HERBAIIl I Troops Withdrawn From Dis puted Territory EUSSIA MAKES LIGHT OF IT eK tlm Incident It Commonplace nnU Can He Sullied by Dlplmiiar to the Satlf faction of llotli IartlcfOrdort it ltecl mont rrom Tort Arthur lpblnir Mnreli 2 Count Ton 0 dersee General Harrow uuu uencrui Wognck liuvu boon In consultation and OciKM nl Wognek has u greed to withdraw tlm Russian troops from the disputed ground lit Tien Tsln provided the British also withdraw lie In sisted also upon a guarantee that work on the railway siding should not pro ceed until the matter had been diplo matically adjusted This proposal and stipulation was satisfactory to General Barrow and was accepted by him Consequently the British and Uusslan troops were withdrawn at 5 oclock this morning thereby avoiding all trouble at present Orders have been Issued however that no British olDcer shall leave or even sleep out at night or go to din ner without furnishing Ills address to the adjutant The marines will return to the ships The Russians have ordered a regi ment to proceed from Port Arthur to sTIen Tsln The arrangements made by General Bailloud the French commander are regarded as completely satisfactory end oil danger of a collision between the British and French Is considered obviated Russia Makes Light of It St Petersburg March 22 A semi official statement has just been is sued to the effect that a common place Incident at Tien Tsln has been terribly exaggerated by the British ipress until It has almost assumed the gravity of a casus belli According to the statement the trouble was duo to British troops trying to forcibly possess disputed territory Tlio state ment recites that the matter Is mani festly a question for diplomatic treat ment and the Russian government lias no doubt but that it will be ami cably settled to the satisfaction of the sovemnieuts at London and St Peters burg i BOERS NAME TERMS Heady to Accept Annexation on Certain Conditions I London March 22 A correspond ent of the Times who Is near Bloenifon teln gives a report that General Dewet General Botha and two other Boer commanders addressing a force of Boers at Senekal Sunday said they were still able to continue the war but were ready to accept annexation on condition that Great Britain would guarantee joint education in English and Dutch indemnity to the amount of 3000000 for burned farms no franchise for natives permission to possess sporting rifles and amnesty for all belligerents still in the Held i General Dewet according to the cor respondent has gone north to the Transvaal after ordering a suspension of active operations until his return i Antwerp March 22 A rumor is In circulation here which Is not general ly credited to the effect that the Boers efter capturing then liberating then recapturing General French finnlly ex ecuted him for not keeping a promise cot to fight against the in again I rhlllp Botha Killed j London March 22 A dispatch from TiOrd Kitchener dated at Pretoria March 20 says rhlllp Botha a brother of the Boer com- tnapder general was killed on the burg nia two ions were wounded The Boers of the Orange Hirer Colony titve disbanded and scattered Dewet U In the neighborhood of Ilcllhron I Insurgents Burn a Village Manila March 22 Insurgents have attacked and burned the ungarrisoncd Tillage of Uglus in tho province of South Ilocos A detachment of the Twentieth Infantry overtook and chas tised tho marauders Colonel Schuyler of tho Forty sixth voluuteer infantry lias captured eight Insurgent officers and 218 men at the village of Tern ate In Cavlte province Caused Havoo to Telegraph Iolet St Joseph Mo March 22 The se verity of the snow sleet and wind that swept over this state Kansas and Nebraska has caused so much havoc to telegraph and telephone lines that It jwill take many days to make repairs New telegraph poles were1 snapped In two at many points especially along the Grand Island and the Rock Island railways William S Kden a Bankrupt Chicago March 22 Colouel William fi fiden manager of the Great North ern hotel Hied a petition In bank ruptcy yesterday scheduling liabilities lof 13273G8 with assets of 040111 RThe debts were contracted in the main in connection with tho develop ment of the hotel and the Indorsement of notes 1 at ally Stabbed by Her Son Burlington Wis March 22 At Honey creek a few miles from here Mrs Jonathan Piper 70 years old was fatally stabbed by one of her sons Two sons Noah and John had become engaged in a drunken light The mother tried to sepurate them and was itabbad la the back cetr PANIC AT A CHICAGO FIRE Wild Ittith of Spectators to lUcapt From Tailing Wnllt Chicago March 22 Fire last night totally destroyed the largo warehouse of 1 S Ford Johnson A Co at Six teenth street and Wabash avenue coin lug a loss of 200000 Tho building and everything Inside was burned Tho north south and east walls of the building collapsed white a number of llrenien were Inside lighting the tire They were compelled to drop their hose and run for their lives Sev eral were badly bruised by falling bricks A panic was created umong the thousands of spectators and In a wild rush to escape Injury by the full ing walls many women and children were knocked down