The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 15, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Theflorfolk JSicuas
Tho Gordon Journnl is of tho opinion
that tho Budwelpcr wobblo is n fad
infinitely worso tli tin tho knngnroo
Tho March weather hnh nroncwl tho
indiflpouslblo lion to a rvnllfchig ruiiho of
her ronponRlbilitiofl niitl a popular break
fast fruit in being promptly nntl offectn
idly romovod from tho lint of luxuries
Tho Fremont Herald linn been in
formed tlmt wonUh Is n dlseaso nud
nrinon to ituiulro whom bnrilll or nil
crobos mny bo readily procured Thero
aro othoro who would Hlto to catch it
Tho pooplo of Nebraska tiro still wait
ing nono too patiently for tho loglsla
tnro to mako oholco for United States
foriatora This week should certainly
show that tho rcproRoiittttivoH of Iho
pooplo havo Homo i egnrd for their con
t titucnts
IuBion orgaUH coutlnno to odiously
compare tho early settlers of tliis coun
try and founders of thlH ropnblle with
Agulnaldo and his followers They
would probably feel very proud if thoy
could traco tholr ancestry buck to u rtico
like tho Tngnlogs
It is assorted that Mr Bryans eastern
visit in to ascertain tho feeling of demo
cratic loaders regarding a candidato for
the prcBldonoy in UK I Ho is persistent
lint tho pooplo opposed to his holding
tho position of president appear to bo
equally sot in their ways
Tho fainouo Wind cavo of Hot Springs
8 D is now government property aud
Undo Sam will conduct tho sight Boors
through its mysteries in tho future Ho
will undoubtedly bo Batlslod if excur
sionists pay the expenses of ownership
without a profit accruing
Zimmerman has also
acquired a woll developed
suit Tho next American mil
lionaire who wishes to acquire a foreign
title for his daughter will undoubtedly
require an itemized statement of tho
troubles accompanying tho contract
Ex Stnto Treasurer J B MeBurvo has
departed from tho ranks of tho common
pooplo has soourcd a controlling inter
est in tho Adams County bank at Hunt
ings and will assume tho position of
president April A term at the public
crib is responsible for his departure from
tho well worn path of a good populist
The fu3lonlstB do not tako kindly to
President McKinloys assertion that
The prophets of ovil were not the
buildors of this republic Thov know
that ho struok too ueur tho truth for
comfort A ohronio croaker nover did
much good for his country his family
or auyouo else Advancement and
growth aro tho natural result of opti
lies Mngy of Clevelaud Ohio chose
two novel methods to Bovor tho silver
thread ueithor of whioh have yot proved
successful First he hold a large car
tridge in his teeth aud euduavored to ex
plode it by hammering tho percussion
cap Failing in this he drove n chisol
into cue of his lungs with n hammer
A more original method of suicido is
The republicans have a majority of 20
in the new Bonato the largest majority
enjoyed by any party in many years
There aro 14 vacancies aud if these are
filled according to the political com
plexion of tho legislatures tho majority
will be still larger With such a major
ity in sight tho pnBsiug of beneficent re
publican moasnres should be an ensy
The serious illness of Ex President
Benjamin Harrison has filled his friends
with alarm It is evident that on ac
count of his nge the vitality of the ex
president is very low and uuless an im
provement is soon noted the situation is
grave The people of the country re
jrardlesa of party will hope that a
change for the better will boon toko
place and that Mr Harrison may be
spared to his country for many years
It is predicted that England will
never have better terms offered her than
those contained in the Hny Pouncefote
treaty which expired ntnoon Wednes
day Itia extremely likely that the
United States may coucludo to build
toe canal aa best pleases it without
waiting for the aid or consent of
England or any other European nation
England has made errors and its failure
to ratify this treaty is probably not the
The contract for the conduction of
the battleship Nebraska has been let to
the firm of Moron Bros of Seattle
Washington and this grand common
wealth will in the course of a few years
-be honored by a representative in the
United States navy bearing its name
The pooplo of the state will hope that it
may be one of the best fightiug machines
in the new navy nud that its record
will tie not only an honor to the state
hut the entire country
The czar is ahowing a hoggish dispo
sition in Chinese matters and it is likely
that he will be brought to a stand by the
United States England Japan and other
countries which havo afsumed noino of
tho responsibilities of fettling tho
OhlnoHO question Tho rzars territory
grabbing propensities havo been excited
