The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 08, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Sheriff Losey is over from Mndlson to
R M Whitolook of Piorco was in tho
city ovor night
Arthur Lundbcrg of Wnyuo was a
city vihitor ovor night
J W Manor of Humphrey is in tho
city on business today
Hubert Taylor of Hoopor was a busi
ness visitor in tho city yesterday
U E Foster was in town from Plain
viow botwoen trains yesterday
J W lludy of Battlo Greek trans
acted business iu town yostorday
Mrs Dr Tanner of Battlo Orook
visited with Norfolk friends yesterday
Rev S F Sharploss wont to Hartlng
ton today whero ho proachos tomorrow
F J Halo of Battlo Greek looked
after business interests in tho city yes
Mrs Benj Lindsay and son woro
down from Piorco this morning visiting
J B Barnes jr wont to Fremont
this morning to visit until tomorrow
Norfolk lodgo No Kit B P O Elks
will hold a special meeting this evening
for work
W 0 Roach come down from Plain
view last ovening and went to Columbus
on tho morning train
Jeff orey Westerveltof Tildon spent tho
night with his parents in this city Mr
and Mrs I G Westervelt
Miss Anna McBrido went to Madison
last ovening to attend a party given by
Mr and Mrs Willis McBrido
Miss Winnie Hartley who is teach
ing at Tilden is in tewn to spend Sun
day with her sister Mrs Baker
Miss Keating and Miss Speeco of
Oolumbus are guests of Miss Keating
matron at tho hospital for insane
A J Durland returned at noon today
from his trip to Chicago Mrs Durland
will remain a week or ten days longer
The Y M C L meeting will bo held
tomorrow afternoon at 4 oclock Tho
German class will meet this ovening
Martin Brubaker has just completed a
commodious addition to his residence on
his farm two miles west of the city
The little son of 0 F Platz who has
been very sick from tho effects of whoop
ing cough is reported considerably im
proved today
Rev Mr Kuntz of Wakefield will
conduct services at the First Congrega
tional church tomorrow both morning
and evening
Next Friday the young ladies of the
Y P S O E will give a Lenten tea in
the parlors of the First Congregational
church at 6 oclock
Philip Hull has sold his farm west of
this city to a German farmer living near
Hoskins Mr Hull will work the place
this season however
MiBS Mason has purchased the resi
dence property on South Tenth street of
Bernard Grant and will take posses
sion in about three weeks
Rev D M Mcintosh of Hartington
will preach in the Presbyterian church
held in G A R hall Sabbath morn
ing at 11 oclock and at 7 IiO in the even
W M Olmstead leaves today with a
car of household effects for Osgood
Iowa where he is to work a farm this
season His family will follow next
The second story of the Bishop block
will have fine plato gloss windows
throughout It is to bo used for offices
and they will bo convienient pleasant
and modern
F G Dutcher J D Dntoher and A
E Duraway of Plainview were in town
over night on their way home from
Kansas where they have been look
ing for locations
Mr ueisr wnoso apartments were
robbed during Thursday nightf yester
day swore oat warrants against certain
suspected parties but tho officers were
unablo to findthe stolen suit of clothes
and money
Mr and Mrs W O Hall entertaiuod
a number of thoir friends at a high five
party Thursday evening which was
thoroughly enjoyed by all present
Delicious refreshments were served dur
ing the evening
O J Moody of Omaha made his first
trip to Norfolk today in the interest of
the Carpi nter Paper Oo He takes the
place of Elmer E Lesh who quit the
road and has gone into tho printing
business in Lincoln
W H Herbst of Chicago traveling
auditor for the Piano Manufacturing
company was hero over night to check
up the business done during tho season
of 1000 through thoir general agency at
this place Ho left this morning over
the Union Paciflo for Grand Island
The officers of the Madison county
agricultural society held a meeting the
other day and issued a protest againBt
the passage of the bill now before the
legislature which makes the amount
that shall bo contributed to county
fairs optional with the county commis
sioners It is claimed that if the bill
becomes a law it will kill practically all
tho agricultural societies in the state
Madison papers report that two schools
near Newman Grove have been closed
on account of the small pox scare in that
vicinity They aro in districts No f8
and 07 Nowuian Orovo has throe well
defined cases of small pox which aro
well quarantiiuMl All places of publlo
