The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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1 I
Mounted Police Trample Them
Under Horses Feet
Mrnnnii Women S ttilrnta 1 1 ml Attcniblcil
io Ceti brute Kimine Ipntlun of the Norft
t Mi lelersburi When the lolko Make
llrtitnl Charge
St Petersburg March 7 Yesterday
vwis tin Itlth anniversary of the oman
tlpntlun of the serfs The students
liml boon planning for some time to
keep the day us a holiday and per
haps make some demonstration but
no particular plans wore made At
noon 1000 men and women students
gathoioel In and aiotind the Kasan
cathedral on the Novsky prospect
whcie mass for the repobe of the soul
of Czar Alexander was being cele
brated After the mass the ttmletiis
began singing and the police gath
ered The students weie driven In
it ctowd to the city hall not far away
and ilso on the Novvsky prospect For
no special reason the police began
beating the students and trampling
them under the feet of their horses
The Novsky prospect was tilled with
spectators The banks and business
bouses were nearly all closed with
hhutters fastened and doors locked
The spectators and the women btu
dents screamed with honor but the
police kept up their attack ou the stu
dents until -100 of the latter were
driven into the couityard of the city
hull the others escaping into the
crowd The entire city was horrified
by the conduct of the police
Job n Mendhnm Killed mill Tno Other
Injured In n Collision at Colombo
Columbus Neb March 7 A rear
end collision in the Union Pncilic
yards here lust night resulted In the
death of one person and the serious
injury to three others besides the ue
btruction of considerable property
The dead John MendhainOnawa la
The injured John King slightly
Onawa Fireman Notris injured by
jumping from engine T McKenna
Omaha express messenger arm
broken and head cut and bruised His
Injuries are serious
The accident was caused by No 7
the Grand Island local in charge of
Conductor Leahy and Engineer Liv
ingston crashing into the rear end of
No 25 the Columbus local freight in
the east end of the yards here The
engine telescoped the caboose of the
freight train and the express car of
the passenger train was thrown upon
the wreck catching Messenger Mc
Tut to Linger J nc Death
Victoria B C March 7 The steam
er Empress of India brings an ac
count of the barbarous minder of Cap
tain Watts Jones It is said he was re
ceived with apparent friendliness in
the yamen of Shan Si and was in the
act of receiving his passpoit when
his hands wore struck off ITe was
then taken outside the yamen sliced
in several pieces and his head cut off
His companion a Konian Catholic bish
op was put to a lingering death his
tortures being inflicted so gradually
that it was four days befoie death re
lieved him
Charged Willi Murder Conspiracy
Denver March 7 J K Wancmnkcr
a farmer living near Denver James
Keefe a guard at the county jail and
Plunk Salter a one armed man
were rrested yesterday by city de
lect Ives on warrants charging them
with having entered into a conspiracy
to kill Dewitt C Webber a well
known attorney formerly police judge
in this city It is alleged that Wane
maker hired Keefe unci Salter to way
lay and murder Webber but the evi
dence to support the charge has not
been revealed
Worhinun AkkiuUm Kaiser
Berlin March 7 While Emperor
William was driving from the Ruths
heller to the railway station lieie yes
tenlay n workman named Dietrich
Wellund threw a piece of iron into his
majestys carriage Weiland was im
mediately ai rested The emperor is
said to have been slightly injured In
the cheek but he continued his jour
ney without Interruption Weiland
who Is an cpllectlc gave unsntisfac
ory answers to the police regarding
his motives
Marconi Sail for New York
London March 7 Signer Marconi
who was interviewed before lie left
Liverpool regarding his Journey to
America said it had nothing to do
with any attempt to establish wireless
telegraphy across the Atlantic He
admitted however that he expected
to meet ofllelals of the equipment bu
reau of the United States navy and
that the meeting would perhaps result
