The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 15, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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wn MtgalWlMW llliillHlIHWrMtlMHinfcHlifcrttf
Petor Ilnna was a city visitor yester
day from Tildou
Mrs Ervln Qorooko paid a visit to
Omaha yesterday
0 H Folsom of Plnlnview was in
Norfolk ovor night
Thofl E Smith was in tho city over
night from Madison
Mrs J G Troutumn wont to Wlusldo
yesterday to visit friends
Georgo Krnmm of Tildou had busi
ness in Norfolk yostorday
J L Longwood was a vialtor to tho
metropolis from Hoopor last night
Mr and Mrs 0 S Bridgo entertaliiod
tho WoBt Sldo Whist club last evening
J II Burko and Newton Calico woreH
Norfolk visitors over night from Scrib
Miss Maud Brewer wont to Stanton
this morning to visit friends a few
Superintendent D C OConnor was
a passenger for Hartiugtou this after
Mrs E W Bates is confined to her
home with a very severe attack of
Miss Jeanuette Dolou went to Ran
dolph this noon to visit herparouts a
few days
Sheriff George W Loaey was over
from Madison today looking after oflioial
Mrs R A Tawuoy and three
daughters were here today from Pierce
doing somo trading
An elevator at Weatbrook near Albion
collapsed Thursday afternoon and 25000
bushel of grain were scattorod on the
ground No one was injured
The Railway hall at South Norfolk
has recently been remodeled and last
night for tho first time since the change
was made a dance was given
Mrs John R Hays entertained a com
pany of 33 little people yesterday after
noon in honor of the birthday of her
granddaughter Dorothy Salter
Mr and Mrs O R Kearney expect to
occupy the cottage on South Fourth
street vacated by Mr and Mrs Austin
when Mrs Kearney returns from a visit
to Fairbury next week
Fishing in tho Northfork has already
begun with some success L W Van
Horn landed a five pound pickerel the
other day which he displayed with a
good deal of satisfaction
An Uncle Toms Cabin company has
been playing neighboring towns but has
not yet visited Norfolk Explanations
are in order They seldom pass this city
by and never fail to draw a fuU house
N J Bundick returned at noon from
his trip to Washington bringing Mrs
Bundick and the children with him
He reports that the inauguration was a
great affair and that Nebraskas gover
nor and party were the center of at
New telephones have recently been
placed onein the residenceof Burt
Mapes No 568 and another in the home
of Frank Davenport No 181 The
number of C S Hayes store has been
changed to GG5
Madison Chronicle Mrs Frank
Yeazel and son and Miss Elizabeth
Schavland departed Tuesday for an ex
tended visit in California Mrs Yeael
goes to Son Diego to visit her mother
and other relatives and Miss Schavland
is to visit in Oakland and possibly may
remain there Mr Yeazel accompanied
them to Columbus
The Winside Tribune bids for new
subscribers in this fashion When
we issue this paper and one more then
were going to issue another after that
were going to keep right on just like
we always bave but make it a little
better so if you are thinking of sub
scribing you are perfectly safe in doing
so Youll get your moneys worth
F Jegor has sold the Ideal restaurant
on East Main street to L E Garton of
Fullerton Mr and Mrs Garton ar
rived last night and have taken
possession They are said to be ex
perienced restaurant people and patrons
of the Ideal will undoubtedly receive
first class service Mr and Mrs Jeger
will return to their former homo in
In the High school oratorical coutest
at Fromont Thursday night Leon
Andrews of tho dramatic class was
awarded the first place his subjoot be
ing Contest in the Arena Nellie
James of the humorous class was second
Her subject was Trouble in the Pit
There were eight speakers Andrews
will represent Fremont in the district
contest here on the 27th
The Lincoln blood hounds which were
taken to Pierce recently to trace the
persons who had burned about 20 tons
of hay and millet belonging to Frank
Otto followed a trail leading north and
stoppod at a house about four miles out
which had reoently been vacated by a
man named Albert Dreger Dreger had
moved to Stanton county where he was
arrested He was subjected to a siege
iu tho sweat box and information was
elicited implicating Frank Voecks and
Arthur Kauu Those two were arrested
and a preliminary hearing is being held
today before Judge McDonald
A party of uimrods composed of G B
