The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 05, 1901, Image 1

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Neb Slnlo JiMlorli f
Wall Street Rumor Involving
I Hills Interests
Btnntlonoit With tha KrlpNortlirrn rnrlllo
anil CI rent NortliornFiptiM lloluit Ire
pnroil tii Unite Thom tu Vutt Corpora-
1 tlon LIUo Stool Trust
New York April 5 The Mnll nnd
Express snys It Is reportoil In Wall
street that papers wore beliifr pre
pared for n New Jersey conomtlon
to holil a controlling Interest In the
stocks of the Erie Burlington North
ern Pacific and Great Northern rail
roads the leading properties In which
James 1 Hill is Interested
It Is said that the same plan will
be followed ns was adopted In the
utecl combination the shares of the
larger company being exchanged for
those of the constituent companies
The purpose Is to enable the tlnnnclal
Interests who are putting through the
big deals to do so with less capital
than would otherwise be required and
nlso to give grenter permanency to the
great nlllance The total capital of
the four companies mentioned is more
than m0OO0001
James J IIIll Is out of the city and
those associated with him expressed
Ignorance of such a scheme
President Stlckncy of tho ChU nRO Greut
Western Confirms Report
Chicago April 5 The Tribune says
President A B Stickuey of tho Chi
cago Great Western railway confirms
the report that his road will build into
Omaha and Sioux City An under
writing syndicate has been formed to
provide S000000 to build the 274
miles of road Surveys for the line
to Omaha were made some years ago
The line will run from Fort Dodge duo
southwest to Omaha and from Clarion
west to Sioux City
The lines purchased and to be con
structed cover over 134 miles making
the total additions of the system 40S
Blakos Twenty Eighth Purchase on JAuo
of llrlghtoii lVrleo Cutoff
Fairfield la April 5 Twenty eight
deeds have been filed for record with
the county recorder by the Chicago
Rock Island and Pacific Hallway com
pany amounting in all to 2342912
representing the amount paid by the
railway company for the ritrlit of way
that will be required for the cutoff
4n Jefferson county between Brighton
and Perlee a distance of seven and
one half miles according to the new
survey but at present nine miles by
tho railroad Now that the right of
way has been procured the contract
will be let and a large force will soon
be at work grading for the new track
Scorpion Ordered to Memphis
Washington April 4 An order Is
sued from the navy department yester
day assigns the Scorpion Instead of
tho Bancroft to the duty of repre
senting the nnvy at the Confederate
tVeterans reunion at Memphis May
26 The Bancroft Is going to Hamp
ton Roads from Key West to be put
out of commission about May 15 Tho
withdrawal of the Scorpion from the
Venezuelan waters will leave the
United Stntes government without a
warship In that part of South Amer
ica When the Scorpion takes Min
ister Loomls to San Juan she is not
likely to return to Venezuela but prob
ably will come directly northward
Blow Up Submarine Mine
i Norfolk Vn April 5 S II Mitchell
of the United States artillery depart
ment reports having successfully
blown up a stray submarine mine near
Backetts Harbor Va The mine was
one thnt bnd been planted during the
Spanish war nt Port Royal S C or
some other point In that vicinity
This mine bad broken loose and since
that time had been drifting at sea
Some farmers discovered It a few
days ago tirown up by the tide
French Monaco llrltlsh Interests
London April 5 Tho Times lias re
ceived the following from Its corre
spondent In Wellington N Z France
rifter establishing a naval station In
the Pacific nud Increasing her war
ships to five within a few weeks In
now engaged In strengthening her
land defenses This nctlon Is re
graded as menacing British Interests
In the southern raclflc
T Now Treaty With Spain
Washington April G Although so
far without ofllclal confirmation tho re
port that the Spanish council has ap
proved the draft of the new treaty of
commercial friendship between the
United States nnd Spain finds credence
here Minister Storer hns been ne
gotiating a whole fabric of treaties to
take the place of those wiped out by
tho Spanish war
Russia Army In Manchuria
London April By tho end of
May says the Moscow correspondent
of the Daily Graphic tho Russian
army in Manchuria will number 300
000 men It Is understood thnt the
Russian minister of war General Kou
rapatkl reckons upon tho possibility
of having to dispatch an army corps
southward Into Korea
Sensation at Uotrllus Green
OwenBboro Ky April 5 A
tlon that happened In Bowling Green
last Saturday night and details of
which have jut boon made public
held the undivided attention of the
grand Jury today The affair com
prehends an Interrupted elopement of
Ave young women from Potter college
Bowling Greeiu
Superintendent Mnohnu Issues Circular
of Instructions
