The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 15, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Great Britain Alarmed Over
Trade Conditions
President of Chambers n Commrrrr Indi
cates Change of PolicyAnxious to let
Into Clilnno MarketsSeeks Ileparatlon
J InTrade ItathcrThan Money Indemnity
London Mnrch 13 Presiding at the
annual meeting of the Associated
Chambers of Commerce of tlic United
Kingdom which ocned In London yes
terday Lord Avclhnrj foreshadowed
changes In the British tnrlff nutl urged
Ihe necessity of being prepared to pro
mote the Interests of British com
merce on the termination of the pres
ent treaties Alterations he added
were already being considered In the
treaties with Germany Austria and
He was greatly Interested In the out
come of the tariff war which had sud
denly broken out between the United
Suites and Russia Naturally he said
America regarded as a marked bounty
the Russian system of aiding the ex
portation of the surplus beet sugar
The whole dispute Illustrated the com
plicated questions which arose when
It was attempted to apply protection
generally As far as Great Britain
was concerned It would enter Into ne
gotiations not wishing to hamper or
curtail Its commerce with its neigh-
bors but rather to promote It being
convinced that commerce beneflts both
buyers and sellers
On motion of Mr Walton M r tie
meeting pnssed a resolution to the ef
fect that reparation for recent events
in China should be sought in Increased
facilities for trade rather than in
money Indemnities
Brit Ih Government Modifies Uncondition
al Surrender Policy
London March 13 The Daily News
makes the following important state
ment We understand that the gov
ernment Las greatly modified the un
conditional surrender policy We be
lieve Lord Kitchener has been author
ized to offer amnesty to both the
Boers and the Boer leaders except
where treachery has been clearly
proved Cape rebels only aro to be
punished by disfranchisement Loans
are to be granted to the Boers for re
building and restocking their farms
and finally the government will offer
to establish some kind of civil govern
ment as soon as all the commandoes
have surrendered Its form will prob
ably be that of a crown colony but
v with nn important concession which Sir
Alfred M liner advises namely a coun
cil including Boers of position like
General Bothn General Lucas Meyer
nnd Mr Schalkburger
No News Concerning Negotiations
London March 13 There is no fur
ther news regarding the peace nego
tiations at Pretoria except a report
that General Botha Is waiting for the
return of General Dewet to the north
before giving n decision
Ajcording to the Bloemfonteln corre
spondent of the Times there are as
many as eight separate guerrilla com
mandoes in Orange River Colony and
two villages have been declared seats
of governments by the rebels
Progress must remain arrested
pays the correspondent until the 27
columns now In the colony or General
Bothas action in the Transvaal clears
up the military situation
It was rumored on the Stock ex
change yesterday that the government
would Issue a war loan of 50000000
In consols
Flans for Iluflet Deroulede Duel
Paris Mnrch 13 The seconds of
Andre Buffet In his dispute with Paul
Deroulede De Cassagnnc and De
Ramel and the seconds of M Derou
lede Barres and Devllllers met in
Paris yesterday and deliberated over
the proposed duel after which the fol
lowing statement was Issued Barres
and Devllllers agreed that M Buffet
1s the offended party Weapon chosen
Is the pistol Two bullets will be ex
changed at the word of command nt
25 paces The place day and hour
will be fixed later
Danger of Flood Over
Philadelphia March 13 Reports re
ceived yesterday from towns along the
Susquehanna and Schuylkill rivers
state that nil danger of a flood has
pnssed At York Lancaster Harris
burg Reading Bethlehem Allentown
and Eastoii the water Is falling rap
idly At Wrightsville on the Sus
quehanna river the water Is rising
slowly but no lee gorges have formed
on the river
Bam Dewet Located
London March 13 A dispatch from
General Kitchener dated Pretoria
March 12 says General Dewet Is
