The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 05, 1901, Image 3

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    i i a
Russias Diplomacy Appears to
Have Overreached Itself
Southern Viceroys Win Out Against tli
Iollcy of LI Hung Vice
roys Will Hi lug Umpurur to rektug If
lowcrs Say So
London April 2 The Chinese em
peror 1 am officially Informed htm In
structed tin1 Chinese plenipoten
tiaries says the Peking correspondent
of the Dally Mall not to sign the
Mnnehurlnii eonventlon even In a
modified form
Dr Morrison wiring to the Times
from Peking says
Ilie Yang Tso viceroys have enrrlrtl
the day LI Hung Chang who wired
Tuesday urging lhnpcror Kwnng Su
to leconslder his decision received an
nnswor that the thrones dcclilon In
the presence of the unanimous ad-
Ice of the chief piovlnclnl olllcials
was Irrevocahle and that the Man
ohurlan convention could not he
signed In spite of her threats Rus
sia seems disinclined to slam the door
Negotiations hetween LI Hung Chang
and M Ho Glers were certainly pro
ceeding yesterday when M Do Gleis
agreed to several formal changes of
the text Russias bold diplomacy ap
pears for once to have ovei reached
Notice Sent It Must Sign the Munchtirlun
Treaty Without further Dclaj
Washington April 2 Information
lias reached here to the ellect that
the Russian government being ser
iously perturbed by the course of
China In not signing the Manchurinn
treaty largely because of the protest
made by the seveial powers lias con
veyed a distinct and unmistakable in
dication to China that if tills course
Is persisted in there may be an in
terruption of diplomatic relations be
tween Russian and China and a term
ination of the present intercourse
between them This is little short
of an ultimatum that China must
sign or take the consequences of a
termination of its friendly relations
with Russia
To what extent the United States
will take cognizance of Russias dis
position to enforce the signing of the
agreement has not yet been made
apparent It appears to be the policy
of the Chinese authorities to con
sider this as a subject which concerns
the powers quite as much as it does
China The matter has become fur
ther complicated by reports reaching
Washington that the Chinese author
ities themselves are divided on the
course to be pursued by some of the
most influential including Li Hung
Chnng urging that acquiescence be
given to the Russian proposals while
others insist on i ejecting the agree
VmiS The Viceroys liaising mi Army and
Auult Signal 1roui thu rowers
London April li The correspondent
of the Globe at Shanghai says ho un
derstands that the Yang Tse viceroys
and Yuan Shi Kul the military gov
ernor of Shan Tung are prepared to
dispatch 100000 troops to Slan Fu to
rescue the emperor lrom the hands of
the reactionaries amj escort him to
Peking if a little pressuie and promise
of moral support is forthcoming from
the powers Interested in the open door
The conespondent adds that the sug
gested expedition would prove popular
in central and southern China would
result in the destruction of the anti
foreign elements and would lead to the
establishment of a progressive govern
ment nt Peking
Frrauyterlan Home Mission
New York April 2 The lfith annual
meeting of tho Womans Presbyterian
Homo Missionary society was held
yesterday The Presbyterian society
covers tho territory embraced within
the New York presbytery and turns
over the money which It collects to the
womans home mission board The
total amount collected during the year
ending March 31 wns lS5f7 The
work Is largely among the colored
people and Indians but special classes
of whites are also looked after such
as Mormons Schools are maintained
In Alaska nnd Torfo Rico
Storm on the North Atlantic
St Johns N P April 2 The seal
Jng steamer Algorinc with 21000 seals
was forced Into Bonn Vista harbor
In consequence of a terrible storm last
evening She reports a succession of
gales amid tho Ice floes last week
which compelled her to abandon her at
tempt to reach here then Most of the
other pealing steamers are expected to
arrive during the present week
RoosavMt to Take Fart
