The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 22, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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tit 1 - nMi m
Refuses to Accept Waldcrsccs
Arbitration at Tien Tsin
tlrnrnil WnRnrk Sil III II Mi Mint Not
Only Withdraw llul ApnhiRlfo for lie
muting ItimUn llttimw
lo Do Hither
London March 21 -General Wo
Kiick has rcfus cd lo accept Count von
Wuhlct sees arbitration u Tien Tsin
nays tin Poking coriospondont of the
Dally Mull mill demands tliul I In
British not only withdraw lul apolo
gize for removing Uu Russian ling
Goiioritl Burrow refuses to do either
mid In no refusing has tin support of
the British government British re
inforcements a iv being sent
Russias proceedings In Koivn
Fays tin Kobe correspondent of tlit
Dally Mall aiv now openly ngurosslvo
mid It Ih lielleved tlnil she Is about to
iiiaku furtlier doiunndsN In connection
villi Miiniiii Ilio
Tien Tsin Mnivh 2L A special train
hearing reinforcements of AiiHtrallan
troops left Poking for Tien Tsin at
10 oclock yesterday morning
In addition to the Australians linen
of coniinunlcntlou are ready In case of
necessity The British residents are
iuder arms In order to prevent the set
tlement being rushed hut they do not
Anticipate such extremes
Ono French an Italian and a Gor
man warship an outside the bur
General lorno Campbell the Hn
Kllsh coininauiler and General Wo
Knek commanding t ho Russians met
Count von Wnldcrsco upon his ar
rival hero Learning that both had re
ceived Instructions from their gov
ernments Count von Wuldersoe said
It was useless for him to give even
nn opinion regarding the matters at Is-
It Is the general opinion at Tien
Tsin that the feeling Is not likely to
roach a point where blood would be
hcd Itotli detachments on guard
liave orders to do nothing aggressive
unless forced to do so
Russian Press Not Alarmml
St Petersburg March til The Rus
sian press Is not alarined about the
Tien Tsin affair There Is no men
tion of It In tho olllelal agencys dis
patches but tho London corrositoiidenl
of tho Novoe Vreinya characterizes
the dispute as unimportant Another
Iionrion correspondent quotes n livneli
diplomat as saying that an
war is Impossible and that Rus
ela need only threaten to support the
Hoors to bring Great Britain to her
Loudon Paper I en in Situation In China
May Knrro lluclidotvu In Afrlci
London March 21 The Westmin
ster Gazette makes pessimistic coin
incut on General Bothas refusal to ac
cept the peace terms offered by Lord
Kitchener and connects this refusal
with the situation In China The Ga
zette says tho powers are at sixes and
Foveas In the far east and that any
day may see the commencement of a
ntruggle from which the Boors may
recover their own
The failure of these peace negotia
tions moans that the military position
in South Africa Is not yet decisive
Ran Into Opnu Snitch
Torre Haute liul March 121 The
Chicago and Florida special on the
Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad
while running at V0 miles an hour ran
Into nn open switch at the Sixth ave
nue crossing In this city yesterday
derailing tho engine and four of the
nix cars and killing the fireman Sam
Cardemnn of Chicago who was on his
llrst trip The engine turned over but
the cars stayed on the track None of
the pnssongors was hurt except the
linby of T J Dolnhunt agent here for
the Schlltz ltrewlng company The
child will probably recover
Willow of Lincolns Secretary In Want
Wabash Intl March 121 The widow
of Abraham Lincolns private secre
tary was nn appllcnnt for charity In
this city yesterday when she applied
to Trustee Glbney for transportation to
Ivognnsport The woman Is Mrs J
O Jenkins 01 years old nud she Is a
native of Illinois Her husband and
the martyred president were young
men together nud In the early 00s Jen
kins served as Lincolns secretary
Mrs Jenkins has resided In Washing
ton since tho wnr and being In desti
tute circumstances Is trying to reach
friends nt Springfield Ills
Lni Angrles Srilt Iako Line
Salt Lake March 21 Incorporation
papers of the San Pedro Los Angeles
anil Salt Lnko railway wero filed with
tho secretary of state yesterday The