north of Brantefort Orange River
colony Continuous rnlns have In
terfered with the movements of the
troops in Cape Colony Two bands
of Boers are being hunted among the
hills by troops under Gorringe De
Lisle Grenfell and Hennlker
HUughterlng Itotuined at Sioux City
Sioux City Mnrch 13 The Sioux
City Provision company which has
secured control of the International
plant here began buying hogs yester
day taking closfe to 1000 Slaughtering
waB resumed today Resumption
means much for Sioux City market
Clears Country of Ilocrs
Bloemfonteln Mnrch 13 Colonel
Pilchers column liaB cleared the
country of Boera between this place
uud the Orange river The column
has arrived here bringing 33 prison
ers und 3000 horses
Alleged Cudaliy Kllimicr Hopes to Trove
an Alibi
Omaha March 13 lames Callahan
will endeavor to prove that he spent
the day of Dec Ill In the saloon of
Henry Arff at MOO Center street
This much was disclosed at the ar
raignment of the Cudaliy kidnaping
prisoner before Judge Baker in the
crlinlnnl court yesterday It Is an
Important disclosure because It Indi
cates that the establishment of an
alibi for Callahnu Is going to be n
difficult undertaking for his lawyers
As the Arff saloon and the Melrose
Hill prison house where Callahan Is
supposed to have guarded Eddie Cud
aliy on Dec II are not more than ten
or twelve blocks apart the county at
torney will undoubtedly show to the
Jury that It would have been possible
for Callahan to have been In each
place portions of the day The trial
Is set for March 20
Two Killed One fatally and UIrIU Ser
iously Injured While Slut plug
111 a Caboose
Chicago Murch 13 Two stock men
were killed and eight others injured
In a rear end collision early yesterday
between a time freight ami stock tralu
on the Chicago and Northwestern
road at Arlington Heights a suburb
of this city The dead
OTTO SCHMIDT Ill lull in- UK
UUS lllOCK Johnson Creek Wis
Charles Stoller lanesvllle Wis was
probably fatally Injured
The caboose of the stock train con
tained 1 1 stockmen and most of them
were asleep when the train stopped at
Arlington Heights to take on two cars
of stock Suddenly the time freight
from St Paul crashed Into the stock
train caboose and plowed through Into
the next car ahead Instantly the
wreck took fire The crash aroused
the village and the volunteer lire de
partment responded to the rescue and
extinguished the flames and assisted
in taking out the dead and injured
The caboose and three cars were
burned and a number of head of stock j
killed The doors of the other cars
containing stock were In the mean
time opened and the frightened anl
nials allowed to run nt large A re
lief train was started from Chicago
as soon as the wreck was reported
According to an official statement
given out nt the Chicago and North
western railway compnny offices the
accident was due to gross careless
ness on part of the crew of the freight
train who it is claimed must have
run by at least two danger signals
Committee Will Protest to VarloiiH Govern
ments Against Conduct of England
Paris March 13 The International
Federation union for the Independence
of the Boers with delegates from
most of the European countries has
held meetings in Paris for the past
three days The American delegate
is Mr Mntten It was resolved yes
terday to address n protest to the
various governments against the con
duct of Great Britain In violating
The Hague convention
The union also issued a manifesto
eulogizing the valorous struggle of the
Boers who are fighting in the cause
of liberty It was decided to form
an International federation of the pro
Boer committee
Hold Another Caucus
Lincoln Mnrch 13 Fifty one Re
publican members of the legislature
held another caucus on the senator
ships last night under the old rules
simultaneous nominations I0 to nom
inate Three ballots were taken with
out result but showing gains for Rose
water and Currle and a loss for Melkle
John The third ballot resulted
Thompson 20 Meiklejohn 13 Rose
water 1S HInshaw 10 Crounse 5
Kinkaid 1 Currle 15 Martin 3 Har
lun 2
Cashier Johnson Still Mlsslnr T
Nlles Mich March 13 C A John
son cashier of the First National