Washington April f -Superintendent
Machen of the free delivery burcnu
of the postolllce department lias Issued
a circular of Instruct ions governing
rural free delivery throughout the
country It directs that petitioners
for such service be heads of families
who shall show the relative population
along the route character of the roads
principal avocations of the people and
distances each one now has to travel
to receive mall A petition must be
endorsed by either a senator or rep
resentative In congress Kneh route
must be over 20 miles long serving
at least 100 families and those desiring
the delivery must be prepared to put
up suitable boxes Rural uurlers are
not required to deliver ordinary mail
to houses standing back from the main
road They may carry other business
than United States mall Patrons are
requested to co operate by keeping
the roads up to the standard In nil
weather Tho maximum pay for car
riers now Is 500 per annum for n full
route of approximately 2 miles Car
riers are to carry a supply of stamps
stamped envelopes and postal cards
and must cancel stamps on all letters
Ilnn Tor Opouluc of Kiowa nml Wichita
ICcson atlon In Oklahoma on
August 0
Washington April 5 Preparations
are progressing for the opening to set
tlement of the Kiowa Comanche and
Apache and the Wichita reservations
in Oklahoma and It is expected that
both reservations will be ready for
opening on Aug tho date llxed for
tho former A contract for resurvey
of the latter has just been let and it
is expected that arrangements will be
consummated so ns to open the two
together Commissioner Hermann of
the genernl land oilice will submit a re
port In about a week to Secretary
Hitchcock on the several plans sug
gested for making the opening It is
believed bewlll recommend as the most
feasible plan that tho 14000 quarter
sections bo drawn for by applicants
the drawing to occur before the Issu
aiie of the presidents formal procln
Chief Commissary for Southern Luzon
Charged With Frauds
Manila April 5 Lieutenant Fred
erick Boyer of iie Thirty ninth volun
teer infantry chief commissary for
the second district of the department
of southern Luzon lias arrived at
Calamba where he has been charged
with misappropriating 50 cases of ba
con and with other irregularities
It is alleged that the shortage In the
commissary department in Manila ag
gregates 5181000
In contrast with tho scandnls In the
commissary department the collection
and use of consular funds are matters
for congratulations The nccouuts of
the customs house new revenue dis
tricts nnd license divisions have been
Inspected nnd are reported perfectly
Caahior olsappeurs Accounts Straight
St Joseph Mo April 5 K V
Harding cashier of tho German-American
bank left the city some time
yesterday and cnimot be found He
wrote two letters one to his wife
nnd the other to the ofllcinls of the
bank saying that he had left the city
for good He said his accounts would
be found to be straight and a careful
examination the ofllcinls say prove
this to be true The letter from Hard
ing to his wife revealed domestic trou
bles of a sensational character
General T TIge Anderson the fa
mous confederate brigade commander
and a veteran of the Mexican war died
at Annlstou Ala Thurday aged 77
President Wincliell of the Memphis
road says that the community of In
terests of the Memphis and Frisco
lines will bo effected In Us fullest
sense about July 1
General Fltzhugh Leo Is 1111 nt the
homo of General Merrlam In Denver
having contracted a cold while on a
trip around the Georgetown loop In
the mountains
Marval Davis of St Louis was fa
tally scalded by escaping steam on the
steamer Flying Kagle at Qulncy
Wednesday His skin and flesh came
off In strips and shreds
It was olliclally decided to begin
the season of Yellowstone National
park on Juno 10 five days earlier than
It has ever heretofore been opened
The season will last until Sept 15
Former Congressman John B Gil
Allan of Minneapolis has given the
University of Minnesota 50000 the
income from which Is to be used to
help worthy students through the uni
Governor Nash of Ohio has reprieved
Edwin Ruthven the Cleveland mur
derer who was to have been executed
on April 12 to May 3 in order that the
full transcript of the evidence In the
case might be luld before him
IS I 111
Settle Feud With Revolvers at
Twenty Paces
Mr Hllft Solglln ami Mr Dnughsmi llr
llig Near Nimklilc T ltfsorl to tho
French CodeFormer Is Now In a Hos
pital Itut Mill Aide to Talk
Newklrk O T April fi Mrs Ella
Solglln and Mrs DaugliHonllvIng near
this city fought a duel with re
volvers at 20 paces yesterday and Mrs
Selglln Is now In a hospital danger
ously but not necessarily fatally
wounded Two of her opponents
shots lodged In her breast but she Is
able to talk volubly and Is anxious
to recover that she may again light
Mrs Daughson
The duel grew out of it long standing
feud between the women Jealousy be
ing the original cause Mrs Daugh
