The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 05, 1901, Page 8, Image 8
a l t 8 HERS MB K Most Successful in Associa tions History LECTURE ON LIQUID AIR Short HtiKlurM Srmlnn Till Montlng Uaiiitrlii Work of llm AmoHMIiiii Wiuulcr of i Nw lliMlil ICtplnlnml KitlcrtnlnhiRly liy Pnif K WnmlUiiil Pnm Sntnnlur While tho session or tho North Ne braska Teachers nHAOolntlon practically cloned with that o yesterday nt cruoon thorn wns u short businonH hob nlou hold this morning to cmuplnto tho work nml nt this time niOHt of tho mom bors haTO roturnoil to tholr rospootivo lioniPH Tho session has boon oiitinoiitly successful from ovory point of view nml thoso who attended worn more tlmn plonsod that thoy woro nblo to bo pros lint Oounty Suporlntondont Ornin of Mud ison nml Olty Superintendent OConnor of Norfolk woro two Important factors in contributing to tho hucoohh mid plciut uro of tho mottiug Tholr ouorgioH woro constantly being exerted in bnhnlf of tho association nml it it momborri With tho iiiil of tho local teoohorH and tho oitlKcn committees tho session wan brought to n high stnto of oxcollonco nml tho visitors mndo fool thnt thoy woro nt homo among frionds Tho session of yesterday aftoritoon wns well nttondud find tho interest was not nllowod to lag F M Grogg of tho Wnyno Normnl wna not nblo to attend but his paporWlmt Should tho Oram mnr School Attempt in Soiouoo wan rond nml discussed- D D Martindalo of Niobrnrn re sponded to tho subject What may tho Suporlntondont Do for HIh Tcaohors and tho discussion thnt followcl wub led by L M Powers of Noligh S O Wilson of tho Wayuo Normal gavo nu oxcollont talk on Self Directed Activity as an Aim in Kduoatioti Doputy Stato Supuriutoudont MoBraiu nildrossod tho association on mnttors of iutorost to tho educators present ho be ing substituted for Superintendent Fow ler who wns unnblo to nttoml Tho association thon adjourned to tho Iligh Bohool building whoro round table talks occupied tho balance of tho after noon J S Hancock of Stanton led in a discussion on Rural Toaohora Mrs Urlndloy of Columbus was loador in a discussion on Primary Teachers Tho Bubjoot of Orammar Grade Toaohors was disoussed Suporiutou dent Conn of Wayno loading M K Manning of West Point was lender in tho talk on County Superintendents In tho ovoning boforo tho lootnro on liquidnir begun tho committoo cu reso lutions prosonted its report which wns ndopted without a dlssontiug voto Tho resolutions recited that this was one of tho most profitable Jnnd pleasant moot ings in tho associations history Sup erintendent OConnor aud tho local toaohors aud committees woro com mended for their endeavors in tho asso ciations behalf as was also tho proas for oourtoslos extended Sorrow for tho doathjof SuporintondoutWm K Wil llnius of Columbus was oxpressod and tho loss to tho association noted he having died sinco tho sossiou of a year ago I ill ii lil Air Iucture The locture on liquid air with dem onstrations ns prosonted nt tho Audi torium last night by Prof J E Wood land under the auspices of tho North Nebraska Toaohors association was ouo of tho most intensely interesting scion tiflo talks which it has been tho pleasure of Norfolk pooplo and their guests to hear In spite of the storm tho Audi toriuin was well filled and not ouo was heard to regrot that thoy had braved tho inolomeucy of tho weather at tho oloso Prof Woodland was thoroughly nt homo with his subjoct aud disooursod on tho wonderful Bubstanoo in olegaut langungo yet 60 simple that a child could uudorstand Ho gavo a history of its discovery liiodo of mauufuoturo and described its chemical proportios Ho handled tho material with impunity yet performed feats that had the appearance of being littlo less than legordomain Tho woudorful mauuor in whioh tho extremes of heat uud cold woro pro duoed in an ico tumbler without its being molted was one of the most mar vellous oxporimouts An olootrio light carbon was burned in tho tumbler and at the sumo timo was used to stir berries which woro frozen so solid that thoy orushed like glass beads In this demonstration there was a difference in temperatures of several thousand de grees Nails wero drivoa with a ham- mor or mercury frozen solid A lighted cigarette was immersed in tho liquid Hashed up like powder and dis appeared showing its usefulness in do stroyiug