bank is still missing Director Stev
ens has returned from Chicago but
could not find Johnson and President
Lacey admits that the directors do not
know Johnsons whereabouts The
statement that Johnson is short 100
000 was repeated to President Lncej
and he would not deny It
Extend Into Colorado
McCook March 13 High north
westerly winds have prevailed all day
over southwestern Nebraska nnd enst
ern Colorado accompanied by rain
ud snow in Nebraska causing more or
less du in a go to telegraph wires and
small buildings The storm has about
abated uow Trains aro not seriously
Negro Taken From Train
Itnsku Tex March 13 The negro
John Henderson who Is charged with
the murder of Mrs Younger near
Corsicana was taken off a north
bound train here last night by ejgnt or
ten men who covered the officers wltl
Lord Pnuncefote the British am
bassador at Washington has been ap
pointed a member of the privy council
The Archer Starch companys fac
tory at Kankakee Ills burned Tues
day involving a loss of 325000
Louis Ruel an employe was budly
Gaylord Blessing Co one of the
oldest brokerage firms In St Louis
has filed a deed of assignment The
liabilities are admitted to exceed the
assets by 50000
Orders wero Issued at the navy de
partment Tuesday detaching Rear Ad
miral W S Schley from command of
the South Atlantic station and order
lug him home for further orders j
tfrAtfWEWfcKrfrssrasfrsjbitiiTO i IglJBHS
11 IT I II
Briton and Russian Clash Over
Construction of Railway
llrltlsh Chief or MT Issues ttcflaut Or
der KiimIiiii Oeni rl Itegrels That He
Has Too lw Troop to Plglit With and
Appeal to Ciars Minister
London March 13 Friction has
arisen at Tien TV In between the Brit
ish and the Russians over a piece of
land alleged to belong to the railway
company and to have been In posses
sion of the company for some years
According to dispatches from Tleu
Tslu the Russians assert that this laud
Is pari of their new concessions and
therefore Rui slnn property
Mr Kinder inanager of the railway
began to make a siding but was
stopped by the Russian auttiorltles
He appealed to Colonel McDonald
who referred the matter to General
Barrow British chief of staff In Pe
king who replied Carry on the sid
ing with armed force If necessnry
Guards were put on the line bv the
British and the work continued Gen
eral Wagasak the Russian commander
protested and said the thing would
not have been done If the Russians
had had as many troops as the Brit
ish adding that such matters should
be left to diplomacy
Colonel McDonald again communi
cated with General Barrow who tele
graphed Continue the siding
General Wagasak very indignant ap
pealed to the Russian minister at Pe
king M De Giors
Ilst of Twenty six Chinese OHIcluls Will
He Presented for Trial
Peking March 13 A general meet
ing of the foreign ministers was held
yesterday at which the reports of the j
committees heard Regarding
more punishment of the Chinese con
ncctcd there Is strenuous opposition
against demanding many more heads
but n list containing the names of Oil
minor officials will shortly be presented
to Prince Ching and LI Hung Chang
urging that they be tried for com-
pllcity in the outrages nnd punished
when found guilty in such manner
as the Chinese themselves see fit ex
cept In the case of six men who the
ministers think should be executed
The report of the committee on the
general principles on which indemnity
claims should be considered was
adopted Those claims which are
palpably unjust will be disallowed
China Appcnls to IJnclo Pain
Washington March 13 There Is
reason to believe that China has ap
pealed to the United States in her ex
tremity but whether the appeal Is
broader and is to other nations as well
Is not learned at present Nothing has
been heard from Russin since the ver
bal communication made by Count
Cnssini last week setting forth the
rectitude of Russias objects In Chlnn
generally and in Manchuria in partic
ular Minister Wu has been almost
a dally caller at the state department
nnd it is evident thnt the Chinese are
impressed with the belief that the
crisis Is reached and that the destiny
of Manchuria depends upon the Im
