The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The Norfolk Neuis
W N HTJ8E Publisher
Etnbllhoil 1N7
L 1 Dm rlnr llfr
8i7 any oxcepv Jtr
week 15 ceuts Ily mnil per yonr ow
IhoNowBettnblUlieil lhM
TIib Jourunl eetiiblUliod lfc
Etory Friday Hy nihil per year 150
Entenxl nt the roBtoillco nt Norfolk Neb ib
eonil olaiB matter
Telephones Editorial Department No 22
liuBlne OtHce anil Job Hoome No
Tho Younger brothers members of
tho famous Jesse James gang of out
laws have again failed to seenro their
liberty A bill looking to their
parole has juBt boon dofeated by a bnro
majority in the Minnesota legislature
The fight for freodom waged in behalf
of the Youngers has continued without
cessation for the past 20 years and this
was the closest it has come to winning
It looms likely that the famous bandits
will end their dayB in prison Time has
mollified their crimes to a certain extent
hot that they are remembered is proven
by the failure of tho friends of the
Many persons who are elected to a
position as congressman or senator spend
a session or more during their terms in
becoming familiar with the work ex
pected of them by their constituents by
observing how things are done by their
older associates Senator elect Dietrich
proposes to acquire all of suoh know
ledge possible before congress meets and
will Igo to Washington soon to learn
what he may of congressional matters
before he is called upon to serve in a ses
sion and when the next session con
venes will be ready to enter upon his
duties with an understanding of the sit
uation that will be of benefit to his con
The division of forestry of the depart
ment of agriculture is to take a hand in
the forestry development of Nebraska
and il is hoped that the work contem
plated may accomplish much for the
benefit of the state An examination of
the tree growth of the Btate will be
made to determine if forest production
on a large scale is possible in this region
Thevallev of the Platto river from
Plattsmouth to Kearney and the entire
western half of the 6tato will
tote the field of investigation About
May 1 two representatives of the
will begin work at riattsmouth
and go up the river examining
classifying the growth of trees
Kiiterpriho Black Silks guaran
teed Ah well known iih Lonsdale
MuhUii nnd Established Price nntl
Reputation iu every mercantile
Oropo Do Chines in nil fh I f n
choice colors per yd P V U
WiihIi Taffeta Silks Host colors
in ft Rainproof Taffeta Silk ox-
tromuly popular every- fCn
whoro at u
Largo lino of FOULARDS di
rect from llrst IimkIh Prices open
to comparison with tlio world at
l5o aud 100
All colors in Swiss Dot Mouse-
lino Do Soio at 50c Tost en
this price with any city u UO
Satin Stripo Mousoliuo Do Soie
Beautiful Sntiu Stripo French
Ohallios silk and wool
WaiBt Flannels All tho clingy
sheer popular fabrics
Velvets more popular than over
Panne Velvets in all colors Mir
ror Velvets
Gold Cloths and Beautiful All
ovors and Trimmings lOo to 600
per yd
Dross Goods in Variety in the Soft Materials so pronounced as fashiona
bio in all colors
Wool Batistes Albatross Grenadines Etamines f Oc to 3G0 per yd
Barego Tailor Suitings and Drap Do Paris Prunella Tamise Soliels etc
studyiug vocabulary when he should
have been learning einiple methods of
removing causes of trouble The
quicker the doctor and the public dis
miss tho idea that medicine or glasses
cure and learn that it iB nature with
the assistance of the patient that ac
complishes results the better It will be
for all because then a doctors advice
will be his most valuable roinedy
Bud Lewis was at Tilden Saturday
Miss Gertrude Wade spent Easter in
Battle Creek
W A Wltzigmau spent Sunday visit
ing relatives at Norfolk
Frauk McCallnm made a business
trip to Norfolk Tuesday
Mr Harmon Andrews is improving
his property west of the city
Mrs John Dressier and children are
visiting relatives in West Point
MlsaLillie Anson of Tilden visited
with Ruby Lewis all of last week
Misses Alma Mills and Mabel Crooke
drove to Tilden Sunday afternoon
The Sunday Bchool of the M E
church observed Easier by appropriate
A largo new barn is being erected for
Ghas Crooke F F Colegrove is doing
the work
Ed Hansen of Tilden was the guest
of Lionel and Arch McDonald last Sat
urday aud Suuday
Frank Roberts of Battle Creek was in
SLmmuliiMauE if ittg4iafr
All Wool Suits
ah wool suits Hod nn
Tan and Blue CJUiUU
All Wool Sorgo Suits nonlly
trimmed unequalled CII 1
anywhere iDIUiUU
Htahlv Tailored Suits 1250
1500 1050 S1S00 2000 and
Silk Eton Jackets
and Skirts
Very Popular
S fc rf
An Assortment to Select From
The Most Complete Ever Shown
In Northeastern Nebraska
100 Select and Most Stylish Suits representing the ex
tremo fashionable and catchy ideas in vogue in correct
dressmaking this season Surely no lady need send hor order
from her own town from motive of PRICE ASSORTMENT
Wo know whereof we speak and mean exactly what we say
