The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 15, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The Norfolk Heuus
W N UUSIfi lMibHnhnr
KMnMUliod 17
lCr ilny nxropJ HomMr Hy rutrlnr por
yttmV 11 cctilK Jly mnll ior 5 rnr jil00
Newt wlnhlUliml 1VI
Tim Journal MlnlillMiii
Etery Friday lly nihil per ear IM
Enteral nt the PoMolllce nt Norfolk Nob ai
com clflM matter
SVIkiiIioww Killlorlnl llciinttiiiMit N11 Mi
Hut Inoti Olllra nml Jon Room No CZ
Oom lnnl should romoto t J1b country
if for no other roason than to rMnbllsh
tho whereabouts of IiIh whilom frlunel
Wobstor Davis
Admiral OeorRO Dowoy hns drawn
4fi70 in prize inoitoy found to bo duo
liim no n result of liin Manila battlo on
that niomorablo Int of May almost throo
years ago It pays to bo n horo In moro
ways than ono Tho admiral has not
only acquired honor and a handHomo
wifo but a considerable quantity of
filtylncro as a losult of IiIh brush
with tho Spaniards There 1h Rome ap
prehension felt that the prlzo money
may follow that Iioubo and lot and be
come tho property of Mrs Dewey
Tho reason for tho rapid advance in
tho valno of farm proporty is not far to
wok whon tho uplcudltl prices that pro
ducts of tho soil coinnuuul is considered
Not in mauy years haH thoro been such
a demand for laud from purchasers and
renters as thoro is thin spring Pros
perity provails among tho farmers nnd
thoro aro few olty pooplo who do not
ouvy thorn tlioir iudopondont oxisteuco
undhoalthy out-of-door life On the
other hand many agriculturalists aro im
proving tho opportunity to disposo of
their laud and move to tho towns and
cities whoro they may some day learn
to regret their action
A bill which recently passed tho Utnh
bouse of representatives provides that
no prosecution for adultery shnll bo
ooiumouood except on complaint of tho
husband or wife or rolativo of tho ac
cused or tho person with whom tho un
lawful aot is alleged to have been com
mitted or of the father or mothor of
paid persons Tho polygamists aro evi
dently planning their afTuirs so that no
outside iuterforouco with their practices
is possible and if thoso immediately con
cerned do not object thoro will bo no
limit to tho number of a mans wives or
cunoubiuos Should tho bill become a
law tuero will undoubtedly bo a grand
rush for Utnh by a largo number of per
sous whose tendencies in this direction
are not tolorated in auy other state
Andrew Carnegie may havo evidenced
octopus proclivities in his chase after
-wealth but his charitable instinct and
desire to havo other people benefit by
what ho has accumulated is certainly
nbovo criticism Ho has recently givou
f50COO00 the incomo of which is to go
toward tho comfort and enjoyment of
tho laboring pooplo in his employ and if
all is not required by them ethers of tho
same class are to benefit Thoro is no
question but that Mr Carnegies charit
nblo record is in strong contrast to that
of other wealthy men of tho couutry
nud ho is tho most uiiiquoly liboral of
jiny If tho couutry woro blessed with
moro Andrew Oaruegles and fowor
Willio Wnldorf Astors tho cause for
complaint among the poorer classes
would bogreatly lessened May Carne
gie live long and prosper 1
Kx 1rcshleiit Harrison
Tho announcement of tho death of
General Harrison tho twenty third
president of the United States is re
ceived with regret by the people of tho
country whom lift has fnithtully served
in many public capacities during his
eventfnl career lie loved tho people
bnthis efforts were not directed to
ward receiving vulgar popular approval
He had a keon sense of duty and his
public life was devoted toward tho high
aim to which this duty prompted him
regardless of the consequences to his
popularity His is n name that vill
grace tho pages of his countrys history
and is destined to grow brighter ns the
years roll on He was a republican but
not so much of a partizan but that ho
could criticize when he deemed that
there was cause for criticism and hiB
views were respected even by those
whom he opposed
His publio life began in 1800 when
lie became the supreme court reporter of
