The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 08, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Inducted Into Presidential Of
fice for Second Time
linns for Cuba nmt Ihn llillltUio Mil
lined by Itiu President In III Inaugural
Addressllcdge to Former to lln Kent
Iteviill In lnttnr In tin Qiirlli il
WllHhlnctoti Mnroh I Wlllliim Me
Klnley of Ohio oiluy was Inducted lit t t
tlio presidential ollloe being the
lghth In tin IIIiihIiIimih tine of presi
dents Iuih honored liy I lie American
people Willi II MCOIlll lltlll COIIHOOUtlVO
term Nlniullnnoously Theodore
Roosevelt of Now York beenme vlrn
president Tlio ceremony tliitl iiinrkcil
tlll8 HCCOlltl USHUIliPlloll I IV
McKlnloy to tlio enros of state wiih
most Impressive mill Hill of suggestion
of Uio development of tlie republic
during tlio punt four years
The wtUtlitr wiih the llntst ever ix
porloneodonthi Inauguration of u pros
Idont Tlio 8ky wiih clour mill tlio lout
porutnrc wiirin mul Imltny
I Every presidential Inauguration In
recent yours Iuih IuiiI It m parade
creditable In size mill variety
nnd UHiinlly having Home distinctive
fontnrc That which rolloweil Presi
dent MoKlnloy today on his return
from the capltol to the while house
nnd panned In review there before him
was different from all IIh predecessors
In the niajestlc predominance of mili
tary features The civil contingent
was quite tip to the a venire In point
of numbers yet by net mil count made
by the inurshnls the men In soldiery
unirorniH oul numbered the civilians
In line by more than three to one In
the worried ranlcH of blue were many
poldlcrs who had carried the countrys
ting far out Into tlio world and had
waged n war which wiih all In the fut
uro when the last Inaugural proces
sion marched along Pennsylvania ave
O A It In llnrn or Honor
With those younger veterans mul In
the plneo of honor as the presidents
escort marched another contingent
inado up entirely of soldiers of the
elvll war all gray haired mid showed
In gait and bent forms marks of the
passage of years and of the lingering
envois of the great battles ami cam
palgtis in the most stupendous strug
gle that the world has seen and It was
an easy prophesy to observe that novel
ngaln would they be able to make as
bravo and numerous a showing In their
effort to escort a president on tlio oc
casion of his accession to olllce At
their Niond to quicken their step
marched the Hough Hitler bund sug
Restive of the extraordinary orgnni7ii
tlon which marked one of the most
Inspiring chapters in the history of the
volunteeer armies of the United
For the first time In n century the
president rode from the white house
to the capltol without a successor be
elde hhn In his carriage Grunt was
the Inst of the presidents of the United
States up to this time to occupy a
similar position MeKlnley had for his
companions In his carriage members
of the committee specially chosen by
congress to take charge of the liiaugur
ntlon bonded by Senator Mark Huuiin
himself a national lgure
All Nation Ileiirtsenteil
The nations of the world great nnd
small paid their tribute to the presi
dent In attendance at the ceremonies
at tho capltol and In reviewing the
great pnrnde In addition to the splen
did diplomatic representation there
being present for tho first time tho
head of the government of our next
door neighbor the Dominion of Can
da In the person of Lord Miulo the
Imperial governor general
Tlio American nnvy which linn so
distinguished Itself In the past four
years was represented In the cere
monies more numerously than ever be
fore Half n dozen warships more
tlinn have assembled In the Potomac
lnco the days of the civil war con
tributed through their sailors nnd ma
rines one of the most unique and en
joyablo fen tu res of the ceremony
mnrchlng over 1000 strong Down on
the water front lay moored the famous
old flagship Hartford Inspiring stir
ring recollections of tho tierce navnl
combats of the civil wnr while nt the
nnvy ynrd floated tho grim double
turretted monitor Puritan symbolic of
Inter day warfare Further down the
Xotomac lay other vessels unable to
pet up the river to WnRhhiKton but
whoso crews swelled the list of pa
Fourteen Onri rnor Attend
The states of the Union rendered
their homage to the president and dem
onstrated that no party feeling domi
nated todays great event by the at
tendance of 14 governors representing
north south and west most of them
accompanied by numerous staffs
