The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Claronce Strong Tnke it Wheel nl
tonct to Thirty Uy In the Coutitv
Jail Atlar lleiMlln Oullty
Olaroiico Strong 17 or 18 years of ago
whoso parouts livo cost of tho olty up
poarod boforo Poiico Judgo Hayes this
morning pleaded guilty to stoaliug a
bloyolo and was sontonood to 80 days iu
tho county jail Ho was taken over to
Madison on tho 11 oolook train by
Constable Couloy to sorvo tho sontouco
Tho wheel taken was tho property of
school who
a young man attending
boards in tho country Ho rodo it to
church lost Sunday night and loft it
leaning ogainst a f enco whllo ho attended
tho sorvloo Young Strong took it and
hid it in a corn field and on Thursday
rodoit to Meadow Grovo
Soon after his arrival thoro ho was
mot by Editor W P Evans of tho Press
who soon established a record for ama
teur deteotivo work Strong ongagod
in a conversation with Mr Evans and
represented that ho was an agent for
Soars Roebuck Co Tho lattor quickly
formed a suspicion that all was not
right as tho wheel was not of n Soars
Roebuck makebut had tho appearance
of being made by Jas A Couley of this
Strong said ho wanted 10 for tho
machine and started with it to tho homo
of Guy Sweet to whom ho tradod for a
watch and a dollar in cash Roturuiug
to town ho told Mr Evans that ho got
more for tho wheolthau he asked re
ceiving 15 when his prico was but 14
Mr Evans again questioned him and
dotectod him in several crooked stories
and Strong becoming Buspicious asked
when tho train loft for tho oast and
mado for the depot Mr Evans fol
lowed him aud told him that ho was up
to his tricks He then consented to ac
company tho editor to tho home of Sweet
where he admitted that he stole the
wheel and wanted to trade backand tho
transfer was made He was then in
duced to accompany Mr Evans to this
citywhero he gave himself upland was
sentenced as above stated
Mrs A Elliott was down from Pierce
yesterday i
Miss Austin of Wayne was a city vis
itor yesterday
E A Orum came down from Creigh
ton last night
E E Main of Belgrade is a Norfolk
visitor yesterday
O R Allen of Le Mars Iowa is here
today on business
Miss Mattie NoNish returned last
night from Tilden
Louis Wells of Meadow Grove is a
Norfolk guest today
Miss Mohrman represented Pierce
in Norfolk yesterday
P J Buchanan of Grand Island was
in Norfolk over night
Ralph Broasch left this morning for a
business trip to Omaha
A B Terwilliger of Wayne had busi
ness in the city yesterday
Mr and Mrs B W Woolverton are
in town today from Pierce
Mrs A Brown of Stanton was shop
ping in thecity yesterday
O E Doughty went to Battle Creek
this morning on business
Mrs O A Hewitt of Neligh was a
visitor in the city yesterday
G H Whaley arrived in the city last
night from Neligh to visit friends
Mrs Craig and daughter Grace were
in Norfolk this morning from Pierce
Mrs O N t Watson and Miss Alico
Riley wero down from Pierce yesterday
S T Johnson of Stanton looked after
business matters in Norfolk yesterday
E A Campbell went to Meadow
Grove today to look after property in
R B Weller of the Chicago Lumber
company made a business trip to Omaha
Mrs McBride and daughter Annie
were passengers for Omaha on the early
train today
Rudy Morquardt left for St Joe Mo
this morning where he has a position
at his trade
Mrs Joo Thornton of Alliance is in
tho city visiting her parents Mr and
Mrs J Couley
Fish Commissioner John H Hnlff
went to South Bend this morning on
business connected with bis oflice
W G Aruold of Hastings deputy
grand master workman of tho A O U
W is in the city today greeting friends
A number ofJWayne citizens will
leave next week for the state of Wash
ington where they expect to make their
future homo
Rev W R McKim left this moruing
for Teoumseh where ho will take charge
of the Lenten and Easter services at the
Episcopal church
A monument to former Congressman
MoKeigan will be unveiled ou Momorial
day at Hastings W J Bryan will
make tho address
Members of tho We6t Side Whist club
passed au enjoyable time with the cards
at the homo of Mr and Mrs Morris
Mayer last evening
Pastor Ryder will conduct a series of
im tK
evatigolistlo mooting at Wayuo next
week at the urgent request of tho First
Baptist churoh of that placo
Miss Jonnlo Dolen left today for Ran
dolph whore sho will make her home
having secured a situation with ono of
tho nowspnpors of that town
