The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 12, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    in lu
Tribute to Memory of Famous
Warrior and Statesman
Ceremony In Ireneiu o of lrrlilrnt unit
Ills Cubluutlloniitlfiil iiuotrlnn
t tile Stand In Iowu Clrclr Wntiltitnii
AtlilrcM bjPrciltlviit Oratlonbjr IHxt
Washington April 10 The heroic
bronze iMiucstrlftii Mutue of Major Gen
eral lohn A Iognu which rests on
mi Imposing hrone pedestal In Iowa
circle wns unveiled ycHtenlny In the
presence of the president the cabinet
the widow and relatives of the gallant
foldler many of his comrades In arms
mnl n vnst multitude of iieoiile Till
sculptor Franklin Simmons who aviis
knighted by King Humbert of Italy
ns a tribute to the character of his
work was also present Master
George Tucker a grandson of the hon
ored warrior pulled the unveiling
cord at 24fi oclock The folds or
the largo American tlag foil away and
the dashing figure of Muck Inck
Logan seated on his charger stood
revealed nmltl a roar of cheering that
echoed far down the Intersecting
streets and avenue The president
nntl members of the cabinet had been
escorted to the statue by n military
parade under the command of Colonel
Francis L Guenther of the Fourth
United States artillery The proces
sion Included detachments from the
artillery and Infantry arms of the
regular army a battalion of marines
nnil n rnmniinr nf gpnmnn from tlm
navy yam a provisional regiment or
the District of Columbia militia mem
bers of the societies of the Army of
the Tennessee and of the Cumberland
and members of the local veteran asso
Mrs John A Logan and other rela
tives sat upon a platform at the bnso
of the monument Mrs Logan has
He paid a high pcrsonnl tribute to the
dead chieftain and after the invocation
had been offered by Rev Frank Prls
tol introduced the sculptor Mr
and tlio lourtn artillery nana ren
tiered Columbia Gem of the Ocean
At the moment of the unveiling a
section of tlio Fourth artillery fired a
national salute on the White lot south
cf the executive mansion
President McKinley received an ova
tion ns ho wns introduced and it was
United States and now becomes one
of the greatest monuments of the na
tional capital
Tliint Special Itnte for Harirtt ITamlH
Wichita Kan April 10 D W
Blaine a director of the Southwestern
Kansas and Oklahoma Implement
Dealers association consulted Secre
tary Dillon yesterday with reference
to going before the Western Passenger
association to ask for a special rate
for at least 10000 harvest hands to
take care of the small grain in the
wheat bolt in June They will ask a
rate of 1 cent a mile from the Missis
sippi river The estimnte of 10000
bands is ninde from n canvass of
farmers by school districts The crop
In the whent belt will bo 25 per cent
heavier than that of last year
ItoitKli Illiler End HU 111
San Francisco April 10 A soldier
who shot and killed himself at the
Cliff house last night has been Identi
fied ns Paul Warren who wns a mem
ber of troop O of the Koosevelt rough
riders Warren wns a native of
Quiney Ills a son of the late William
Warren chief justice of New Mexico
Warren served In the Philippines with
the Eleventh cnvalry and was honor
ably discharged n few days ago nis
suicide followed a period of dissipa
Woman Arrested for Election Fraud
Denver April 10 A warrant has
been Issue for the arrest of Mrs Mary
Itatcllffe on the charge of having voted
In tho wrong precinct at the late city
election She is 30 years of age and
haB two children She was an active
Democratic worker during the cam
paign preceding the city election It
Is said that she is the first woman ar
rested for an election fraud In this
Grayioni Shortage ii 6000
Des Moines April 10 President W
E Coffin of the Iowa Loan and Trust
company stated yesterday that a com
plete examination of the companys
books showed the shortage of Assist
ant Cashier Benjamin Grayson who
was found dead last Saturday to be
54000 The coroners jury has net
reached a conclusion as to the manner
of Graysons death