There were Governor Odell of New
York Governor Yates of Illinois Gov
ernor Bliss of Michigan Governor
Van Sunt of Minnesota Governor Rich
nrds of Wyoming Governor Stone of
Pennsylvania Governor Dietrich or
Nebraska Governor Shaw of Iowa
Governor Crane of Massachusetts
Governor McMillln of Tennessee Gov
ernor Dockery of Missouri Governor
Bmltli of Maryland Governor Humes
of Oklahoma Governor Lonciuo of
Though worn and weary the legis
lative branch of the government faith
fully executed Its part in the days
ceremonies The protracted sessions
of tho last few days involving work
day and night Imposed severe physi
cal strains on the senators and repre
sentatives yet when tho time canto
to close up the task of legislation and
turn to the inauguration of the presi
dent all wn In readiness In the capltol
At noon President MeKlnley toolc
the oath In the presence of the assem
bled multitude Following Is the mil
text of his Inaugural address
Moltlnle Inaugural Address
Mjr Fellow tlUiiiK When wo nmiinblrd
hero on tin1 till iif Mnrcli H7 Hump whs
gteitt nutlet ultli rrjMtil to our current
mul credit Noiip exists nun Then our
roomily receipts woie lnndcitintc to meet
tlio current obligations of the government
Now tliejr nre iiitllolrnl for nil pnlilio needs
nml up hnvc it hi t tliifi hiKtend of t delltit
Then I felt cnnit mined In ronvene the run
kicks In Itiinniillitnrjr nphiIiiii to iIpvIhi
rcuinicH In pity the nrdlunr expense nf
the Riiierninenl Now I Iihvp tin tmtlsfito
Hon ti antiimiipp t lint the congress Jiint
cloni d tins ridnred tninlloii In tlie mint of
fllOOUOOO Xheli theie wiih deep solicitude
hecniine of Hit Ions tlepicsidnii In our inanil
futiiiting minim iiKiloultuiul flint inpr
pnntlle Industries nnd the roiiopiitipnt ills
trpsH of our luhnrlng poputnllon Now
ever nveiine of production Is crowded
with not hit Iiilmr Is well m ploy oil nnd
Aiuerlcnn proilurts Mud good iniirkits nt
honip nnd nlirond Our dlvemlMed produe
HoiiK however nre Initcimlng In Hitch mi
prcccilcntcd t ultimo u to niluinulsli us of
the neccHxIty of Mllll furtber eiilnritln c our
foreign iimrliets by lironder coiuiiiorilul ie
Isllium Tor tills purpose reciproeitt trude
nrriiiiReliipnts with other nnttotiN Hhoiild In
llheml Mplrlt lie cntcfulty ciittlvitlcil nnd
The imtlonnl vprdlot of Ifipfl luui for Hip
most pint heen executed Whatever
tunliiN iinfulnlled In n continuing uliUgu
tlon renting with umllmltiNticd force upon
the executive nnd the emigres Hut for
tunate us our coiidltlnii Is Its periiiiitHiiee
emi only tie assured by sound IiusIucmm metli
ods nnd strict econoiny In nntlonnl nduilii
iHtnitliin nnd Ipgltdntlnn Wp shnuld nut
permit our grout proHperlty to tend tis to
roeklPHS venltirps In IiusIiiphs or piolllgncy
In our expenditures While tho congress
determines the ohJectR nnd the sum of np
pioprlntlnns the olllelnls nf the executive
depnrtuienls nrp respoiiNlltle for honest nnd
fiillhful dlNliurseiiieiit nnd It rIioiiIiI lip their
IoiiHltint enre to nviilil wiistti nnd extrnva
Honesty onpnclty mid IndiiNtry nre no
where more liullspensiihte thnn In public em
ployment These should lie fiindiimentnt
principles to nptiolntiiieut mul the surest
gun ran tees ngiilnst removal Pour yenrs ngo
we stood on tlie brink of wnr without tho
people knowing It nnd without nny propnrn
tlon or effort nt prcpnrntlon for pending
peril t did nil Hint In honor could be done
to avert the wnr but without nvnll It
cnuie Inevitable nnd the congress nt Its
llrst regular session without party division
provided money In anticipation of the crisis
mul In prcpiiritlnu to meet It It came
the result ivhh slg tally fnvoinble to Aiuer
lcnn nuns nml hi the highest degree honor
Hide to the government It Imposed upon
us obligations fioiu which we cnniiot ps
enpe nnd from which It would be dUhonorn
hie to us to escape We me now it t nenoe
with the world nnd It Is my fervent prnyer
nun ir iimerences nrlse between us nnd
other powers they tuny be settled by pence
fill arbitration mid thnt hereafter wo may
bo spared the hoirors of war
IOtitrilsted by the people for n second
time with the olllce of president I enter
upon Its nilmlulstrittlon appreciating Hie
grent responsibilities which attach to re
newed honor nnd commission promising un
reserved devotion on my part to their faith
ful discharge nml reverently Invoking for
my guidance the direct Ion nnd favor of
Almighty Rod I should sin ink fioin the
duties this day nsxumcil If I did not feel