Indiana He enlisted as second lieuten
ant at the opening of the war of the
rebellion and became brigadier general
in 1805 his promotions being for meri
torious conduct solely After the closo
-of the war he again served ns supreme
court repot ter and in 1670 was defeated
for governor of the Hoosier state He
served in the United States seuato from
1881 to 1887 and was elected presldeut
in 1888 He was defeated for the same
positi in by Grover Cleveland in 1892 and
has since served his country in various
appointive capacities
He was not on old man lacking sev
eral months of being 08 years of ago
The family left to mourn consists of a
wife a son and a daughter The sou is
Colonel Russell Harrison and the
daughter Mrs MoKeo neither of whom
were at the bedside when the end came
Perhaps no stronger tribute has been
paid to the memory of the deceased
jtateemuu than that of Grover
land now tho only living ox prcsldcnt
and twice the opponent of tho general
In tho race for tho highest ofllco in tho
gift of tho American people Mr
Cleveland said
I am exceedingly moved hy tho sad
intelligence of Mr Harrisons dentil for
notwithstanding the Into discouraging
reports of his condition 1 hoped his life
might bo spared Not one of our coun
trymen should for a momont fall to
realize tho services which have been per
formed in their behalf by the distin
guished dead In high public olllco ho
was guided by patriotism and devotion
to duty of ton at tho sacrifice of tempor
ary Kpuliirity and in prlvato station
his influence and example were always
in tho direction of decency and good
citizenship Such a career nnd tho in
cidents related to it should leave a doep
and useful impression upon every section
of our national life
11 Wienclt has been laid up for sev
eral days with tho grip
Chas Werner and M L Thomson
drove to Norfolk Sunday
Aron Collins of Klgin was visiting
horo this week with relatives
P F Zimmerman Co woro baling
hay for Commissioner J J Hughes this
Miss Nelliu Craig is tho choico of tho
pooplo to go to tho declamatory contest
at Norfolk
L F Morz wont to BoBcnbol Wis
Saturday to attend tho funeral of his
agod father
M Ij Thomson wont to Tildon Mon
day to look after his business interests
at that placo
Fred Williams of A lcester S D ar
rived horo Tuesday for extended viBit
with friouds
Geo F Volk of Nicolet Minn is
viBlting horo with his sister Mrs Win
Volk nud family
Frit Moritz and son of Klgin passed
through hero Friday on routo to Stan
ton for a family festival
G E Halo who is working in tho
interest of tho Deoring Harvester Co
at Clearwater visited his family hero
Deputy Itovcnuo Collector Carl T
Seoly was hero Tuesday oti official duty
and wo understand ho collected 150 for
Undo Sam
Herman Wohlfeil and Carl Schlien
started for Kitzvillo Wash Monday to
visit Honry Blolnn who went there
about six months ngo
Frod Nouwork had his eighth child
christened at tho Lutheran ohnrch Sun
day and tho neighbors had a festival at
his homo in tho afternoon
Monday Owon ONeill shipped ono
carload of cattlo Jj B Baker 0110 of
hogs Too Uufphey one of hogs and
Wm Volk n carload of cattlo
Col S K Warrick our old bank
cashier arrived hero Tuesday from
Brokon Bow to wind up somo old affairs
in which ho was tho chief pusher
Wm ltoowert of Tanosvillo Wis
arrived horo last Thursday for nn ex
tended visit with his brother Albert
who lives in Kmerick precinct and
other relatives
And ho cuuio back Peter Zimmer
inau our representative Ho has not
boen homo for two weeks But wo
cant hardly spare him horo beennso ho
is village clerk also
Tohu Oldag ono of your subscribers
said to yoursoribe Sunday that although
he was a democrat he would not be
without the Norfolk Weekly News-
Jojknal because it is tho best paper ho
keeps at home
llKlit Albert Nuitluln
The Daily Soiitiuol of Grand Junction
Col under dato of Friday March 8
announces the wedding of Gerald G
Light and a youug lady of that town
Tho groom is well known in Norfolk
having mado this his home from early
boyhood until ho went to Grand June
tiou Ho is the sou of Joseph A Light
and commenced learning the sugar busi