in some expeiimonts ou American
wai ships
Minnesota nclilnp Dill
Indianapolis Mnrcli 7 Senator Bar
Iowb anti lynchlng bill was passed In
the house yesterday afternoon by a
vote of 51 to 17 It provides that the
office of sheriff shall be vacated when
over a prlbonor In his charge is
lynched and the sheriff must show to
the satisfaction of the governor that
he waB not remiss in his duty before
he is restored to ofllce
Switchman ii Crtulied
McCook Neb March 7 Thomas
Carty a switchman was Instantly
killed In McCook yards last night by
being caught between the bumpers
while attempting to couple two freight
oars He was a newcomer here He
is survive by a wife and one email
1UU - y
Lieutenant West With Gunboat Lacuna
tie liny Takes Thlrtj ono liniiirgeuts
Manila March 7 Lieutenant West
with the gunboat Laguna do Bay sin
prised an insurgent camp on the Isl
and of Tallin ou Lake Buy cast of
Manila capturing HI Insurgents
Many small detachments in various
localities aie feiirrendoiing daily It is
reported that negotiations are in prog
ress for the surrender of all lnsui
gonts on the Island of Cebii
The United States Philippine com
mission is investigating the case or
Sonor Mamoje the native judge of
the court of first Instance in Manila
who is accused of fraudulently aid
ing the administrator of the Bnilquez
estates1 The case of the Enrique
estate is well known and litigation
concerning it has lasted 15 years The
estate was originally worth 1000000
but through fraud this value has
dwindled to S00OO0 The venality
and Incompetence of the couits will
probably be demonstrated
Sunci Jntendent anil Tun Aliueis Thought
to lluwi Ierlnhed
Central City Colo March 7 The
Molopole tunnel piercing the Utah
hill at Apcx seven miles west of this
city is on fire Thiee miners are
caught in the tunnel and are probably
dead from suffocation They are Con
McNeerny superintendent W Bellows
and W II Coltrin
The fire originated in the black
smith shop at the mouth of the tunnel
and communicated to the timbers of
the tunnel before it was discovered
irtjr neoicx ouKieHH
Now York Maich 7 The failure of
the 50th congress to legislate for the
war veterans together with some crit
icisms by the veterans on what tbey
considered Irregularities of their po
sition in line at the Inauguration pa
rade were unfile the subject of an ad
dross delivered In Brooklyn last night
by Joseph W Kay president of the
War Veterans and Sons association
Failure nf Nat in a I Ciui
Lancaster O March 7 -There In
much suffering hoie us a result of a
falling natural gas supply unci factor
ies and schools have boon fenced to
close and the Lancaster Traction
company is unable to rim its cars
owing to the lack of gus for fuel
The major portion of Sherwood Pa
was destroyed by flic Wednesday
Isaac M Gregory editor of Judge
the humorous weekly died in New
York city
Two little children of Mrs Pen-
reele ii widow living near Marlon
Intl were burned to deutli Wednes
day In their home
Scott Slmms a Cincinnati saloon
keeper wns shot and killed Wednes
day by Edwatd Perry a bartender
who had been discharged by Slmms
Will Davis a nevgro who assaulted
Mrs Attaway at Blaiichard La was
shot to death by a mob after being
fully identified by his victim Wednes
Thomas Christina white n horse
trainer and ex bank clerk who shot
to death Frank Perkins colored a
trainer at Lexington in October was
given a life sentence Wednesday
The postmaster general Wednebdny
accepted the resignation of 1 W
Vaille as dliector general of posts In
the Philippines and appointed C M
Cotterman at present temporal y di
rector geneial his successor
Papers were llled with the secretary
of the state of New Jersey Wednesday
Increasing the capital btock of the
Union Lead and Oil company from
17500000 to flfiOOOOOO The pre
ferred Btock U puced at 5000000
rebel nmifi o in rn l nrnnr
Sr ti or yiimniln cnl ltrpnrM Tlmt Ilan
for nn tprlliiK Arc on Ioot
Havana Mulch 7 -An Investiga
tion into the icports circulated In the
United Stftlis by a news agency that
the Inited States secret olllclals here
had been lufoimcd that plans mo on
foot for n Cuban uprising and that