Salter Wash Oonley Dr Frank Salter
and Alfred Gerecke went down to the
Platto yesterday to intercept tho first
flight of ducks and geoso to the north
Tho party was procoded by Jako Rnluoy
who wont down to proparo tho camp
and havo things iu shapo Reports
from the camp aro to tho offoot that
there are no ducks yot and ovonts may
provo that nothing but four largo gooso
woro discovered It is sold that tho
Platto is opou and that it is tho highest
for 20 years Tho flight of fowl is ox
pocted to bo unusually largo this yoar
whou tho tho season opens
Sam Jones lectured in Wayno ro
coutly and tho oditor of tho Republican
is of tho opinion that liko limborgor
ohooBO one blto is enough for a lifotime
Me says that if n uowspapor usod tho
satuo lauguago as Jouos it would bo ex
cluded from tho mails becauso of In
decency Tho Republican says How
pooplo who profoss to bo Christians or
ladios and goutlomon could sit and ap
plaud the coarse vulgarities of this man
is to us an iimolublo mystery The good
fathoror mother who would hear a
child of theirs giving uttoranco to its
thoughts iu the kiud of lauguago usod
by Sam Jouos at this placo on Wednes
day night and would not put a bridle on
their tongues wonld certainly bo romiss
in thoir parental duties
An organization of young nion calling
themselves the Iuissippi Club havo
routed a suit of throe rooms upstairs in
the McClary block which thoy havo
furnished in fine shape with an organ
and games for amusemout tho walls
decorated with pictures and everything
for comfort and couvenionco of tho
membership Tho object of tho organ
ization is to havo a comfortable and con
venient placo in which members may
spend an idle hour day or oveuing
where thoy may read or write or indulge
iu an innocent game The members
assort that tho intention of the club is
moral and refined and that nothing of
an immoral or degrading nature will bo
tolerated in tho rooms Thoy hope the
rooms will prove a counter attraction to
saloons and other places of questionable
resort where many young men have
been accustomed to spend their even
Schuyler is the latest town to produce
an imitator of Cudahy kidnaper
methods E J Wolter a prominent
citizen of that place has been arrested
by United States officials and is accused
of using the government mails for the
purpose of blackmailing Thomas Kearns
the newly elected United States senator
from Utah Wolter is said to havo
written to the senator as well as his
wife demanding 5000 which was to
be sent to look box 484 Schuylor
Failure to comply with the demands
would result in the family being blown
up with dynamite The first letter was
written February 20 and it did not take
long to locate tho threatener Wolter is
said to have admitted writing the letter
but olaims to have done so at the solici
tation of a traveling man named J B
Walkor Woltors reputation in Schuy
ler has been excellent He came
there three years ago from Salt Lake
City Utah and is therefore familiar
with the reputation of Kearns for being
Fred Odell is painting his farm build
Frank Terry of Tilden visited with his
brother Fred the first of the we k
Israel Miller Mrs Wm Wynn and
Miss Maud Cunningham are sick with
the scarlet fever
Geo Tanuehill is building a new house
on his farm southeast of town Jock
Elesly is doing the carpenter work
Fred Pettitt returned last week from
Savannah Georgia where he spent the
winter for the benefit of his health
As there ore several cases of scarlet
fever in this vicinity the sohool board has
ordered the sohool closed for two weeks
Lewis Keneison who has been laid up
the past three weeks with an abscess
on his leg resumed work in Norfolk
There will be an open meeting of the
M B A lodge Friday evening March
15 Deputy L M Wolf and State Man
ager Hayman will be present
Maurice and Roger Carberry went to
Guthrie county Iowa last Friday
theformeifto visit relatives for a couple
of weeks and tbo latter to try farming
the coming season
An Kxtract from Uer Letter
If yon could only be here this wintor
morning and see for yourself you would
no longer doubt me Roees are bloom
ing in our front yard and all nature is
as far advanced in this lovely American
summerland as it will be in your cold
eastern home by June
We made the journey from Missouri
river to the Golden Gate on the Union
Pacific to avoid tho circuitous loutes
an important item in the winter A
trip to California is made delightful by
the perfect service and luxurious no
