l i A J II 1 1 sin England and Russia Said to Have Reached Agreement MANY CONFLICTING RUMORS Anxiety Over the Trncnn nl Tien Tutu 1oc Not Almte Troulilo Due to Clilnmo Ju trnmrnt Granting bumo CoiilvsiIoii to Two Nullum London March 20 Some of the aft ernoon newspapers say the Tien Tsln difficulty has been arranged The misunderstanding was due to the Chinese authorities granting the same concession to two nations The arrangement enables Great Britain to proceed with the construction of the railroad siding hut If Russias conces sion proves to he earlier than that of Great Hrltaln the latter Is to acknowl edge the claims of Russia The foreign olllce however has no information tending to confirm the an nouncement of an arrangement hav ing been made and the ofllclals are rather Inclined to doubt that such an arrangement has been arrived at They Miy the original concession was given up by Russia Tien Tsln March 20 Th excite ment nnil anxiety here as to the pos sible development of the Anglo-Russian siding dispute do not abate A company of British troops and n com pnny of Russian soldiers remain en camped on either side of the trench looking at each other The Russians have orders to fire on any one com mencing work General Wogaoh says the trouble was caused by the unwarrantable inter ference In the affairs of the Russian concession and ho adds that the sid ing will not be continued unless be re ceives orders from his own superiors Field Marshal Count von Waldcrsoc Is expected heie soon Roth sides will appeal to him but they both consider the matter to be beyond his authority and will await orders from Europe RIOT OF FRENCH SOLDIERS Attack on KnglUh Troops Win AgnluAt Orilum of Their Gcnernl Tien Tsln March 20 Speaking of the attack made by a number of ex cited French soldiers on some of the members of the British Sikh regiment Sunday in the French concession Gen eral Lorno Campbell says it was mere ly n childish outbieak against the or ders of their own general who had for bidden the French soldiers to enter the British concession The order fol lowed a request made by General Lome Campbell after almost every res ident had complained of the behavior of the French in insulting women re fusing to pay for purchases acting riotously and abusing American and Kngllsh soldiers General Voyron the French com mander recognized that this must stop and ordered the French soldiers to keep In their own concession General Lome Campbell was perfectly satisfied that General Voyron was In harmony with himself and anxious to maintain order Mnior Foote Ninth United States Infantry says the French sol diers were frequently abusive to the American troops who were unarmed while out on pas while the French were armed with swords or bayonets On one occasion an American dis armed a Frenchman and turned over his weapon to the sergeant of the guard explaining satisfactorily his reasons for the action taken APPLIES IT TO MANCHURIA Lord Crmiliornn iiv s A niln Gerinnn Agree ment CouccrnH All or Chlun London March 20 When questioned us to whether the Anglo German agree ment applied to Manchuria Lord Gran borne under secretary of the foreign office intimated that he thought it did He quoted a clause from the agreement whereby both countries agree to direct their policy towards maintaining the Integrity of the Chi nese empire This provision said Lord Cranborne Is without qualifica tion Minister Wu Looks at Ilcturei Chicago March 20 Wu Ting Fang Chinese minister who delivered the tonvocation address of the Univer sity of Chicago at the Studebaker theater yesterday visited the Art institute He spent the time wand derlpg through the big galleries nnd halls of the institution commenting and asking questions of his escort Previous to visiting the Art Institute Minister Wu received a delegation of newspaper men and for 15 minutes interviewed with them very success fully He refused to make any com ments on tho political situation in his own country either returning evasive answers or smilingly ignoring the questions nsked Towboat 8 1 nk at Ioulivllle Louisville March 20 Tho towboat Transit knocked a small hole in her hull while going over the falls of the Ohio yesterday afternoon nnd sank three miles further down the river at tho foot of Fortieth street where the water is just over her boiler deck She will bo raised Tho crew of ten men saved themselves by swimming to a boat the Transit was towing The boat is owned by J II Hoffman of Jcffersonvillc Ind Minor Tight Running Duel San Bernardino Cal March 20 A P Klllott manager of the Peacock Cop per mine and James Neville another mining man became involved In a quarrel at Daggett and fought a run ning duel in the streets with knives Neville fell mortally wounded and by standers interfered