The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 15, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    i i
i n
Former President Finally Yields
to Pneumonia
1atlcnt Vltnllty Irnilually Lessen Until
the rtul Which Wit Quint niul rainless
Itcnialu Will lln In Stain Saturday and
Funeral Witt Orcur Sunday
Indianapolis March 1 1 Goner
Itcnjnmln Harrison died nl 115 i m
yesterday without regaining con
nelousness Ills den tli was quiet miit
pnlnloss there being a gradual sink
ing until tln oml onino which was
marked by 11 single gasp for breath
tin life departed from the hotly of tho
great Ktatesmnh Tho relatives with
n few exceptions and several of tlu
former presidents old and tiled
friends wore at the bedside wIkmi lit
pnssod away
The generals condition win so hnd
Wednesday tiiontliiu after a restless
night that the nttcndlng physicians
understood that the end could not ho
far off anil all tho bulletin sent out
from tho nick room wore to IIiIh ef
fect ho that the family ami friends
wore prepared when the Dual blow
came The grndunl falling of the re
inarkablo strength Hhown by the pa
tient became more noticeable In tho
nfternoon iifcd a few moment before
the end there was an apparent break
down on the part of the sufferer as
lio surrendered to the disease against
which he had been ho bravely battling
for so many hours The change was
noticed by the physicians and the rol
ntlvos and friends who had retired
from the sick room to the library be
low were quickly Kununonoil aid
reached the bedside of the general
before lie passed awny
News of the death Npread quickly
throughout the city The word was
Hashed from tho bullettns of all tiie
newspapers mid thus communicated
to the people on their way home in
the evening The announcement
caused tho greatest sorrow nearly
every one having nurtured the hope
that General Harrison would recover
AVItliiii a few moments the Hags on all
the public buildings and most of the
downtown business blocks were
hoisted nt half mast and other out
ward manifestations of mourning
were made
None of General Harrisons children
was present at his death neither Col
onel Hussell Harrison nor Mrs Mo
Keo having reached the city although
both wore hurrying on their way to
tho bedside of their dying parent as
fast as steam would bear them
Itumnliis to Ilo Iu State
The funeral will take place next
Sunday nfternoon at 2 oclock The
services will Imj held iu the First Pres
byterian church of which General
Harrison was a member for nearly GO
It was decided at a meeting of Gov
ernor Durblu with a number of the
other state officials that the body or
General Harrison should lie in state
In the rotunda of the capltol all day
next Saturday
The highest honors which It Is In the
power of the stnto of Indiana to pay
will bo rendered to the remains of
General Harrison A meeting was
held In tho office of the governor to
perfect the detnlls of the funeral It
Las been decided that the honorable
pall bearers shall be the members of
his cabinet It Is not known posi
tively how ninny of them will come
but It is supposed by the members of
the family that all will be bore
I Sympathized With the lloei s
From ono who was present at the
deathbed It is learned that the allega
tions of cruelty and Injustice dealt
out by England to tho Boers In their
struggle for liberty had been a subject
for thought in the mind of General
Harrison To his friends ho had
often 6poken of the pity ami shame
as bo viewed It that tho bravo and
sturdy fanners of South Africa should
be robbed of their country of all they
bnve In tho world and forced to sub
mit to terrible miseries In resisting
tho oppressions of a world power
Geucral Harrison It Is Rtated would
bnve liked nothing better than to come
out frankly and strongly say to every
ono whnt he thought of Englands
cruelty It was Iu his mind constant
ly but ho believed an ex president
should observe the same proprieties
of speech which are observed by a
president of tho United States In
his semi conscious conditions when
tho sentinels of discretion nnd
propriety had gone from their posts
nnd tho mind of tho man was wander
ing ho began to speak of the Boers
and their boneless struggle for na
tional life Ills voice was weak and
trembling his thoughts were not con
nected but tho listeners bending over
1ilm could hear words of pity for tha
dying former republic
runner Attorney irurrat Miller Tribute
The following tribute to the memory
of General Harrison Is from the pen
of ox Attorney General W II II Mil
ler who was so closely associated
with thu late ex presldent In his offi
cial professional and social life
General Harrison was a man of the
highest Intellectuality of grent will
power of tireless Industry with n