Governor Shaw the Orator
Philadelphia April 10 The 21st an
nual banquet of tho Young Republican
club was held here last night A mom
the speakers were men of national
importance They included Governor
Shaw of Iowa Governor Stone of
Pennsylvania United States Senator
Tenrose and others Governor Sbuw
was the orator of the occasion
L -
Hutf tiwin
Condition l Kireltunt tlio Atitiikp bur
IiiiknIiir Any In lnt Ton Warn
New York April 10 The forthcom
ing number of the American Agricul
turist Weekly will say
Local lenorts from the American
Agriculturists coins of county ob
servers carefully consolldntftil Into
state averages show a condition of
wheat higher than hns been noted
at this time In the last ten years
with the exception oMSHl The gen
eral average as reported for the whole
belt Is Pri a figure which represents
a practically perfect prospect over the
greater part of the winter wheat area
At the date at which correspondents
of the American Agriculturist made
the observance there hail boon no
period of warm growing weather suf
tlclent to Induce spring growth dem
ouMrntlng absolutely the extent to
which the Hesslnn lly Is present The
returns theref tre must be qualified
with the statement that the discount
shown from a perfect condition may
not entirely represent the nctual dam
age from tills cause With the ex
ception of a few counties In Ken
tucky Tennessee and Ohio no winter
killing Is reported Since March I
there has been an abundance of mois
ture In all sections
Filipino Lender Snld to Have A nixed Seal
to ltiieo MitnlCeMo After
eiublu Argument
Mnnlla April 10 Although the offi
cials are uncommunicative It Is never
theless said that Agulmildo has signed
the peace manifesto Chief Justice
Arellano drafted the document Ag
ulmildo strongly objected to two
clauses of the manifesto and consid
erable argument was adduced to over
come his objections
among stockmen the cattle exhibited
showing heavy gnlns and fine finish
The enterprising little town of Threw
Oaks Mich appears to be working its
graft overtime It Is lu danger of mak
ing itself Three Chestnuts
President McKinley has gone to Can
ton to receive the notification of his
nomination It is always well to pre
pare for such surprises
Take llallot on Strike
New York April 10 The employes
of the Central Railroad of New Jersey
are balloting in secret on the strike
question and If two thirds vote af
firmatively they will leave their posts
ns soon as the result Is officially de
clared and the approval of tle na
tional officers secured The situation
Is a critical one and hinges entirely
upon the result of the remarkable elec
tion that Is now in progress
TixaH LecUlaturo Acljourm
Austin Tex April 10 The 27th
Texas legislative session adjourned
yesterday The house passed a bill
which entirely prohibits the sale of
cigarettes in Texas The legislature
will be reconvened in August for tho
purpose of passing a bill to redlstrict
the state Into congressional districts
and to pass a general appropriation
A W Lamson was appointed re
ceiver of the United States Salt com
pany of Cleveland Tuesday
Henry Clay Mier formerly chief of
the Milwaukee flro department
dropped dead of heart failure Tuesday
Fire destroyed the large tobacco
factory of the Gallagher company at
Henderson Ky Tuesday Loss 152
Edward Lawton aged 00 years for
over 50 years a resident of Pana Ills
is dead lie was a wealthy land
Fire at Richmond Va Tuesday de
stroyed the Ice plant of Mrs Jane King
and the tobacco factory of Hagau
Dart Co Loss 50000
Superintendent P P Smith of the
Sandusky county OJ infirmary was
stabbed by Winters an epileptic In
mate Tuesday and will probably die
Charles Uenton Flagg supreme sec
retary of the Order of United Com
mercial Travelers died at his home In
Columbus O Tuesday of pneumonia
Mile a Minute Murphy won the
three inlle race of homo trainers at
Providence from Tom Ilutler In 345
breaking th worlds record of
347 1 5
Ww i I rt III i l fc C31BI B
liy fij
Caracas People Demonstrative
When Minister Departs
rorlo nicnim Irrncnl film Willi nn