garbage steel pons were welded beof steak was cooked uutil it rang like steel and was brokou with a hammer liko rock whiskey was frozen oolid and pieces passed through the audience The liquid was poured on a cake of ice and sizzled around ou it like water poured ou a red hot stove The speaker informed the audience that ho was turning loose a largo quantity of Boston nir it haviug boon oouvertod into a liquid there aud that tho people would hnvo tho plonnuto of breathing tho air of that ao rthotio olty during tho ovoning Tho ovoning wns a vertlblo trip Into tho fairy laud of solouoo dealing with temperatures hitherto unknown aud tho experiment nlovo dosoribod woro but a fow of thono porformod Tho possibili ties of tho dtsoovory are not known Tho liquid is In Its Infancy and it may dovolop as woudorful results as oloctrlo Ity or steam A BEAUTIFUL RESORT Mantlnii ft PUrn Hnlit t tin lllnmtoil or llin 1mI nml Iovml of Mn Shortly after Rov J 0 S Wollls wont to Mouttou Col to remain a fow weeks In tho hopes of building up his strength after his sovoro attack of puoumouia ho was asked by Titic Nicwh for a letter ooncorulug his trip and himself Tho following is in reply to thnt request Manltoti Col March 27 Hero I am at this beautiful resort a placo said to bo blnssod of tho gods and lovod of men a placo whom naturo has provided Us own sanitarium for the invalid aud crowded Its ovory surrounding with tho wierd the woudorful aud tho boautlful Tho high dry and olonr air Is a tonlo The various springs glvo forth mineral waters such as soda fountains cannot impart while tho mountains tho gorges tho canons glvo picturcsquoness to tho outlook in almost ovory direction Hero tho sojourner can dwoll oloso to tho in llnlto aud yot touch tho flnlto at ovory moment There uro buudrods of do lightful places in Colorado mountains but Manitou ovor has boon aud will bo its most favorite resort Very many tourists supposo thnt tho mineral springs aro at Colorado Springs As a mattor of fuot nil of them aro at Manitou Manitou is Hvo milos from Colorado Springs and lies amid tho foot hills of Pikos Peak It is the moro do sirablo plaoo of tho two to spond an out ing in that in winter it is moro protected from tho winds from tho plains by rea son of its sheltered location and in sum mor it is coolor in that it is nearer tho Peak Tho accommodations in formor years woro not equal to thoso at Colorado Spriugs hut within tho past two years tho improvements mndo upon tho Cliff Houso has mado it tho equal of any hotel in tho stato and in ovory desirod ro spoct onos needs aro amply provided for Long oxporlonco has ouabled its proprietors to meot tho doinands and satisfy tho wishes of tho tourist It wns my very good fortuuo to moot hero Mr Moroland tho exalted ruler of tho Colorado Spriugs lodge of Elks No Hut aud found him a most genial man A visit to their lodgo was most heartily enjoyed It is ouo of tho most prosper ous in tho order It is rocoguized ns ono of tho oharitablo institutions of tho oity not couliuiug its relieving of distress to its own members but oftou going out side its ranks to give aid Its works have brought It tho prosperity it so richly deserves Tho Hiawatha olub house located horo in Manitou is the proposed Homo for Elks and no finer location could bo selected Tho build ings and grouuds aro espocially adapted for such an institution and can bo se cured at a price far bolow thoir original cost or thoir actual worth Tho snow has not as yot disappeared from Pikos Peak sullloioutly to mako it possible to oporato tho cog road whioh goes to tho top aud as tho ascout is dif ficult by trail I will have to forego that ploasuro If I may bo permitted to speak of my self I can assure my friouds that I havo boon greatly bonofited by being in this high oltltudo and breathing this rariiied and pure air J 0 S Weills Complalnti ClimiRetl to AnaaiiU The stock yards cases have been dis posed of so far as this term of district court is couccrnod Tho jury in the Wright caso agrood to a verdict of guilty at uoon Thursday and it is prob ablo that a motion for a rehearing will bo mado A motion for a rehearing in the Parks caso will bo heard when court convenes ou May 22 Tho complaints ngaiuBt Perry Law aud Johu Kuhl were ohauged to that of assault as thoro was said to bo no ovi deuce against Law aud youug