commodation of Tho Overland Limited
which is perhaps the most finely
equipped train in tho world
Detailed information furnished on ap
plication F W Junkman Agent
Wliuu You let u Ileutlache
dont wasto a miuuto but go to your
druggist and get a box of Krausos Head
uohe Capsules They will provont pain
even though your skull wore cracked
They are harmless too Read the guar
antee Price 25o Sold by Geo B
Knstor Suudny comes on April 7 this
II F Bnrnhardt is in tho city today
from Piorco
Goorgo Wossol was in tho city Satur
day from Wisnor
Mr and Mrs E B Grumof Croighton
aro iu tho city today
L B Korbet of Battlo Creek had busi
ness in Norfolk today
Miss Lizzlo Kondrick was in Norfolk
Saturday from Hosklns
O A Ballowog of Croighton visltod
in Norfolk ovor Sunday
J H Dragoodof Hoopor was in tho
city ovor Saturday night
W Brown was in tho Sugar City from
Moadow Grove Saturday
Frank Hewitts a donf and dumb resi
dent of Gordon is a city visitor
Louis and Edna Glass of Winside
visited Norfolk friondB yesterday
Judgo Boyd of Oakdalo attended tho
Elks lodge mooting Saturday night
Tho youngost son of Mrand Mrs Jan
Ooylo is very sick with pneumonia
Tho snowfall Saturday night was 1
Inohos making a precipitation 10 inches
Deputy County Treasurer Arthur
Pilgor visitod in Norfolk ovor Suudny
County Attoruoy Burt Mapes went to
Madison today to nttond district court
Miss Mao Tomplin has accepted a po
sitiou as clerk iu tho store of Booler
Dr Rudolph Mittolstudt of Omaha
spont Suudny here tho guest of his
Tho musio Students olnb will moot
with Will McKim this oveuing at
8 oclock
II A Wilmordiug returned last night
from a visit to relatives and friends at
Flushing Long Island
Mrs J B Anderson returned Satur
day from a mouths visit with rolutivos
and friouds at Oakland
Miss MoNish returned Saturday from
Cummingsvillo whoro sho was called by
tho illness of her mother
Mrs S E Gossard of Madison and
Mrs 0 S Gossard of Oakdalo were
Norfolk visitors Saturday
Mrs N E Foster is here from Plain
view visiting Mrs M O Walker Mrs
J C Stitt and other friends
The telegraph service hero was some
what impaired this morning by storms
east which prostrated tho wires
St Patricks Day March 17 conies on
Sunday this year And the wearing o
the green will have to bo done at church
O E Burnham of Tilden came up from
Omaha Saturday evening and remained
over night to attend tho meeting of the
Sig Schavland was over from Madison
yesterday the guest of his partner in
the Madison dry goods store W II
E P Weatherby is arranging to movo
his law office within a fow days from
rooms in tho Marquardt block to rooms
in the Mast block
T Id Hull who has been making
contracts for the boot sugar company in
the vicinity of Randolph and Laurel
was home over Sunday
Rov W R McKim will return this
evening from Columbus where ho went
to attend the ordination of Mr Butler
as deacon of tho Episcopal church
The March term of district court con
vened at Madison this morning There
ore 06 cases on the docket a few of
whichjaro important criminal and civil
Mrs E W Strohm departed today
for Fort Collins Col to join her hus
band and will make that their home in
the future They havo resided on a
farm seven miles east of Norfolk
The Niobrara Pioneer has the report
that a bunoh of five deer are making
their winter quarters on tho Niobrara
river near the Big Sandy A number
of sportsmen have been after thorn but
none have succeeded in getting a good
The inch or two of snow that fell Sat
urday night disappeared quickly during
Sunday although the wind was from
the north chilly and disagreeable To
day tho effort of the weather seems to
be toward a return to spring like condi
A G Lee of Lincoln has purchasod a
form 12 miles northeast of Norfolk and
has moved his family to the new location
Mr Lee has purchased lumber for the
erection of new buildings and contem
plates extensive improvements on the
The police of Council Bluffs failing
to capture tho desired article seoared a
dead crow and put it in oue of tho cells
of the jail They then Bpread the report
that thoy had Crowe in jail and wero
immediately besieged by a curious crowd
of spectators who wero sold very suc
Wm Wood one of tbo pioneers of
Verdigro neighborhood committed sui
cide by hanging at the home of his son
John on Friday night March 1 The
cause for his action is not known On
the day ho committed suicido Wood
walked to Winitoon where he purchased