Buffalo April 2 Vice President
Roosevelt has accepted an invitation
to take part in the dedication of the
Pan American exposition which will
not take place until May 20 although
the exposition will be formally opened
on May 1 as heretofore announced
Thieves Tap rostolllce
Plensanton Neb April 2 The post
office was robbed at midnight by two
men The safe was blown The alarm
was given and the thieves frightened
away They secured 180 left in the
bafe Bloodshounds have been or
Univrltteu History
Giles Columbus must have been the
Victim of a bunko game
Miles Why do you think bo
Giles Because ho was Uie first to
conceive the idea that the world wasnt
eduare Chicago Post
Almost Causes n runic White Siiltnn U
Holding a lUceptlnn
Constantinople April 2 Yester
days cnithqunlvC was felt In the Dol
mabagtsche palace at the moment of
the Ralran ceremony when the high
olllcials were passing before the sul
tans throne A panic resulted partic
ularly among the diplomatists In the
gallery ninny of whom Immediately
left the palace The band censed play
ing and the musicians rushed to tho
doors Pieces of plaster fell from
the celling and portions of the chan
deliers were broken adding to the
general alarm The sultan rose from
his throne and took a few steps ap
parently Intending to lenve the I
her but he preserved great calmness
and piesence of mind which had a
good effect After a moments hoslta
Hon his majesty reseated himself upon
the throne and ordeied the ceremony
to proceed A reception followed with
out further Incident
Cuban Cninnillteo Still Awtlds A Hon on
lhitt Aiiiciiilnuiit CoiiiluNsliui to
WuMhliitou lclcutcd
Havana April J A secret session
of the Cuban constitutional convention
was held yesterday and attended by
2 delegates The majority teport of
the committee on lelatlons was read
but after a discussion which showed
that a majority of the delegates were
nimosecl to it n resolution to lav it
on the table was carried A similar I
disposition was mane 01 lupous mini
Sonois De Quosada Taniayo Nunc
and Glberga
A motion by Sonor Monteaugdo to
nppoint a commission to go to Wash
ington was defeated by a vote of 13
to 12
Sonor Alejandro Rodriguez who was
elected mayor of Havana Tune 10
1100 has resigned
CnlinT Tltns Who Scaled AVall nt fe
lting lit Appoint l bj
Washington April 2 The piesldent
yesterday appointed Calvin T Titus
to be a at the United
States Military academy at West
Point Titus was the llrst soldier
to scale the wall at Peking
Adjutant General Corbin cabled
Cicnoial MacArthur at Manila to send
young Titus home on the Hist avail
able transport in order that lie may
take the entiance examination to the
Mint of 15lg Shoot
New Yoik April 2 Tiap shooters
from all over the United States and
Canada assembled at Interstate park
Queens L L yesterday to take pait
in the ninth annual live bird shooting
tournament of tho Interstate associa
tion The tournament which contin
ues throughout the week begnn with
the Intel state Park introductory the
conditions of which were eight birds
5 entrance birds extra 110 yaids rise
10 yards boundary four moneys 10
HO 20 and 10 per cent high guns not
class shooting ties not to be shot off
nnd moneys divided T A R Blliott
of Kansas City led off killing his llrst
two birds the third falling out of
bounds and tho fourth being grassed
handily with one barrel
Iluults Without Charters
Des Moines April 2 Tho attorney
general has directed tho state auditor
to notify the Farmers bank of Glid
den that it is transacting business
without being legally Incorporated
Tho bank tiled incorporation articles
with the counts auditor but did not
secure a charter from the state and
complaint ngnlnst it was made by the
cashier of another bank in the snmo
town A similar case has been found
nt Afton where the Citizens Stnte
bank which has been doing business
for the past olght years is found to
have not complied with the laws In
securing Its charter and It will have
to go through the process again to be
Raved by Her Hustle
St Joseph Mo April 1 Corset
steel and wire in a bustle turned sev
eral bullets tired by George Meisner
a Burlington railway clerk at Miss El