mediate action of the powers
China IlcCuses to Sign
London March 13 The Peking cor
respondent of the Times wiring yes
terdny snys It is believed that the
Chinese court has decided not to au
thorize the signature of the Man
churian convention until it is seen how
far the powers will support Chinn In a
refusal to sign So far as the assur
ances of Count Lamsdorf Russian for
eign minister are concerned nothing
of this kind will have any decisive
weight until Russin renounces her
policy of secret negotiations with
Chinn nnd discloses the terms of the
secret engagements she has undoubt
edly Imposed upon China In recent
General Strike Threatened
St Joseph March 13 A general
strike Is threatened of several thou
sand garment makers employed nt the
furnishing goods factories A meet
ing was held last night by 500 girls
employed at the J S Brittain Dry
Goods companys factory who struck
Monday nnd they decided to stnnd
firm on their demand for a restoration
of wages to a scale in vogue before
the factory went into the hands of n
new manager n few weks ago Sup
port has bee promised by all the labor
unions of the city
Foreign Consuls Iarolvrd
Washington March 13 No further
information has been received at the
war department concerning the organ
ization in Manila which includes sev
eral foreign consuls nnd which has
been engaged in supplying the Jnsur
genU with munitions of war foe
organization practically Is broken up
but It Is satd at the department that
some of the persons engaged will be
punished so as to give others to under
stand that such conspiracies are not to
be permitted by the United States au
DIuiuiore Taken Hack to Kearney
Kearney Neb March IS Sheriff
Funk returned yesterday from Lincoln
witli Frank L DJusmore who has been
kept at the state penitentiary Dins
more was glwd to get backt in fact
Iarretl Not fluilty
Fremont Neb March l Aftcr be
ing out only an hour and three-quarters
the Jury in the case of William
Darrell charged with the murder of
Herman Zahn brought in a verdict
of not guilty
sT -T rYTr W i i TtiiSiriSi
St 1 mis Worlds Iulr Irrpnilng In Kn
Bilge In Attunl Wink of Const riirllon
St Louis March 13 The first step
toward Incorporating the Louisiana
Purchase Exposition company has
been taken by William II Thompson
chairman of the finance committer
formally Issuing a call for 10 per cent
on all stock subscribed for the worlds
fair The payments are to commence
Monday at the National Rank of Com
merce Immediately upon the collec
tion of the 10 per cent assessment the
papers of Incorporation which are In
complete readiness will be tiled with
the secretary of state at Jefferson City
A meeting of stockholders will then
be called directors will be elected and
the permanent organization will be
effected by the selection of a president
secretary treasurer and director gen
oral The selection of a site and actual
building of the worlds fair will com
mence at once
Judge Instructs Jury to Urine In Verdict
of Not tliiiltyllnrrls llcruses to
TeslUy Against Her
Burlington Kan March 13 Mis
Allen on trial here charged with In
stigating the murder last April of her
husband John II Allen a wealthy
Uttumwa merchant was acquitted yes
terday The trial came to an abrupt
ending when Mm Harris who had con
fessed that he shot Allen and asserted
that Mrs Allen planned the murder
refused to testify against Mrs Allen
After trying In vain to get Harris to
testify the county attorney gave up
the ease declaring the state could do
nothing without his evidence Judgo
Graves then Instructed the jury to
bring In a verdict of not guilty which
was done promptly Mrs Allen cried
when the verdict was rendered Al
lens body was exhumed yesterday at
the request of the prosecution Tho
trial of Harris has been tnken up
Lnurtx to Puss 11 er Governors Veto Do
Not Succeed
Lincoln March 13 No material
changes were recorded in Tuesdays
ballot for United States senator
but numerous absentees cut the
columns of the leaders short Crockett
tried to Inject an editorial from a fu
sion paper Into the record as a ques
tion of personal privilege but was
ruled out of order
An effort was made in the house