It Is only avoided now by the efforts
of leaders to hold the revolutionary
clement in chock elicited the follow
ing statement fioni Senor Gonzales do
jticsndu I have not made any
statements regarding an uprising
If any persons aie Intel estcd in
fomenting an uprising they aie not
Cubans who are In favor of Indepen
dence lint paitles desirous of booing
Cuba crushed f mover
What we have to contend against
now Is American public opinion
There is no pi aspect of lighting hole
A few of the delegates to the con
stitutional convention sat mound the
hall yesterday They held no mooting
and wore not disposed to talk Kivout the
situation but the opinion seemed to be
that the convention would not accept
the Ilatt resolution
Blinirluc Con it Itntuln Mown ti leollon
Continuing Dtntli Sentence oTOtMO
Nub Murderer
Lincoln March 7 The supremo
court late last evening londoiod a de
cision continuing the death sentence
of the trial couit In the case of F L
Dinsmore an inmate of the peniten
tiary for safe keeping Dlnsmoio
who is a hypnotist was convicted of
murdering his wife and Fled Lane in
the town of Odessa The crime was
most brutal and the trial sensational
Mrs Lane who was ai rested as an
accomplice testified that bhe connived
with Dlnsmoio to commit the murder
but was at the time under the hypnotic
Influence of Dlnsmoio and took no
actual part In the crime She said
Dinsmore strangled his wife and shot
her husband while she looked on
Confirmation of Report That
Negotiations Arc On
I title Itonlit l Kntei Inltird In I onilon
Hint Hie tninmniiilcr lnllile f of I lie
Ilium Will soon ljy Peiuu Arm--Not
ho Certain About limit
London Mnnh 7 -Private Informa
tion itcolvod in London confirms the
Illinois of negotiations between Loid
Kitchciur Sii Alfred Mllnor and Com
mandant Louis ltotha Nothing is
known as to the actual piesenio of
the ltoer at Fro
loi in but It Ik lousonnbly certain that
General Hotlia is either In personal or
Mlv close torn h with Loid Kltchonei
Sir All rod Mllnor has gone to Tie
torin with the object of assisting Loid
Kitchener In the negotiations the
length of which appeals to bo duo to
General Hothas deslio to consult with
Acting Ilosldent SohulkbuigT and to
make terms applying to the whole
ltoer force but militating against them
is Lord Kltchonois doubt as to Hothas
ability to contiol liovvet and other
leaders as well as the Internal opposi
tion General ltotha Is oneountoilng
IIoitk Capture 1iiimton
Cape Town March 7 - The floors
who captured PcuiMon on the Gioat
Riot river Sunday numbered 700 and
had two guns They are still In pos
Motion of the town The garrison
consisted of colonials and fill town
guards A big move is on to clear the
whole of the Orange river country
fioin noi th to south of Boers
dint TioopN for South Afilcn
London Maich The war office
has issued orders for the formation
of eight volunteer cyclist companies
to be composed of 10 men each
for service In South Africa The re
cent useful woili of the colonial
cyclists ltd to this action
Colonel Sanger of Nev Yoik to He Anlkt
iint Seeretarj of Wnr
Washington March 7 The selection
of William Carey Sanger of New York
to bo assistant sccretaiy of war an
nounced yesteiday came as an abso
lute sin prise to the olllclals of the
war department While they knew
that Mr Moiklejohns resignation wns
in the hands of Secretary Root they
did not expect that a recognition of
the sjnne would take plate lor some
Now Yoik under those clrcum
stance will have contiol of the war
department the socictary and assist
ant touting from that state Colonel
Sanger went abroad last year to
write a story of the militia organiza
tions of Europe at the joint iequest
of the secretary of war Klihu Root
and the then governor of New York
Theodore Roosevelt Sanger Is a rich
man also a club man and is looked
iilion by the administration undoubt
edly as quite an acquisition to the of
ficial family of the president
Irehiiient llliz Not 1oIhoimiI
Moxito City Marth 7 Theie is no
truth in the icpoit circulated In the
United States to the effect that Presi
dent Diaz Is suffeiing as the result
of being poisoned Ignaclo Mailscal
minister of foreign relations has just