that In their performance I should have
the co opeiatlon of the wisp nml patriotic
men of nil patties It encourages me for
Hip grent task which I now undertake to
believe that those who voluntarily com
mitted to me the trust Imposed In the chief
pxppuIIvo of the republic will give lo me
generous support In my duties to pre
serve prolept nnd defend the constitu
tion of tlie United States nnd to care
thnt Hie laws he faithfully observpd
TIip nntlonnl purpose Is Indicated through
n nntlonnl etpctlon It Is tho constitu
tional method of nscertalnln the public
will When once It Is registered It is n law
to us nil nnd faithful observance should
follow- Its decrees
A Iteuiilted Country
Strong hearts mid helpful hmids nre
needPd nnd fortunately we hnvo them In
every part of our beloved country We nre
reunited Sectionalism tins disappeared
Division on public quest Ions can no longer
lie ttneed by the war insps of INill These
oltt differences less and less dlstuth the
Judgment KxlHtlng problems demand the
thought nnd quicken the conscience of the
country nnd the responsibility for their
presence ns well ns for their tlghteous set
tlement rpsts upon us nil no more upon mp
thnn upon you There nre some national
questions In the solution of which patri
otism should exclude partisanship Magni
fying their dtmcttltles will not tnke fiom
off our hands nor facilitate their adjust
ment Distrust of the cnparlty Integrity
nnd high purposes of the American people
will not be mi Insplrlue theme for future
political contests Dark pictures nnd
gloomy forebodings nre worse than useless
These only becloud they do not help to
point the way of snfpty and honor IIopp
maketh -not nshnnied Thp prophets of
evil were not the builders of the republic
nor In Its crises since hnvp they served It
The faith of the fathers was a mighty force
In Its creation and the faith of their de
scendants has wrought progress nnd fur
nished Its defenders They nre obstruc
tionists who despnlr nnd who would de
stroy confidence In the ability of our peo
ple to solve wisely nnd for civilization
tho mighty problems resting upon them
The Aiuerlcnn people entrenched In free
dom nt home take their love for It wher
ever they go and they rejpet as mistaken
nnd unworthy the doctrine Hint we loso
our own liberties by securing the enduring
foundations of liberty to others Our Insti
tutions will not deteriorate by extension
and our sense of Justice will not abate
under tropic suns In distant spas
As heretofore as hereafter will the nation
demonstrate Its fitness to administer any
estimate which events devolve upon It anil
In the fear of Hod will take occasion by
the hand nnd make the bounds of freedom
wider yet
If there are those nntnne us who would
tnnke our way more illlllcult we must not be
disheartened but the more earnestly devote
ourselves to our tasks The path of prog
ress Is seldom smooth New things nre
often found hard to do Our fathers found
them so We tlud them ho They ure lu
convenient they cot us something but
are we not made better for the effort and
sacrifice and are not those we have lifted
up und blessed
We will be consoled too with the fact
that opposition has confronted every on
ward movement of the republic from Its
opening hour until now but without suc
cess The republic has marched on and on
nnd Its every step has exalted freedom
and humanity We are undergoing tho same
ordeal as did our predecessors nearly a cen
tury ago We are following tho course they
blazed They triumphed Will their suc
cessors falter and plead organic Impoteney
In the nation Surely after 123 years of
achievement for mnuklnd we will uot now
surreuder our equality with other powers
on matters fundamental mid essential to
nationality With no such purpose was the
nallou created In no i plrlt has It ilevel
ped Its full und Independent sovereignty
We adhere to the principle of equality
among ourselves and by no act of ours
will we assign to ourselves a suliordinata
rank In the family of nations My fellow
citizens the public events of the past four
years have gone Into history They are
too near to Justify recital Some of them
were unforeseen many of them momentous
and far reaching In their consequences to
ourselves nnd our relutlons with the rest
of the world The pirt which the United
States bore so honorably la the thrilling
sceues In China while new to American
life has been lu harmony with Its true
spirit and best traditions tdJu 4 tlue