Klllott was lightly wounded He was placed in Jull GFN HARRISONS WILL Emu of S14V lli uitthrd lo III Wife lndlannpols March 20 The will of General llanNoii was tiled for probate yesteiday He bequeaths to the Union Trust company as trustee If his wife shall survive him 125000 to be In vested the Interest to be paid to her during the term of her life At the death of his wife any earned Interest not paid to her shall become part of his reslduaiy estate To his wife he aKo leaves floOOO to his daughter Elizabeth 10000 lie leaves 10000 to be Invested by the Pulon Trust company and to nccumulate un til his grandson Benjamin Harrison McKoo shall become of age when he shall have the principal and accumu lated Interest To his grandchildren Mary Lodge McKee Marlena Harrison and William Henry llanlson be leaves to each the sum of 2500 In ad dition to other gifts mentioned Item 10 of the will reads If an other child should be born to me of my present marriage 1 give and be queath to such child the sum of 10 000 If a boy shall be born t me he shall bear my name ami my sword and sash shall bo given to him instead of to my son Russell MUTINY IN A MINE Com let Duett In leai enu in Hi Colliery Strike for Itetter looil mill 1 hh Woik Hold GmuiW us Hoitngm Leavenworth Kan March 20 -The Insunectlou ot the convict niineis in the state mine shalt at Lansing was brought to a close at midnight and the mutinous convicts weie placed in their cells The Imprisoned guatds have been ldeascd and aie again above tho surface Shortly alter nightfall the warden and evoi y available olllcer gathered around the mouth of the mine eacli man heavily armed Hunger had be gan to tell upon tile mutinous convicts and they began to parley with the warden They sent him word that If he would piomise not to Inlllct punish ment lor their action they would sur render and come up To this the war den would not consent sending down woid that the surrender must bo un conditional the question of punish ment to be considered later As the night wore on the warden held a con sultation with Ids ollicers and it was decided to attempt a loseue of the guaids and a No to overawe the con victs and foice their surrender Se lecting his mem the warden with I seven or eight guards entered the j I I hoist and were soon speeding down- waul When near the bottom of tno t pit a heavy fusillade was opened the I shots being tired toward the top of I i the shaft This took the convicts by surprise and they hastily lied having the guards who were soon Joined by their comrades after which they were sent to the top The armed guaids then started after tho convicts and soon had the rlnglcadeis under arrest when the others gave in and surren dered The work of leturning them to the surface began and before morning the convicts were behind tho bars of their cells BON M S BULLET IS LOCATED IX KoiIujh WiiiiiiiI Siirn Mfiilly ninlneil With Paris March 1- M De Rodays who was wounded last Sunday by the Count de Castellane in a duel Is r M DK nODAYO out fever and suffers no pain The bullet has boon located with the X rays and will probably be extracted today TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Christian Scientists are gaining many supporters In England The duke of Cornwall and his wife sailed from Portsmounth for their trip to Australia and Canada Carrying nnd collections of malls In France it is ofllcially decided shall be conducted on automobiles Six persons were burned to death Sunday at Little Caspacade Que as the resuit of nn oil btovo In the house of John Gauthler Adelbert S Hay United States con sul to Pretoria arrived in New York Sunday Ho refused to talk concern ing the South African situation The latest figures on the lire -which destroyed the establishment of the Melncko Toy company at Milwaukee place tho loss at 152000 with lnsur ance at 120000 Llgo Taylor was fatally shot by Robert O Hill at Mount Vernon Ills Sunday Hill was jealous of TaylorB attention to Hills divorced wife Hill gave himself up Charles Friedman of Brooklyn was arrested Sunday charged with the mur der of his daughter Jessie 10 months old and the probable fatal wounding of his daughter Helen 3 yean old I I HWWWWWf THE NORFOLK NEWS FIUDAY MARCH 22 1001 a Vast Outpouring Pays Last Tribute at Indianapolis ALL CLASSES REPRESENTED riftren Tlinunnntl IN I noun Gather nl I lie Service lit Churrli nnil Itnuh rreNliltnt Mi Klnlry nml Other IMntliiKiilohtil Till nil Atliml rnneiil Indianapolis March 18 In the center of a hollow square composed of fullj 15000 of his fellow cltlens the Xoiniilns of Benjamin Hairlson weie Fon with her brother Lieutenant Com- mandor Pinker of the nay and lit tie Hllnhetli llanlson Tlien came Sot lutaij I bbott and Mrs Tlbbott then Mr and Mrs McKee Russell llanUon initl