len Stephens his sweetheart last
night at her home 1011 North Second
street Meisner had been insanely
jeajous of the girl and shot her because
she permitted a rival to call nt her
Assaulted by Jronih Troops
Tien Tsln April 2 Captain Barrett
of the Burniah troops was assaulted
with sabers by seven Fienchmen last
night He was not however danger
ously wounded
The Turkish transport Asian was
wrecked near Yeinbo Arabia Twenty
soldiers were drowned
Lnrkspur won the rich Montgomery
hnndlcap by a length from the Con
queror at Memphjs Monday
Monroe Seiberllng an Akron man
has raised 700000 with which to
build a glass plant at Otawa Ills
Five hundred striking factory girls
gathered at the doors of tho Wood fac
tory at St Joseph Monday and pre
vented all the nonunion girls from en
tering the factory Force was used
by the strikers in several Instances
Charles Hopkins a fisherman was
shot and killed Monday on his cabin
boat near Pekln Ills by his stepson
John Oltman who was protecting his
mother Hopkins was drunk at the
Alexander Surteos a blacksmith
and John Addlngton a liveryman
weie both killed In a street duel at
Lake City Colo Monday Each re
ceived four wo ids Surteees being
shot through tho heart after he hud
fatally wounded Addlngtoa
Officer of the Household Shoots
at the Russian Ruler
Man Who Hres It Turns Wcnpnn on
self ami Commits sulc lik Count loUtnl
llanlshcil Inini Itussla lsoorteil to
Frontier by acndnriucs
London April 2 A dispatch to the
Moinlng Leader from Kleff says It Is
reported that an olllcer of the houses
hold attempted to assassinate the czar
lie llml at hsl majesty and missed
lie then shot mid killed himself
St Petersburg April 2 It was ru
inured several days ago but generally
disbelieved that Count Leo Tolstoi
had been banished from Russia be
cause oT the attempted assassination
of Privy Councillor Poblcdonostzelf
chief proem ator of the holy synod
who was shot at early In the it timing
of March 22 while sitting In his studv
the attempt being attributed to a de
sire for revenge gi owing out of the
excommunication of Count Tolstoi
Owing to the Indellnlteness or the ru
mor It was dlsreganled by the cone
ppondent here of the Associated Press
Now however the correspondent has
received a private letter from n usu
ally trustworthy source in Vllna sav
ing that Count Tolstoi was repotted
to have passed through Vllna Mnnli
20 being escorted to the fruitier by
two gendarmes
I nlior Troubles In Imllana
Indianapolis April 2 Indications
point to a determined attitude on the
part of trades unions throughout In
dlaun in their demand for a material
Increase In the wage scale Tor the new
year beginning yesterday Carpenteis
at Muncie laid down their tools and
refused to work today At Ulwood
all carpenters ate ready to strike un
less the new minimum scale of to
cents an hour and nine bonis to the
day Is adopted In Indianapolis the
hardwood Iloor layers went out In a
body and the Big Four freight han
dlers are to strike tonight unless their
demnnds are met At Port Wayne
the paper hangers went out nnd de
mand 27 cents and n nine hour day
Ilnwinn lrco Prom Yellow Icvcr
Havana April 2 For the llrst time
In the history of Havana the month of
April begins without a single case of
yellow fever in the city Major W
C Gorgas chief sanitary olllcer is
confident that with the sanitary meas
ures now being enfoiccd and the val
liable infoi matlon gained during the
recent investigations or the yellow
fever commission there will be but
few cases during the coming season
I Tho marine hospital service Is also
taking precautions against the bring
Ing of Infection to Havana from Mex
ican or other ports Dr Glennon
chief surgeon has issued orders for a
qnaiantine against these ports begin
ning April 15
Diaz Opens Mexican Congress
Mexico City April 2 President
Diaz opened tho April session of the
20th congress last evening The presi
dents message says the llnancial con
dition of the government is satisfac
tory During the first half of the year
tho revenue amounted to a total of
31000000 the largest sum ever col
lected In a similar period during the