villi the results Its policy wilt he that of
modulation nnd fairness
On the Ililure of Cubs
We face at this moment n most Important
question Hint of Hie future relations of
the fulled Stales with Cuba With our
Hear tielghbois we must tetuilli close
friends The declaration nf the purposes
of his government In tho resolution of
April 20 lWis must he made good Kver
Mlncp tile evacuation nf Hip Island by the
nrtuy nf Spain tho executive with nil prac
ticable speed bus been nsslstlng Itu people
In the successive steps necessary to Hip
pstnhllshuiPiit of a free am Independent
KOiprumcnt preptred to assume mid ob
none the obllgallons of International law
which now rest on the United SMI ps under
the treaty of Paris
The convention elected by the penptp lo
frmiip n constitution Is npproachlng Hip
completion or Us labots The transfer of
Ametlcnu control to the iipw government
Is nf such great Importance Involving mi
obligation result lug from our Intervention
slid Hie ttenty of pence thnt 1 am glad to
be advised by the recent net of cotigiess
of Hip policy which the legislative tinmen
of the giocrniiuiit deems essential to the
best Interests of Cuba mid the United
KlntcM The principles which ted to our
Intervention require Hint the fundamental
Inw upon which Hie new government tests
should be ndopted to secure it government
capable of peifoi tiling the duties mid ills
bulging lis functions of n separate nation
of observing Us lntprnntloinl obligations
of protecting life mul ptopetty Instiling
order safety mul llbeily mid conforming
to the established unit historical policy of
tlie United Slates In Its relation to Culm
The pence which we lire pledged to lenve to
the Cuban people must enrry with It the
guarantees of permanence We became
sponsors for the paclllcittlou of the Island
nml we icmnlti accountable to the Cubans
no less thnn to otlr own country nnd people
for the iccoustrttettnu of Cubn ns n ftee
cotumonweallh on abiding foundations of
tight Justice liberty and usRittcd order
Our enfranchisement of the people will not
tie completed until free Cuba shall he n
reality not n nntne n perfect entity not
n hasty experiment bearing wltlitti Itself
the elements of failure
Tolls nf Hip Ililllpplnc
While tho treaty of pence with Spain
was rntltled on the lib of Kebrunry lMiri
nnd rntlllcntlons wete exchnttgeil nearly
two years ngo the congress has Indicated
no form of government for the Philippine
Islands It has howeier provided nn army
to enable tho exec tllve to suppress Instir
recllon restore pence give security to the
inhabitants and establish the nuthorlty of
the United Stntes throughout the nnitl
pelngo It has authorized the organization
of native troops ns auxiliary to the regular
force It hits been advised from time to
time of the nets of Hie military nnd naval
officers In Hie Islands of my notion In ap
pointing civil commissions of Hie In
structions with which they were ehnrged
of their duties and powers of their recom
mendatlons mul of the several nets under
executive commission together with the
very complete general Informal Ion they
have submitted These reports fully set
forth Hip conditions pnst nnd present In
the Islands mul the Instructions clenrly
show the principles which will guide the
executive until the cotigiess shall ns It Is
required to do by the treaty deternilne the
civil rights and political status of the
nntlve Inhabitants
The congress having ndded the section of
Its authority to the powers nlrendy pos
sessed by the executive under the con
stlttttton therebv leaving with the pxecu
live lie tespouslbllliy for the government
of the Philippines I shall continue the ef
forts alteady begun until order shall be
restored throughout the Islands mid ns fast
ns conditions permit will establish local
govprnments lu the formation of which the
full co operation of the people has been
already invited and when established will
encoutnge the people to adinlnl iter them
The settled purpose long ago prevailed to
afford tlie Inhabitants of the Islands self
government ns fast ns they were ready for
It will be pursued with earnestness and
fidelity Alrendy something hns been ac
complished In this direction The govern
ments representatives civil mid military
nre doing faithful and noble work in their
mission of emancipation ami merit the ap
proval and support of their countrymen
The most liberal terms of amnesty have al
ready been communicated to the Insurgents