tho rope with which ho hung himself
Rov Ohas Deuel aud little daughter
Catherine who have visited several
weeks at tho home of Rev J 0 S
Woills loft this morning for Grand
Island and will visit Mr Dentils sinter
until Wednesday when thoy will lu
joined by Mrs Dotiol and other mom
bors of her family and proceed on their
way west
Stanton Picket Steps aro being
tnkou to secure tho establishment of a
froo rural delivery mall route north front
Stanton Two petitions nro being cir
culated ono by Alox Potent and tho
other by F II Sltultz Suoh a system
with tho ono nlxntt to bo opened to tho
south would placo tho pooplo of tho
county iu dally touoh with Stanton and
tho outside world
EG Harris ox ntllwny superinten
dent and present banker and ranch
owner of Chadron dropped iu on his
Norfolk frlonds Saturday afternoon
leaving for homo that ovonlug Ho
had been to tho Marshall Flold ranoh
near Madison whoro ho purchased n
number of head of thoroughbrod cattle
for his stock farm near Chadron
Tho Y P S O E of tho First Con
gregational churoh cleared 1 3 10 at t heir
10 cout Lenten tea given in tho church
parlors last Friday ovoulng and tho
societys suocoss has sugg stod that tho
next time tho mon of tho church deoldo
to give a social thoy will do woll to in
vito its aid andcooporntiou especially to
ovorseo tho departments of purohuso
supplios aud finances
Tho thron mon Albort Drogor Frank
Voecks and Arthur Kauu rooontly ar
rostud for burning hny belonging to
Frank Otto of Piorco ploadod gnllty be
fore Judgo McDonald Saturday and
wero fined lr and costs by tho court
and ordorod to make restitution for tho
proporty buruod That tho complaint
might not nllcgo a penitent inry otlonso
tho value of the hay was placed at -10
although it is said that the proporty was
worth nearly 200
Rev Muttss pastor of tho First Con
gregational church of Liucolu delivered
u splendid sermon in tho First Congre
gational church of Norfolk yostorday
morning Ho was accompauiod by Rev
Bross superintendent of homo missions
who followed with a fow remarks con
cerning his department Two mombors
of tho church contributed i each
toward tho aid of homo missions
Both geutlomon spoke in tho Socond
Congregational churoh South Norfolk
last ovonlng Good nudioncos attended
both servicos
At the mooting of Norfolk lodgo No
0TI B P O ElkB hold Saturday even
ing five more novitiates wore initiated
into the order boiug D M Owen Sol
G Mayer and Dr O S Porkor of this
city Ted Aokormnn of Stanton and F
B Alderman of West Point The lodgo
will have another meeting next Friday
ovening when there will bo further in
itiations Tho lodge has olosed lease
with A J Darland for the use of tho
socond floor of tho Marquardt block
which will bo occupied as lodge and club
rooms Work of making necessary
ohanges iu tho rooms not now occupied
will bo commenced in tho near future
and full possession of tho wholo floor
will bo secured May 1
An exchange tells of a farmor who has
five milch cows and the past year sup
plied his own family of eight with an
abundance of ricli cream milk and
butter and in addition increased tho
family exchequer 100 from the salo
of butter alone besides raising fivo 20
calved Tho Gordon Journal doesnt
think this record equals that made by a
cow owned by J W Joice of that town
the past 1 1 months Mr Joice has only
the one cow bnt she has furnished milk
for seven families comprising 42 people
besides cream milk and butter for the
use of his own family Ho has sold
from three to five pounds of butter each
week and has fattened 1 1 pigs on tho
buttermilk A cow story to beat the
Gordon man will be a stem winder
Captain and Mrs W G Boels were
united in marriage 40 years ago yester
day and the anniversary was observed
at the home of their daughter Mrs M
O Hazen in The Heights whore dinner
was served to the family all members
of which wore pro ent and tho event
proved a very happy reunion The
guests wero Mr and Mrs W G Bools
Mr and Mrs Goo N Boels Mr and
Mrs F H Boels nnd Ed Beels Tho
immediate family consists of father
mother two daughters and two sous
There are also four grand children
Beautiful cut flowers wero sent by f nonds
of the family Mr and Mrs Beels take
particular pride in the fact that during
all these years they have never quar
relled The greater portion of their
married life has been spent in this
The Norfolk Nurvery
Sells saed potatoes puro Early Ohio
Six Weeks Early Triumph and Early