by winio of tho richest tracts of tho
Celestial empire and ho proves to file
first claim oil that particular part of tho
country if he is permitted to do so
E 11 ltiushaw is looming up pretty
strong in tho ponalorlal contost nud if
he succeeds in breaking into the Thomp
son ranks will probablv bo elected son
ator Ho is a south llatto man aud
Rooms to hnve RUcccHsfully consolidated
Ml tho anti Thompson otos and then
bonio Ho has n good record nnd tho
legislature could uulko a much worse
choice than ho for the position Should
ho bo elected it nt ill remains for the
north Platte pooplo to get together
Something should hapen soon
Darrell is tho only one of the three men
accused of murdering Herman Zahti
tho Snyder saloon keeper who suc
ceeded in getting oT clear Ho was
very fortuuato in being able to establish
a defense that resulted in his rolcuso
from custody nnd in view of the sentences
tho other mou rooolvod he has excellent
causo to fool happy It should bo a
lesson to him that it is dangerous to as
fioclnto to any extent with men of ques
tionable reputations A mans associa
tions aro oftimes more dangerous to his
woll being than any personal failings or
It seems that tho manufacturers of
oleomargarine aro not altogether
fled with substituting it for butter but
occasionally endeavor to beat Uncle
Sam out of tho tax on tho product At
Union City Indiana recently a rovenno
collector seized n plant of tho Hudson
Produce company and took possession
of 1850 pounds of butter 81 tubs
of which proved to bo oleo that had boon
manufactured without a liceuso nud yet
tho manufacturers of thiB product are
continually working for laws that will
make substitution easier and less ex
pensive Thoy should know how to ubc
tho favors thoy have before seeking
Tho World Herald professes wonder
ful familiarity with tho Scrintures nud
recites a number of quotations which it
would havo boon pleased to furnish for
tho inauguration ceremonies of Presi
dent McKiuloy It was not invited to
do bo howovor and furthermore there
was Bomo hundreds of thousands of
common pooplo who expressed thorn-
solvos as opposed to tho World Heralds
candidate boiug allowed to kiss tho
scriptures at all on nu occasion liko tho
inauguration The World Herald pro
fesscs to be much wiser than this largo
majority and is rcuowlng tho slanderous
methods against the administration
which will probably operate against it
and its candidates in the future as it has
done in tho past
The advortisoment Wanted A
bright cuergetic man or woman is a
regular chestnut Now why dont some
original advertiser want a dull lazy
man or woman for n change It is
probablo that his originality would bring
no applications as no one is ready to
admit that thoy aro dull and laz but
tho monotony would bo broken success
fully Tho bright enorgetio man or
woman is seldom out of a job nnd it is
safe to presumo that many answers to
such wants are from pcoplo quite the
contrary who flatter themselves by writ
ing the advertiser hoping to secure n
snap fitted to tholr dispositions The
bright enorgetio man or woman is
always wonted and it should bo the aim
of all to fill Buoh requirements
There are many whodeplore the in
creasing expenditures of the government
without giving full consideration to the
subject A very large share of the gov
ernments expenses are for salaries and
the larger such expenditures the more
people there are who receive good wages
which the United States is notorious for
paying If tho goyernmont could so
manage u won a unquestionably benefit
the people if one half of them were
eminent employes whose wages were
Piu oy nose wno coma an or a to pay
taxes levied for the purpose and the
ranks of tho unemployed would bo ma
terially thinned if not totally dissipated
There is not a better paying employer
than the United States government and
thero are few that have not an
tion to some day be in its employ
F M Currie candidate for senator
before the legislature has suggested a
plan for breaking the deadlock that
would undoubtedly jrovo successful
and the only thing likely to hinder its
consummation would be the refusal of
other oondidates to join in His nlan
is that the legislators from this time on
should be allowed free action by every
candidate appearing before the body
and releasing his followers from all
prouiiBeB and obligations The record
of the session would seem to indicate
that it would have been better for tho
people of tho state and no doubt as well
for tho caudidatoa if no promises had
been exacted The voters have selected
to represent them a body of men possets
iug an unquestioned ability to make a
6atisfactory choice of senators and but
for the ambitious of candidates who
thought it necessary to strengthen their
cause before election favorable action