and the way is still open for those who
have raised their arms against tlie govern
ment for honorable submission to its au
Our count lymen should not be deceived
We nre not waging war against tho Inhabi
tants of Hip Philippines A portion of them
nre mukltig war ngnlnst the United Stntes
lty far the greater pint of the Inhabitants
recognize American sovereignty nnd wel
come It ns a guaranty of order and of se
curity for life property llbetty freedom
of conscience anil the pursuit of happiness
To them full protection will be given They
shall not be abandoned We will not leave
the destiny of the loyal millions lu the Isl
ands to the disloyal thousands who are In
rebellion against the United States Or
der In civil institutions will come ns soon
ns those who now break tho peace shall
keep It Force will not be needed or used
when those who tnnke wnr against us shall
tnnke It no more May It end without fur
ther bloodshed nnd there be ushered In the
reign of peace to be made permanent by a
government of liberty under tho law
ltoosovelt Inaugurated
Theodore Itooucvelt was inaugur
ated ns lco president of the United
ytates at 1150 a m The ceremonies
in the senate were atteuded by the
president and a distinguished com
pany He delivered his inaugural ad
dress as follows
The history of ftee government Is In n
large part the history of those lepreseutn
tlve executive bodies In which from the
earliest times free government has found
Its loftiest expression They must ever
hold n peculiar nnd exalted position In the
record which tells how the great untlons
of the wot Id have endeavored to achieve
and preserve orderly freedom No man
can render lo his fellows greater service
than Is rendered by him who with fearless
ness nnd honesty with sanity and disin
terestedness does his life work as a mem
ber of such a body Hspeclally Is this the
case when Hip legislature In which the cer
vice Is rendered Is a vital part of the gov
ernmental machinery of one of those world
powers to whose hands In jlte course of
the ages Is entrusted a lending part In
shaping tho destinies of mankind For
weal or for woe for good or for evil this
Is true of our own mighty nation Great
privileges and great powers nre ours and
heavy are the responsibilities that go with
these privileges uud these powers Accord
ingly as we do well or III so shall man
kind In the future be raised or cast down
We belong to a young nation alreary of
giant strength yet whose present strength
is but forecast of the power that Is to
come We stand supreme In a continent
tn n hemisphere Uast and west we look
across the two great oceans toward the
larger world life in which whether we will
or not we must take an ever Increasing
And as keen eyed we gaze Into the com
ing years duties new aud old rlsp thick
nnd fust to confront us from within and
without There Is every rensou why we
should face these duties with n sober ap
preciation nllke of their Importance and of
their difficulty lln there Is also every
reason for facing them with high hearted
resolutions and eager and confident faith
In our capacity to do them right A great
work lies ready to the hnttd of this cenera
tlon It should count Itself hnppy Indeed
mat 10 it is given me privilege or doing
such a work A leading part therein must
be taken by this the august and power
ful legislative body over which I have been
called to preside Most deeply do I appre
ciate tho privilege of my position for high
Indeed is the honor of presiding over the
American senate at the outset of the Twen
tieth century
House Concurs In Senate
Amendments to Army Bill
Vnhnn nml Plilllppliin Intlolns AhhIIoiI by
Democrat nnd Defended by Itepubllo
miiSMrisiirn Now Hum tn tlm President
Hull rurulnlics Only Uniting Incldnut
Washington March 12 The house
removed all possibility of an extra hcs
hIdii by concurring in the Hcuutu
ntueiidmeulH to the army appropria
tion bill The vote stood 1511 to lit I
It wni a strict patty vote with the ex
ception of MeCall Itiud DHhcoII and
Mann who voted with tho Democrats
The bill now goes to the president
The house was brought to u vote by a
Rpecial order prepared by tho com
mittee on rutes which premltted an
hours debate on a side The Demo
crats irt templed to llllbuslcr but they
wore overwhelmed Tlie debate was
not especially noteworthy Tho Phil
ippine and Cuban amendments wcro
defended by the Itepubllcans and as
sailed by the Democrats Tho only
exciting incident occurred nt the close