Tuesday to pass Armstrongs bill to
appropriate 7i000 for a new build
ing for the Peru normal school over
the governors veto but it failed by
a vote of -11 to 40 00 votes being re
In committee of the whole the house
recommended the passage of Repre
sentative Ollis bill to provide maxi
mum rates for the transportation of
live stock to and between points in
Nebraska As amended tho bill pro
vides for a reduction of all live stock
rates to 10 per cent below the rates
in force Dec 1 1S09 nnd prohibits any
Increase In the rates for transporta
tion of miscellaneous commodities that
were In force at the same time
The senate Tuesday succeeded In
mnking big inroads on the general file
a dozen bills being disposed of The
bill repealing the act creating a rail
way commission nnd nnother appro
priating -1000 with which to buy med
als for certain members of the First
Second and Third Nebraska regiments
were postponed
After four days of debate which at
many times reached the point wherein
personalities were freely Indulged in
the normnl school bill was defeated
Tuesday by a vote of 17 to 13 Sena
tors Berlet nnd Martin being paired
on the vote
Man Charged With Manilla Kipress Rob
bery Who llrnke Jail Is Itun Down
Manilla la March 13 John Stovnll
under Indictment for the Manilla ex
press robbery who escaped from the
Denlson jail Saturday was recaptured
six miles south of Manilla by Sheriff
Bell and two constables He was
found nt the house of his uncle Mr
Pointer The capture was the result
of three days work on the port of the
sheriff and numerous searching par
ties Stovnll is now at Manilla In tho
custody of the sheriff nnd will bo
brought bnck to Denlson today
It Is snld that there Is reason to be
lieve confederates have already taken
the stolen money from its hiding
plnco and thnt there are others be
sides those now under Indictment in
the affair
Captain Gulllck Itecelves Ills Surrender
With Large Ilody of Insurgents
Manila Mnrch lit Captain Gulllck
of the Forty seventh volunteer Infan
try has received tho surrender of the
Insurgent Major Pulny with 40 offl
cers nnd 240 men nt the town of Bu
bat In Albay province southern
Lieutenant Watson of the Forty
fifth volunteer Infantry while scout
ing near the hamlet of Undo In Ca
marines province southern Luzon
killed five Insurgents nnd destroyed
15 of the enemys thatched barracks
Cooker In llrewery Kxplodes
Pittsburg March 13 Two men were
killed Jn a building wrecked by the
explosion of the cooker ut McKees
port brewery Tho dead are Will
lam Clnklo night watchman Mat
thew Marr brewer The causo of
tho explosion is not known The
building was a largo brick structure
and was almost completely wrecked
The roof of the residence of William
Spencer adjoining wns blown off but
the occupants who were still In bed
were not Injured The loss Is esti
mated at 100000
England Utterly Refuses to Ac
cept Senate Proviso
Xlrltlsh tlnteriiiiifiil In Its lleply llrg cls
Inability to Artept Amend d liny
Pauncefote TreatyNo further Negotia
tions tlkely In the Iiiituediiite Ill I lire
Washington March 11 The long ex
pected answer from the Itrltlsh gov
ernment to the state departments
communication reciting the action of
tho senate upon the Hay Paiiticofotc
treaty was returned yesterday Loid
Pnuncefote came to the stale depart
ment at noon by appointment He
brought Ihe answer with him ami read
It to Secretary Hay It was In the
form of Instruction from Lord Lnns
downe the British minister of foreign
nffalrs to Lord Pauncefote and of
this Instruction he left n copy with
Secretary Hay The secretary and
Ihe ambassador were closeted for half
nu hour At the conclusion of the
conference It was stated that the In-
1 Ktruetlon to Lord Pauncefote was to
notify the government of the United
States that the British government did
not see Its way clear to the accept
nuce of the senate amendment The
j amendments were treated In detail
nt some length In argumentative fash
ion the purpose of the British govern
ment being to show that It had sound
reasons for declining to accept them
After disposing of the details the
note concluded with nn expression of