would nndonbtodly have lioen taken
weeks niro It mav bo rather lato to
roctify this condition but a utrong effort
should bo mado At this time to bring
Tho Times Tribune thinks thero is
sennt encouragement for n Norfolk
nowspaper to uphold homo merchants
as against tho department stores of tho
cities inasmuch as they aro not first
class patrons of tho newspapers adver
tising columns Whilo thin is true to a
certain extent tho fact Btill remains
that tho homo merchant is tho best
patron of of tho homo newspaper and
tho o Jly one to bo depended upon Tho
odvortiBomontfl sont out by tho depart
ment stores aro not desirable aro re
fuRod spaco by tho majority of news
papors and if accepted muBt bo taken nt
a discount price thoroforo Tim Niwh
feels that its offorts In behalf of tho
homo merchant in not ontiroly loves
lulior lost nnd in tho interest of tho
homo commnnity it fools thnt it can
well afford to make tho fight oven though
its benefits aro not fnll nud direct
Everything thnt tends toward tho np
building of tho city nnd that serves to
keep tho money of tho community nt
home is of benefit to every institution of
tho commnnity Whilo n liberal patron
ago of homo merchants is appreciated
and lends n valuable incentive to such a
fight justice to the homo merchant in
competition with foreign firms cannot
be ignored by any institution of a local
nature Such a movement is nlso of
value to tho customer Many havo not
roalized that every dollar they send
away is a dollar gouo boyoud their
roach while should it be kopt nt home
there is always tho chance that it will
ovontually be returned to him The
N ivs sincerely hopes that the earnest
and persistent discussion of tho subject
will not only benefit tho home merchant
but every member of the community
which it certainly will if tho pooplo aro
brought to a realizing sense of its im
Irrigated llomon
In the irrigation dobate in the house
of representatives Representative Bell
of Colorado Btated that ho had served on
a Bpociol committee which went to tho
arid west to investigate conditions of
labor and cnpittil and thnt they found
in Utah the best labor conditions of any
whero in tho United States
Why bo said did we find there
tho best condition of labor The reason
given was that the men employed in the
coal mines and in the metalliferous
mines and overywhero olse bad small
homes on this irrigated laud and when
ever there was a shortogo of work tho
miners of Utah went to their littlo
homes and cultivated thtir land A
family can raise more on one acre of
good fertile irrigated land in my judg
ment than can bo raised on an average
of three or four acres in the eastern
stntss This condition quadruplts the
inducement for laboring men to mnko
homes on thiB laud aud causes them to
tako a lively interest in their reclama
More Home Patronage
The Minden Gazette is given to some
reflections on tho home patronage ques
tion in a recent issue The trnin of
thought was inspired by the fact that a
man from Kansas City had been work
ing Kearney county for subscribers to a
publication issued from the Missouri
metropolis The Gazette is astonished
that people should want a Kansas City
paper that never contains a line or word
nbout Kearney county people when the
conuty papers publish columns about
them each week and what is more
furnish general news in condensed and
readable form It offers as a reason the
city papers can be furnishedso cheaply
the fact that they contain advertise
ments for the department stores and the
more people they can secure to read
these advertisements and patronize
these stores the more money the mer
chants aro willing to pay and the
cheaper the subscriptions become
They at the same time injure the com
munity especially the business portion
by taking the money that belongs at
home Among other things the Gazette
If the people of Kearney county
would encourage tho publishers in
Kearney connty to the extent that they
ore willing to patronize the Kansas City
papers nud give them the patronage
aud encouragement in a business way
the home papers could and would be
better ones
Not long ago we saw a business man
go into another business mans store and
buy a bill of goods and the man who
sold the goods sends out of town for the
same things his purchaser handles It
was nobodys business of course out
side tho two people who made the deal
but the curiosity was aroused in this
f rruj
mind what kind of a community would
it be if every business transaction were
conducted upon the same plan and
how long would Minden be a good
There are men in this town who
grumble at paying their water rent yet
they can go away from home and blow
in three or four timos the nmount of
their water rent not a cent of which
beuefits any man woman or child in the