history of the government The presi
dent views the progiess of the cam
paign against the Mayas in Yucatan
nnd tho Yaquls In Sonora as being sat
Kcmey Ordered to Melbourne
Washington April 2 The navy de
partment has sent orders to Admiral
Remey the commander-in-chief of the
naval forces on the Asiatic sUition
to proceed aboard his tlagshlp the
Brooklyn to Melbourne Austialia In
time to take part In the exercises com
memorative of the formation of the
federal parliament from May i to May
9 next It is possible that the New
York or the Oregon en route to and
from the Asiatic station also may
be authorized to stop and take part
Judges Sail for Fhlllpplmv
Snn Francisco April 2 Four recent
appointees to Judicial positions in the
Philippines sailed for Manila on the
transport Buford They are J F
Cooper of Fort Worth nnd Charles A
WHIard of Minneapolis who have been
apponted justices of the supreme
court the court of last resort In the
Philippines Fletcher Ladd of Lancas
ter N II and W A Klucnid of Gal
veston who have been appointed
Judges of the court of first Instance
Cannot Sell the I nnd
Des Moines April 2 The state of
Iowa lias been offered r an acre for
an Island in the Mississippi river n
short distance below Dubuque but Is
unable to take advantage of the offer
Tho state authorities cannot sell land
of that character without an act of
the legislature It is represented thn
the island Is timbered nnd that persons
have been cutting off tho timber and
will soon destroy Its value
Governor Juells Outhreaka
Berlin April 2 The Berliner Tage
blatt prints a communication fiom
Apia Samoan islands dated Feb 21
tho writer of which asserts thatjn seri
ous conspiracy occurred against Chief
Mataafa and the German government
in the whole Island of Savall but that
the sklllfulness of tho governor quelled
the outbreak without bloodshed
Tommy West Knorlcei Out
Louisville Maich HO Tommy West
of Brooklyn was knocked out last
night before thp Southern Athletic
club nt tho jAijdltoriuin by Marvin
Hart of Brooklyn in the 10th round of
a 20 round bout
Myftm mmiv iMufnWfMtmnlfiima
Will Make Trip Through Slate of Wash
ington limit and Hall
Washington Miucli III The Itlu
miry ot the picsldontial patty through
the state of Washington Is practically
toinplete aeeoidlng to Representative
Jones of that state It Is as follows
The president will leave Poitlaild
Or at 10 a in Thursday May V and
enter ashlngton by way of Oympla
where he will stop half an hour lie
will i each Tacoma In the nfternoon
nml spend the night theie Friday
he will travels Puget sound by boat
to Seattle stopping at Evoiott and sev
eial other places en route Saturday
the patty will eioss the mountains
with brief stops nt lllonsboig North
Ynkltnn and Wnlla Walla Sunday
will be spent nt Spokane and Monday
the party will leae for Montana The
piesidents trip thiough Kansas will
Include stops at Topeka and Lnvvtcnee
North Dakota Innnir Stubs HI Time
llnughtcis Iatallv and I hen nles
Ills Oh n LUe
Devils Lake N 1 March HO
Segeilln a well to do larnier living
eight miles northeast of towiij Killed1
his thiee children and stalilicd hint 1
self to dentil yesterday lie went to
the barn accompanied bv his little
daughters Delia aged 7 ami Lilly aged
f As he did not come to dinner his
eldest daughter Esther aged was
sent to call Him
It Is thought that before she reached
the barn her father had killed Delhi
and Lilly and Immediately killed her
Esther was a strong ghl and evidently
offered leslstance as she was stabbed
In seveial places and horribly mull
lated Roth the other ehlldieii weie1
killed with a knife Segeilln was
sent to the Insane asylum about ten
j ears ago nut was soon aiinwoci io
return home apparently fully iccnv
ered He was a html vvoiUIng man
well thought of and In good llnancial
circumstances Theie Is no doubt that
he was Insane when he committed the
Mane liurlan Agreement
Asserted to
Only Temporary Arrangement
Washington March I0 It Is stated
on excellent authoilty dial the Man
churinn convention hns from the first
been legaiiled simply ns a modus Vi
vendi It was this phase or the sub
ject which Count Cnsslul brought to
