
J F Wobster went to Plntte Center
Monday morning and roturued Tuesday
Ralph Miller who has been liviug
with his grandparents tho past year
went to Randolph Iown last week to
spend tho summer
E W Olmsted finished his school
west of Madison last Saturday aud Mon
day he went out on the road for James
Glldea of Norfolk
Our Sunday school was organized last
Sunday with Neil MoBeath superinten
dent Mrs J D Horntr nssistaut super
intendent A O Cuplin treasurer aud
Arthur Pottitt secretary
Frank Rauney 12 years of ago son of
Mr and Mrs S F Rauney liviug oue
and one half miles south of town died
last Saturday He had been an invalid
for several years The funeral was
held from tho house Monday There
was a largo attendance
Career aud Character of Abraham Lincoln
An address by Joseph Choate Am
bassador to Great Britain ou tho career
aud character of Abraham Lincoln his
early life his early struggles with the
world his character as developed in
the later years of his lifo nud hiB ad
ministration which placed bis name bo
high ou tho worlds roll of houor and
fame has boon published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
be had by sending six 0 cents in post
age to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
Goshen 111 Geuesse Pure Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sire Somo days
since a package of yourJGrain 0 prepar
ation was loft at my office I took it
homo aud gave it a trial and I havo to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
usod the best Java and Mooha in our
family but I am tree to say I liko tho
Groiu 0 as well as the best coffeo I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
Jell O The New Dentert
pleases all tho family Four ilavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Try it today
Meiixliern lllil Inrewell to tun of ttie
Inal Member
Krnm Monilnrn Dully i
Tho Browning club wns most roynlly
entertained at Biipper lost ovoning by
Miss Jo Durlnud nnd Miss Parker at tho
homo of tho latter
Whilo tho club hns been entertained
many tlmos by Its hostesses during its
soven yonrs of existence this Bupper
Btnnds alouo ou nccount of tho strange
commingling of joy nud sadness sad
ness bccnuRo it monnt tho severing of
Mr nnd Miss Parkers connection with
tho club before leaving for their new
Of tho 10 men aud women who organ
ized tho Browning club in October 1801
15 nro still meeting every Tuesday even
iug to rend nnd dlsouss tho very best
writors tho world hns over known Mr
Chns Harding now of Omaha is tho six
teouth niomber
Under these circumstances it means n
groat deal to part with two of those
original members aud especially so when
ono of them happens to be aud to have
boon during nil these yonrs tho presi
dent nud leader of tho club
In addition to tho 24 members six
guests had been Invited to supper Inst
ovoning mukiug thirty seated at tho
After tho inner mnu wns satisfied Mr
Parker proposotl a toast to tho Brown
ing club Mr Tyler was at lccd to ro
Bpoud which ho did in a most charmiug
maimer reviewing brieily tho history
nud work of tho club nnd nckuowledg
ing Mr Pnrkor ns tho moving power
tho successful lender who can call forth
tho best thoughts of thoso associated
with him and regretting very much in
deed tho uocessity of tho separation
At tho closo of his tnlk ho presented Mr
Parker ou bohalf of tho club with a
hnudsomo gold watch as a humble token
of their appreciation of hini nnd his
work among them Several members
made short talks expressing their high re
gard for both Mr Parker und Lillle and
their gratitude for the great good done
by both not only in tho club but in the
community where they havo lived and
labored for sixteou years
After a social hour aud the singing of
Auld Lang Syno tho club ndjonrned
to meet next Tuesday evening with Mr
nnd Mrs Andrew J Durlnud
Hammond IouIhIiuih An Ideal Health
and Winter IteHort
The passenger department of the Illi
nois Central Railroad company has just
issued n now edition of Hammoud
Louisiana as a Winter Resort a beau
tiful illustrated folder showing a fow of
tho winter attractions in and about
Hammond copies of which will be
mailed freo on application to the under
For thoso in good or moderate circum
stance no poiut in the south offers su h
inducements The climate is unsur
passed The artesnn wnter excellent
Society almost eutirely northern and
tho hotel and boarding house accomoda
tions far superior to any town of its size
in tho north and nt moderate rate3
J F Merry
Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Cent R R
Dubuque Iowa
A Good Till I p
German Syrup is tho special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated
German Physician and is acknowledged
to bo ono of the most fortunate discover
ies in Medicine It quickly cures
Coughs Colds and ull Lung troubles of
the severest nature removing ns it does
the cause of the affection and leaving the
parts in a strong and healthy coudition
It is not an experimental medicine but
has stood tho test of years giving satis
faction in every ense which its rapidly
increasing sale every season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Bos
cheos German Syrup was introduced in
tho Unites States in 1808 and is now
sold in every town and village in the
civilized world Three doses will relieve
any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get
Greens Prize Almanac Asa K Leon
An Extract from Iter Letters
If you could only be here this winter
morning aud see for yourself yon would
no longer doubt me Roses are bloom
ing in our front yard and all nature is
ns for advanced in this lovely American
summerlaud as it will be in your cold
eastern home by June
Wo made the journey from Missouri
river to the Golden Gate on the Union
Pacific to avoid the circuitous routes
an important item in the winter A
trip to California is made delightful by
the perfect service and luxurious ac
commodation of The Overland Limited
which is perhaps the most finely
equipped train in the world
Detailed information furnished on ap
plication F W Juneman Agent
Letter Lint
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the poBtoffice April 8 1001
Dr Atkinsou J W Blikeslee Fred
Davis L DeWitt John Egan Egyp
tian Remedy Co 8 Sim Lenehan
Nauoy Goolen B W Millen Morton
Nordquist Frauk Orr John Owens
Rudolph Porath Roy Smith George
If not called for in 30 days will be
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for auy of the above
please say advertised
P F Spreciier P M
Dressed chickens at Hares
WANTED 20000 Pounds
at the old Poultry House
Cash Prices as follows
HENS AND PULLETS - - G cts per lb
SPRING STAGS - - - j1 cts per lb
OLD ROOSTERS - - - 3 cts per lb
- - - gj cts per
TURKEYS gi cts per lb
PIGEONS OO cts per doz
Prices hold good including April 13
Per W A HEHLEBEN Manager
That we are constantly growing in the art of male
ing Fine Photos and our products will always be
found to embrace the most
and Newest style in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
chronic DlfUNUn
viute to DR A H KELLER
Sioux Falls 8 D roa roxi intormatiom
Dr Keller Specialist la Note Throat Lung
and Kidney Dlieaiea will correspond with you
In regard to your condition
J I3H m v
Medical Opinion in regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
An editor of n medical journal
writes as follows
Dr A H Kellers Sylvnu Ozono
offered by the Dr A II Keller
Chemical Company as a cure for
Consumption Ahthma Bronchitis
Hay Fever Catarrh Coughs
Colds and all diseases of the air
passages This we know to be a
genuine specific for these com
plaints and as such entitled to
our confidence and that of our
Close examination into the
practical results which have been
had from the use of this remedy
has caused us to endorse it as be
infr an undoubted cure for tho
above ailments effectual in re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attacks which had been
of the severest and most todious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozone permanently restored
health aud in cases which were
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
Hissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dinin Cars
Meals a la Carte Pintsch Light
For full information call on or address
Daily News Job Department