Vim W
Now spring ehndes and styles fil75 -150
r00 ffiGO and iOO
Albatross Waists very popular in Rose Green
Lavender Red etc 250 i0O and 13C0
Big assortment Whito and Fancy Waists 50c
to 1U0
Our INew Spring Style are
INow all in
It will pay all our dry goods customers
to carofully study OUR PRICES ON
You Will See the Saving
Charles Hutchins left last week for
Independence Mo to attend a meeting
of the Latter Day Saints
Mrs Leo Dodendorf of Fremont vis
ited relatives in this city from Thursday
evening till Friday noon
M L Perkins is making extensive
improvements on his implement build
ing on cast Main street
Mrs L R Pritohard returned Mon
day evening from an extended visit
with relatives and friends at St Paul
After a two weeks visit at home
Albert Hollrook returned to his work in
the Omaha commercial college last
Miss Leila Whlto returned to Meadow
Grove on last Sunday evenings passen
ger after nn absence of two weeks spent
at Osmond
Mr Elmer Stilwell has resigned his
position with the Johnson meat market
arul returned to his home at Juniata
last Saturday
Oscar and Elmer Oehring returned to
Meadow Grove last Monday having
been absent on a nine months sojourn
in the state of Missouri
The barn of Win Irvin was partially
destroyed by fire last Monday noon
Quite a crowd of neighbors was Boon
gathered on the premises and by a hard
fight the fire was soon checked It was
another case of children who wanted a
barn fire bon fire
Hoarded Savlugs Missing
Henry Wax a farmer living north of
Stanton iB looking for his hired man
who lie alleges gathered up his savings
and absconded
The young fellows name is Paul
Roberta While the family was absent
last week young Roberts while prying
about in the cupboard come upon the
familys savings to the amount of
f 101 70 and the temptation was too
much for him He pocketed the coin
and bid adiou to the old farm Wax
offers a reward of 50 for Roberts ar
rest and convict ion Madison Chronicle
The fast trains of tho Union Pacific
reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead
of all competitors If you are in no
hurry take a slow train by one of the de
tour routes but if yon want to get there
without suffering any of the inconven
iences of winter travel take the only
direct route the Union Pacific De
tailed information furnished on applica
tion F W Junkman Agent
Sturgeon is the piano man
fr k
Silk Like Creations in cur line must be seen to be appreciated
Alexandria Silks 2Cc the most popular Wash Fabric ever produced
Coechlin Dimities 25c A large variety of delicate patterns Lace Ef
fects Batistes French Ginghams etc
Baker was shelling corn lest
A H Koplin of Blair was transact
ing business here
J W Bush of the Tilden
was in BattleCreek Sunday
John Crook of Meadow Grove
transacting business here Friday
Sheriff Geo W Losey of Madison
was here Tuesday on official duty
Ernest Hans went to Tilden Sunday
and Tuesday to Omaha on business
The teaohers local association had a
nice program for Saturday afternoon
Albert Hedman returned Sunday from
a four weeks visit at Council Bluffs
Miss Tilly Gardels went to Hartington
Monday to visit her brother Arthur
Our bank forco Messrs Luikart and
Haase wero Norfolk visitors Sunday
Peter Davidson of Stanton is here in
the interest of tho McCormick binder
Ex Senator W V Allen of MadiBon
was transacting business here Wednes
Jacob Sheets and Abna Alyea of
Meadow Grove were visitors here last
Otto H Maaa went uptolnman Tues
day with two carloads of young cattle
to pasture
Born to Mr and Mrs John O Burch
on Monday a son and to Mr and Mrs
Fritz Praeunes a son
People burning rubbish on their prem
ises should remember to put the fire out
before they go to sleep
Alvin Lowe of near Norfolk one of
the best friends of your scribe trans
acted business here Tuesday
Next Sunday afternoon the voting
members of tho Lutheran church will
hold their quarterly business meeting
Wesley Carpenter of Willow Creek
Pierce county paid f 1200 before Judge
Lund Friday a test of the quantity of
whiskey he drank
Easter Sunday there was service in
all our churches In the morning the
streets were crowded and a person
would think that he was living in a city
of world reputation
Last week a new lodge was organized
here They call themselves The Tribe
of Buffaloes They started with about
CO members It is said that MoKinley
and Dietrich are members
Shipped Monday John Ott one car
load of hogs and one of cattle i L B
Baker one of hogs and one of cattle
Geo Berry three carloads of sheep
Tuesday Howard Miller Lumber Co
Over 50 Patterns to select from
now in our store They are
bought direct from tho looms nnd
No Prices Are Lower than Ours
Nottingham Esprit Renais
sance Arabian Irish Point and
Brussels Lace Curtains
Portiors 27G to 1200
Decided money saving on our
Mattings 25 to 50c per yd
All Departments Filled to Overflowing with New Goods
one carload of hogs Wednesday How-
