The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 15, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Hammond Louisiana An Ideal Health
ami Winter IteorU
The passouger department of the Illi
nois Central Railroad company has just
issued a uew edition of Hammond
Louisiaua as a Winter Resort a beau
tiful illustrated folder showing a few of
tho winter attractions iu aud about
Hammond copies of which will be
mailed free ou application to the under
For thoso in good or moderate circum
stance no point iu the south offers such
inducements The climate is unsur
passed The ortesan water excellent
Society almost entirely northern aud
tho hotel aud boarding houso accomoda
tions far superior to any towu of its size
iu tho north and at moderate rates
J F Mbuky
Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Gent RR
Dubuque Iowa
David Orrr Nob April 1 1500
Geueaoo Pure Food Le Roy N Y
Gentlemen I must say in regard to
GraiuO that there is nothing better
or healthier We have used it for years
My brother was a great coffee drinker
Ho was takou siok and the doctor said
coffee was the cause of it My brother
has beeu well over sinoo we started to
1 uso it Yours truly Liluk Socuou
Grand Opening Sale of SPtflHG FOOTWEJIRI
Beginning SATURDAY MARCH 23 and continuing for ONE WEEK ONLY
Wc will place on sale one of the Most Complete Lines of Footwear ever shown in Northeast Nebraska We have bought for this sale one thou
sand six hundred pair of SAMPLE SHOES which wc are going to sell you at less than the manufacturers price It is not necessary for us to tell
you about the values we arc going to offer as our previous sale of Sample Shoes tell the story First come first served Positively no Sample
Shoes sold before above date as wc wish our patrons to all have an equal show Remember the date
C A and Edward O Reimers
to Serve FivCjYcars
The Hrnlciirril li Suponilol fur Piling n
Alipenl Honit Hyiupnlhy or tlio lViiplo
In With llm lorinUitln Mnooliitcillct
wholJurnctl wild oiu o In Norfolk AmvIiiiii
O A Roimcrs president of tlio do
funot First National bunk of Noligh and
Mb hou Edward O Rolmerrt assistant
cabler of tho sumo institution worn
sentenced to a term of flvo years oioli in
tho federal ponitentiary at Sioux KuIIh
S D by Judgo Mungor of tho fodornl
court at 6uuihii Saturday nftornnou for
wrecking tho ubovo immod ban It Tho
judged suspended soutouco for ton days
iu compliance with a request of tho
Roimors nttornoys to allow for tho
flllnc of nn anneal bond In tho ovont
thoso bonds aro filed thoy nuist bo for
T000 each
This caso was lr6t triod in tho federal
court in Decomber 189 and tho de
fendants wore at that titno found guilty
but a motion was made for a uow trial
which tho judgo took under ailviiumiont
Saturday tho motion was ovnrrulod and
Bontoucod pronounced Oharlos H
Alldor und tho Reimors woro indicated
in October 1898 but tho former was
novor triod as ho mado his escapo to
Moxico und is now a fugitiyo from
justlco somowhoro in that country
Tho charges woro filod at tho instance
of a banking expert and woro for falsi
fying tho records vlolatiug tho hnukiug
laws of tho United States and making
false reports to tho comptroller of tho
treasury It is alloged that originally
Allder purchased tho bauk from tho
Roimors aud that in making tho deal ho
used tho assets and collateral toward
tho payments aud that tho Hoimers woro
aware of tho mothod employed
Charges of forgory woro also mado aud
it was allegod that forgod notes wore
discounted and redUcouuted with othor
banks for the purpose of mooting per
sonal obligations II J Whitmoro was
nppoiutod receiver ami when ho took
charge of tho affairs of tho bank ho
claimed to havo found a shortage of
between 10000 and 10000 and liabili
ties of f 110000 Since taking oharge
Receiver Whitmoro has paid 40 per cent
iu dividends and about f 10000 on taxos
and bills
The poople of this section of tho stato
quite generally sympathize with Mr
Reimers aud his sou Thoy havo al
ways boruo first olass reputations and
were highly respected Tho oldor
gontlemeu mado his homo at Pioroo and
xnado occasional visits to Noligh to look
after his business interests which for
the most part wero in chargo of Alldor
and the young Mr Reimors
It was considerable of a surprise to
friends and acquaintances whou tho
disclosure was made that everything
was not as it should bo in tho bank and
many wero slow to bolievo anything
but that timo would clear tho Messrs
Reimers of any improper actions iu con
nection with the institution and there
are thoso yot iu spite of the hidings of
tho federal court who are unwilling to
believe that the defendants wilfully and
knowingly committed tho orime ouarged
against them
Mm Who Iturned at Lincoln km
Former lutlent In tho Norfolk II upltul
George Pfluegor the lifo convict who
burned himself to death in the peniten
tiary fire was at one time an inmate of
tho Norfolk hospital for the insane Re
viewing his caso the West Point Ropub
licau says
Georgo Pfluegor formerly a well-to-do
farmer residiug iu tho uorthwosteru
part of Blaine township Cuming