son lives on a farm just south of lie
city and Mrs Selglln has frequently
endeavored to nrouso the temper of
her neighbor by various mean the
most effectual being the claim that
she Mrs Selglln could take Mrs
Daughsons husband away from his
wire any time she wished
Mrs Daughson dually appealed to
the courts and yesterday forenoon
Mrs Selglln was lined 300 for tres
passing upon the Daughson property
nud Inciting trouble As soon as she
paid the Hue Mrs Selglln drove oit
to the Daughson home and Invited her
rival to come out and tight a duel
Mrs Daughson promptly accepted
the challenge and came out armed with
a revolver The women then faced
each other at 50 feet ond began shoot
ing the signal being given by n
daughter of Mrs Selglln who had ac
companied her from town Kuril Hied
three shots without effect Then Mrs
Daughson got the range anil tired two
shots in quick succession both striking
Mrs Selglln In the breast She fell
and Mrs Dauglmou assisted In carry
ing her Into the house where a physi
cian dressed her wounds after which
she was conveyed to a hospital
Now the husbands of the women are
seeking on eh other vowing to kill on
sight The partisans of each woman
are also burnishing up tlioir weapons
and seeking nn excuse to shoot loine
During the trial the two women at
tempted several times to fly nt each
other and fight It out then and tln rc
nnd the belligerent spirit permeated
the entire court room
Mrs Selglln says her revolver re
fused to work nfter the first three
shots and that she will make n better
record when next she faces Mrs
Daughson The latter has not yet
been arrested and grimly remarks that
she has taken the precaution to reload
her revolver and oil Its joints and that
she can be found at home hy any one
looking for nn argument
Oilhort Iurmulio nud Illrkman Aro
Among tho Lender
New York April 15 The shoot for
the grand American handicap which
was begun yesterday with the excep
tion of a brief Interval in the middle
of the day shooting at live birds was
kept up without any Interruption and
nearly 5000 birds were trapped
All told there were 222 entries for
the event When the shooting was
discontinued for the day there were 40
men with straight scores of 20 kills
ench Of the leaders the work of Ans
ley II Fox of Baltimore was by far
the most creditable Since the shoot
began Fox hns taken part In every
event on the program and hns not
missed one bird In nil of them
In nctual competition he has shot
01 birds without missing any
Among tho -10 who have top scores
so far Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake
In j C O Nnuman of San Francisco
A II Fox D S Johnson of Atinntie
City nnd F S Pannaleo of Omaha as
well as Ed Hickman of Kansas City
are looked upon ns the most likely
bunch in which tho winner may bo
Ittihllu anil JelTrles Again Matched
fit Louis April 5 Billy Madden
Gus Ruhllns manager yesterday ar
ranged another match between his
protegp and Jnmcs J Jeffries the
heavyweight champion Madden
agreed to nllow Jeffries to select the
date for tho contest nnd the club offer
ing the best Inducements will get tho
match The fighters will split the
puree on n basis of 75 per cent to tho
winner and 25 to the loser The men
will sign the same articles of agree
ment that were drawn up for the con
templated battle recently at Cincin
nati Madden agreed to permit Jeffries
to name the date because the champion
has a bad knee which he Injured while
training for his last match with Rtih
lln He will not fight until he gets
over this trouble
Dobbs and Young Jackson Draw
Hot Springs Ark April 5 What
was to have been a 20 round bout last
night between Bobby Dobbs and
Young Peter Jackson resulted In n
farce and Referee Bat Mnstorson de
clared It a draw In tho 12th round
In that round Dobbs claimed Jack
son fouled him and refused to fight
further The referee said he saw no
I jib or Troubles at Cleveland
Cleveland April 5 Thirty nine car
penters coutractors lut evening
mmu ii tmp
Vi l i r r tlYnr
Hrfolk Weekly News Journal
agreed lo tifrti down the demands of
the cnrpoiitoiV union for au increase
In wages of fi cents an hour The re
sill promises to be one of the largest
strikes which the building trades of
Cleveland have ever dealt with
Will Not leuxo Muuehiii la Under Any
Clrrtimatniu es
Washington April I -The suggested
Itusslaii plea that the action of the
powers In opposing the Manelnirlun
agreement will make It Impossible for
Itussla to leave Manchuria at all has
aroused Interest here
The comment upon this suggested
plea Is hat Itussla deliberately pro
poses to commit it greater offense In
the permanent seizure of Manchuria
If tile powers will not connive al a
lesser one In allowing her to make a
Noercl and private agreement with
China This plea It Is said would be
laughed out of any court of Interna
tional law so dlslugenloiis Is It Rus
sia Is displeased because the powers
discouraged China from signing the