Mrs Russell llairlsou then the other iclatives of the dead e president Directly afler the mem beis of the family came Piesldent Mi Klnley and Governor Dm bin and following them the fi lends of the fam ily Twelve mounted policemen com manded by Captain Dawson led the vvnv and cleared the street There were seerul thousand people ground the Hairlson resilience hh tho funeral procession nioed away but the oiovvd there was liislgulllcaut to that which gathered around the church yesteiday Intcncd In the family lot In rlrr rTII Ciown Hill cemetery Cose by the AMMONIA FUMES FATAL grave weie the menibeis ol his fiunilv I President McKlnley and other llors of distinction and the mme Inti mate friends of Sonerni Harrison Back a distance of 50 yaids behind lopes gunidod zealously by a large force of polite stood with uncoveieil heads the groat multitude who knew him not so well as did they who stood beside the fleshly upturned earth but who admit ed him full as much It Is doubtful if any public man at least In this generation was borne to his last resting place among so many man ifestations of lospoot Of passionate grief thole was little beyond the mem bers of his family but the tribute of respect was universal It came from nil alike from those of his own pollt leal laith and fiom those who dllleioil Tio Ilirn I out lii t iiiimiiiI Manner on llimril sieniner Nn orli Willi h iheiln Tort Willi Itiolten Shiill New York March IS The steam ship New Yolk reached her dock last night alter a passage in which tho explosion of an ammonia tank and a bioken shalt caused loss of life ami much damage to the vessel As a result of the explosion 15 men men weie oveicome by the fumes of aminonla Thursday last and seriously i liliwf Pillnil i llil tloillll1 fllnuo fif Iftllll I Kent and Call Ihigkvlst lesiiltlng la ter Both victims were hurled at sen Several others weie coullueil to the ships hospital for some time and one was still In the hospital when the with him concerning what is best for bnp wked mo nations goon iroin men wno nave been his lifelong friends and from those who know him merely by sight nail to whom he never spoke It came Irotn Avomen and children from while and black from all conditions and kinds of people Theie was no excep tion anywhere to the oxpiesslon that the nation had lost one of Its ablest men and the gteatest man of his gen ct at Ion in his own state I By the grave stood the chief trate of the nation and behind the ropes were all the street arubs of Gen eral Harrisons city every grade of human life In America between the two was represented in the crowd ami In them all theie was but the one feeling that a man had died who was honest at all times with himself and with otheis and whose ability and character were such as the nation I could ill affonl to lose I The weather was unsurpassable bright sunlight the warm bicath of spring In every broee and yet in the nir a touch of winter that brought the I blood to the cheek and a spaikle to the eye Tho services at tho chinch and the grave were simple in the extiome all In most excellent taste and like the proceedings Saturday theie was an utter absence of friction in every thing that was done All was well ordered nnd well performed Seniles at Hill IIhoii Home At the Harrison home botoie the leumliis weie taken to the Flist Pios bytcrian chinch where the full fu neral service was held theie was brief exorcNes for the members of the family and mine Immediate triends of General Harrison Possibly lO per sons were piesent Mrs Harrison did not appear Inn lemained in her loom until it was time to leave for the church President MeKinley aoeomnanioil by Governor Hurbln called at the house about 1 oclock At about the same time the members of President Harrisons cabinet and others contin ually arrived until the short services were over The people sat in the par lors filled tho halls and n number sat on the stairs while Dr Haynes read a short passage from the scriptures and made a few remarks touching the life of General Harrison as did Dr Nlcol of St Louis and after a brief prayer by Dr Haynes the services wore over The florists wagon backed up to the front of the house and n few large pieces were loadinl into the vehicle preparatory to lacing taken to tho church Word was then sent to Mrs Harrison that the time had come for the body to bo removed to tho church nnd she at once came down from her room into the parlor There was a few minutes of bustle whispered di rections by the undertaker and his as sistants nnd n marshaling of the hon orary pall bearers Into columns of twos The procession was to have left tho house at 1J0 oclock but It was fully 150 minutes later than that when everything was In readiness The doors were thrown wide open nnd the honorary pall