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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1901)
te K PUBLICLY WHIPPED Mrfi Ifnolinrlnn IVro a W lilp trr tlm Shoulder of Her ltulmnil mi tho Mtri ln lromTurnli Dally An exciting scone wns witnessed on the strcoi last evening nlxmt fi oclock when llannnh Woolvcrton enmo up to hor husband John P Woolvorton and coiumonrod to ply n horsewhip nbout his shoulders The- couplo nro not now living togothor Mrs Woolvcrton residing hero nnd her husbnnd living on n ranch nine milcB Routh of Stanton Yesterday ho cntne ti Norfolk nnd ac cording to hor story met her on tho street and nbused hor by applying several choice ns well an vilo nnincs to her After this mooting sho went and purchasod n fiO cent horsewhip Then sho started out to find him again WJioh sho did at tho corner of Fourth and Main streets whou sho opened pro ceodlmts by using tho whip across IiIh shoulders Ho dually succeeded in dis arming her of tho whip breaking it into pieces which ho throw upon tho ground Sho then picked up n couplo of brick bnts that wore hanily and lot them fly at him ono of them striking him n pretty sovero blow in tho chest Not yot satisfied sho picked up tho butt end of tho horsewhip from tho ground aud commeucod to jab him with that tearing hiB car considerably nt ono Wow Ho appeared to act on tho do fonsivo all tho tlmo aud repeatedly told her to lot him alone Both were or rested on tho chargo of disturbing tho peace and in the polico court both pleaded guilty although those who saw tho troublo think that ho might havo escaped a fiuo if he had fought tho caso but when ho pleaded guilty thoro was nothing for tho jndgo to do but to lino Mm It scorns tho couple havo been marriod about 11 vo years aud have ono child which is with hor Some timo ago sho left him aud camo to Norfolk an ac count of which was published at tho time It is stated that ho has com menced divorco proceedings agaiiiBt her nnd that tho trial will take place at tho lorm of court in Stanton next week A Very ii fill Article Other Pooplos Money with Hen xessy Loroylo as its leading mirthpro voker is a very useful article to havo and it will bo presonted here soon This comedy tho work of Edward Owings Towue has more genuine wit and laughtor creating situations than any production now being presented to the American pnblic Tho preBB has jnng its praises nntil there is scarce a household in tho land where its famo iB unknown Honnessy Leroylo than -whom there is liomoro capable comedian in tho country has reason to fcol proud of his brilliant reception on this tour Since his opening night in Other Peoples Money his rocoption has been a continuous overture due to honest earnest artistic work Mr Leroylo bus his ideal though by no menus can he bo called an idealist For his inspira tian ho has looked to nnture aoknowl edging no arbitrary standard established by others Other Peoples Money has a modern plot deals with living people in tho active world of financial social Echom ng It is devoid of the farce comedy element yet is constructed to produce Jnghter from curtain rise to curtain fall What the School for Scandal and The Rivals were to the olden time so is this latter day comedy to dramatio productions of the present To tho theatre goer grown tired of tho low standard only too often adopted by -managers as a make shift or desire to emphasize there is a treat in store for those witnessing Mr Leroyles unap proachable work WEDNESDAY WRINKLES C E Jones of Columbus is in the city W M Gilmore was over from Emer ick yesterday J Ragner was in the city yesterday from Plainview Irn man ucuuliom was in town over night from Edgar MrsM E Mallory of Neligh was in the city yesterday Charley Oobberse of Humphrey was in the city yesterday u Bennett or laiuview was a city visitor overnight Charley Jacobsou of Madison visited in -Norfolk over night Paul Waldno of ONeill transacted business here yesterday E R Barber of Wayne was in the Sugar City this morning L V Haskell was a Norfolk visitor yesterday from Wakefield D J Koenigstein made a business trip to Winsido yesterday Rev H Moisser of Columbus viBited friends in Norfolk yesterday Wm Sporn iB reported quite sick at his home southeast of the city G W Kudder of Meadow Grove transacted business here yesterday H C Tram an has purchased the Jen son