Tho MothodlRts of Wayno aro to build
a now 15000 churoh odifloo soon Tho
t ontract has boeu lot to J R Glor of
Courad Iowa Tho building Is to bo
completed by October 1
Tho household oToots of Honry
Schmodo aro bolug packed preparatory
to thoir shipment to Ames whoro ho
holds tho position of master mochauio
In tho now sugar factory
Superintendent W A Connolly of tho
sugar factory wolcomed n Ino boy to
his homo this morning and has slnco
boon dispensing cigars to friends and ac
quaintances in honor of tho event
Tho Noligh Yeoman says that tho
persons who abandoned Mr Buttorflolds
horse nud buggy thoro went ou afoot
breakfasted with a farmer south of tho
river aud tramped otY toward Oakdalo
It Is likely that they will yet bo cap
Judging by tho number of hunters
who wont out after tho fostlvo duck this
morning there will bo very few of tho
birds loft in this portion of tho stato by
nightfall Many of tho nimrods wero
boys who attoml school duriug tho
Doctors who served as witnesses in n
recent Platte county case thought thoir
testimony was worth about 10 a day
Tho commissioners thought difforont
aud cut their por diem to tho level of
common mortals allowing them 2 and
A young man of North Platte recently
recoived a letter from a young lady con
taining tho instruction to look nudor
tho stamp ou tho envolopo IIo spent
considerable time in Bteamiug tho stamp
loeso expecting as a reward somo sweet
sentiment that ho might forover cherish
What ho found read Was it hard to
get off
There will bo no evangelistic services
in the Baptist church next wcok but
preparations aro being made for a greater
aud more helpful series of meetings to
commence tho following week when
an evangelist who has been instrumental
in loading thousands of souls to God is
expected to be hero to assist Pustor
Ryder Definite announcement later
Mr and Mrs Ed Madseu of Missouri
Valley Iowa and Chris Madsen who
travels for the O M Henderson Shoe
company of Chicago arrived last
night to visit at the home of their
mother It is said that Chris is at the
head of the list of those who travel for
the Henderson company having dis
posed of more goods during tho past
year than any of them
The lecture and experiments with
liquid air to bo given next Friday even
ing under the auspices of tho Northeast
Nebraska Teachers association will be
handled by Prof Eugene C Foster who
is well informed on the subject and will
undoubtedly interest all who attend
A circular sayB A liquid air lecture
and demonstration is a short visit into
tho fairyland of science yet all is so
thoroughly explained that each one
wonders how such an important dis
oovery could be so simple Nothing is
advertised that is not performed
Persons desiring to entertain teachers
during tho association meeting will
please notify Superintendent OConnor
stating number of persons desired
Tickets for reserved seats for the district
High school declamatory contest will bo
on sale at Leonards drug store Monday
afternoon at 1 oclock Citizens desir
ing to attend the lectures on Thursday
and Friday evenings of next week will
accommodate resident teachers very
much by enrolling The registration
fee is 50 cents which entitles the holder
to attend the lectures on Colonial
Money and Liquid Air
Tomorrow is Rev John Jeffcrles last
Snnday as pastor of the Second Congre
gational churoh of South Norfolk whioh
was established and the church edifice
built through his efforts Ho leaves
next week for Milford where he will
toko charge of the Congregational church
there Duriug their residence here Mr
and Mrs Jefferies have made many
friends who are sorry to see them leave
aud will undoubtedly improve tho op
portunity tomorrow of hearing him
preach his farewell sermon It is under
stood that members are in correspond
ence with another minister who is ex
pected to take up the pastorate made
vacant by Mr Jefferies resignation
about the first of May
An Kx tract from Her Letter
If you could only be hero this winter
morning and see for yourself you would
no longer doubt me Roses are bloom
ing in our front yard aud all naturo is
as far advanced iu this lovely American
summerland as it will be in your cold
eastern home by Juno
Wo mado the journey from Missouri
river to the Golden Gate on tho Uuiou
Paciflo to avoid tho circuitous routes
an important item in the winter A
trip to California is mado delightful by
the perfect service and luxurious ac