bearers who were General Benjamin F Tracy of New Yory John Wnnnmakcr of Phila delphia W 11 II Miller of Indianapo lis John W Noble of St Louis nnd Charles Foster of Fosterin 0 General Lew Wallace of Indianapolis Jndson Harmon of Cincinnati and William A Woods of Iudlannpolls camo slowly down the walk leading to the street After them came Uio nctivo pall bearers bearing the casket They were A L Mason James Whitcomb Riley Evans Woollen Harry J Mllllgan Clifford Arrick William C Robbs Harry S New noward Cale John T Griffiths Newton B Tarklngton Hil ton U Brown and Samuel Held Taken o the Church While the casket was being placed In the hearse the honorary pall bearers Btood to one bldo with bared heads As soon as tho henrso had moved from tho front of the house the carriages came up rapidly and the family and visitors entered them Tho under taker apd his assistants held a list oi tho occupants of each carriage as It should go in the procession and as quickly as a oarriago stopped the peo ple to whom it belonged were ushered in and it moved down the street to take Its place in the procession Behind the casket came Mrs SAY HE KULED BRIDE Colonuliini Ai rekl In Vermont DIniIoach One r Cum Ilitnl Iowilei In Mull Slioieham VI March IS Alldaoo Yoiulette of Canon City Colo was ar rested in West Rutland charged with the nun dor of Miss Ida Foshurgh of this town whom lie came east last week to marry The case Is one of the most icinai kable on record The specific ohirgo against Vondolte Is that he sent poison to Miss Fos butgli In a letter and that she took II on tin- supposition that It would lelleve her of an embarrassing condi tion She died Instantly It Is be lieved the poison was cyanide of po tassium Vondolte protests his Innocence lie asserts that he came to Vermont from Colin ado for the purpose of marrying MNs Foshurgh and that he should attempt her life is preposterous MOB VENGEANCEON WOMAN Simpn ted of Theft u TeiineHKci NegieMM l i Shot to Death Nashville Tenn March 1S - A ne gio woman named Bailie Crutehllold who lived near Rome Smith county was murdered last night by a mob 1 that visited her homo about midnight She was taken from her cabin and carried to a bridge over Round Lick Cicok Her hands having been tied behind her she was shot through the head ami her lifeless body was thrown into the ciock The coroners Jury returned a verdict that she came to her deatli at the bands of unknown parties She was suspected of looting a pocket book of 120 which had been lost RICH STOCKMAN MURDERED Arapahoe llronn of Wyoming freniikteit After Itelni llnlehereil Cheyenne Wy Maich 38 Arapa hoe Brown one of the wealthiest stockmen In northern Wyoming was murdered lu cold blood and his body partially destroyed by fire last week The scone of the fiendish crime was on Powder river at a lonely ranch house many miles from the nearest habitation Brown left Buffalo a week ago to go to the ranch to look after some stock that he was ranging on shares with two men The two men gland on points In a lri round boxing contest The lumber ynrds and saw and plan ing mill plant of John B Ransom Co in West Nashville Tenn were de stroyed by fire Monday Loss 110 000 insurance 11R000 W C Irvine of Omaha lies been ap pointed manager of the Franklin Live Stock company whose range Is lo cated in the Belle Fourcho and Black Hills country of South Dakota A theft of 1000 worth of diamonds from Edwards Sloan Wholesale Jew elers and a throat to kidnap the young son of George II Edwards un less 1000 was paid immediately for the return of the gems Is a story with which the Kansas City detectives are wrestling The boy is being guarded clobeJy WEtgrasaWilSiiWWiv l l 1 u it m jur i Roclc Island Passenger Ditched Near Grand Junction la MANY SERIOUSLY 1NJDRED oofi Hull SupiioMi il to lime CniKeil llin lliiler I mill Wii lliiiinlni nt Inlt Sneiil Whrn the Aiililinl Itfiiruil Three Com hi lo Into Dili h Grand Junction la Marih 1 Chicago Roik Island ami Im uio pus Hoitger 1 1 ji til No 2 mn 111 bound was v looked jiesloiilny two miles Itoiu I his plate I he tendei the mall uir and tin eo passenger coaches went Into the ditch turning on their sides and me now llng In a shallow pool of water The locomotive icmalned upon the ti nek A stole or more of the pas sengers wete Inliiiod sexcial of them being seriously hurt The Injured Cella Wobble Raton la arm biok en condition serious Mis Hall Stum I la scilous C B Grant Foil Dodge supoiln teiideut of Mason City ami Foil Dodge inllwaj serious lalil MeKean Poineioy la Holl oas Internal Injuries A M MeKean Pony la foot flushed C A IllillelT Dos Mollies slight V L McNeill Foil Hodge hint nboitt head Loo Yoik Hes Moines back hint W 1 Phillips noe bioken 1 L McCiKik Dos Moines cut our oe not serious I W Yoenin Dos