of the debate when Hull la whoso
name had boon connected with a lum
ber nnd development company tn the
Philippines frankly acknowledged
that ho bad Invested money In It lie
Bald It was a legitimate enterprise
which was not looking for government
favors Subsequently when ho stnted
that the company would not have In
vested money If llrynn had been
elected the Democrats jeered nnd
hissed nnd shouted that it was because
if llrynn had been elected the Philip
pines would not have been exploited
Ientz challenged Hulls tight to vote
but Hull voted aye The flnnl confer
ence report upon the Indian appro
priation bill was adopted nnd a num
ber of minor bills were put through
the llnal Mages The conference re
port on the St Touls exposition bill
which agreed to Sunday closing wai
agreed to and the bill was sent back
to conference A motion to concur
In the Charleston exposition amend
ment was defeated 84 to 1112 The
revenue cutter service bill was side
tracked early lu the day by a vote of
the house
Senate Sustain lolut of Order Agalmt
Nlcuriiguun Canul Amendment
Washington March J Dining the
gteater part of a long tiresome scs
bIou of the senate yesterday the sun
dry civil appropriation bill was under
consideration An Interesting aud nt
times lively debate was precipitated
in the llrst two hours of the session
on a resolution to discharge the com
mittee on Interstate commerce from
consideration of the bill requiring rail
road companies to make detailed in
vestigations of all accidents involving
loss of life on their lines and to report
to the interstate commerce commis
sion No action was takon The old
question as to the reclamation of pub
lic lands in the arid and semlarld sec
tions of the country was brought up
but the effort to attach an amendment
appropriating money for the work was
defeated Hills appropriating 500
000 for the lluffalo exposition 000
000 for tho St Louis Louisiana Pur
chase exposition aud 250000 for the
Charleston S C interstate and West
Indian exposition were attached to
the bill as riders
By 30 to 10 the senate sustained a
point of order against Morgans Nic
aragua canal amendment to the sun
dry civil bill
Senate Confirmations
Washington March 2 The senate
In executive session last night con
nrnied the following nominations
Cbnrlcs A Doutelle of Maine to be
a captain on the retired list of the
navy To be major generals Briga
dier General William R Shafter U
8 A retired To bo brigadier general
Colonel Aaron S Daggett U S A
Also a large number of regular promo
tions In the army and ofllcers in tho
navy and revenue cutter service
Freldciit Orders Iteleuse or Mrs Wright
Fort Scott Kan March 2 An or
der bigned by President MeKlnley was
received hero yesterday directing the
keeper of tlie federal prison to release
Mrs Nancy Wright an old woman
who has been Imprisoned hero since
last November She was sentenced
by Judge Hook for forging pension
papers The time of her sentence
expired two months ngo but she was
unable to pay a lino and costs as re
quired by the court
CndeU to Ho Tuuglit Polo
Omaha March 2 The government
will give cadets at West Point an op
portunity to work off their surplus en
ergy at polo instead of hazing under
class men C n Woolworth of this
city has a contract to buy 20 ponies
for service in playing nolo at tho mili
tary academy The nnlmnls are to
be delivered to the quartermaster at
Omaha not later than March 15
Two Drowned In Alaska
Vancouver B C March 2 Con
flrmation has been received from Cape
Mudge Alaska of tho reported drown
ing of Harry Morgan aud Riley Fields
They were out sailing and their boat
came ashore near Capo Mudge Fields
formerly resided at Portland Or
Morgan was from Chicago
Death of the Auctioneer Treacher
Milwaukee March 2 Rev William
Clark known throughout the state us
tlie Auctioneer Preacher died yes
terday from the effects of a dose of
carbolic acid which lie took by mis
take thinking it was a medicine ht
had been In the habit of tatlujf
Nat loin t I Ire Stork AmofiMlon lteady lo
light tlio Now OiKiinlcntlou
Denver March 0 About 125 dele
gates were present when the first con
vention of the American Cattle Grow
ers association was called to order In
the Tabor opera house by II II Rob
inson temporary president The en
tire territory west of the Mlsclsslppl
liver Is represented the largest dele
gations being those of Colorado Wy
oming Texas New Mexico Arizona
and Nevada
A temporary organization was ef
fected at Salt Lake City during the