ness in tho factory at this placo Nor
folk friends will unite in extending con
gratulations and best wishes for their
future welfare The Sentinel contains
this account of tho ceremony
At tho home of the bridos mother
last night on Rood street betwoen Third
and Fourth Miss Nellie Albert was
united in marriage to Mr G G Light
The young lady is well known
among a largo circle of friends nnd ac
quaintances having lived the greater
part of her life in this city nnd is re
snooted nnd admired by all who know
The groom is a well knowH employe
of the Grand Junction Sugar Manu
facturing company and came to this
city at the timo of the opening of the
industrial institution
The bride and the groom are receiv
ing the congratulations of many friends
Tho ceremony was performed by Rev
O E B Ward pastor of the First Pros
byteriau church before the relatives and
a few friends
All Competition UUtttnred
Tho fuet trams of the Union Pacilio
reach San Francisco fifteen houru ahead
of all competitors If you are in no
hurry take a slow train by oue of the de
tour routes but if you waut to get there
without suireriug any of the inconven
iences of winter travel take the only
direct route the Uuion Pacific De
I tailed information famished on
- --
nil 11
Shows Increased Strength In
Republican Caucus
Hit ltnllnt T11k11 Without KintlH
UbntiKin In Int Mention Mure Niiinrr
nun Than of Ijiti iilblnn rimluuUl
to llt lp Out lt itlblUiili
Lincoln Neb March 15 Six bal
lots were taken without result In the
Republican senatorial caucus lust
night Significant changes were made
In the vote the most Important gain
being that or Kdwnrd Hosewuter who
on the firth ballot ran up to The
final ballot resulted Thompson 17
Kosowiitcr 21 Melklejohn i Hln
show 8 Oirrlo 7 Iliiiiuu 4 Crounse
i Martin 1 Klukaid 1
Several changes were recorded In
ycHtenhiyN Joint ballot for United
States senator principal among them
that of Wiiistl who went to Martin
and Klnkead leaving Thompson nud
Currle Itosowntcr gained Stelnnieyer
from Melklejohn while the latter
got back llroderlek from Currle and
Swiiiihoii from Crounse Owens also
left Crounse for Currle Calkins fit
slonlst with n long explanation offer
ing to coiiio to the rescue of the He
publicans voted for Allen fuslonlst
and former lames W Dawes Repub
lican the latter coming from the
same county as Calkins Totals
Allen 50 Hitchcock 1 1 AV II
Thompson -10 i Currle 15
Melklejohn TJ IIIuhIiiiw HI Martin
4 Itosewnter 10 D K Thompson
US scattering 7
R II Schneider national commit
teeman for Nebraska Issued a state
ment denying the charge thnt he was
withholding a communication sent by
the national committee
The senate adopted n resolution or
dering the flag over the chamber
placed at half ninst until after the
funeral of enernl llnrrison Resolu
tions eulogistic of tho dead ex-president
were unanimously adopted
Interntnto Commerce Hearlnc
Kansas City March 15 An inter
state commerce commission hearing
to Inquire into alleged secret rate
cutting on packing house products
from Kansas City Is to be held In
this city on March 11 Subpoenaes
were served today on twenty repre
sentatives of local railroads nnd pack
ing houses commanding them to ap
pear before tho commission in the
United States court room on that day
to testify then and there as a wit
ness la the matter of nn inquiry nnd
investigation into tho transportation
of dressed meats and packing house
products by common carriers subject
to the act to regulate commerce
Two Sulclilt ii III 1orto Itlciin Regiment
San Juan 1 R March 15 Two
members of the Porto Rlcan regiment
Iteltran and Arroyo committed sui
cide yesterday Iteltran had been rep
rimanded by nn olllcer for untidiness
and ordered to do kitchen duty He
went to quarters nnd blew off the top
of his head with his rllle While the
body of Iteltrnn was being buried
Arroyo who was a close friend to Bel
trim shot himself in the same fashion
There have been seven suicides in tle
native regiment In the last six
May Cull Iowa Icgiiilutitrc
Des Moines March 15 When Gov
ernor Shaw returns today he will con