community where it was earned und
never a word of complaint is hoard yet
whou tho water rent is dne they roar
about the great expense of helping some
thing that helps nnd does good at
A divorco unit at La Porte Ind
brings out tho fact that 10 years ago
Jacob Hatz Bold his wifo for a 2 bill
If sho is liko Romo women wo have 6eeu
sho was high priced at thnt figuro
A Ponnpylvnnin man is suing a woninn
for damages for alcniatlng tho affections
of his Thomas cat Divorce proceedings
will accept a placo nt tho rear until n
decision is reached on this imjiortant
Tho Council Bluffs Nonpareil thinks
thnt if Marconi and Nicola Tosla would
now dovoto tholr Inventive efforts toward
tho porfocting of wireless legislation thoy
would accomplish something of genuine
benefit to tho woild
Sarah Bernhardt went out hunting
nlligators in a Louisiana swamp recently
and bugged a six foot roptile Is the
divine ono especially Interested in
tho Bport or is sho merely trying to
exceed tho notoriety of Mrs Nntlon of
hatohot fame
A bill has been introduced in the
Minnesota legislature legalizing prize
fights It is not probablo that it will
pass bnt if it doos almost every state in
tho union will contribnto n number of
undesirable citizens to help bwell that
states population
Winnebago nnd Omaha Indians are
soon to assert their title to sme of the
rich farming lnnds of Dakota and Dixon
counties Thoir movomont need cause
present owners no uneasiness as Uncle
Sam will probably seo to it that thoy
hnve a clear title oven tkongh tho claims
of the Indians may prove valid
Ono of the fentures of the St Louis
exposition is to bo the platform from
which President McKinley delivered
his inaugural address The people of
tho enterprising Missouri city are in the
field early for attractions nnd everything
of or connected with nntional fame mny
bo expected to bo gathered in with scant
warning from now until tho exposition
Mrs Harriet E Gladden aged 80 years
of Watorbury Conn is suing for a di
vorso from her hnsband aged 40 for de
sertion The woman is worth 50000
and was evidently married for her
money Tho husband seems to have re
gretted the bargain and concluded that
oven 60000 was small compensation
for living with a woman old enough to
bo his grandmother
His lordship tho cyclone has entered
upon his duties rather early in the
season but is none tho less thorough in
his procedure aB can be positively at
tested at a number of southern points
It is to be hoped that his journey north
will bo indefinitely postponed These
snow flurries shadows of blizzards
multitudinous aud erratic changes of
weather are bad enough
The Fremont Tribune profoundly ob
serves that the skill of modern doctors
is responsible for many abuses of nature
People indulge themselves beyond al
reason and then depend on the good old
family doctor to pull them out of their
misery If they would take more pre
vention and loss cure they would be
vastly better off and tho doctors would
not be living in such fine houses and
buying so many farms
Li Hung Chang is said to be a very
sick Chinaman The world would be
very sorry nt this time to lose one of the
most progressive citizens of the empire
when there is suoh a crisis in Chinese
affairs and his influence and advice is of
so much value Earl Li has been a
pioneer in advancing his country toward
the civilization of the modern world and
at this timo his progressive spirit is of
especial importance to his countrymen
and the world
It is generally conceded that the re
cent snows have been of inestimable
value in storting Nebraska farms on the
right track to realize another bumper
crop this season In which case those
who have felt like complaining at
the disagreeable features of the
weather will have reason to know that
while their present personal comforts
may not have been considered by the
weather manipulator he at least had
some regard for their future welfare
A Sterling man recently sold his farm
for 3000 one half cash and the balance
in notes When it came to closing the
deal the purchaser insisted in paying
all cash but the seller refused The
deal went Through finally No such
proceedings were noted under the
late democratic administration Then
it was popular for the buyer to offer oil
notes and the seller as persistently
refuse to accept them Times hove
ohanged and wen enough has been let
The house has sustained Governor
Dietrich in his veto of the Peru normal
school measuro and following close on
this action is the announcement that
the senate by a vote of 17 to 13 hod de
feated the bill providing for tho estab
liulimAnt nf two new state nonunlH nnn
I in tho Fifth and the other in the Sixth
district It is evident that no extraordi
nary appropriations for educational
purposes may bo expected from this