property ou South Second street Secretary Channel of the state board of irrigation was in Norfolk yesterday on business Mr and Mrs Deuel nnd son of mzTri wn Meadow Grovo woro shopping in Nor folk yesterday Mr nnd Mrs August Karo and laughter departed yestordny morning on a trip to Hot Springs Ark Henry llnuhons vico presldent of the Omaha Urowlng association was an over night visitor In the city Tho team of 1 11 Kroogcr of Madison ran awny Mondny and ho wnB thrown out being seriously injured on tho hip aud kneo Hordmau F Ololaud of Pierce a grnduato of Gntos college at Neligh is now assistant professor of geology nt Cornell university MIbr lxrn Korkow of Fremont has ar rived In tho city and will again take tho Xsltlon of trimmer for tho season at Miss Benders millinery store Mr and Mrs O E House aro ex pected homo tho llrst of April from an oxtondod trip through tho east and Mr Kousos brother W J Rouse of Now York will follow soon after and will make his hoino with them Tho comptroller of tho currency at Washington has declared a fifth divi dend of 10 per cent in favor of tho creditors of tho First National bank of Noligh making in all GO per cent on tho claims provod amounting to 985810 Landlord Goo II Spear of tho Ox nardwho has been suffering from rheu matism for tho past two weeks will leave for Hot Springs S D this even ing whoro ho hopcB to bo benefited by tho waters of tho Springs Mrs Spear will accompany him Real estate agonts report that whilo thoro nro a number of largo houses in Norfolk vacant thoro is a considerable demand for small residences that would rontfor from 0 to fit per month and that a largo number of those houses could be routed wore they obtainable S R McFarlaud expects to leave for Lincoln next Tuesday to attend tho Btato convention of the Knights of Mac caboes which moots thoro Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of next week Ho Is tho representative from Norfolk lodgo and also holds the offico of second master of tho guards in the grand or ganization Tho fellow who registers ns Pat Crowe Omaha Btruck Norfolk ngaiu yesterday and got In his work on the Pacific register In other placeB por sons who register in this manner havo boon arrostod aud made to provo that they were not the genuine bouafide Pat but in Norfolk thoy 6eem to use the name with impunity Rov J C S Woilla loft this morning for Manltou Colorado whore ho will try to recover his health during the next fow weeks Mrs Deuel aud Miss Louise Weills left on tho Bame train for Boise City Idaho whoro Miss Loniso will make hor homo with her sister for a timo at loast It is possible that John niayjuinhis father at Mauitou a little lator Hon M E Shultz of Beatrice grand master workman of the A O U W is in the city today eurouto to Stowart llo was at Emerson last evening where a large class of new members was taken into tho order The A O U W is Bhowiug a great increase in membership more than 800 applications having been pas6od upon last month by tho grand medical examiner Mrs N J Davia has decided to give up housekeeping aud will make her home with her laughters Yesterday sho vacated the Daniels house at the oorner of Main and First streets and stored her goods until they shall be dis posed of at publio Bale Tho household goods of N Lee formerly of Lincoln who recently purchased a farm near tho city are being moved into the house vacated and it will be occupied tempo rarily as a residence by Mr Lees family Dan Craven proprietor of the steam laundry is moving the small houBe from the lot ou Third street opposite Bran sons liverj barn and it is understood that he contemplates the erection of a building to be used for laundry purposes ou the lot to be vacated His plans ore not yet fully completed however and work will not be commenced at once The house has been occupied by Minnio Apfel one of the laundry employes and will continue to be used by her as a resi dence after it has reached its new loca tion The North Nebraska declamatory con test which will be held at the Auditor ium in this oity on the evening of March S7 tne opening day of the North Ne braska Teachers association will be participated in by contestants from the High Bchools of Norfolk South Omaha Fremont Columbus Wayne Schuyler Tekamah Bloomfield Fullerton Hart ington Geuoa Arlington Randolph and Tilden oue contestant from