meeting havo boon closed by order of
tho board of hoalth and it is oxpoctcd to
koop tho dread dlsooso within its pros
out limits
Messrs Tracy tfc Durland havo jnBt
closed tho solo of 100 acros of Autolopo
county soil 13 nillos west of Ploluvlow
to Oharlos Braudt of Mars Nob Thoy
havo also sold within tho past fow day
120 acros in Knox county six miles
northeast of Crolghton to Byron
Stetson of Niobrara Nebraska land Is
In moro demand thin year than ovor bo
foro and all tho real cstato agonts aro
doing a good busiuosB
Madison Chronlolo Tho North Ne
braska Teachers association will moot
iu Norfolk Maroh 27 to 21 InchiBlvo
and will bo tho success that theso meet
ings usually aro It is understood that
tho committee has socurod a prominont
man who will deliver nlooturo on liquid
air with demonstrations This will bo
a groat drawing card as nothing in
science has attracted bo much attention
as has liquid air Tho high school or
atorical contest will bo hold on tho first
ovoulng Tho program arranged will bo
full of intorost for toachors
Tho onioors rocoptlon at tho Norfolk
hospital for tho iusano last ovening was
a thoroughly enjoyablo affair It is esti
mated that about 175 guests woro pres
ent rouslsting largely of business and
professional men of tho city and thoir
wivos and sweethearts Thoso rocoiving
were Dr and Mrs Toal Dr Young tho
physician Miss Keating tho matron
Steward and Mrs Wnlker and Miss
Nina Walker THo reception was held
In tho amusomont hall of tho institution
At0litho grand march was formed
led by Dr and Mrs Teal after which
oamo waltzes two stops a sohottiaoho
and quadrillo tho twolfth uumbor be
ing Homo Sweet Homo Tho music
furnished by the Hospital orchestra was
unusually inspiring and the dancers
were in good humor to onjoy tho even
ing Tho weather was perfect tho at
mosphere being warm and balmy and
the moon bright making the drivo to
and from tho hospital oue of the pleas
ant features of the event
The Plainviow Republican is respon
sible for tho following Creightou
has some quoor people if what the
papers of that town say is true One
of their most honored citizens some
time ago resolved to abstain from the
use and abuse ofplug and fine cut and
whiff tho fragrant Havana and the per
fect Perfecto no more Ho saved his
money that usually went for the weed
and has just completed a fine 1200
residence out of the proceeds Another
fellow with wheels in his cranium keeps
on buying all the new patented ma
chinery from an incubator to a gasolino
engine and is now waiting for
some genius to invent an automatic
note payer that will break down every
mortgage caBh out every note then
grind out a few more novelties before
he leaves for Norfolk Another poor
mortal has just finished dropping 100
acres of Knox county land down his
neck 10 cents worth at a time Great
people up there
A Fire Fighting Convict
The Lincoln Journal says the firemen
of that city are grateful for the assist
ance of Nicholas Fox one of the con
victs at the penitentiary for his work
during the recent fire He is the only
cenvict who assisted out of the entire
number and as he has assisted tho de
partment during the three big fires that
ocenred at tho penitentiary in late
years the members of the department
havo considerable regard for him
Lient W J Thompson of engine house
No 3 will start out soon with a petition
asking for the mans pardon by Governor
Fox was sent up for life from Douglas
county He has been in the penitentiary
for nine years and has an excellent rec
ord While the firemen were endeavor
ing to save the east cell houso Fox went
with them to the most dangerous places
and assisted with great bravery and
skill To reach this place it was neces
sary to climb an eight foot ladder and
from thoro throw a rope over one of tho
stones on the wall at tho top and climb
up tho ropo Three firemen Messrs
Metcalf Fitzgerald and Thompson
followed him to this place It was
dangerous work for tho roof was burn
ing out from underneath and it was
impossible to tell at what moment the
roof would break through where the
men were standing At one timo this
did happen near where Fox was work
ing He did not run away bat merely
chauged his position slightly and kept
on at the fire fighting Mr Thompson
and many of the firemen feel that his
work in this fire and in tho two former
fires is deserving of recognition He
has a family of threo motherless chil
dren HiB mother is still living While
working with tho firemen there was
many an opportunity when he might