capital stock of the company Is placed
at 25000000 The president of the
company Is Senator William A Clark
The first meeting of the directors was
held today to ndopt bylaws ami ap
point n general manager and chief en
plneer Construction will be started
at once from the Los Angeles end and
surveyors will be sent nt once from
Salt Lake to locate this end of the line
IllWurtl ou Sciilmaril
St Johns N I March 21 A fur
ious blizzard lias been hweeplng the
whole seaboard since last night The
Eenlcr Southern Cross was forced Into
the harbor of Perllcnn In danger of
Bwnmping on account of the heavy
load of 20500 seals on board Much
anxiety Is felt for the remainder of
tho sealing tleot which must have
felt tho full fury of the gale In
Biioh event with over 400 men scat
tered about the Ice fields disaster
might ensue as only too frequeutly
Ourmitu Cnrrrspmiitent ij lie Hit
Learned of Tumi nl lltistlaii Capital
Berlin March 121- The St Peters
burg correspondent of the Tngebbitt
Buys he bus learned of two separate
conspiracies lo assassinate tho car
The llrst attempt was planned to
have boon made on tho occasion of
tin Jubilee ball of the naval cadet
corps which the czar had promised
to allend Ills majesty was ready to
Mart and was awaiting his carriage
when Governor General Klolgels ar
rived at the palace and Informed him
he nnmt not go several suspicious
persons belonging to the revolullonury
party having been arrested at the
NIeolal bridge with arms
The second affair occurred In tho
middle of January when the czar ac
companied by his mother Ylsltod tin
ceramic exhibition When entering
one of the rooms the members of tho
committee who were escorting the Im
perial parly suddenly noticed an un
known man hurriedly approaching tho
czar As the public had boon ex
cluded and thoe authorized to attend
had been carefully selected tto pres
ence of the stranger excited suspicion
Several of tho czars party hastened
to meet hlin to load him away There
upon the mnn suspiciously thrust his
hand In n pocket lo was Instantly
Rolzod When ho was searched a bomb
was found In his pocket
Trial of fame Callahan Charged With
Kidnaping Iddlo Cutlahy dona
Over to April 1
Omaha March 21 For reasons
known only to the prosecution the
trial of lames Callahan arrested and
held as Suspect No It of tho kid
napers of Kdward A Cudahy lr has
been postponed until April I
When fudge linker opened court yes
terday the big court room was crowded
to suffocation it being understood that
Callahan would be put on trial on the
charge of having robbed Kdward A
Cudahy of 25000 In gold A strenu
ous effort made last week by the de
fense for n continuance had been suc
cessfully opposed by the county attor
ney and It was therefore something of
n surprise when the county attorney
himself moved for a continuance of
the case to next Monday The defense
suggested April 1 and no objection be
ing made gained Its point Among
the witnesses asked by Callahan Is
Iat Crowe
President Returns to City of Mexien Altur
Til run Moulin Absence
City of Mexico March 121 -President
Ola arrived In this city last evening
after an absence of nearly three
months at Cuorjiavaca An Immense
crowd of people awaited him on the
platform of the railroad station
When tho presidential train pulled up
the president appeared on the rear
platform and was greeted with great
cheering Tho president alighted and
was driven to his home The carriage
was escorted by the mounted Presi
dential guards The streets wore lined
with people who cheered nud waved
handkerchiefs as the president passed
The house fronts were gay with bunt
ing and the Illuminations gave the
main thoroughfares a holiday appear
ance The president appears in excel
lent health
Mounted Troop Charge Mob of Two
Thousand Dock Strikers
Marseilles March 21 The situation
hero Is very disquieting owing to the
Increasingly aggressive attitude of the
strikers During the disorders yester
day tho panic spread to the townspeo
ple and stores cafes and restaurants
were quickly closed It Is feared
that the mob which was charged by
mounted gendarmes ami hussars would
attempt to pillage
A crowd numbering 2000 burst
through a cordon of Infantry along the