commodation of Tho Overland Limited
which is perhaps tho most fiuely
equipped train iu tho world
Detailed information furnished on ap
plication F W Junkman Agent
Spring Vncntlnn or Norfolk School Will
tin for Week anil n llnU Tf acher
are Coming t
From Monday Dally
Tho Norfolk schools will close Wed
nosday noon for a vacation until Mon
day April 8 when tho Bpring torm will
bed n Classes for beginning pupils
will bo organized on that date and
narouta who have chlldron ovor livo
years of ago whom thoy wish to start
In school will confor a favor and assist
In tho work of organizing If thoy will
notify tho teacher of their uonroht school
of tho fact
Commencing Wednesday and contin
uing duriug tho baaueo of tho woek tho
Northeast Nobrnska Teachers associa
tion will bo In session hord Tho pros
pects for a largo attendance nnd in
teresting session grow brighter as tho
dato approaches Toaohors whoso
schools had dosed bogon to arrlvo us
oarly as last Saturday and tho local com
mlttees aro hi receipt of communications
from many places announcing tho num
ber of teachors expecting to Attoml
A delegation of 27 from Columbus is
oxpectod to arrivo Wodnosday Fuller
ton will bo roprosonted by lii teachors
and North Bond by eight and other
distant plnces will have largo delega
tions whilo tho toaohors of noarby towns
will undoubtedly turn out iu full force
Local arrnugomonts aro well In hand
nnd tho visiting toachors will not only
bo woll carod forbut overy effort will bo
made to mako them fool at homo and
welcomo to Norfolks hospitality
Olydo Patterson is sick with tho grip
II Moyors of Dodgo Suudayod iu Nor
Miss Lillio Parker Is visiting friouds
iu Pierce
Charles Vollmor of Silver Crook wns
here over night
M Carbery was a city visitor yester
day from Waruorvillo
W H Wigton is in tho city from
Omaha looking after business
Dr Hans Bisau and W Lewis of
Elgin were iu tho city Saturday
Dr Scobee spent Sunday in Wayne
the guest of hiB frieud Dr Thomas
Mrs Emma Talbot of South Omaha is
visiting her frieud Mrs H L Snyder
Mrs T F Mommiuger of Madison
was a guest of Norfolk friends Saturday
Mrs J S Robinson and daughtor of
Madison were visitors in Norfolk yester
MiBs Winnie Jeffries is homo from
her school near Winnetoon for a vaca
Father Fitzgerald of Wayne conducted
services in the Catholic church last
Mrs DariuB Mathewson of Wakefield
is a guest at the home of Col S S
Cotton for a few days
Mrs Win Gerecke of Stanton came
up Saturday and is visiting old time
Norfolk friends this week
Miss Edith Tatman will leave tho lat
tor part of the week for Egbert Wyo
where sho will teach a nine months
Mrs Geo Spear returned yesterday
from Hot Springs S D When sho
left Mr Spear was improving aud was
ablo to walk
John Flynn who has been visiting
his family here left this noon for Rocky
Ford Col where ho has a position iu
the sugar factory
Miss Susie Thompson who has charge
of tho kindergorteu department in one
of Omahas privuto schools is home for
a weeks vocation
A letter from Geo D Butterfield says
that they will visit Cuba bofore return
ing home Thoy planned to leave for
thero Monday of last week
Deputy W G Arnold of Hastings
viBited Deputy F F Miller over Suuday
aud this morning went to Madison
where ho is working in tho interest of
tho A O U W
A son of John Frisch who lives 12
miles west of Verdigro has been brought
to tho Salter sanitarium for treatment
HIb leg was broken just above tho kuee
by falling from a horse
E W Hayea of Indianapolis who
has beeu visiting his parents Mr and
Mrs S W Hayes and other relatives
left yesterday morning for a 10 days
business trip to Denver
The News was wrongly informed re
garding tho name of tho youug man
who was sent to Madison Saturday for
stealing a bicycle Tho name was given
as Clarence Strong when it should have
been Ernest Strong
Yesterday closod tho wook of self-denial
observed by tho Salvation Army iu
nil parts of the world This is a week
given annually to the collection of con
tributions made through tho relinquish
ment of some luxury or necessity An
effort toward collecting was made in
Norfolk but what success the local Army
had is not known
Moinbers of the Socoud Congrega
tional church have engaged as thoir pas
tor Rev Frank Baker of Chicago who
has been highly recommended to them
Mr Baker expects to arriveaud conduct
his fiist service hero ou the second Sun