have escaped but ho did not take ad
vantage of any oMhese sayiug that ho
did not want his liberty till he could
live witn his mother and children again
freo from interference
On Feb 20 ono gray horse right club
foot weight about 1000 Finder will
notify through postoftloe W H
Anding Pioroe Neb
A Lowis of Wayne spout Sunday in
J W Edwards vlsltod in Madison
J K Bakor of Boomer was a city vis
itor yostorday
E P Woathorby wont to Omaha this
morning on legal business
O H Folsom a bnsliuvw man of Plain
vlow Rpont Sunday In tho city
M J Williams and Ohas Miller woro
in town yostorday from Columbus
J T Shrlmptonof North Bond visited
at tho homo of O O Gow over Sunday
David Baum loft for Now York yostor
day to purchase goods for Baum Bros
F A Boolor returnod last ovoulng
from tho east whoro ho has boon buying
Dr Sooboe and Miss Holou Reynolds
spent Saturday in Mudlsou visiting
M E Podorsou aud F A Podorson
woro Sunday visitors in tho city from
Judgo D Cones was an early morn
ing passenger down from Piorco this
II E Austin and family will ocoupy
tho houso vacatod by MiBS Wood on
Fifth street
Yostorday Rev J J Parkor ex
changed pulpits with Rov Mr Kuntz
of Wakefield
Marshall Pettltt and wlfo of Chicago
woro iu town Saturday night onrouto to
tho Black Hills
Tao Muslo Studonts club will meet a
tho homo of Ludwig Koouigstoiu this
ovening at 3 oclock
Miss Edith Parkor has finished hor
scJiool noar Plainviow aud returnod
home Saturday ovoning
Mrs Day and baby of Battlo Greek
wore guests over Sunday at tho homoof
L E Walleistadt In this city
Dr Robert Johuhon loaves for Chicago
tomorrow whoro ho haBdocidodtolocato
in tho practice of his profession
Woods Cones and R A Tawuoyof
Piorco drovo down Saturday ovoning to
attend tho meeting of Elks lodgo
M O Buruott from Maquoketa Iowa
is here to superintend tho construction
of a now bridge over tho Northfork
L O Mittolstadt loft at noon today
for Hot Springs Ark whoro ho will
rest and recuperato for n fow weeks
Geo Eberly of Stantau was in town
Saturday evening and uttonded tho
Elks lodge of whioh ho is a mombor
Mrs Willis McBrido and children of
Madison spent Sunday in the city
guests at tho home of Mrs H McBrido
Miss Nelle Gerecke left for Chicago
today taking with her little Jano Dur
land to her mother who is now in Chi
Miss Josephine Durland returned Sat
urday from a trip to Chicago whore she
inspected aud purchased spring mil
linery goods
W H Johnson is expected homo to
morrow from Now York where ho has
been buying spring stock for tho Johnson
Dry Goods company
Father OToole of Now Castle con
ducted the services at the Catholic
church in this city yesterday in the ab
sence of Father Walsh
Bert Ellonwood and Erlck Teyeshern
two young men of Stanton took advant
age of the fine weather yesterday and
drove to the metropolis
John Conway of Niobrara camo down
Saturday and accompanied his daughter
Miss Nora to Sioux City whero they
will visit relatives for a few days
Miss Louise Weills about the only
membor of the family to escape the grip
and pneumonia hod the misfortune
yesterday to fall and spain hor knee
Mrs A N Gorecke commenced teach
ing in tho eighth grade at the High
school building this morning taking tho
placo of Miss Wood who closed her
work here Friday evening
At the March term of district court
whioh convenes in Madison next Mon
day 00 cases are on tho docket Judgo
Boyd has issued a now set of rules for
the government of business which is to
come before the court
Lincoln Journal Detective Ma
lono sent his bloodhounds to Pierce
Neb yesterday to aid in running down
somo incendiaries who have been burn
ing hay in that vicinity They were
taken out by Charles Franklin
A tralnload of soldiers who have been
doing service in Cuba passed through
the city this morning over F E M
V going west to garrison Forts Nio
brara and Robinson The troops now
atjthoso posts havo beeu ordered to tho
Miss H O Wood and mother andber
nephew Arthur Gibson leave tomor
row morning for their now homo in
Mankato Kansas where Miss Wood Is
to engage in tno commission business
with her brother She is a lady of un
usual business ability and her friends
hero have no other expectation than
that she will succeed in whatever she
Frank V Smith is suffering from a
mashed hand tho result of an accident
which occurred about noon on Saturday
no was fixing n pump at the Beels farm
near tho city whou In somo manner tils
right hand was caught iu such a way
that tho tlosh botweon the thumb and
foroflngor was mashed to a pulp but