renins for details and all his facul
ties were under the guidance of a
conscience that never slept He be
lieved In the right as a ruling prin
ciple among nations In statesman
ship and in politics no less than In
business and social life He recog
nized tho necessity and usefulness of
political purl lea hut as moans to an
end not as the end In themselves
Hence In his administration
ns president the llrst consideration
was Ids country the Kopubllcun party
was a consideration but It was be
cause ho believed Its policies most
helpful to the country In the distri
bution of patronage for Instance the
llrst the essential thing was Illness
Without this qualification tin ap
pointment was knowingly made
Legitimate party service while not
lightly esteemed was secondary As
to federal Judges of whom he ap
pointed nearly 50 he was wont to
any that they wore no mans patron
age that they would continue In tint
service of the country longer than
presidents or senators He bowed to
the limitations of the constitution
nnd the laws binding alike upon pres
ident and citizen He respected tho
bounds of the throe great departments
of the government and neither sought
undue Influence In congress and tho
Judiciary nor suffered such undue In
fluence to be exercised by them Iu the
executive department
lCrenl In Harrisons Career
HeiiJamln Harrison was born In
18IK1 rendered signal service In
civil war rising to brevet rank of
brigadier general able lawyer and
constitutionalist United States sena
tor 1881 1887 president of United
States 188i l8it attorney for Vone
iiola before boundary commission
member of Presbyterian committee
on revision of creed one of American
representatives on International arbi
tration board provided for by peace
conference at The Hague author of
This Country of Ours
Donate Kr Million to Holler Fuml fur
niout From Active llmlncx
Pittsburg March M Two commu
nications from Andrew Carnegie
which are officially mnde public tell
of the steel kings retirement from ac
tive business life and of his donation
of 5000000 for the endowment of a
fund for superannuated and disabled
employes of the Carnegie company
This benefaction Is by far the largest
of the many created by Mr Carnegie
nnd Is probably without a counterpart
anywhere hi the world This fund
will Iu nowise Interfere with the con
tinuance of the savings fund estab
lished by tho company 15 years ago
for the benefit of Its employes In this
fund nearly 2000000 of the em
ployes savings are on deposit upon
which the company by contract pays
0 per cent and loans money to the
workmen to build their own homes
ISxploile Whllo Hauling Coiil Train aud
Three Men Are Killed
Trenton X 1 March 1 1 The holl
er of engine Xo iKCt on the Lehigh
Valley railroad exploded yesterday
morning while the engine was pulling
a coul train near Mud Unit and tlireo
men were killed They are
The engine was blown Into tho Le
high river and the men Instantly killed
The train was not affected and ran for
some distance without the engine It
Is not known what caused the boiler
to explode as It was a comparatively
new one
Leavenworth auil Western Train Hitched
by a llrnkeii Kail Near Sohller Kan
Leavenworth Kan March 14
Leavenworth nnd Western passenger
train Xo 2 was ditched near Soldier
05 miles west of here yesterday and
11 passengers injured The most sort
ously Injured Is Leo Chadwlck super
intendent of bridges and buildings
Tho express car caught tire from nu
overturned stove and the train crew
were compelled to cut Into the car to
rescue Express Messenger Henry
Wheelberg after which tho tire was
extinguished The wreck was caused
by a defective rail
Preparing fur Hour Surrender
Loudon March 11 We understand
that there bus been au active Inter
change of telegrams between the home
covernmcut and the Cape authorities
and Lord Kitchener says the Dally
Chronicle concerning the negotia
tions with General Botha and also
that immeuK quantities of fowl stuffs
are reaching Pretoria by way of Del
agoa bay on which t feed the Hoers
when the final surreuder Is made
To Fight Iu HvrlUerlaud
Paris March 1 1 The movements
tf MM Buffet and Deroulede ns well
as those of their seconds Indicate that
the duel will be fought at Lausuuuo
Havaua Not Uuraty
Ilnvnnn March 14 Tho letter writ
ten by General Gomez to a friend in
San Domingo In which the general
said the Piatt amendment gave mat
ters In Cuba a serious asnect is nor
causing any uneasiness here and re
ceives little cotameut
-- v
m is no
Chains Its Victim to an Iron
Kail at Corsicana
Murderer Admit lullt niul the Mnb
llatii tn DelYnt Interference by
of the Victim Simile
III Iacn With a Knife
Corsicana Tex March 11 lohn
Henderson the negro who brutally
outraged and murdered Mrs Conway
Younger was burned at the stake by