llrntilul for IIiivIiik Hern
Bnveil Irnm Military Srrt In
rilled Wllh Hrnuliriil flowcm
Wlllemstntlt Island of Curacoa
April lO KrancIs It Ioomls the Unit
nl States minister to Venezuela sailed
from lnOunyrn yesterday on the aux
iliary cruiser Scorpion which llred a
salute In his honor the American ves
sels lu poit saluting with their colors
When Mr Ioomls left Caracas the
capital the railroad station was
crowded with people representing the
jrrNiBTrn ioovns
best classes showing the esteem In
Colonel Abenn the Insurgent lender whlcll Mr ioomls was held The whole
been quite ill with the grip recently nt Olonpn on Sublg bay
but was able to be present I Mnlvc r with about 300 n
General Grenvllle M Dodge presi
dent of the Army of the Tennessee
who is the only living general repre
sented In the group on the bronze
pedestal showing General Logan In
of Zambales province with lA officers
S5 men ami 02 rilles surrendered yes-
terday to Lieutenant Colonel Mancll
C Goodrell commnndlnu the station
men anil as
many rifles Is expected to surrender
shortly nt Silting in Cavite province
Herman Armour 1 111
New York April 10 ILermnn O
i ii iiiiiui in in hit hi i iii in Ifiiitrk ii
council of war with his commanding
Is seriously ill at his homo
officers presided over the ceremonies lhH nrl
diplomatic corps also assembled at the
Btatlon and expressed sympathy with
Mr Loomls
Many Porto Means whom Mr Loo
mls had saved from military service
were at the station They presented
him with an address The private
railroad car in which Mr Loomls trav
eled was Med with lowers No min
ister ever left Caracas with more
marked tributes of respect
a paralytic stroke It was said at 1nrt r m iti cargo i k
his home in this city that he is lm 1 ported Miinp
proving from the stroke of paralysis Cherbourg France April 10 On the
he sustained Friday night Mr nrirvul hero yesterday of tlio North
mons to the assemblage The statue
German Lloyd st
I1101ir8 iyHklin tlllt hi s atielllH
was then miveied arnit great applause
helm der Grosse
rlKht sido WJUJ ImrnlvsM1 am tlmt Il0
sieamor iatser
Captiiln IOnglebert
Is not able to use his right leg or from Ncw orU Air11 - lt wls an
arm He is confined to a chair In nccil 5lt three gold bars worth
liis room but the doctor thinks the 4000 1atl beon stolen during
stroke not serious I tlic voyage
All the baggage landed here was
Cntti CimtcHt j examined with the utmost care by the
South Omaha April 10 In the Pox customs officers and the detectives
Food feeders contest held here yes- but the cold was not discovered One
Borne time berore he could begin his terday E llnrrigfolt of Emerson hundred and fifty passengers landed
remarks The president was several j Neb carried off first prize of 100 in for Taris and several detectives trav
tlmos interrupted by applause and gold In the two year old class Will- cled in the special train with them
tnero wns a great outnnrst or ciieering nun boost or Magnet won second prize
when he concluded The oration was 250 pounds Hex Food A K Ilrower
delivered by Senator Depew of New won the gold watch in the yearling
York contest and ludd C Wilson captured
The statue of General Logan has j second prize in that class The con- j
fceon turned over to the neonle of the test caued considoiabio Inrm nct I
Clasli r Authority Ilituevn Snlntn U
Kansas City April 10 The present
conference of Latter Day Saints at
Independence Mo will be memorable
in the history of the church because
of tho conflict of authority between
President Joseph Smith and the quo
rum of 12 President Smiths act of
mercy towards Elder E C Iriggs of
Indiana in withholding from publica
tion the proceedings of the quorum of
12 ngainst Elder Iiriggs is tho first
of the presidents acts to be opposed
by any of his followers since the or
ganization of the church He has se
vere accusers and able defenders
Given Coat of Tar and Feather
Sioux City April 10 A crowd of
about 50 Ponca Neb men selzetl Alva
Smith while he was on his way from
the theater and tarred and feathered