nud trampled upon CUBANS WEAKENING Growing Sentiment In Favor or Ilalt Amemlmuut It llnvlug Its lCObet uu the ltmllcals Ilavuuu March 22 An element of doubt now exists as to what will be the llnal attitude of the Cuban consti tutional convention The preponder ance of public opinion in favor of the Plutt amendment In the last few days Is having Its effect on the radical members and General Sangullys press utterances further tend to weaken the strength of the radicals He says A literal Interpretation of the Piatt amendment might mean the loss of Cuban Independence but the liberal view which President McKlnley and the convention would give would leave nothing to be feared by the Cubans I do not believe that by waiting wo would get better terms from the next congress Independence with some restrictions Is preferable to a continu ance of a military rule which would surely follow a rejection of the Piatt amendment If the Americans want the Isle of Pines I am iu favor of giv ing it to them I am also In favor of establishing coaling stations on some of the keys or at some of the small ports The presence of the authority of the United States would bo a guar antee of our Independence so far as our exterior safety is concerned and would save us the expense of main taining an army and a navy BYERS ISSUES REQUISITION Iowa MUltla Wants Clothing- to Replace That Turned Over to Government Des Moines March 22 Adjutant General Byers yesterday morning is sued a requisition on the war depart ment for 50000 worth of clothing and army equipment to supplant that which was turned over to the govern ment at tho time thefour regiments of the Iown National Guard were mus tered Into tho volunteer service at the beginning of the Cuban war The Iowa guards were well equipped with cloth ing which was according to the regu lar army standard As soon as the regiments entered the volunteer service this clothing became the property of the United States The requisition yesterday corresponds to the Invent ory taken at that time and receipted for by tho government FARMER TORAISE FURS Blue Itlrer Acres to Yield Crop of Polecats and Muskritts Belvidere Neb March 22 Much in terest is aroused by tho purchase of an 80 acre fram by J Searson on the Blue river near Kiowa for the purpose of raising muskrats polecats and other animals for their furs Mr Seurson is an old trapper a Frenchman and worked for the Hudson Bay company In Canada for years He has accumu lated considerable wealth and says he intends engaging in his new enter prise on an extensive scale Mr Searson lntonds to dam the Blue river and stock it with beaver otters and other aquatic fur beavers As there is an old dam on his place It is thought he will have tittle difficulty In inducing the beavers to remain STRINGENCY IN PORTO RICO Hast aieotlug Is Called to Derlte Meant far Heller San Juan P It March 22 The San Juan chamber of commerce has called a mass meeting for Sunday of the prin cipal planters bankers agriculturists and merchants with a view of agree ing on some feasible plan for the re lief of financial depression The out come of the meeting will probably be a petition to Governor Allen to call an extra session of the legislature and to authorize n loan of from 3000000 to 5000000 for the beueilt of agricul ture j Increase In Coatt Artillery- Washington March 22 Under tht army reorganization law which pro vides for an increase of 20 per cent for the artillery urm of the service an or der lias been Issued organizing 12 com panies of coast artillery In addition to those now In service 1 Death or Mrt Elrla Barclay Huron S D March 22 Mrs Elvla D Barclay died here aged GO Mrs Barclay was for 21 years teacher or principal In tho Chicago schools At the time of her death she was presi dent for this state of the Colonial names i Ltwiun Refuses to Itace Boston Murch 22 Thomas W Law too said when asked if there was any possibility that a race might be ar ranged between Borulma and The Ab bot I will not reopen the matter Th Incident la closed is m J The Norfolk Weekly News Journal toj fcij NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY MAKCII 22 1901 1 Declare They Will Not Accept Caucus Decision NO ELECTION ON SENATOR Thnmptnii Im kn Only Hix Volet on Joint llnllnt Hcote of lUllolt Taken lit Cali cut Without Greutiug Auy Change In tho SltuuMoii Lincoln March 22 Tlio Itepuhlloan caucus on the long term senatorial light adjourned unlit tonight after taking 11 ballots without a nomina tion Balloting began shortly after 8 oclock with no change except that Fduanl Rosowator gained two votes one each seemingly from Melktcjohu ami Currle Telegrams were received by anti Thompson men from Chairman llaniiii of the Republican national committee urging members who are holding out to abide by the caucus decision One of the messages honl to J A Whltmoro is as follows The friends of tho administration here are deeply concerned about sen atorial deadlock in your state and we ask your Influence to secure settlement on caucus recommendation by natlonul committee hunt night ten of the anti Thompson tneif Joined In the following telegram lion M A Hituna Washington Short caucus nomination of Thompson ignores