dock side The cavalry charged anil
drove the strikers back A volley of
stones was then throwu In till direc
tions and a brigadier two gendarmes
a hussar and several Infantrymen
were Injured
General Campbell Reports Ilnnvy Iltht
Inc During Illi Trip
Durban March 21 Owing to the
Klip river being Hooded General Camp
bells column has been unable to re
turn to Staudertou from which point
It went to bring away the garrison nt
Yrede which the British evacuated
The column had heavy lighting going
to and coming from Vrede General
Campbell has about 200 sick ami
There are many bands of roving
Boers in the neighborhood of Staud
Jerry Bell a negro was lynched
Wednesday by u mob tit Terry Miss
who hanged him to a railroad brUge
Tiptomille Tenu wus nearly de
stroyed by tiro Wednesday only four
business lious i escaping The loss is
estimated at 7B000 partly covered
by Insurance
By the pennature explosion of 50
pounds of dynamite on the farm of
Isaac Marlowe near Kokomo Ind
Wednesday Marlowe and William
Stainui were blown to atoms
The explosion of a keg of blasting
powder lit the Seller mine at Clover
laud Ind Wednesday fatally burned
Airred BelrUt Albert Harris Ithel Har
ris and Thomas Harris all miners
Rev Arthur Kdwards editor of the
Northwestern Christian Advocate and
widely known In Methodist Kpiscopal
church circles died at his resldeuee
in Chicago Wednesday aged GO years
JrTfiTc7prW -
inn nn
Caucus Takes Eighteen Ballots
With No Nomination
Ill tlnliil lUllol TlnniMoii Jrt Tito Vntm
Trout Thorn Who Did Not Altmnl tho
Cniiunn Itimiwutnr Itotiilua lilt Support
fiutn Villi ItonKlik
Lincoln March 2l nighteon ballots
were taken without a nomination at
tho It publican long term senatorial
caucus last night The caucus shortly
before 11 oclock adjourned until to
night The llual ballot resulted Itose
water Mclklejoliu IB Cunie 8
The attendance varied from BO to B
the 1 1 members who rcmalnsl out
Tuesday night being again absent
The contest apparently has settled
down to a test of strength between
Kdward Itosewater ami George D
Mclklejoliu a devoted few clinging to
Slate Senator Cunie who has not
however the balance of power under
the present rules which require IB to
nominate The supporters of D R
Thompson nominated Tuesday night
for the short term are believed to bo
about equally divided between Hose
water and Melklejohn Kiiends of
Itosewater assort that under the agree
ment which made the caucus possible
Thompson cannot claim an election In
the legislator even If that should
happen until both senators are named
Part of Thompsons following will not
concur In this opinion but they say
they are willing to allow a reasonable
length of time for the long term dead
lock to end before pressing the election
of Thompson In Joint convention
The rcllectlon vof Tuesdays caucus
was plainly visible in the ballot for
United States senator in Joint session
yesterday when D R Thompson re
ceived BO votes being nil the Uepub
llcans but IB Of the IB who refused
to accept tho caucus action there were
In addition to the nine well known
seceders Crounse Martin Cain I la
thorn Itohwer and Marshall the last
mentioned being on the sick list
Arends and Owens voted for Thomp
son although they had not partici
pated in the nomination while under
the call the action of the caucus is not
strictly binding until two nominations
nre made The members voted prac
tically as they did in caucus
The plan or the ant Is was disclosed
In the voting going to build up any
candidates but Thompson and Rose
water They bunched their votes In
the south Platte on Martin and Illn
shaw and In the north Platte on
Crounse and Melklejohn pulling Mon-
deniuill and McCarthy away from
Itosewater the first going to Melkle
john and the second to Crounse Mar
tin was present In the senate but
failed to attend tho joint session A
feeble effort to proceed to a second
ballot met no response
Aili n C4 Kliikiilrt 1
HiMRe J Mm tin It
frotiiiso 10 Mclklejoliu 20
Ourrli 0 ItoMJWutor ill
Hlnslinw 4 Tlioiiipnou I V fill
Hitchcock 1 1 Thump tun V II 4J
The joint committee has agreed upon
March 2S as date for final adjourn
Appropriation Muito for Ilunrflt of Statu