Kuhls ago was au argumout in his favor it bo ing also argued that his couduot had boon good sinco his arrest His sentence owing to his ago would havo boon to a term iu the reform school Thoy ploaded guilty to tho now form of com plaint and woro lot off with a lino of 25 each Hammond IouUUna Au Ideal Health and Winter Itenort The passeugor department of the uois Central Railroad company has just issued a new edition of Hammond Louisiana as n Wiutor Resort a beau tiful illustrated folder showiug a fow of the winter attractions in aud about Hammond copies of whioh will be mailed freo on application to the under signed For thoso in good or moderate circum stnuce no point iu the Bouth offers such inducements The climate is unsur passed The artosau water excolleut Society almost entirely northern and the hotel and boarding house accomoda tion far superior to any town of its size in the north and at nioderato rates J F Murky Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Cont RR Dubuque Iowa i - THENOIUOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL UMJ1 A SCENIC TRIP TravlmlHMIlMOvrthoCH A O O 1 Itnllrimil to Anciliiillah 1H I -4 MIIka Manitou Colordo Mnroh 110 1001 Inasmuch as 1 assumod tho prlvilpgo of representing your pnpor on tho compli mentary inspection trip ovor tho Colo rado Springs nnd Cripplo Crook District railroad given by that company to nowspnpor railroad nnd bushiest men I fool that I ought to glvo you n short de scription of what wo saw aud did First lot mo say thnt tho distanco from Colorado Springs toOripplo Crock air lino is 18j miles aud that tho windings among tho mountains iu a fairly dlroot goitornl courso mako tho length of tho railway 8 miles Tho road enters north Ohoyonno Canyon aud climbs and winds among the gorges nnd chasms for milos gradually increasing in ultltudo until it roaches a hoight of 11017 foot As tho trniu is carriod upward nlong tho rims of thoso different mountains tho marvelous bounty aud graudour of tho eastward outlcok holds tho traveler entranced Hoautifnl panoramas arc spread out boforo him at almost ovory bond It is a most wonderful sconlo trip Other roads will carry you to a groator olova tlou aud through moro woudorful gorges and chasms but nouo will carry you through moro intricato turnings and wludlngs or glvo you moro extended vlows After circling tho southern baso of Pikes Pouk it brings you to that most wondorful mining camp of tho world Pretoria alone oxcopted A city of moro than 10000 pooplo solidly built within ton years is only characteristic of every thing pertaining tojtho oamp Tho eloc trio railways tying togothortho hills by which it is surrounded with bands of stool bring you to tho various miuos Two million dollars por moiitlb is tho output at presout Tho trip was a most delightful one aud ovory arrangement was mado for tho comfort aud oujoymoutof theguosts of tho road May I add that I am rapidly gather ing strength aud hope to return to my work if not ontiroly woll ut least greatly bouelited by my trip John 0 S Wkills Hpmtlul Council Mooting Tho city council mot in special sossiou yesterday nftoruoou por call of tho mayor Thoro woro presout Mayor Robortsou aud Counoilmou Brummuud Doguor Grant Haokmau Spolhnau Absont Bullock Tho cull for tho moetlug was road as follows Norfolk Nobr March 80 1001 A special meotiug of the city council of tho city of Norfolk in the state of Ne braska is hereby called to moot at tho city couuoil chamber on tho 1st day of April 1901 at 4 oclock p m of said day for the purpose of taking action with rofrouco to cleauiug up tho oity waterworks aud putting thorn in order aud taking an iuvoico of the city prop erty W M ROBEKTSON Mayor Moved and seconded that tho com mittee on public works be authorized to employ suoh help as may bo necessary to assist tho ougiuoor at tho waterworks to clean up and put in order the premises and to tako au invoice of all tools and other property bolongiug to tho city and file suoh iuvoico with tho city clerk Motion carriod On motion tho couuoil adjourned Uood Advice Tho most misorablo beings in tho world aro thoso suffering from Dyspopsia and Liver Complaint Moro than seventy fivo per cont of the pooplo in the United States aro afllioted with these two dis eases aud their effects such as Sour Stomach Sick Hoadacho Habitual Cost ivouoas