regret that such a course was forced
upon the British government There
was nothing In the nature of the counter-proposition
nor was any opening
left for further action by the British
government It was stated that If
there Is to be further attempt to
amend the Clayton Bulwcr trenty so
as to nuthorle the United States to
construct a waterway across the
Isthmus then It Is for the United
States to make the overture the Brit
ish government simply drops the mat
ter at this point
No opportunity offered yesterday for
the conference between the president
and Secretary Hay respecting the Brit
ish answer therefore It cannot yet be
stated what action If any will be
taken by our government It Is stated
Hint there is no hurry even in the
event thnt it shall be decided to In
vite Great Britain to Join in fresh ne
gotiations as to an isthmian canal con
gress not being in session to consider
n trenty If one should be framed The
belief seems to be warranted that there
will be no further negotiations on lie
nubject In the immediate future unless
pome event not now foreseen by the
ofllcluls causes a radical change in lie
Minister to China Announces His De
parture Prom Pi hlng
Washington March 12 A Peking
cablegram at the state department an
nounces the departure of Minister Con
ger en route to the United States
His tiO days leave of absence will be
gin when he reports at San Francisco
Mr Congers message Is as follows
Il kluK Murch 11 I Iciiw Peking loiluy
for Aincrlcu HijuIitb Is left in
Thus It appears clearly that Mr
Rockhlll is not in any sense a succes
sor to Mr Conger as United States
minister at Peking at this time but
simply a special commissioner lim
ited in his functions to the negotia
tions with the Chinese government
nnd the other ministers for a settle
ment of the trouble growing out of
the Boxer uprising
Cubans Discuss Piatt Amendment
Ilavnnii March V2 TIip committer
on foreign relations of the Cuban con-
etltutlounl convention informally dis
cussed the Piatt amendment yester
day No decisive policy was outlined
nnd the committee will probably not
report until after a conference with the
other delegates There is no unanim
ity In the convention as to what ac
tion should be taken regarding the
amendment Even tho extreme radi
cals seem to hesitate to take a vigorous
attitude Everybody is hopeful that
Bomethlng may happen to bring about
a solution
Presidents Western Trip
Washington March 12 The presi
dent will stnrt for California accord
ing to the present program on April
80 He will proceed up the c ast prob
ably as far as Washington and will
return through the northern Rocky
mountain states One plan which has
been suggested Is for the presidential
pnrty to tnke a steamer at Duluth nnd
make the lake trip to Buffalo In order
tx visit the Pan American exposition
Missouri Town rire Swept
uainsvllle Mo Mnrch 12 A Arc
which caused a loss of f0000 oc
curred here yesterday One side of a
whole square wns destroyed Those
who suffered the greatest losses are
J M Moss k Co M P Oxford Son
and O B Neal The property de-
etroyeu was fully Insured
Working on Insular Decision
Washington March 12 The su
premo court did not announce its de
cision in tho Porto Rlcan cases yes
terday Only three opinions were de
livered nil of minor Importance which
Is taken to mean that the Justices nre
devoting their time lnrgely to the In
sular decision
Texas Coutlrts Koai
Waco Tex March 12 Lnto last
night a convict whose term is 20 years
for murder gave the alarm on the
Hunter convict farm and when the
guards entered the prison they found
that 32 of the 00 convicts were gone
Wheat nnd Corn Mhtiti n Dririiiin Com
linreil Willi Inst Viur
Washington March 12 The March
report of the statistician of the de
pal tmcnl of agriculture shown tho
imotiut of wheat reinaliiltig In farm
ers hands on March I to have been
about 12S1KMH0 bushels or 215 per
cent of last years crop as compared
with irSMlK0 bushels or 20 per
cent of the crop of ISM on hand
March I 1000
The com In farmers hands Is esti
mated at 770200000 bushels or 300
per cent of last years crop against
770701100 bushels or 372 per cent of