a mob In tho court house yard shortly
before noon yesterday In the presence
of 4000 persons Henderson was ar
rested several days ago and placed Iu
Jail at Waco Later the negro was
spirited away to lllllsboro The offi
cers fearing mob violence quietly ar
ranged to take the prisoner to Fori
Worth At Itasca a dozen citizens
from Corslciina entered the car where
the officers and their prisoner were
sealed and nt tho point of revolvers
took the negro and In a short time
were on their way overland to Corsi
Henderson reached here early in the
morning nnd when lie learned that ho
was to be executed by a mob made
n full confession He told how Mrs
Younger had bravely resisted the as
sault and how In his frenzy he had
butchered her before the eyes of her
little girl In the meantime runners
wore sent to all parts of Xavarro coun
ty to notify the people that Hender
son hail been brought to the scene of
his crime and that he would bo exe
cuted during the day Thousands of
people poured Into the city nnd at
100 oclock the streets were swarm
ing It was given out that the negro
would be burned alive at 2 p in but
a rumor became ourernt that a sher
iffs posse was being organized to res
cue the prisoner ami tho mob changed
their plans and announced that the
execution would take place Immediate
ly A railroad rail was sunk In the
ground in the middle of the court
house yard and the shivering wretch
lienvliy chained was brought forward
followed by a clamorous crowd of 4
000 people The negro was securely
chnlued to tho Iron stake and heaps of
wood were piled about him Then
quantities of kerosene were poured
on his clothing
Just as the torches were being np
plied Conway Younger the husband
of the victim jumped at Henderson
and attempted to cut his throat with
n large knife but only slashed the
negros face Hendersons struggles
wore terrible but his screams were
drowned by the yells of the frenzied
mob After ton minutes in the roar
ing flames Hendersons head dropped
forward his struggles ceased and lie
was to nil appearances dead When
the frightful tragedy was over Lee
French n white man whoso wife was
assaulted and murdered near Corsi
cana by Andrew Xorrls n negro now
In jail at Dallas for safekeeping
climbed n tree and addressed the ns
sombleil thousands asking them to
help lilm to get tho murderer and burn
him The crowd yelled in response
that they would do It In n few min
utes however tho crowd dispersed
nnd Corslcann was quiet
Judge II G Roberts acting coroner
held an Inquest over the remains of
Henderson and gave the following ver
dict I llnd that the deceased came
to his just death at the hands of the
Incensed nnd outraged feelings of tho
best people of the United States tho
citizens of Xavarro and adjoining
counties The evidence ns well ns
the confession of guilt by the deceased
shows that his punishment was fully
merited and commendable
Held for Murder of Mrs Hudson
Leavenworth Kan March 14
After a three days trial In the cir
cuit court a Jury found Andy WII
burn Sam Thornburg Joe Turner and
John Wilson who were implicated In
the raid on the Millwood saloon last
month guilty of the murder of Mrs
Hudson in tho first decree as
chifged Pall was set at 10000 for
Wllbum and Tumor 0000 for Wil
son and 1000 for Thornburg Their
cas s will be tried at the April term
of the district court
rtlclird Itattln With Burglars
Fnrmlngton Mich March It Four
hundred men and Coys had a pitched
battle yesterday In which over 1000
shots were exchanged with three
burglars who were hiding in a patch
of woods three miles west of the vil
lage After a desperate resistance
the men surrendered AH three were
badly wounded They gave their
names as George Smith John Taylor
and Jim Williamson and their resi
dence nt Port Huron
Bandits Attack Arinjr Iaymaster
Manila March 14 Paymaster Ma
jor Pickett with 75000 In gold and
nu escort of ten mounted men from
company D of the Sixteenth regular
Infantry was attacked by a party of
30 bandits on the road between Bay
ombong nnd Echague In tho province
of Nuevii VIscaya A hard tight en
sued aud the robbers were routed
Tho fundi were saved Corporal
Hooker was killed and a private was
Purchase of Largo llluckt of Burlington to
lis Followed by Kepreseutatluu
New York March 14 Tho Mall and
Express says It Is learned from
on authoritative source that tho largo
blocks of Chicago Hurllngton and
Qulucy stock which have been bought
In tho open market tho last four
weeks causing a jump of ten points
In tho price were taken for the Union
Pacific and within a short time this
will ho followed by the election of
Revernl Union Paelilc men to the board
of directors of lie Hurllngton
The closer relations which will fol
low iMtween tiie Union Paclllc and