sider the proposition of calling an ex
tra session of the legislature to pro
vide for the necessities of the state
university and agricultural college
It will be Impossible to take care of
the university in any other way for
the erection of a large building for
the medical department Is necessary
nnd funds will not be nvnllnble until
nn appropriation is made
Sherman A Yule Is Dciul
Des Moines March 14 Sherman
A Yule a resident of Des Moines
died In Manila March 4 and infor
mation to that effect was received by
his friends here Mr Yule was act
ing assistant surgeon In the volunteer
army When he lived here he was
cashier of the Iowa Savings and
Loan company and a popular young
mnn Ho had studied medicine in
Des Moines nnd was gradunted from
a medical college In Omaha
Itrown U to Do Candidate
Des Moines March 15 Announce
ment Is made with authority of the
candidacy of Edward Brown of Shel
don for railroad commissioner and of
Senator E 5 Penrose of Tama for
lieutenant governor Brown will op
pose the nomination of Welcome
Mowry nnd Is his only opponent
Penrose lives in the same county ns
To Have drain Exposition
Aberdeen S D March 15 At the
annual meeting of the Interstate Pal
nee association it was unanimously
decided to hold an exposition In the
fall of 1001 It was decided to Issue
2000 additional stock and pluce it on
the market for sale
Confectioners Sleet In Ilurllncton
Burlington la March 15 The Mid
land Confectioners club comprising
Iowa Illinois Missouri Nebraska
And Kansas held a special meeting
here yesterday to discuss the best
methods of making candy Several
addresses were made
I Mrs Itiebnrtlton Indicted
1 St Joseph March 11 Mrs Richard
son has been indicted by tho grand
Jury for the murder of her husband
Prank Richardson the wealthy mer
chant ut Savannah last Christmas
- J U
r v a
Clilrnejr Irnln nml 1rovMtin
rhlenun Mnn ti 14 A riroflt ronllzlfiff
movement on cIiihiko toilny erTei teil n
iltprexKloii In both prnln nnr iiroWslmi
prcwillltiK niriilnst bullish roinlltlons wlilcli
were the ennsp of cmiNlilcrnbte ttrctiKlh
rnrlv Wheat rlooeil fcc lower corn nml
ontcH rnch n Mimle down nml pinvlnloim
VjiTj to 1Oc iliprrMed CIohIiib prices
When Mnrch 717 MJc Mny 7r3
7rHo July 7Ip
Corn -March tlfC Mny iVtc July
OatH Mnrch
Pork Mnrch
July JH7II
Kept 77J
2IUp Mny 2c
Jirlfi Mny 1Bn24
70T Mny 7Ciri7U74
740 Mny J740 Pept
Cnsh quotntlnnf No 2 rrrt whent 7A
f77e No I red uhrnt 714ft75ii No
fl uprlni whent ftHi74c No 2 hnnl
whent 71ifti71c No a hnrd whent 0014
m2r No 2 cntdi corn tlic No a ennh
corn lliJe No 2 mill nntK 2Vc No 2
wlille onlM Ha Mc No 3 white outK
Chicago Ilvo Stock
rhlcneo Mnich II Cnttli Ilccelpt
7r0O Includllic 20 TeinriH Mecrx Mcmly
to strotic butchers xtocl nctlve MroiiKer
TexnriH fhmle higher good to prime
steers J4IHI1iO00 poor to medlnin jaOViJ
lMI NtnrkeTN nnd feeder slow to simile
lower r27MilWI rows J2ITii74i heif
ers 270M7O cnimeiH J2OOfi2C0 bnlK
wenk to 10e tower 2iOT42 enlves
4rilijlK Tcxnn fed uteers 40WO0
Texnn Brum steers iiV4HI Texus
bulls 2rnVl7 IlnKM lteeelpts todiiy
22000 tomorrow 20000 etlinnted left
over riOOU opened Tic blpher cIonIiik
wenk op 080 mixed nnd butchers
iiiOfofiN k to choice henvy T2yfJ
r77j rntiiMi henvy frifiOifi CO lljtlit
l7MiTi0 bulk or sales i10firi70
Sheep lleeelpts HOOO sheep stroiiR to 10c
hlchcr Intnbs ficfilOo hlt licr yenrlltiRs
up to 1 Kit In choice wethers 140
il ISO fnlr to choice inled KKJl4r0
western sheep 44011 1MI vi nrllnc 47o
OfilO native hinilm 47Vit40 western
KniiM City Live Stock
TCnnsns City Mnrch II Cuttle Kr
celpts 4200 natives 1000 Texnns 400
rnlvos llfht Teuns VtilOo higher nn
live steers and cows teniy stockers
nnd feeders- wenk to 10c lower native
beef steers UiOTifil stoekers nnd feed
ers lKi I7 western fed steers 42il
rir IVxiuih nnd Indlnn XSH480
cows heifers 2ri47r din
ners 2r8iiK hulls t00 l2 enlves
400170 00 IloKS Itecelpts 0i00 fiff
7j higher top ia7Mi bulk of snles
ri5flC2i henvy fnOftftuT mixed
packers ipifiritri light rrKKirri
pigs 470firi0 Sheep lteeelpts t000
nctlve nnd stoutly western Inmbs O0R
525 western wethers 42i l70 western