Peach Blows Also ash box elders
elm and maple 8 to 13 feet high
Cherry apple plum trees and small
fruit plants forest troes seedlings rose
bushes flowering shrubs and evergreens
Call on or address E D Hammond
Norfolk Nebraska
The complete service of The Chicago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
euables passengors to roach the princi
pal cities between tho north and Pacific
coast aud Missouri river not only iu tho
shortest possible spaco of time but also
in tho most comfortablo uud oujoyable
mauuer Tho diniug cars ott this train
are stocked with the best the market
affords All meals served a la carte
J II Unglins was in tho city ovor
night from Ravona
Louie Olino of Elm Crook wan iu
Norfolk lost night
A Woodward wart in tho city from
Madison ovor night
G B Gntlln was n city visitor last
night from Hcrlbnor
Paid Kuro Is ovor fromLyons visiting
rolutivos and friends
Druggist Jouos of Madison was a city
visitor yesterday afternoon
Frod Sidlnr moved into a cot t ago on
South Tenth stroot yostorday
Russol Thompson loft this morning
for Omaha whoro ho will visit
Tho old Cathollo churoh is being torn
down nnd tho material romoved
lryl King who haH Ision stole for somo
time Is reported getting nlong nicely
Goorgo W Moyom of Nollgh trans
acted business in Norfolk yesterday
Jus F 1 lodges aWayno horso shoor
had business iu Norfolk last evening
Carl T Sooloy of Madison wild ono of
his froquont visits to Norfolk yostorday
Ellsworth Hall nnd Chas A Evans of
North Loup woro In Norfolk yostorday
W 0 Fry clerk at tho Oxnard wont
west last night on a short business trip
Josef Korozol nnd Maria ICorazol woro
Norfolk guests over night from Wilbor
Rov A M MoFnrland woll known
horo is very sick at his now homo at
D Smith is confinod to his room in
South Norfolk with a severe attack of
Mrs II T Holdon is to entertain n
company of ladies Thursday afternoon
nt high five
Conrad Hauriodol is rocovoring from
a wounded hand which threatened
blood poison
Millard Croon is moving back into his
old quarters over tho Darland Sisters
Millinery storo
Norfolk lodgo No 07 A 0 U W
will meet iu regular session at Odd
Follows hall this ovening
N L Brainard is moving into tho
houso on North Ninth stroot rocontly
vacated by O O Whipps
ShorilV Losoy is over from Madison on
ollioial business connected with tho
present session of district court
Sheriff Krender of Dodjjo county
brought an insane pntiont named Dun
kor to tho hospitnl horo Saturday
Goorgo Frodrichson F A Dearborn
aud H T Blanohard woro in tho me
tropolis ovor night from Wayno
Mrs W N Huso wonfto Ha warden
Iowathis morning whore sho will visit
her mother until tho la t of tho wcok
A J Darland leaves tonigut on a trip
into Holt aud Knox counties to oxumiuo
somo lands in which ho is interested
Miss Anna Poolo of Chicago has ar
rived aud accented a position with In-
skeeps millinery as trimmer during tho
spring Benson
Tho Music Students club mot last
night with Kov W S McKim and tho
subject Hymuology proved both in
teresting and profitable
Roy Carter of this city who has been
employed in a drug storoat Minneapolis
has taken a position in a similar storo
in Omaha whero ho gets a hotter salary
and is nearer homo
Herman Wohlfeil of Tildon a brother-in-law
of Goorgo Staponhorst departed
today with a neighbor for Everett
Washington where ho will visit and
may decide to locate
Mr and Mrs August Matthieson
living a mile wost ofj town celebrated
thoir crystal wedding yesterday in
which thoy wero assisted by a largo
company of jolly friouds
Geo W Clark a carpenter has
moved his family from Tilden and will
moke Norfolk his future homo He
reoently purchased of T E Odlorno a
residence property in The Heights
The local High school oratorical con
test to choose a candidate to participate
in tho district contest to be held hero on
tho 27th will tnke placo in tho High
sohool room noxt Friday evoning
Thero will bo four contestants
The building at present occupied by
thojlnskoap Millinery storo has been
sold to a brewery firm and It is asserted
that a saloon will be opened up therein
this spring A location for the millinery
store has not yet boon selected
A party of duck huuters consisting
of Rudy Blatt Scott Holbrook and
Fritz Brunn drove to a slough above
Pierce Saturday night returning yes
terday noon They had a good timo
bnt came homo without a duck
H E Hardy is just recovering the
use of his hand which he injured about