him He was then given 24 hours to
leave town Smith is accused of ruin
ing Minnie Ellum a girl of 18 who
died in nn Omaha hospital two weeks
Halt Trust Cum Price
Saglnnw Mich April 10 The -National
Salt company of this city which
controls about three quarters of the
Michigan snlt output has cut tho price
30 cents a barrel lu order to meet com
petition from outside companies who
have been rednclng their prices In
order to sell their product
The Minnesota house Tuesday passed
Senntor Chiltons bill prohibiting the
marriage of imbeciles feeble minded
epileptic or Insane persons
Negotiations are now pending for
tho consolidation of all the sewer pipe
manufactories into one corporation
with a capital of about 12200000
Rev W IL Huntington rector of
Grace church Now York has made
public the fact that nearly 100000
was collected In that church on Easter
Samuel Nave the millionaire whole
sale grocer and a heavy owner of
Texas and Colorado cattle is believed
to be fatally 111 at his home In St Jo
seph Mo with stomach troubles
Three of the gangs of carpenters
employed at the Buffalo exposition
struck Tuesday They numbered
about 200 The strike is the outcome
of troublo between mill workers and
planing mill owners
The United States court of clnims
has rendered a Judgment In favor of
Admiral Sampson for 3330 as a
bounty growing out of the engage
ments nt Manzanllla and Nipa Hay
in Cuba during the Spanish war
The flrbt United States coaling sta
tion to be located on foreign soil has
just been completed at Plchallqui on
the west coast of Mexico and tho col
lier Alexander Is now taking on 5000
tons of coal at Baltimore to stock tills
latest acquisition of the navy
mTt - ortwuihfc -
- f i r II Li
Dinner Oceilplr ntrrlMiru Hut HoerR
tnvlurt Inrty of Seenly ne
Loudon April 10 Lord Kitchener
reporting to the war olllce under ilwtc
of Pretoria April H says
Plainer has occupied Plelersburg
with slight opposition Me captured
two locomotives nntl tl trucks
The capture of Plelersburg Is re
garded hole as Impoi taut The place
Is the terminus of the railway nntl
has been tlic capital of the Peer gov
ernment since the capitulation of Pre
toria The whole northern railway
Is now In the hands of the ltrltlsh
According to Lord Kitcheners dis
patch only one olllcer and one man
were killed The Poets evacuated
the town during the night prior to
Pliimers nrrlval after blowing up two
trucks laden wllh aininnnllloti
Loul Kitchener further reports the
capture of M prisoners fi0 horses and
the depot of war stores at Posshmnns
Imp Oranire ltlver Colony
As an offset tii commander In chief
reports that a detachment of 100 men
of the Fifth lancers and Imperial
Yeomanry Mere attacked by MO Poors
to the northward of Aberdeen Cape
Colonv and thai after several hours
fighting the ltrltlsh were surrounded
and captured with the exception of
2 who succeeded lu making their
NcliiHutiu Itnncliuinii ChiirKcd Willi
dun trhiifN Shut Ilium Whllo
UtliU Aiiikt Nuiir AIiikhiii III
Alnsworth Neb April 10 David C
Luse si man charged wllh murder ar
son ami other crimes was shot and In
stantly killed last evening at Ills ranch
some miles from here by Deputy Unit
ed Sta li Marshal Fred M Hans Tlio
marshal acting on lcports of private
detectives had secured a warrant for
the arrest of Luse charging him with
shooting 1 horses belonging to the
firm of Jones Sellers on a neighbor
ing ranch I use seemingly submitted
to arrest only nsklug permission to
change his clothing preparatory to go
ing to town but at the first opportunity
seized a Winchester ami tried to shoot
the marshal The cartridge failed to
explode and Marshal Hans had by this
time drawn his own weapon firing
twice killing tuse Instantly
CIiIiiiro Ctrl With Aid T Shotgun Hwrn
Her InlliiT Ironi Ili Ing Holibud
Chicago April 10 Flourishing a
shotgun Picdciickn Knnisaler an 1S
year girl pursued two robbers last
night In this city ami saved her father
from being robbed She was reading
In the library of her home when she
heard her father cry for help Seizing