University ut Iowa City
Dos Moines March 21 President
McLean of Iowa university and a com
mittee of regents yesterday waited on
the state executive council and se
cured an appropriation of 1B000 from
the providential fund for the tempo
rary needs of the university at Iowa
City President McLean says two
temporary buildings will be con
structed where the burned buildings
stand each one story high above base
ments which are left In good condi
tion A large part of the money will
be used nlso to purchase Instruments
for tho laboratory and apparatus for
the medical school so that by the time
the medical college reopens next fall
It will bo In as good condition as be
fore Tho present term of medical
school closes soon The new building
for lectures will be done In a month
and the university will lose nothing
y me lire
Kxemitu Hour Prisoner
Caie Town March 21 J P MIns
ber S Mlnabor and 1 A Neuwoudt
were shot at Do Aar last evening for
treason and murder In pursuance of
the sentence of a court martial Tho
death sentence wns passed n week ngo
In connection with the wrecking of u
train near Tansbosch by which five
men were killed General Kitchener
confirmed the verdict Tho garrison
was paraded nnd tho prisoners were
led out nt sunset Dentil was Instan
taneous A Dutch minister and rela
tives remained with the prisoners till
the end Two others concerned In
the train wrecking were sentenced to
five years nt penal servitude
Ordered to Philippine
Chicago March 21 The third bat-
tallon of the Fifth Infantry garrlsoued
nt Fort Sheridan whoso comrades
havo been on duty in the Philippine
Islands for many months havo been
ordered to join the other two bat
talions and report for service In tho
field The battalion will move on
March 20 and sail from Snn Francisco
April 21 Colonel W II Rowman will
accompany tho battalion as com
Oilell It ii f men to Sign Police Hill
Albany March 21 Governor Odell
has positively and formally declined to
sign any police bill and repudiated the
new bill drawn by Senator Piatt nnd
his friends and said last night If the
bill came to him he would veto it even
If it were mado plain that It would be
passed over his veto
M eKR tixaj
IliMlrn Mint Vortin Not to Order Mrlka
If Io Klhlo lo AmiIiI II
Wllkcsbiure Pa March 2 Pres
ident T D Nlcholls of the first lis
tilct Ililted Mine Workers of Amer
ica replied to the appeal of the board
of trade requesting him to use his ef
forts to prevent a strike of tho
miners for recognition of tho union
on a purely technical point Presi
dent Nlcholls says
As one of the officers of the United
Mine Workers I will do everything
In mv power to avoid a strike by try
ing lo arrange for n Joint conference
We nre not asking for the recognition
of the union on purely technical
grounds but so that a scale of wages
may bo arranged and ndopted At
present there Is no scale In vogue In
the nnthraclte region except In one or
two places This leaves the employes
at the mercy of the bosses
I feel that the board of trado
should direct a communication or
several If necessary to the operators
so that a joint conference mny be
held and a sympathetic plan of pro
iodine arranged This will avoid
strikes and petty differences In the
future The operators have the power
to avoid a strike We are striving
to do business on business principles
Wo desire to meet with the operators
mnn to man
Armour Co Sulci to Ho In Position to
Jlluiilpiiliitu thu Alurkut Top
1rluo for llng
Chicago March 21 Pork for May
delivery sold at 1000 or 0B cents
higher than the price for which it
bold Tuesday The shorts were bid
ding for it all through the session but
holder seemed not at all anxious to
sell only small lots being offered now
nud then when the price became
The anxiety of shorts was owing to
the fear of a possible squeeze Ar
mour Co is said to be In a position
to manipulate the market The mar
ket for live hogs is also higher the
best grades selling at 0 per 100
pounds the highest piico touched In
over seven years
Former St nntor Wolcolt of Colonid
Snteil for Svi relnry of tho Interior
Pueblo Colo March 21 The Dally
Chieftain says It is definitely known
here that ex Senator Kdward O Wol
cott of Colorado will in a few days be