two weeks ago by running a rusty nail
into it The nail pushed a pieco of the
glove ho was wearing into the wound
aud this has but recontly been removed
It is enrrontly reported that Sol G
Mayor has rented tho residence of Asa
K Leonard for a term of three years
begluning on the first of August As
bachelors do not usually have use for a
houso the size of tho one routed the
deduction is that Solomon is going to
tako unto himself a wife
This is tho eloventh week that Rov
II E Ryder of tho Baptist church has
held moetiugs every day afternoon and
eveuing About 25 new members have
united with tho nhnroh sinco January IP
nino being baptied last Sunday Tho
ohnroh now has a strong oholr and
instumontal music by two violins cornofe
and organ
A roport last night from tho Salter-
Oorooko Oonnolly cninp on tho Plnttov
is that tho party Imggod n gooso yostor
dny morning Tho gooso camo sailing
over them iilotnf and nil four of tlw
party lined up and blazod away Tho
gooso camo down but upon examinations
it was found that not a foathorhad boon
ruffled by n single Hhot nnd tho only
Inforonco that could bo drawn was that
tho gooso had been frightened to death
by tho tremendous bombardment
Now furniture Is bel ig placod in tint
storo of tho Kiesau Drug company
which whou all In will make it ono or
tho most handsomely oqulppod drug
stores iu this section of tho state Now
wallcasos show cases counters and
shoWing aro to replaoo tho old ones nil
fiulshod iu quarter sawed goldou onle
giving a rich bountiful effect Tim
ohangos woro commenced Inst ovoningr
and mon worlcod all night at Installing
tho now furniture continuing through
out today Tho storo is in a very cha
otic condition this afternoon but whou
order in rostorod tho ICiusau company
will havo a room that thoy can point to
with pride
Mrs Catherine Upton wifo of J W
Upton died this morning at tho family
resldonooon South Elovonthstrootin tint
fiHthyonrof horago Tho fnnoral wilt
bo hold from tho house tomorrow morn
ingat 10 oclock and will bo couducted
by Rov Mr Fowler of Madison Tho
deceased has suffered four yonrs from
inflammatory rheumatism and it was
from this disoaso that sho diod She
loaves besides a husband four sous and
ono daughter Ono sou is a resident of
tniH city ana is owner of tho dray lino
formerly conducted by If II Miller
Tho family moved horo from Madison
yoar and a half ago and Hovoral mom
bors of tho family still make that city
their homo
looil AUvitit
Tho mo it miserable beings in tho world
aro those suffering from Dyspepsia and
Livor Complaint Moro than
fivo per cent of tho people iu tho United
Stutos aro allltcted with thoso two dis
eases nnd thoir effects such as Hour
Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Cost-
ivonoas Palpitation of tho IIonrtHonrfc
burn Watorbrash Gnawing aud Burn
ing Pains nt tho Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Coatod tongue aud Disagreeable
Taste iu tho Mouth Coming up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits eto Uo to
your Druggist aud got a bottlo of August
Flower for 75 conts Two dosos will re
lievo you Try it Got Groons Prizo
Almanac Asa K Leonard
Card of Ttninkx
Wo tho undorsigned wish to expres
our heartfelt thanks to tho ninny friends
who assisted us during tho last Bad rites
connected with tho burial of our dear
husband and aud father aud especially
do wo thank Mr Sessions ColoueL
Simpson Mrs Truolock Mrs Thurber
and tho Tribe of Hur
Mils Douv Davis
Mite M P Suitku
Mks S F Dunn
Thin i
is all right if you are too fat
and all wrong if too thin already
Fat enough for your habit is
healthy a little more or less is
no great harm Too fat consult
a doctor too thin persistently
thin no matter what cause take
Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get--ting
too thin they all come
under these two heads
and under digestion
Stop over work if you can
but whether you can or not
take Scotts Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil to balance yourself
with your work You cant live
on it truebut by it you
an Theres a limit however
youll pay for it J
Scotts Emulsion of Cod Livec
Oil is the readiest cure for
cant cat unless it comes of
your doing no vork you cant
long be well and strong without
some sort of activity
The genuine has
this picture on It
tako no other
If you have not
tried It send for
iroo sample its a
qraeablo taste will
surprise you
409 Pearl Street
New York
ran r i
11 m i
50c and 100 all druggists