session of tho legislature with Governor
Dietrich and his veto as a last resort
The London Star does not support the
action of England on the Nicnrngnan
canal mntter It says When it is a
quoatlou of Anglo American good feel
ing as in tho case of tho Nicnrnguan
canal treaty wo might havo strained a
point nnd nmdo clear what concession
we wore really prepared to make Tho
American contentions are not unreason
able whilo thero nro sound commercial
reasons for ub wishing them godspeed in
tho matter Wo havo our musty treaty
rights but let us bargain to get what
wo can for those rights
Tho city campaign is opening up with
considerable interest manifested The
democrats hnvo completed their ticket
nnd tho republicans will havo done so
tonight having named candidates for
conucllmon last evening If tho re
publicans nro as successful in choosing
city candidates as tho ward ciiucubcb
were in selecting conncilmen thoy will
havo a strong ticket in tho field and bo
in position to make another winning
fight Tho conncilmanio candidates are
above reproach and are certainly entitled
to tho support of voters from thoir wards
Decatur Barnes a citizen of Norfolk
Virginia has commenced suit against
his grocer for 1000 damnges He
alleges that ho was mado fiick by eating
some sausage which ho hod purchased
of tho grocer and investigation showed
that the ground article was made of
oats meat and that there was cats hair
and claws in it A purse of 1000
would be small compensation for n
person who hnd been thus imposed upon
The plaintiff should also demand that
the defendant do compelled to subsist
on his merchandise during a life im
prisonment ut hard labor
Quite a contest is developing for the
governorship of Iown nud many candi
dates for the position ore being brought
out The strange part of the contest is
thnt the democrats are scarcely inter
ested and the majority if not all the
candidates ore republicans It is aston
ishing that the democrats should allow
a few hundred thousand majority to so
discourage them that they do not even
mention a enndidate They should im
port the optimistic Jones who would nt
once claim the election of a democrat by
steen thousand or so maioritv and
revive their drooping spirits
President C D Mitchell addressing
the Minnesota Editorial association at
bt Paul recently recommended that
eaoh state association of editors or
printers elect a delegate and provide for
his expenses Eaid delegate to go to
Washington and enter n protest ngainst
the policy of the government in compet
ing with job offices in the printing of
return cards on envelopes or any other
printing on a personal order If the
government is allowed to compete with
printing offices why should it not also
enter into competition with the grocer
the baker and the candlestick maker
Representative Marshall is very much
opposed to the cartoonist Ho has in
troduced a bill making it an offense to
make a cartoon or print or distribute
any periodical pamphlet newspaper or
magazine containing ono without first
having Becured the written consent of
the person caricatured The offense is
made punishoble by a fine of from 25
to 100 or SO days imprisonment or
both Tho representative evidently
does not core so much what kind of a
pen picture is made of a man bo that the
cartoonist is denied an opportunity to
deliniate his features in exaggerated
and extravagant lines
All records for prosperous conditions
and financial stability have unquestion
ably been broken under the McKinley
administration and those who were in
clined to say and endeavor to prove that
that there was no prosperity have seem
ingly been effectually silenced by the
facts The gold reserve in the notional
treasury has established a record never
before attained in the history of the
country and there are now 490000000
in that fund It not only evidences a
sound financial polioy on the part of the
government but gives reason why thero
is no fear of a panic and thus estab
lishes tho prosperity of individuals
Governor Dietrichs veto of the bill
providing for an expenditure of 75000
on improvements to the Peru normal
school will be commended by a large
majority of the people of Nebraska It
indicates that the present administra
tion will be ono of economy so far as
the governor is concerned and that
measures appropriating money will bo
subjected to a rigid examination on the
executives part The necessity for
economy is all the more apparent since
the destruction of the penitentiary as
all will readily recognize that this
must bo rebuilt or other provisions made
for taking care of the convictB There
aro expenditures that must be mace and
to provide for these it will be necessary
to cnt down or eliminate all unnecessary
appropriations for a year or two at
Friends of irrigation are inclined to