ard Miller Lumber Co one carload of
hogs and Fred Schereger one carload
of cattle
We never paid anything about our vil
lnge election laat week becunse we
hardly noticed that there was one
Forty two votes were cast out of liJOl
The anties were not in it Battle Creek
is sure to have three snake shops
State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas
county ss
Frank J Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F J
Cheney Co doing business in the
city of Toledo county and state afore
said and that said firm will pay the
sum of one hundred dollars for each and
every case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure
Frank J Cheney
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence this Oth day of December
A D 1890 A W Gleason
seal Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the mood and mu
cous surfaces of the system Send for
testimonials free
F J CifENEY Co Toledo O
Sold by druggists 750
Halls Family Pills are the best
The Most Stubborn Coughs
resulting from an attack of la grippe or
heavy cold must yield to the wonder
ful healing properties of Foleys Honey
andTar which strengthens the lungs
and makes them sound A H Kiesau
Applecwtion for Saloon Liquor License
Matter of application of Lizzie Vlazny
for a liquor license
notice is nereDy given mat Liizzie
Vlazny did on the 3rd day of April
1001 file her application to the mayor
and city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne
braska from the 1st day of May 1901
to the 30th day of April 1902 at west
room of Oxnard hotel in First ward of
said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
thoOrd day of April 1901 the said
license will be granted
S R McFabland City Clerk
Application for Saloon Liquor License
Matter of application of Scott Hal
brook for a liquor license
Uotioe is hereby given that Scott Hal
brook did on the 4th day of April 1901
file his application to the mayor and
city council of the city of Norfolk Ne
braska for license to sell malt spiritu
ous aud viuous liquors at Norfolk Ne
braska from the 1st day of May 1001
to the UOth day of April 1902 at lot 14
block 4 original town of Norfolk in First
ward of said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
tho 4th day of April 1001 the said
license will be granted
S R McFabland City Clerk
A New Department
For This Season
Ask to be
Shown Them
Neatly trimmed and nicely
made suits
S25Q 300 350 500
Beautiful are our Trimmings Tucked Taffetas Pleted Chiffons Giltt
Allovers Fine LacOB etc 50c to 5 00 per yd
LUNCH CLOTHS Elegant Hemstitched and Drawn Linen Lunch
Cloths 1 0 to 4 50 each New Department New Stock r
LADIES NECKWEAR never so pleasing and handsome as this season
ny C F V Mnnianrdt OnlUhalmoloKibt
Asthenopia moans tired and serves
tho purposu of some pooplo to mystify
ihnr nnHmitfl nonvovini tho idea Of a
serious condition which is true but it iB
beneath what should bo tho Btaudard of
honor of au ophthalmologist
It moans that tho uervo supply is
below normal and it exhibits tho
weakness sometimes in the ocular mus
cIob oither thoso operating tho Ions or
tho ones rotating the eyeball or it may
affect viBiou intermittently ouo minute
Meadow Grove Sunday
Miss Eva Christiansen
tho patient sees well while tho next I Nebr
everything fades away whilo in sucn
cases blindness is a baro possibility the
most frequent Bequol is a general break
ing down of tho entire system
Therefore proper glasses Bhould be se
cured and suillolent rest tuken to recu
porate because it is the same old Btory
of hyperopia as tho cause AmourosiB
and amblyopia aro alBO wordB sometimes
used to designate tho asthenopio state
and the layman ought to understand
that the doctor who uses tho biggest
words usually knows least of what he is
talkinc about He spent his time
the guest of
Application for Druggists Liquor License
Matter of application of A H Kiesau
for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that A H Kie
sau did on the 5th day of April 1901
nie His application to the mayor and city
council of the oity of Norfolk Nebraska
for licence to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors for medicinal mechan
ical and chemical purposes at Norfolk
Nebraska from the 1st day of May 190
to the 80th day of April 1902 at east
of lot 0 block 3 Mathewsous addition
in First ward of said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two wee ks from
the Oth day of April 1901 the said
license will be granted
S R McFakiand
City Clerk
White Wyandottes
Bred for beauty and utility
Heavy laying strain Ne better
birds of this variety in Northeast
Nebraska My fowls have free
range nnd are strong and healthy
Eggs for batching 125 a setting
Visitors welcome Breeding yards
one minutes walk from railroad
Nutwood Poultry Farm
O A SLEEPER Proprietor
WarscrvllU Nebr
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braasch Avenue j
no inira ox