returned from a visit to Cuornavaca
where the president Is now The pies
Itlent and minister look a long walk
together on Tuesday evening and the
president was In the best of spirits
The date for his return from Cuorna
vaca is the 21th inst
Woman i uei Duke nf Manchester
Lowell Mass March 7 Portia
Knight who is suit to have sued the
Duke of Manchester for bicach of
promise was a member of the Kendall
Weston Stock company which played
during the season of 1S00 97 She
lived hoie about a year and became
quite a social favorite She was said
to have come of a wealthy family
against whose wishes she went on the
stage Her father was understood to
be prominent in polities In Oregon
Michlnn DtmoiratK Name Tlcliet
Grand Rapids Mich March 7 Tho
Democratic state convention hold here
yesterday elected Justin It Whiting of
St Clair to sucteod Daniel J Campau
as chairman of the state central com
mittee The convention nominated
Judge Allen C Adslt of Kent for Jus
tlce of tho supreme court Ulmer G
Goldsmith of Petoskey and Edward
Shields of Howell were nominated
for regents of the university
North Carol Inn Impeachment One
Raleigh N C March 7 Chief Jus
tice Furchos and Associate Justice
Douglas of the North Carolina su
preme court appeared In the senate at
noon and through their attorneys filed
their answer to the articles of im
peachment preferred against them two
weeks ago by the house of representa
tlves The answer contains over 17
00 words On Monday tho senate will
proceed with the trial
Arranging for Jmhluati Western Tour
Chicago March 7 Henry T Scott
picsldent of the Union iron works
San Francisco passed through Chi
tago yesterday on his way to Wash
ington where ho will complete ar
rangements for President McKluley
western tour and the christening of
the battleship Ohio at Mare Island
May IS
Hare Trurli Wnr AertU
Chicago March 7 The stewards ol
the Western Jockey club yesterday
averted a Chicago lacetrack war this
year by nnnoifliclng satisfactory rac
lug dutCB to the LellifcercutB
Chief Justice fuller AilininlHten Oath In
Koom at White Holme
Washington March 7 The mom
bcis of the cabinet weie svvoiu in
yesterday in the cabinet room at tho
White house The toremony was en
tirely Informal no one being present
except members of the cabinet the
president Chief Justice Fuller who
administered the oath and Secretary
Cortelyou The members stood
around the cabinet table and with
uplifted hands lopented after the
chief justice the oath of allegiance
After oxtendlntr to each one and to
tho nreiidoiit liiutiinl pniifrnlnlntlriiw
Chief Justice Fuller wlthdiow
For nbout half an hour the mem
bers of the cabinet remained with the
piesldont discussing appointments
that of Senator Chandler to be chair
man of the war claims commlslon
being announced
Itclatl llarilnare Dealera Meet
Chicago March The Interstate
Retail Hardware Dealers associa
tion held an executive session here
hist night preparatory to Its annual
convention which opens today Two
thousand live hundred retail hardware
drillers In Michigan Illinois Indlann
Missouri Iowa Kansas North Da
kota Ohio and Wisconsin are ieprc
sentcd by the association
Sixteen business houses at Arcadia
La weie burned Wednesday Loss
Fernando Yznaga widely known In
commercial and club circles died Wed
nesday In Minturn hospital New York
of diphtheria
In a disagreement over business af
fairs Tex Kascoc shot and killed his
brother Lou Rascoo at Nashville
Tenn Wednesday
The Btrlko at OConnor Bros silk
mills New York was settled Wednes
day the weavers receiving the J5 per
cent Increase demanded
The state department has boon offi
cially advised that the asphalt con
troversy has at last boon brought be
fore tho Vontvuelan courts
The big battlcohlp AVIsconsln has
boon selected to replace the Oregon In
Asiatic waters when that vessel is J
lclloved in the near futuio
Samuel Mosor ou trial at Pekln
Ills was convicted of uiiiidcring Ids
wife and three childien ami sentenced
to l years In the penitentiary
A copy of the pioposcd Philippine
tailff schedule as recommended by
the Philippine couimlsnlou has been
Icr warded to the war department