the crop of 8i on hand March 1
Or oats there are reported to ho
nbout 2H2MHMMI0 bushel or 52 per
cent of Inst years crop si III In farm
ers hands as compared with 200000
000 bushel or 3ri per cent of the
crop of IW it on hand March 1 1000
Tlslls Piishlouiihlo Toieli lull Willi Two
of Her Polio Hers nnd Tries lo Do
Homo Smashing
Topclcn March 13 -Mrs Nation vis
ited the Topckn club a fashionable
mens organization here last night and
created consternation among the mem
bers before she was summarily
ejected Mrs Nation was accom
panied by two of her followers Mrs
Frost nnd Mrs White Six of the
members of the club were sealed In ono
of the upper rooms of the clubhouse
enjoying a social game of whist They
had a couple bottles of wine and some
beer on the gaming tabic and were
having a real social time when one or
the members looked up and saw three
women in the room
Mrs Nation he cried In agitation
and the game arrived at a sudden
Yes Im Carrie Nation said tha
redoubtable saloon smasher as she
made a lunge forward at some of the
bottles on the table
After some heroic efforts on the part
of the men Mrs Nation and her fol
lowers were ejected
lliirlliiLluu Hnltl to Hutu lli eu Leased to
the treat Northern
Chicago March 13 There Is a per
sistent rumor in railroad circles to tho
effect that the Burlington had been
leased to the Great Northern and had
thereby become part of 1 1 Hills
transcontinental line Tho
says While Information about
the story could not be obtniued evi
dence was not lacking to Indicate thnt
time is more than a grain of truth in
the mutter President Harris of tho
Burlington stated that he had no in
formation regarding it and that such a
deal might easily be consummated by
the financial Interests of the road with
out his knowing It The lease which
the Harrlman Hlll people are said to
have secured or are about to secure
Is supposed to be based upon u 7 per
cent guarantee for the stock
IlreuiiiK Company TliinUrupt
Milwaukee March 13 Tlio Milwau
kee Brewing company went into bank
ruptcy yesterday on an involuntary
petition signed by three creditors of
the company ami an admission of
bankruptcy signed by William Gutk
iiecht its president The books of
the company on March 1 showed debts
of 10ri000 The assets are said to
equal that amount nnd the company
will It Is claimed pay its debts in
Jessie Morrison Committed to Jail
Fldorado Kan March 13 Jesslo
Morrison whose trial last fall for tho
Murder of Mrs Olln Castle resulted
In no verdict was committed to jail
yesterday In default of 5000 bnll to
await a second trial The case wns
set for trial in the June term SInco
she has been at liberty Miss Morrison
has been clerklig in a store in a nenr
by town
Wolters Is Homo Again
Schuyler Neb March 12 Ernest J
Wolters who was taken to Omaha
Thursday by United States Marshal
Penrsall under suspicion of having
sent letters to Senator Keurns and
wife of Salt Lake City is back in
Schuyler having been released under
2000 bond to uwait preliminary hear
ing Ju May
Countess von Kchlleber Acquitted
Berlin Murch 11 The trial of
CouUess vou Scbllebor accused of
having set Are to her own villa In or
der to obtain the lnsurnnce money
which began Frldny In Berlin ended
In u verdict of acquittal The Countess
was Immediately liberated
IluOYt Deroulcdt Duel
Paris Murch 11 The
duel will probably be fought with
pistols M Buffet Is suffering from
an Injury to one of his feet the result
of an accident It Is announced that
the four seconds of the principals will
leave for Italy today
Tragedy at Pine Illdg e
Gordon Neb March 13 Bill Dey
a full blood Sioux Indian on the Pino
Ridge reservation entered tho house oC
Lewis Cottier a half breed and shot
him twice killing him instantly Dey
Plague Serious In Cupe Town
Cape Town Murch 13 Twelve fresh
cases of bubonic plague Including
three Europeans were ofllclally re
ported yesterday Another death or
the disease u white person has oc
Ayrd Wumau Pound Murdered
Guthrie O T March 12 Mrs Mary
A Thomas aged S3 was found dead
in her room yesterday She had been
dead about two days Her head anil
face were horribly mutilated It is
tujipotcd she was murdered