recommendations of national committee Ills election would be dis graceful to state and suicidal to party Will oppose him to end It Is signed by John A Whltmore M Brodurlek J 15 Kvans A It Olo son 1 J McCarthy II Rohwer J K Meudeiiliall K Jouvenat Dan Swanson and t F Steele No election resulted from yesterdays ballot for United States senator but Thompson and Roscwater each pushed ahead by two votes toward the goal Thompsons gain came In tho votes of Martin and Cain and Roscwatcru In those of McCargur find Wilkinson The antls tried to boost Melklejohn by sending him Jouvenat and Broder Ick and prevailing on Van Boskirk to vote for him again The other changes were of minor importance It would have taken 04 to elect Thompson being still short six of the required number Totals Allen 531 Ilurcc Crounse 0 Clinic 8 Miutln 4 Melklejohn 23 KoRowiiter Ill TliompRoii I B I8 Illnshnw 7 Thompson W II 14 Ultrtieouk 43 rastit Two Autl Trutt Ulllt St Paul March 22 The state sen ate passed two anti trust bills One allows district courts to restrain com binations from doing business and pro vides that any one injured in his busi ness by their operation may recover threefold damages by action at law It applies to all associations and com binations with a special exception of labor organizations The other 1111 extends tho provisions of the existing anti trust laws to all corporations formed prior to Its enactment For Free Iiibor Ilureau Lincoln Marh 22 Tho senate In committee of the whole yesterday recommended for passage Senator Lid dells 1111 providing for a free public employment office In Omaha and an annual license of 100 on all other employment bureaus Senator John sous bill making tho term of town officers two years was also recommend ed to pass CONFESSES TOOMAHA JOB II C Henderson Iu Jutl at Dallas Say He Is One of the Cudahy Kldnapert Dallas Tex March 22 Sheriff John sou made this statement II C Hen derson lust evening confessed to me and County Attorney Summers that ho is one of the Cudahy kldnupcrs His confession was made voluntarily lie stated that he had squandered and used in fleeing from Omaha most of the money he got as his share iu the kidnaping Job before I arrested him In tills city as a suspect early in Feb ruary County Attorney Summers asked Henderson why he had not ad mitted his identity earlier and he said Heretofore when I have been in trouble I have had a man between me and the court house But now I see there is no chance for me to get out of 13 years sentence on my convic tions here In Dallas for theft aiid I might as well own up to the Omaha job Kidnaped Girl Restored to Her Mother El Puso Tex March 22 May Car rie Stcveiis kidnaped from hero six years ago when but 5 years of age and not heard of aguin by relatives un til recently was brought back from Danville Ind and restored to her mother Mrs Anna Stevens yester day The child told a connected Btory of her wanderings since she was taken from her homo six years ago Sho was trained for a trapeze performer In n circus The actress who took her away from her home is dead Urges Crusade Acalutt Saloou Picturct Kansas City March 22 Mrs Carrie Nation the anti saloon crusader ad dressing an open meeting of the W C T U In this city urged tho members to begin a crusade ugalnst the Inde cent pictures that hang on the watts of saloons In n spirited speech she told them that they should not be mere seatwarmei H but active workers In tha cause of morality and decency WINTER WHEAT OUTLOOK llrpnrt Show Condition of Ihn Ironing Iriilu lleunrally rutoiwbln New York March 22 Duns review nays of the condition of he winter wheat crop Reporls from tho brandies and n large number of cone poiulcuts in the winter wheal bell tdiow the condition of the growing grain generally fimunhlc The bent leporls come from the southwest In Missouri the gtalu has wintered well and a large yield Is expected In lCati wis Oklahoma and the 1auhauitlc of Texas there Is considerable Increase In acreage and the condition was never holler Wei weather has prevented damage by the lly In other parts of Texas the acreage has been reduced the grain wintered well but ravages by Insects Is feared TRANSFER TO CIVIL RULE ItUronlliiilitiiie of Mllltnry Internment In the Philippine tUpmitml til 1ulit IMitre About lunn HO Washington March 22 -The transfer from the military to the civil govern ment In the Philippines Is expected to occur about June according to calculations made at the war depart ment upon Information received from the Tuft commission and General Muc Arthur It Is known that even where civil governments are being established by the Philippine commission the mili tary will be necessary for sonic time to support the civil authorities It Is tho Intention to withdraw the military as far as possible however from any parllclpnttou in the governments es tablished and the soldiers will lie more of a police than a military force Wherever posslblo native police will bo organized MAY LOSE THEIR LANDS Suit UioiikIiI Against the Knnlo Pci Mean Much In liiuoreut Purolmnnrn Topeka March 22 The suit brought recently by the government ugalnst tho Atchison Topeka and Santa Ke Hall road company to cancel the patents for a lot