Hurllngton are only loss Important
than the purchase of the Southern Pa
cific by the Union Pacific The Hur
llngton was the company which was
most to be feared by tho Union Pa
clllc In transcontinental territory the
latter reaching out Into Wyoming and
Colorado and threatening to build au
Independent Hue of its own to the Pa
clllc coast
Such a road would necessarily par
allel the Union Pacific to a great de
gree ami there Is reason to believe
that the Hurllngton people were lend
ing aid to some of the recently Incor
porated companies notably that pro
moted by Senator William A Clark
from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles
The Union Pacifics purchases are
snld to be between 100000 nnd 150000
shares and the holdings are to be In
creased when It can be done at conces
sions In price
ltallrnud Brought to a StanHtlll lrelglit
and Passenger Trnlim Snowed
In Completely
Grand Rapids Mich March 14
Itaglng along the entire coast of Lake
Michigan north of Grand Itaplds and
reaching out over the Saginaw valley
Is one of the most disastrous storms
In years Reports of railways show
that all lines are blocked and not a
train on tho Grand Itaplds and In
diana or the Pero Murquette north and
northeast of here Is able to move So
far the winds have becij southeasterly
but railroad men fear that It is turn
ing northwesterly and the worst Is to
come Grand Itaplds and Indiana
passenger trains are stalled between
here and Mackinaw City Two Pore
Marquette passenger trains nre fast
In the snow and are rapidly being
snowed iu completely and there are
freight trains out on both lines which
nre banked in with walls of snow and
frozen slush
The strength of the blizzard may
be understood when It Is known that
the windows of the coaches and the
cabs of the engines were in sonic In
stances broken In
Tho train men iu reporting from the
north say that their situation is peril
ous nnd ask for immedinte aid They
say the snow is falling in clouds and
that they are unable to assist them
llattltiHhlp SIiom a Speed or 153 Knot
Under Natural Draft
Montgomery March 14 Hear Ad
miral Evans Commodore Uoolker and
Naval Constructor Capps who went
10 lensacola us official bonrd for
final Inspection of the battleship Ala
bama passed through Montgomery on
their return to Washington Tues
day tho Alabama went to sea for tlnal
trial trip Two rounds were flred
from the batteries to test the mounts
and the entire battery was tired one
shot from each gun at extreme eleva
tion and one from extreme depression
with full charges of smokeless powder
to test tho mounts aud fastenings
The vessel was run two hours at full
speed with natural draft and the in
dicators showed n speed of 152 knots
per hour The board spoke in the
highest terms of the Alabama nnd said
the trial was entirely satisfactory In
every respect
Design on Select Friend
Fort Scott Kan March 14 The
charge was mnde in a meeting of the
local Select Friends lodge here by
John H Crlder who lias just retired
as grand master of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen of Kansas that
tho supreme officers of tho Select
Friends lodgewhlch was Tuesday de
clared Insolvent have some pecuniary
Interest in merging the lodge Into
the American Crusaders of Kansas
City In support of his claim he pro
duced n list of tiie supreme officers
of the Crusaders and showed that It
contained tho names of nearly all the
supremo officers of the Select Friends
Some of tho positions are salaried
Action was deferred
Wont Storm or the Seaiou
Milwaukee March 14 Keports
from many points in eastern Wiscon
sin indlcato that the worst blizzard
of the season is prevailing Gienwood
reports all trains from six to eight
hours late Xew Richmond reports
n foot of snow Marinette sends a
similar report Cumberland reports
that tho blizzard In northeastern
Wisconsin Is the worst in years
Garnd Rapids reports all roads
blocked Menominee reports six
Inches of snow and the worst storm of
the season
More than 20000 llocauos took the
oath of allegiance to tho United
Stntes last week
Tho Democratic city convention nt
Denver nominated Mrs Eliza M An
derson for city clerk
The bill prohibiting the coloring of
oleomargarine passed the Michigan
house Wednesday and now goes to the
governor for signature
The entire business portion of the
public square at Sparta Tenn was
swept by fire Wednesday entailing a
loss of 50000 with 20000 insurauce
A bill wns Introduced In the Arkan
sas legislature Wednesday to regu
late tho liquor traffic which is an ex
act copy of the South Carolina dis
pensary law
The pool championship of the world
went to Frnnk Sherman of Washing
ton who defeated Grant H Eby of
Pittsburg Wednesday In the closing
match of the Hostou tournameut by