each school There will bo three classes dramatic humorous and oratorical The general admission to the coutest will be 25 cents and the price of re served seats has been fixed at 35 ceuts The trial of ParkB ono of the young men implicated in the 6tockyords caso was commenced this morning before tho district court at Madison and the trial of other defendants will begin as soon as his is liuished Since the begining of tho session a divorce has been granted to David B Griilith from Emma Grif fith on tho grouud of desertiou The petition of Edith Heckman for tho annulment of her marriage with Frank f vi rrr TP e THE NORFOLK NEWS Fill DAY MARCH 15 1001 C lleoknian wan also granted it being shown that Heckman already had ono wifo when ho married tho second time It is expected that tho caso of tho State against Wiosnor charged with cattlo stealing at Meadow Grovo will bo ono of tho interesting suits of tho session ONolll Frontier M M Sullvan re ceived a lotter tho other day from Alaskas frozen shores that shows that hnnost men nro not nil dead yot Tho lotter contained M conts In stamps with thoso wordH of explanation To pay for n pnir of suspenders that I bought in your storo a lttlo more than ten years ago 1 did not pay for them when I got thorn aud now I want to itiiko it right Tho prico was 5 conts but I will sond yon fiO It was a rovo latinu to Mr SnlHvanofl ho did not know that tho sender owed him anything When inon about loeo faith in mankind it choers tho hoart and bmshoa awny thoso feelings of distrust and suspicion to encounter n oirctimstanco like this Tilden Citizen Much indignation wob caused throughout Tilden Wodncs by the nppearanco of Mr nnd Mrs Kollohor who brought their child to town for medical treatment This is tho case which in another column is re ferred to as having tho nppearanco of smallpox Later in tho day the ohild was seen at its homo by a Tilden physi cian In company with a Nowman Grove doctor who has boon attending smallpox patients in and noar the latter named town ThoBo medical men both posi tively pronounced tho caso to bo small pox Fortunately for tho community tho disease hns passed tho Bage when tho danger of infection is groatest but this cannot bo used as an excuse for reckless exposure Any individual who in such matters displays fiuchappalling ignorance ought to find n temporary habitation either in a lunntic asylum or tho Btato penitentiary Yesterday exemplified March weather to a degree that should bo satisfactory to every porson who wants to get his moneys worth The day opened out with tho mercury in tho neig borhood of the 50b the sun Binning warm and bright nnd a gentle broezo blowing from tho south It was a beautiful morning and kd ones thoughts to spring honsecleanlug and making gardens Townrd noon tho wind veered around to the north and abauk of clouds appeared above tho horizon After this phase of weather had been exhibited for a fow bonrs rain commenced to fall which did not contlnuo very long until it turned into snow Only half an inch of this article was furnished but it was blown furiously across tho country by tho high wind Fortunately at no time did the temperature get very cold the lowest point recorded being 31 above zero so that while the sform has been disagrceablo it will not prove dis astrous to live stock No snow has fallen today but the wind has kopt in good practice The indications are for fair and better weather tonight nnd to morrow MADISON Hermnn Barney moved to town Wed nesdny Sig Scbnvlaud and wifo were Norfolk visitors over Sunday MrB Will Kroblen was over from Nowman Grovo Monday Mrs J J Clements was down lrom Norfolk Saturday and Sunday Will Palmer of Emerick was visiting friends in town from Friday until Mon day S H Thatch of Battle Creek visited relatives and attended to business this Week Miss Mable Dickinson of Humphrey visited friends in Madison Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs Evangeline Dodge arrived Tuer day from California and will make an attended visit with relatives There are a few new cases of scarlet fever and tho family of Frank Horst is under quarantine for diphtheria Mrs Mamie Carr is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Tho Hide while Mr Carr is moving from Iowa to Pierce county this state District court convened Monday noon the jury coming Tuesday Attorneys out