or so Willi TMrDIN
llouti of Coiniiion Ae nihil With itri
1 one of Police on llnlj
Dublin March 7- Commenting on
the scene In tuo house of couiiiioiih
the Iloiinaus Journal lejolcos that
Ireland at lust possesses n puity that
will teach Westminster that If the
rights of lielaud aie to bo siiitlecd
the eharactei and privileges of parlia
ment will accompany the sacrifice
London Maioh 7 The excitement
occasioned by Tuesday nights scones
In the house of commons Is still voiy
evident and when the house met at
noon vestoiduy In view of possible
dlstui bailees the whole police force on
duty at SI Stephens had boon mobil
ized and ivlnforcotl by icsorvcs
John ltedmoml speedily lose and
raised a question of privilege arising
f i oin the painful scenes of last
night lie claimed that members
bad been suspended without proper
steps being taken to Identify them
and that their loiuoval had been ac
companied by undue violence Ho
was satisfied he said that members
weie suspended who had iictually
gone to the lobby to paitlelpato In
the division
Mr Redmond tried to move nn ad
journment and uppoulod to Mr Bal
four to gve the members an oppor
tunity for discussion
Mr Balfour leinarklng that ho pre
sumed It was desired to Institute
mentis for preventing a locunonee of
the scones promised to consider what
opportunity for discussion could bo
given The matter was then dropped
Kiiom It HlMipiiroxeK of Applnunn by
Sjui tutors While senate In In SoknIuh
1lnttn Anieniliiient KtTciied
Washington March 7 Again yes
teiday Vice Piesldont Roosevelt was
the cent i al llguie of the opening pro
ceedings of tlit senate When ho ap
peared at his desk- to call the
to order a wave of applause
over the thronged galleries
lie evidently was Impatient at the
demonstration iiuil shut ply tupping his
desk with the gavel warned the spec
tators that a iepetitlon of the ap
plause would result In an order to
clear the galleries
After a brief debate Piatts amend
mont to the rules of the
a limit on the dmatlou of debates
1 was lofeiied to the committee on
rules The debate brought forth the
fact that no intention exists with the
proponent of the amendment to uige
Its discussion at the present cxLraoid
lnary session
Mr Morgan who Tuesday offeiod
a lesolutloii declaring the abrogation
of Uie CIiiyton Rulwor treaty be
tween the United States and Great
Britain addiossod the senate for near
ly two hours in opposition He de
clared that if Gieat Britain should
endeavor to enforce the terms of the
treaty the effort would result In a
war In which the groat empire which
had controlled for scores of years the
commerce of the world would be
swept from power and her king would
bo left with only sovereignty ovci his
own island
Cattle Breeders Convention
Docs Not Want Them
Limine CjileMloll Comix to the Iroot at
Ilenter Meeting of National Amiii IiiIIoii
tti Miliitlou Ileehirlnc In lnor ol leil
ml out tol I nt i oil lit eil h Inh ii P I r lull
Iteport of the lloanl of llulian
CoinnilHnloni rn
Washington March 7 The annual
icpoit of the board of Indian commis
sioners expressed a oonlldeut view of
the Indian situation ami says that the
policy of Justice pursued by the gov
ernment and the better knowledge of
the power unci icsouiccs of the govern
ment of the United States which now
pi e alls among the Indian tribes will
render Improbable any renewals of so
iious rioting and attempted war on
the pint of the Indian tribes
The repoit says theie Is a need of
comprehensive ami t onllimoiis policy
of administration In Indian n fairs
which shall look to the speodv ox
tlnetion of a separate bmcau for In
dliins ami a separate Indian adminis
tration It says that one of the dllll
eultios in admiiiistiutlon has been the
piessuio by whites to seetue posses
slon of the largo aieas of land held
by the Indians and of no use to them
now the disappearance of game hav
ing dopilvod thorn of their value as
hunting lauds
age lteilloi to MunufiK tun r
Washington March 7 The delega
tion of the Illinois Manufacturers as
sociation which called on Secretary
Gage to protest against his action In
dec lining a countorv idling duty
against Russian beet sugar has le