a score of 150 to 115
No Variation In Monotony of
Nebraska Deadlock
riftjr riiiir Participate llut Alt Kffiirt to
Nominate Are Ilitllp Sennto llrpeal
Act CrrntltiK a It nil way CoiiiinlMlou
Ulng KUwnrd Acknowledges Sympathy
Lincoln March 14 With but eight
more days of the legislative session
remaining the Nebraska senatorial
deadlock seems as far from settlement
as when lie balloting began two
mouths ago The Republican caucus
Inst night took four more ballots
without significant change ami with
barely enough present to nominate un
der the present rules The fourth
ballot resulted Thompson 17 Melk
lejohn 2t ltosewater li Curiie 14
Hlnshaw 8 Crotinso fi Harlan 4
Suggestions for a now caucus under
different rules have been made by
members of the Republican national
committee but the legislators have
not yet seen tit to adopt them It Is
thought the present caucus will hold
together at least to the end of the
present week
Xo chnnges of moment were dis
closed Wednesday on joint ballot for
senator Totals
Allen -in Hltclirncll 31
Horse U
Crounse fl Mint In 2
Carrie Ill Melklpjnhn 31
nietrliil 1 Kimoirnlvr 15
HnrrliiKtoii Timnp on I K 3
Hiuiuu 2 Thompson W II T
Hlnsliaw 2t Wetlicreld 2
Kept alt Act Creul hi ltullnay Commlinlnii
The senate Wednesday passed the
bill repealing the law of 1SS5 creating
tho state board of transportation It
will be pushed iu the house and as
there Is practically no opposition it
Is expected to become a law The
legislature Is simply following up n
decision of tho supreme court ren
dered four mouths ago declaring the
law under which the state had been
working 10 years unconstitutional
With the tlnal enactment of the pend
ing bill the statute books of Nebraska
will be cleared of nil laws looking to
the control of railroads
An acknowledgment of the house
resolution on the death of Queen Vic
toria was read In open session yes
terday It was signed bv
tlowue minister of foreign affairs
The report of the committee ap
pointed to Investigate tho source or
suspicious bills was adopted and on
motion of Lane n vote of confidence
wns extended to Representative Tan
ner a member involved iu the Inves
Increasing- of Smelt Injr Companys Capital
Itestrlcted Until Trial Comes Ott
Trenton X J March 14 The court
of errors yesterday heard argument
iu the case of William M Donald
against te American Smelting nnd
Refining company Donald Is trying
to prevent tho company from Increas
ing its stock to 100000000 and ac
quiring the plant of Guggenhelms by
paying for it in stock of the consoli
dated company After the argument
the court went into conference and
decided to continue the stay This
will prevent the carrying out of the
proposed purchase until the court of
errors lias finally disposed of the mat
ter The case is expected to come
up in the court of errors Immediately
after the argument In the ante spring
election case which has been set tor
Monday It is not expected that the
American Smelting case will be
reached before Tuesdav
Iaud Sain at Topeka
Topeka March 13 The government
began here yesterday a public sale of
the remaining lands of the Chippewa
and Munsee Indians situated in
Franklin eountj The reservation
consists of about 1300 acres lying iu
tiie Marias Des Cygne valley and Is
very fertile For the mirnose of this
sale the government divided the land
into tracts of 40 acres about 33 In
all and put on them a low valuation
The bidding was spirited The lands
were appraised by tho government at
from 3 to 750 an acre but 30 aud
35 are the top bids
Masons Meet In Omaha
Omaha March 14 Delegations of
Masons from several Nebraska towns
arrived in tills city yesterday nnd
swelled the crowds of visitors who are
attending the tenth annual reunion
of the Scottish Rite Masons of Ne
braska Semper Fidelis chapter Rose
Croix No 1 conferred the 15th nnd
ICth degrees upon a class of 25 Tho
reunion will close with a grand ban
quet iu Masoulc temple Friday even
Now Goes to Governor
Jefferson City March 14 The bill
appropriating 1000000 for tho Louis
laim Purchase worlds fair nt Kr
Louis with senate amendments incor
porating an emergency clause making
the money available at once nnssmi
the house yesterday Tho bill now
goes 10 tue goveruor for his signa
1MU Not Want Agulualdo
Indianapolis March 14 Frank W
Vnllle who has just returned from
the Philippines where he was direct
or general of posts In speaking of
Philippine nffnlrs here yesterday said
General Otis had told him he did not
wont to capture Agulnaldo It is
better for him to be In the bush Mr
Valllo quotes General Otis as saying
than for him to bo lu the hands of
the American army posing as a
Burclars Set Fire to Toirn
Dublin Tex March 14 The bust-
ness part of the town of Lingovlle
was destroyed by fire at I a m Rurg