the attention or Seeictary Hay ycsler
tlav and simultaneously It appears to
1 I
minds Democrats elected their
have been Impressed upon the
Loid rloso margin while at
of the British olllcials as
dovvne announced to the house ofj
lords that the convention viewed as
a modus viventii migiii not present
tho objection heietofoie held against
Russia explains that the treaty Is
and will terminate upon the ovneua
Inteded to help present conditions
tlon or Manchuria by Its military
St IctcrHhiirg Dlspitoh States Tieaty
With China Will Itecome ineillve
St Petersburg March SO- It is prob
able that the Rnsso Chlncse Man
churinn treaty will not be signed be
fore Monday or Tuesday at the earl
iest The delay is due to the dila
toriness of the Chinese government or
to the natural difJcultles of communi
cation between the Chinese court Pe
king and St Petersburg
It Is not believed that the Indispo
sition of Yang Yu the Chinese minis
ter nt St Petersburg will prevent him
from going to the foreign office when
Invited to do so
Indictment for Murder
Leon la Maich 10 The grand
jury has returned an Indictment
against Dr 1 W Croflord nnd Ira
Hammond Tor the murder of Maude
Stone Hammonds bond wns fixed
nt 5000 which he promptly gave nnd
wns released CrofTord also gave
bonds In the sum of 10000 Mrs
Anna Hammond mother of Ira Ham
mond wns Indicted on a charge of
abortion in the Stone case She gave
bond In the sum of 1000 A second
Indictment was returned against Crof
ford for performing n criminal oper
ation on Miss Mnitlia Fames G M
Kellar who was indicted with Crof
foid In the Fames case gave bond
In the sum of 1000 and was re
leased These cases will be tried In the
August term of tho district court
According to a cynic every one mar
ries nowadays except a few roollrt
women nnd some very wise men New
Orleans Times Democrat
Rolnnd Reed the actor died In
New York Saturday
The Bradley building In Cleveland
used for small manufacturing pur
poses was destroyed by fire Loss
Former Seniitor Hill retained by
the state In the Molincux case in
dicating purpose to make an earnest
fight against a second trial
All trouble between the motormen
and conductors and the Mouougnhela
street lallvvay was amicably settled
at a meeting held at Rankin Pa
Mrs Joseph A Holland and son
Dnnlel 11 years old were suffocated
by escaping coal gas at Sioux Falls S
D The womans husband was over
come but will recover
Failure of tho operators and miners
in tho Springfield district to reach an
agreement may result In closing the
mines StilUe troubles nrc also threat
ened In the Iti null block coal mines
A band of 00 from Bulgaria endeav
ored to invade Macedonia near Djumn
bala and came Into conflict with the
Ottoman troops Ten of tho Bulga
rlaua were killed aiad the others fled
Republicans Elect State Ticket
by 0ooo Majority
Irohlliltloulsi Is iieted Vlnxir oHMtoMo
Muulilpiil llleellon Hi suit I In Ohio
iloni s llleiteil Minor of lull do tor
1 hlnl 1 line iIoIiikoii Wins at let Manila
Detiolt Mich April 2 Knhcit M
Montgomirv or hand Rapids dtep
has been elei ted Jusllie of the su
picnic com t by about 10000 miilmity
and Ft mil W Fletcher of Alpena ami
lleniy W Carey of Manistee Repub
lleau candidates lor legenls or the
Slate university have also been elect
cd bv a inability almost as huge
The vote cast was light The Demo
ctnts made a uiaiked gain In lack
sou where theli entlie city ticket was
elected The city went Republican last
ji ar
In Owoswo S D Ihneiy IVol wns
elected niavnr ovei coming a Repub
ltdiu innlorlty last year of 050 He
was the only member of Ihal ticket
however who was successful
In Detroit John II Whelitii Repl
wiih icelecltd police lusllie the only
municipal olllcer voted for by MKi
Judge Montgomery can led Detroit
bv over 2rUI maorlly Of the 17
school Inspectors elected 11 weie Re
publicans and six Deinociats
ili i tlons In Ohio
Cincinnati Apill 2 -Fair weather
pievallcd in Ohio yesterday lor the
iiiunlt Ipul and towiiHhlp elections
The unusually large vote for April In
dicated moie Intel est than usual In
these local contests This was due
to the fact that a rail stale lliltct 1h