Moines biulsed Fred Bnllen Hes Moines leg hint William Ballautiiie Hes Moines arm cut buck hurt F A Luther Giaml Juncllon hint Internally Rlohaiil WIH70 face cut Several otheis whose names could not bo leainod were mme or less pain fully Inlured The tialn was running at full speed when tho accident occurred A loose rail is supposed to have caused the v rook Strangely enough all of tin train men escaped serious Injury and they wllh tho passengers who weie not liadlv hurt lent Immediate aid to the Inlured Rlehaid Wlllvo nf Gin ml Junction i an back to the depot here for assistance Five surgeons woie sent to the si one of the wieok on hand ears The passengers who woro loss seriously Inlured walked buck to this city and thoo who were unable lo walk were brought In on a sti etcher improvised bv connecting the two hand cars with a farm gate nailed fast RACE FOR QUARTER MILLION Iloinlinntotil Aifiilnit Hither the Ahliot or Ioril Drrliy Boston March 10 Thomas W Law son accepts the pioiiosltlon of Mr Scannell owner of Tho Abbot for a race for the sum of 250000 He sug gests conditions agreeable to hlin The communication which Is of con siderable length iev lews the icliisal of Mr Scannell to match The Abbot against Boialnia Mr Lnwsou In bos iiccentaiico I will accept his proposition to rate Boialma against either The Abbot or Lord Derby for the sum of S250000 although I think It Is more than any hoi so should race for upon the following conditions The race to take place In September over an association track which I will name the gate receipts which I guur nntee will bo 25000 to be given to charities 25000 to be deposited upon signing of articles of agreement which must be signed on or before March 21 25000 to be deposited July 1 and the remainder the night before tho race all deposits to be forfeited by tho horse not coming to the wire moo have boon alrostod at Buffalo day I agree to give to the two char- charged with tho murder and the au thorities are probing the matter thor oughly Stemming Title orJupnncie Inupir Seattle March 18 United SUitei Immigration Inspector Lavln arrested 11 Japanese who came from Victoria B C by steamer and lodged them In jail The men were healthy and h itl the funds required by the statute but were taken before a board of inquiry on Hie ground that they were liable to become paupers The board uphei Itorherrllrr Sella to Steel Trntt New York March 19 J P Morgan St Co have confirmed the statement that the Lake iron mines railways and lake transportation lines owned by John D Rockefeller nro to lie taken by the United States Steel corpora tion TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The Great Northern official circular signed by J J Hill announcing the terms of the issue of tho 2r0001000 in new stock was Issued Monday At the National Sporting club Lon don Monday Harry Harris of Chi cago defeated Pedlar Palmer of En Itlos all my winnings either by lacing or forfeiture The nice to be best four In seven IluielopineiitH in Turf Wnr Cincinnati March 10 There was an other development in the turf situa tion today At a meeting held in Cov ington last Saturday the four members of the American Turf congress who wr e recently expelled from that body reorganized All the books iccords nnd funds wore seized nnd Assistant Secretary Dillon ousted from his- old position and a new body of officers elected On the arrival of Secretary Dillon nt the turf congress office he announced thtt he would continue to do business n an official of that body on tho ground that the action taken by tho minority last Saturday wns Illegal For in rleht Club league f5t Paul March 19 The committee of tho Western League mngnatos which has been struggling with the circuit problem since last Saturday re ported in favor of an eight club league shutting out Louisville and In dianapolis Denver Colorado Springs St Paul Minneapolis Kansas City St Joseph Omaha and Des Moines are osMircd places in the league BoMlim Hurl With Kazrri Cheyenne Wy March 18 Two soldiers of the Twenty third Infantry stationed nt Fort Russell quarreled over a woman and both are in the hospital covered with wounds The men tlrst came to blows then used razors and slashed each other in a frightful manner Iteiluood Grove to Ho ln n ncil San Francisco March IS The- grove of giant redwoods in the big basin in Santa Cruz county will be pre served A bill appropriating 250000 for its purchase has boon approved liy Governor Gage The grove will be converted luto u state park SjsEteSSSSs EMSHft 3 CONVICTS STARTED FIRE llnrnliiK of tli rhriinlii Iliiillehlliiry tin Hi Mill of ii riot Lincoln March IS II has been dts ooxeieil Hint the lecent Hie ill I lit state peiillonllniv was the losiilt of a plot on the pin I of loiivlcts lo accomplish n