Palpitation of the HeartHoart burn Wnterbrash Gnawing and Burn ing Pains at tho Pit of Stomach Yellow Skin Coated tonguo and Disagreeable Tnsto in the Mouth Coming up of Food after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to your Druggist aud get n bottle of August Flower for 75 conts Two doses will re lieve you Try it Got Greens Prize Almanac Asa K Leouard Iettor IUt List of lottors remainiug uncalled for at tho postoftlco April 2 1001 A N Allis Horniau Briddin Central Miuuesota Land Co Anna Euright Mary Essy A H Gates L It Hob Mrs A E Hobson Ghristiau IchE G Liud Karl George Larsson Mrs Neley Frank Ohm Mrs Emma Surbur Mrs T H Slattery Hoebenor Turner J S Williams B Wosendoff If not callod for in 30 days will be sent to the dead letter office Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised P F Sprkchkr P M Ctereer and Character of Abraham Lincoln An address by Joseph Choato Am bassador to Groat Britain on the career and character of Abraham Liucoln his early life his early struggles with the world his character us developed in tho later years of his life and his ad ministration which placed his name so high ou tho worlds roll of honorjfand fame has been published by tho Ohioago Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may be had by sending six G cents in post age to F A Miller General Passeugor Agent Chicago 111 tlell O The Mew lesort pleases all the family Four flavors Lemon orange raspberry aud straw berry At your grocers 10 cents Try it today ZTmTimamaKmiti THE COCKROACH A SNOD Not llnll IVItow AVfll SIct but the Tree Toad Mkea Him Six loRxed or two IckkciI the true cock roncli nrlstocrnt has uo denlro to mix with the mob Ho ho loves In sticking With his own sot He holds the others off for In the stniRKlo for existence to have too many fond of you Is distinctly to lesson your chances of survival For fAatttiice what Is It makes the cxlntcnco of the vnullln grower one ceaseless vlfdl What hut the fact that from root tip to lower hinl the vanilla plant Is popular with nil kinds of creatures with back hones nnd without them Hhelled nnd uti helled furred feathered nnd fuzzy vhikel walking and crawling That Is Why nt nil hours of the dny nnd night the vnnllln grower must bo eternally saying Shoo there The cockioach Is no vanilla plant NothiuK like It He lias a llnvor though thnt defends him nt well as If he bris tled with spines lie Is not a hail fellow well met with nil sorts of creatures About the only animal that likes him Is tho tree toad although nuioiitf some peo ples suited cockroaches nrc n great deli cacy I ennnot say if they arc really very good I never tried 1 should think not though for n cockroach tea and cockroach pills aro used In Russia as remedies for dropsy Pooplo nre not ac customed to make medicines out of good ies Cockroaches have tho hnhlts of n con firmed tobacco chewer and expectorate freely In safe runways probably to mark the places for Identification They have ghiiuls that secrete what they think Is perfume and It is so tasting that It ruins articles of food especially coffee to he lert on a shelf where roaches run Nothing but hollhig water nnd soapsuds enn re move the taint Because of this and also because It Is a Rcnvengor for all despise the truly eco nomical tho roach Is unpopular The variety called the Croton bug because of Its early recognition of the value of a system of waterworks by following the pipes of which It could reach the home of nil and attain warmth nnd moisture almost equaling the long lost days of the carboniferous era the vanished Eden of tho cockroach Is really a German Impor tation Although It does not bear tho la bel Made In Germany It Is named Eetobla gerninnicu nnd Is much smnrter than the others of Its race Yet In north German kitchens It is called n Suablan In south Germany a Prussian In east Germany n Russian and In west Ger many a Frciichmnn Sometimes it is nlso a Spaniard or a Dnne but never never does n couutrytnnn of Wild Willie ndmit that Ectobia germanlca is a Ger man east west north south high low or middle They wash their hands of the whole tribe nnd would like to wnsh their cupboa ds of them too Harvey Sutherland iu Ainslces HE FIXED HIM A Pnlr of Spcctnulra Thnt Just Suit ed the Old Farmer The traveling eye doctor came along Tho man of the house was out in the bnru sorting