yearllncs 4rOf 00 tiwes 3753425
culls 27rfi0r
South Ontnlia Live Stock
South Omiihu March 14 Cattle Ue
eclpts 1500 active strong native beef
fcteers 400Ii5IO western steers 3703
450 Texas steers i00Ql7ri cows nnd
heifers 32i425 eanners 2KXJ300
fitockers and feeders J25i2 175 enlves
30051700 bulls stngs etc 275B400
Hogs Itecelpts 4 COO 10c higher closing
ensy henvy 5551500 mixed 552ldS
555 light 55011555 pigs 4750540
bulk of sales 55V557i Sheep He
velpts 4KX sternly yearlings 4405
IPO wethers 4201l4C0 ewes 300
110 common nnd stock sheep 370Q
100 lambs 10c lower 425fifil0
100 Kevnrd100
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
ablo to euro in all its stages and that is
catarrh Hulls Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity Catarrh being n
constitutional disease requires a con
stitutional treatment Halls Catarrh
Cure is taken internally acting directly
upon the blood and mucous snrfaces of
tho syfctem thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease and giving
the patient strength by building np the
constitution and assisting nnture in
doing its work The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers
that they off ono hundred dollnrs for any
case thnt it fails to cure Bend for list
of testimonials
Address P J Cheney Co To
ledo O
Sold by druggist 75c
Halls Family Pills are the best
lun Ainerican Kxponltlon
Nothing since the Worlds Fair at
Chicago in 1893 has elicited the wide
spread interest that is manifest all over
the world in tho Pan American exposi
tion which is to be held in Buffalo
from May 1 to November 1 1901
The purpose of the exposition is to
illustrate the progress of the countries
of tho western hemisphere during a cen
tury of wonderful achievements and to
bring together into closer relationship
the people composing the many states
territories and countries of the three
Americas Acting under proper author
ity the president of the United States
has invited all the republics and col
onies of the American hemisphere to
join in commemorating the close of the
nineteenth and the beginning of the
twentieth century by holding this inter
national exposition on the Niagara
Por this important event the Niokel
Plate road has issued an attractive
descriptive folder pamphlet elaborately
illustrating the Pan American exposi
tion the buildings and the gronnds
The Nukol Plate road is the short line
between Chicago and Buffalo and af
fords competent train service from Chi
cago to Buff alo Now York City Bos
ton and all points east with trains of
modern equipment on which no extra
fares aro charged also dining car serv
ice of the highest order It affords
meals in its diniug cars on the individ
ual club plan ranging in price from 85
cents to f 1
Call on any ticket agent for Pau
American folder of the Nickel Plate
road or oddrees John Y Calahan gen
eral agent 111 Adams streetChicago
Parties desiring hotel or rooming ac
commodations at Buffalo on Niagara
Palls during any period of the Pan
American exposition are invited to
apply uy letter or otherwise to P J
Moore general agent 291 Main St
Buffalo N Y
The Union Pocitio has authorized one-
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Uny nnd nell exchange on this country nnd nil parts of Knropo Farm Loans
tlrtctor CAiu Abhis W II Johnson Oias S liar doe 0 W Ubaasch
Hwanh 0 A Luiraht T K Mkmminoes L Bessions
0 M
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care f
Onr goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South Bide Main St between 2d and ad Telephone 41
way excursion rates to California of
25 00 from Kansas nnd Nebraska points
Also to points in Utah Idaho Montana
Oregon and Washington ns follows
Ogdon and Salt Lalco City Utah 2300
Butto and Helena Mont 2JO0 Port
laud Ore 2500 Spokane Wah
2r00 Taoonm and Seattle Wash
25 00 Tickets will bo sold March 12
19 20 and April 2 9 10 23 30 1901
StierlfVK Sale
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a venditioni exponas issued by Chr
Schavland clerk of tho of tbo district
court of Madison county Nebraska
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in