county shot his wife Sunday morning
February 31 1893 He waa convicted
of his crime Juno 2 189 aud sent to the
Lincoln penitentiary for life imprison
mont His caso was appoalod to the
supremo court upon tho question of
prisoners sanity which affirmed tho
judgment of tho district court
Tho dofonso was based on tho ploa
of insanity Plluogor had twice iwforo
committing tho murder boon adjuged
insane fltst by the county examining
board and subsequently whou ho se
cured n writ of habeas corpus by a com
mission headed by Judgo Powers whou
it was established that ho was a fit sub
ject for an insane asylum and incarcer
ated iu the county jail prior to his in
tended deportation to Norfolk
Lator on ho escaped from tho Norfolk
insane asylum and for two or threo
mouths could not bo found Meantime
ho was husking corn on tho Missouri
river in Burt county Ho was found
aud brought bade to West Point Ho
wan ponnittod to bo out a groat doal
with au escort and ouo evening Jailor
Noligh attouded a show and noglocted
to lock tho jail door through which
Plluogor escaped
Tho fugitive ovidontly mado tracks
directly to his old homo iu Blaine town
ship whoro his family still lived Ho
was homo threo days and on Sunday
February 21 18I3 whilo Mrs Pfluogers
brother who lived with hor wont out
to do somo ohores Plluogor shot her iu
tho prosouco of hor two young children
tho eldest boiug four years of ago He
immediately surrendered and was
brought to West Point
A romnrkablo feature is that Pttue
ger has not uttered a word since the
day of his couviotiou a timo nearly
oight years Plluogor has two brothers
sistor and several brothers-in-law all
well-to-do aud respected
A SiiRnr Ynrn
The best testimonial furnished to the
sugar factory ofllcials by any farmer
using boot pulp for cattle feed was made
public by Jamos Myors of Alloway on
Saturday Mr Meyers stated that a
South Lyons farmer ot his acquaintance
owns a small bunch of cows which some
timo ago gavo up the idea of furnishing
thoir owner with milk Tho animals
action was virtually a striko against a
regular diet of dry food Tho owner
put to his wits thou bought ouo load of
beet pulp which he served iu small
quautities morning aud uight The re
sult was marvelous more milk twice a
day than since spring pasturage The
first ohuruing of the winter took place last
Friday Butter came quickly and in
liberal quantities golden in color and of
splendid flavor The gathering act
was unusually oasy The buttermilk
was so good that it was saved for
friends When it had beeu poured off
imagine tho great surprise of the house
wifo iu finding over dvo pounds of puro
granulated sugar in tho bottom of tho
churn Domocratio Pross Lyons N Y
Omitliii Mini hit Uliiotmteil the Fellow
Who Stole reunion from a Corpse
Tho man who stolo tho rod hot stovo
and tho wicked individual who confis
cated tho coppors from the oyos of tho
dead Sencgiimbiau aro mora or less an
tediluvian in peculiar thievery whou
oompared with a theft for which Micky
Kroll was arrested Wednesday night
says tho Omaha Boo
According to pollco reports Micky
stole a nursing bottle nud a variegatod
assortment of iufautile swaddling ap
parel from a babo who has been ou earth
only since tho front end of Inst year aud
who is therefore too young to defend him
Co iucidout with the theft of the
babys nursing bottle and homstitched
underwear 10 iu cash also disappeared
Mrs Frank Friedenbach of Randolph
Nob is tho victim for she is tho mother
of the bottlolcss and muelinless infant
Mrs Friedenbach was a passenger on a
Northwestern traiu which left tho Web
ster street depot last night Tho money
and tho baby articles wero iu a valise
which was deposited iu a scat alongside
Mrs Friedeudach
It is said that while the mother wrs
making goo goo eyes at her cooing little
ono Micky slipped through the traiu and
quickly nipped tho valise It was sev
eral minutes before Mrs Friedenbach
discovered her loss and then it was al
most timo for the train to pull out So
the cars whisked Baby Friedenbach out
of town without any supper and with
little more underwear than Gain and
Abel wore iu the Garden of Eden
Meauwhile so tho police allege Mioky
visited several saloons iu the vicinity of
the dopot and triod to pawn tho nursing
bottlo aud lingerie for a drink He ex
plained to tho bartenders that the milk
bottle would bo just the thing to hold
seltzer and he argued that the wearing
apparel would do very well for free
luuoh counter napkins
Jes turn yer lamps ontodeseho
said as he unfolded the expanse of fleece
liuod muslin aint dey dead ringers fer
Tho bartender admitted that they
ooked like napkins but asserted that
the tleeco lining waa objectionable and
ouo thirst assuager wont so far as to
order Mioky out of his saloon
Micky refused to go until he got ready
but a knife as big as the blade George
Washington used when he pruned the
grape vines in Marthas Vineyard was
brandished over Mickys head and he
deoided to get ready
Having heard of tho theft tho police
were looking for Micky and when Officer
Reiglegman ordered him to halt Micky
yelled bock
Cant stop cant stop k
But tho bluecoat caught the fugitive