recent convention of the National Live
Stock association The convention
will decide whether the new associa
tion shall be Independent of the Na
tional Live Stock association or work
ns a subdivision of It The o Ulcers
of the national association nre watch
ing the projected organization Jeal
ously rently to co operate If It Is to
be an auxiliary but to light It If It Is
to be Independent ami u rival
Welcoming addresses were made by
Governor Orinnn nnd Mayor John
son A S Van Doran of New Mexico
explained the objects of the Cuttle
Growers association
W litem Jockey Club Oniulal Take Action
on Trnrk War With
American Turf Cougrr
Chicago March 0 The stewards of
the Wihtorn Jockey club at a meeting
here yesterday udopted the rules
which will govern tho new turf body
The most Important point Is u declara
tion of policy toward racetrack own
ers who refuse to recognize the author
ity of the Western Jockey club Tho
stewards passed a rule barring from
participation on any Western Jockey
club track any one racing at unrecog
nized meetings such as those held by
all tracks west of the Alleghenies
except California where a license Is
not obtained from the stewards The
decree does not carry absolute out
lawry because the persons so barred
are privileged to race in the cast or
on the Pacific coast but it was as far
ns the Western Jockey club could go
under its present powers and shows
thnt the stewards are determined to
take a linn stand to obtain the con
trol of racing In the west and will
press their power to the utmost Tills
means wnr with the American Turf
Industrial Coimnllin Keiumos Hearing
Washington March 6 Tho indus
trlnl commission rcsumod its hearings
In this city yesterday A B Chand
ler president of the Postal Telegraph
company testified that since 18S8
there has been an agreement between
the Postal and Western Union under
which both companies have practically
the same scale of rates In his opin
ion the government could conduct the
telegraph acceptably to the public
probably a little cheaper
President Has a Ilusy Day
Washington March C Yesterday
was a day of much handshaking and
little business at the White house
Members of congress and tho supreme
court visiting governors and their
staffs clubs and other organizations
gave the president a very busy day
Governor Charles II Dietrich nnd
staff of Nebraska called early They
will leave for home today Governor
Shaw of Iowa also saw the president
riroworks Dlspluy at Washington
Washington Marcli C The inau
gural display of fireworks postponed
on account of the Inclement weather
took place last night The display
was made from the grounds surround
ing the Washington monument and
was one of tiio finest pyrotechnic feat
ures ever attempted in the capital
city The program Included large
Hre portraits of President MeKlnley
and Vice President Roosevelt
ratal Ilrooklyn Fir
New York March C About mid
night a frame stable on Marlon street
In Brooklyn owned by Lewis M
Curth was burned Curth is a
household furniture mover aud two of
his men John McFnrland colored
and John Hall white were burned to
death Sixteen horses were also con
Nominates Ills Cabinet
Washington March 0 Tlio presi
dent prepared the nominations of the
members of his present cabinet and
sent them to the senate yesterday
The nomination of Attorney General
Griggs Is among these nnd he will re
tain olllce until the president has been
nble to select his successor
Chicago Republicans Saturday nom
inated Judge Hunecy for mayor
The warehouse of the Knox Express
company at Washington was de
stroyed by Are early Monday unrn
lug Loss 100000
The Chicago Federation of Labor at
a meeting Sunday adopted a series ot
resolutions espousing the cause of
Gunner Charles Morgan who is seek
ing promotion lu the United Slates
Homer Payne of Beioit Wis Sun
day shot his wife and Arthur Cady
a neighbor of whom lie was Jealous
and killed himself Mrs Payne will
recover Cady was uot seriously In
Pope Leo celebrated his 01st birth
day with a speech at a reception In
which he dellned the aims of the
church deplored the religious con
troversy in France and realllrmed the
rights of tho Vatican
W C Clark secretary of state of
Colorado In 1870 met acccldcntal death
in the Wade block in Denver Sunday
aged 02 years He tripped while com
iug down tho stairs and fell to the hot
torn breakiug bis neck
i mi ri m
Flames Sweep Through Thom
as and Grant Counties Neb1
Terrino lain Aids Flames In Covering a