eeived the reply of the seoictary to
their criticism The societary
explained at some length that It was
perfectly useless for any association
of manufacturers or any one else to
demand of the ticnsuiy department
the repeal of the countervailing duty
order Tho duty in question he said
was lniMsed In obedience to the law
of congress and was u matter over
which the troasurv department had no
control except to carry out the law
MrH Nation JUiilctnl Tor tfl DaintiK
Topeka Mnrcli 7 Several months
ago Mrs Carrie Nation In a street
speech at Medicine Lodge stated
that Samuel Grlflln county attorney
of Barber county was granting the
saloonkeepers of Kiowa immunity
fioni prosecution for money considera
tion Grlflln sued Mrs Nation for
damages and the Jury gave him a
verdict of 1 and costs of suit Mrs
Nation by her attorney David Na
tion who Is also her husband has
taken the ease to the supreme com t
on wilt of error
ChnrKet Willi Murilri lor While fllrl
Warronsburg Mo Mai eh 7 Will
iam Wisely colored was placed In
Jail at Knob Nostor charged with
murdering Nellie Allen a 17 v ear old
white gill The gills body was
found in the middle of the street ne ar
Mrs Allens homo last night The
face showed marks of violence The
coroners jury found that death was
caused by violence and charged
Wisely with being responsible for the
crime Wisely when arrested de
tieared his Innocence
lotoi Slajer Captured
Helena Mont March 7 James Mc
Arthur ex convict wanted on a
charge of killing Captain Dotson 20
miles west of Helena on Feb 15 has
been captured In Ravalli county In
the western part of the state after
a memorable chase It Is claimed
that McArthur killed Dotson at the
instance of the hitters son who Is
serving a 00 year sentente In the
Beimtor Alleni Name Still on the Hull
Washington March 7 Senator Al
lenB name Is still carried on the rolls
as a senator from Nebraska and it is
understood that it will be until the
Nebraska legislature elects or ad
journs There is some contention that
his appointment eplrod on March 4
but the authorities hold otherwise
Canadian Coiiiinouii 1aun Cible Hill
Ottuwa March 0 Tho resolution
introduced by lion W M Mullock
postmaster general providing for Can
adas share of the cost of a Pacific
cablf was passed by the house of com-
J uioun yesterday
Denver March 7- The question of
the lousing of the arid lunds of the
open tango to stock growers bus
come to the flout uniting the siibjet Is
to he conslileicd nt the convention
of cuttle growers now being held In
this cltv ulthoiigh it wns not men
tioned In the cull for the convention
Resolutions have boon Introduced
by lohn P Irish of California de
claring In favor of leasehold contiol
and piotoetloti of the public niiigo
by 1lit fedoial government ntitl the
t vporsjltuio of the resulting revenues
In proiiivitlug lnlgiitloii In the states
and territories whole It Is derived
The committee ou ciedoutials In
making the toniptirniy toll rigorously
excluded all delegates who have ovt n
the slightest Intoiost In the sheep In
dustiy but lofoiietl to the convention
the question of admitting applicants
for mcmhcishlp who aie engaged In
lulslug both cuttle and sheep
At the night session the convention
selected 11 now executive committee1
of one member and an alternate from
oaoh state toprcsentcd The old com
mittee met and decided to report fa
vorably to the eon volition the Iilsh
tesoliilioiiK In favor of lousing the pub
lic lunds
Nebi nli I kNIiiIuio Almirun Out of lto
kpiil or lit cent il Menihel
Lincoln March 7 The house passod
the bill piovldlug foi a system ol fret
tinvolliig llbiarlos The measures was
lutiodiieoel by Blown of Otoo who
died tit his homo In Nchiusku City
j off onlay
At the conclusion of the morning sos
filoti the house adjourned out of re
spect to the deceased member
Whoso desk will loimiln diapetl with
mounting until 11 mil adjournment
The following commutes was chosen
to loptesent the house of loprosonta
this nt the fiiiieial limns Marsh
all llaiils Wilkinson and lliillmru
I he ipuikcr nnnountcd the follow
ing sifting committee liilllu chair
man Aiubews Mod el loilveuut
Mend Ieel ly and loomls