day in May The church will therefore
10 without a pastor about a month but
tho pulpit will probably Ihj supplied dur
iug that time ou Sundays
Tho peoplo of tho Second Congrega
tional church of South Norfolk tend
ered Ruv John Jofforios and wifo a re
ception Saturday ovonlng in tho lecturo
room of tho church About 10 porsons
wero prosont nud enjoyed a pleasant
social timo Mr Jefferies was prosontod
with a pnrso of J2 50 by momlmrs of
his congregation and Mrs JoflorioH
Sunday school class gave her a silver
biscuit jar Mr and Mrs Jefferies ex
pect to leave for thoir now homo In Mil
ford Tnnrsday morning
Mrs N A Riiiubolt entertained a
company of 50 ladies Saturday after
noon Tho time was plonxantly spoilt
iu visiting and in guessing a list of
clover original conundrums provided by
tho hostoss In tho names of well
known Norfolk citizens wero found tho
correct answers to tho questions Mrs
Frank Salter was successful In guessing
all the answers and won tho first prize
Elegant refreshments wero served
Out-of-town guests wero Mrs IJiHuh
Mathowson of Wakotlold Mrs Win
Goreoko of Stanton and Mrs T F
Mommiuger of Madison
Mrs D Richards died at her homo in
South Norfolk this moruing at about it
oolook of iullammatory rheumatism and
complications after an illness extend
ing ovor sovoral months Sho was
tho mother of It D Richards formerly
with A K Leonard nnd ho with the
other children has boon uotlflod of her
death Tho remains will bo taken to
Canton Ohio tho placo of Mrs Rich
ards birth for intnrmont Wodnosday
and short services will bo hold at tho
liouso at that time Tho deceased was
58 years of ago and has boon it resident
of Norfolk but a short timo coming
hero with her husband from Missouri
Tho sympathy of Norfolk friouds will
go out to Mr Richards nndothor mom
bora of tho family iu thoir iiMllction
Norfolk lodgo No 0 1 B P O Elks
eloctod tho following ottlcors for tho en
siling torm at their mooting Snturnny
night O II Roynolds exalted ruler
W II Bucholz cstocmed leading
knight Isaac Powers osteomod royal
knight O D Jenkins ostoomod loo
turiug knight E II Tracy socrotary
Burt MapoB treasurer OttoF Tnppcrt
tyler W A Connolly trusteo for short
torm to fill vacancy causod by tho res
ignation of W N Huso Dr P H Sal
tor trustee for tho throo years
torm Goo II Spear represent
ative to grand lodgo which meets
in Milwaukee July 2t W U Taylor of
Omaha alternate Tho following woro
tho appointive ofllcors C E Green es
quire Goo A Davenport inner guard
J O S Weills chaplain Max Asmus
Norfolk had a season of stormy
weather Saturday aud Sunday but as
usual seems to have oscapod the worst
part of tho storm What was recoived
hero was a beneficial rain of moro than
half au inch that has laid tho dust and
put tho ground in good shape for spring
work Thoro was sleet flurries of snow
aud at least one thunder clap but the
weather was not cold or very disagree
able This morniug tho wind was from
tho north colder and with a little snow
West of hero the storm was tho worst
in years Ten or twelve mches of snow
fell and the strong wind blowing
switched it around lively and piled it
into banks somo places 10 nnd 12 feet
high Last nights passenger on the F
E M V got no further west than
Long Pine whero it was stopped by tho
snow There it was turned around and
returned east as No 4 Tho rogular
east bound train could proceed no fur
ther than Cnadron so that the entire
division between Long Pino aud
Chadron has been blockaded and with
out train service Work of clearing tho
tracks is under way and rogular com
munication between the two points will
undoubtedly soon be established
Ciooil Advice
The most miserable beings i nt ho world
aro those suffering from Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint Moro than seventy
five por cent of the peoplo in the United
States are afllicted with theso two dis
eases and their effects such as Sour
Stomach Sick Hoadache Habitual Cost
iveness Palpitation of tho Heart Heart
burn Waterbrash Gnawing aud Burn
ing Pains at tho Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Coated tongue and Disagreeable
Taste in the Mouth Coining up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to
your Druggist aud got a bottle of August
Flower for 75 cents Two doses will re
lieve you Try it Get Greens Prizo
Almanac ABa K Leonard
Goshen 111 Gouosso Pare Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Some days