potatoes for seed Ills wife told tho doctor that she guessed her hus band wanted some glasses for ho had been complaining about his old ones So she went out nnd called him He enmo slowly in through tho shed walk dusting the grime off his hands Yes said he to the doctor I havo been bnvin quite n tussle with them eyes of mine Guess Ive either got to have some new specs or git tongs to hold my paper with Haint got much rendy money jest now Jest got up March hill ye see and its seed aud fertilizer and all that to buy But trot out yer glasses mister and well see if we cau trade So the doctor opened his case and com menced to try on the glasses As each was fitted on his nose the farmer first looked gravely on to the page of tho weekly paper aud then off at the wull No that uiut it yet he would say At last he seemed to get discouraged I dont believe yeve got anything la your stock said he thats goin to do me any good Guess we mights well stop tryin Quoth the doctor Well try these Its tho last pair we havent tested If they dont fit well call It a had job And ho carefully placed the glasses astrldo the farmers nose and passed the paper over to him The farmer rend for awhile in silent de light and then he looked at the doctor Complete cried the farmer ecstatic ally I haint seen so well to read for years These nre just what I call fust class Im glad I suited you said tho doctor as he tucked 3 in his vest pocket and hastened nway I thought I could fix you before wo got done Aud he did fix me said the farmer telling about the matter tho other day When I went to look at them glasses after supper blamed if I didnt find that they were nothlu but jest bows not a speck of glass in either of em It cost mo 3 to find out that my old eyes art pretty good to read with after all Lewlstou Me Journal Sorry Lttuched The Shipping World says X good story Is told In Paris about a Japanese embassy which visited France to ar range about three ports which wero to bo opened to trade In Japan and France respectively The French minister for foreign affairs chose Yokohama Yeddo nnd Han Yang Tho Japanese embas sador smiled nnd went away Soon after ward Japan signified that she had select ed the three French ports of Havre Marseilles and Southampton The French foreign office weut Into fits of laughter at this blunder and pointed out that Southampton was In Englaud We are perfectly aware of It replied the Jap anese embassador and Han Yang is iu Korea The Gambler T nm 80 years of age said n noted gambler aud my experience of the men who try their luck nt the faro ta ble outside of course tho profession al gambler Is this Thnt no business man or nonprofessional can Indulge lu tho excitement and run his particular business or prlvnto nffalrs successful ly very long If ho loses which he luvnrlably does In tho long- run his capital Is impnlred If ho makes a big winning the most fatnl of nil to un outsider he becomes dissatisfied with tho smnll or Blow profits of his legitimate business nnd he boou loses his trude by ueglect or Indifference nnd In tho end ruin and bankruptcy ore the result Washington Post WANTED m P15 Of Live 6Sprov POULTRY at the old Poultry House NORFOLK Cash Prices as follows HENS AND PULLETS - - G cts per lb SPRING STAGS - - - 44 cts per lb OLD ROOSTERS 3 cts per lb DUCKS AND GEESE - - - JA cts per lb TURKEYS Si cts per lb PIGEONS OO cts per doz Prices hold good including April 13 ARMOUR CO Per W A HEMLEBEN Manager YOU MUST NOT FORGET That we are constantly growing iu the art of mak ing Fine Photos and our products will always be found to embrace the most ARTISTIC IDEAS and Newest style in Cards aud Finish We also carry a fine Hue of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing I 1W 7VYACY V U1 MM OH i V Time is Money THEQUICK TRAINS ARE VIA THE UNION PACIFIC Missouri River to Salt Lake City TEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Hissouri River to San Francisco FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Missouri River to Portland FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Buffet Smoking aud Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dinimr Cars Meals a la Carte Pinteoh Light For full information call on or address F W JUNEMAN Agent TRY THE Daily News Job Department FOR FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING T V V A V 4 1