The somite devoted the moiuliig to
routine weak icctlvliig a largo num
ber of committee repents iinil passing
senate file 71 a ehuiter bill for cIIIoh
having a population of mote than
5 000 mid less than Jo 000 Out of
respect for the late Itepiesrntallve
Blown the senate ndloiitiicd nt noon
ami a committee wiih named to diiivv
up Miltuhlc resolutions
Antl l lioiiipnoii MeinhciK tenlil SlrellRtll
on lllimliiu anil
Wit limit Itemilt
Lincoln Mutch 7 -More changes
than usual weie refolded Wednesday
In the ballot lor United Stales son
aloi anil they Indicate u tendency to
a new alignment Thompson with
eltevv the two Lancaster county voles
he had been giving Rosewator send
ing one to Crounse and the other to
I in lie In their place Rosewator
got back Memlenhall who hail boon
voting for MellileJolin while two
other and Thompscmllos left Molkle
John Brodeilik going to Currlo and
Olson of Cuming to Crniinse Tho
same foiees collided now support on
Hliishaw In the votes of Crounse Cor
nier Meuil Oleson and Whltinore
The vote
Alb n
C roiui
fm Me
lib till Ii
1 In r r ii ton
inn in oi i
TCIulnlil 2
Milt III J
Itouov liter
I liompvoii
I li 1 1 1 1 1 - til
ll Wot Ins i lil
total A 1 1 i lot lout Coiikich
Washington March 7 Chairman
Cannon ol the house committee en
upiiroprlotloiis line liepicycntntlvc Liv
ingston the senior Demooratle iiiiin
ber of tho committee have piopnied
statements of the appiopi lulioiis of
the riiith congress vvlibh will bo print
ed In the Record today Both placo
the total npptoprlutlons for the con
giess lit M llflHUrir placing those
for the llrst session at lOiriOStlJ
and for the second at JtillCiSa
intrant Is still Alltn
Paris March 7 The leport that John
MacWIIson Duraiil of Albany who
hail been living during the lust two
yeais In Pails with his mother had
been killed at Osteiul In a duel with n
Russian count was an Invention of
his own Dtuant Is still alive
Thne Aiiierhnu Killed
Manila March A wagon train
and a detachment of I lie signal corps
together wth six Macabebc scouts
were attacked by the liisuigonls about
mldwav betwesii the towns of Sllang
ami I is M it Inns in Cavlto province
Thiee AinorioaiiH weie killed and two
of the Macabebc scouts were wounded
while one man is missing
Captain Malr with detachments of
Iiifanliy ami cavalry fioin Sllang
rived at the scone of the sin prise too
late to lntei c opt the enemys retreat
fiani Attempts lilucbiiinll
Shenandoah ia March 0 -A gang
of seven toughs has written several
left eis to Henry Gallup a citizen of
Shenandoah to the effect that It
woulel burn his piopeity If he did not
leave town or pay it WM Mr Gallup
ha plae oil the letters In the hands of
the postal authoiltles and an Investi
gation wll be made The cause of
sending the letters lr that the gang
bolbves Mr Gallup gave information
against them as gamblers-
Alahiinitt Will Not Co In Ifaiaus
Washington March C The naval
trial boaid has boon ordered to con
duct the final trial of the Alabama on
Marth fioin Pensacola Instead of
Havana because of the agitation In
Cuba caused by the announced Inten
tion of the department to conduct the
Alabamas tiial fioin Havana which
of course Involved the attendance of
the whole North Atlantic squadron
Iaior Cub in Adjournment
Havana March the confer
ence last night of the Cuban constitu
tional convention many delegates fa
vored the temporary suspension of the
convention in order to allow the mem
bers especially those from Santiago
Puerto Principe and Snntu Clara
pro vim os an opportunity to consult
the wishes of their constituents re
gal ding the Piatt amendment
Cltlmatum of JlllnoU Miner
Springfield March 7 Tho United
Mine Workers served notico on the
coal opoiators of Illinois that unless
the operators grant the demand of tho
WJlllamstown miners for an In
ci ease of U cents a ton In tho scale
tho miners of the entlie state will be
called out on strike
ItTer Itewaril for Arret of Ijuehera
Terio Haute Maich Sheriff Faslff
has received notico that the Interna
tional Council of the Woild has of
fered a rewind of 500 for the arrest
ii ml conviction of every poison lu
1 Heated lu the lynching of the negro