no bones woro brokon Ho will oarry
his hand iu a sling for a long timo
Prof OConnor roturnod Saturday
from Chicago whoro ho had boon attend
ing tho national mooting of county and
olty superintendents Bosldos II lv
Fowler stato superintendent of publlo
instruction Nebraska was roprosontod
at tho mooting by C U Poarso
Omaha H K Wolfo South Omaha
I C OConnor Norfolk U A
Gregory Oroto O II Gordon Lincoln
J D Fronoh Hastings Allen O
Fling of Nebraska City E 1 Bodwoll
county suporlutoudimt of Douglns
county and D R Kerr president of
Bollovuo college Omaha
Tho Elks lodgo which was instituted
under suoh favorablo circumstances
In this olty on tho 20th of January
has lxgun to grow Tho llrBt to bo
initiated was SV H Buohol of this city
a wook ago Saturday ovoning followed
by Max AsmuB of Norfolk aud A W
Gross of Madison tho sama ovoning
Last Saturday evening Judge M P
Kinkatd of ONeill and Thos Ohilvors
of Piorco woro taught tho mystorlos of
tho ordor Besides thorn that havo beeu
roported upon thoro aro at this timo 27
applications to lw considered by tho
lodgo at tho mooting next Saturday
ovoning nt which timo it is oxpeoted
that thoro will bo other initiations
Saturday numerous locks of ducks
woro soun lying north and at tho fac
tory MosBrs Connolly Lookwood and
Raiuoy becamo so imbuod with tho duck
fovor that when thoy saw a lock como
down to tho wator north of tho grounds
thoy immediately gathorcd up thoir guiiH
and wont uftor them They succeeded
In gottiug quite closo to tho birds aud
thou they let drivo ouch both barrels of
his gun When tho Binoko from thoso
six shots had cloared away thuy looked
to soo many victims of thoir onslaught
but strango as it may soom not a feather
of a single bird had been ruflled and
they wero still sailing around on tho
wator enjoying thomsolvos wholly un
conscious of tho fact that anyone had
boon taking a shot In fact six shots at
A fow days ago tho writer rau ker
plunk against a faco that scorned fa
miliar and yet waB liko a recolloction of
other days It soon dovoloyod that hucIi
was tho caso tho faco being owned by
P J Gordon of Sioux City who usod
to bo known as Pat Twonty years
ago Iat Gordon lived up at Ponca
and on Thursday afternoons daring tho
important process of printing tho
weekly edition of tho Journal tho writor
would pull the old Washington hand
press while Pat would put on an apron
grab the hand roller aud ink tho forms
Then Pat graduated from tho job and
wont to shoveling coal into anongine on
the railroad and in course of timo be
came an engineer Now Pat is running
a oigar factory iu Sioux City has grown
rich and has become a grand father two
or throo times When ono sees thoso
boys of 20 or more years ago with their
hair becoming frosted ho realizes moro
and more that time is still checking off
the yours aud that the world and its
pooplo aro constantly growing older
Wm Simoral of Omaha is tho now
night watchman at tho hospital
Among the new attendants is J E
Long of Madison who has ontored upon
his duties
J P Wright of Norfolk has received
tho appointment as farmer at the stato
Joo Phoaeant has entered upon his
duties as head lauudryman at the hospi
tal for iusano
H M Grove from Oakdalo haB boon
appointed carpenter at tho hospital aud
ho is on the ground with his jack plane
and rip saw
Under tho direction of Superintendent
Teal tho attendants at the hospital aro
being uniformed That of the female
attendants is tho regulation nurses uni
form of light blue and white stripes and
gives the person wearing it a very neat
and attractive appearance This uni
form is now boing worn but those for
the malo attendants havo not yet been
ordered They will probably bo of blue
cloth with red stripes
The magazines which wcro loft at tho
The News office last week in response to
tho appeal for reading matter for the
patients have found their way into the
wards and aro greatly appreciated by
the patients many of whom aro capablo
of reading and enjoying what thoy read
One patient who has been at tho institu
tion a long timo was delighted when he
saw tho magazines and said ho know
now that republican times bad como
again Tho supply of reading matter
now on baud will not last very long and
if people knew how much those things
go to lighton tho burden of tho afllicted
they would cortaiuly bo willing to con
tribute their old periodicals for that pur
pose Anything of this charactor left
at The NKWsofllco will bo cheorfully
forwarded to tho hospital and will find
its way into tho hands of tho patients
Straykd From my place ono milo