appointed by the president to be sec
retary of the interior to succeed Mr
Hitchcock The news has been re
ceived by a friend of Mr Wolcott in
tills city tho statement being made
unequivocally and Indicated that the
announcement will be made hi Wash
ington tomorrow
niUiarii Still Ilnglng lit Wisconsin
Cumberland Wis March 21 The se
vere blizzard which has prevailed
through Wisconsin for the past CO
hours is the worst seen for years An
Oinahn train was stuck in tho snow
two miles south of here for nine hours
and another was snowbound south of
Turtle Lake for a similar period All
freights have been abandoned and pas
senger trains are running with double
headers Country roads nre impassa
ble and lumbering operations nt a
standstill The stave and heading
mills are shut down on account of the
6torm which Is still raging
Overhnll Girl Strike
Kanrns City March 21 Two hun
dred girls working In the overall de
partment of Swofford Bros dry
goods factory were locked out yester
day The firm recenUy reduced tho
price for making overalls from 125
to 08 cents a dozen and the girls had
threatened to strike
Sir hundred em
ployes mostly girls and women in
the other departments may go out In
byuiiwiiiy a ne overall makers struck
In 1809 against a reduction In price
and wero successful
Hildccport Miners Go Out
Bridgeport O March 21 -Operators
nnd minors of the Fifth Ohio sub
district met In conference hoi o TMrp
dny tl discuss the scale proposition
There is every Indication Hint n strike
will be declared If the demnnds of
miners on machine scale and differ
entials Is not accepted Yesterday
200 miners went out and submitted
their demands to tho conference
Olijeet to Tn kiah Splei
Constantinople March 21 Much
annoyance Is felt In diplomatic circles
here at tho presence of Turkish spies
in the vicinity of each embassy dur
ing the last few days Tho foreign
nmbassadors are making representa
tions to the Turkish authorities ou
the matter
Cashier Steveui lleturu to Stand Trial
Iiunklngton S D March 21 Cash
ler Frank L Stevens of the defunct
Plauklugtou bank who had been in
hiding for nearly a year and a half
reached his home last evening Ills
coming Is voluntary He Is ready to
stand trial and take tho consequences
Tatal Mine Kiploilnn
South McAlester I T March 21
In a mine explosion in mine No 5
near here Henry Evans a miner was
killed and two other miners were seri
ously injured The fire In the mine
originating at the time of the explo
sion continues to burn with unabatlng
Prince Chun for Ilccent
London March 21 Tho Shanghai
correspondent of the Standard men
tions a report thnt tho allies In the
event of the failure of Kmperor Kwang
Su to return to Peking Inteud to pro
claim his brother Prince Chun as re
0 II
Secretary Gomez Says Piatt
Plan Will Be Rejected
toiinntttr n on Rnlnlliim Will Innvo Pcn
to Aiiirnilincnt to tho Wlmln People
Governor Orncral Wooil Irnpcuci Couit
or CIiiIiim for Settling UlipnU
Havana March 21 The committee
on relations will hold a meeting today
when the report on the Piatt amend
ment will be finally discussed Senor
J linn Alberto 3otucz who drew up the
report asserts Unit four of the live
members of the committee will recom
mend the constitutional convention not
to accept the ninendnient but to leave
the whole question to the future re
public lie says he Is confident that
tho convention which will meet to
morrow will adopt the report
Governor General Wood tut the
cabinet secretaries discussed the ad
Tlsablllty of establishing u court of
claims to which could be referred
claims against municipalities arising
out of old Spanish contracts A num
ber of these nre pending throughout
the Island and It Is expected that In
demnity on the city loan contract will
be the llrst before the court
To lie KegMcr or Innd onico nt llnplil
City South Dakota
Washington March 21 The follow
ing presliluiitiul appointments wero an
nounced George P Bennett to be
register of the land olllce at Itapld
City S D lohn A Oliphant to be
register of the land olllce at Mangum
Okl lames A Trotter to bo receiver
of public money at Mangum Okl
Robert O Patterson to be first lieu
tenant In the Twenty ninth Infantry