since a packago of yourJGrain 0 prepar
ation was left at my oflice I took it
homo aud gave it a trial and I have to
say I was very much ploased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
used the best Java and Mocha iu our
family but I am Ireo to say I liko tho
Grain O as well as tho best coffeo I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
WhutMiull We Have for lengeit
This question arises iu tho family
overy day Let us answer it today
TryJell O a dolicious dessert Pre
pared in two miuutes No bakiug 1 add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lemon oraugo raspborry aud straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
O A Williams of Noligh was in town
1 J Koonlgstoin was a piissongor for
Madison today
J W Malior was In tho city yostorday
from Humphrey
D M Davis was a Norfolk guest from
Monroe yostorday
Geo W Meyors of Neligh was a Nor
folk visitor yesterday
DnritiH Mathewson of Wakefield is iu
tho olty tho guest of friends
M F Harrington tho ONeill at
torney was In the city Sunday
Mrs Maas Is said to bo very sink at
her homo on South Fourth street
John Flynn hasgono toLovolAiidOol
Instead of returning to Rocky Ford
Mrs Hen Walker of South Norfolk is
visiting friends in Sioux City Iowa
T F Moinmlngor of Madison is in the
olty today grouting Norfolk frloudH
Paul ICaro was in tho oily from Lyons
yesterday visiting relatives and friends
MrH O E Green wont to Frnmont
this morning to visit friends a fow days
O It Manvillo nnd Miss Nora Nolson
woro olty visitors yesterday from Til
Frank Merieoso and John Harnltz
wero city visitors yesterday from 1 Iiirt
Mrs J 10 Spellman returned last
evening from a visit with friends at
Goorgo Ilindloy of Laurel is visiting
his mother Mrs It Hundley ou South
Third street
Wm Gerecke returned to Stanton
yestorday after having spent Sunday
with Norfolk friends
S L Gardener has routed tho house
west of tho Congregational church and
will occupy it soon
Mrs Julia Rookard of Sioux Olty
camo over today nnd iH a guest of her
aunt Mrs Mary Davonpoit
Mrs Owen of Omaha who hits boon
viBitingMrs E W Bates ou South
Fourth stroot returned to hor hnmuyuH
Miss Cora Wigton who teaches In
tho schools at Osmond roturnodjto that
placo today after a fow days visit with
Norfolk friends
Ilomor Cuuflold has purchased the
house on North Nluth street recontly
vaoatod by W II Lowo and will soon
occupy tho same
J D Larraboo has purchasod tho
house iu Hillside Torraco now occupied
by S L Gardner and will take posses
sion about April 1
Judge J F Boyd of OakdaloTJwaH iu
tho city Sunday eurouto botwoon his
homo and Madison whero ho is presid
ing ovor district oourt
Mrs Mathowson is outortnining a
company of lady friends this nftornoou
in honor of hor guest Mrs Darius
Mathowson of Wakoflold
D J Ohestnutwood who travels for
tho Heinz company of Omaha spout
Suuday at tho homo of his pareuts Mr
and Mrs J Cliesuntwood
Mrs II O Matiau loft this morning
for Lincoln and from thero will go to
Glonwood Iowa for a visit Sho ex
pects to bo absont a week or ton days
Prof J A Hornborgor at ono time
superintendent of tho Norfolk schools
but now of Chioago is expected hero to
night and will nttendjthosession of tho
Northeast Nebraska Toaohors associa
Fromont has been proclaimed a city
of tho first class under tho now Harlan
law by Governor Dietrich that town
having a population of moro than 5000
and loss than 2000
Tho medals for Miss Sharpless nnd
Miss Handley winners injtho local High
school declamatory contest wore re
ceived from the engraver yestorday
They are of gold and voryhaudsomo
Roy Carter who has beoif employed
at Omaha as pharmacist has gouo to
Crebton this Btato to superintend tho
construction of a now drug store build
ing to replace tho ono destroyed by fire
about three months ago
A company of lady friouds and neigh
bors surprised Mrs L J Speck Satur
day afternoon iu honor of hor birthday
auuiversary Very nice rofreshmonta
wero served and a number of presents
woro loft by tho guests to remind Mrs
Speok of thoir visit
Tho Senior class of Norfolk High
school will tendor a reception to the vis
iting contestants who take part in tho
northeast Nebraska High school decla
matory contest at tho homo of Miss
Lizzio SharplosB on Wednesday after
noon from 8 to 5 oclock
A letter lately received hero contains
tho information that Meredith Daniel