wholesale prison delivery The plot has been i evented by one of tho con victs concerned Ills story Is thai several of the eon vletH placed a bticl tilled with kind lings and shavings near the woodwork of the kitchen whoie the lire Inoke out I ho i audio was lined to bum Hie shavings aflei the men had rotlied The Hie o ciirrod Just iih the plotter had planned but an iiiifoioiieon clr ciiuisliinie pievoiileil the delivery The men had learned that Deputy Waul ii Rowers an Inexperienced man was to have charge of the totitiaiv on the night thev hud chosen Thov thought he would become ex cited and release them as soon as the lame commenced to spread But Bowoi s was called out of tho city and Deputy Will don Mnlntic the old est man at the prison was left In charge When tin 111 t broko out be refused to unlock tho colls until the day guards had boon called and it deadline established EXPOSITIONJN ASHES Mnlll llnllillllK ill rilUlltll J tnnMiiiiril Willi liix ol rUcniuu Kllliil ill nil Injmeil Plllsbuig Maich 18 During Hie piogicsM of a Hi yesteiday at the corner ol Diupiesnu Way and Fort Unci Ilieman William Miller lost his life and tlneo others were badly hurt The piopeily Iims will be fully 2r0 IHK well instiled Geoige 1 Snvdor lioscmaii Harry Gi iliith laildi iiiiaii and II 10 Schcck ler hosetiinii ate lu the hospital In lather bad shape but all will leoover The lire bloke out In the boiler mom of the Hiram W Fiouch companys hair fell lat lory Just opposite the Ex position main building From the felt facility the Humes Jumped across the stieet and in a very short time the Imposition building wan burning fiercely All the llreiiiou could do heie was to prevent the lliiinos spreading After haul work this was accom plished and Mnchiiiciy hall with Its valuable eonteiils was saved The main building was a complete wrick Two lumber yards adolnlng the lilt factory soon succumbed Gal higher Hanker lost 1000000 feet of lumber and Henry Honk ItriOOOO feet of valuable haul wood Three small dwellings near Hie lumber yards wore dfstiov oil but so lar as known all the Inmates escaped William Miller and his lellovv llreineu weie victims of n live who TWO PULLMANCARS BURNED Tonrlnli Villi at liiikHom Hie Flu Wiuppeil in lilunlirt Palatka Ila Maich IS The Pull man sleeping oars Tahiti and Rimer on a Ilaiit system tialn lioin Tampa to Jacksonville weie completely burned yesteiday at Buffalo Bluff seven miles from tills city The sleep ers weie tilled with sleeping tourists and so quickly did the lire spread that theie was practically no time for sav ing clothes or valuables The train was run to Buflalo Bluff where the burning cars weie shoved Into a sid ing The 17 passengers Including several women in the burning cats wore hur iletl Into the other sleepers ami made as comfoi table as possible Blankets wore loaned to those who had lost clothing and they remained wrappetl lu these until Jacksonville was reached One man lout his trousers and sev eral men were minus their coats Tlie women lost the majority of their wear ing appaicl The railroad officials had the measuies of the passengers taken for clothing drosses shoes etc and they weie quickly supplied Loss 00000 FIRE STARTS IN TWO JOINTS ISlnrn nt Kaunn City Hiin VljuterloiiH Origin Kansas City March 18 Flro de stioyod all of the buildings In the block bounded by Fifth and Sixth streets and Kansas and Scott avenues in the Armourdale district of Kansas City Kan at midnight Two tires started simultaneously In two Joints one of which was located at Fifth and Kansas avenue and the other at Sixth and Kansas avenue ami both flies spread to adjoining buildings nnd destroyed eight dwell ings nnd a livery stable The con tents of all the buildings Including six livery horses were destroyed The causes of the fires are unknown The loss Is estimated at 50000 Italian Stjuailron to Greet Ioubet Rome March 18 The Italian min ister of marine Admiral Morln de elded yesterday that the Italian squad ron to go to Toulon to greet M Loubet president of France shall consist of 14 vessels including six Jlrst class battleships nnd shall be divided into two divisions the first under commnnd of the Duke of Genoa and the second under the commnnd of Rear Admiral Cottellettl Tho Duke of Genoa will give an official luncheon to M Loubet on board the battleship Lcptuito Crulaer riilluilolphla Hot unit Snn Diego Cal March 18 Tho milser Philadelphia has returned from her cnilbe in South American waters going as far bouth as Val paraiso It Is expected that the battle bhlp Iowa will tall for Paget sound tomorrow She will go into the dry dock at Bremerton lie Id Itlvt r llreuUa tp Plone S D Maich IS Tho ice on the river broke up here Saturday and is running out quietly with no jiercepUOle rise lu the river