to be elected next November together
with nieinbiis of the leglshituie who
will choose a suet essor to Senator For
aker In some lew localities legls
lallve nominations were made by a
popular vole None show any oppo
sit Ion to ForaUer among the Kepub
licans and theie was not enough ac
tion oT this kind to Indicate any pielii
euce tor lolin it Mcicnu lom ii
loliiison or anvone else as the Demo
untie favorite for the scnatorshlp
While the Democrats i a riled the
larger cities and some of the suiallei
places yet the Iteplllilh nils show slight
gains in the slate as a whole
At Columbus wheic the Republicans
have had the city government the
niavor Itv a
Coneressninn Tom L loliiison Doin
was elected mnjuir by about 1000 pin
loldon Rule Samuel Jones non par
tlsan was ic elected for the thlnl
time at Toledo
At Springfield the Republicans elect
ed a mayor for the list time In eight
3 cms
Veined b Coteruor Dlitrleli
Lincoln Neb April 2 Governor
Dietrich yesterday vetoed the cgisla
tive appioprlation for salaries of the
snpieiiie court coiniiilssloneis and step
ographers deputy state llbiailan dep
uty supienie court reporter and all
olllceis of the coiitt with the exception
of the clcik and two bailiffs who aie
left the constitutional salary basis
The appioprlation for physician at tho
Beatrice home for feeble minded youth
was also vetoed Following the an
nouncement Cleik Hcrdinim declared
that he would close up the lihraiy and
office of siimcmc court reporter In
sisting 1 1 in t the fees or IiIh office would
uot penult him to keep them open
rrnlilliltltil the
Topeka April 2 The prohibitory Is
Kiie forms the principal bone of con
tention In the light over the various
municipal elections in Kansas today
Since Mrs Nations crusade and the
temperance upheaval which followed
both sides have become convinced that
the outcome of the municipal elections
this spring meant much tor or against
the prohibitory law The opinion is
current In some quarters that the mat
ter or resubmitting the prohibitory
amendment to the people rests In a
large measure with tho result or to
days elect Ion Hence the lnteicst In
the outcome Is great
lliirber Shoots Himself
Sioux Falls S D April 2 Mike
Carrlgan n barber at Dell Rapids
yesterday nfternoon shot and Instantly
killed himself while alone In his shop
He wns an old resident of this section
of the state having lived at Sioux
Falls a number of years prior to go
ing to Dell Rapids He had taken a
drink cure without success A widow
nnd several children survive him
Kleitlnn nt Untie
Butte Mori April 2 The Democrats
elected W II Davltt mayor and
Thomas M Boyle police magistrate
nnd four out of eight nldermeii The
Republicans elected two aldermen and
the Labor Party two At Anaconda
Dr II W Stevens for mnyor and the
entire Republican municipal ticket
was elected
Citizen Tlclet Ileited
Blsmnrck N D April 2 After one
of the bitterest city elections ever held
In Bismarck the Republican city ticket
was defeated yesterday by the Cltbens
ticket Frank Donnelly Republican
cnndlnte for mayor was defeated by
D M Register Citizens candidate
by 3 majority out of a total of cr0
Oemouruts Win at Keokuk
Keokuk In April 2 The Democrats
carried the city yesterday electing
Theodore Craig mayor over F T
Hughes by a majority of 415 Tho
council stands six Republicans and
six Democrats giving It to the Demo
crats on a tie rote
wnMiwaiifmifirniiniiuriitT t
Iltrtv Viihlni nl llsticili Is l orled to
Hi mltiiiai lei liv Im liiuuesn Soldiers
Miuli lil Apill 2 Dispatches ic
el veil hue fioni Lisbon aie rigorously
leiiNoitd Letters which have i cached
hcie say the Roer t who atrlvcd at Lis
lion on boaid tiauspoits Friday from
Delngon bay wci aecnuled a splendid
icccptloii coutinstlng with the cool
ness or the popular leccpllou or tho
mission headed by Hut I Carrlligton
Kent Io Lisbon to formally nollly King
Clnulos of the death of tjuccn Vlctoilu
n ml e accession or King IMwanl
VII In the throne oT Cieal llrltalu and
h eland The hour selected for the
lauding of the Boers was kepi secret
but in veitheless a huge crowd was
pteseul and acclaimed the travelers
a maloilly of whom weie Furopean