the shotgun she burst through the
frontdoor in lime to see i masked man
kneeling on her fathers chest while a
second robber was searching tho vic
tims pockets Miss Uatnsaier was
raising the gun when one of the rob
bers looked up took out Illll shes
going to shoot he cried In warning to
his comrade and dropping the watch
he had just taken from Mr Rn in
sider vaulted the fence into tho
street The second robber followed
him Miss Raiusaler started in pur
suit but the men escaped
Mlillnc fa MI110 Dump ut Crlpiilu Crruk
liuiivs Imnlly of Six
Cripple Creek Colo April 10 The
family of lames Smith consisting of
the father and mother and four chil
dren were instantly killed in their
home last night by the sliding of the
huge dump of the Granite mine The
Smith residence was located Just below
the base pf the dump The recent
snows had softened the dump so thnt
the top suddenly slid down crushing
the hou e nnd burying Its Inmates
Hundreds of men are now digging
away the dirt and rock but it Is not
possible that any of the victims will be
found alive
Applauds Ml Cottinun
Lincoln April 10 State Superin
tendent of 1ubllc Instruction Kowler
ycbterday sent a congratulatory jotter
to Miss Lizzie 10 Cottmau the school
teacher heroine of the Harrison Neb
Hood Superintendent Fowler said in
pnit I am pleased that you have
demonstrated that such acts are not
limited to the sterner sex I am also
pleased to know that such bravo act
of yours will call the attention of tho
public to the fact that mere Instruc
tion In rending writing arithmetic
and spelling does not comprise all of
the teachers duties but that she has
responsibilities in a greater measure
the care of the health happiness and
in this case the lives of her pupils
Such acts as yours tend to increase the
appreciation of tho responsibilities
duties and nobility of the teachers pro
fession more than a month of Sundays
preaching on the subject could do
lloer dine Taken Uiulur Adtiitt iiirnt
Now Orleans April 10 Attorneys
for the plaintiffs In tho Ilocr case ar
gued that the shipment of mules from
New Orleans was a violation of the
neutrality laws and was conducted un
der the supervision of ltrltlsh otllcers
nnd that as this was the base of sup
plies tho court here wno authorized to
act The defense claimed thnt they
were engaged In legal business that
the mules were not munitions of war
and that the matter was political and In
the hands of the executive branch of
tho government and without tho Juris
diction of tho courts The court took
the matter under advisement
KIIU WKu anil Tlun Hlnm lf
Milwaukee April 10 Ktlward 12
Moore aged 51 years a member of the
Iron Hrlgado shot Ills wife who was
ubout teii ycum his Junior last night
and then committed suicide The
couple had been married about two
years and hud hud frequent ouarreU
- j
rBFVTrfwtfrTi1t1ttttrf x
VrtiHMgfci rartfyfa n ll YrinrffrwitiijHia
i i
To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not
Come Your Way Again
Twentieth Century Farmer
Offers n Number of Mnnnlfloent Prizes to those who
will net UH Agents
Anil 20 Other Cash Prizes ranging from 500 to 25
TI1I0 TW1DNTII0T1I O10NTU UY FAltMIOlt In publlnhcd ly Th
Pec Publishing Company of Otuahn and In nn agricultural and fam
ily magazine of unusual merit Thero nro departments for every
member of the family special articles by men of known reputation
nnil Illustration will bo n prominent feature
Write for aamplo copy and nnk for particulars concumlng the
prl7es Q
TllH TWENTIETH OMNTUKY FAUM1CU and this paper Will
be sent to you one year for
tiffi tvf HulBrHH
A Dual Role
Business Men and others recognize Hie im
portance of this combination by selecting
the -
Snlt Lake City
To I Snn Frnncisco
Hours Quicker limn any
oUiur lino
Salt Lake City MileH Khorcr f him any
To San Francisco 310 oUlC ino
irorunna ai
For time tubes untl full information call on
Rettcr than a Piano Organ or Music Vox for it sings and talks as well ns plnys and
dont cost us much I In produces this music of any instrument iiand ororchwtrn lellu