formerly of this city passed au excellent
examination boforo tho Virginia stato
board of pharmaoy nt Richmond on a
recent date There wero 00 applicants
beforo tho board aud but 20 of them
A company of 21 Wayne county
peoplo passed through tho city today en
routo to Lane Side Washington whero
they will locate Thero is already quite
a colony of Wayne county peoplo located
thoro aud when this delegation arrives
thero will be three ex clerks of Wayno
couuty in tho colony
WTilliam Falmelstock a young man
living near Randolph was recently ar
rested for forging tho name of L W
lrouty hN formor employer to a cheole
for 25 aud passing It Ho wan bound
over to tho district court in tho sum of
500 but osoapod his Jailor nnd secured
his froodom bond or no bond
Tho Judges and clerks of olootiort
appointed by tho couuty judgo last fait
will servo nt tho coming spring olection
they having beeu appointed to servo nt
nil elections including municipal dur
ing a year If any of them fail to np
pear at tho time for opening tho polls
howovor thoir places will bo filled by a
new nppointtuont
Tho Shortllno depot at Savage hon
been closod Recently the busincsn
men decided that they could got better
rates than those offered by tho road ou
which their town was located aud had
their freight shipped ton neighboring
town and hauled ucrons by team Tho
Shortllno company said No business
no station and closed its depot
Each ovonlng dining tho session of
tho teachers association thero will ho
something of interest to tho general
public ah woll as tho teachers Wed
nesday ovonlng there will bo tho High
school declamatory contest Thursday
Chancellor Andrews of tho stale univer
sity will lecturo on Colonial Monoy
and Friday evening will bo tho lecturo
and experiments with liquid air
Regardless of tho iuclemoncy of tho
weather a goodly number of tho Musln
Students club assembled at tho homo of
Miss Francos Johnson last evomug
Tho subject for tho ovonlng wnf
Oratorio and Cautatn a paper on the
same being read by Miss Lillio Luikart
Mr Henry Hyder very ably rendered
Ih Not Ills Word Llku A Firo from
Elijah accompanied by Prof L
lCoonigstoin who later iu tho evening
in his proficient manner played Tho
March of the Dwarfs Miss llattio
Allbory pleased hor hoarors as she
beautifully sang Dreams by Iartlett
after which was read u sketch from the
life of tho composer Some of tho num
bers being omitted owing to tho absence
of tho performers Miss F Norton F
Johnson II Ryder Mrs Snyder and A
Overton responded to tho call for
volunteers each according to thoir own
characteristic iu tho art of music Tho
club adjourned to meet with Miss
Luiknrt in two weeks
CuriKir ami Uliurarter of A lirnliiiin llniiolti
Au address by Joseph Choato Am
bassador to Great Itiitain on the career
and character of Abraham Lincoln bin
oarly life his early struggles with tho
world his character as developed in
tho later yours of his life aud his ad
ministration which placed his name so
high on tho worlds roll of honor nnd
fume has boon published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
bo had by Bonding six II cents in post
ago to F A Millor Goneral Possonger
Agout Chicago 111
The completo service of Tho Chicago-Portland
Special via Union Paciflo
ouablcs passongers to roach tho princi
pal cities botwoon tho north nnd Pacific
coast aud Missouri river not only in tho
shortest possible Bpaco of timo but also
iu tho most comfortable and enjoyable
manner Tho dining cars ou this train
aro stookod with tho best tho market
affords All meals served n la carte
The most beautiful thing lit
the world is the baby alt
dimples and joy The most
pitiful thing is that same baby
thin and in pain And the
mother docs not know that a
little fat makes all the differ
Dimples and joy have gone
mcl left hollows and fear the
it that was comfort and
olor and curve all but pity
ml love--is gone
The little one gets no fat
om her food There is somc
liing wrong it is either her food
r food mill She has had no
at for weeks is living on what
hc had stored in that plump
ittle body of hers and that is
one She is starving for fat
t is death be quick
Scotts Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the fat she cart
take it will save her
The genuine has this picture oa
it take no other
If you have not tried it senj
for free sample its agreeable
taste will MirprUc you
409 Poarl St N Y
50c and lvOO
all druggists