District Fifteen Miles Wide and Hlity
Miles Long Lost Already It- Estimated
at 8130000
Whitman Neb March L A pralrlo
fire northeast of here burned a strip
15 miles wide and 00 miles long Tho
damage done will reach 110000 Many
Btnnll ranchers were entirely burned
out together with a great many eat
tie Fire raged all day with a heavy
wind from the west sweeping every
thing before It It leaped the Loup
river lu several places nnd Is still go
ing east beyond control It Is not
known how It originated
Thedford Neb March I Saturday
afternoon a prairie fire started about
00 miles north of town about dark
extending for a distance of 75 milc i
and from ten to 20 miles wide Thero
Is grent loss of range hay and it Is
feared that heavy losses of stock will
be reported later
The wind was blowing a regular
gale even extinguished switch lights
nnd It was Impossible to tight it suc
cessfully Reports of loss and dnmago
nre slowly coming in McMllllan re
ports 200 tons of hay burned
Sacs nnd Foxes Demand That Undo Sam
IttUoro Their Highlit
Grlnnell la Marcli 4 The govern
ment Is having trouble with the Sacs
and Foxes the remnant of the tribes
of the famous Black Hawk now lo
cated on the Tama reservation Tho
tribe has formulated Its demands In
the form of a protest which will bo
takon to Washington Roprcsenta
tives went to Washington Saturday
Tribal laws and customs do not con
form with the moral standard of tlia
agent who charged them with polyg
nmy They claim that tlie agent
forcibly interferes with the family re
lations resulting from their marriages
and they demand exemption from such
Texitit Oil Lake Abhire
Beaumont Tex March 4 Sparks
from a locomotive set lire to the oil lu
a large pond near the great Lucas
geyser and in a short time the whole
lake of petroleum was a seething tnasi
of flames The lire spread to the oil
banked alongside the railroad track
and the flames increased in fury A
big boarding house where live SO
workmen fell a victim to the lire ami
tlie occupants lost much of their ef
fects Beyond the loss of the boarding
house the financial loss so far is light
as the oil is not of any commercial
Dank Withstands a Run
Fort Dodge la March 4 Panic
stricken depositors made a heavy run
on the Fariner and Merchants bank
at Kamrar Saturday A report was
circulated that the bank was insolvent
and a general run was made to with
draw money before the expected
crash Depositors from all over tlia
nolghboringcoiiiitry thronged the build
ing and pressed for payment of money
The bank proved to be in excellent
condition and withstood all demands
made upon It
Letter Agnlu From Crown
Omaha March t A letter written by
Pat Crowe mailed at Denison la
March 2 was received Sunday by an
Omaha newspaper The purport of
this letter is the same as thnt of tha
one received by E A Cudnhy Sr
ten days ago and is to the effect that
the writer is Innocent of the abduc
tion of Eddie Ctiduuy and that he hug
no knowledge of tlie crime except such
as he lias gleaned from the newspa
Fat Crowe In Crawford
Sioux City Marcli 4 The positiva
statement Is made here that Pal
Crowe was In Crawford county Iowa
near tlio little town of Vail within tho
last two weeks Crowe formerly lived
between Vail and West Side and It is
uuiiorstooii no hns numerous friends
In thnt vicinity It Is said he staid
nt a farmhouse and left tlie place as
quietly as lie came
Kid McCoy will sail for England
this week and may forswear allegl
unce to the United States
A tin can manufacturing comblna
tlon Is to take effect In two weeks
The capital will bo 20000000
J P Morgan Co Saturday issued
prospectus of the United States Steel
corporation capital 1154000000
Stringent autl blind pig measures
and a drastic nonresident divorce bill
are pending In the Minnesota Iegisla
Four trainmen were killed and seven
seriously Injured In freight wreck on
the Southern railway at Lenoir City
Disregarding his plea of self defense
n mob at Richmond Mo hanged
Dewey Smith colored for killing
Chester Stanley white
The lower house of the Missouri leg
islature passed a bill punishing kid
nnping by death or imprisonment for
not less than Ave years
Rutli Nollard a Kansas
City work
ing girl was shot down In a crowded
street by Bud Taylor a rejected suitor
who had hidden at a wludow and lain
In wait for her for three days
Major H G Curtis a prominent at
torney of southwestern Iowa and a
member of tho Porto RIcan commls
lon to formulate a code of laws foe
the Island Is dead at Atlantic la