ttUmis uiiilsius thcold familiar h iniiHnH well as the populurbongs it isahvnyj ready
Si o thai Mr KdinonN signaturo is on every machine Cat a
lociics o all dealers or NATIONAt PIIONOOUAIM CO 135 Fifth Ave New Yort
ADoitt tin co month ago Moore when
in an Intoxicated condillon broke tip
the furniture In their home and poured
lioroMttc over it wllh the intention
of setting it 011 lire but was prevented
For this lie wns arreted and sentenced
to the house of correction being re
leased about two weeks ago
HiirrlK In T MITy In Di iiImiii Cam-
lies Moines April 10 P Stephen
Harris tin attorney formerly of Adel
la Wits uriested at lopllii and was
brought here yeslerday by Sheriff
Maddern Harris Is charged by Mrs
Cramptoii with embezzling f1000 en
trusted by her to him for the purpose
of Mtlllng it sut iV S Ileulsou Is
having a preliminary examination on
charge of embezzling the same yr0K
brought by Mrs S 10 Vcn ons the
other parly to the suit An attempt
will In mnde to compel Harris to tes
tify In the Denisou case
I Brfl7
r John
m h
1 nn la a oinnu itatemcni imi bu
tortt4t 1iar It out evtrjr tliuo
CnmhlnnHnn Cnrn
nrouUBtcorn on flirt iiWalpoiltlrety
ratoiuuonno corn growing
Illlon DollnrCraBB
flrfact marre
11 Ions or lit
01 in
v nrracrn
e aicti
croptlx wetlcs after ton tug
What Is It
CaUlogpe Ulli
rOR lOo STAMri
kdUU NOTICE wi null
tiff m4 caUlor 10 Olala
SmrJ loci tiding fcboTl J0 J
rMIU WUl r A kui
if B liiltjl
t7SbaHralMut4IlcUKrUtutufut I
Salzer am Go u Cmaa
Mt P
w l
For 14 Cents
W mttl lb fouowlpf rut 4 get tHJe
lpttBlat BIodToiaUft4 11
1 HirUrB Uu tt U
1 lulriilrillllyiJ 10
1 irUGrltobrbd 10
1 UIUrJ llrlrt4 10
1 llDtr Udlkh4 10
I UL Brkt Ullu6d It
UrUlUBtllatrbt4 U
WortU 100 fti4c
Ator 10 plfklftl lilt bovlUel Wf wlU
UI joa titt logvtitr wliti obr fiMl
iiuutMj Boa rtuioi miuoi in tvut
8lcra IllllloK Dllar Cr
Alio Ckolco Oalan Htcd tillc lb
Toftirr sltb tbulil
bi oa rum Ma nra IMIPI sum
t4 IkUBotlec wlitobf puat
StJlU lldjJH l Bl9 lltU
Koenigsteins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
istorifoijk kteb
llrirSfilVVlfylirlyiiirli ySdi
mnfin YHAKLY to Christ inn
4uUU man or soman to look
alter our growing business in this
nml ml joining comities to act ns
manager and corrcHpoudenf work
can bo done at your hnmu lOncloso
helf uddresMid stamped envelope
for particulars to II A Sherman
General Manager Corcoran Huild
iug oppoMto United State Treas
ury Washington D G
Illinois Gentral R 8
Tlio IIIIihiIh Control ilPKlroK to full attention
to Ihu inicixccllicl mrvici tlml U ntrorpd by ita
linen to tlm KJiitli for tliu buiismi nt lsyj lJOO
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Personally conduct
ed Huns tlirouKli to
I os AiikuIuh anil Situ
Francisco vln Now
OrloiiiiB In connection
wllh tlio Southern In
clflc JonviiiK Chicago
mi tho toutraltt fast
i uiMirci urn iiimj iiiiiiiu uy huh iraill will
daily traiiiH out of Now OrloiiiiB fur tlio Pacific
1oiibt Tlio Limited from Chicago ovory ovoa
iiiK rounertH na Mondays nail Thursdays nt
New Orleans after December IS lsjy with tlm
of tlio Southern Pacific Klvint special through
nrice to Baa Franclbco
Douhlo daily err
Ico if maiataiuod out
of St Louio via tho
Illinois Central and
connecting linos to
Ka mid Atlanta thro
noepinK car to juck
tmnille Florida lielnc carried 011 tlio
IrnviiiK St LouU oory ovenlai This train aa
well ne the Day Kxirets leaiiiK St Lou I a in
tlio murnitiK aro Ixith solid trains to Nitblivillo
liaitiK through coaches and eleuiiint cars run
niiiK throuKh Martin Teuti nud tlio N I St
1 Hy Coniipctinn la thU lluo for nil princi
pal Kint in tlio Soutlioiibt cucli ns Clinrloston
uiliiiiiiKtoa Aikin and Savaimuli aud for all
iHiiutb in Florida
Dully from Chicago to Mom phi a and Now Or
iHiiutf in tlio South on tlio lines of tho Illinois
Ieutral nnil Y M V railrojuU will bo run on
tho flrtt and third Taoeduy of each month dur
ing the winter veason
Full imrticulurs concernioc all of tho aboro
od 1 had of BRentsofthe IllinoU Central or
by addrtiiiK A B liausou 0 1 A Chlcase