U S V Gideon II Williams to bo
first lieutenant in the Thirty ninth reg
iment infantry V S V Charles L
Caulstlor to bo second lieutenant In
the Thirty ninth regiment infantry U
The president has appointed George
Schlosser postmaster at Sioux Falls
Wounded llimlit Captured
Terry O T March 21 Sheriff Fos
ter and deputies returned from 18 miles
east of Perry having in their custody
n wounded man giving his name as
Charles Johnson and three horses
From all indications the man was Ben
Cravens companion in the Red Bock
murder and robbery last Monday night
In which Alvin Bateman was killed
Johnson lias a bullet hole In hts wrist
the ball lodging In the upper arm un
der the shoulder and another wound
In the head Tho Perry militia has
been called out to guard the jail as
It is feared that an attempt will be
made to lynch the prisoner by enraged
citizens of Red Rock who may come
here upon learning of the capture
Carnegie to Giro Another Five Million
New York March 21 The World
says Another magnificent gift from
Andrew Carnegie will be announced
within a few days It became known
yesterday that Mr Carnegie had of
fered B000000 to another American
city also it is said for the purpose
of building libraries Philadelphia It
is understood will be tho next recip
ient of the ironmasters bounty It is
believed that Mr Carnegie has offered
to build libraries aggregating B000
000 In value on conditions similar to
those which accompany his offer to
New York
IimUtH on Piece Work
Cedar Rapids Ja March 21 At a
conference between General Manager
Williams of the Burlington Cedar Rap
Ids and Northern and striking shop
men yesterday afternoon Mr Will
lams offered the men many things they
had not asked for but insisted that
they would inaugurate the piece work
system throughout The machinists
bollormakors nnd blacksmiths will not
work under this system although the
men In other departments do not ob
ject to it There seems little prob
ability now of an early settlement
Woman Confesses Old Murder
Bedford Ind March 21 Tho com
munity of Owensburg west of here Is
excited over a confession of a woman
named Mrs Tudo Baker who says
that C P Rockwell a Cincinnati man
who has been missing three years was
murdered and hid under her house and
that nfter several days the body was
taken and thrown into an nbandoned
shaft In the vicinity The officers will
say nothing regarding the matter and
search will bo mnde for the remains
Rockwell wns a traveling solicitor
Railroad lladly Crippled
Sioux City March 21 Train service
on all railways between here and Chi
cago was badly crippled as the result
of a blizzard south and east of Sioux
City Tho wind attained a velocity
of 50 miles an hour There was prac
tically no snow here Tho snow was
drifted In all cuts between here and
Omaha and Manilla la
Osukosh Is iHolatcd
Oshkosh Wis March 21 Tho sleet
storm of last night and the snow storm
of today have practically isolated
Oshkosh from the rest of tho world
as far as wlro communication Is con
cerned Street ear traffic was sus
pended for several hours A driving
blizzard prevails
Warship Going to Coiea
Shanghai March 21 A dispatch to
tho China Gazette from Tokio March
20 says that all the Russian warships
In Japanese waters have sailed for
Corca nnd that the Japanese squad
ron Is mobilizing for au immediate
departure to the Coreau coast
Dlrctor General of Post Cotlerninn Re
ports Complaints In Philippines
Washington March 21 Director
General of Posts Cottcrman of tho
Philippines has reported to the post
olllce department that within the past
few months a great many complaint
hare been received at Manila indica
ting pilfering from the malls Most
of tho mall dispatched from tho
Philippines as well as that received
originates at army posts where thero
ore no regular postolllccs Much of
this mall Is carried between the army
post and the nearest postoillce In tied
The report details the necessity for
Imprints on wax seals on malls as
recommended by tho director general
In n report received yesterday Mr
Cottormnn desires a supply of 150
hand presses with die on each bear
ing a distinctive number He adds
Many sacks of mall are carried on
steamers doing a local traffic through