of laud along its Hue in cen tral Kansas means a great deal to several hundred Kansas people If tho government wins It Is claimed that in nocent purchasers of about 00000 acres of land will bo dispossessed of their homes The litigation began with the filing of a petition In the United States cir cuit court here by Attorney General Griggs The old Santa Ke company which controlled the road before tho receivership Is the defendant By an act of congress passed in 1803 tho road was given the odd numbered sections of land for 10 miles on each side of the right of way Mussnge Found In a Ilottle Galveston March 22 A message found in u bottle picked up on the bench yesterday by n little girl says thut the schooner Uover of New York was wrecked at Cape Horn and that the two writers of the message Jo seph and John Swift are captives of tiie Terra del Iuegan Indians Tho message from the bottle boars date of Aug 1 IS and Is written ou a play ing card Deislnru Syniputlirtlfi Strike Marseilles March 22 The councils of the labor unions and the labor ex change have decided In favor of a gen eral strike and has Issued an Invita tion to all unions to cease work in sup port of tho striking dock laborers The harbor xvater men the soap men and the street railway employes have resolved to strike until the claims of the dock laborers are considered Two Illvar Iloutt Sink Muscatine la March 22 Two old time river boats the Kate Keen and tho Noia K have sunk to the bottom of the Mississippi loaded down with Ice and soaked water An attempt will be made to raise them as soon as the river becomes lower They ure both tho property of Cuptuln Hysell and have been In service since the sixties Fifteen Drowned Verona Ituly March 22 Later de tails of the breaking of a dam which caused the flooding March 20 of the town of Cologna by which a number of houses xvere xvreoked are to tho effect that 15 persons were drowned and a number Injured and iu the hos pitals Tho police and firemen ure working strenuously ut rescues Only Two of Crew Saved Antwerp March 22 The steamer Chemnitz of the Germau Austrullun Steamship company and the British steamer Tay collided last night In the Flushing roadstead The Tay sank and only two of the crow were saved The Tay had put Into the Flushing roadstead owing to the prevailing storm nigglns to Succeed McConuell Omaha March 22 J II McConnell has resigned the position as superin tendent of motive power and machin ery of the Union Pacific and It Is un derstood he xvlll retire about April 1 Samuel Illggins superintendent of mo tive power and machinery of tho Le high Vulley road will succeed Mr Mc Conuell England Swept bjr Fierce Gale London March 22 Reports from all over tho country toll of disastrous galea snow Htorm and extreme cold Terrible etortus are sweeping tho channel mid Bevernl vessels are report ed In distress one drifting helplessly eff the Anglesey coast yteAiiilGigiSiiffiTtSW sBsBssssWwaaaMssBsWBssssssssssBsJf 8Mllt tatTititilMI wiMUMHI H H CAUGHT A COniNG AND A GOING M M Its bad enough to pay loo muoli for what lumbnr you buy m H but when you come to uho the stuff and find it a uouplo of H H grades worse than it looked in tho pile you aro caught a coming M M nud a goliig suro enough Our lumber is as good as in nuido It H H is Inmost lumlKir nvory board mriotly tin to grade Always H M glud to show you anything you want and toll you the price H L C MITTELSTADT H NORFOLKS LUMBERMAN H Norfolk SEE- W II lltCIIOt Irililnut AUAANDKIt IIKAIt Vice Prosldeui K W ZUTX imlilor National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED DAHKIN6 BUSINESS IH NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exchange tii Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Monoy Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A Genoral Steamship and Foreign PassnKC Business Transacted DIBBOTOES A DKAU P P IMNLON FJ HALE W II BOOHOLS WH ZOTZ NA BAINBOLT BB COTTON C W BRAASCH DBALBR IN ICOALi Kxolualve agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best In tho market Scran ton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 01 BABIES CRY FOR WHEATUNG AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Buildine and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH -GO TO- W D Halls Barter Shop MAIN BT TH1BD DOOB EAHT OF FODBTH For Plumbing Steam Kilting Tumps Tanki Wind Mills Anil all work In this Una call on W H RISH SbtlifactiotCGaarantMd First door South of Tbb Diilt Nbws Offiet BOOKBINDING Rebinding Old Books and Magazines H BRUMMUND Next Deans Paint Store 6th St L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for tho Mrers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First door West of Post Office B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Haiti mads to ordor and In tbs latest stylo Ra pairing nentlyldono Shop ou Hoath Fourth St south of Huum Brat James Richards M D IJffSSkN OCULIST nd Expert - tlonlst i 1 1 1 1 TT1 rtaaiiuuiiuuui tuo oya keek to pntionU and customers OfBoo ltO f Fa mum St Omaha opiKwite Iaztoa Hotel MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Baths Tblbpuonb No 417 Rooms on North Ninth Street M E 8PAULDING DEALEH IN FLOUR - FEED TELEPHONE NO 38