the district court of Madison county
Nebraska on the ninth day of April
1900 in favor of T C Cannon as plaintiff
and against John E Olnoy Charlotte
E Olnoy Charles E Olney et al aB
defendants for the sum of two thousand
thirty one dollars and 40 cents
203140 with interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per cent per annnm from
April 91900 and costs taxed at two hun
dred and eighty two dollars and seventy
threo cents 28273 nnd accruing costs
I will offer the following described
real estate heretofore appraised under
and by virtue of an order of sale to wit
Lots fifteen 15 and sixteen 10 in
block six G of the town of Norfolk
Nebraska for sale to the highest bidder
for cash in hand on the 10th day of April
1901 at the hour of 1 oclock p m of
said day in front of the east door of
the court house in Madison Nebraska
that being tho building wherein the
last term of court was held when and
where due attendance will be given by
tho undersigned
Dated this 8th day of March 1901
Geo W Losey
Sheriff of said County
Notice or City Election
Notice is hereby given to the qualified
electors of the city of Norfolk Nebraska
that the annual election of Enid city
will be held in the different wards on
Tuesday the 2nd day of April 1901
for tho purpose of electing one mayor
one clerk one treasurer one city engi
neer one police judge one councilman
from the Pirst wnrd ono councilman
frem the Second wnrd one councilman
from the Third ward for tho two years
term one councilman from the Third
wnrd for a one year term one council
man from the Fourth ward
The polling places in the different
wards shall be as follows
First word at city hall
Second ward at Anton Bucholz resi
Third ward at Third ward hese honso
Fourth ward at Junction hoso house
Polls shall remain open at each of the
said polling places from 9 oclock in the
forenoon to 7 oclock in the evening of
said day
Dated Norfolk Neb March 7 1901
Attest W M Robertson
S R McFauland Mayor
City Clerk
Notice of School Election
Notice iE hereby given that at the an
nual election to be held in Norfolk Ne
braska on Tnf sday the 2nd day of
April 1901 there will be two persons
chosen as members of the board of edu
cation of tho school district of the city
of Norfolk Nebraska at which election
the polling places in the various wards
will be the same as for the city elec
First ward at oity hall
Second ward at Anton Bucholz resi
Third ward at Third ward hose house
Fourth ward nt Junction boso house
All resident voters of the district out
side the various city wards shall vote at
he city hall polling place
Polls shall remain open at each of eaid
pollintr places from 9 oclock in the fore
noon until 7 oclock in the evening of
said day
Dated Norfolk Nebraska March 7
Attest W M Robeutpov
S R McFarland Mayor
City Clerk
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Brwuch Avenue J
ld Third St
Attorneys nt Law
Rc s Parker
Mast Block
J P Dnrnei
M D Tyler
- Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician nnd7Snrgeon
Ofllco Citizens Nntionnl Dank Building
Tolephooo 101
Sanitarium and Rosidwico Main and 13th St
Telephone 9
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Ofllco over Citizens National Dank Reeldonet
one block north of Congregational church
Office over Leonards Drug Store
Norfolk - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Cp Etaire in Cotton block over Banme store
First claES work guaranteed
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 10 11 and 12 Mastblock
Norfolk - Nebraska
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
Undertakers and Einlmlnierg
Sessions Blk Norfolk Ave3
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
TnLErnoNE No 447
Rooms on North Ninth Street
James Richards M D
and Expert Refrao
Examinationof tho ero
free to patients and customers Office 1404
Farnam St Omaha oppotite Paxton Hotel
NO 33
For riambing Steam Fiitiog Pomps Tanks
Wind Mills
And all work in this line call on
Firet door South of The Daily Newb Offieo
kt r
North Western
F IB V H H is the best to and
from the
forth Nebraska
x 1
a 4