out tho Islands but which are not
under government control The crews
of theso steamers arc composed wholly
of natives or Spaniards and tie tlmo
has not arrived when these people
can be trusted to any extent
rather and Son Conrlrted Xellgli Itank
Wreckers Taken to Sioux Kails Peni
tentiary to Servo Five Years
Omaha March 21 C A Relmera
and K O Relmcrs father and son
convicted of violating the federal stat
utes In connection with the wrecking
of the First National bank of Nellgh
came in yesterday from their homo
at Pierce Neb and rurrendered them
selves to the United States marshal
They were taken to Sioux Falls by
Deputies Pearsall nnd Allen to servo
out their sentences of five years In tho
When their motion for a new trial
was overruled and sentence Imposed
they were given ten days In which to
perfect their appeal and this time ex
pired Tuesday At the last moment
they concluded not to fight the case
further The impression seems to pre
vail around the federal building that
the offense of the Reimers was rather
technical than otherwise and thnt they
were made to bear the brunt of a
lot of systematic wrong doing In which
Cashier C R Allder who fled to Mex
ico was the chief actor Much sym
pathy was expressed for them Both
the unfortunate men seemed to feel
their position keenly and they hud
some difficulty at times In controlling
their feelings
Bismarck Almost Wiped Out of Existence
by Klre
St Louis March 19 The little town
of Bismarck Mo situated 73 miles
from St Louis on the Iron Mountain
railroad was almost wiped out of ex
istence by fire yesterday Leading
business houses and many residences
were burned The loss Is estimated
at 100000 with very little insurance
Tho fire started in a barber shop
and spread rapidly in all directions
The inhabitants of the place wero
without means of fighting the flames
nnd wero compelled lo stand by
and witness the destruction of
tliek property
A gale from the southwest drove the
flames forward irresistibly and carried
Into space the flaming pieces of cinders
that falling on roofs started new fires
jumping streets and blocks There
were only a few water buckets and a
scant supply of water with which to
fight the flames which swept on until
forced to stop by lack of material
The Iron Mountain railroad divides
the town nnd the west side escaped
All the buildings were frame and
Insurance rates being high very lit
tle insurance was carried Many have
lost their all and a feeling of helpless
ness pervades the community
To lie Successor Iu Cabinet to Retiring
Attorney General Grlgc
Washington March 21 It Is under
stood on high authority thnt the pres
ident hns decided to appoint Mr P C
Knox of Pittsburg to fill the vacancy
in his cabinet that will be caused by
the retirement of Attorney General
Griggs on April 1
With Five Itullets Iu Ilody
Osknloosn la March 10 II n
Drake a farmer wns yesterday found
dead in his house five miles north of
Rose Hill with five bullets In his
body Drake was wealthy and wna
known to have ensh nbout tho plnco
lie hnd been dead three days or more
Funnel Shaped Cloud Does Damage
Rock Falls Ills Murch 21 A largo
black funnel shaped cloud passed rap
Idly over this city last night coming
from the southwest It destroyed tha
African M K church the Woodmea
hall and many barns south of town
Enellah Red Tape
At the present time when tho system
of red tnpe Is being attacked and rid
iculed the following somewhat amus
ing methods of dealing with matters
are still ndopted in one of the great
government departments
For instance n hairbrush and comb
must bo purchased under tho head of
service clothing whereas a tooth
brush Is under fuel and spectacles
under medicines A clothesbasket
Is clothing but clothes pegs aro in
cidentals The funniest of oil how
ever are guano nnd straw they being
purchased under victualing
A good Instance of red tape Is told in
connection with tho excise An officer
had entered in tho Inquiry columu of
his return March 13 Dog dead
This did not satisfy his superior who
told him to luqulre again which tho
obedleut officer did recording April
10 Dog still dead London Staud
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