west aud three miles north of Hoskins
on or about February 10 two bay horses
four years old Ono branded A L ou left
hip the other had a brand reeombling a
lettor A on the samo sido Finder will
please notify postmaster in Hoskins
William Gutzman
1 WVfc n
North Nebraska Instructors
Meet in Norfolk
Klrnt Kronltig ni tlm flnMlon Mnrrti J 7
Will tin IfintMt to tlm High Nctiml
Oratnrn Hclou Will Coiitlmin ThrniiRli
Ttirnn ln
An advnuco program of tho coming
North Nebraska Teachers usioolatlon
whioh Is to bo hold iu Norfolk on Maroh
27 28 and 21 Is being sent out by tho
conunittoo consisting of II K Wolfo
P F Puunbakor Mamlo Wallace and
Irtioy Williams iu which all organiza
tions interested iu tho educational do
velopmont of North Nebraska aro In
vited to send dolngutoH to the meetings
Tho ovonlnir entertainments aro an
nounced an follows
Tho North Nebraska High School
Oratorical association will occupy tho
first ovoulng Tho contest promises to
bo donor than ovor boforo
Ohancollor E Benjamin AndrowH will
address tho teachers andoltizons of Nor
folk on Thursday ovoning
Tho committee hopes tosoouro alecturo
on liquid air with demonstrations of
tho wonderful properties and powers of
this interesting substance
Tho program for tho meetings is out
lined as follows although this is subject
to ohango when tho regular program is
Ono half day will bo dovoted to foun
dational features in tho childs life such
an tho hereditary Infiuoncos by a physl
clou homo life boforo Bohool ngo In
fiuoncos of tho first school years offect
of tho Hoveral studios on mind and char
acter social environment infiuouco of
tho superintendent teacher and school
board on pupil
Anothor session will bo do voted to
reading Tho school library and how
to uso it professional reading of tho
teacher roadiug in tho grades aims
and methods a courso in rending for
tho laBt thrco years of tho grammar
grades oxprossion by tho voico
Anothor session will bogivon to arith
metic What havo wo gainod and what
havo wo lost by recent changes in touch
ing olomontary arithmetic Doos tho
grammar school securo satisfactory
rosults iu tho fundamental operations of
urithmotic Tho correlation of arith
metic algebra and geometry iu tho last
years of tho grammar grados
At othor sossions will bo troutod such
topics as illustrative work in tho grados
the place and purposo of written com
positions rotation of high schools to
university construction exorcises in
tho lower grades
A series of round tables will be ar
ranged so that teachers may meot with
those doing similar work for informal
discussion on topics of special Intorost
An exhibit of school work will bo ar
ranged by Supt OConnor to inoludo
tho strongest feature1 of somo of tho
best schools in northern Nebraska
Tho usual reductions in rates on rail
roads and at hotels havo been socurod
William J Nlerilg Formerly or thin City
Marin a Member of Stanford Univer
sity Faculty
Prom Sntartlrua Dally
The San Francisco Chronicle of rocont
date tells of the selection of a former
Norfolk boy to bo a membor of tho Stan
ford university faculty William Noidig
was a soiiool boy of this city along in
tho 80s when his fathor A II Neidig
was a partner of M Watermnn as
publishers of tho Norfolk Journal
Much of the Hubsequont career of tho
young man who has demonstrated his
ability told in tho following from tho
William Jonathan Noidig n young
San Francisco journalist and short story
writor has just been made a member of
tho English faculty of Stanford Uni
versity from which ho was graduated
in 800
As an undergraduate during his fivo
years at Palo Alto Noidig was identified
with the college publications as an
editor and as nn author of storios and
verse Since that time ho has beeu con
nected with tho San Francisco press aud
has won several prizes in difforont na
tional competitions for short stories
Tho Smile of Joss a San Francisco
high binder tale the leading story iu
the current number of Tho Black Cat
was written by Neidig Ho received
for it 200 as a third prizo in the biennial
competition for which wero submitted
moro than 0000 storios from all ovor the
world Lost week ho won the second
prize in the A E Littlo American com
petition for which 1000 manuscripts
wore outered His story The Sandals
of Pallas a prosout day udventuro in
St Petersburg was choson by threo
judges William Vaughn Moody pro
fessor of English in tho University of
Chicago Kutherine Leo Bates professor
of English in WelleBley Collego and the
president of the Daughters of Vermont