of the county in attendance were F M Cookingham of Humphrey H F Earnhardt of Pierce and G A Eberly of Stanton David Wallace residing with his father PeterWallace two miles south of town has the small pox The family was placed under quarantine Thursday of last week Sinoe then the doctors have been busy vaccinating people Dr Long having vaccinated 75 on Friday last On Monday David Griffith secured a divorce from Eunice B Griffith and Edith Heckman was released from the marriage ties to Frank O Heckman The case of State versus Charles Parks one of the noted stock yards cases was called Wednesday but up to G oclock no jury had been selected Washington D O Genessee Pure Food Co Lo Roy N Y Gentlemen Our family realize so much from the use of Grain 0 that I feel I must say a word to induce others to use it If people are interested in their health and tho welfare of their children they will ueo no other beverage I havo used them nil but Graiu 0 I have found superior to auy for the reason that it is solid grain Yours for health C F Myers ff Hi K Democratic Convention Names a Ticket KOENIGSTEIN FOR MAYOR Tlin Nominations Were Quickly Mmle nnd the Convention Wan Ilartnonlons Throughout Truman for Clerk Wilde for Treannrer anil Daniel forjudge From WednnHUys Dnlly The democrntio city convention Inst ovouing placed tho following ticket in tho field For uinyor D J Koenigstein For city clerk H 0 Truman For city treasurer Curl Wilde For polico judgo J L Daniel For members of the school board G A Luiknrt and W O Roland The democratic city convention was hold at tho city hall last evening pur suant to call nnd wns temporarily or ganized by tho election of 0 F W Mnrqnnrdt as chairman and Carl Wildo ns secretary A committoo on credentials was ap pointed who found the following named delegates entitled to seats in the con vention First ward Aug Brummund Fred Brummund O F W Marqnordt F Ueckerman O Liorman R Klentz W Appel P O Hirsch A Ellis H C Trnman P Duffey Geo Eblo Second ward Goo Box John Fetter E Hlrth Julius Degner A Bucholz Carl Wilde Julius Fisher M Singer Fred Lou W O Ahlman Aug Brum mund J H Conley A Degner J F Redman Third ward John Friday D J Koenigstein O O Whipps A Wilde Ed Braasch A Bear Otto Zuelow Herman Gerecko Fourth ward J O Spellman J H Brown R L Canote 1 S Burnett H H Hoyt M Shaffer Wilkinson After tho credentials committee had reported the temporary organization was mado permanent and then nomina tions were declared in order D J Koenigstein and John Friday were placed in nomination for mayor and the informal ballot resulted in Koenigstein receiving 31 and Friday 10 The informal ballot was made formal and Mr Koenigstein was declared tho unanimous nominee of the convention For city clerk H C Truman was the only one mentioned and he was nomi nated by acclamation Carl Wilde was nominated by acclam ation for city treasurer as was also J L Daniel for police judge For members of the board of educa tion G A Luikart and W C Roland were placed in nomination without op position Taken all through it was an unusually harmonious convention and means that the party will work together for the election of its ticket In this feature the democrats have set on example which can be well adopted by the re publicans at their caucuses this evening nnd convention tomorrow night if they expect Jto win over the excellent ticket placed in the field last evening THURSDAY TIDINGS Dr P H Salter was called to Creigh ton this afternoon O A Williams of Neligh was in town yesterday afternoon H H Herbison was in the city yes terday from Madison E M Richards of Columbus sojourned in the city over night Mrs G N Beels returned last evening from a visit to Hoskins Ray Hayes is confined to the house with an attack of appendicitis E A Crnm was an early morning passenger from Oreighton today Henry King was in the city from Hadar today transacting business Sheriff Losey was over from Madison this morning looking for witnesses John Wise was taken sick at school yesterday andwas obliged to go home Joseph Hoenaell of Humphrey at tended to business in the city this morn ing O L Smith of Madison came up last evening and remained over night in town Peter Barrett is enjoying a visit from his brother who is herefrom Dubuqne Iowa Miss Mattio MoNish was a passenger last evening for Tilden where she will visit a few days Chas