agreement yet Russia herself Joined
with the powers In undertaking to
nvoid any such private arrangement
Involving the acquisition of Chinese
territory Ken if she persists even
If she forces China to sign the Man
chiirlan agreement there Is no obliga
tion on the powers and certainly not
on the United States to whom this
Russian plea was given to look upon it
as binding at any point By lie same
reasoning should Russia Tailing to se
cure an agreement continue In Man
churia beyond a reasonable time there
Is no obligation upon any power to
respect her title and It may be pre
dicted that this subject will lead to
controversy of the gravest character
IlUIng Irlees Hurled Hark by Avulaueho
ol Iliuhliitluii Kxeltlng llaj In
Wall Street
New York April 5 Yesterday was
one of violent excitement and ex
treme nervous tension In tho stock
market Prices Undiluted In uu tin
precedentedly violent and erratic man
ner all day The speculative spirit
had apparently run wild and no fen la
seemed too good to attempt In the
feverish Imagination of the excited
speculators Blocks of thousands of
shares of stocks were tossed backward
and forward and millions of dollars
were ventured with no more concern
than though pennies were being
News or actual rind ortroper
ties played no part whatever in tho
speculations The method of opera
tions was largely to follow designated
leadership A sudden and violent
advance In any stock was Rufllclent to
attract an overwhelming following
In which the scramble to buy caused
a volatile rise with quick profits for
the leaders who hastened to unload
Monday seemed a remote period In the
view of the speculators ami their oper
ations did not appear to lie designed
to go beyond the days trading The
market was an admirable one In
which to unload slock and it is with
in reason to suppose that the excite
ment was stimulated by every possi
ble artful device to further their ob
ject How far It was taken advant
age of may be Inferred from the com
paratively small number of stocks
which retain any Important net gains
In spite of the appearance of extreme
buoyancy which tho market had for
most of the time
Trowln Is a Caudldnto
Des Moines April 5 Senator Jnnies
II Trowln of Lansing Allamakeo
county Is formally announced as a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for governor Ho is the sixth
candidate those already In the Held
being A B Cummins Des Moines
George D Perkins Sioux City J
D Harriman Hampton Sidney A
Foster Des Moines and John Herrlott
Celebrate Landing of Ioiicm do Leon
St Augustine Fin April 5 Several
hundred citizens celebrated In Fort
Marlon the Truth anniversary of the
landing of Ponce do Leon mid the dis
covery of Florida A salute of 17
guns was fired In honor of Ponce tie
Leon after which speeches were made
followed by fireworks
To Itestoro Ilranvh Ilovenue Olliro
Burlington April 5 -Revenue Col
lector Kemble has been ordered to re
store the branch offices and salaries
at Keokuk and Clinton also the posi
tion of traveling deputy
A linn In HoboUen N J has cor
nered tho peanut market
The nntl clgarette bill was killed In
the Wisconsin Houato Thursday by a
vote of 15 to 12
Oriental advices recount the burning
of tho celebrated temple Ilonimongl
at Ikeguml on the night of March 0
Miss Mary Hoffman of San Francis
co who disappeared mysteriously from
New York city last December has as
mysteriously returned
The combined naval and land forces
In Yucatan are slowly but surely driv
ing tho rebel Indians back and the
troops are approachelng the gates of
Chan Santa Cruz
The strike of the employes of the
Malleable Iron company at Beaver
Dam Wis was settled Wednesday
by the state board of arbitration The
men were granted the Increase of
wages demanded ami other conces
sions Tho shops will start at once
This Kind of a Man
I Doesnt know the difference between good lumber and poor
lumber Any old stiill would suit him Hut our slock wasnt
bought foi iin li fellows as him It was bought for the most
particular men lu the community If you happen to be one
of those particular chaps and want some extra nice lumber
heres the place to get It Illcch 1 Low is you get anywhere
f W H IIUmOLZ President
AMiWNDKK IIKAH Vlco Irosliloni
li V 7iT tliHlimr
National Bank
Capital iooooooo
Surplus 2000000
Does a Several Banking Business
Buys and vile
lnoiehiit n Titt Deposits
Drafts arid Money O on uiy n Europg
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Trammeled
trv uaflon f j niE w ii huokpIjZ wm zrm
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DORLAND Secretary
Tried Them
iHiMa Ml r
Tklepiiokk No 147
Rooms on North Ninth Street
a3srxj r TD a
1 Exclusive atfent ior the Celebrated Sweetwater Rook Spring Coal tho
in iuu iuurKcu
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 61
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Mrers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Office
W 0 Halls Barber Shop