look upon the defeat of the river and
harbor appropriation bill as a lesson to
people of the east that the west has
rights which must bo respected It is
claimed that if the clauso providing an
appropriation for irrigation had not
been cut off the bill would have passed
The News is loth to believe that this
kind of warfare is necessary and is in
clined to tho opinion thnt tho move
ment can successfully win without op
posing moasnro3 of particular interest
to tho eaBt If not however it is per
hnps just nB well for eastern politicians
to realize early In tho game that tho
west has somo influenco in legislative
matters aud that its claims to recogni
tion mnst receive respectful considera
tion A bill making largo appropria
tions for river and harbor construction
is a regular feature nt congressional
sossions nud vast sums of government
money hnvo been thus spent It is
therefore but just that tho west with
its irrigation plans should also benefit
through government aid Frionds of
tho movement will undoubtedly con
tinue their agitation nutll by the time
congress Is again in session there will
bo little difficulty in securing just con
He who fights nnd runs nway
May livo to run again some day
No need of Carrie Nation in Norfolk
We cant even get tho standpipe full
Lot Pat crow defiance nt the Omoho
police His crime was robin son he
may yet regret ho Crusoe
Come in nnd look through ourpublic
librnry building
Thanks I can do so without going
The naming of a senator is beneath
tho dignity of tho Nebraska legislature
It will be satisfied with nothing less
than making a precedent
Norfolk parents need havo no fear of
Pat Crowe The only thing on record as
having been kidnaped in Norfolk is
Pattersons bicycle We believe it was
returned as the assessors report showed
an extra ice wagon for Norfolk precinct
The ark used by Noah is said to have
been discovered intact If this iB true
we will surely see it in permanent use
in our city mounted on wheels carry
ing passengers between Noifolk and
Norfolk Junction keeping company
with the rest of its kind
A demonstration with liquid air is to
be one of the features of the meeting of
the North Nebraska Teachers associa
tion A Bchoolmaam has asked us if
liquid air is expensive It depends
upon the season in the summer it can
be secured at any soda fountain for five
cents a glass
Marshal Kane was not seriously in
jured in putting out the fire in the
Norfolk National bank he only felt a
sharp pane as he went through the glass
door Asked as to tlo cause of the
flames he intimated they might have
ben caused by the presence of a heavy
draft in the bank that day
Yankton S D March 9 2001 A D
Special Marconi wireless telegraph
dispatch to The News A party of sur
veyors left this city today to lay out the
Norfolk Yankton railroad Norfolk
will be the terminus though a epur
may be built to the flag station called
Madison The head surveyor is n de
scendant of the famous Bill Bruaech
who lived in Norfolk early in the twen
tieth century and who was noted as the
man who never uBed a swear word
Dear Sir I have purchased a farm
four miles south of Norfolk also se
cured at auction a Bugeye mower and a
Piano spell binder Please explain the
uses of the machines Am going to
plant all the laud in corn Sam says
the mower should be used when there
is hair on the ears Is this so or is it a
joke Yours for n good crop
E B Kenton
Answer Sam is mistaken It is the
city folks who trim their hair when it
hangs around their ears Ask Burt
Mapes or A J Durland for information
on rural subjects
Time 6 30 p m Dramatis personae
man and wife Scene tho kitchen
Entertheman Blankety blnnk here
it is 0 -30 and not a sign of anything to
eat I suppose my wifes at that
blankety -blank womans club again
taking the negative side in the discus
sion Is housekeeping a failure
streak blank Well here
goes for cold potatoes meat scraps and
Btale bread as
a blanker the man was a peach Enter
wife Well we had a lovely timo at
the womans club Ive been home for
twenty minutes but let you set the toble
while I jotted down a few thoughts for
my paper at the ext meeting How to
prepare supper in five minutes I
think the club work lessens my home
work considerably He thought so
Career and Character f Abraham Ilnlu
An address by Joseph Olioote Am
bossador to Great Britain on the career
asd character of Abraham Lincoln his
early life his early struggles with the
world hiB character as developed in
tho later years of his life and his nd
ministration which placed his name so
high on the worlds roll of honor and
fame has been published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
be had by sending six 0 cents in poet
age to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
Sturgeon is the piano man