Rice went east yesterday and will include in his visit Louisville Cin cinnati and other points F L Estabrook was home last night from a trip over the Sioux Oity line in the interest of the cold storage plant Miss Jeannette Dolen returned last evening from Randolph where she had been visiting her parents a few days Work on the Bishop block has been suspended several days owing to the dis agreeable weather that has prevailed The society of young ladies known as the M Q M has issued invitations to a party to bo given this evening in the G A R hall Martin Kauo wont to Wisuer today to be present at tho fuuernl of his cousin John Sweeney who diedln this city yostordny Ho leaves a wifo and two children John Quick has sold his residence on Sonth Fourth street to Mr Upton and in turn has purohnsod tho homo of Thos Dughor nt South Norfolk A local High school declamatory con test was held nt Battle Creek Tuesday evening Miss Nelllo Craig won first place and Miss Lola Lintecum second Tho Columbus High sohool is to hold its local oratorical contost on Mondny tho 18th to chooso n contestant for tho honors of tho district hero on the 27th G E Mooro hns just installed in his storo a hardwnro cabinet finished in oak thnt is a beauty It is designed to hold nrticlcB of shelf ware and is com modious and convenient E J Woltcrs of Schuyler who was of rested under suspicion of hnving sont blackmailing letters to Senator KoarnB of Utah has been released under n 2000 bond to await his preliminary hearing in May Fred Griffith who has been living six miles west of here Btnrts today to movo overland to ONeill He will remain there until spring fully opens and warm weather comes when he will contlnuo his journey weBt until he finds n location to his taste The funeral of Mrs Catherine Upton was held at the residence on South Eleventh street this morning conduoted by Rev Mr Fowler of Madison A large number of friends of the deceased followed the remains to Prospect Hill cemetery where they were laid to rest By Collego Topics of March 0 it is learned that Herbert Daniel now a student of the university of Virginia recently won two prize cups in a college athletic tournament one for side horse and the other for parallel bars Herbert was formerly a student of the Norfolk high school Omaha News T A Black has com menced an action against C A Reimers to recover 6000 balance alleged to be due him on a deal where a certificate of deposit on the First National bank of Neligh was given in payment for stock certificates When presented for pay ment the certificate was protested and a suit was commenced against the bank which was thrown out of court Black now wants judgment for the amount The case against Park came up for hearing before the district court nt Mad ison yesterday but a jury was not se cured until late last evening This morning tho court began taking evidence and it is expected that tho trial will be long drawn out M F Harrington of ONeill Burt Mapea of this place and Fred Free of Plainview appear for the prosecution while the defense is being conducted by W M Robertson and John R Hays Fremont Tribune Wilson Reynolds went ont to his farm yesterday and in spected his 110 acre field of wiuter wheat He brought in a sample which shows green to the height of about four inches and with roots as long and silken as fabled populist whiskers Mr Rey nolds says the field has come through the winter in splendid condition and he is setting his figures at forty bushels per acre when the season is over and the harvest iB ended MEADOW GROVE Wm McDonald drove to Tilden Tues day Miss Bessie Harding is on the sick list Emmet Palmer was a Norfolk visitor Monday Mr Orr Ohlheiser of Juniata is visit ing with Mr Stillwell Messrs Elmer Stillwell and Orr Ohl heiser spent Sunday at Norfolk The infant child of Aaron Higbee is quite sick at the present writing Arch McDonald and W A Witzig man drove to Battle Creek Sunday Tom McDonald of Tilden visited with his brotherWill and family last Sun day Miss Gertrude Wade spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Battle Creek Clark Miller spent the Sabbath visit ing friends and relatives at Battle Creek Miss Mary Crooks attended the teachers meeting at Battle Creek Sat urday afternoon S K Warrick of Broken Bow trans acted business in Meadow Grove Mon day and Tuesday Oscar Colegrove