lnrs blew the safes of R P Campbell
Wansley Bros nnd J B Stokes ob
taining 1500 In ensh It is believed
the burglars set fire to tho town The
only house left In the business portion
Is the postofllce Loss 30000
Aruilttlca Declared In South Africa Tend
ing a Conference With the Hoer
New York March 11 A special dls
patch from Pretoria to the Journal
Bays Pending the arrival of Gen
eral Dewet a general armistice has
been declared General llothn hns1
been In conference with General Kitch
ener nnd Sir Alfred Mllner for several
days nnd nil desire to consult Dewot
Dewet Is hurrying north through tho
Orange River Colony Ho passed
Mrandfort last night On his arrival
n conference will be held nenr here
There Is joy todny cntiscd by the liopn
that the Inst gun bus been fired iu
the Boer wnr
Hook Island Kxtouslon
Chicago Mutch 14 The Record
says Within the next year the Roclc
Island company will build many exten
sions Arrangements have been mnde
for the construction of a branch lino
from Chickasaw to Pauls Valley O
T nu extension of the Guthrie Center
branch from Guthrie Center to Car
roll la nn extension of the Indlanola
branch from Indlanola Ia to Line
ville on the Missouri state line a dis
tance of 55 miles It is probable that
later on the Guthrie Center branch
will be extended to Sioux City or to v
some other point lu South Dakota
The contemplated Improvements wilt
cost about 2000000
Throe Toi lsli In Brooklyn Fire
New York March 14 A fire In a
dwelling house on Atlantic avenue
Brooklyn tills morning resulted in tho
loss of throe lives Mrs George
Mackin jumped from n three story
window and was killed and tho bodies
of Mrs Mary Burns and an uniden
tified child wMo found in the ruins
Aroused Public Opinion tho Great Need
In United Status Toduy
New York March 11 President
Iludley of Yale university whose pre
diction made in the Old South church
in Boston last Sunday that there will
be an emperor in Wnshingtou in 25
years unless a public sentiment ena
ble of controlling the trusts Is aroused
is quoted iu a special to the World
from Boston as saying
The comments of the papers evi
dently have been based ou a misrep
resentation of tho facts They seem
to have assumed that I spoke on trusts
whereas my address was not ou trusts
but on public conscience uiy roferenco
to trusts being Incidental aud of the
most causal character
I do not mean that tho trusts will
create an emperor What I said was
that nn aroused public opinion is the
only thing that can control the trusts
and without that public opinion we
shall have nn emperor
The possibility of nn emperor sit
ting in Washington was mentioned
not as a probable contingency but
as an absolutely inadmissible one
nought by the Hurllngton
Davenport March 12 The Daven
port Rock Island and Northwestern
road owned by John W Gates anil
some of his business associates lias
been sold to the Burlington system
for a price said to be about 4000000
The road Is a small one extending
from Moline Ills by way of Roclc
Island and a large bridge across the
Mississippi river to Davenport and
Clinton Iu It covers a distance of
40 miles
Smallpox Closes Joints
Weir City Kan Murch 12 All the
Joluts of this place have been closed
by order of the mayor on account of
the smallpox epidemic They must
remain closed until April 1 The
Bchools were closed early In December
nnd last week an order was issued
closing all the churches lodges and
other public gatherings Indefinitely
The temperance people say the JoiutH
must stay closed even after April 1
Mrs Allen on Trial
Burlington Kan March 12 The
trial of Mrs America Allen charged
with the murder of her husband John
II Allen at Ottumwa Kau April
11 1000 begun here yesterday Mrs
Allen is charged jointly with Jinx
Harris who confessed to the crime
flnd Implicated Mrs Allen Harris
will probably plead lusnnlty The
trlnl of Mrs Allen will last two weeks
and 200 witnesses will be examined
Order oi select friends JnsolTenl
Topeka March 13
The annual re
port of the Order of Select Frlenda
shows that tho order Is deficient 15
000 In tho payment of its obligations
and W V Church stato superintend
ent of Insurance has refused to renew
its license to do business In Kansas
This amounts to a suspension
W P Cody Buffalo BUI has been
appointed judge advocate general of
Wyoming with tho rank of colonel
Mrs url 1 Gillette who
was one of
the first white
women who came to the
Black Hills died at irr m Y
l B3
Aldermau James A Cherry of Den-
lJ fmS Ulatamy kllletl Wednesday
by falling from the sixth floor of the
Arapahoe building to the ground
All the old directors
wero re elected
Wednesday nt the nuuual meeting of
the stockholders of the Kansas City
Fort Sentr nml rii
ii 1 M UHIUI ruuroau ami
its two branches