easily A search of tho valise revealed
all of tre contents intact eveu to the
10 in cash which Micky iu his haste
had not had time to find He is now iu
custody aud will bo held on the charge
of larceny
A Uood Thing
German Syrup is cho special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated
German Physioiau and is acknowledged
to be ono of the most fortunate discover
ies iu Medicine It quickly cures
Coughs Colds aud all Lung troubles of
the severest nature removing ai it does
the cause of the affection aud leaving the
parts iu a strong and healthy coudition
It is not an experimental medioine but
has stood the test of years giving satis
faction in every case which its rapidly
increasing sale every season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Bos
ohees Gorman Syrup was introduced iu
the Unites States iu 1808 and is now
sold in every town and village in the
civilized world Three doses will relieve
any ordinary cough Prioe 75 cts Get
Greens Prize Almanac Asa K Leon
For 30 days from this date will
give one 7 double roll room of paper
with evory 500 purchaso at Tru
mans Wall Paper Store
One Door West of Beeler Bros Norfolk Nebr
Promise Held Out for the Com
ing Teachers Association
Kvonlng Attraction are to be of an Un
uhiiiiI Character Chancellor Andrews of
the Stato University will Give it Lecture
Oratorical Contest and Liquid Air
Superintendent OConnor of the Nor
folk schools issues the following cir
cular concerning the coming North Ne
braska Teachers association
Norfolk Nebr March 7 1001 Dear
Sir The mooting of the North Ne
braska Teachers association to bo held
hero on the 37th 23th and 39th inst
promises to be nmong tho best of its kind
hold iu our stato It is to be au educa
tional session iu the truest sense With
this end in view the committee have
spared no pains
Tho papers to be presented promise to
be of superior excellence The discus
sions aro always awakening
The evening attractions are to be of
an uuuBual character Chancellor E
Benjamin Andrews of our state univer
sity has an international reputation as a
thinker aud educator He will enter
tain our patrons aud teachers Thursday
evening March 38
Liquid air with demonstrations has
been the most startling and instructive
scientific entertainment offered to the
American publio anywhere for years
Tho committee have undertaken the
responsibility of this entertainment be
cause they believo our teachers and
patrons are worthy of and entitled to
the very best form of attractions Liquid
air with demonstrations will be given
Friday evening March 20
The several sessions and entertain
ments will be given in the Norfolk Audi
This association has for its purpose
the promotion of the cause of education
and invites to membership and to the
discussion of topics on its program all
persons interested in the training of
children or tho welfare of society
The influence of this association has
been widespread Teachers members
of boards c f education should not fail to
attend the present session
Boards of education are invited to
grant their teaohers the time to attend
Boards may well afford not only to
grant tho timo but to pay thej teachors
expenses Such attendance will result
in awakening the thought of the teacher
inspiring her with now life and zeal
and making her work more intelligent
and scientific
Reduced rates one and ono tbirdfare
granted by all railroads to Norfolk
Best hotel accomodations at low rates
Entertainment will be provided iu
privato families when requested
I shall bo pleased to answer any re
quests for information relative to tho
association its program railroad certifi
cates entertainment etc that may be
directed to me Yourself aud friends
are cordially invited to attend the edu
cational banquet provided for you in
tho Sugar City
Sincerely yours
D O OConnor
Letter List
List of letters remaining uncalled
at the postoulce March 11 1901
Elmer Boliu R G Brule Newton
Clark T P Fender Harry T Ford
Mary B Greene S S E Hamlett J
H Kruger Gustav Kerber Mamie
Lund Burt Miller S S Miller R W
McDonald Wm H Pelrce artist H
Rokes Mrs Geo W Tyler pkg
Georgia Williams Mrs H I Wheelock
If not called for in 30 days will be
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Spbkcher P M
AU kinds of gardeu flower and grass
seeds at Spauldiugs
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
nissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Smoking aud Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dinim Cars
Meals a la Carte Pintsch Light
For full information call ou or address
The Norfolk Gash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fine Teas aud Coffees a specialty Try our famous
Mellowricli coffee the finest brand in the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds
We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours
Highest prices paid for Butter aud Eggs
That we are constantly growing in the art of mak
ing Fine Photos and our products will always be
found to embrace the most
and Newest style in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
Daily News Job Department