who has been sick with pneumpnia for the past week or more is again able to be about Owing to the illness of Rev Mr Hunt Mr J L Dunn held services at the M E church last Sunday morning and evening A party consisting of the Bports Al Williams Emmet Warrick and Frank Stillwell went on a fishing trip to Deuels slough last Monday evening They were very successful spearing about 18 pounds of fish While gently drifting along their boat struck an ice- burg causing Emmet Warrick who was then acting as pilot to make a very graceful dive At the same time Mr Stillwell and Mr Williams were also thrown from the boat Mr Williams clung to tho boat however and thus prevented the loss of the boodle The party immediately came to town and partook of liquid refreshments to pre- j VV VUlVUiU VU1U Met in the Four Wards of the City Last Evening 00UN0ILMEN NOMINATED A Good Claim ofCanrtidates 1laceil In the Plelil DeleKate Elected to the City Contention at Which Candidates for the OlflceR Will be Chosed Republican caucaufics woro held last ovenlng and placed in nomination can didates for councilmen as follows First ward E J Schorogge Second ward August H Kiesau Third ward long term C O Gow short term F E Hardy Fourth ward A G Heckman The republicans last night made un usually happy selections of candidates for councilmen and every namo is one that can have tho hearty support of the party All are good practical business men and in their hands tho affairs of the city will be well looked after Each caucus elected delegates to the city con vention which meets at the city hall this evening when candidates will be placed in nomination for mayor city clerk treasurer city engineer polioe judge and two members of the sohool board to succeed G A Luikart and J C Aid FIRST WARD The republicans of the First ward met at the Oxnard hotel and elected the fol lowing named as delegates to the city convention H H Patterson Al Johnson Chas Manweller W O Fry Dave Shores E J Schoregge and W A Hemleben E J Schoregge was placed in nomi nation for councilman A ward committee was elected con sisting of H H Patterson Al Johnson and Chas Manweller SECOND WARD The Second ward caucus met at The Daily News oSce and selected the fol lowing named delegates to the city con vention J W Ransom L M Gay lord S R McFarland C J Stookwell H M Roberts J A Light L O Johnson D D Branson N A Lock wood August Kiesau Herman Pasewalk Geo N Beels P A Shurtz August H Kiesau was unanimously nominated for councilman L M Gaylord J W RanBon and C J Stockwell were elected ward com mitteemen THIRD WARD The Third ward caucus met at the clerks office in the city building and elected delegates to the city convention as follows C S Parker W H Johnson Jack Koenigstein C C Gow J J Clements H L Snyder W H Bridge W H Bucholz R B Weller W H Dexter E O Mount P T Birohard S L Gardner Col SimpBou C H Reynolds C F Shaw Storrs Mathewson For councilmen O C Gow was nomi nated for the long term and Fred E Hardy for the short term W H Johnson Sol Mayer and H L Snyder were selected a ward commit tee FOURTH WARD The Fourth ward caucus met at Hershisers drug store and elected the following named delegates to the city convention F Hollingsworth W H Risb G A Anderson E B Taylor C J Chap man and Leon Lee A G Heckman was renominated councilman by acclamation J W McClary has taken a position with the American Express company 7p Baky9 Ll r Birth I 1 ffl In jL i I 31 v Vr III imm r Tj I g4 1 a j ZrW V v Yi - is very much like the blossom ing of a flower Its beauty and perfection depends entirely upon the care bestowed upon its parent Expectant mothers should have the tenderest care They should be spared all worry and anxiety They should eat plenty ot good nourishing food ana take gentle exercises Tms will go a long way toward preserv ing their health and their beauty as well as that of the little one to come But to be absolutely sure of a short and painless labor they should use Mothers Friend H A ShiB isa fcnPe liniment which strength nnri vi- i - 5 prevents all of the discomforts of preir nancy which women used to tlilrtk mTv VueY ecessory When -Mothers Friend is used there is no danger whatever ithers Friend at the drug b store 1 per bottle THE BRADDELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA CIA r Wrlta far rcr fr Ilav ii itr ni tnu 11HI VV1U M L - i i I ii nnj qui