as second bett in tho ontlro list aud
was awarded tho cash prizo of 250
Two years ago Noidig won tho first prize
iu tho national competition of the
Oyollug West of Donvor winch offered
100 for the best short Btory on wheeling
For more than a year after receiving
his graduating dogrno Noldlg wan editor
and IihhIiiihi manager of tho Railroad
Jnzoltnor iu Han Francisco Then hn
bocamo assistant editor of tho Argonaut
and enntinuud iu that capacity for thir
teen mouths when ho roslguod to devoto
hlmsolf particularly to tho writing of
magazine storios Ho has contributed
numorous minor artloles to tho Youth
Companion and to various monthlios
and has written for tho Han Francisco
Sunday papers Last fall ho was for a
timo acting editor of tho Wave and lator
wroto tho hook rovlows for that wookly
Noldlg ontored Stanford from Omaha
Neb tho day tho now university first
opened 1 lo had boon a practical prlntor
and was an ovport typesetter Whoa
tho Daily Palo Alto started Noldlg waa
a momlwr of tho typographical force
mado up entirely of undorgraduutcH
Iu timo ho became an assistant odltor
and iu his junior yoar was managing
editor of tho colhiro iournal In hi
sonior year ho was editor iu chief of tho
Sequoia tho collogo literary weokly for
which ho had previously wrlttou many
short stories Ho also won tho prizo
for tho best poom submitted to tho Mf
Quad tho initial Stanford annual book
of university llfo and was ono of tho
editors of tho MM Quad
Tho English department of whioh
Neidig has become a part Ib ono of tho
most important and from tho first hnit
boon one of the most popular In tho
university Tho teaching foroo consist
of Professor Melville B Andorson tho
chtof Professor Fluegol Professor
Lathrop Associate Professor Nowcomor
Assisstant Professor Hardy Instructor
Poason Howard Burtlett and William
J Noldlg Tho last named is tho first
graduato of tho university honored by a
call to this department
I W Darlington and family moved
to Seldon Roukcounty last week
E D Daniel had tho misfortuno to
lose f lf last week
Mrs O M Mooro returnod Suturday
from an extended visit in Piorco county
GiO Woodworth moved onto Burr
Tufts farm I miles southwest of town
tho first of tho tho week
Aleck Suldor has rented J C
Cuplins farm for ono yoar Ho toolc
possession Tuesday
Burr Reod lost thirteen head of young
cattle last week from tho corn stalk
Wm E Wynn and Miss Maggio
Lauvor woro married last Thursday
afternoon at tho rosidence of tho bridon
parouts Rov II F Knufuiaii officiat
liiori Advice
Tho most miserablo beings iu tho world
aro thoso suffering from Dyspepsia and
Livor Complaint Moro than seventy
por cont of the pooplo in tho United
States aro afllicted with thoso two dis
eases and their offects such as Sour
Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Cost
ivonoas Palpitation of tho HoartHoart
burn Wutcrbrash Gnawing and Burn
ing Pains at tho Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Coated tongue and Disogreoablo
Tasto in tho Mouth Coming up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to
your Druggist and got a bottle of August
Flower for 75 cents Two doses will re
lievo you Try it Get Groons Prizo
Almauao Asa K Leonard
The comploto service of Tho Ohio-ago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
enabloB passengers to roach tho princi
pal cities botwoen tho north and Paciflo
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of timo but niac
in tho most comfortablo and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
are stocked with the best tho market
affords All meals served a la carte
A Wife Says
44 we have four children With the first
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours and had to be placed under
the influence of chloroform I used three
bottles of Mothers Friend before our last
child came which
is a sty sng fat and
healthy boy doing
my housework up
to within two hours
of birth and suf
fered but a few hard
pains Thts lini
ment is the grand
est remedy ever
J i
will do for every woman what It did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering
Mothers Friend equips the patient with 4
strong body and dear intellect which in
turn are imparted to the child It relaxes
the muscles and allows them to expand I
relieves morning sickness and nervousness
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided and recovery is merely a matter ol
a few days
Druggists sell Mothers Friend or SI a bottle
The Bradfleld Regulator Co Atlanta Gat
6nd for our fro lltustrstsd book
r m