volnnteeis The party numbeiliig 700
pet Mips was cieoiied In Its quartern
by Portuguese liifiiiilry
Ill ItUh Clmiten il Son 1 1 Afilru Cnmpiuy
Itrllnteil of All I Inblllt Tgx
London Apill 2 From a statement
made bv Ml Chauibeilalu the colo
nlal Hccictar In the house or com
mons vesteiilay It appeals that the
South A 1 1 lean war has icllevcd tho
Iltltlsh tliarlercd South African com
puny of all liability In regard to the
linnet mi laid the colonial seeictary
admitting Hint the claims of the Trans
vaal hail no passed to Cicat Itrllalu
as the lesnlt of the conquest
Chamhciliilus announcement that
the company lias escaped the payment
or f loooooo as Indemnity In cornice
tlon with the Innieson raid has given
rise to considerable dlssatlsracllou
It icveals ii scandalous slate of
things savH the Daily Chronicle
The Dally iiaphle also regimls It
ns mosl unfoiluiinte that the com
pnnv should thus escape the penalty
or Its mlsdiM ds
Wltui si llielluex to AiihuiiI
New Yoik April 2- The first witness
yestmlay at the healing of Albeit
T litilek the law j or chaiged with
canning the death of William Maish
Rhe last September was Mis A M
Fianels who kepi the house where
Patilek fonneily boa i tied When sho
had been sworn and Assistant DlsliIcL
Attorney Osborne was about to put
his Hist question Mr Mooie Patricks
lavvxer said he thought the witness
ought to be cautioned against testily
lug to anything that mghl lu rlminate
herself in this gioiind witness de
clined to answer seveial questions
Hun v mine Hopel s dj Insane
New Yoik Apill 2 lrs Stewail
Wihliiiiin and Flic li yesfc idny made an
examination of Maui ice Barrymoie
now a patient In Hellenic hospital
Biuiymoie had passed a quiet night
sleeping the deep sleep of utter
At the coin liision of the
examination Dr Stew nit announced
that the patient was hopelessly insane
It was also given out that he will be
taken lo Rivet ci est asylum at As
Croeers Will Not Tut Itnles
Sioux City Apill L Moie than 100
tiaveling salesmen for Sioux City
wholesale giocory houses weie called
in to the city for a special union meet
Ing yesfeiday to prevent a conthiu
ntlon of the rate cutting that has do
morallved the trade In this tcirltorv for
some time past An understanding
wa reached to stop cutting and the
salesmen were Instructed to obey II
Ajtil Couple 1atully Iltuued
Springfield Ills Apill 2 Mrs
Liimia Can oil 00 years of age hipped
and fell hist night while carrying a
lighted lamp The lamp fell and was
shattcicd at the feet of her Invalid
husband aged years who was sit
ting on a couch Rcfoie assistance
reached them Mrs Carrolls body was
burned to a crisp and her husband
iv as probably fatally burned
Ilotha and Dmirt to loin Forces
London April 2 Dispatches from
Cape Town and Brussels talk of Gen
eral Botha and General Dewet Join
ing a gathering of llOOO men for oicr
ations against General French In the
Transvaal Tho Boers threatened to
attack Richmond and the town guard
was ctilled out to defend the place
Postmaster General Smith has Issued
mi order establishing a dead letter ser
vice for the teirltory of Hawaii
J Paul Hewitt charged with the
murder of William Anderson of South
Bend has been cap tuicd at Galves
John Fenian of Idaho has been ap
pointed custodian of tho Fort Sherman
abandoned military reservation In
Gllmour Co tobacco manufact
urers of OwensboroKy nsslgned Mon
day Liabilities and assets estimated
nt 100000
Axel Douglass n Now York janitor
Monday shot and killed his wifo and
then turned the weapon upon himself
He will die
Thomas Swift aged Ci well known
In Masonic nnd Grand Army circles
throughout the country died at Sey
mour Conn Monduy
The president Issued an executive
order reserving for reindeer stations
two tracts of land in Alaska one on
Norton sound and tho other on Una
lakllk river
Rueben Miller of Pittsburg was Mon
day selected chnlrmnn of tho executive
committee of tho Crucible Steel com
pany of Ameiicn to succeed William
i Park resigned
Thomas O Hammond former presi
dent of the Walker Oakley Tannery
company and a well knoivn Chicago
clubman fell dead on the btreet Mon
day while out for a walk